pFlow F3R Clip On Ultrasonic Flowmeter Instruction Manual

June 15, 2024

Clip-on Ultrasonic Flowmeter
Instructions Manual
Model: F3R
pFlow F3R Clip On Ultrasonic Flowmeter Version 3.1.0
Update Record Date
05 . 2023


The F3W Clip-on ultrasonic flowmeter adopts the ultrasonic transit time measurement principle, and is combined with Gentos ultrasonic signal processing technology and unique flow algorithm, to achieve accurate measurement of fluid flow in the pipeline. The product is designed with separate external clamping structure, which is simple and convenient to install.During the installation process, there is no need to contact the fluid medium, and there is no need to stop production.
This instrument adopts LoRa wireless communication technology, access to the IoT(Internet of Things) through the LoRa gateway. It’s available to long- distance communication, query, analyze, manage and monitor measurement data.

Product Features

  • Easy installation, No need to break pipeline
  • No adjustment, Clip on to measure
  • LCD color display screen
  • 360° rotation adjustable display screen
  • LoRaWAN communication protocol is available

Technical Parameter

3.1 Dimension
3.1.1 Transmitter Dimension

pFlow F3R Clip On Ultrasonic Flowmeter - Dimension

Pipe Diameter Comparison Table                       Unit:mm

Model| Nominal Inner Diameter of Pipe| W| W1| L| L1| H| φ
F3R| DN20| 60| 51| 105| 118| 121| 29
DN25| 60| 56| 105| 118| 128| 36
DN32| 60| 63| 105| 118| 135| 43
DN40| 60| 74| 105| 118| 146| 54
DN50| 60| 89| 105| 153| 159| 67
DN65| 60| 102| 105| 153| 172| 80
DN80| 60| 113| 105| 153| 183| 91

3.2 Technical Index—F3R Series Clip-on Ultrasonic Flowmeter

Performance Index

Flow Velocity| 0.1~16ft/s (0.03~5.0m/s)
Accuracy| ±2%,(1.0~16ft/s)
Repeatability| 0.2%
Pipe Size| DN20~DN80
Medium| Water
Pipe Material| Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, Copper, PVC (Select one of them as per customer’s requirements. The details are subject to the instrument display.)
Functional Index
Communication interface| RS485;
FUJI or MODBUS Protocol
LoRa Communication| US915 Frequency: 902300000~914900000, unit: HZ
Maximum Transmit Power: 22dBm
LoRaWAN communication protocol is available
LoRa Frequency selection| EU868 Frequency: 863000000~865400000, unit: HZ
US915 Frequency: 902300000~914900000, unit: HZ
CN779 Frequency: 780100000~786500000, unit: HZ
EU433 Frequency: 433775000~434665000, unit: HZ
AU915 Frequency: 915200000~927800000, unit: HZ
CN470 Frequency: 470300000~489300000, unit: HZ
Power supply| 10~36VDC/500mA
Keyboard| 4 keys
Display screen| LCD color display、1.44″,resolution 128*128


| Transmitter: -10℃~50℃ Transducer: 0℃~60℃
Humidity| Relative humidity 0~99%, No condensation
IP| IP54
Physical Characteristics
Transmitter| All-in-one
Transducer| Clamp on
Cable| φ5 Six-core cable, standard length: 2m

  • The accuracy obtained by Gentos flow standard device. Errors may occur due to the type of pipeline, fluid and temperature used by the customer.

Installation and Wiring

4.1 Installation Description

  1. Carefully read “Section 7. Choose Measurement Point”. After the designated location is selected, the area outside the pipe to be installed must be cleaned, and the dense part of the pipe is more appropriate for installation.
  2. The special coupling sticker of the company is pasted on the center of the sensor, which will be squeezed during installation to ensure that the sensor and the pipe wall are closely fitted without bubbles. It comes with coupling compound and replaceable coupling pads. The coupling compound can be applied to the coupling pads.
  3. The direction of the arrow on the nameplate of the instrument must be consistent with the direction of the fluid in the pipeline.

4.2 Meter Wiring
Refer to the diagram below for meter wiring

pFlow F3R Clip On Ultrasonic Flowmeter - Meter Wiring

Function Identifier Color
Power Supply (10~36VDC) + Brown
RS485 A Green
B White
None + Red

4.3 Fast installation steps of F3R clip-on ultrasonic flowmeter
This meter adopts integrated design. It is easy to install and set parameters in a few steps. It can be directly clamped on the pipe section. After connected to the power supply, the meter can realize flow measurement.

Step 1
Take out this device from the package and clip the upper and lower pipe clamps
on the selected position of the pipe.|
Step 2
Tighten the screws.|
Step 3
Install the transmitter part into the slot of the upper pipe clamp and tighten the
Step 4
Power on and start measurement Set the actual outer diameter, wall thickness and pipe material through the “Pipe Parameter Setting” menu items to make the measurement more accurate.|

  • If the pipe clamp is still loose after locking,paste the black rubber pad (2mm thick) attached to the accessory bag on both sides of the inner wall of the pipe clamp.pFlow F3R Clip On Ultrasonic Flowmeter - pipe clamp

Display and Settings

5.1 Display description

Upper part of the display area| R| Indicates measurement status (R indicates normal measurement, I indicates no signal, G indicates searching signal)
SQ| 93 indicates the signal quality. Consistent with Section 6.1, “Display Interface V”.
*T| Indicates normal network communication.
For details, please see the description of Section 6.1 “Display Interface 5”.
18:19:35| It displays the current time, as described in Section 6.1, “Displaying Screen III”.
Lower middle of display area| /| For details, see Section 6.1, “Displaying Screens I – V”.

pFlow F3R Clip On Ultrasonic Flowmeter - Keypad area

5.2 Key Description
The clamp on flowmeter comes with four keys, and the operation instructions are shown in the following table:

Button Menu button Up Key Down key Confirm key
≡Key ∧Key ∨Key ○ Key


| 1.Switch between display interface and menu interface;
2.Exit to the main interface| 1. Used to select menu items;
2. When inputting a value, the∧ key is for increasing the number, and the∨key is for shifting the number to the right.| 1.Used to confirm menu items;
2.Data input confirmation and exit.

6.1 Display interface

Press the ≡ key on the instrument panel to switch between the display interface and the menu interface. After switching to the display interface, press the ∧ key and the ∨ key to display interface I ~ interface V in sequence.

Display Type Display Content Description

Display Interface

| Instantaneous Flow Totalizer| Display instantaneous flow and accumulative flow

When accumulative flow rolls up to 99999999m3, it will start zero clearing automatically.

Display Interface

| Instantaneous Velocity Totalizer| Display instantaneous velocity and accumulative flow

When accumulative flow rolls up to 99999999m3, it will start zero clearing automatically.

Display Interface

| Date Time| Display current date and time
Display Interface

| Serial Number Version Number| Display the instrument factory serial number and software version number
Display Interface

| Measurement Status
Signal Quality
Network Connection Status| Display measurement status:
Display R: Indicates normal measurement; Display G: Indicates searching signal; Display I: Indicates no signal
Display signal quality:
The signal quality is represented by numbers from 00 to 99, 00 represents the worst, and 99 represents the best. Generally, the normal working condition is that the signal quality is greater than 60%.
Display network connection status:
X: Indicates the network communication module is damaged or not found.
Display F: Switch the state within 15 seconds, or the network access will fail(the inbound permit is not added to the gateway or the network is abnormal).
T: Normal network communication

6.2 Menu interface
Press the ≡ key on the instrument panel to switch between the display interface and the menu interface. After switching to the menu interface, press the ∧ and ∨ keys to display a total of 5 items in the main menu in sequence. Press the ○ key again to enter the corresponding sub-menu to display or set related parameters. Select Back to exit after the setup is complete. Or press the ≡ key to exit to the display interface.
When inputting a value, the ∧ key is for increasing the number, the ∨ key is for moving the number to the right, and the ○ key is for inputting data and exiting.

Main Menu Sub-menu Function Description Remarks

1. Pipe parameter

| 1.Pipe Diameter| Input outer diameter of pipe| 20mm≤outer diameter of pipe ≤99.99mm
2.Wall Thickness| Input wall thickness of pipe| 1.0mm≤wall thickness of pipe ≤9.99mm
3.Pipe Material| Select the pipe material as per customer’s requirements before delivery.| Carbon steel, stainless steel, copper, PVC are optional, the details are subject to the instrument display.
4.Back| |


| 1.RS485 protocol| Choose MODBUS or FUJI|
2.RS485 Baud


| There are 7 baud rates to choose from| 4800、9600、38400、50400、


3.Network IDN| Network ID address code is taken from 1~247|
4.Reset LoRa| Restore the LoRa factory settings.| Select “Yes”, compulsory resetting.
5.Lora EUI| Lora EUI, like IEEE EUI 64, is a globally unique ID, it’s a uniquely identified terminal device. This is equivalent to the MAC address of the device.|
6.Lora USC| Shows the starting frequency of the Lora upstream channel: 903900000Hz|
7.Lora application key| The application key for Lora is: 2b:7e:15:16:28:ae:d2:a6 :ab:f7:15:88:09:cf:4f:3c|
8. Back| |
3. System Settings| 1.System unit| Select metric and imperial units| Metric unit, imperial unit
2.Flow unit| Select the flow unit and time unit of instantaneous flow| Optional flow unit: m3、L、Gal Optional time unit: h、m
3.Total unit| Select cumulative flow unit| Optional flow unit: m3、L、Gal
4.System Time| Set the current time| Year-Month-Day, Hour-Minute- Second
5.Screen Mode| Set rotation display direction| Optional 0 °, 90 °, 180 °, 270 °
Main Menu| Sub-menu| Function Description| Remarks
| 6.Reset| Clear all setting parameters and restore to the original factory default values| Select “Yes”, this operation will clear all the user’s data and change it to the factory default value. Please be cautious.
7.Clear Cumulation| Clear cumulation flow| Select       “Yes”       to clear Cumulation Flow.
8.Language| Chinese and English optional|
9.About| View version information, version number, serial number, resolution and communication method|
10. Back| |
4.Select settings| 1.Damping| Input the damping coefficient, and the damping plays a role in smoothing the displayed data.| The      range      of damping coefficient is 0~99 seconds
2.Low Flow Cutoff| Cut off low velocity and flow rate. In order to make the system display “0” value at low values to avoid invalid accumulation.|

Cutoff    value    ≤    0.25m/s, factory default is 0.03m/s

3.Set zero| When the fluid is static, the indicated value on the instrument is called “zero point”. When the “zero point” is not zero, the zero point will be superimposed on the true value of the flow rate at any time, so that the measurement of the flowmeter will be deviated. So it must be removed.| Select Yes and wait for the process to complete.
4.Reset zero| Reset the set zero point| Select “Yes” to clear the “zero point” set by the user.
5.Manual Zero| Set zero offset| An offset can be entered to be superimposed on the measured value
6.Back| |
5.Calibration| 1.Meter factor| Also known as the instrument K- factor, it is used to correct the flow measurement results.| Calibrated at the factory
2. Back| |

Measurement Site Selection

The flowmeter is simple and convenient to install. As long as a suitable measuring point is selected, Clamp the product sensor surface on the pipe section directly and fix the pipe clamp, and then the power is turned on, the flow measurement can be realized.
When selecting measuring points, it is required to select pipe sections with uniform fluid flow field distribution to ensure measurement accuracy. The following principles shall be followed during installation:

  • Select a pipe segment that is filled with fluid, such as the vertical part of the pipe line (the fluid is better to flow upward) or the horizontal pipe segment that is filled with fluid.
  • The measuring point should be on a uniform straight pipe section with 10 times the diameter (10D) from the upstream and 5 times the diameter (5D) from the downstream. There are no valves, elbows, reducers and other devices interfering with the flow field within this range. The length of the straight pipe section is recommended to use the values shown in the following table.
  • Ensure that the temperature at the measuring point is within the working range.
  • Fully consider the scaling condition on the inner wall of the pipe, try to select the pipe section without scaling for measurement, and select the pipe section of uniform and dense pipes so as to make ultrasonic transmission easier.pFlow F3R Clip On Ultrasonic Flowmeter - Diffuser

Communication Protocol

The flow meter adopts the response communication method, the upper computer to send “command” way, ask the lower position flow meter to response. The asynchronous communication baud rate (main workstation, computer system, ultrasonic flow meter) is generally 9600bps. Single byte data format (10 bits): 1 start bit, 1 stop bit and 8 data bits. Check bit: NONE.

8.1 FUJI Protocol
The FUJI protocol of the meter adopts the response communication mode, and the upper system requests the meter to response by issuing “commands”. The asynchronous communication baud rate (main workstation, computer system, secondary workstation, ultrasonic flow meter) is usually 9600bps. Single byte data format (10bits): 1 starting bits, 1 stop bits and 8 data bits. Check bit: NONE.
The basic commands are represented by data strings and the end of the command is indicated by a carriage return line break.They are characterized by arbitrary data length. The commands commonly used are shown in the following table:

Communication command

Command Command Meaning Data Format
DQD(cr)(lf) Note 0 Return instantaneous flow per day ±d.ddddddE±dd(cr) Note1
DQH(cr)(lf) Return instantaneous flow per hour ±d.ddddddE±dd(cr)
DQM(cr) (lf) Return instantaneous flow per minute ±d.ddddddE±dd(cr)
DQS(cr) (lf) Return instantaneous flow per second ±d.ddddddE±dd(cr)
DV(cr) (lf) Return instantaneous flow rate ±d.ddddddE±dd(cr)
DI+(cr) (lf) Return positive accumulation amount ±dddddddE±d(cr) Note 2
DI-(cr) (lf) Return negative accumulation amount ±dddddddE±d(cr)
DIN(cr) (lf) Return net accumulated amount ±dddddddE±d(cr)
DID(cr) (lf) Return instrument identification code (address code) ddddd(cr)5

Bit Length
DL(cr) (lf)| Return signal strength| UP:dd.d,DN:dd.d,Q=dd(cr)
ESN(cr) (lf)| Return electronic serial number| ddddddd(cr)(lf) Note3
W| Digital string address network command prefix| Note 4
P| Prefix with checksum return command|
&| Command “plus” function symbol|


  1. (cr)indicates carriage return,Its ASCII value is 0DH.(lf) indicates a line feed and its ASCII value is 0AH.

  2. d is a number ranging from 0 to 9, 0 value is indicated as+0.000000E+00.
    d is a number ranging from 0 to 9, the integer part in front of “E” has no decimal point.

  3. dddddddd eight digits indicate the electronic serial number of the machine, t indicates the machine code.

  4. If there are multiple traffic tables in the data network at the same time, the basic command cannot be used alone, and must be prefixed with W before it can be used, otherwise it will cause multiple traffic tables to response at the same time, which may result in system confusion.

(1)P prefix
Character P can be added before each basic command to indicate that the returned data has CRC verification.The check sum is obtained by binary addition.
For example: If the return data of the command DI+ (CR)(The corresponding binary data are 44H, 49H, 2BH, 0DH)is+1234567E+0m3 (CR)(The corresponding binary data are 2BH,31H,32H,33H,34H,35H, 36H,37H,45H,2BH,30H,6DH,33H,20H,0DH,0AH) the return data of the command PDI+ (CR) is +1234567E+0m3 !F7 (CR). “!” indicates that it is a sum character in front of it, and the checksum of two bytes is in the back (2BH+31H+32H+33H+34H+35H+ 36H+37H+45H+2BH+30H+6DH+33H+20H=(2)F7H).
Note that “!” can be preceded by no data, and a space character may be present.
(2)W prefix
The usage of W prefix: W + string address code(Must be 5-digit number) + basic command, digital string value range 0~65535 except 13 (0DH enter), 10(0AH line feed) 42(2AH*), 38(26H&). If access to the instantaneous flow rate of the flow meter No. 12345, issue the command W012345DV (CR), the corresponding binary codes are 57H,31H,32H,33H,34H,35H,44H,56H,0DH.
(3) &Functional symbols
& the function symbol can add up to five basic commands (prefixed with P) to form a composite command and transmit it to the flow meter, which responds at the same time. For example, to send back simultaneously 1.
instantaneous flow rate; 2. instantaneous flow rate; 3. positive cumulative quantity; 4. negative cumulative quantity; and 5. net cumulative quantity with verification from the flow meter No. 4321, send the command as follows:

The data returned at the same time may be as follows:
+0.000000E+00m3/d! AC(CR)
+0.000000E+00m/s! 88(CR)
+1234567E+0m3! F7(CR)
+0.000000E+0m3! DA(CR)
+0.000000E+0 m3! DA(CR)

8.2 MODBUS Communication Protocol

The MODBUS protocol of this instrument adopts RTU transmission mode, and its check code is obtained by CRC-16-IBM (polynomial is X16+X15+X2+1, shielded word is 0xA001) cyclic redundancy algorithm.
MODBUS RTU mode uses hexadecimal to transmit data.
8.2.1 MODBUS protocol function code and format
This instrument protocol supports the following two function codes of MODBUS protocol:

Function Code Function Data Represented
0x03 Read register
0x06 Write single register

8.2.2 Use of MODBUS protocol function code 0x03
Format of read register information frame sent by the host:

Slave address| Function code| Register first address| Number of registers| Check code
1 bytes| 1 bytes| 2 bytes| 2 bytes| 2 bytes
0x01~0xF7| 0x03| 0x0000~0xFFFF| 0x0000~0x7D| CRC check code

Slave retumed data frame format:

Slave address| Read operation function code| Number of bytes of data| Data| Check code
1 bytes| 1 bytes| 1 bytes| Nx2 bytes| 2 bytes
0x01~0xF7| 0x03| 2xN
| N*x2data| CRC check code

N=Number of registers for data.
The value range of instrument address (address of flowmeter) is 1~247 (hexadecimal: 0x01~0xF7), and the address can be viewed in Menu 46. If the decimal number displayed in Menu 46 is 11, the address of this instrument in MODBUS protocol is 0x0B.
The CRC check code of this instrument is obtained by using CRC-16-IBM (polynomial is X16+X15+X2+1, shielded word is 0xA001) cyclic redundancy algorithm. The low byte of the check code comes first and the high byte comes last.
Example 1. In RTU mode, read the instantaneous flow (m3/h) of the meter with address 1 (0x01) in hours, that is, read the data of registers 40,005 and 40,006. The read command is as follows:
0x01 0x03 0x00 0x04 0x00 0x02 0x85 0xCA
Instrument Address Function Code First Address of Register Number of Registers CRC Check Code The data returned by the instrument is (assuming the current flow=1.234567 m3/h):
0x01 0x03 0x04 0x06 0x51 0x3F 0x9E 0x3B 0x32
Instrument Address Function Code Data Byte Number Data (1.2345678) CRC Check Code The four bytes of 3F 9E 06 51 are the IEEE 754 format single accuracy floating-point format of 1.2345678.
Please note the order of data storage in the above example. When using C language to interpret values, users can use pointers to directly put the required data into the corresponding variable address. The general order of storage is that low byte comes first. For example, in the 1.2,345,678m/s example above, the storage order of data 3F 9E 06 51 is 06 51 3F 9E.
Example 2. In RTU mode, read the positive cumulative flow (m3) in m3 of the instrument with address 1
(0x01), that is, read the data of three registers with register addresses 0008, 0009 and 000A. The read command is as follows:
0x01 0x03 0x00 0x08
0x00 0x03 0x84 0x09
Instrument Address Function Code Register First Address Register Number CRC Check Code The data returned by the instrument is (assuming the current positive cumulative flow=2.46m3):
0x01 0x03 0x06 0x00 0xF6 0x00 0x00 0xFF 0xFE 0x29 0x10
Instrument Address Function Code Data Byte Number Data (246
10-2) CRC Check Code
The four bytes of 00 00 00 F6 are the hexadecimal of 246, that is, directly convert the hexadecimal data into decimal:
Two bytes of FF FE are 10 to the power of -2. The following table:

MODBUS Data Corresponding Index Unit
FFFD x0.001(1E-3)
FFFE x0.01
FFFF x0.1
0000 x1
0001 x10
0002 x100
0003 x1000
0004 x10000(1E+4)

Including positive, negative, net accumulation and energy accumulation

Example 3. In RTU mode, change the address of the instrument with address 1 (0x01) to 2 (0x02), that is, write the data in the 44100 register of the flowmeter to 0x02. The write command is as follows:
0x01 0x06 0x10 0x03 0x00 0x02 0xFC 0xCB
Instrument Address Function Code Register Address Register Data CRC Check Code The data returned by the instrument is:
0x01 0x06 0x10 0x03 0x00 0x02 0xFC 0xCB
Instrument Address Function Code Register Address Register Data CRC Check Code

8.2.3 Error Handling
This instrument returns only one error code 0x02, indicating that the first address of the data is wrong.
For example, in RTU mode, only 40002 register data of the instrument with address 1 (0x01) is read. The instrument thinks that the integrity of the data is damaged, and the command sent is:
0x01  0x03  0x00 0x01 0x00 0x01 0xD5 0xCA
Instrument Address Function Code Register First Address Register Number CRC Check Code The error code returned by the instrument is:
0x01 0x83 0x02 0xC0 0xF1
Instrument Address Error Code Error Extension Code CRC Check Code

8.2.4 MODBUS register address list
The MODBUS register of this instrument includes read-only register and single write register.
Read only register address list (read with 0x03 function code)

Register Address| Register| Data Description| Data Type| Register Number| Description
$0000| 40001| Instantaneous flow/sec – low byte| 32 bits real| 2|
$0001| 40002| Instantaneous flow/sec – high byte| | |
$0002| 40003| Instantaneous flow/minute – low byte| 32 bits real| 2|
$0003| 40004| Instantaneous flow/minute – high byte| | |
$0004| 40005| Instantaneous flow/hour – low byte| 32 bits real|


$0005| 40006| Instantaneous flow/hour – high byte| | |
$0006| 40007| Flow velocity – low byte| 32 bits real| 2|
$0007| 40008| Flow velocity – high byte| | |
$0008| 40009| Positive accumulative flow – low byte| 32 bits int.|


$0009| 40010| Positive accumulative flow – high byte| | |
$000A| 40011| Positive accumulative flow- index| 16 bits int.| 1|
$0016| 40023| Upstream signal strength – low byte| 32 bits real| 2|


$0017| 40024| Upstream signal strength – high byte| |
$0018| 40025| Downstream signal strength – low byte| 32 bits real| 2|


$0019| 40026| Downstream signal strength – high byte| |
$001A| 40027| Signal quality| 16 bits int.| 1| 0~99
$001B| 40028| 4~20mA output current value – low byte| 32 bits real| 2|

Unit: mA

$001C| 40029| 4~20mA output current value – high byte| |
$001D| 40030| Error code – characters 1,2| String| 3|

Refer to “Error Analysis” for detailed codes meanings.

$001E| 40031| Error code – characters 3,4| |
$001F| 40032| Error code – characters 5,6| |




| Flow velocity unit – characters 1,2|




$003C| 40061| Flow velocity unit – characters 3,4| |
$003D| 40062| Instantaneous flow unit – characters 1,2| String| 2|
$003E| 40063| Instantaneous flow unit – characters 3,4| |
$003F| 40064| Cumulative flow unit – characters 1,2| String| 1|

a) The units of cumulative flow are as follows
0. “m3” -Cubic meter
1. “l” -Litre
2. “gal” -Gallon
b) When changing the instrument address or communication baud rate, the instrument will work according to the new address or communication baud rate immediately after returning the response with the original address or communication baud rate.
c) 16 bits int – short integer, 32 bits int – long integer, 32 bits real – floating point, String – string.

8.3 Lora Protocol Frame Format
The Lora protocol frame of this instrument is to split the data into hexadecimals and send it in a large-end data format. The following table format is identified by the low address from which the data is sent (Assuming that the starting address of the continuous data address is 0000, continuous storage of data in sequential order).
For example: Lora’s frames are composed of instantaneous flow, positive accumulation, instantaneous velocity, signal quality, and timestamp in turn. At the same time, we assume that the actual data is: 3.78m3/h, 1.42m3, 3.62m/s, 99, 2353401716, the sent data format is (100 times greater):
0x83 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x8e 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x46 0x01 0x63 0x74 0x0f 0x46 0x8c Instantaneous Flow Positive Cumulative Instantaneous Velocity Signal Quality Timestamp
The data before sending is:
Instantaneous Flow: 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x83(Decimal is: 378)
Positive Cumulative: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x8e (Decimal is: 142)
Instantaneous Velocity: 0x01 0x46 (Decimal is: 362)
Signal Quality: 0x63(Decimal is: 99)
Timestamp: 0x8c 0x46 0x0f 0x74(Decimal is: 2353401716)

Start Address Data Description Data Type Number of bytes Explanation


| Instantaneous flow/hour- highest byte|

32 bits int



| The flow of the instrument is sent in integers after 100 times amplificator
$0001| Instantaneous flow/hour-high byte|
$0002| Instantaneous flow/hour-low byte|
$0003| Instantaneous flow/hour- lowest byte|
$0004| Positive cumulative-highest byte|

32 bits int




The cumulative of the instrument is sent in integers after 100 times amplificator (unit is m3)

$0005| Positive cumulative-high byte|
$0006| Positive cumulative-low byte|
$0007| Positive cumulative-lowest byte|
$0008| Instantaneous velocity-high byte| 16 bits int.| 2| The Instantaneous velocity of the instrument is sent in integers after 100 times amplificator
$0009| Instantaneous velocity-low byte|
$000A| Signal quality| 8 bits int.| 1| 0~99
$000B| Timestamp-highest byte| 32 bits int|


$000C| Timestamp-high byte|
$000D| Timestamp-low byte|
$000E| Timestamp-lowest byte|

Appendix 1—Pipe Diameter Comparison Table

Model| Pipe
Materia| Nominal Inner
Diameter of Pipe| Applicable Range of Pipe Outer Diameter ( mn)| Measurable Flow Range (0.03-5m/s ) ( m3/10
A Level| B lave
Steel| DN20| 25-29| 21-25| 0.04-6
DN25| 32-36| 28-32| 0.05-9
DN32| 39-43| 35-39| 0.09-15
DN40| 50-54| 46-50| 0.13-23
DN50| 63-67| 59-63| 0.20-35
DN65| 76-80| 72-76| 0.35-60
DN80| 87-91| 83-87| 0.5590
Note : B Level needs to be achieved by pasting attached rubber pads on both sides of the inner wall of the pipe clamp
Model| Pipe
Material| Nominal Inner Diameter of
Pipe| Applicable Range of Pipe Outer Diameter Onm )| Measurable
Flow Range
A Level| B Leve
F3R| copper| DN20
DN25| 25-29| 21-25| 0.04-4
DN32| 32-36| 28-32| 009-15
DN40| 39-43| 35-39| 0.13-23
DN50| 50-54| 46-50| 0.20-35
DN65| 63-67| 59-63| 035-60
DN80| 76-80| 72-76| 0.55-90
Note: B Level needs to be achieved by pasting attached rubber pads on both sides of the inner wall of the pipe clamp


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| pFlow F3R Clip On Ultrasonic Flowmeter [pdf] Instruction Manual
F3R, F3R Clip On Ultrasonic Flowmeter, Clip On Ultrasonic Flowmeter, Ultrasonic Flowmeter, Flowmeter

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