V60 Coffee Supreme Brew User Guide

June 15, 2024
Coffee Supreme

V60 Coffee Supreme Brew

Product Information


  • Product Name : Coffee Supreme Brew Guide
  • Product Type : Coffee Brewing Guide
  • Contents : Instructions for various coffee brewing methods

Product Usage Instructions

Before We Start
The following tips should be followed before starting the coffee brewing process

  1. Tip #1: The quality of the beans is crucial for a good cup of coffee. It is recommended to use high-quality beans specifically roasted for your preferred brewing method.
  2. Tip #2: Use coffee aged to the roaster’s recommendation. Consult with your local specialty roaster for their suggestions.
  3. Tip #3: Invest in a good grinder to ensure freshly ground coffee before brewing.
  4. Tip #4: Use a timer and digital scales to weigh both the coffee and brewing water accurately.
  5. Tip #5: Store coffee away from light, air, and temperature extremes to maintain its freshness.
  6. Tip #6: Clean your brew gear after each use to prevent coffee oils from sticking and affecting the taste of future brews.

The Golden Ratio
The recommended ratio for brewing filter coffee is 60g of freshly ground coffee for every liter of water. This ratio is based on the Specialty Coffee Association of America’s Golden Ratio. However, you can adjust the ratio according to your personal taste preferences.

Water 250ml 500ml 750ml 1L 1.5L 2L
Coffee 15g 30g 45g 60g 90g 120g

The Grind

Recommended Grinders

  • PORLEX TALL COFFEE GRINDER – A portable, hard-wearing coffee grinder.
  • HARIO COFFEE MILL – CERAMIC SLIM – An ultra-portable hand-powered coffee grinder.

Grind Settings
The correct grind size is essential for the brewing method. Here are three common grind settings

  • Fine: Similar to flour, best suited for espresso and stovetop brewing methods.
  • Medium
  • Coarse


  • Q: Can I use any type of coffee beans?
    A: It is recommended to use high-quality beans specifically roasted for your preferred brewing method. Consult with your local specialty roaster for their suggestions.

  • Q: How should I store my coffee to maintain freshness?
    A: Keep your coffee away from light, air, and temperature extremes to prolong its freshness.

  • Q: Do I need a timer and digital scales for brewing coffee?
    A: Using a timer and digital scales is recommended for accurate measurement and consistent results.

Making a great cup of coffee can be easy — whether you’re at home, in the office or out in nature with your enamelware and kindling.
The Coffee Supreme Brew Guide brings together simple recipes and tips for some of the more well-known ways of making coffee. We’ll have you making a great cup of coffee in no time.


  1. Tip #1
    The most influential factor in the quality of your coffee is the beans themselves. Good beans, good cup. If you can’t get your hands on a bag of Supreme, try something from your local specialty roaster. Make sure you buy coffee roasted for your brew method.

  2. Tip #2
    For the best results, we suggest using coffee aged to the roaster’s recommendation. This can vary so you should ask them what they suggest. If you have whole beans then make sure to grind them just before brewing.

  3. Tip #3
    If you’ve gone to the trouble of buying some nice brew gear, we highly recommend investing in a good grinder to go with it.

  4. Tip #4
    To follow these recipes, we’d also recommend using a timer and a good set of digital scales to weigh both your coffee and your brewing water.

  5. Tip #5
    To help prolong the freshness of your coffee keep it away from light, air and temperature extremes (challenging if you’re ascending Everest, but probably not your biggest problem).

  6. Tip #6
    Lastly, clean up your brew gear after each use, no matter what it is, glass, plastic, gold. Coffee oils stick to everything. Keep clean equipment for tasty brews every time.


  • Just like with cooking, if you can follow a simple recipe, you can easily produce something tasty. In most cases, we base our recipes for each brew method on the SCAA’s* Golden Ratio for brewing filter coffee.
  • We recommend a ratio of 60g of freshly ground coffee for every litre of water. This is a good place to start, but you can fine-tune your recipe to suit your taste.
  • Check out the table below — here you’ll find some suggested brewing ratios of hot water to ground coffee for you to use. These ratios are a great starting point. However, you might like to tweak these numbers to suit your taste.
  • Specialty Coffee Association of America — regarded by many as the international authority on coffee.


If your coffee is either over or under extracting (brewing too slow or too fast), the chances are that you have the incorrect grind for your brew method.

To start you off, here are three of the common grind settings we refer to through this Brew Guide

  • Fine
    Like flour. Best suited for espresso and stovetop.

  • Medium
    Like table salt. Generally suited to paper filters such as Aero Press.

  • Coarse
    Like raw sugar. Generally suited to mesh filters such as a plunger.


This recipe is designed for any stovetop coffee maker.


    The humble Stovetop is our go-to for making fresh Italian-style coffee at home.
    Invented in the roaring 20s, Alfonso Bialetti’s stovetop espresso machines are, in our opinion, the best on the market.
    They’re easy to use and produce rich, full-bodied coffee in minutes.

  • Hot Tip
    If you like milk with your coffee, you can include this in the top compartment before putting it on the heat.

  • Pro Tip
    Never use detergent to clean your stovetop. All it needs is hot water and a nice sponge to help extend the life of the seal.


3 Cup Recipe

    130ml at 96˚C (205˚F)

    17 medium ground

    5 mins
    6 Cup Recipe

    270ml at 96˚C ( 205˚F)

    28g coarse ground

    6 mins


  • Step One
    Fill the bottom chamber with hot water. Hot water reduces the brewing time and less chance of the coffee over-extracting.

  • Step Two
    Evenly spread your favourite Supreme espresso to the top funnel. Do not pack down.

  • Step Three
    Screw the top section tightly to the base and place on high heat with the lid open.

  • Step Four
    Once the coffee starts to extract, reduce the heat to medium and remove from heat immediately once the pot is full.
    Voila, you now have authentic Italian-style espresso at home.


This recipe is designed for the Bodum Chambord Plunger, but can be used on any plunger.


    This oft-neglected but ubiquitous brewing device, can be found at the back of almost everyone’s kitchen cupboard.
    The plunger or ‘french press’ doesn’t seem to have been swept up in the modern filter brewing zeitgeist but definitely deserves a place in the conversation alongside your Chemex and AeroPress. It’s tried and true.
    Press with pride.

  • Hot Tip
    Heat your plunger with hot water before brewing. This will help achieve a more stable brew temperature.


3 Cup Recipe

    330ml at 96˚C (205˚F)

    20g coarse ground

    5 mins
    8 Cup Recipe

    850ml at 96˚C ( 205˚F)

    51g coarse ground

    5 mins


  • Step One
    Place the coffee grounds in the plunger and pour half the brew water on top.

  • Step Two
    Dunk the floating grounds with a spoon to ensure all the coffee is wet.

  • Step Three
    Add remaining water and plunge down slightly to keep all coffee grounds immersed. Put the timer on for 5 minutes.

  • Step Four
    At 5 minutes, finish plunging the coffee grounds and immediately pour the finished brew into cups or a warmed vessel.
    And, you’ve made yourself a delicious pot of Joe.


This recipe is designed for the Freieling Gold Coffee Filter.


    • Freiling’s Gold Filter offers convenience and consistency every time you brew your coffee.
    • The magic is in the 24-carat gold-plated micro-foil metal filter that allows coffee to develop its full flavour without influencing the taste during the filtration process.
    • Perfect for those who do not want to compromise on taste while wanting as little fuss as possible. This is as easy as it gets for great coffee making.
  • Hot Tip
    • If your coffee brews faster or slower than what is suggested in the recipe, try adjusting the grind (finer if too fast or coarser if too slow). If you are using really fresh coffee, grind it a little further in advance to allow the coffee to de-gas.


1 Cup Recipe

    250ml at 93˚C / 199˚F

    15g medium ground

    2-3 mins


  • Step One
    Start with placing the gold filter brewer on top of a decent sized mug.

  • Step Two
    Put your ground coffee into the bottom mesh compartment.

  • Step Three
    Place the infuser into the bottom compartment and add water, filling up to the black line near the top lip.

  • Step Four
    Allow the water to flow through until the infuser is empty.

  • Step Five
    Remove the brewer once the infuser is drained of water.
    And, you’ve got yourself a delicious cup of coffee.

This recipe is designed for the Aerobie AeroPress.


    • The AeroPress was developed by American inventor Alan Adler who conducted hundreds of brewing experiments in search of the perfect cup.
    • He concluded that proper temperature, total immersion and rapid filtering were key to extracting the best flavour from coffee.
    • This method is a favourite amongst travellers and the time poor due to its compact design and usability.
  • Hot Tip
    • You’ll notice the instructions that come with an AeroPress are a little different. We have found that the inverted method gives the best results. However you can use the same recipe with the standard brewing technique.


1 Cup Recipe

    200ml at 96˚C / 205˚F)

    14g medium ground

    2 mins


  • Step One
    Fit the plunger into the chamber, so the rubber seal lines up with the top of the number 4. Then stand it upside down with the hexagonal end facing up.

  • Step Two
    Place an AeroPress paper filter into the black diffuser disk and rinse with hot water.

  • Step Three
    Place ground coffee into the chamber and add the 200g of water. Give the grounds and water a stir to ensure all the grounds are wet. Lock disc and filter into place on top and let it brew for 90 seconds.

  • Step Four
    Carefully turn the AeroPress over onto your mug and press the plunger down until all water and air has been expelled.

And you’re done! CHEMEX
This recipe is designed for the Chemex.


Hot Tip
Try to add the water in one continuous pour, keeping the water level topped up until it has all been added. If your coffee brews faster or slower than what is suggested in the recipe, try adjusting the grind (finer if too fast or coarser if too slow).

    The Chemex brews an exceptionally clean cup, much of which is owed to its heavy paper filter, which delivers a purity
    of flavour by allowing the best aromatics to pass while trapping undesirable elements in the paper. The Chemex is perfect for brewing filter coffee for a small group.

    3 Cup Recipe

    350ml at 96˚C (205˚F)

    21g medium ground

    3:30–4 mins
    8 Cup Recipe

    675ml at 96˚C (205˚F)

    41g medium ground

    4:30–5 mins


  • Step One
    Heat the entire Chemex by filling it with hot water, then empty it.

  • Step Two
    Place the Chemex paper filter cone in the top with the double layered side of the filter on the side of the spout. Rinse thoroughly with hot water. This will remove paper taints and heat the vessel at the same time.

  • Step Three
    Carefully pour out the rinse water ensuring the filter stays in place.

  • Step Four
    Drop your ground coffee into the filter. For every 1g of coffee add 2g of water. The hot water will react with the fresh grounds and expand, this is called the ‘bloom’.

  • Step Five
    Stir the bloom just enough to ensure all the coffee is wet.

  • Step Six
    Slowly add the remaining water, pouring in small circles over the centre of the coffee. Fill to the top of the Chemex (the top of the filter may sit slightly above the glass so be careful not to overfill).

  • Step Seven
    As the water draws down, gently stir. A slight dome should form in the coffee bed. You’re done when the filter stops dripping.

  • And you’re done!

This recipe is designed for the Hario V60.


Hot Tip
As with the Chemex method, try to add the water in one continuous pour, keeping the water level topped up until it has all been added. If your coffee brews faster or slower than what is suggested in the recipe, try adjusting the grind (finer if too fast or coarser if too slow).

The origins of the cone filter date back to the turn of the 20th Century, when Melitta Bentz received a patent on her first filter design in Berlin, Germany. Later in the 1930s, Melitta’s design was revisited with the tapering of the filter device to create the now ubiquitous cone shape.


1 Cup Recipe

    250ml at 96˚C ( 205˚F)

    15g medium ground

    2–2:30 mins
    2 Cup Recipe

    500ml at 96˚C (205˚F)

    30g medium ground

    3 mins


  • Step One
    Place the cone on top of the vessel you want to brew coffee into. Put the paper filter in the cone and rinse the paper filter thoroughly with hot water – this heats the cone and the collection vessel. Tip out the rinse water.

  • Step Two
    Drop your ground coffee into the filter and pour 2g of your brew water for every 1g of coffee. The hot water will react with the fresh grounds and bloom (expand).

  • Step Three
    Stir the bloom just enough to ensure all the coffee is wet.

  • Step Four
    Now slowly add the remaining water pouring in small circles over the centre of the slurry. Fill to the top of the cone.

  • Step Five
    As the water draws down, gently give a final stir following the downward direction of the rifled sides. A slight dome should form in the coffee bed. Once the filter has stopped dripping the coffee is brewed.
    And you’re done!

This recipe is designed for the Moccamaster.

Hot Tip
We recommend using the Technivorm Moccamaster. For other machines use the golden ratio to determine a coffee dose. To enhance extraction some machines call for agitating the coffee once it’s wet (sneak this in after step 4).

There are a plethora of filter machines on the market now that produce beautifully brewed coffee, rather than the stewed office swill that they are more commonly associated with.
This new generation, like the Technivorm Moccamaster, heats and delivers water in a far more accurate fashion than their predecessors, making them an excellent and fuss-free option for making a whole lot of great coffee.

    1.25L Recipe

    1.25L cold

    75g medium ground

    6:30 mins


  • Step One
    Preheat the thermos jug with hot water.

  • Step Two
    Fit the filter inside filter pan and distribute ground coffee evenly into the filter then place into the machine.

  • Step Three
    Fill water tank with 1.25l of fresh, cold, filtered water.

  • Step Four
    Empty out thermos jug, insert ‘brew through lid’ and place underneath the machine.

  • Step Five
    Turn machine on and allow coffee to brew through into the jug.

  • Step Six
    Once the brew cycle has finished, turn machine off, take out the brewing lid and replace with screw on lid for serving.
    And you’ve got yourself a fresh pot of coffee.

This recipe is designed for when you don’t have any of the above — we’d reccomend and good glass vessel like a Pyrex jug.

Caught you at your ma ‘n’ law’s with naught but a bag of Coffee Supreme and no gear to speak of? No worries, let’s get creative…


Hot Tip
Sometimes you’ve just got to do what you can.


    96˚C ( 205˚F)

    Use the Golden Ratio (1:17). So that’s 12g of whole bean coffee, medium ground, for every 200ml of water

    3–5 mins


Step One
Place the coffee grounds into your vessel, a large cup, small bowl, or a server should do the trick.
Step Two
Pour hot water over the grounds, ensuring all coffee is fully saturated, and the vessel is filled with the correct amount of water. Let it steep for no less than 3 mins and no longer than 5 mins.
Step Three
Take a spoon and scrape off any grounds that have floated to the of the water.
Step Four
If you can find a fine tea strainer in the house, then pour the coffee through this, and into your mug, to remove more grinds.
And that’s how you conjure a coffee with no gear.

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