scheppach HCE1600 High-Pressure Cleaner Instruction Manual

June 4, 2024

scheppach HCE1600 High-Pressure Cleaner

scheppach HCE1600 High-Pressure
Cleaner product

Explanation of the symbols on the equipment

scheppach HCE1600 High-
Pressure Cleaner fig 6


Fabrikation von Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen GmbH Günzburger Straße 69
D-89335 Ichenhausen

We hope your new tool brings you much enjoyment and success.
According to the applicable product liability laws, the manufacturer of the device does not assume liability for damages to the product or damages caused by the product that occurs due to:

  • Improper handling,
  • Non-compliance of the operating instructions,
  • Repairs by third parties, not by authorized service technicians,
  • Installation and replacement of non-original spare parts,
  • Application other than specified,
  • A breakdown of the electrical system occurs due to the non-compliance of the electric regu-lations and VDE regulations 0100, DIN 57113 /VDE0113.


Read through the complete text in the operating instructions before installing and commissioning the device. The operating instructions are intended to help the user to become familiar with the machine and take advantage of its application possibilities in accordance with the recommendations. The operat- ing instructions contain important information on how to operate the machine safely, professionally and economically, how to avoid danger, costly repairs, re-duce downtimes and how to increase reliability and service life of the machine.
In addition to the safety regulations in the operating instructions, you have to meet the applicable regulations that apply for the operation of the machine in your country. Keep the operating instructions pack-age with the machine at all times and store it in a plastic cover to protect it from dirt and moisture. Read the instruction manual each time before op-erating the machine and carefully follow its information. The machine can only be operated by persons who were instructed concerning the operation of the machine and who are informed about the associated dangers. The minimum age requirement must be complied with. In addition to the safety requirements in these operating instructions and your country’s applicable regulations, you should observe the generally recognized technical rules concerning the operation of machines.

We accept no liability for accidents or damage that occur due to a failure to observe this manual and the safety instructions.

Device Description

(Fig.1)scheppach HCE1600 High-Pressure Cleaner fig

  1. Handle
  2. Lance holder
  3. On/off switch
  4. High-pressure hose connection
  5. Transport wheel
  6. Hose holder
  7. Extension
  8. Pistol
  9. High-pressure hose
  10. R-Nozzle
  11. Cleaner container
  12. Kärcher adapter
  13. Patio cleaner
  14. Water supply connection
  15. Nozzle cleaning needle
  16. Cleaning brush
  17.  –
  18. H-Nozzle


  • Open the packaging and remove the device care-fully.
  • Remove the packaging material as well as the packaging and transport bracing (if available).
  • Check that the delivery is complete.
  • Check the device and accessory parts for trans-port damage.
  • If possible, store the packaging until the warranty period has expired.

The device and packaging materials are not toys! Children must not be allowed to play with plas-tic bags, film and small parts! There is a risk of swallowing and suffocation!

Proper use

The high-pressure cleaner is designed to clean vehicles, machines, buildings, facades, etc. in the private sector.
The equipment is to be used only for its prescribed purpose. Any other use is deemed to be a case of misuse. The user/operator and not the manufacturer will be liable for any damage or injuries of any kind caused as a result of this.
Please note that our equipment has not been designed for use in commercial, trade or industrial applications.

Our warranty will be voided if the machine is used in commercial, trade or industrial businesses or for equivalent purposes.

Safety instructions for high-pressure cleaners

Please read these safety instructions and the original operating instructions prior to the initial use of your appliance. Proceed accordingly.

  • Apart from the notes contained herein the general safety provisions and rules for the prevention of accidents of the legislator must be observed.
  • Warnings and notes that are attached on the appliance provide important notes for the safe operation.
Hazard levels

Pointer to immediate danger, which leads to severe injuries or death..

Pointer to a possibly dangerous situation, which can lead to severe injuries or death.

Pointer to a possibly dangerous situation, which can lead to minor injuries.

Pointer to a possibly dangerous situation, which can lead to property damage.

Electric components


  • Risk of electric shock.
  • Never touch the mains plug and the socket with wet hands.
  • Check the power cord with mains plug for dam-age prior to every use. Immediately have damaged power cord replaced by an authorised customer service / electrician. Do not operate an appliance if the power cord is damaged.
  • All current-conducting parts in the working area must be protected against jet water.
  • The mains plug and the coupling of an extension cable must be watertight and must never lie in wa-ter. Moreover, the coupling may never lie on the ground.
  • The use of cable reels that ensure that the sockets are at least 60 mm above the ground is recommended.
  • Make sure that the power cord or extension cable is not damaged by running over, pinching, dragging or the like. Protect the power cords from heat, oil, and sharp edges.
  • Turn off the appliance and remove the mains plug prior to any care and maintenance works.
  • Repair work and work on the electrical compo-nents may only be performed by an authorised customer service.


  • The appliance may only be connected to an electric supply that has been installed by an electrician in accordance with IEC 60364.
  • The appliance may only be connected to alternating current. The voltage must correspond with the type plate of the appliance.
  • For safety reasons, we recommend that you operate the appliance only via a residual current device (max. 30 mA).
  • An unsuitable electrical extension cable can be hazardous. Only use an electrical extension ca-ble which has been approved and labelled for this purpose and has an adequate cable cross-section outdoors: 1 – 10 m: 1.5 mm2; 10 – 30 m: 2.5 mm2
  • Always fully unreel the extension cable from the cable drum.

Warning! This electric tool generates an electromagnetic field during operation. This field can im-pair active or passive medical implants under certain conditions. In order to prevent the risk of serious or deadly injuries, we recommend that persons with medical implants consult with their physician and the manufacturer of the medical implant prior to operating the electric tool.

Safe handling


  • The user must use the appliance as intended. The person must consider the local conditions and must pay attention to other persons in the vicinity when working with the appliance.
  • Check important components, such as high-pres-sure hose, hand spray gun and safety installations, for damage prior to every operation. Immediately replace damaged components. Do not operate appliance with damaged components.
  • High-pressure jets can be dangerous if improperly used. The jet may not be directed at persons, animals, live electrical equipment or at the appli-ance itself.
  • The high-pressure jet must not be directed at other persons or the user him-/herself to clean clothing or footwear.
  • Vehicle tyres/tyre valves are susceptible to damage from the high-pressure jet and may burst. The first indication for this is a discoloration of the tyre. Damaged vehicle tyres/tyre valves are perilous. Keep a minimum jet distance of 30 cm during cleaning!


  • Do not use the appliance when there are other persons around unless they are also wearing pro-tective clothing.
  • The appliance must not be operated by children or persons who have not been instructed accordingly.
  • This appliance is not intended for use by persons with limited physical, sensory or mental capacities or lacking experience and/or skills, unless such persons are accompanied and supervised by a person in charge of their safety or they have re-ceived precise instructions on the use of this ap-pliance and have understood the resulting risks.
  • Children must not play with this appliance.
  • Supervise children to prevent them from playing with the appliance.


  • Create stability for the appliance prior to any work on or with the appliance to prevent accidents or damage.
  • The water jet that is emitted from the high-pres-sure nozzle results in a repulsion power acting on the hand spray gun. Make sure that you have a firm footing and are also holding the hand spray gun and spray lance firmly.
  • Never leave the appliance unattended as long as it is in operation.


  • In case of extended breaks, switch off the appliance at the appliance switch.
  • Do not operate the appliance at temperatures be-low 0 °C.
Other risks


  • The appliance may not be operated in explosive atmospheres.
  • Never use the appliance to clean objects containing hazardous substances (e.g. asbestos).
  • Never draw in fluids containing solvents or undiluted acids and solvents! This includes petrol, paint thinner and heating oil. The spray mist is highly inflammable, explosive and poisonous. Do not use acetone, undiluted acids and solvents, as they corrode the materials used on the appliance.
  • Keep packaging films away from children, there is a risk of suffocation!


  • According to applicable regulations, the appliance must never be used on the drinking water net with-out a system separator. Ensure that the connec-tion of your building water installation on which the high-pressure cleaner is operated is equipped with a system separator pursuant to EN 12729 Type BA.
  • Water that has flown through a system separator is no longer classified as drinking water.
  • High-pressure hoses, fixtures and couplings are important for the safety of the appliance. Only use high-pressure hoses, fixtures and couplings reCommended by the manufacturer.
  • When disconnecting the supply or high pressure hose, hot water may leak from the connections after operation.


  • Mind the weight of the appliance when selecting the storage location and during transport (see technical data) to prevent accidents or injuries.
  • Several hours of continuous use of the appliance can lead to numbness in the hands in rare cases.
  • Wear gloves.
  • Keep hands warm.
  • Take breaks at regular intervals.
Working with detergent


  • This appliance was designed to be used with detergents that are supplied or recommended by the manufacturer. The use of other detergents or chemicals may compromise the safety of the appliance.
  • The improper use of detergents can cause severe injuries or toxication.
  • Store detergents away from the reach of children.
Safety Devices


  • Safety installations serve the protection of the user and may not be modified or bypassed.
Personal protective equipment


  • Wear protective clothing and safety goggles to protect against splashback containing water or dirt.
  • During the use of high-pressure cleaners, aerosols can develop. Inhaling aerosols can cause health damage. Depending on the application, completely shielded nozzles (e.g. surface cleaner) that significantly reduce the emission of aqueous aerosols can be used for high-pressure cleaning. The use of such shielding is not possible with all applications. If the use of a completely shielded nozzle is not possible, a respirator of the category FFP 2 or the like should be used, depending on the environment to be cleaned.

Residual risks
Even if you use this electric power tool in accordance with instructions, certain residual risks cannot be ruled out. The following hazards may arise in connection with the equipment’s construction and layout:

  • Lung damage if no suitable protective dust mask is used.
  • Damage to hearing if no suitable ear protection is used.
  • Health damage is caused by hand-arm vibrations if the equipment is used over a prolonged period or is not properly guided and maintained.

Technical data

Mains voltage| 220-240 V~ / 50-60


Power input| 1600 W
Working pressure| 9 MPa
Nominal pressure| 13,5 MPa
Delivery rate| 5,5 l/min
Delivery rate max.| 6,8 L/min
Max. water inlet pressure| 0,4 MPa
Protection class| II

Sound and vibration
Sound and vibration values were measured in ac-cordance with EN 60335.

LpA sound pressure level 79 dB(A)
KpA uncertainty 3 dB(A)
LWA sound power level 97 db(A)
KWA uncertainty 3 dB(A)

Wear ear-muffs.

  • The impact of noise can cause damage to hearing.
  • Total vibration values (vector sum of three directions) determined in accordance with EN 60335.
  • Vibration emission value ah ≤ 2,5 m/s2
  • The specified vibration value was established in accordance with a standardized testing method. It may change according to how the electric equipment is used and may exceed the specified value in exceptional circumstances.
  • The specified vibration value can be used to compare the equipment with other electric power tools.
  • The specified vibration value can be used for the initial assessment of a harmful effect.

Keep the noise emissions and vibrations to a minimum.

  • Only use appliances that are in perfect working order.
  • Service and clean the appliance regularly.
  • Adapt your working style to suit the appliance.
  • Do not overload the appliance.
  • Have the appliance serviced whenever necessary.
  • Switch the appliance off when it is not in use.
  • Wear protective gloves.

Before putting the machine into operation

Correctly using the device

  • The high-pressure cleaner must be set on a level, stable surface..
  • It is recommended that you maintain the correct operating position every time you use the machine by placing one hand on the pistol and the other on the lance.
  • Never direct the water jet toward electrical lines or the machine itself.
  • It is normal for the pump to leak a little; this is necessary to avoid damage to the pump when it is at a standstill.
  • Never use the equipment in potentially explosive areas under any circumstances!
  • The operating temperature must be between +5 and + 50°C.
  • Do not cover or modify the lance or the spray nozzles in any way.
  • The high-pressure cleaner is designed to be used with cold or lukewarm water (max. 50°C); higher temperatures can damage the pump.
  • Do not use water that is dirty, gritty or contains any chemical products, as these could impair the operation and shorten the life of the equipment.


Device assembly (fig. 1)scheppach HCE1600 High-Pressure Cleaner fig
Push the handle (1) onto the fastening points at the top of the device and secure using the two screws provided (length 25 mm)
Water supply connection (Fig. 2)
Screw the connection for the water supply (14) onto the device. The connection for the water supply (14) features a connection for standard hose coupling systems. Attach the hose coupling of the supply hose (min. Ø 1/2“/ approx. 13 mm) onto the connection for the water supply (14) .
Always use an enhanced water hose with an industry-standard coupling for the water supply. The length should be at least 6.0 m. (not included in the scope of delivery)
A backflow prevention device must be installed between the drinking water and the high-pressure cleaner! Ask your plumbing expert about this.
Suction from open tanks/containers and natural bodies of water
Use a special self-suction accessory (not included with delivery / available from the dealer)
With this accessory, the high-pressure cleaner can take in water 0.5 m above the water level. This can last about 25 to 50 seconds.
Immerse the accessory’s hose completely under water to drive the air out of the hose.

Connect the accessory’s hose to the high-pressure cleaner, and make sure that the suction strainer re-mains under water.
Let the high-pressure cleaner run with the spray gun removed until the water flows evenly out of the high-pressure hose.
If no water comes out after 25 to 50 seconds, switch off and check all connections.
Once the water is flowing, turn off the high-pressure cleaner and connect the spray gun and spray lance to start work.

High-pressure hose connection (Fig. 3/4)
Connect the high-pressure hose (9) to the connec-tion for the high-pressure hose (4). Remove the pro-tective cover first.
Insert the other end of the high-pressure hose (9) into the pistol connection (8).
To remove the high-pressure hose (9), press the but-ton (A) and pull it out.

Connecting the attachments (Fig. 5)scheppach HCE1600 High-Pressure
Cleaner fig 5
To mount attachments 7, 9, 11, 12, 16,press them into the pistol (8) and turn them until the lock.
To mount attachments 10, 13, 18 insert these into the attachment (7) and turn them until they lock.


The equipment consists of an assembly with a pump, which is encased in a shock-absorbing housing. The equipment comes with a lance and a non-slip gun (for an optimal working position), whose shape and con-figuration comply with the applicable regulations.

Once you have completely assembled the high-pres-sure cleaner and all connections have been made, proceed as follows:
Turn on the water supply. Unlock the pistol (8) via the locking switch (C). Pull back the trigger lever (D) so that the air in the device can discharge. (Fig. 5)
Switch on the device by setting the on/off switch (3) to “ON”. Next, press the trigger lever (D). (Fig. 1/5) To switch off, release the trigger lever (D), and the device switches to standby. The high-pressure cleaner starts again when you press the trigger lever (D). (Fig. 5)
To switch off the high-pressure cleaner completely, set the on/off switch (3) to “OFF”. (Fig. 1)
Cleaner container (11)
Fill the cleaner container with the corresponding cleaner. The beam width can be adjusted at the nozzle.

Using the attachments (Fig. 1):
R-Nozzle (10): For coarse cleaning work.
Kärcher-adapter (12): Use this adapter to attach Kärcher brand accessories.
Terrace cleaner (13): For cleaning floor and wall sur-faces.
Cleaning brush (16): For surface cleaning.
H-nozzle (18): For eliminating stubborn dirt.

Electrical connections

The electrical motor installed is connected and ready for operation. The connection complies with the applicable VDE and DIN provisions. The customer‘s mains connection as well as the extension cable used must also comply with these regulations.

Damaged electrical connection cable
The insulation on electrical connection cables is of-ten damaged.
This may have the following causes:

  • Passage points, where connection cables are passed through windows or doors.
  • Kinks where the connection cable has been im-properly fastened or routed.
  • Places where the connection cables have been cut due to being driven over.
  • Insulation damage due to being ripped out of the wall outlet.
  • Cracks due to the insulation ageing.
    Such damaged electrical connection cables must not be used and are life- threatening due to the insulation damage.
    Check the electrical connection cables for damage regularly. Make sure that the connection cable does not hang on the power network during the inspection. Electrical connection cables must comply with the applicable VDE and DIN provisions. Only use connection cables with the marking „H05VV-F“.

The printing of the type designation on the connection cable is mandatory.

AC motor

  • The mains voltage must be 230 V~
  • Extension cables up to 25 m long must have a cross-section of 1.5 mm2.

Connections and repairs of electrical equipment may only be carried out by an electrician.
Please provide the following information in the event of any enquiries:

  • Type of current for the motor

  • Machine data – type plate

  • Machine data – type plate

  • Before you connect the appliance to the mains sup-ply make sure that the data on the rating plate are identical to the mains data.

  • If you use any extension cables, make sure that they are suitable for outdoor use and have large enough wires:
    1-10m: 1,5mm2
    10- 30m: 2,5mm2

  • Plug the mains plug on the power cable into the mains socket outlet.

  • The product meets the requirements of EN 61000-3-11 and is subject to special connection conditions. This means that use of the product at any freely selectable connection point is not allowed.

  • Given unfavorable conditions in the power supply the product can cause the voltage to fluctuate temporarily.

  • The product is exclusively intended for use at connection points that have a continuous current-carrying capacity of at least 100 Amper phase.

  • As the user, you are required to ensure, in consultation with your electric power company if necessary, that the connection point at which you wish to operate the product meets the specified requirements.


Warning! Prior to any adjustment, maintenance or service work disconnect the mains power plug!

General maintenance measures

  • Keep all safety devices, air vents, and the motor housing free of dirt and dust as far as possible. Wipe the equipment with a clean cloth or blow it down with compressed air at low pressure.
  • We recommend that you clean the equipment immediately after you use it.
  • Clean the equipment regularly with a damp cloth and some soft soap. Do not use cleaning agents or solvents; these may be aggressive to the plastic parts in the equipment. Ensure that no water can get into the interior of the equipment.

Long periods of nonuse (electric pump)

If the machine is going to be stored for longer periods of time (i.e. over 3 months) in a room where frost could develop, it is recommended that the machine be filled with an antifreeze solution (similar to the antifreeze solutions used for vehicles).
When the device is not used for an extended period of time, lime deposits begin to form in the electric pump, which in turn can lead to starting difficulties.

Service Information
Please note that the following parts of this product are subject to normal or natural wear and that the following parts are therefore also required for use as consumables.

**Wear parts*** : belt, hose, lance, Nozzles and attachments, air filter, seals

  • Not necessarily included in the scope of delivery!

Cleaning the nozzle (Fig. 1)
Use the supplied wire (15) to clean clogged nozzles.

Disposal and recycling

The equipment is supplied in packaging to prevent it from being damaged in transit. The raw materials in this packaging can be re-used or recycled. The equipment and its accessories are made of various types of material, such as metal and plastic. Never place defective equipment in your household refuse. The equipment should be taken to a suitable collection center for proper disposal. If you do not know the whereabouts of such a collection point, you should ask in your local council offices.

Old devices must not be disposed of with house-hold waste!

This symbol indicates that this product must not be disposed of together with domestic waste in compliance with the Directive (2012/19/EU) pertaining to waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). This product must be disposed of at a designated collection point. This can occur, for example, by handing it in at an authorised collecting point for the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment. Improper handling of waste equipment may have negative consequences for the environment and human health due to poten- tially hazardous substances that are often contained in electrical and electronic equipment. By properly disposing of this product, you are also contributing to the effective use of natural resources. You can obtain information on collection points for waste equipment from your municipal administration, pub-lic waste disposal authority, an authorised body for the disposal of waste electrical and electronic equip-ment or your waste disposal company.


Fault Cause Remedy

Device does not work

| ****

No electrical voltage at the device.

| Check the fuse, power cable and power plug and have them replaced by qualified personnel if necessary.
Cross section of the extension cable not large enough and/or the exten- sion cable is too long.| Use extension cables with larger cross sections and/or use shorter extension cables.
The mains voltage is lower than that


| Contact the power supply company if necessary.
The pump is frozen.| Check and thaw if necessary.

The motor starts but there is no build up of pressure

| ****

Air intake in the water inlet.

| Check the supply hose and hose connection and replace if necessary.
Discharge nozzle is too large.| Check and replace if necessary.

Irregular operating pressure

| ****

Air intake in the water inlet.

| Check the supply hose and hose connection and replace if necessary.

scheppach HCE1600 High-Pressure Cleaner fig 7 scheppach HCE1600 High-Pressure Cleaner fig 8

Declaration of Conformity

hereby declares the following conformity under the EU Directive and standards for the following article


Apparent defects must be notified within 8 days from the receipt of the goods. Otherwise, the buyerís rights of claim due to such defects are invalidated. We guarantee for our machines in case of proper treatment for the time of the statutory warranty period from delivery in such a way that we replace any machine part free of charge which provably becomes unusable due to faulty material or defects of fabrication within such period of time. With respect to parts not manufactured by us we only warrant insofar as we are entitled to warranty claims against the upstream suppliers. The costs for the installation of the new parts shall be borne by the buyer. The cancellation of sale or the reduction of the purchase price as well as any other claims for damages shall be excluded.


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