ARDUINO DHT11 Starter Kit User Guide
- June 1, 2024
Table of Contents
ARDUINO DHT11 Starter Kit
- Lesson 1 : EEPROM Storage Program
- Lesson 2: 0.96in LED Screen Program
- Lesson 3: MPU6050 Six-Axis Gyroscope Program
- Lesson 4: Passive Buzzer Program
- Lesson 5 : DH11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Program
- Lesson 6: Infrared Remote Reception Program
- Lesson 7: Photoresistor Program
Storage LED And Screen Program
Lesson 1: EEPROM Storage Program:
- Click Sketch in the Arduino IDE, select Manage Library in Include Library, search AT24C256_library, and click Install.
- Click File in the Arduino IDE, and select read_wirte in AT24C256_library from Examples.
- Click Upload, and click Serial Monitor in the upper right corner of the IDE.
Lesson 2: 0.96in LED Screen Program:
- Click Sketch in the Arduino IDE, select Manage Library in Include Library, search U8glib, select U8glib and click Install
- Click File in the Arduino IDE and select FPS from U8glib in Examples.
- Find / / U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X64 u8g (U8G_I2C_OPT_NONE | U8G_I2C_OPT_DEV_0); // I2C/TWI code, delete “//” uncomment, click Upload in the upper left corner.
- Find / / U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X64 u8g (U8G_I2C_OPT_NONE | U8G_I2C_OPT_DEV_0); // I2C/TWI code, delete “//” uncomment, click Upload in the upper left corner.
Lesson 3: MPU6050 Six-Axis Gyroscope Program:
- Click Sketch in the Arduino IDE, select Manage Library in Include Library, search for Adafruit_MPU6050, and click Install.
- Click File in the Arduino IDE and select basic_readings in Adafruit_MPU6050 in Examples.
- Click Upload, click Serial Monitor in the upper right corner of IDE, and switch from 9600baud to 115200baud.
- Because the initial values of all axes of MPU-6050 cannot be consistent, when Acceleration’s X and Y axes are not equal to 0 m/^2 and Z axes are not equal to 9.8 m/^2, and the X, Y and Z of Rotation are not equal to 0rad/s, you can increase or reduce the error values through the program. Make the initial value of the output relatively correct.
Passive Buzzer Program
Lesson 4 : Passive Buzzer Program:
Temperature and Humidity Sensor Program
Lesson 5: DH11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Program:
- Click Sketch in the Arduino IDE, select Manage Library in Include Library, search for DHT11, select DFRobot_DHT11, and click Install.
- Click File in the Arduino IDE, and select readDHT11 in DFRRobot_DHT11 in Examples.
- Change #define DHT11_PIN 10 to #define DHT11_PIN3 and click IDE home page Upload.
- Click Serial Monitor in the upper right corner of the IDE and switch 9600baud to 115200baud. Wait about 1S to get the current temperature&humidity.
Infrared Remote Reception Program
Lesson6: Infrared Remote Reception Program
- Click Sketch in the Arduino IDE, select Manage Library in Include Library, search for IRremote, and click Install。
- Click File in the Arduino IDE and select ReceiveDemo from IRremote in Examples.
- Click Upload, click Serial Monitor in the upper right corner of IDE, and switch from 9600baud to 115200baud. Use the matching remote control to align the infrared receiving module and press any key. When corresponding data appears, the module will run normally.
Photoresistor And Button Program
Lesson7: Photoresistor Program:
Lesson8: Button Program:
Frequently Asked Question s
- Q: How do I troubleshoot if my program is not working?
- A: Check the connections to ensure they are properly set up. Verify that the libraries are correctly installed in the Arduino IDE. Make sure the code is error-free and matches the instructions provided in the manual.
Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
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