Piramoon F21S-8×50 High/Super Speed Rotor User Manual

June 4, 2024

**Piramoon Technologies

F21 – 8 x 50mL
High/Super Speed Rotor

F21S-8×50 High/Super Speed Rotor

Volumetric Capacity:
Maximum Speed:
Maximum RCF:
Material of Construction:|  Fixed Angle
8 x 50mL
30,000 rpm
6.81 kg  / 15.00 lb
Carbon Fiber Composite

Safety Marks and Notices

This mark points to an important safety instruction in connection with the operation and handling of the rotor. Failure to do so may void the warranty or result in damage to the rotor, and centrifuge, and in the loss of samples. The operator is instructed to follow the accompanying instructions before the use or maintenance of FIBERLite® CENTRIFUGE rotors and accessories.

This mark signifies a critical safety consideration that must be adhered to. Failure to do so creates the potential of harm to the rotor, centrifuge, and even personal injury. The operator is strongly urged to strictly follow all instructions that accompany this symbol.
– Please read before using your rotor –
Chemical and Biological Safety
Use solutions, samples or materials that are chemically or biologically active or potentially dangerous mixtures, only after you read, and understand:

  • all safety documents, data sheets, or other information provided by the solutions, samples, materials, or bio-active material, parts, components, instruments, and tools
    involved in the experiment,

  • all relevant federal and local safety regulations, and

  • institute all necessary precautionary and safety steps.

If a supplier provides any of the biological products involved in the experiment, you must familiarize yourself with all cautionary information available from the supplier’s literature with respect to the origin and properties of these products. If such information is inadequate or unavailable, contact your institution’s safety officer.

In addition, you must keep the following under consideration at all times before, during, and after centrifugation.

  • Spills may generate aerosols. Be familiar with and adhere to safety precautions for aerosol containment. Implement aerosol containment, particularly when working with virulent organisms such as Hepatitis (B and C), HIV (all forms), mycobacteria, etc. Infectious sample mixtures must be handled according to appropriate laboratory procedures and methods to prevent potentially lethal consequences.
  • Handle all body fluids, whether human or animal, as if they are capable of transmitting life-threatening infectious diseases. Available laboratory tests do not eliminate the hazard.
  • Follow local and federal guidelines related to health, safety, and the environment to dispose of waste solutions.
  • If, at the end of a centrifuge run, there is evidence of leakage of biologically active or radioactive samples, you should assume that some fluid escaped the rotor. In that case, you should immediately start appropriate decontamination procedures for the rotor (see section 2.3.3), centrifuge, and all related accessories, such as vacuum pump(s) and connecting vacuum tubes that might have been exposed to the sample. If not certain, call the manufacturer of your centrifuge for instructions.

Mechanical Limitations and Worker Safety All rotors are thoroughly tested on the centrifuges they are designed to run. FIBERLite ® CENTRIFUGE rotors are completely safe to run on other manufacturers’ centrifuges as long as they are used in accordance with all relevant instructions from respective manufacturers. Because of their lower weight, FIBERLite ® CENTRIFUGE rotors will actually reduce wear-and-tear to the motor drive of the centrifuge. The failure mode of FIBERLite ® CENTRIFUGE rotors is much different than rotors made from metals. In case of a total failure and disruption, FIBERLite ® CENTRIFUGE rotors will cause less damage to the centrifuge than their metallic equivalents. However, total disruption of a large or high-energy rotor may still result in some damage to the centrifuge and loss of samples. Make sure you follow instructions in this manual and in other documents provided by manufacturers of the centrifuge, bottles, and tubes and by suppliers of sample mixtures or reagents. Follow all operational procedures correctly for each run.

Never use a rotor without a lid. Super-speed or General Purpose rotors not tied down securely on the spindle may jump off and cause damage to the drive shaft and the centrifuge chamber.
Never attempt to touch or stop a rotor by hand. Failure to do so may damage the surface finish of the rotor and, over time, expose some pointed ends of carbon filaments,
which may break through the skin like a wooden splinter.
Trying to stop a rotor also presents a serious personal hazard: loose items like scarves or sleeves of a lab coat can be caught by the spinning rotor and cause injury.
Always check, prior to starting a run, the condition of the segmented over- speed disk of an ultra rotor. The over-speed disk is located at the bottom of the metallic hub. If the disk is scratched, partially peeled or otherwise damaged, replace the disk with a new one of the same type.
Excessive vibration of a high-speed centrifuge will indicate a grossly unbalanced rotor. Stop the run immediately, remove all bottles from the rotor and check counterbalancing of the bottles in accordance with the manufacturer of your centrifuge. Most high/super centrifuges require counterbalancing within ±1.0 gram. Ultra speed, fixed-angle rotors require counterbalancing better than ±0.5 gram. Ask the manufacturer of your centrifuge for the proper counterbalancing procedure.
Do not exceed maximum rotor speed under any circumstance. Speed reduction may be necessary because of weight considerations of tubes, adapters, the condition of the rotor, or the density of the solution being centrifuged. Be sure to follow the appropriate instructions contained in this rotor manual.
Do not put a rotor covered with moisture on the pre-cooled drive spindle, or it can freeze into place. Never leave the rotor on the hub for long periods. Keep mating surfaces of the rotor and spindle clean.
If any unusual vibrations, sounds, or odors occur, turn off power to the centrifuge immediately and do not operate the centrifuge until the cause of the improper behavior is determined.
Do not try to lift a rotor by force or by swaying it. If not removed immediately, rotors may stick to the spindles of some high-speed centrifuges due to condensation that can quickly freeze over the spindle. Leave the rotor in the centrifuge and wait until the centrifuge comes down to room temperature. Then, try lifting the rotor again. If you still cannot remove the rotor, contact FIBERLite® CENTRIFUGE’s customer service department for advice.
Lifting, carrying, and reaching in and out of the centrifuge poses the potential for lower back injuries. Lift, carry and handle the rotor with care, with your body in complete balance at all times. Ask your institution’s safety officer or write to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for advice. Dropping the rotor on the floor from a bench-top distance may render it unusable. If a rotor is dropped on the floor, you must contact FIBERLite® CENTRIFUGE’s customer service department to arrange for a free inspection.
Never use any abrasive tools to clean the rotor. If needed, uses soft brushes and wash only with mild soap or detergent solutions.
High or super-speed rotors need to be screwed onto the spindle using the tie- down knob on the rotor lid. Ultra rotors do not need to be tied down; they are simply placed over the spindle.

It is the customer’s responsibility to decontaminate, disinfect or sterilize the rotor and ensure complete safety before contacting FIBERLite® CENTRIFUGE, INC. for service or inspection.

Rotor Model Designations

All FIBERLite CENTRIFUGE high and super-speed rotors are named to provide basic information about them following some conventional designations. For example, the model name F10S-6×500 indicates that this rotor is a Fixed Angle high-speed rotor, capable of achieving a maximum speed of 10,000 rpm, equipped with a Sorvall hub, and that the rotor has 6 cell cavities with 500mL capacity each. The same rotor manufactured to run in a Beckman high-speed centrifuge is designated as F10B-6×500. Since manufacturers of high and super-speed centrifuges use different styles of spindles in their instruments, the second (in some cases 2 nd rd & 3 ) capital alpha letter identifies the hub.
Similar nomenclature is followed for Swinging Bucket (SW) and Vertical Tube (VT) rotors. For example, the name SW7.5B-4×250 indicates that this rotor is a Swinging Bucket rotor, capable of achieving a maximum speed of 7,500 rpm, with a Beckman hub, and that the rotor contains 4 buckets, each with a capacity of 250mL.
The FIBERLite ® CENTRIFUGE ultra speed rotor designation is slightly different than the high-speed rotors because the spindles of all ultra rotors have been standardized around a single design. An ultra speed rotor is interchangeable between different manufacturers’ instruments. This eliminates the need for instrument differentiation. Therefore, ultra rotor names have two-letter designations. For example, FL45-6×100 is a Fixed Angle ultra rotor, capable of achieving 45,000 rpm top speed in any manufacturer’s ultra speed centrifuge, having 6 cell cavities, each with a capacity of 100mL.
Typically, centrifuges capable of achieving top speed between 20,000 and 30,000 are called high or super-speed centrifuges. Ultra-speed centrifuges range in speed from approximately 25,000 to over 100,000rpms.

Characteristics of Composite Materials

A composite structure is a non-chemically combined material created by the synthetic assembly of two or more components. These components include a selected filler or reinforcing agent and a compatible matrix binder, i.e., a resin, in order to yield specific characteristics and properties. The components of composite material do not dissolve or otherwise merge completely into each other, but they act in concert. The components and interface between them can be physically identified and characterized. In addition, it is the behavior and properties of the interface that generally control the properties of a composite structure.
The key advantage the composite technology is that it provides wide design flexibility and manufacturing latitude to meet the technical, performance, and cost demands imposed by different applications. The goal in creating a composite structure is to combine similar or dissimilar materials in order to develop specific properties that meet desired requirements.
From the centrifugation point of view, what make composite materials, specifically carbon fiber and epoxy combinations, highly desirable are that they do not corrode and that they provide significantly better strength-to- density and stiffness-to-density ratios than both aluminum and titanium. These properties, when applied properly, result in better, safer, higher-performance centrifugation products.

Rotor Preparation

It is advisable to keep your FIBERLite ® CENTRIFUGE carbon fiber rotor in a cold room so that the run can start immediately after bottles are placed in the rotor, eliminating the need to wait for temperature equilibration in the centrifuge. If kept at room temperature, FIBERLite ® CENTRIFUGE rotors will take approximately 1-3 hours to cool down to under 10 o C after it is placed in a refrigerator. However, because carbon fiber rotors provide effective temperature insulation, you only need to chill your sample. Once placed in the rotor, the rotor will maintain up to 95% of the sample temperature throughout the spin cycle.
It is always important to visually inspect the rotor and its components before and after each run for any unusual nicks, cracks, and other abnormalities. See Rotor Care, Cleaning, and Disinfecting

Tube and Bottle Preparation

Commonly used rotor bottles have a flat bottom with rounded edges and may be covered with either a screw closure or a sealing cap. Other types of bottles with conical or rounded bottoms may be used with inserts. Typically these bottles are supplied with a non-contaminating screw closure without a liner.
To ensure leak-proof performance, especially at forces greater than 10,000xg or when spinning hazardous materials, sealing cap assemblies (cap and gasket) should be used. Other special-purpose caps, made for low-temperature storage or to resist aggressive chemicals are specified as such by their respective manufacturers.
For certain applications, round-bottom or conical-bottom tubes may also be used with appropriate adapters for support during centrifugation. These types of bottles are typically specified with reduced g-force ratings. Check with the manufacturer for the maximum g-force rating of your bottle.
There are several different polymeric materials used in the construction of centrifuge bottles. Each material offers different kinds of resistance to solvents, pH, temperatures, environments, autoclaving, and stress cracks. Eventually, however, all of these materials will develop stress cracks from continued use. Consult with the bottle manufacturer to select the correct type that will suit your application, and deliver desired performance and cost.
Glass tubes or bottles are rarely used in a high-speed rotor. However, if glass tubes are to be used, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to sure that the material can withstand the required g-forces.

Instrument Considerations

FIBERLite ® CENTRIFUGE rotors can be used in both vacuum and non-vacuum environments. There will not be an appreciable difference in the rotor’s performance in any high or super-speed centrifuge because none of the high/superspeed centrifuges provide a significant level of vacuum during centrifugation. Among the popular models, Beckman’s J and J2 series centrifuges offer partial vacuum but the low level of evacuation in these centrifuges does not significantly reduce the wind drag. Therefore, performance difference with respect to acceleration, deceleration, and maximum speed between this partial vacuum and non-vacuum models is not considered among manufacturers.

Rotor Care, Cleaning, and Disinfecting

The rotor body does not need washing and cleaning after every run. However, periodic washing under warm water, and using a mild detergent solution will help reduce the amount of salt deposits from spills and permit easy placement of sample bottles in the rotor cavities. FIBERLite ® CENTRIFUGE’s specially formulated LabCARE™, also known as FIBERClene™ is designed to extend the life of your carbon fiber rotor, as well as to provide an effective, ecologically safe cleaner for general cleaning purposes.

Please observe the following:

  • Do not use any sharp objects or tools on the rotor and any of its components. Use only soft bristle brush to remove dry salts that might be deposited in the cavities or other locations unreachable by hand.
  • The rotor contains some anodized metallic components, such as the hub, lid knob, and tiedown screw. Do not allow any salts or corrosive chemicals to accumulate over these components. Wash them periodically or, as required after each run.
  • Regularly check the condition of o-rings. Replace worn, cracked, or damaged o-rings. This rotor utilizes o-rings for proper sealing of the cavities to maintain atmospheric pressure in the rotor during the run. All rotor o-rings and the surfaces of the o-ring slots (they are placed in), must be kept clean, and always lightly greased, using a silicon vacuum grease.
  • Air-dry all rotor components; do not wash any rotor components in a dishwasher. Do not soak in detergent solutions for long periods, i.e. overnight.

After some usage, the painted and unpainted surfaces of the rotor may develop hairline cracks. These cracks are not structural and will not adversely affect the life and performance of your rotor.

Disinfecting, sterilization, decontamination

  • All rotor components, including the o-rings, may be autoclaved at 121 o C for up to an hour. O-rings and gaskets may be left on the rotor. The rotor should be placed in the autoclave upside down. Ethanol (70%), or bleach (10%) may also be used. However, ethanol disinfecting should be done away from the centrifuge at a location, i.e., a vent hood, safe for handling flammable liquids. Wash all rotor components thoroughly with water to remove residual ethanol, bleach, or other solutions.
    Note: FIBERLite ® CENTRIFUGE offers no guarantee, implied or expressed, of the effectiveness of sterility or disinfecting with respect to procedures and materials mentioned in this document. Sterility, disinfecting or decontamination methods should be selected in consultation with the laboratory safety officer of your institution.

  • A rotor contaminated with radioactive material must be decontaminated with a solution that will not damage the anodized surfaces of the metallic components or painted surfaces of the rotor body. Solutions such as Radcon Surface Spray or IsoClean Solution (for soaking) and Radiacwash are suitable. Most of these solutions are available from most supply catalogues, such as those published by VWR, Fisher, Cole Parmer, etc.

  • For regular cleaning and maintenance purposes, FIBERLite ® CENTRIFUGE’s LabCARE™/FIBERClene™ will suffice.

In Case of Trouble – What To Do

The most common problem is spillage of samples during the run from loosely capped bottles and the resulting imbalance, bent shafts, and/or rotor freezing over the spindle.
If a bottle develops a significant leak in the middle of the run, there could be some damage to the drive assembly and the centrifuge chamber caused by the grossly unbalanced rotor. It is strongly recommended, therefore, that bottles are re-used only for the number of times (or less if subjected to aggressive chemicals) recommended by the manufacturer.
Do not try to lift a frozen rotor by excessive force or by swaying it. If not removed immediately, rotors may stick to the spindles of some high-speed centrifuges due to condensation that quickly freezes over the spindle. In such a case, leave the rotor in the centrifuge and let the centrifuge chamber come down to room temperature. Then, try lifting the rotor again. If you still cannot remove the rotor, call FIBERLite ® CENTRIFUGE’s customer support department for assistance.

Product Return Procedure

No product or part may be returned to FIBERLite® CENTRIFUGE without obtaining a Returned Goods Authorization (RGA) and shipping instructions.
To request an RGA, please contact FIBERLite ® CENTRIFUGE’s customer service. 800. PTI.FUGE, ext. 101
e-mail: piramoon@piramoon.com

FIBERLite ® CENTRIFUGE will provide inspection at the Santa Clara, California facility, of any of its rotors at the request of the owner, free of charge. FIBERLite ® CENTRIFUGE will cover shipping charges only if an authorized company representative approves the inspection. In either case, before shipping a rotor to FIBERLite ® CENTRIFUGE, the owner should request a Returned Goods Authorization (RGA) form and packaging instructions. FIBERLite ® CENTRIFUGE maintains records on the date of shipment for all of its rotors and will supply information to any owner questioning the age of a rotor. Rotor owners are strongly urged to make use of this inspection service if they have any doubts about the condition of a rotor, or if a rotor is dropped on the floor.

Note: When a rotor is to be returned to FIBERLite ® CENTRIFUGE for any reason, please include the complete rotor assembly (lids, knobs, o-rings, etc.), a history of usage, the reason for returning, and a signed statement that the rotor is safe to handle (non-radioactive and pathogenically clean).

Field Rotor Inspection Program (FRIP)

FIBERLite® CENTRIFUGE offers a free Rotor Inspection Program that is available to our customers at no charge. If you have aged metallic rotors in use for over 2.5 years, you may wish to have an evaluation conducted at your premises to ensure their continued viability without the potential danger of failure. For more information on requesting this service from your local representative, please call 800-PTI-FUGE, Extension 101, or via e.mail @ piramoon@piramoon.com.

Warranty Statement

Lifetime Limited Warranty Statement
FIBERLite® CENTRIFUGE, INC./Piramoon Technologies, Inc. designs, manufactures, and sells centrifugation products incorporating advanced composites technology. FIBERLite® CENTRIFUGE is the exclusive and sole provider of this limited warranty (the “warranty”) for its Products offered at the time of purchase. FIBERLite® CENTRIFUGE’s composite rotors are manufactured to be direct replacements for conventional rotors and to run in certain existing models of centrifuges sold by other manufacturers. Composite rotors are designed and tested to specifications exceeding those published by the manufacturers of these centrifuges. Rotors manufacturing of advanced composite materials have performance characteristics and maintenance requirements that are different from rotors of metallic construction. The owners are strongly urged to read the instruction manual to familiarize themselves with these requirements. Failure to follow the instructions may void the limited warranty provided below.

Effective July 1, 1997, and subject to the conditions specified below, all FIBERLite® CENTRIFUGE rotors are warranted against defects of material and workmanship which develop during their lifetime after delivery by FIBERLite® CENTRIFUGE or by an authorized FIBERLite® CENTRIFUGE distributor, provided that investigation and factory inspection by FIBERLite® CENTRIFUGE discloses that such defect developed under normal and proper use, such use including, but not limited to speeds not in excess of the maximum speed of the rotor (properly reduced for certain fluid densities, fluid gradients, tube assemblies, and adapters) as specified in the instruction manual. FIBERLite® CENTRIFUGE will correct either by repair or, at its discretion, by replacement any defects of material or workmanship which develop within the warranty period. Furthermore, should a centrifuge be damaged due to the failure of a FIBERLite® CENTRIFUGE rotor covered by this limited warranty, FIBERLite® CENTRIFUGE will, at its discretion, repair or replace the rotor and will assume the cost of repairing the damaged centrifuge.


  1. This warranty may not be assigned, extended or otherwise transferred to a third party without the prior written consent of FIBERLite® CENTRIFUGE.
  2. This warranty covers rotors only and FIBERLite®  CENTRIFUGE shall not be liable for damage to accessories or ancillary supplies including but not limited to seals, o-rings, bottles and tubes, bottle and tube caps, bottle and tube adapters, or bottle and tube contents.
  3. This warranty is void if the rotor is operated or maintained in a manner contrary to the instructions in the User’s manual for either the rotor or the centrifuge, or if the rotor is modified without the written permission of FIBERLite®  CENTRIFUGE.

Rotor Replacement
Any rotor claimed to be defective must, if requested by FIBERLite® CENTRIFUGE, be returned to the factory, transportation charges prepaid, and will be returned to the owner transportation charges collect unless the product is found to be defective, in which case FIBERLite®  CENTRIFUGE will pay all transportation charges.


  • Glossary
    Angular velocity, ω: rate of rotation, measured in radians per second (ω = 2π rpm/60 or ω = 0.10472 x rpm) Anodization: an electrochemical coating on aluminum surfaces for corrosion resistance buoyant density: the density of a particle in a specific medium centrifugal effect: the accumulated value of:
    where t is time and ω is an angular velocity Centrifugal Force: in a centrifugal field, the force which causes a particle to move away from the center of rotation clearing factor, k: calculated for FIBERLite® CENTRIFUGE rotors as a measure of the rotor’s relative pelleting efficiency:
    clearing time, t : in this simple formula, t = k/s, where t is time in hours, k is the clearing factor of the rotor, and s is the sedimentation coefficient in Svedberg units (S) density: mass per unit of volume (g/mL) density separation: a centrifugal separation process based on differences in particle densities differential separation: a centrifugal separation process based on differences in size between particles fixed angle rotor: a rotor in which the tubes are held at an angle (usually 20 to 45 degrees) from the axis of rotation isopycnic: a method of particle separation or isolation based on particle buoyant density; sedimentation equilibrium (often done with CsCl gradients); particles are centrifuged until they reach a point in the gradient where the density of the particle is the same as the density of the gradient at that point maximum volume: the maximum volume to which a tube should be filled for centrifugation (sometimes referred to as maximum fill volume or nominal fill volume) near vertical tube rotor: a rotor in which the tubes are held at a slight angle (usually 7 to 10 degrees) from the axis of rotation pelleting: a centrifugal separation where particles in a sample sediment to the bottom of the tube (differential separation); differential pelleting separates particles of different sizes by successive centrifugation steps of progressively higher g-force and/or longer run duration polyallomer: random block copolymer of ethylene and propylene used for some thin-wall, thick-wall ultra centrifuge tubes rate zonal: a method of particle separation, based on differential rate of sedimentation, using a pre-formed gradient with the sample layered as a zone on top of the gradient relative centrifugal field (RCF): the ratio of the centrifugal acceleration at a specified radius and speed (rω 2 ) to the standard acceleration of gravity (g) according to the following formula:
    where r is the radius in millimeters, ω is the angular velocity in radians per second (2πRPM/60), and g is the standard acceleration of gravity (9807 mm/s 2 ). Thus the relationship between RCF and RPM is:
    rmax the position of the liquid in the tube at the maximum distance from the axis of rotation when the rotor is at speed (maximum radius, in mm) rmin the position of the liquid in the tube at the minimum distance from the axis of rotation when the rotor is at speed (minimum radius, in mm) sedimentation: the settling out of particles from a suspension in the earth’s field of gravity; in the centrifuge, this process is accelerated and the particles move away from the axis of rotation sedimentation coefficient, s : sedimentation velocity per unit of centrifugal force:
    supernatant: the liquid above the sedimented material following centrifugation Svedberg units, S: a unit of sedimentation velocity is: 1S = 10 13 seconds swinging bucket rotor: a rotor in which the tubes or bottles are carried in buckets or racks that swing up to the horizontal position during centrifugation (sometimes referred to as a horizontal or swing-out rotor) vertical tube rotor: a rotor in which the tubes or bottles are held parallel to the axis of rotation wettable tubes: tubes made of a material that is impervious to adherence of solutes

  • Patents and Trademarks Notice FIBERLite® CENTRIFUGE products are covered by a series of U.S. and International invention patents, which protect the proprietary nature of the company’s carbon fiber composite rotors, as well as distinguish them from conventional metallic rotors. For a detailed description of said patents, please see the company’s website: www.piramoon.com

© FIBERLite® CENTRIFUGE / Piramoon Technologies, Inc. (PTI®)
Artisan Technology Group – Quality Instrumentation … Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE |www.artisantg.com


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