SATC Cutting Discs for Angle Grinder Instruction Manual
- June 17, 2024
Table of Contents
- SATC Cutting Discs for Angle Grinder
- Product Information
- Product Usage Instructions
- Safety Data Sheet
- Identification
- Composition/Information on Ingredients
- First-Aid Measures
- Handling and Storage
- Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
- Physical and Chemical Properties
- Stability and Reactivity
- Toxicological Information
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SATC Cutting Discs for Angle Grinder
Product Information
- Product Name: Cut-Off Wheels
- Recommended Use: Abrasive wheels used for cutting different types of metals
- Manufacturer: Shanghai Abrasive Tools Co., Ltd.
- Address: A223No.925, Yecheng Road, Jiading Industrial Zone, Shanghai, China
- Contact Information: +86-21-59555666
Product Usage Instructions
Safety Precautions
Always wear appropriate safety gear when using the Cut-Off Wheels. Refer to
ANSI B7.1 for safety requirements. Do not handle the product until all safety
precautions have been read and understood.
Usage Guidelines
- Ensure the work area is well-ventilated.
- Securely mount the Cut-Off Wheel on the appropriate tool or machine.
- Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for speed and pressure when cutting metals.
- Avoid prolonged exposure to dust and fumes by wearing a mask.
Chemical Composition:
- Aluminum Oxide: 0 – 80%
- Silicon Carbide: 0 – 75%
- Zirconium Oxide: 0 – 75%
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: Can these Cut-Off Wheels be used on all types of metals?
A: Yes, Cut-Off Wheels are designed for cutting different types of metals. However, ensure to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for specific metal compatibility. -
Q: How should I clean up an accidental release of the product?
A: In case of accidental release, wear appropriate protective gear, collect the material without creating airborne dust, and dispose of it in a suitable container following proper safety protocols.
Safety Data Sheet
Cut-Off Wheels
Date Prepared: 1/1/2015
- Product name: Cut-Off Wheels
- Recommended use: Abrasive wheels are used for cutting different types of metals.
- Restrictions on use: No Restrictions, use as intended.
- Manufacturer name: Shanghai Abrasive Tools Co., Ltd.
- Address: A223, No.925, Yecheng Road, Jiading Industrial Zone, Shanghai, China
- Contact Information: +86-21-59555666
- Date of preparation: 1/1/2015
Hazard(s) Identification
Hazard classification: Aluminatorare considered non-hazardous under OSHA CHS 29 CRF 1910.1200
Precautionary statements:
- Always wear appropriate safety gear when using this product. (See section 8 for Personal Protective Equipment)
- Refer to ANSI B7.1, Safety Requirements for the Use, Care, and Protection of Abrasive Grinding Wheels.
- Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood. Supplemental labeling: Prolonged exposure to elevated noise levels during operations may affect hearing. A greater hazard, in most cases, is the exposure to the dust/fumes from the material or paint/coatings being ground.
- Most of the dust generated during grinding is from the base material being ground and the potential hazard from this exposure must be evaluated. This dust may present a fire or dust explosion hazard and may present a serious health hazard
Composition/Information on Ingredients
Chemical name | CAS No. | Concentration |
Aluminum Oxide | 1344-28- 1 | 0 – 80% |
Silicon Carbide | 409-21- | 0 – 75% |
Zirconium Oxide | 1314-23-4 | 0 – 75% |
Cured Phenolic Resin | N/A | 10 – 30% |
Calcium Oxide | 1305-78-8 | 0 – 10% |
Iron Pyrite | 12068-85-8 | 0 – 20% |
Alkali Aluminum Fluorides | 60304-36- 1/15096-52- 1 | 0 – 15% |
Potassium Fluoborate | 14075-53-7 | 0 – 10% |
Graphite | 7782-42-5 | 0 – 5% |
Fluorspar | 7789-75-5 | 0 – 10% |
Barium Sulfate | 7727-43-7 | 0 – 10% |
Calcium Carbonate | 471-34- 1 | 0 – 10% |
Potassium Sulfate | 7778-80-5 | 0 – 10% |
Fiberglass | 65997- 17-3 | 0 – 5% |
A substance is a compound and/or mixture
The specific identity and/or exact percentage (concentration) of composition
has been withheld as a trade secret
First-Aid Measures
- Eyes: Remove contact lenses if present and easy to do. Flush eyes thoroughly with large amounts of water, holding eyelids open. If irritation persists, seek medical attention.
- Skin: Wash skin with soap and water. If irritation or other symptoms develop, seek medical attention.
- Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Rinse mouth with water. Seek medical attention if a large amount is swallowed or if you feel unwell.
- Inhalation: Move the person to fresh air. If breathing is difficult, have qualified personnel administer oxygen. Seek medical attention if irritation or other symptoms persist.
- Most important symptoms/effects, acute and delayed: Dust may cause eye and respiratory irritation.
- Prolonged inhalation of high concentrations of dust may cause adverse effects on the lungs. Exposure to dust generated from processing the base material or coatings may present additional health hazards.
- Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment, if necessary: Immediate medical attention should not be required
Fire-Fighting Measures
Suitable (and unsuitable) extinguishing media: Use any media that is suitable for the surrounding fire.
Do not use water on fires involving metal dusts. Use an appropriate dry powder. -
Specific hazards arising from the chemical: This product is not flammable or combustible; however, consideration must be given to the potential fire/explosion hazards from the base material being processed.
Many materials create flammable/explosive dust or turnings when machined or ground. -
Special protective equipment and precautions for firefighters: Firefighters should wear full emergency equipment and NIOSH-approved positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus.
Accidental Release Measures
- Personal precautions, protective equipment, and emergency procedures: Wear appropriate respirator and protective clothing as needed to avoid eye contact and inhalation of dust. (See section 8for Personal Protective Equipment)
- Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up: Carefully collect dry material, avoiding the creation of airborne dust. Place in a suitable container for disposal.
Handling and Storage
Precautions for safe handling:
- Check all wheels for cracks and or other damage before mounting.
- Never exceed the maximum operating speed of the abrasive wheel.
- Always check mounting flanges for equal and correct diameters.
- Run wheel at operating speed, with guard in place, for at least one minute before use.
- Wheels must always be properly guarded.
- Always wear appropriate safety gear.
- Do not use wheels that have been dropped or otherwise damaged.
- Do not use excessive pressure when mounting wheels between flanges.
- Do not use heavy side grinding pressure on any Type 1 straight-sided wheel.
- Do not mount more than one wheel on a single arbor.
- Avoid breathing dust. Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid eye and skin contact with grinding dust. Wear suitable gloves, eye protection and appropriate protective clothing according to the operation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Consider potential exposure to components of the base materials or coatings being ground.
- Refer to OSHA’s substance-specific standards for additional work practice requirements where applicable.
- Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities: Aluminator products should be stored in a dry area in rooms not subject to extreme temperature changes.
Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Exposure guidelines
Aluminum Oxide| 5 mg/m3 TWA (respirable) OSHA PEL 15 mg/m3 TWA (total dust)
Zirconium Oxide (as zirconium compounds)| 5 mg/m3 TWA (respirable) OSHA PEL 5
10 mg/m3 STEL (as Zr) ACGIH TLV
Silicon Carbide| 5 mg/m3 TWA (respirable) OSHA PEL 15 mg/m3 TWA (total dust)
OSHA PEL 3 mg/m3 TWA (total dust) ACGIH TLV
Calcium Oxide| 5 mg/m3 TWA (respirable) OSHA PEL 2 mg/m3 TWA ACGIH TLV
Resin Coated Fiberglass| 5 mg/m3 TWA (respirable) OSHA PEL 15 mg/m3 TWA (total
dust) OSHA PEL 5 mg/m3 TWA (Inhalable) ACGIH TLV
1 f/cc TWA (respirable fraction) ACGIH TLV
Alkali Aluminum Fluorides| 2.5 mg/m3 TWA (respirable) OSHA PEL
2.5 mg/m3 TWA (total dust) ACGIH PEL
Graphite| 5 mg/m3 TWA (respirable) OSHA PEL 15 mg/m3 TWA (total dust) OSHA PEL
Fluorspar| 2.5 mg/m3 TWA (respirable) OSHA PEL
2.5 mg/m3 TWA (total dust) ACGIH PEL
Barium Sulfate| 5 mg/m3 TWA (respirable) OSHA PEL 15 mg/m3 TWA (total dust)
OSHA PEL 5 mg/m3 TWA (total dust) ACGIH TLV
Calcium Carbonate| 5 mg/m3 TWA (respirable) OSHA PEL 10 mg/m3 TWA (total dust)
OSHA PEL 10 mg/m3 TWA (total dust) ACGIH TLV
Potassium Sulfate| 15 mg/m3 TWA (respirable) OSHA PEL 10 mg/m3 TWA ACGIH TLV
Phenolic Abrasive Binder| Not established
Iron Pyrite| Not established
ACGIH: American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienist
CMRC: Chemical Manufacturer Recommended Guideline
OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Note : Consider also components of base materials and coatings being ground. -
Appropriate engineering controls : Use adequate general or local exhaust ventilation to maintain exposure levels below the occupational exposure limits. See ANSI Z43.1. Refer to OSHA 29 CFR 1910.94
Personal Protective Equipment:
- Respiratory protection: Not necessary unless workplace concentrations of hazardous constituents exceed the exposure limits. If the exposure levels are excessive and irritation or other symptoms are experienced, an approved respirator should be worn. Consider the potential for exposure to components of the coatings or base material being ground in selecting proper respiratory protection. Refer to OSHA’s specific standards for lead, cadmium, etc. where appropriate. Respirator selection and use should be based on contaminant type, form and concentration. Follow OSHA 1910.134 and ANSI Z88.2 or other applicable regulations and standards and good Industrial Hygiene practices.
- Skin protection: Protective gloves are recommended to avoid skin abrasion when handling grinding wheels. Wear protective clothing as required to avoid skin contact when handling.
- Eye protection: Use safety glasses with side shields or goggles.
- Other: Hearing protection is recommended if an operation is noisy.
Physical and Chemical Properties
- Appearance: Solid Article
- Color: Black or brown in color
- Odor: Slight odor maybe noticed when in use.
Stability and Reactivity
- Reactivity: Not reactive under normal conditions of use and storage.
- Chemical stability: Stable
- Possibility of hazardous reactions: None known.
- Conditions to avoid: None known. .
- Incompatible materials: None known.
- Hazardous decomposition products: None known. Dust from grinding could contain potentially hazardous components of the base material being ground or coatings applied to the base material.
Toxicological Information
Acute effects of exposure:
- Inhalation: Breathing dust may cause irritation to the nose, throat and upper respiratory tract.
- Skin contact: May cause abrasive skin irritation.
- Eye contact: May cause abrasive irritation and injury.
- Ingestion: Not toxic. Swallowing may cause gastrointestinal disturbances or obstruction.
- Chronic Health Effects: Prolonged inhalation of respirable dust may cause adverse lung effects, including cancer. Chronic effects maybe aggravated by smoking. Prolonged exposure to elevated noise levels during operations may affect hearing. A greater
- hazard, in most cases, is the exposure to the dust/fumes from the material or paint/coatings being ground. Most of the dust generated during grinding is from the base material being ground and the potential hazard from this exposure must be evaluated.
- Sensitization: No data available for the product. Not expected to be a skin sensitizer based on human experience.
- Carcinogenicity: Unknown
- Germ cell mutagenicity: Unknown
- Reproductive Toxicity: Unknown
Acute toxicity values:
- Aluminum Oxide: LD50 Oral rat >10000 mg/kg; LC50 Inhalation rat >2.3 mg/L/4 hr
- Zirconium Oxide: LD50 Oral rat > 5000 mg/kg; LC50 Inhalation rat > 4.3 mg/L/4hr
- Silicon Carbide: LD50 Oral rat > 2000 mg/kg
- Barium Sulfate: LD50 Oral rat > 5000 mg/kg
- Potassium Fluoborate: LD50 Oral rat > 5000 mg/kg
- Alkali Aluminum Fluorides: LD50 Oral rat > 5000 mg/kg
- Graphite: LD50 Oral rat > 5000 mg/kg
- Calcium Carbonate: LD50 Oral rat > 5000 mg/kg
- Fluorspar: LD50 Oral rat > 5000 mg/k
- Potassium Sulfate: LD50 Oral rat > 5000 mg/kg
- Phenolic abrasive binder: No acute toxicity data available
- Fiberglass: No acute toxicity data available
- Iron Pyrite: No acute toxicity data available
Ecological Information
No adverse effects on aquatic organisms are expected. However, consideration must be given to the potential environmental effects of the base material being processed.
- Persistence and degradability: Biodegradation does not apply to inorganic substances.
- Bioaccumulative potential: No data available.
- Mobility in soil: No data available.
- Other adverse effects: None known.
Disposal Considerations
Dispose by all local, state and national regulations. Local regulations may be more stringent than regional and national requirements. It is the responsibility of the waste generator to determine the toxicity and physical characteristics of the material to determine the proper waste identification and disposal in compliance with applicable regulations.
Transport Information
| UN Number| Proper shipping name| Hazard Class| Packing
Group| Environmental Hazard
DOT| None| Not Regulated| None| None|
TDG| None| Not Regulated| None| None|
Transport in bulk (according to Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code):
Not applicable – product is transported only in packaged form.
Special precautions: None identified
This above information is believed to be correct but is not proposed to be
all-inclusive and shall be used only as a guide. Shanghai Abrasive Tools Co.,
Ltd. shall not beheld liable for any damage resulting from handling or from
contact with the above product. This information relates only to the product
designated herein and does not relate to its use in combination with any other
material or process.
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