GFERRARi G10006 Pizza Oven User Manual

June 15, 2024

GFERRARi G10006 Pizza Oven User Manual


The following are important notes on the installation, use and maintenance; save this instruction manual for future reference; use the equipment only as specified in this guide; any other use is considered improper and dangerous; therefore, the manufacturer cannot be held responsible in the event of damages caused by improper, incorrect or unreasonable use. Before use, ensure the equipment is undamaged; if in doubt, do not attempt to use it and contact the authorized service center; do not leave packing materials (i.e. plastic bags, polystyrene foam, nails, staples, etc.) within the reach of children as they are potential sources of danger; always remember that they must be separately collected. Make sure that the rating information given on the technical label are compatible with those of the electricity grid; the installation must be performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions considering the maximum power of the appliance as shown on the label; an incorrect installation may cause damage to people, animals or things, for which the manufacturer cannot be considered responsible thereof. If it is necessary to use adapters, multiple sockets or electrical extensions, use only those that comply with current safety standards; in any case do not exceed the power consumption limits indicated on the electrical adapter and/or extensions, as well as the maximum power is shown on multiple adaptors. Do not leave the unit plugged; better to remove the plug from the mains when the device is not in use. Always disconnect from power supply if you leave it unattended. Cleaning operations should be carried out after unplugging the unit. If the unit is out of order and you do not want to fix it, it must be made inoperable by cutting power cord.

  • Do not allow the power cord to get closer to sharp objects or in contact with hot surfaces; do not pull it to disconnect the plug.
  • Children must not play with the appliance.
  • Do not use the appliance in the event of damage to the power cord, plug, or in case of short circuits; to repair the product only address an authorized service center.
  • Do not handle or touch the appliance with wet hands or bare feet. Do not expose the appliance to harmful weather conditions such as rain, moisture, frost, etc.. Always store it in a dry place.
  • This appliance cannot be used by children, even if they’re more than 8 years old.
  • This appliance can be used by persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they received supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved.
  • Keep the appliance and its cord out of reach of children less than 8 years.

If the power cord is damaged, or in case of failure and/or malfunction do not tamper with the unit. The reparation must be done by the manufacturer or by a service center authorized by the manufacturer in order to prevent any risk. Failure to comply with the above may compromise the unit safety and invalidate the warranty.
WARNING:  This appliance includes a heating function. Surfaces, other than functional surfaces may develop high temperatures. Since temperatures are perceived differently by different people, this device should be used with CAUTION. Hold the appliance exclusively to grip surfaces intended to be touched.

  • This appliance is intended to be used in household and similar applications such as: staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other working environments; by clients in hotels, motels and other residential type environments; farm houses, bed and breakfast type environments.
  • The appliance is not intended to be operated by means of an external timer or separate remote-control system.
  • Before every use, unroll the power cord.
    • Use original spare parts and accessories only.

Do not subject the product to strong impacts, serious damages may result.


  • To protect against electric shock, do not immerse the cord, plug or any parts of the appliance into water.
  • Do not use the appliance near explosives, highly flammable materials, gases, or burning flames.
  • Do not use appliances near bath, shower, wash-basin or anywhere water can turn out to be a source of danger.
  • Do not let cord hang over the edge of the table
  • Pull out the plug from the mains socket when the appliance is not used or when cleaning
  • Allow cooling before putting on or taking off parts, and before cleaning.
  • When operating the Oven keep at least four inches of space on all sides to allow for adequate air circulation.
  • Oversized foods or metal utensils must not be inserted in the oven as may create a fire or electric shock risk.
  • Pizza, bread, and other sorts of food can burn. Keep the appliance far from curtains or other flammable materials.
  • A fire occurs if the Oven is covered or touching flammable material, including curtains, draperies, walls, and the like, when in operation.
  • Do not store any item on the oven. Do not place any of these in the oven: cardboard, plastic, paper, or any similar. Do not store any material other than accessories recommended by the manufacturer, in the even.
  • The oven is off only when it is unplugged.
  • Attention! the Pizza Oven in an adequate position for easy opening of the cover lid both from right and from left side. Don’t open it when you are in front of oven, steam is quite hot! Open the cover lid in the same way you use to open the lids of pans while you’re cooking.
  • Always wear protective, insulated oven mitts when inserting or removing items from the hot Oven.
                • Let other potential users read these instructions. NOTE: the reflecting metal plate is made of stainless steel to guarantee top food contact safety. This material, at high temperature, may change color: is normal to see yellowing on it after use.


This is an electric oven specially developed to make pizzas, designed and provided with a pure “firestone” cooking bed – which the main characteristic is that of delivering heat evenly and absorbing humidity contained in the cooking dough – to obtain home-made, fragrant, and crisp pizzas cooked on the same stone as that used in the “wood-fuelled” ovens of the most famous pizza restaurants. It is most suited to restore fragrance and taste to frozen and ready-made doughs.

  • It cooks any kind of pizzas and stuffed Neapolitan rolls, which dough is either homemade or bought at the baker’s, in about 4/5 minutes. It cooks any other kind of dough or ready-made pizza (e.g. frozen, pre-cooked pizzas). In this case, our pizza oven remarkably reduces the cooking time usually printed on packings.


  1. After connecting the plug to main socket, switch the oven on using the graduated knob, setting it at between 2-1/2 and 3.

  2. After preheating for about 10 minutes with the oven closed, the pizza oven will have reached the right temperature for starting to cook pizzas.

  3. Before placing any type of pizza (home-made pizza, bakeries pizza, ready-made pizza, frozen pizza, frozen pizza with topping etc.) on the retractory cooking surface, which should be thoroughly heated after a 10-minute warm-up, always make sure that the pilot light is on. Pizza must only be inserted in the oven with the pilot light on, since this shows that the two heating elements are in operation and will maintain the temperature constant to ensure perfect cooking of pizzas. If the pilot light has gone out after the preheating period, open the oven lid for about 2 minutes, until the pilot light switches back on.
    WARNING: during cooking, the power light may switch OFF. This is normal and does not affect cooking.

  4. To transfer the pizzas to the cooking surface in refractory stone, use the special spatulas provided; you will find them very useful, particularly if you dust them with a little flour before use.

  5. Remember to remove the spatulas once the pizza is in the cooking position.

  6. Once the pizza has been placed in the oven, lower the lid and check that the graduated knob is still between 2-1/2 and 3. Every 4/5 minutes oven will provide fragrant, tasty pizzas, just as good as those from the best pizzerias.

  7. Between cooking one pizza and the next, leave the pizza oven lid open for about 2 minutes, so that the pilot light is always on when the next pizzas are inserted; this ensures that the heating elements are also switched on (the top one glows red) during cooking. Keep ready-made frozen pizzas at ambient temperature for about 10/15 minutes before cooking.

  8. IMPORTANT: Do not allow the topping from the pizza to be cooked (oil, tomato, cheese etc.) to fall onto the refractory stone cooking surface, since the stone will absorb the liquids they contain. Prepare the toppings so that they stay on the pizza and do not overflow onto the stone.

  9. Always remember that the most important feature of the pizza oven cooking surface is the refractory stone. This untreated stone is made from components specially selected by G3 Ferrari, a sector leader, so it will store heat gently and give it out evenly, absorbing the moisture from the dough. Only using this method, with direct contact with retractor stone, it is possible to cook pizzas in 4/5 minutes, maintaining their nutrient values intact.

  10. Our pizza oven is also designed to cook other foods (fish, vegetables, chicken etc.). In this case, use aluminum foil trays available from any supermarket. This will give genuine cooking that conserves all characteristics of fresh foods.

With this oven, it is possible regulating cooking time and be advised when the cooking time has passed, thanks to a mechanical timer. Proceed in the following way:

  • place your pizza on the stone plate and close the lid of the oven;
  • turn the timer clockwise placing the selector on the desired time; as the selected time has passed, it can be heard a ring;
  • normally after 5 minutes a pizza is well cooked must it must be said that this is approximate, the time of cooking depends on several factors: dough thickness, type of ingredients, grade of freezing (in case of frozen pizzas), etc… therefore it is recommended to control the grade of cooking during the operation. The timer is mechanical therefore it doesn’t affect the electric functioning of the oven, in other words, it

It is necessary to look after the cooking while the oven is operating. The sole method for turning off the oven is setting the temperature knob in position “0” and unplug the cable.
Clean after removing the plug from the power socket, once the oven has cooled. Clean the outside with water and a kitchen sponge. Never wash the cooking surface; simply wipe whit a damp kitchen cloth, or use a spatula or a knife blade to eliminate any residues.
It is normal for the refractory stone to become dark with use. This is typical of natural stone.

  • Make sure the appliance is disconnected from the main socket before cleaning it. Do not use detergents to clean the cooking base and do not pour cold water into the stone when it is still hot; the thermal shock might crack it.
  • Never dip the appliance into the water; electric parts might be damaged.
  • Never touch the cooking stone when the appliance is on and, when it is off, as long as it keeps being hot.
  • Important! When turning on the appliance, make sure the trays are not on the cooking base.


Basic pizza dough – To make good pizza dough at home use the following recipe: Ingredients for 500 g of dough: 300 g flour /25 g yeast / a pinch of salt / 1 glass of lukewarm water. Pour the flour onto the table in a heap, make a hollow in the center to form the “wall” and add a level teaspoonful of cooking salt. Crumble the yeast into a small glass of lukewarm water, pour it into the well a little at a time and start mixing. At the start, the dough will be soft and sticky, but it will become stiffer and more elastic as you knead it. Thump the dough hard against the table and press your wrists against it to make it smooth and even. When you have repeated this procedure many times, you will find that the dough comes away from your hands and the table easily; now forms a ball. Cut a cross on the top and leave to rise in a warm corner of the table, covered with a clean tea towel. Leave for about 2 hours, during which time the dough will double in size (this may take much less in hot, humid conditions). At this point, after rising, the dough may be kneaded again for a few minutes and used immediately, or frozen. If you are going to use it at once, before kneading you can add the oil of your choice. this will almost always be extra virgin olive oil, but in some special recipes, it may be lard or butter. If you decide to freeze the double, wrap it up in a freezer film and place it in the freezer. When you decide to use it, thaw it at room temperature and knead it for 5 minutes with a little oil.


Margherita (Mozzarella Cheese and Tomatoes) Ingredients to serve 4: 400 g bread dough / 2 tins peeled tomatoes 250 g each / 200 g pizza grade mozzarella cheese/oil to taste/salt. Drain and mash the peeled tomatoes. Slice the mozzarella. Spread out the paste evenly. Apply the peeled tomatoes leaving about 2 centimeters free all around the edge. Add salt and a little oil and place in the oven using the special wooden scoops. After 2/3 minutes of cooking time add the mozzarella and a little more oil and continue cooking for an additional 2 minutes. Capricciosa (Mushrooms, Artichokes, and Olives) Ingredients to serve 4: 400 g bread dough / 2 tins peeled tomatoes / 200 g mozzarella cheese / 10 artichoke hearts preserved in oil / 10 small mushrooms preserved in oil / 10 black olives/oil/salt /pepper to taste. Spread out the dough. Drain the peeled tomatoes, mash with a fork ancl spread over the pizza. Slice the mozzarella, cut the artichoke hearts and mushrooms in half and pit the olives, and arrange over the tomatoes. Add salt, pepper and a little oil and place in the oven, using the special wooden scoops. Cook for 4/5 minutes. Al Prosciutto e Funghi (Ham and Mushrooms) Ingredients to serve 4: 400 g bread dough / 2 tins peeled tomatoes / 3 slicer cooked ham / ten or so small mushrooms preserved in oil / 100 g mozzarella cheese/salt / oil. Drain the tomatoes well and mash. Chop the mozzarella and cut the mushrooms in half and the ham into strips. Spread out the pasta and cover it with the tomatoes and mozzarella, adding a little oil and salt to taste. Add the strips of ham followed by the mushrooms. Place in the oven using the special wooden scoops for 4/5 minutes.

Al gorgonzola e salsiccia (Gorgonzola and Italian Sausage)

Ingredients to serve 4: 350 g bread dough / 2 cups tomato purée / 150 g gorgonzola / 150 g fresh Italian sausage. Spread out the dough very thin. Spread the tomato over it, leaving two fingers wide around the edge, followed by the gorgonzola in small pieces and the skinned, crumbled sausage. Place in the oven using the special. wooden scoops, without adding salt or oil, and cook for 4/5 minutes.

Alla marinara (Seaside)

Ingredients to servve 4: 400 g bread dough / 2 tins peleed tomatoes / 2 spoonsflul origan / 2 cloves garlic / extra virgin olive oil / salt / pepper.
Drain and mash the peeled tomatoes. Cut the garlic into very thin slices. Spread the dough as thin as possible, leaving a slightly thicker strip around the edge. Add the well-drained tomatoes, leaving the edge clear, and place slices of garlic here and there. Dust with origin, add salt and pepper and a little oil and place in the oven using the special wooden scoops. Cook for 4/5 minutes.

Ai Funghi (Mushrooms)

Ingredients to serve 4: 400 g bread dough / 500 field or “porcini” (boletus edulis) mushrooms / 2 spoonsfulparsley / 1 clove gar1ic / 2 tins peeled tomatoes / 100 g mozzarella cheese / salt / pepper to taste. Clean and slice the mushrooms. Heat over a low flame with a little oil, garlic and parsley until they start to give off liquid. Cut the mozzarella into slices and drain and mash the peeled tomatoes. Spread the dough very thin and add the tomatoes, the mozzarella and last of all the mushrooms, taking care to leave a couple of centimeters free around the edge. Pour on a little oil and place in the oven using the special wooden scoops, ancl cook for 4/5 minutes.

Ai carciofi e prosciutto crudo (Artichokes and Parma ham)

Ingredients to serve 4: 400 g bread dough /100 g raw Parma ham /1 cup tomato purée / oil to taste/100 g pizza quality mozzarella cheese / 2 artichokes/salt.
Remix the dough with a little oil, cover and leave to rise. Remove the hard outer leaves and the upper section with the spines from the artichokes. Wash them, cut them into very thin slices and leave them in water with a slice of lemon. Cut the mozzarella into small pieces Spread out the dough and place the tomato purée, the mozzarella, and the well-drained artichokes on top. Add a little oil and place in the oven using the special scoops. Cook for 4/5 minutes. As soon as the pizza leaves the oven add the slices of Parma ham (which must not be straight out of the refrigerator) and serve.

Quattro stagoni (Four Seasons)

Ingredients to serve 4: 500 g bread dough / 2 tins peeled tomatoes / 200 g mozzarella / 50 g cooked ham/artichoke hearts and mushrooms preserved in oil to taste / l pinch origin. Drain the peeled tomatoes very well and mash with a fork. Slice the mozzarella. Cut the fat off the ham. Cut the mushrooms and artichoke hearts into halves. Spread out the dough and cover with the tomatoes ànd pieces of mozzarella. Salt. Divide the pizza into 4 in your mind’s eye and garnish one quarter with origin, one quarter with the slices of ham, one quarter with the mushrooms, and the last quarter with the artichoke hearts. Add olive oil and place in the oven. Remove from the oven after 4/5 minutes and serve.


Napoletana (Nagles)
Ingredients to serve 4: 400 g bread dough / 2 tins peeled tomatoes / 150 g pizza quality mozzarella cheese / 4/5 anchovy fillets / one spoonful origin/salt / olive oil.
Drain the peeled tomatoes well, cut the mozzarella into cubes and wash the anchovy fillets. Spread out the pasta and add the peeled tomatoes, leaving 2 centimeters around the edge. Add a little salt. Arrange the mozzarella cubes and the anchovy fillets symmetrically on the tomatoes. Pour on lots of olive oil and place in the oven using the special wooden scoops provided. Cook for 4/5 minutes. Sprinkle with oregano before serving.

Piadina romagnola (Romagna)

Ingredients to serve 4: 350 g flour / 100 g lard/salt/1ukewarm water. Mix the flour with the lard and a little salt, adding as much lukewarm water as necessary to obtain a dough of the normal pizza consistency. Knead for at least ten minutes, then divide into egg-size balls and spread into disks of dough no more than 3 millimeters thick. Dust each disk with flour to stop it from sticking. Cook the “piadine” one at a time, first on one side then on the other, patting them down flat with a fork. Add cheese or cooked or cured meats to taste and serve hot. Pugliese (Puglia) Ingredients to serve 4: 400 g bread dough / 1 large onion / 60g pecorino cheese / 2 tins peeled tomato /salt/pepper (if liked). Chop the onion, drain and mash the peeled tomatoes. Grate the pecorino into large flakes (as for carrots). Spread out the dough after remixing with a little oil. Dust with flour, add the chopped onion, peeled tomatoes, salt, pepper, and a little oi, and top with the pecorino cheese. Place in the oven using the special wooden scoops and cook for 4/5 minutes.

Romana (Rome)

Ingredients to serve 4: 400 g bread dough / 2 tins peeled tomatoes / 200 g mozzarella cheese / 4 anchovy fillets / 1 handful capers preserved in salt. Drain and mash the peeled tomatoes: wash the capers and anchovies thoroughly. Cut the fillets into little pieces and slice the mozzarella Spread the dough thin and add the peeled tomatoes to within 2 centimeters from the edge, salt very sparingly, adds the capers, the anchovy pieces, and a little oil, and place in the oven using the special wooden scoops Add the mozzarella after 2/3 minutes in the oven and continue cooking for a further 2 minutes.

Siciliana (Sicily)

Ingredients to serve 4: 500 g brad dough / 4 salted antibodies / 20 black olives with chili / one bunch Suresh basil / 1 cup tomato purée / 100 g mozzarella (if liked) / salt / oil to taste. Spread out the dough fairly thickly. Dust with flour, cover with a napkin, and put to one side. Wash and fillet the anchovies, wash the basil and remove the leaves, and chop the mozzarella. Place the mozzarella on the dough followed by the tomato, the basil leaves, the anchovies, and the black olives. Add a little oil and cook for 5/6 minutes,
taking care that it does not burn around the edge. The dough should be thick and well risen.

Notes for the product waste disposal worthy for the European community
Don’t dispose of the product as a solid urban waste but into the appropriate collecting facility. It is possible to dispose of the product as waste by returning it back to the distributor and purchasing a new product equivalent to the one returned. Abandoning waste products in the ambient may cause serious environmental damage. In case the product is battery fuelled, it is necessary to take the batteries off and dispose of them as waste in a separate and appropriate container because they are highly toxic. The symbol represents an urban trash bin and it is seriously forbidden to put electrical appliances in these containers. The outlet on the market, from July 1 2006, of products not responding to the L.D. 151 of 25/07/2005 ( RoHS RAEE directive) is subject to administrative sanctions. After-sales service is given by the retailer or by the importer / distributor of G3 FERRARI products.

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