SCD Probiotics Bokashi Indoor Composter Kit User Manual

June 1, 2024
SCD Probiotics

with All Seasons Indoor Composter® and All Seasons Liquid Bokashi™

Bokashi Indoor Composter Kit

SCD Probiotics Bokashi Indoor Composter Kit

  1. Coat each layer of food scraps with 3-5 sprays of All Seasons Liquid Bokashi, without over-wetting. In humid conditions, you may need to use less. Humidity and the moisture content of your food scraps will vary, so some experimentation may be needed.
  2. Only add fresh garbage to your compost bucket. Never add rotten or moldy waste.
  3. Break or chop large waste into smaller pieces.
  4. Do not add water, excessive amounts of fluids or place the bucket in the sun.
  5.  Always close the lid tightly after use. The less air that comes in contact with the compost the better.
  6. If your compost has green mold or a foul odor, discard the moldy food waste and start over. In the new bucket, you may want to use a barrier to separate the compost from the remaining air in the bucket. A plastic garbage bag, old lid or bag filled with beans will work. Whatever you use, it should completely cover the surface of the compost. To additionally aid the anaerobic process, compact the waste by pressing it down each time to remove air.
  7. Appearances of white growth (beneficial fungi) on the surface of the waste as well as the presence of a sweet and sour pickle-like smell are good indicators that the process is working.
  8.  When the All Seasons Indoor Composter is full, you can bury the compost directly in the soil. Or, you can let it sit in the composter for one-to-two additional weeks prior to putting it in the soil. Having a second composting bucket allows you to continue composting kitchen waste every day, all season long.
  9. Drain the liquid “tea” that accumulates at the bottom frequently (every one to three days) and make sure you drain the tea prior to burying the compost in to the soil.
  10. When adding the composted waste to the soil, always mix with dirt and wait two weeks. This helps produce good compost.
  11. If foul odors occur, this indicates decay (a bad thing). Discard contents of bucket and start again.
  12. Wash the bucket with water after each emptying.

This is a new approach to composting. Don’t be afraid to experiment with it untilyou get a feel for how this process can work for you.
Now that your bucket is full, you’re ready to help enrich the soil – providing important nutrients to help your lawn and garden grow.
Option 1
Transfer the material directly into your garden for further breakdown.
Dig a trench approximately 12” deep to bury the compost (deeper if possible in areas whereanimals may be prevalent). Mix the composted food scraps with soil as you add it to the trench.
Be sure to cover the compost completely with soil to assure further decomposition and to prevent your pets or unwanted critters from feasting on the fermented food wastes. Wait two weeks before planting your favorite veggies, fruit trees, and flowers.
Option 2
Transfer material directly into a planter box/container for further decomposition.
Fill 1/3 of container with potting soil. Add compost from your All Seasons Indoor Composter and lightly mix together with soil. Finally, fill the remaining 1/3 of the container with potting soil and cover with a plastic bag to maintain anaerobic conditions. Wait two weeks before planting your favorite vegetables, flowers, etc., or transfer soil into smaller pots for planting.
Option 3
Add the composting food waste from your All Seasons Indoor Composter directly into your outdoor compost pile or community garden. Turn as normal but minimize All Seasons Compost exposure to oxygen to further the decomposition process.
Go to for more information about composting, and to see videos on how to bury your compost in the garden. Thanks for making a difference in your yard – and our planet!
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****SCD Probiotics
1710 Walnut Street
Kansas City, MO 64106 
Tel: 913.541.9299
Harnessing nature’s ability to restore the environment™
3/19/24 • Copyright © 2018 SCD Probiotics®


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