etz-I DAF1cCMjR-M Regular Silver Lcare Fresh Capsule Refill User Guide

May 15, 2024


DAF1cCMjR-M Regular Silver Lcare Fresh Capsule Refill

etz I DAF1cCMjR M Regular Silver Lcare Fresh Capsule Refill -

How to proceed when used with etz-1 coffee grinder (freshly ground)

Grind Adjustment (Fig. 1): Turn the adjustment ring (white marking) to 5 (3-10 are the (Fig1) recommended settings for Nespresso machines). Depending on your taste, you can vary the settings after the first couple of brews (by turning the adjustment ring to the left or right).

Step 1: Turn on the capsule machine to heat it up.
Step 2: Slide the capsule without the lid into the device (Fig. 2).
Step 3: Rinse the capsule machine with the lever closed by pressing the portion button.

Step 4: Fill the coffee grinder with 5-6g (1 level measuring spoon) of coffee beans and position the grinder on your etz- Icare device. Make sure it clicks into place magnetically (Fig. 3).
Step 5: Grind (counterclockwise, Fig. 4) until empty (35-40 revolutions). Separate the grinder and the device by gently tilting the latter downwards (Fig. 5).

Step 6: Place your device on the cork coaster and tap gently until any remains of ground coffee on the bars are completely inside the capsule.
Step 7: Compress the ground coffee by pressing the tamper (Fig.6) all the way to the stop.
Step 8: Remove the capsule and seal it with the lid before inserting it into the hot capsule machine and continuing with your routine.

Before inserting the capsule, make sure the capsule machine is hot by pressing the portion button again (to rinse) with the lever closed.
You can find detailed information on how to use your etz-| coffee grinder in the separate instructions or on our website (scan the QR code).

How to proceed with pre-ground coffee
Step 1: Turn on the capsule machine to heat it up.
Step 2: Slide the capsule without the lid into the device (picture).
Step 3: Rinse the capsule machine with the lever closed by pressing the portion button.
Step 4: Fill the etz-Icare device with 5-6g (1 level measuring spoon) espresso-fine ground coffee (espresso roast).

Step 5: Place your device on the cork coaster and tap gently until any remains of ground coffee on the bars are completely inside the capsule.
Step 6: Compress the ground coffee by pressing the tamper all the way to the stop (picture on the left).
Step 7: Remove the capsule and seal it with the lid before inserting it into your hot capsule machine and continuing with your routine.


If coffee flows too quickly, there is not enough coffee in the capsule or the coffee is ground too coarsely. Adjust the grinding level on the adjustment ring of your coffee grinder (etz-l) by one click towards FINE (lower number). If coffee flows too slowly/not, the coffee is ground too finely. Adjust the adjustment ring one click towards COARSE (higher number).
Slowly flowing coffee is an indication for more bitterness (stronger); if the coffee flows faster, it contains fewer bitter substances (lighter).
Always make sure your cup and coffee maker are hot before brewing your coffee. Rinse the capsule machine at least twice with the lever closed before inserting the capsule – only a hot machine guarantees good quality of your coffee.
Use the tool provided if you have problems removing the barista sieve (lid) and for cleaning your capsule (more information: www.etzinger- – scan the QR code).
Best results are achieved with freshly ground coffee.
A larger crema volume is generated by Robusta beans.
For a traditional espresso, we recommend medium-dark roasts.
After brewing, allow the capsule to cool down before touching it (very hot).

etz I DAF1cCMjR M Regular Silver Lcare Fresh Capsule Refill - Qr
Etzinger AG FL-9492 ESCHEN
Fon +423 375 8383

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| etz-I DAF1cCMjR-M Regular Silver Lcare Fresh Capsule Refill [pdf] User Guide
DAF1cCMjR-M Regular Silver Lcare Fresh Capsule Refill, DAF1cCMjR-M, Regular Silver Lcare Fresh Capsule Refill, Silver Lcare Fresh Capsule Refill, Lcare Fresh Capsule Refill, Fresh Capsule Refill, Capsule Refill, Refill

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