ExLibris Alma and SFX Target Parser and Linking Parameter User Guide
- June 1, 2024
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Alma and SFX Target
Parser and Linking
Parameter Guide
Alma and SFX Target Parser and Linking Parameter
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Introduction to Target Parsers
Target parsers are a software component that extracts metadata from a wide
variety of resources and creates unique links for electronic resources in Alma
or SFX. To create journal or book level links, the target parser program uses
information stored in the collections service and portfolio levels under the
parser parameter fields. For deep linking (article, book chapter, etc.), the
target parser also extracts OpenURL metadata from discovery products such as
Primo and Summon. The extracted metadata includes a range of bibliographic
information about the resource, such as the title, author, publication date,
publisher, DOI and ISSN, ISBN etc.
The discovery system is based on the central discovery index (CDI) containing
many resource records from different providers. For more information, see CDI
The Central Discovery Index.
Once the target parser extracts all the relevant metadata for a resource, it
creates a unique link called target URL for that resource (article or book
chapter-level linking). The target parser generates the most accurate target
URL possible based on the information and metadata we get from the providers.
The following are the standard linking levels that the target parser can
generate based on the information that it extracts:
- Article or book chapter-level
- Search query level
- Issue level
- Volume level
- Journal or book-level
Target Parser Types
There are two types of target parsers: and generic target parsers and
dedicated target parsers.
Generic Target Parsers
Generic parsers are designed to accommodate a wide variety of linking forms
and can fit various collections from different providers. These types of
parsers are not able to generate deep links due to the inconsistency of the
linking syntaxes between the different providers.
These parsers are part of the bulk target parsers listed below.
The Bulk family of target parsers creates target URLs in the following format:
- {BaseURL} is the value of the statement in the target serviceʹs parser parameter (such as: url, url2, etc.)
- {Parameter} is based on the specific parser used. It takes the information from the portfolio parser parameter (such as jkey,bkey, linkurl, etc.)
The only bulk parser that does not work in that format is the Bulk::BULK target parser. This parser creates target URL by taking the jkey/bkey/linkurl statement from the portfolio parser parameter that includes the full URL from the providers title list.
Target Parser | Format |
Bulk::JKEY | {url}/{jkey} |
Bulk::JKEYdoi | { url}/{jkey} + |
DOI based article level linking when the OpenURL contains DOI
Bulk::BKEY| { url}/{bkey}
Bulk::BKEYdoi| { url}/{bkey} +
DOI based book chapter level linking when the OpenURL contains DOI
Bulk::BULK| jkey/bkey/linkurl in the portfolio parser parameters
Bulk::BULKdoi| jkey/bkey/linkurl in the portfolio parser parameters + DOI
based book chapter level linking
when the OpenURL contains DOI
Dedicated Target Parsers
Dedicated parsers are created in collaboration with the providers. The
providers supply us with various linking syntax formats for their content
(journal, book chapter, article, etc.). The target parser creates the most
accurate and deep link possible based on the metadata and instructions we get
from the providers.
Deep linking target URL syntax can be generated in different formats:
- Based on metadata – volume, issue, pages, author etc.
- Based on the provider-specific ID for the content
- Based on DOI
- Article title/book chapter search query
For more information, see OpenURL linking via metadata, DOI and specific provider IDs
Parser Parameters
Each getFullTxt collection has two levels: Service level and Portfolio level.
To create journal or book level links, the target parser program uses
information stored in the collections service and portfolio levels in the
parser parameter fields.
Service Parser Parameters
In most cases, the target parser uses the parameters defined in the service
parser parameters.
The parameters that are defined in the service level can be used for the
various linking levels that the parser generates and can affect all the
portfolios in that collection.
The standard parameters that can be found in the service parser parameter are:
db_host / dbase defines the DB code of the collection according to the provider. This code is included in the target URLs when needed.
url / url2/ host defines the URLs that are used for generating the different target URLs.
The URL is usually the base URL of the platform, while the other parameters are used to create deep links or support different authentication methods. -
Linking parameter defines the parameters that can be included in the target URL for access and authentication purposes. See more information in the linking parameters section below.
Portfolio Parser Parameter
This parameter is defined at the portfolio level and is used only for the
linking-level related to the portfolio. The parameter can be included in the
target URL for the specific portfolio or in the deep links that are related to
the portfolio.
The different parameters that can be found in the portfolio parser parameter
- jkey – the journal provider code for this specific title, mostly for serials.
- bkey – the book provider code for this specific title, mostly for monographs.
- linkurl – complete url of the title. jkey and bkey can also include a complete URL of the title, in some cases.
- Exception – exceptions are usually appended to the previous parameters to improve the article-level linking. For each target parser, different exceptions are defined and can be used when a particular form of linking does not work for a specific title. For example, the noDOI exception can be used in the portfolio when the DOI-based linking is not working or is redirecting to another platform.
Introduction to Linking Parameters
This document describes what linking parser parameters are and how they are
used in SFX and Alma to create links to journal information.
SFX/Alma builds the target URL using the collection parser program. The
collection’s parser program creates a URL that leads to the publisher’s
platform or the abstract of a particular journal article.
The Linking Parser Parameters contains variables for items such as the
username, password, customer ID, or authentication details that may differ
between institutes. These parameters are set by entering their values in the
linking parameter fields (L/P) from the Linking tab of the Electronic Service
Updating the linking parameter values at the service level allows links for
all underlying portfolios to have the same parameter applied.
Shared Parameters
Different collections and providers share the same parameters. These
parameters are listed in the following table with the explanation of how to
activate the parameters correctly:
Linking Parameter | Description |
$$U_SHIBBOLETH | These are parameters for shibboleth / OpenAthens / WAYFless |
Enter yes for the $$shibboleth parameter to activate the function and enter
the institution entity ID/ IDP for $$u_shibboleth.
$$USERNAME| The username and password for the relevant platform. These
parameters are added to the
portfolio URLs.
$$CUST_ID| This is a different version of the institutionspecific code that
should be added to the URL
to provide direct access to the relevant platform.
Unique Parameters
Other Parameters are specific for different providers. These parameters are
listed in the following table with the explanation of how to use the
parameters correctly:
Provider | Parser | Linking Parameter | Description |
APA_PSYCARTICLES| $$PROXY| The collection service parser parameter defines two
different URLs: url and proxyurl. If the proxy linking
parameter is filled with the value yes, the base URL of the collection
portfolios is built with the proxyurl; otherwise, it is built with the url.
BOOKS24X7| BOOKS24::BOOKS24| $$SSO| Enter yes in this linking parameter to
activate the SSO
authentication methods for this collection. The linking
changes accordingly.
Provider| Parser| Linking Parameter| Description
| BOOKS24::BOOKS24| $$PROXYUR L| This linking parameter is for Skillport SSO
access. Enter the value as follows:
https://xxxxxx.skillinkingparameterort.com with XXX being unique for each
| CHADWYCK::CHAD| $$ART| Enter yes to add the article title to the URL.
CHADWYCK::CHAD| $$SERVER_L OC| Enter usa for the USA geographic restriction.
| Enter v7 in this linking parameter to build the target URL with the URL defined as url2 in the collection target parser parameter.
| Enter Taiwan or chi in the language linking parameter according to your geographic region. The linking is changed accordingly. An empty linking parameter uses the default URL syntax.
| EBL::EBL| $$URL_DOM AIN| Enter http://www.$libid.$url_domain/EBLWeb/patron in these linking parameters to build the portfolio’s target URLs with this syntax.
| EBSCO_HOST::Journals / EBSCO_HOST::netlibrar y / EBSCO_HOST::newspap ers|
| Enter yes in the $$SHIBBOLETH linking parameter to include authtype=shib in
the target URL.
EBSCO_HOST::Journals / EBSCO_HOST::netlibrar y / EBSCO_HOST::newspap ers|
| Enter the relevant value in the $$OPID linking parameter to add it to the
URLs in order to provide access to the Ebsco platform. Note that this affects
only article-level linking.
| EBSCO_HOST::Journals
/ EBSCO_HOST::netlibrar y / EBSCO_HOST::newspap ers
| $$SSO| Enter yes in the $$SSO linking parameter to include authtype=sso in
the target URL.
/ EBSCO_HOST::netlibrar y / EBSCO_HOST::newspap ers
| Enter the institution customer ID in the $$CUSTOMER_ID linking parameter to
include custid={the customer ID} in the target URL.
EBSCO_HOST::Journals / EBSCO_HOST::netlibrar y / EBSCO_HOST::newspap ers|
$$IPAUTH| Enter yes in the $$IPAUTH linking parameter to include authtype=ip
in the target URL.
EBSCO_HOST::Journals / EBSCO_HOST::netlibrar y / EBSCO_HOST::newspap ers|
$$ATHENS_I D| Enter yes in the $$ATHENS_ID linking parameter to include
authtype=cookie,athens in the target URL.
FACTIVA| FACTIVA::FACTIVA| $$USER| Factiva platform has two options for
1. A combination of userid, userpassword, and namespace
2. XSID (the SID linking parameter)
Enter the appropriate linking parameters according to the chosen
authentication form of your institution.
FACTIVA::FACTIVA| $$MODE| This linking parameter is for the article title
search query. The default search is by headline. For a general search, enter
headline in this linking parameter.
GALE| Gale::Books / Gale::DB / Gale::ECONOMIST /Gale::Generic /
Gale::HISTORICAL / Gale::Lit / Gale::Modern / Gale::MOM / Gale::Netgeo /
Gale::OpenURL / Gale::TWAYNES| $$LOC_ID| The Gale Location ID can be
associated with a user name and is used by Gale to identify your account. Add
the location ID to the target URL; otherwise, the URLs lead only to the
general platform.
Gale::ecco| $$GROUP_I D| Enter your institution customer code for the platform
to add the value userGroupName=group_ID } to the target URL to provide better
access to the platform.
SPRINGER| Springer::BOOKS / Springer::SPRINGER| $$CODE| Enter rd to the code
linking parameter to build the target URL based on the URL:
Hebrew or French to this linking parameter. If empty, the default is English.
| LEXIS::Advance / LEXIS::QUICKLAW| $$CUSTOME R_ID| Enter your institution
customer code for the platform to add &identityprofileid={cus tomer code} to
the target URL to provide better access to the platform.
$$SSO| Enter your institution customer code for the platform to add
&federationidp={custome r code} to the target URL to provide better access to
the platform.
| Enter your institution customer code for the platform to add
&identityprofileid={cus tomer code} to the target URL to provide better access
to the platform.
| LOCKSS::LOCKSS| $$HOST| The URLs for Lockss collection are built in a unique
form for each institution using these linking parameter in the following
format: http://$host:$port/ServeContent.
LONGWOODS PUBLISHING| LONG::WOOD| $$IPAUTH| Enter yes in this linking
parameter for IP access.
| LYNDA::Lynda| $$SSO| For the Lynda platform, enter the authentication method
of your institution (SSO or a unique customer ID) in the linking parameter.
LYNDA::Lynda| $$CUS_ID
| $$CHOOSE_ HOST| For muse collections, enter a 1 or a 2 in the choose host
linking parameter to determine the base URL:
1 – https://muse.jhu.edu
2 – https://muse.uq.edu.au
UNPAYWALL| OADOI::oadoi| $$EMAIL| Enter email information in the linking
OVIDA| OVID::books / OVID::Journals| $$ATHENS_I D| Enter yes in this linking
parameter to add /athens to the URL.
OVID::books / OVID::cochrane / OVID::Journals| $$IPAUTH| Add yes to this
linking parameter for IP access.
OVID::cochrane / OVID::Journals| $$LOGOUT| Enter the URL to which to send
users when they log out of Ovid.
OREILLY MEDIA INC| PROQUEST::Oreilly| $$SSO| Enter yes in this linking
parameter for SSO access.
PROQUEST::safari| $$SSO
to be added to the URL, which allows the platform to recognize the user and
provide access.
| SKILLSOFT::SKILLSOF T| $$PROXYUR L| Enter a proxy URL to this linking
parameter for the Skillsoft platform.
for Skillport SSO access. Enter the following value:
https://xxxxxx.skillinking parameterort.com where XXX is unique for each
| STAT::Ref| $$UN| Enter the username for the statref platform.
STAT::Ref| $$PW| Enter the password for the statref platform.
| STAT::Ref| $$GRPALIAS| Enter your institution customer code for the platform
to add grpalias={custoemr code} } to the target URL to provide better access
to the platform. Do not enter it if you already have a username and password
VLEBOOKS| VLEBOOKS::VLEBOOK S| $$SSO| Enter yes in this linking parameter for
SSO access.
WANFANGDATA::wan fangdata
| $$SERVER_L OC| Enter your geographic location in this linking parameter. It
determines the URL syntax for linking:
chi – http://wanfangdat
hk – http://d.g.wanfang
If no value is entered, the URL is:
For more information about how to update a linking parser parameter, see
- 中华广告网
- 万方数据知识服务平台
- Integrated Library System | Ex Libris
- Integrated Library System | Ex Libris
- OpenURL linking via metadata, DOI and specific provider IDs - Ex Libris Knowledge Center
- How to Update a Linking Parser Parameter - Ex Libris Knowledge Center
- CDI - The Central Discovery Index - Ex Libris Knowledge Center
- Home | SpringerLink
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