Rod of Iron Freedom King Bullethead CDs Xtremist Official Music Video Dear Father User Guide

June 1, 2024
Rod of Iron Freedom

Pastor Hyung Jin Nim Sean Moon
Sunday Sermon
Ezekiel 8
Cheong Pyeong, Tennessee
14th Year of Cheon-gi, 12th Month, 11th Day (Solar 2024 01.21)

Rod of Iron Freedom King Bullethead CDs Xtremist Official Music Video Dear

Good morning, good morning folks. All right, praise God it’s another day, it’s another Sunday. Goodness, pray for us we are going to go to the Shot Show this week. 2024 January 23-26 Shot Show It’s a big, big, big, big event, it’s the biggest 2A influencer and advocate meeting. So it’s a big, big, big event please pray for us there. We are going to be commiserating; creating networks and building friendships. We will have the Rod of Iron Freedom Festival banner, King Bullethead CDs and books to share with the attendees.

Deplatformed for Teaching Save Sex for Marriage

A shout out to the video editing team doing an amazing job on the latest music video, Xtremist (Official Music Video). Thanks for all the love on the Dear Father (Official Music Video), give it up for all the folks that watched, shared and commented on the video. I remember while I was writing Dear Father, I was weeping day and night. The number of views for our videos has grown quickly. We are massively shadow banned and have been deleted three times due to the content of our videos. Media channels label our content as extremist.
Why have our videos been deleted so many times? The content of the videos reflects our belief in celibacy and purity before marriage. We advocate against philandering and fornication. The Bible says in Hebrews 13:4 KJV and 1 Timothy 4:12 KJV save your purity for marriage. Life in marriage is great absolute sex and romance.
Traditional Christian values have taught purity and celibacy before marriage. Charlie Kirk, Turning Point USA promotes this for young people. Feminism has destroyed the family. Feminism has ruined traditional Christian families. The welfare system rewards women for not marrying the fathers of their children. Women divorce their husbands to seek hedonistic pleasures. American Christian families are broken because of self- centered and demonic ideology. Sexual discipline before marriage is necessary for a stable relationship.

Discipline Over Emotions ~ Mind-Body Unity Centered on God

Discipline is necessary to become a good husband, wife, daddy and mommy. You have to be disciplined over emotions and feelings. The power of mind and body unity, centered on God, requires having dominion over emotions.
A wonderful thing about the Rod of Iron Kingdom culture is being engaged in discipline training and practice. In Matthew 7:16 KJV”Ye shall know them by their fruits” You will know a tree by its fruit. In New Testament churches fornication has become acceptable and normalized. Everyone is dating and having pre-marital sex. People say, I am forgiven by Jesus Christ. James 2:26 KJV “faith without works is dead”, It’s not works-based salvation to simply say we are forgiven regardless of what we are doing.
Christ paid a price for you through his blood drenched sacrifice. When you are filled with the Holy Spirit, that means you have to stop sinning. Amen. The fornication must stop. Rod of Iron Kingdom culture is training but at the same time still being young and exuberant. We are out here rapping, dancing, but we are also monks. Mind and body unity means being totally disciplined especially against fornication. Ephesians 6:11 KJV Fornication is the wiles of the devil.
We have a great married life. A Queen and King practice love and respect with date training. Date training requires gratitude and investing time into the relationship. One-on-one date with children means regularly investing time with each child on an individual basis. It is like the trees that God has given you to take care of in an orchard. Each tree is different. One’s a cherry tree, one’s a maple tree, one’s a pear tree, whatever, but each child is unique. They each require different nutritional needs. Amen. So you got to invest time one-on-one, not only as a group. You got plenty of group time, trust me. If you live together in the house, you have plenty of group time. Children remember one-on-one time with mommy and daddy the most. The core of the Rod of Iron Kingdom culture is one-on-one training with children. The real conversions come while building a relationship one-on-one. Study the Word together and of course build one-on-one relationships. Amen? The Holy Spirit touches us one-on-one not in a group setting.
KBH Productions on YouTube
The next (Official Music Video) is based on the movie the Matrix. There is great acting in this video by some of folks here. I’m not going say names, but you’ll see. And of course, Sugar King holding it down with incredible editing. The editing for this video is the best one yet. Our editing team’s level is improving. We are starting a new YouTube channel called KBH Productions. It will have our official videos.
You know what YouTube censors don’t like? The Woodchippa especially when we mention punishing pedophiles for raping children YouTube bans our channel for telling the truth. Vice was responsible for the last time we were banned from our YouTube music channel. However, Cardi B or Nicki Minajj, can twerk that’s fine, that remains on YouTube. The fornication culture is not banned. You can get censored for topics of celibacy before marriage; being strong males and females through training and disciple and being a good loving people. You are banned for advocating for capable people who are willing to punish those who harm and prey on the children. The pedo cult does not want you to be bringing their evil to the forefront. There are powerful international elitists and institutions who are running the massive Satanic pedo rings. Epstein’s sex ring is an unbelievable cover up of child trafficking.

Private Monopolies Censor Free Speech

Tucker Carlson was saying the gravest attacks against freedom in the modern world do not come only come from government, but also the private sector. Monopolies such as Google and Facebook are one of the greatest threats to our freedoms of speech. He who controls the word and what people hear, controls our minds. Is that true? Governments are in bed with monopolies. Monopolies wield massive power with a small bureaucracy of a few unelected officials. Monopoly boards are comprised of one, two, or three people that is worse than DC bureaucrats and bureaucracy. A few unelected individuals of monopolies such as Google, Facebook and Twitter, (before Elon Musk bought it ) call the shots for hundreds of millions of people.
Think about it, if they can censor the opposite view and only give the sanctioned governmental or globalist view, then that’s what people hear. And before twitter was bought by Elon Musk, the world could not hear the other side. They were allowed to hear only government propaganda about endless wars and genocide. Government propaganda includes promoting the benefits of vaccines. Government researchers say they are surprised and alarmed there is a rise in young people’s heart attacks, cardiovascular disease, and myocarditis. Doesn’t that make you wonder why they are surprised? All of a sudden people are dropping dead and have umpteen amounts of heart attacks. But no one questions because the media messaging says vaccines are totally healthy. And of course, they preach about staying within a little circle in your bubble; don’t go more than 6 feet and keep your mask on. In the modern day world, it’s these monopolistic corporations, which are the giant powerhouses. They are more powerful than the governments. It’s very dangerous having DC non- governmental organization (NGO) antitrust organizations. NGO’s role is to protect against monopolies.
Guess who is the NGOs funding source? Literally the biggest antitrust organization in DC has as its funder Google. Google is a monopoly. How can you be an antitrust? An antitrust is intended to break up monopolies but the antitrust funding source is a monopoly. This is one example of corruption and despicable practice in the West.
Why is it like that? It all goes back to the fall of man in Genesis 3 KJV. The devil lures us into the sin of disobedience and fornication. That’s the tool that the elitists use for blackmail; that’s the tool they use to lure young people; that’s the tool they use to destroy families; push sexual licentious; push gay porn and that leads you to be pedophile in the end so it pushes fornication issues. If people are morally and sexually disciplined, saving themselves for marriage, then you have a powerful civilization.

The Purpose of life is to Give God Joy

Job 36:10 KJV Living a higher standard than hedonism and self-pleasure requires sexual discipline. You live for God’s good pleasure. Habakkuk 3:18 KJV The joy of the Lord is my strength. Amen. Do not live life seeking self pleasure, selfish joy, carnal, animalistic or the instinctual pleasures. That’s not the purpose in life. The purpose of life is to give God joy. Amen.
We transcend to the transcendent God the Divine. Amen. We are talking about Jesus Christ, a true tragic hero and the God of the Bible. The greatest love is sacrificial love. Sacrificial love is living and dying for sinners and enemies. This is the greatest love that can be imagined in all religions of the world.
This sacrificial love holds marriages and civilizations together. Sacrificial love holds husband, wife, parents and children together. Life is hard, Amen. Relationships are hard, they’re not easy, Amen. Nothing that is easy is worth it, Amen. You want to climb the Himalayas? You want to go on a Colorado Rocky trip 40 miles through at altitudes of 1500 feet? This requires training and practice of discipline because it’s hard and you may die.

Rebuke the Devil in the Name of Jesus

Marriage relationships are difficult but you can prepare for it. If you have the proper heartset and mindset, you will discover marriage is joyful and fun. Change your mindset, stop pointing out each others faults and have a mindset of gratitude for one another. Everytime a devil want to come into your mind to point out another persons faults, just say to yourself, shut up devil. Silence the noise by saying, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus and focus on gratitude. This immediately changes the mood. The devil has not won that conversation. Rather you win the competition. This is an achievement because you have step up to a different level in the relationship. That’s why training and practice is important. Meaning, we hear the word, faith comes through hearing Word of God, and then we apply it. We are training and bringing it into our life by actualizing it. This is a key concept to remember.
Keep celibate before marriage and fidelity within a marriage will be easier. Experiencing a great marriage with absolute sex, romance and love, will bind a couple together. This makes a great environment for children to grow up in. Children will be inspired and want to get married. Amen. If the parents are happy and successful in marriage, they give glory to God. Children love to see mommy and daddy’s stable relationship.
They’ve done studies on children from divorced families. The researchers have found it’s like going through war zone. Children demonstrate behaviors similar to the psychological trauma experienced by people who live in war zones. The devil knows he can take it down families by getting everybody addicted to porn, drugs, drink, libations, Korean dramas and soap operas. When families are destroyed so is the whole society.
Everybody’s flirting with the love triangle concept seen in pornography and soap operas. The stories are always a love triangle. There is a boring husband or wife and the spouse is yearning to be with someone else. The first love triangle is in the Bible, Genesis 3 KJV when the devil took Eve from Adam.

A Healthy and Happy Life Span

The Four Horsemen of Chronic Disease are cancer, neurogenerative, Alzheimer’s exacerbated by metabolic disease and cardiovascular disease. Peter Attia, a physician and best selling author talks about doing a better job of matching our life span (how long we live with our health span (how long we live free from chronic disease and other health problems). His reference to the `Four Horsemen of Chronic Disease’ is not the real Biblical meaning of the four horsemen as written in Revelation 6 Rather he uses the terminology as a metaphor. How do you avoid developing the chronic diseases? It’s important to live a healthy disciplined lifestyle of sleep, nutrition and exercise.
One way to improve your health span is to get more exercise by going for walks in the sunshine outside. Starting from zero by walking will make a dramatic difference in how you feel. Weight lifting, jiu jitsu, Peace Police training, will help you stay fit into your 80’s. Improve nutrition by eating whole foods instead of processed food. Avoid MRNA shots etc. A key point is the studies done on the people who live to be centennials. Do you know what they discovered? They eat more protein; do more cardio exercises and body weightlifting. A study followed a man who is a centennial, or hundred years old. He did pull up exercises. But often we are warned don’t do that or you are going to injure your back or you are going to hurt yourself. We are supposed to continue to appropriately exercise as we age. If we don’t exercise, it has a negative effect on our bodies. Most important is keep close to the Word of God with a mindset of loving God and loving your neighbor.
Research studies also found that people who have the best marriages and good family relationships is important. They are the happiest in their 80s. The researchers followed the participants in the study for about 30 years. The most important factor is what God has always been saying, the principle of relationship. Relationships literally makes you healthier and increase your life span. Isn’t that incredible? So your relationships are worthwhile to invest in, Amen?
But in order to invest well in you, you have to be disciplined. We have to have strength control over our passions and over our hedonism and over our pleasure-seeking. We have to have strength over those things. We have to be disciplined. That’s why mind-body unity training, prayer, meditation, reading your scripture and pushing your body hard is important.

Anterior Mid-Cingulate Cortex

Andrew Huberman, is a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford School of Medicine. Andrew Huberman says there is new research that reveals how the brain grows in the anterior mid-cingulate cortex when you do difficult things that you dislike. He says, “it’s not about adding more work, it’s about adding more work that you don’t want to do. This particular area of the brain area gets bigger. Now here’s what’s especially interesting about this brain area. This recent new data, reveals the anterior mid-cingulate cortex is smaller in obese people. It grows bigger when obese people go on a diet. It’s been shown to be larger in athletes. It’s especially large or grows larger in people that see themselves as challenged and overcome the challenge.”
If you dislike ice plunging, then the anterior mid-cingulate cortex gets bigger when you do the activity. The anterior mid-cingulate cortex will grow with difficult training that you do not enjoy. If you only do things that you like your anterior mid-cingulate cortex does not grow in size or it shrinks.
True Father encouraging challenging training. The anterior-mid cingulate cortex is a part of your brain that contributes to achieving goals. It’s a goal-achieving system in your brain that grows when you do the hard training that you do not like to do. This is the reason Rod of Iron Kingdom Academy teaches young people to go through training that they dislike. They have to go to all the training that they don’t like and are not comfortable with. Training out of the comfort zone is necessary to grow this brain area. Life is full of pain, difficulties and tribulation. Strengthening our brain’s anterior mid-cingulate cortex improves tenacity to overcoming difficulties. Watch Andrew Huberman’s podcast with David Goggins, a Navy SEAL, ` How to Build Immense Inner Strength’.

Overcoming Sinfulness

The devil endlessly attacks. Amen. You can’t change this fact but when he attacks, the adversity will bounce off of you. It’s like water running off a duck’s back. That’s a great metaphor. Or we can say, it’s like a flaming arrow has been deflected by the shield of faith. Amen. The shield of faith can deflect those flaming arrows of the devil that we see in Ephesians 6:11-24 KJV With the armor of God. Amen. And helmet of salvation, always remembering salvation comes by grace, by the sacrifice of the blood of Christ. Christ bled, bled, bled for us. That’s why Jesus on the cross, True Father in the airplane cross, crucifixion torture, three times death, all those things, that’s to remind us of the blood and sacrifice of Christ. That is given to us to to purchase the soul that’s going to hell in sin. A helmet of salvation is what you have for protection against the devil. It’s a helmet of salvation because His salvation is on your mind. Amen. It’s on your head so even if the enemies missiles and projectiles go BING! When you remember, you will stay strong in that portion of salvation.
If we receive salvation we must have an attitude of gratitude and do good works. You have to stop the sinning. Amen. You can’t just say, I’m saved but I will keep sinning. If you do that, you are pee peeing on God. It’s like the shepherd who saves the baby lamb that has fallen into the well. And the shepherd goes to save it, risking his life to go save that baby ewe or baby ram lamb. But as the shepherd is holding the baby lamb, the baby ewe or baby ram lamb starts defecating and pee peeing on the shepherd. That’s not how we show gratitude, Amen. After He saves you, you don’t say, I’m free! Now let me pee and poo on you continually.
People may say a confession after sinning asking for forgiveness. There are some who after the confession then go back to sinning again. They may sin by buying prostitutes. But then they go back to confession thinking their sinning will be forgiven again and again and again. This is terrible hellish pattern of behavior and culture. This is not the culture of the Kingdom of God. Amen. Sin has to be defeated by Christ in you. We must stop sinning and start exercising discipline. The part of our brain responsible for achieving goals, anterior mid-cingulate cortex, will grow if we do hard training that is disliked. Isn’t that incredible? And that’s what makes your brain stronger grow bigger and be able to achieve powerful goals. There are so many incredible things. New findings in brain research show how incredible and powerful God is as our creator.
God has given us mind and body that is capable of fighting through tribulations and difficulties. God doesn’t want us to submit by laying down at the enemies feet. He wants us to stand and fight against evil. We may get the curses of the world. We are lambasted; called extremists; domestic terrorists and we’re labeled just like the MAGA people. The Left labels the MAGA people as extremists; domestic terrorists; insurrectionists, and white supremacists. However, they never gave the term white supremacists to the Moonies. But the MAGA people are labeled domestic terrorists, and they are called white supremacists. Conservatives have been cast in a boat of condemnation. Condemnation for anyone who is standing against social communism, political satanism and centralized archangelic governmental power and defending the freedom and rights that God has given us. Freedom comes with what? Freedom comes with responsibility. How are you going to be responsible if you have no discipline? Amen. That’s why discipline is important. Training is important. Not only getting into the word but also physical training which helps your mind, helps your mind-body unity get healthier.

Therapeutic Activities/Exercises Interventions for Mind-Body Unity

When I attended Harvard, the most popular class was Positive psychology which originated out of the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn). Psychiatry uses prescription medication and there’s a lot of money to be made. The psychiatrists prescribe medications such as Zoloft or Xanax for depression. UPenn researchers said, let’s focus on people who are healthy and stellar instead of the negative. Research in Positive psychology studies people that succeed. Do you know what they found with treating depression? They found more than any medication that the pharmaceuticals can create, three times a week of vigorous exercise, is more potent and powerful than any psychotropic drug. More powerful than any psychotropic medication is exercising three times a week. Isn’t that incredible?
When we talk about mind-body unity discipline, True Father encouraged us a young age to train in the martial arts. This kind of training and discipline helps us when we get tempted with fornication. Why? Training benefits the part of the brain which helps you increase your your tenacity and motivation. Doing hard things, push-up, squats, jujitsu, power lifting or whatever it is, are all difficult. But, this builds the part of the brain which increases your discipline. Getting up every day and even though you don’t feel like it, you don’t want to do it, you do your 100 push-ups or you do your 100 squats, your 100 sit-ups. You see what I’m saying? It doesn’t matter whether you like or not, you get up and do it. It’s building discipline your brain. You becomes stronger to resist temptation from the devil. Temptation, especially sexual, love triangles or romance temptations. But with training, you will better overcome temptations. Nobody’s perfect but you can better overcome them the more you increase and improve through the power of discipline. God wants us to work our body. Amen. Our body is a temple of God. Not everything just in the mind such as just reading the word. God gave us a body for a reason, and the body has to be worked and trained. The body helps the mind overcome temptations that come to the mind then to the body. Amen. This is an incredible part of the Kingdom Complete Testament age culture which is very different from just New Testament culture. Every priest and pastor should say that, Amen. But they don’t because they want the political power and money in the coffer. They don’t want their churches to be canceled or shadow banned. They don’t want their churches to be deleted from YouTube.

Media Production Companies from United Kingdom, Germany and France

In the next few months, different international media companies are coming to Tennessee. MindHouse is coming in February and March 2024. They plan to produce a documentary on us.
They expressed an interest in seeing our different types of Rod of Iron Kingdom training. We have a German media interested, well as one from France reaching out to us. Media companies are chasing True Father’s Kingship line and the lineage. There are millions of pastors in the world, millions of priests in the world, they could choose. Why do they keep chasing True Fathers Three Kingship?
The spirit realm knows. They know what’s the center of the providence. If Christianity unites with True Father and Jesus Christ’s culture as King of Kings, our movement will be strong. It is not the weak Beta Christianity. It is strong and moral. It will not be fornicating, rather it will be teaching strongly as if the Father is in the Pope. The Compete Testament Age is the age of the Adamic culture. The True Father is back, no longer is the bride waiting for Him. He is back! And He is the True Father, so we must conform to Him. We become better sons and daughters through Him. We become tougher, we become stronger and forthright. We become way more dangerous to the satanic forces in the spirit and physical. We protect the God-given gifts of Cheon Il Guk (Kingdom of God) of liberty and responsibility. They know that if Christianity unites with True Father’s words and lineage, the satanic world is finished. It’s done. Socialism and communism is done. The Constitution is already here, the heavenly law, the heavenly Constitution is already here. Elites have read it they know that the Kingdom Constitution destroys socialism, communism and totalitarianism. It destroys it. This is a Kingship but it’s not a Kingship of the ancient world. Cheon Il Guk (Kingdom of God) citizens are co-heirs of Christ, which is the biggest threat to the satanic world. Why out of all the pastors and priests that could be interviewed, are they always chasing True Father’s Three Kingship? It is because it presents the largest spiritual, theological, symbolical, metaphysical, existential threat to the satanic world order. And by the way, it’s already released and True Father has been victorious. It’s coming you can’t stop it. The Kingdom of God on earth is coming, it’s coming. You can’t stop it, it’s already out the bag.

Ezekiel 8 KJV Terrifying Visions during Babylonian Captivity

Ezeiel 8 talks about during the time of the Babylonian captivity. Ezekiel describes terrifying visions during the Babylonian captivity. In Ezekiel 7-10 this is where we see some of his visions of the angels. The Catholic Church depicts angels as plump babies with wings. However, the Bible describes angels as scary. Seraphims are frightening. In the Old Testament, if people are standing before the angels, they want to worship it because it’s so scary. The Bible describes angels in a very nasty way, they’re terrible looking. They are not little harmless looking babies with wings. Angels do not have little Valentine bows and arrows. They’re terrifying and that’s why the prophets or people that see them, want to start worshiping them. They just fall on the ground and worship them. The angel says do not worship me I am a messenger. God has given Ezekiel visions of the spiritual realm.

Ezekiel 8
King James Version
And it came to pass in the sixth year, in the sixth month, in the fifth day of the month, as I sat in mine house, and the elders of Judah sat before me, that the hand of the Lord God fell there upon me.
2 Then I beheld, and lo a likeness as the appearance of fire: from the appearance of his loins even downward, fire; and from his loins even upward, as the appearance of brightness, as the color of amber.
From his loins comes fire, downward. From his loins upward it is like light of amber. Those are more illusions of lineage. God’s holy fire, God’s holy lineage through the generations.
3 And he put forth the form of an hand, and took me by a lock of mine head; and the spirit lifted me up between the earth and the heaven, and brought me in the visions of God to Jerusalem, to the door of the inner gate that looketh toward the north; where was the seat of the image of jealousy, which provoketh to jealousy.
You are going to hear about that quite a bit, the image in the north, which provoketh jealousy.
4 And, behold, the glory of the God of Israel was there, according to the vision that I saw in the plain.
5 Then said he unto me, Son of man, lift up thine eyes now the way toward the north. So I lifted up mine eyes the way toward the north, and behold northward at the gate of the altar this image of jealousy in the entry.
What is this image of jealousy?
6 He said furthermore unto me, Son of man, seest thou what they do? even the great abominations that the house of Israel committeth here, that I should go far off from my sanctuary? but turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations.
We know something bad is going on. Something bad is going on. Something of an abominable nature is going on. The house of Israel, north gate and image of jealousy.
7 And he brought me to the door of the court; and when I looked, behold a hole in the wall.
8 Then said he unto me, Son of man, dig now in the wall: and when I had digged in the wall, behold a door.
9 And he said unto me, Go in, and behold the wicked abominations that they do here.
10 So I went in and saw; and behold every form of creeping things, and abominable beasts, and all the idols of the house of Israel, pourtrayed upon the wall round about.
11 And there stood before them seventy men of the ancients of the house of Israel, and in the midst of them stood Jaazaniah the son of Shaphan, with every man his censer in his hand; and a thick cloud of incense went up.
12 Then said he unto me, Son of man, hast thou seen what the ancients of the house of Israel do in the dark, every man in the chambers of his imagery? for they say, the Lord seeth us not; the Lord hath forsaken the earth.
In the chambers of the dark, they think they can get away with it. No, the Lord can see right through the dark. He brings the light, Amen.
13 He said also unto me, Turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations that they do.
14 Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the Lord’s house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.
The month of Tammuz is June which is a summer solstice month in the Babylonian Mesopotamian sex cult. Tammuz is the consort to Inanna, Ishtar, the demonic goddess of fallen Eve. Inanna is the goddess of licentiousness. She is the goddess of what? She is also the goddess of transgenderism and homosexuality. Her priests, the males would dress up as women and there would be sexual licentiousness as part of the parades similar to the gay/rainbow parades . The gay parades of today originate from the Mesopotamian cult of Inanna and Tammuz. That’s why they are fornicating and doing all these perverse things. They say of course we’re not grooming your children but then they get caught trying to groom your children and have underage minor sex and try to meet up with your kids this is what happening all across the country. But they promise they’re not grooming your kids so that they can continue to relate with them.
The month of summer solstice, June 26. What happened on that day in US? Legalized gay marriage on that exact day. Three major Supreme Court rulings done on the same day different years. God’s view of marriage is destroyed, replaced with Ishtar Inanna cult view of marriage. That’s the day of the summer solstice, the day of the month of Inanna, the sixth month. In America now now the six month is now pride month but that was also the ancient Mesopotamian month for the sex cult of Inanna and Tammuz. This is not coincidence. In the Bible God is calls it abominable.
15 Then said he unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations than these.
16 And he brought me into the inner court of the Lord’s house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the Lord, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the Lord, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east.
17 Then he said unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? Is it a light thing to the house of Judah that they commit the abominations which they commit here? for they have filled the land with violence, and have returned to provoke me to anger: and, lo, they put the branch to their nose.
18 Therefore will I also deal in fury: mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity: and though they cry in mine ears with a loud voice, yet will I not hear them.
Judgement is coming to the House of Israel. That’s the reason for the Babylon captivity. The chosen people get rooted out of Jerusalem and taken as slaves to the Babylonian powers. God has given Ezekiel incredible spiritual visions.
We hear about the seat of the image of jealousy which provoketh to jealousy. Apparently in the Mesopotamian religion they would face the temple towards the north gates or towards towards the dark side with images or gate protectors. The deities at the north gate were naked females exuding sexual power. These guardians of the gate at the north gate were luring people away from the Heavenly Father. This was the use of ancient porn. They’re using the naked image of the young female, the fertile young female, to lure in the culture. That’s what porn does, it lures young males just like romance drama soap operas lures females. It lures males in with what the naked fertile young girl that’s what these images on the temples were they were lure you in because you you know in ancient world think about it, you’re in these long robes all the time, right? And then you’re walking around this temple, wow, look at that temple, oh this temple got naked people, let’s go check that out. This one’s got pillars and this is just, boring, but look over here, there’s naked ladies all over the place, is all about, hey, what’s that about?
You see what I’m saying? You see how that works? It’s a type of pornography that they’re putting up. And it’s communicating their values, right?
King of the Babylonian period, in the the Akkadian- speaking state and cultural area based in the city of Babylon in central-southern Mesopotamia was considered as the physical embodiment of Tammuz on the earth. The Babylonian myth, Ishtar otherwise known as Inanna in Sumerian Myth was a powerful goddess who had control over war and love. And what would the King do? He would participate in the Babylonian sex cult of Ishtar Inanna by taking one of the temple priestesses, who was a representation of the gifts of Inanna or Ishtar. Followers of her cult could have sex with them. That’s called temple prostitution.Families were giving/ selling their young daughters. There are records, historical records and receipts of parents selling their children to sex cult temples. This normalized sex trafficking; it normalized the deflowering; the destruction of sexual purity and destruction of innocent children. That’s what it normalized in the culture.
And you have this happening in India today with the Yellamma cult. Which still to this day young Indian girls are sold into the Yellamma cult where they are raped and sold in prostitution under the guise of religion. Are you with me folks? This is the ancient world. This is the norm. Why? These are satan’s kingdoms.
The God of the Bible is against this practice. He believes in the purity of the children and Jesus makes it perfectly clear in the New Testament Matthew 18:6. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. It means the punishment should be harsher than that. Did you hear that? It is better that a millstone be tied around the neck and be tossed in the sea, it’s better. That means the punishment for those who are harming children should be greater than millstones tied around your neck and be tossed in the sea.

The Power of Divine Principle

YouTube censors ban videos such as Woodchippa. Sexually and physically abusing children is destructive and can shatter a child’s brain, spirit and soul forever. Only by the grace and forgiveness of God can a person be built back to some level. God’s power and no other because the mind- fracturing reality. This is what happens to sexually abused individuals who endure trauma. Their brains fractures. They separate from their body because of the pain of being raped. Their mind is so painful they have to separate. People who have been sexually raped at a young age, they say, no, I was walking on the beach with Jesus. Satan understands this. That’s why fornication is the weapon. That is why the Divine Principle is powerful in explaining the origin of evil. Fornication is a sin that fractures and destroys civilization and relationships. Fornication has to do with sexual impropriety.
If you go to a doctor, you don’t want to be told that you are “sick”. You want a specific diagnosis. It is not politically correct for people speaking from the pulpit that sexual sin will destroy you. Everybody gets mad if they hear this in America. Americans have become a pleasure seeking hedonists nation. Uncommitted sexual sin destroys you and your relationships. It destroys your soul and heart. It will fracture your mind and destroy you. It is the weapon that we read about in Genesis 3. This is not a sin of disobedience because there is a physical manifestation. Sexual sin leads to terrible next generation spiritual and mental disease issues. The next generation suffers from sexual impropriety from the previous generation. Uncommitted sex has generational consequences.
There’s a generation of hedonistic feminists in the West who act high and mighty. This has affected an entire generations. Children are growing up in broken homes and learning to seek self-pleasure happiness. That’s their purpose in life. In reality, they are depressed because they have no meaningful purpose. Nihilism, a meaningless existence. All this happens, why? Because it’s not just general malaise or sickness. There’s a particular sickness that wrecks human society and relationships. That is what? We know from the Divine Principle. It’s fornication. It’s sexual impropriety. It’s Pedophilia. This stuff wrecks society. It wrecks the next generation. It wrecks everything stable about a family. It wrecks everything. Amen. So that’s why the devil uses it to blackmail. Epstein used it to hook elites. They use it. Why? Because it’s the primary weapon.

Marriage is a Holy Covenant

In Christianity we cannot talk about uncommitted sexual sin. And if you talk about it, you are labeled a cult. This is the devil’s weapon of war. God created sexuality for the fire in the fireplace. Sexual relationship within marriage is like a fire inside a furnace, It’s a romantic wonderful fire in there but you don’t let that fire jump out onto the house, onto the pillow, onto the sofa or onto rooftops. You don’t let a fire jump around wherever it wants to go. Free sex is allowing a fire to jump all over your house. The fire has to be contained in the proper place, then it’s productive, generates warmth, generates healing and health. Amen. Marriage is key. Marriage is a God given covenant. Marriage is not a casual commitment. Marriage is a promise made to God which holds together the morality and stability of society and future generations.
In the Mesopotamian religion they talk about the north gate where they worship naked figures. Inanna the goddess of fertility is depicted as a naked fertile woman. Naked young girls use their sexual power to lure men, like Satan. The Bible talks about the woman of wisdom. The Bible glorifies the older woman who has wisdom and diligence. Youth and beauty should be invested in loving God, spouse and children.

One-on One Date Training with Children & Teens

Pastor Hyung Jin Nim is forty-four years old. He and his wife Yeonah have seven grandchildren (plus one born recently to his son Shinman and his wife Dohee). Having grandchildren in your forties should be the norm. His children have strong marriages and practice just parenting skills. It is important to practice patience with babies who are crying. As teenagers his children had ten years of personal one-on-one dates with mom and dad. The children learned to practice gratitude. He and Yeonah Nim pray for the children and grandchildren.
Personal one-on-one date training with children and teens builds relationships. On each childs or teens one-on-one date training there is a sharing of gratitude. Why are you grateful to mommy? Why are you grateful to daddy? The parent and child shares three things for which they are grateful. Cheer and applaud each other for sharing positive comments. Pray for the each other while sharing gratitude. In the teen years, one-on-one date training time is when parents can check-in with young adults because you cannot do this in a group setting. Children and teens are constantly being bombarded by the satanic world culture. Many parents roll through the teenage years without ever checking in with their young adults. The one-on-one date training is a way to check-in, face to face, with each other. Parents can learn simple counseling techniques for children and teen years. Small investments of personal one-on-one date training make a huge impact on a child or teen’s life.


8:17-18]( KJV Judgement is Coming to the House of Israel

In Ezekiel similar situations to todays world but in a more overt manner. Ancient temples are depicted with naked women representing the fertility ritual of the Mesopotamian sex cult . The King of the Mesopotamia would call the naked young girls “priestesses” instead of prostitutes. In a public space they did ancient pornography. The King of Mesopotamia would have sex with a new “priestess” virgin on a public alter which kicked off fertility for the year. Ezekiel talks about the altar of defilement and abomination This fertility ritual taught the society if you have power, you can have sex with anybody you want. The fertility ritual taught fornication, pedophilia and sex trafficking.
Our God is a patient God , but there’s a point at which God says at the end of Ezekiel 8, no more pity, judgment is coming. You’ve sex-trafficked, you’ve killed too many unwanted babies. In Jeremiah 19:5 KJV In the ancient world it is the Baal cult burning their unwanted children in the fire as offerings to Baal. In todays society we murder unwanted babies through abortion. The products of satan’s weapon is fornication and pedophilia. This is monetize trafficking of prostitutes and murdering of unwanted babies.
Ancient texts write about the men who were in the Inanna cults during June rituals. These men would dress as females; wear makeup and curl their hair. References in the Akkadians writings say men, many who were eunuch, would dress as women. This is similar to todays transgender movement.

Stand up for Christian Values

Feminists tell lies to the young girls such as if you worship the “goddess”, you’re elevating yourself. They claim that the patriarchy teachings of Jesus Christ, doesn’t value women. You have to worship the goddess which means worship yourself. Christianity teaches men and women are sinners. According to the teachings of Jesus Christ, you cannot worship yourself. As sinners, Amen, we need God’s grace and forgiveness. The next generation must be taught since many of them do not know this.
People hear Heavenly Father, Jesus was a man, and in ignorance they worship the mother. Guess what? The mother is the demoness naked woman. If you worship her, you worship pleasure, because that’s what she gives you. In the Inanna cult, that’s what she gives her disciples, self-pleasure and fertility. In reality, it’s called fornication. Unwanted babies are murdered in the incinerator of Baal. She’s the main cause of Baal who is the rain god. Baal is the one who burns children. The Bible explicitly mentions Baal, Asherah, Inanna and Ishtar. What is she? She is the naked young goddess luring with her sex and self-pleasure. This is similar to the type of culture that now dominates the West. We’ve become a pleasure seeking cult, instead of a moral disciplined society. There is no purpose life beyond experiencing pleasure. There is no purpose to serve the Heavenly Father who is greater than ourselves. Thy kingdom come, I don’t live for mine, I live for Thy kingdom, Thy will to be done. Amen. You are transcending the carnal, transcending the animalistic, transcending the bestial when you have a relationship with God.

Mass Culture Glorifies Fornication

When you have a relationship with demons, you get pulled into the carnal; pulled into the bestial and pulled into the instinctual. The devil uses pornography for men and soap operas or Korean drama for women’s porn in the modern day.
The Bible uses the Greek word porneia which is activating the Eros nature though the sexual romantic nature. Porneia, is a type of sin. Women’s porn is not explicit like men’s pornography which is the actual act. Female porn is romantic love triangles and a luring of the heart. It’s a type of manipulation game. Many women in Korea and Japan have been entranced by Casanova boys. They become dissatisfied with their husbands, even seeking adulterous relationships. That’s not how real relationship works. Real relationship are built by investing in one another, Amen. it’s not just by getting pleasure out of one another that’s not how relationship is built.
Modern-day porno and the internet is a different type temple. People are going to the black box temple. This small thing you hold in your hand has become the temple. It is a gateway to pornography. You don’t enter a Mesopotamian temple with naked goddesses, instead you enter your phone. You click on the website and you enter into the temple. The temple of endless porneia, endless for your dining pleasure. Does that fulfill people’s needs? Of course not. It leads you to more sadness, depression and isolation. In your heart, you know this is sin this is bad but people get addicted seeking more adrenaline not only dopamine pleasure in your brain. You end up as a child the devil. It’s changed your entire mind and your desires. It’s a weaponized system of satan. The same goes for women who are watching Korean dramas or soap operas. Your desires completely change after awhile and suddenly you want an adulterous affair. Be very careful on what you click, on your phone or computer. This is another gateway or portal to sexual perversion. We used to say, God sees everything you do. Now, the government has a record of all websites you visit because they want to be like God.
God said he’s jealous of this. God’s angry at these things that are luring people into sin. Ezekiel 8 KJV calls it abominations. Leviticus 18:22 KJV talks about abomination, a man lying with man, homosexuality, also what bestiality does, also ancient world bestiality. There’s no end to sexual perversion, male or female, no end. It just gets worse and worse and then it becomes more and more predatory and destructive of children.
In the end children are targeted. Satan was the first pedophile, child molester and sex trafficker. Fornication is the root of all the issues. That’s the devil’s primary weapon. How come all the churches not talking about it? How come they’re not arming their people against fornication. Why aren’t they saying, guard fast fornication; guard fast against sexual depravity, guard fast, train, shield your mind from this stuff, discipline your mind. How come we’re not hearing that? Faithful without works is dead, the Bible says that clearly. We have to produce fruit for God. We can’t say I’m saved and then the church has the same divorce rate, the same adultery rate, same fornication rate as the outside. That’s not fruit. It’s not fruit. That’s what’s killed the Western Church and the young people know that. They see it. There’s no fruit here.

!Make America Godly Again”

The churches in the West are dying. There is no fruit. People are not actualizing what God said. In Kingdom culture Cheon Il Guk (Kingdom of God) young people learn mind-body unity at a young age. It doesn’t mean perfection, but rather striving to achieve physical, mental and spiritual discipline. Sexual discipline and celibacy before marriage, is at the core of Cheon Il Guk (Kingdom of God) education and training. Celibacy is difficult. Discipline and guarding one’s thoughts and actions are necessary. The internet is always luring you in at every angle, every minute of the day.
Our young people in Korea, Japan, America and all over world in the Complete Testament realm, are striving for moral discipline. This scares socialist, communist, and political satanists. They don’t want to see a group of young people with stable mental and spiritual discipline. In our Kingdom culture, we are rapping, crip walking , bike riding and shooting. Young people are doing cool things. Young people fight very powerfully against sexual immorality by never letting down their guard. This mindset is a huge difference from the outside world where everything leads to fornication. But in God’s Kingdom, there is a high level of theology, intellectualism and a fighting spirit for moral discipline.
If worldwide Christianity was like that, there would be stable marriages, families, and disciplined individuals. It’s harder to penetrate those families with propaganda and lure them in with the sex cult Inanna, naked goddesses culture, right? Learning and training in the Kingdom culture fortifies the mind and prepares the person for the enemy’s attacks, right?
Kingdom cultures is not the same as watered down Christianity. If Christians think, I’m saved so anything I do now, I’m forgiven. All my sins, past, present, future, all forgiven. That’s the power of the cross and the blood of Jesus. Then why did Judas lose his salvation in the Bible? Not only was he saved, he was an apostle. Not only was he an apostle, he was given power and the throne in heaven. Judas lost everything. The new doctrine of do whatever you want, once you’re saved, you do whatever you want. Your past, your sins, past, present, future, all your future sins, all forgiven. This is not Biblical. If it were true, Judas should be in heaven. But the Bible shows that he’s in hell. Your actions on this earth matter.
The worldwide media is coming to try and demonize us because we’re against pedophilia and sex trafficking. We know fornication is the key weapon of Satan. That’s the actual fall of man. The fall of man is fornication and the misuse of sexual love outside of marriage. That is Satan’s playbook intended to wreck the family, marriage, civilization, relationships, male-female human interaction and everything. And then you control it.
How is American going to stand up? We have to stand up for President Trump and need to return to Christian tradition. Stop fornicating. If the Western world stopped fornicating and waited until marriage, the Western world would change, it would become dominant again. It would have the moral high ground. There is a celebration of love, romance and respect in marriage. It’s so simple, but it’s so hard. That’s why we need the Holy Spirit, Amen? We need his fire, we need his glory, we need his love, we need his power. And through that we can overcome all mountains and all sin for the glory of God. Amen. Let’s give Him praise.

Pastor HJN Sean Moon Closing Prayer

Let’s pray Father, We thank you for all beautiful things. We thank you for Ezekiel 8 where we got a glimpse of the vision of your painful heart, looking at all the sin and evil temples. People have gone into the abominations of falling into Tammuz, Ishtar and Inanna cults. Fornication culture destroys your covenantal relationships of marriage of husband and wife and of parents being examples to the children. All those things get destroyed through fornication. Let ethical practices and strong marriages and families be the cornerstone of the `Make America Godly Again’ movement. Let America become Godly again. Let America become strong and have the moral fortitude to protect marriage and to protect husband, wife, parents and children. We give you glory and uphold your Christian civilization and worldview. We want to give you the praise out of all the Kingship lines gathered here today. We give you the praise in the name of Three Generation Kingships. We pray in your precious name, Amen and Aju. Give God the Praise!


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