SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application User Guide

May 15, 2024

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application User Guide

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application User Guide

SMART Portal Overview

Portal Access
To login to the SMART Portal a user must first have an account. If you need an account start within your organization, i.e. locality, regional government, transit agency. Each organization has at least one organization administrator who can set up accounts for all users within the organization. If there are any issues with account setup, please contact:

Users can sign-in to SMART Portal from the home page by selecting “Applicant Sign-In” from the banner.
A drop down will appear that allows the user to input Username and Password. Users can reset their password by selecting the “Forgot Password” function. The user then enters their account email address and a link to reset the password will be sent to the identified email address.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - Portal

Once logged in, users will see the sign-in landing page. Icons are displayed for each program that the user has permissions to access. Click the “Applications” option to go to the applications for a selected program. Clicking the “About” page on the Dashboard will take users to the program specific information page, which will include key points of contact.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - Once logged in, users will see
the sign-in landing page

Please note this guide is SMART SCALE specific.

User Options
By clicking the user’s name in the top right corner, the following drop-down menu allows users to view their account information.

  • New Application – allows the user to apply for funding for programs that are open for application intake

  • My Application – takes users to the Dashboard where applicants can view applications associated with their organization

  • My Followed Applications – takes users to a list of applications they have chosen to follow, along with a status update on said applications

  • Prioritize Applications – applicants are expected to prioritize the applications they submit, while
    not used in the scoring process, the information may be used in the consensus scenario

  • My Account – takes users to an overview of the information associated with their account. This includes contact information and SMART Portal roles assigned to the user. The Change My Password function allows users to modify their password

  • My Discussions – shows a list of applications with active comments, alerts, or concurrences

  • Tools – various Tools applicants have the option to utilize (Bulk follow applications, download multiple attachments at once)

  • Contact Us – takes users to the portal About page where contacts are listed for each funding program

  • Log Out – allows users to exit SMART Portal

Creating a SMART SCALE Pre-Application

New Application
Allows users to create a new application for a selected funding program. The “New Application” option on the banner directs users to select which funding program they want to apply to. The dropdown menu will only have the option to create an application for funding programs that are currently accepting applications. The SMART SCALE pre-application period will begin on March 1st. All applications must be created by April 1st, and no new applications will be allowed after April 1st.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - New

There are two ways to create an application:

  • “Use Previous Application” – allows users to select a previously submitted application and clone information into the new application.
  • “Create New Application” – allows users to enter new information on a blank application.

To “Use Previous Application”, click the option and the user will be directed to a list of previous applications that can be selected for cloning. There are filters to search for applications: Name, Program Type, Fiscal Year, and Status. Using these filters will manipulate list results. When a previous application is identified, the user can select to view an application before cloning by clicking the “View” option. After identifying the application to be cloned, users select the “Start” option to clone information and begin the pre-application.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - To “Use Previous Application”,
click the option and the user will be directed

To “Create New Application”, click the option and the user will be prompted to enter a project title. Enter the project title and select “Create New Application” to begin the pre-application.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - To “Create New Application”,
click the option and the user will be prompted

2.1 Pre-Application Overview

Application Views
There are two options to view the pre-application; view mode and edit mode.

  • View ” – The user will see the pre-application as it will appear for submission but will not be able to make edits to the content. From “View”, the user can select to return to “Edit”, “Export” (to either save as a PDF or print), “Compare Differences” (to compare a current application to a previously cloned application), or choose to “Follow” the application. More details in the Followed Applications section.
    SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - “View” - The user will see the
pre-application as it will appear for submission

  • Edit ” – the user can make changes to the content of the pre-application. To switch views, the user can select “View”. User is also able to “Follow” in “View” mode.

Info Tips and Warning Prompts – Editing
Info Tips
In “Edit” mode, there is a blue info tip that appears next to certain fields on the pre-application. Hover over the info tip for information about the field . Note these tools are present throughout the entirety of the pre- application and are designed to provide additional clarity and assistance to the user.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - Info Tips and Warning Prompts –

Warning Prompts
In “Edit” mode, informational blue warning prompt boxes may appear based on responses to certain questions. These warning prompts may be present throughout the entirety of the pre-application and are designed to provide users with information on application requirements.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - Warning

Pre-Application Header – Editing
In “Edit” mode, the application header will appear as follows.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - Pre-Application Header –

In the upper left, user can identify they are editing the SMART SCALE pre- application. Additionally, user can see the title of the application and has the option to switch from “Edit” to “View”, and the option to “Follow” or “Unfollow”.

In the upper right, the pre-application identifies the status, the submitting district and organization, the project ID number, who created the application and when, and who last updated the application and when. Every time there is an edit to the pre-application, the “Last Updated” date/time/name will reflect There are ten pearls that represent each section of the pre-application. The user can click on a given pearl to navigate to that section of the pre- application. The pearls/sections are named as follows:

  1. General
  2. Project Eligibility
  3. Features
  4. Transit
  5. Location
  6. Project Readiness (Pearl will not be visible until user has completed the Location Pearl)
  7. Factors (Pearl will not be visible until user has completed the Location Pearl)
  8. Delivery & Funding
  9. Supporting Documents
  10. State’s Understanding

Pre-Application Saving and Navigation – Editing
When editing the pre-application, users will have a floating information banner in the bottom right corner which includes project status, district, organization, and project ID. The banner is visible as the user scrolls through each part of the pre-application but can be hidden using the arrows in the top left corner.

If hidden, click on “App Info” at any time to unhide the project banner.

At the bottom of each section, there are save and navigation options.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - At the bottom of each section,
there are save and navigation options

  • “Save Application and Continue” – must be used for edits to be saved to the pre-application
  • “Previous/Next” – takes the user to previous or next section of the pre-application

Pre-Application Submission – Editing

  • “Review Submission Readiness” – when the user is ready to submit the pre-application, clicking the “Review Submission Readiness” option will prompt the user to correct any errors or issues preventing submission.

The pearls at the top of the pre-application will highlight the section and number of errors that need to be addressed before the pre-application can be submitted. Click the pearl to navigate to a given section and address the error.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - The pearls at the top of the pre-
application will highlight the section and number

When all errors have been addressed, the user will click the checkbox indicating all pre-application information is correct and ready for submission. Click “Save and Submit Application” to complete submission.

SMART SCALE Pre-Application – Pearls

User enters point of contact and general project information. As mentioned in the Info Tips and Warning Prompts – Editing section, here and throughout the rest of the pre-application process, the user can hover over the info tip for detailed information about the field.

The Project Description should briefly describe all project components, not project history or objectives.

Blue warning boxes, again that are meant to be informational, may pop up depending on the answer to the Yes/No questions (i.e., image below on finalized scope question).

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - General

Project Eligibility
Users enter information for project eligibility by answering the provided questions. Based on the response to certain questions, the informational blue warning box may appear saying the project may be at risk for screening out. Additionally, the form may expand to request more information if required.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application -Project

Applicant will need to verify that their project meets the basic eligibility requirements outlined in the SMART SCALE Technical Guide(available on the SMART SCALE Apply/Resources Page ), and outlined in the Portal below.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - Applicant will need to verify
that their project meets the basic eligibility

Users will select all applicable features to their project and are required to provide supporting details for each selected feature. All indicated improvements must be included in the project description, sketch (where possible), and cost estimate. Features are grouped as follows: Highway Improvements, Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements, Bus Transit Improvements, Rail Transit Improvements (Streetcar, Light Rail, Heavy Rail. Commuter Rail), Intercity Passenger Rail, Freight Rail, Travel Demand Management (TDM) Improvements, Right-of-Way and Utilities.

Based on features selected, blue box warnings may pop up prompting the user to provide more information or required documentation. The blue box warning and placeholder texts are aimed to provide further details on required information and documentation. The example text in the comment box provides users with details that should be included in the feature descriptions. Character limit for the comment boxes are 4,000 characters.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - Features

If applicable (project to include transit and/or rail improvements), user will be prompted to complete the Transit Pearl. Applicants will select all applicable transit and/or rail features relevant to the project. Depending on features selected, additional information and/or documentation may be required.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - Transit

Users can use any of the following tools: “Select”, “Draw”, “Trace”, or “Import” to represent the project location and identify VTrans needs location and justification.

Map Navigation
Users can click on the map and drag to move the map. Users can zoom in/out on the map using the following zoom function.

The icons located in the upper right of the map provide users with the following map options:

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - The icons located in the upper
right of the map provide users with the following map

Project Linework Tools
The following tools are available for users to enter their project linework. Detailed instructions are provided in the Portal for whichever tool(s) the user chooses.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - Project Linework

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - Project Linework Tools

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - Project Linework Tools

Areas Served
Once the user has added the project linework using any of the above tools, the information below will automatically populate. If project falls on a Priority Network (CoSS or APN), there may be feature specific requirements for planning studies. For more information on these requirements, please reference the Readiness Gates Appendix in the Technical Guide.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - Areas

VTrans Needs Location

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - VTrans Needs

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - VTrans Needs Location

Once all needs are entered, they will show up under the Areas Served.


SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - Transit 2

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - Transit 3

For informational purposes, Economic Development Properties are also available to view under the Location Pearl.

Project Readiness
As mentioned, the Project Readiness Pearl will not be visible until user has completed the Location Pearl. Based on the project features selected, certain Readiness questions will appear here. Once questions are responded to, Readiness Gates will pop up (if applicable).

Readiness Gates
To improve communication and ensure that document requirements are met in a timely fashion, applications must clear up to three checkpoints, or readiness gates, based on the selected features and project location. At the time of pre-application submission, applicants will only need to complete Gate 1.

Gate 1 Pre-Application Submission : While creating the initial pre- application, applicants will be provided with the supporting document requirements for each selected feature as well as a list of VDOT staff required to be engaged in the development of certain documents before the April 1st pre-application submission deadline. Applicants must check a box to acknowledge the requirements for the pre-application to be submitted.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - Gate 1 Pre-Application

If applicable, the applicant approvals of the Readiness Gates must be done in “VIEW” mode before the pre-application is submitted. Once in “View” mode, clicking the Project Readiness Pearl will take the user directly to the gates they will need to approve.

Readiness Gate 2 will be done at the time of the pre-application to full application conversion, and is VDOT’s responsibility to complete. For certain high-risk documents such as Interchange Access Reports, VDOT staff will check a box during pre-application screening confirming that they were engaged by the applicant in the creation of the document and that the document will support the associated application. All high-risk documents must have staff concurrence before the pre-application can be converted to a full application. Readiness Gate 3 will be completed during the full application process.

As mentioned, the Factors Pearl will not be visible until user has completed the Location Pearl.

Based on project features selected, there will be additional input required under this section. Some of the responses will be pre-selected to “YES” or “N/A” depending on the features that had were selected. Any pre-selected “YES” responses, Supporting Information will need to be provided.

The blue info box has users reference the SMART SCALE Technical Guide for further information.


Provide necessary Supporting Information and answer remaining questions that have not been pre-selected.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application -

Provide necessary Supporting Information and answer remaining questions that have not been pre-selected.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - Environment

Delivery & Funding
Consists of project delivery information, phase estimate and schedule, project funding sources (if applicable), and project financial information.

For Project Planning Status, select all plans/studies that support the proposed project.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - Delivery &

Phase Estimate and Schedule
User then will input phase estimate and schedule information for each of the following phases: PE (Survey, Environmental, Design), RW (Right of Way and Easement Acquisition, Utility Relocation), and CN (Construction, Oversight, Contingencies).

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - Phase Estimate and

The user will select a “Phase Status” for each phase. The information required for that phase depends on the phase status selected; (“Not Needed”, “Not Started”, “Underway”, and “Complete”).

  • “Not Needed” – no information required
  • “Not Started” – Enter base cost estimate. Select Risks/Contingency/CEI percentage from drop down. Phase cost estimate will populate
  • “Underway” and “Complete” – Enter base cost estimate. Select Risks/contingency/CEI percentage from drop down. Select Start Date and End Date. Phase cost estimate will populate.

Where prompted, click the calendar prompt to select “Start” and “End” Dates or enter the date manually using YYYY-MM-DD format.

Any projects with an additional phase, users can click the “+Add Project Phase” button in the upper right corner and input the additional data. When all cost information has been entered, the total cost estimate will automatically populate.

**NOTE on Estimates: Use FY2024 as the base year when developing/reviewing estimates.
Ensure adjustments for FY2024 for any costs previously developed or when using various estimating tools. Assume VDOT Administration in estimate development for purposes of application validation consistency. A Cost Estimate Workbook (CEWB) is required with each submitted application. Do NOT submit an old cost estimate with inflation applied.

**NOTE on Schedules: Reference VDOT Administered PWA Templates to set phase durations.
Do not provide a start date ahead of the first year of available funding if there is no leveraged funding in earlier fiscal years to support the project schedule.

Project Funding Sources
The Project Funding Sources section of the pre-application is only applicable if the applicant is bringing leveraged funding to the table. Leveraged funds are funds committed to cover the difference in total project cost and SMART SCALE request so that the project is fully funded through construction or equivalent delivery phase. If applicable, user will need to provide details outlined in the following images.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - Project Funding

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - Project Funding Sources

The Project Financial Information section will automatically populate based on all the information entered.

**NOTE on Leveraged Funding: Provide funding information from the most recently approved SYIP when identifying existing funding on projects. Ensure any leveraged funding is sufficient to justify the project start date and phase durations. Ensure any leveraged funding has been approved or applied for prior to submission. Do NOT provide leveraged funding that has not yet been approved or applied for (ex. Future applications for funding).

Supporting Documents
Based on applicant responses throughout the pre-application, supporting documents will be required to be attached and submitted with the pre- application. Users will be prompted with a reminder to attach documents when they reach the Supporting Documents pearl.

At pre-application, the supporting documents that are required to submit do not need to be in final form. A draft or placeholder document can be provided, but incomplete documents will directly impact the ability of OIPI and VDOT staff to provide a complete readiness pre-screening response. At minimum, components required to complete pre-application screening are as follows: a project location, sketch, and any features selected include supporting descriptions. The project location and major scope items should not be changed after pre- application submission. Any features that have a Gate 2 requirement cannot be added after pre-application.

To add an attachment, click the button for “Upload an Attachment”. The user will be prompted to select a file to upload. After selecting a file to upload, user will be prompted to enter a Description for the document and the Attachment Type. The Attachment Type will be selected from a drop-down menu of possible attachments. After completing the Description and Attachment Type, select the green “Upload” button to attach the document. Click the red trash can icon to remove the attachment.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - Supporting

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - State’s

Pre-Application Additional Functionality

Followed Applications
All users can “Follow” applications as they choose. The “Follow”/ “Unfollow” functionality works in both “Edit” and “View” mode. By selecting the “Follow”, user will be able to see an application status daily digest throughout the application’s life cycle. Note that applicants will automatically be subscribed to follow their own applications.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - Followed

Outlined in the User Options section, users will hover over their name and select “My Followed Applications” to view the Daily Digest.

The “My Followed Applications” page is separated into two sections: Followed Applications Digest and My Followed Applications.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - The “My Followed Applications”
page is separated into two sections

The Daily Digest will automatically be emailed to the user every day. Users however can opt out of these emails by selecting the “Opt out of Daily Digest Emails” box in the top right corner.

Note: At the pre-application time, the Followed Application Digest will not be as relevant as it would be during the full application, as it provides a daily summary of comments, alerts, and actions. Users will have the ability to download an Excel or JSON version of the Digest, or have the table emailed to them.

The My Followed Applications section will show a list of applications a user has chosen to follow. To unfollow, simply click the “X” next to the project title or click the “Unfollow” button back on the application page. The project title is hyperlinked and will take the user directly to the application page.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - The My Followed Applications
section will show a list of applications

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - The My Followed Applications
section will show a list of applications 2

The applicant can enter a comment using the comments module at the bottom of the “Edit” or “View” of the application. Using the drop-down, the applicant can identify which section of the application the comment is relevant to. The comment will be attached to the application for review by the District Validator or Central Office Validator.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - Comments

There is also functionality for users to reply directly to comments. The name and email address of the user submitting and/or replying to comments will be visible here.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - There is also functionality for
users to reply directly to comments

Pre-Screening Roles
District Validator
During pre-screening, the District Validator can edit the pre-application by using the “Edit” option in the application header. The District Validator will complete the District Screening form to confirm application readiness, eligibility, and meeting a VTrans need. Once the form has been completed, the District Validator will click “Submit” to complete pre-screening.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - Pre-Screening

Central Office (CO) Validator
During pre-screening, the CO Validator can edit the pre-application by using the “Edit” option in the application header. The CO Validator will complete the Central Office Screening form to confirm application readiness, eligibility, and meeting a VTrans need. Once the form has been completed, the CO Validator will click “Submit” to complete pre-screening.

SMART PORTAL Smart Scale Pre Application - Central Office \(CO\)


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