TBPROAUDIO TBPAMove Beat Community Instruction Manual
- June 17, 2024
- TBProAudio
Table of Contents
TBPROAUDIO TBPAMove Beat Community
TBPAMove is a DAW plugin for creating rhythmic filter, gain and pan effects.
TBPAMove consists of two independent filters and a high-resolution
Each parameter of the filter (resonance, cutoff, gain and pan) can be
controlled by DAW automation and a modulator.
The DAW automation can be customized (delayed, smoothed and mixed with
The modulation types can be side-chain, LFO, step sequencer or multi-stage
envelope generator.
TBPAMove offers the following features:
- 2 independent filter with resonance, cut-off, gain pan controls
- various filter types (e.g. low pass, high pass, peak and shelf)
- serial and parallel processing
- 8 independent modulators
- side-chain modulator
- LFO modulator
- step sequencer modulator
- multi-stage envelope generator
- multiple randomization options
- AHR envelope
- delay of parameter changes
- smoothing of parameter changes with low aliasing
- VST3 sample accurate automation data processing
- large oscilloscope with audio and parameter envelope display
- GUI scale
- 64-bit internal processing
The oscilloscope provides a real-time and DAW sync view of input/output audio
and parameter modulation curve.
Filter section:
The filter sections controls 2 independent filters with resonance, cutoff,
gain and pan.
Additional it provides many to options to adjust DAW automation.
Modulator selector:
The modulator selector gives quick access to the multiple modulators.
Modulator section:
Each filter parameter is control by its own modulator. The modulator can be
either side-chain (SC), low frequency oscillator (LFO), step sequencer (STEP)
or multi-stage envelope generator (MSEG)
How does TBPAMove work
TBPAMove is a filter plugin. Most of the plugin parameter can be automated by
the DAW.
The 4 filter parameters resonance, cutoff, gain and pan have special controls
(delay, smooth and mix) to adjust the data coming from DAW automation.
Additional to DAW automation the 4 filter parameters are connected to
individual modulators. Each modulator can adjust the filter parameter by side-
chain signal, LFO, step sequencer or multi-stage envelope generator.
Plugin controls
Mouse control:
- left mouse click and drag: value change
- shift: enables fine control
- double click: open value entry box
- control click: set value to default
- left mouse click and drag: resize GUI
left mouse double click: either resize to default or 150%
Main plugin area
- Plugin menu
- Preset menu
- Logo: click to prevent audio mute in dome mode
- Icon: indicates if plugin is activated
- Icon: indicates if update of plugin is available
Plugin menu
- About: shows plugin version and further information
- Open manual: opens plugin manual
- Change log: opens web site with latest version info
- Check for updates now: new version check
- Check for updates automatically: auto version check
- Activate plugin: shows plugins activation screen
- Open data folder: opens local data folder
- Tooltips: enables display of parameter information
- Reset GUI scale: resets GUI scale to default
- Min GUI scale: sets GUI to minimum scale
- Sample accurate automation: VST3 only, enables sample accurate DAW automation data
- Fixed GUI scale: sets GUI to defined sizes
Preset menu
Preset menu loads and saves user presets.
Presets stored under %localappdata%/TBPAMove (Windows) or
/Users/xxx/Library/Application Support/TBPAMove (Mac OSX) are imported as user
Previous and next button step trough all presets
- Load preset: opens load preset dialog
- Reset to default: resets plugin state to default
- Save preset: open save preset dialog
- Save as default: saves current state as default plugin state
The oscilloscope shows the live input/output audio signal and the selected parameter curve. The x and y axis can be zoomed.
- Input audio signal
- Output audio signal
- Parameter curve
- Mouse click and drag up/down here to zoom magnitude
- Mouse click and drag up/down here to zoom time frame, mouse click and drag left/right here to adjust offset of time frame,
- Pause oscilloscope
- Adjust the oscilloscope scale
- Enable DAW synced display
- Set oscilloscope length either in ms or in tempo synced beats
Mouse control:
- left mouse click and drag left/right over left area of oscilloscope: zoom audio magnitude
- double click: reset zoom
- left click and drag up/down and left/right over bottom area oscilloscope: zoom time frame
- double click: reset zoom
Filter section
The filter section provides the controls for the two independent filters, gain
and pan.
Additional there are controls for the DAW automation and signal processing.
- Enable filter section
- Resonance
- Minimum cutoff frequency
- Cutoff frequency
- Final cutoff frequency including modulator processing
- Maximum cutoff frequency
- Gain
- Limit gain to negative values (avoids gain overshot’s)
- Pan
- Mixes the signal to the input signal
- Different filter types provide access to resonance, cutoff and gain parameter
- Selects signal processing mode: stereo/left/right/mid/side signal
- Show parameter curve in oscilloscope
- Display connected modulator area
- Enable modulator
- DAW automation: delays the incoming parameter changes
- DAW automation: smoothes the incoming parameter changes
- DAW automation: mix the incoming parameter changes to default value
- The modulator selector gives a quick access to the multiple modulators.
Modulator section
The Modulator can be set either to side-chain (SC), LFO, step sequencer (STEP) or multistage envelope generator (MSEG). Each of the four filter parameter (resonance, cutoff, gain and pan) has its own modulator.
The side-chain modulator normalizes the side-chain signal and adds it to the connected filter parameter. The internal normalized signal can be further processed by e.g. AHR envelope, delay and smooth function.
- Modulator type: side-chain (SC), LFO, step sequencer (STEP) or multi-stage envelope generator (MSEG)
- Copy current side-chain modulator settings to internal clipboard
- Paste settings from internal clipboard to current side-chain modulator
- Enable side-chain signal monitoring
- Side-chain spectrum
- Curve of side-chain filter
- Center frequency of the pre-filter
- Width of the pre-filter
- Side-chain signal below threshold is suppressed
- Controls the amount of the side-chain signal
- Attack and link with release
- Release
- Hold
- The strength control compresses or expands the internal normalized signal
- Direction of the internal signal (up = addition, middle = centered, down = subtraction)
- The internal signal is delayed either freely or DAW tempo synced
- The internal signal is further smoothed to avoid too fast signal changes
- Mix controls how much of the internal signal is added to the connected filter parameter
The LFO creates a normalized signal to control the connected filter parameter.
- Modulator type: side-chain (SC), LFO, step sequencer (STEP) or multi-stage envelope generator (MSEG)
- Copy current LFO modulator settings to internal clipboard
- Paste settings from internal clipboard to current LFO modulator
- Various predefined LFO curves
- Randomize LFO curve, mostly curve magnitude and pulse width (pulse and S&H only)
- Controls the frequency of the LFO, either freely or DAW tempo synced
- Pulse width (pulse and S&H only)
- Amount of the LFO curve
- Offset of the LFO curve
- Attack and link with release
- Release
- Hold
- The strength control compresses or expands the internal normalized signal
- Direction of the internal signal (up=addition, middle=centered, down= subtraction)
- The internal signal is delayed either freely or DAW tempo synced
- The internal signal is further smoothed to avoid too fast signal changes
- Mix controls how much of the internal signal is added to the connected filter parameter
Step Sequencer
The step sequencer creates a normalized signal to control the connected filter parameter. It works with steps and sub-steps that create rhythmic patterns in a very musical way. If you set the steps/sub-steps to 4-/4/4/4 you get a “normal” 16 beats step sequencer.
- Modulator type: side-chain (SC), LFO, step sequencer (STEP) or multi-stage envelope generator (MSEG)
- Copy current step sequencer modulator settings to internal clipboard
- Paste settings from internal clipboard to current step sequencer modulator
- Enlarge step sequencer control
- Step sequencer control (with limited mouse control)
- Controls the frequency of the step sequencer, either freely or DAW tempo synced
- The floor level determines the level that is set after gate-time is passed
- Amount of step sequencer signal
- Offset of step sequencer signal
- Attack ad link with release
- Release
- Hold
- The strength control compresses or expands the internal normalized signal
- Direction of the internal signal (up=addition, middle=centered, down= subtraction)
- The internal signal is delayed either freely or DAW tempo synced
- The internal signal is further smoothed to avoid too fast signal changes
- Mix controls how much of the internal signal is added to the connected filter parameter
Large control
- Sub-step level: draw with mouse click and drag or change with mouse wheel
- Sub-step gate-time or probability: draw with mouse click and drag or change with mouse wheel
- Step count: change with mouse wheel or click and drag up/down
- Sub-step count: change with mouse wheel or click and drag up/down
- Randomize all sub-step counts
- Randomize step and all sub-step counts
- Step sequencer file menu: load/save user sequences
- Randomize all sub-step levels
- Auto randomize mode: off, rel (relative to current levels), abs (totally random level)
- Switch between gate-time display and probability display
- Randomize all sub-step gate-time or probability
- Auto randomize mode (gate-time only): off, rel (relative to current gate-time), abs (totally random gate-time)
Mouse control in step area and sub-step area:
- mouse wheel, left click and drag: change step count
- shift left click: increase step count
- ctrl left click: decrease step count
- shift ctrl left click, or right click: open step menu
Step menu:
Sub-Step menu:
Mouse control in level and gate-time/probability area:
- mouse wheel or left click and drag: change level, gate-time or probability
- shift left click: set value to 0
- control left click: set value to 1
- alt click and drag: change all values (in ProTools use right mouse button instead of alt key)
- alt shift click: set all values to 0 (in ProTools use right mouse button instead of alt key)
- alt control click: set all values to 1 (in ProTools use right mouse button instead of alt key)
- sift control alt click: randomize all values (in ProTools use right mouse button instead of alt key)
Multi-stage envelope generator
The multi-stage envelope generator creates a normalized signal to control the connected filter parameter based on splines. It works with steps and sub-steps that create rhythmic patterns in a very musical way. If you set the steps/sub- steps to 4-/4/4/4 you get a “normal” 16 beats step sequencer.
- Modulator type: side-chain (SC), LFO, step sequencer (STEP) or multi-stage envelope generator (MSEG)
- Copy current multi-stage envelope generator modulator settings to internal clipboard
- Paste settings from internal clipboard to current multi-stage envelope generator modulator
- Enlarge step sequencer control
- Step sequencer control (with limited mouse control)
- Controls the frequency of the multi-stage envelope generator, either freely or DAW tempo synced
- Amount of step sequencer signal
- Offset of step sequencer signal
- Attack and link with release
- Release
- Hold
- The strength control compresses or expands the internal normalized signal
- Direction of the internal signal (up=addition, middle=centered, down= subtraction)
- The internal signal is delayed either freely or DAW tempo synced
- The internal signal is further smoothed to avoid too fast signal changes
- Mix controls how much of the internal signal is added to the connected filter parameter
Large control
Spline control point, place it freely with the mouse in the segment
Segment point, change the level with the mouse
Step count: change with mouse wheel or click and drag up/down
Sub-step count: change with mouse wheel or click and drag up/down
Reset the MSEG
Randomize all levels
Auto randomize mode: off, rel (relative to current levels), abs (totally random level)
Note: if randomize mode is either rel or abs neither segments points nor control points can be modified -
Shift sequence left or right
Sequence selector
Sets current sequence defined by sequence selector
MSEG file menu: load/save user sequences
Factory segment selector
Segment draw mode: draw factor segments with the mouse.
MSEG segment with control points:
Each segment contains linear or smooth curves based on Bezier splines.
- Segment in point, start point, move up down with the mouse
- Spline control in point, start control point, place it freely with the mouse
- Segment, right mouse click or alt left mouse click opens segment menu
- Spline control out point, end control point, place freely with the mouse
- Segment out point, end point, move up down with the mouse
Mouse control in step area and sub-step area:
- mouse wheel, left click and drag: change step count
- shift left click: increase step count
- ctrl left click: decrease step count
- shift ctrl left click, or right click: open step menu
Step menu:
Sub-step menu:
Mouse control in curve area point or control point:
mouse left click and drag: change in/out point, in/out control point
mouse control left click and drag: change in/out control point
Note: use this to adjust spline control points lying behind “normal” points -
shift left click in/out point: snap levels
right click or shift ctrl left click in/out point: open point menu
Point menu:
Mouse control in curve area segment:
- right click or alt left click in/out point: open segment menu
- control left mouse click: copy segment
- shift left mouse click: paste segment
Segment menu:
Main controls section
- Routing: selects either serial or parallel processing of the 2 filter
- Mix: ratio of filter 1 and filter 2 signal in parallel routing mode
- Processing: selects plugin processing mode: stereo/left/right/mid or side.
- OVP (over protection): protects the signal from going over 0dBFS
- Volume: adjusts the plugin volume
Minimum system requirements
- Windows 7, OpenGL 2 GFX card
- Mac OS X 10.11, Metal GFX card
- Win: 32/64 Bit VST, 32/64 Bit VST3, 32/64 Bit AAX
- OS X: 64 Bit VST, 64 Bit VST3, 64 Bit AU, 64 Bit AAX
- Tested with: Cockos Reaper, Steinberg Cubase/Nuendo/Wavelab 6+, FL Studio 12+, PT2018+, Reason 9.5+, Studio One, Ableton Live
- For latest information please visit www.tbproaudio.de
Demo mode versus registered mode
In demo mode (without activation), the plugin mutes audio every 90 seconds for a short period. This could be circumvented by clicking on the “TBProAudio” logo within 90 seconds.
The plugins needs to be registered /
activated to remove demo restrictions. Please go to www.tb-
proaudio.de to purchase the activation key. After
purchase you will receive an email from TBProAudio with either the (zipped)
activation key file or the activation key in text form. Go to the plugin
menu->Activate plugin. Please follow the steps described here:
https://www.tbproaudio.de/support/productactivation. After successful
activation the key symbol lights in golden color.
So finally if you have any questions or suggestions please let us know.
Your team from TBProAudio 🙂
- TBProAudio - Professional Audio Plug-Ins for Mixing, Mastering and Recording - VST VST3 AU AAX | TBProAudio
- Product Activation | TBProAudio
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