SUPERLIFT Untitled-1 Hand Pallet Truck Instruction Manual

June 14, 2024

SUPERLIFT Untitled-1 Hand Pallet Truck

Do not use the Hand Pallet Truck before reading and understanding this operating instructions


  1. Do not operate this truck unless you have been trained and authorized to do so.
  2. Do not operate this truck until you have read and understood all of the safety information and instructions contained herein and on the truck.
  3. Do not operate this truck until you have checked its condition. Give special attention to wheels, controls and lifting systems, including steering mechanism, guards and safety devices.
  4. Report the need for truck repairs to your supervisor immediately and do not operate truck until repairs are made. Neglect may cause a minor repair to become a major service problem and cause the truck to become unsafe.
  5. Do not load truck beyond capacity shown on serial name plate on truck.
  6. Do not lift with the fork tips or one fork only.
  7. This equipment is designed for evenly centered loads with forks completely supporting the load. Off-centering of loads can result in a dangerous operating condition and may cause damage or injury.
  8. Always look in direction of travel. Use caution when visibility is obstructed by load.
  9. Extreme caution must be used when handling loosely stacked/packaged loads.
  10. Watch swing clearance when turning near walls, racks, pillars or other obstacles.
  11. Start, stop, change direction and travel smoothly. Slow down for turns and on uneven or slippery surfaces that cause truck to slide or tip. Be aware that the truck behaves differently without a load than with a load.
  12. Observe applicable traffic regulations. Yield right of way to pedestrians.
  13. Do not ride on this equipment.
  14. Do not carry passengers or lift personnel.
  15. Before you leave the truck, fully lower lifting mechanism.


  • The manufacturer assumes no liability for damage or injury to persons or property which has occurred as a result of defects or faults in the hand pallet trucks delivered or due to incorrect use. The manufacturer also assumes no liability for lost profits, operating down times, or similar indirect losses which the buyer has incurred. Damage to third parties, irrespective of its nature, is not subject to compensation
  • The operating instructions are not subject to notification of amendment. The descriptions and illustrations included in our operating instructions and replacement parts list are not binding. In the interests of further development, we reserve the right to make any changes at any time to the modules, components and accessories which we deem to be expedient, or for technical reasons, while retaining the essential features of the models described here


  1. The waste packages should be sorted and put into solid dustbins according to the materials and be collected and dispose by local special  environment protection bureau. To avoid pollution, it’s forbidden to throw away the wastes randomly.
  2. To avoid leaking during the use of the product, the user should prepare some absorbable materials (scraps of wooden or dry duster cloth) to  absorb the leaking oil in time. To avoid second pollution to the  environment, the used absorbable materials should be handed in to  special departments in terms of local authorities


Warranty claims shall be voided in case.

  • Our conditions in the operation manual are ignored.
  • The equipment is used outside the described uses.
  • The equipment is modified or opened.
  • Mechanical damage and damage caused by media, liquids.
  • Natural wear and tear.

The guarantee includes material and assembly defects on parts which prove to be incorrect or inadequate for normal use when tested by the m anufacturer and which are returned to manufacturer free of charge within the guaranteed period of 12 months.
Thank you very much for choosing a QUALITY product. For future referenc e , please complete the owner’s record below.
Serial No. : __ Purchase Date : ___
Save the receipt, warranty and these instructions. It is important that you read the entire manual to become familiar with this product before you begin using it.


ITEM Ref. UNIT SS-2500
Capacity Kgs 2500
Min. Fork Height A mm 85
Max. Fork Height B mm 200
Min. Truck Height C mm 410
Handle Height D mm 1210
Fork Width E mm 160
Admit Between Forks F mm 220/230/365
Fork Overall Width G mm 540/550/685
Fork Length H mm 900/1150/1220
Overall Length I mm 1300/1550/1620
Wheels mm ø180×50
Fork Rollers mm ø80×70




The hand pallet truck is to be carefully checked at the manufacturer’s plant before shipment. In order to ensure that no damage has occurred during transport, the hand pallet truck should be checked upon receipt for transport damage and to ensure correct operation. Damage due to transport is to be listed on the signed copy on the freight document. The freight forwarder must be notified of any damage within 48 hours. Damaged hand pallet trucks must
not be put into use.


The hand pallet truck is designed for the horizontal transportation of loads on a level, fixed base. The load must be evenly distributed on pallets or similar receptacles. The ideal loading mode is that the gravity center of heavy goods is at the central position of the fork. The maximum load-carrying capacity is shown on the appropriate designation plate and on the load sticker on the hand pallet truck. When there exists defective load, the rated carrying capacity shall be reduced. If the load on the forks is one sided, there is a risk of the forks bending or the load slipping off. Supporting or shifting the load with the fork tips is to be avoided in all cases as this results in damage to the appliance. In order to preserve the wheels and chassis the hand pallet truck must not be driven over very uneven ground.


The hand pallet truck is equipped with a permanently set pressure-limiting valve which permit a maximum load of 5 % of the nominal load. The screw plug on
the pressure control valve is secured so as to avoid inappropriate manipulation from the operating personnel. In order to avoid damage to the goods being transported and the means of transport, the load must be supported evenly. If the load is unevenly distributed the pressure limiting valve will not function. When driving on down-grades the load is to be secured to prevent it from slip ping or sliding off the hand pallet truck, (e.g. additional operating personnel). In addition to this, only hand pallet trucks with a service and parking brake are to be used on down-grades up to approx 6 %.
Journeys on inclines or down-grades of more than 6 % are always to be avoided. Safe transport cannot be guaranteed when the center of gravity of the load has altered.


Transporting with tall loads, (e.g. machines) changes the center of gravity of the load so unfavourably that the complete hand pallet truck including the load, goes out of control and may overturn on a curve. Loading, (e.g. onto a truck or mobile loading ramps) should be regarded in particular as likely occasions for accidents. During such activities the hand pallet truck is to be secured with particular care.
Conveying persons or using the hand pallet truck as a form of roller skate is not permissible. Foodstuffs are only to be transported in packed form. Direct contact with the hand pallet truck is to be avoided.
The accident prevention regulations for industrial trucks and the safety regulations and accident prevention regulations applicable to the user are also to be complied with.


Individual trucks are assembled and ready to use. Pallet trucks purchased in crate quantities (6 units to a crate) require some assembly. Tools Needed for Assembly are Hammer, Spanner and Allen Keys.SUPERLIFT-Untitled-1-Hand-
Pallet-Truck-fig- \(4\)


  1. After finishing the assembly of the pallet truck, try to shake it and operate the unit in different positions using the hand lever, to see whether the lifting, neutral position and lowering the pallet truck operates properly.
  2. The outer hexagonal nut (Fig. 3) at release location (P.No. 323) is used for locking, and must be loosened before any adjustment and must be tightened after adjustment. If the pallet truck is raised and the pallet truck immediately descends, turn screw bolt (P.No. 324) anti-clockwise a little at a time and test the pallet truck until normal lifting has occurred. If the pallet truck cannot be lowered after lifting, turn screw bolt (P.No.324) clockwise a little at a time and test the pallet truck until normal lowering has occurred. After adjustments lock outer hexagonal nut (P.No. 323) at release location back into place.


To raise the forks, push lever down and pump the handle to the desired height. To lower forks, pull lever up. The lever is spring loaded and will move to the neutral position. To freely move the handle, set the lever in the center neutral position.


  1. Lower forks to lowest position.
  2. Insert forks under load or into pallet.
  3. Push the lever down.
  4. Move handle up and down until forks reach desired height.


  1. Place lever in center neutral position.
  2. Pull or push to desired location.


  1. Pull lever up.
  2. Pull forks away from load.


Check the oil level annually by removing (P.No.327) screw. When changing or adding oil, fill the tank through (P.No.327) screw hole. to 80% capacity with hydraulic oil (Hydrol 32 Grade Oil). There are some points located on the truck. Grease these points on a semi-annual basis. Lightly oil all moving parts periodically.


  1. Only qualified and trained personnel are allowed to do service on this truck.
  2. Before servicing the truck, remove the load and lower the forks to the lowest position.
  3. Completely immobilize the pallet truck before working on components that might pinch fingers or hands if movement were allowed.
  4. Use approved and from your dealer released original spare parts.
  5. Please consider that oil leakage of hydraulic fluid can cause failures and accidents.
  6. It is allowed to adjust the pressure valve only from trained technicians.
  7. All bushings and bearings have been lubricated at the factory. to increase their life, regular maintenance is recommended. Using the appropriate grease for the application and lubricate each grease fitting every 6 months.
  8. Harsh environments may require more frequent maintenance.
  9. If there is need to change the wheels, Buy form the manufacturer’s suitable spares.




| The forks can’t be lifted to the maximum


| X| Hydraulic oil is not enough.| X| Add recommend working oil.


| The forks can’t return to the lowest position| X| Too much hydraulic oil| X| Take out appropriate working oil
X| Rotation parts are out of shape.| X| Replace the parts.


| ****

Pallet Truck does not lower after lifting

| X| The Piston Rod or Pump Body is deformed resulting from partial loading, slanting to one side or over-loading.| X| Replace the piston rod or pump body.
X| The forks were kept in the high position for long time with piston rod bared to arise in rusting and jamming of the rod.| X| Keep the fork in the lowest position if not using, and pay more attention to lubricate the rod.
X| The adjusting nut or screw is not in the correct position.| X| Adjust the nut or screw.


| ****

Pallet Truck does not lift.

| X| The impurities in the oil causes the valve unable to close.| X| Clear up impurity and replace with new working oil.
X| No oil or air in hydraulic


| X| Fill oil or ventilate air by

pumping in release position.

X| The adjusting nut or screw is not in the correct position.| X| Adjust the nut or screw.


| ****

Hydraulic oil leakage.

| X| Seals are damaged.| X| Replace the seals.
X| There is a breakage or abrasion on the surface of hydraulic parts.| X| Replace the parts.
X| Pump parts are loose.| X| Fasten the loosened parts.


| Pallet Truck lifts but goes down after each pumping.| X| The valve cartridge of pump is got blocked or cartridge

seals damage.

| X| Open valve cartridge of pump and clean valve or replace the

cartridge seals.



Air may find its way into the pump during transportation, tilting or usage on uneven ground. It can result in not elevating forks whilst pumping in the Raise  position. The air can be removed in the following way, Move the control handle  to the Lower position, then move the tiller down several times. Thereafter normal operation can be resumed


  1. Please read the operation instruction carefully before you operate the hand  pallet truck and learn about all the features of this types of hand pallet trucks.
  2. If you want to let the trucks down by controlling the hand knob, you should better lift the hand knob a little at first ,and then let the truck down slowly. It is forbidden to pull the handle knob with great force because rapid dropping could cause some damages to both the hand pallet and cargo.
  3. Don’t rock the hand grip at a high speed and in a high frequency.
  4. Don’t load the cargo at a high speed.
  5. Do not overload the forks .overloading could keep the hand pallet trucks from working normally.
  6. The gravity centre of cargo should be in the middle of the truck forks.The offset of cargo could make hand pallet truck out of balance.
  7. Don’t load loose or unstable goods.
  8. Don’t put the goods on the trucks forks for long time.
  9. It is forbidden to load people and let them stand on the forks to slide. Don’t put any parts of the body below the cargo.
  10. Do not operate the unnamed position.
  11. The truck shall be used , serviced, and repaired according to the manufacturer’s requirements and shall not be modified or have attachments fitted without ensuring that truck is still safe.
  12. Do not use the hand pallet truck at an insufficient illuminated place!
  13. Do not park the hand pallet truck by turning the hand grip to the right!
  14. Do not use the hand pallet truck as a bumper jack!
  15. The extremity of fork arms shall not be used as a lever to lift load!
  16. It is forbidden to use the truck at places where a risk of unintentional movements exists.
  17. It is forbidden to contact the truck with goods or cargo directly!
  18. Do not use the hand pallet trucks in a potentially explosive atmosphere!
  19. During the operation of the hand pallet truck,the operator should pay more attention to the feet and any body part so as to avoid the risk of being crushed.
  20. The trucks shall be used, serviced and repaired according to the manufacturer’s requirements.


The routine check should be carried out daily and every abnormal phenomenon should be dealt with immediately. Please do not use faulty truck in order to prolong the service life .If there are any faults, please consult the professional. If it is necessary to replace the parts, the new parts should be provided by the original manufacturer. All the rotary joints should renew the motor oil every three months. Especially pay more attention to the place between wheel and axis. Make sure that there is not any yarn or other rags in order to keep all wheels running with handiness. After the maintenance and upkeep, please record in the list below.






P. No. Description Qty. Remark
200 Fork Frame 1
201 Bolt 1
202 Rocker Arm 1
203 Circlip 2
204 Frame Shaft 1
205 Tie Joint 2
206 Pin 2
207 Retaining Ring 8
208 Tie Rod 2
209 Pin 2
210 Elastic Pin 12
211 Shaft 2
212 Roller Bracket 2
213 Tandem Mounting 4
214 Roller Shaft 4
215 Load Roller 4
216 Bearing 8
217 Bolt 2
218 Entry Roller 2
219 Nut 2




P. No. Description Qty. Remark
300 Pump Body 1
301 Pump Piston 1
302 Spring Cap 1
303 Spring 1
304 Dust Ring 1
305 Seal 1
306 Pump Cylinder 1
307 Sealing 1
308 Elastic Pin 4
309 Handle Axel 1
310 Bearing Cover 2
311 Retaining Ring 2
312 Bearing 4
313 Wheel 2
314 Retaining Ring 2
315 Pin 1
316 Nut 1
317 Bolt 1
318 Valve Plug 1
319 O Ring 2
320 Spring 1
321 Valve Insert 1
322 Valve Body 1
323 Steel Ball 1
324 Spring 1
325 Guide Nut 1
326 O Ring 1
327 Release Spool 1
328 O Ring 2
329 Bearing 1
330 Retaining Ring 1
331 Traverse 1
332 Traverse Pin 2
333 Wheel Axel 1
334 Nut 1
335 Screw 1
336 Release Lever 1
337 Bolt 1
338 O Ring 1
339 Pump Nut 1
340 O Ring 1
341 Dust Ring 1
342 Seal 1
343 Piston Rod 1
344 Steel Ball 1

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