Active pixel AUTO-Pair Wireless System 8 Channel HD Wireless User Manual

June 14, 2024
Active pixel

Active pixel AUTO-Pair Wireless System 8 Channel HD Wireless


Thanks for purchasing from us. Please Contact us whenever you need help. This Manual is applicable for WI Fl NVR KIT, specific to the product kind prevail. Only a few introductions for product operations are included, for more information, please read the CD. Our company will update this manual introduction as the product’s functions have been improved and update the product and programs as described. The new information will be added in a new edition, which will not be informed of again.

Interface Introductions

Camera B3 tail circuit


Note : among network ports 2, the one on the bottom right corner is used for NVR to be connected with LAN and the other three ports are used for connecting to the camera. The ports cannot be misused.

Boot Up

HDD installation (skip this if you don’t need storage.)

  1. install fixed screw for HDD
  2. HDD data line and power the connection. Note: professional secure HDD like WD, or Seagate is advised.
  3. 2boot up Connect to power with the matched adapter in the kit, NVR boots up, and then connect to monitor, network cable and mouse according to interface introductions.


  1. Use a matched adapter to avoid abnormal situations or damage.
  2. Shut down the power switch (some might have power switches)
  3. System Login Before operating and setting users must log in and the system provides the corresponding functions with the user preview. There are two use settings. The names are admin and guest without password. The login page is as below. Please change the password as soon as you log in.Active-pixel-AUTO-Pair-Wireless-System-8-Channel-HD-Wireless-fig-4.

WIFI Configuration

WIFI code matching When NVR boots up, Through the local mouse click on the preview screen to display the shortcut menu, go to (boot screen) or (WIFI setting) display WIFI setting interface, connect the front camera by clicking (WIFI code matching) at the bottom right corner. If the camera has succeeded in being conceded, its information will be shown in the WIFI devices list.

Note: After kicking the “WIFI Code Matching” button, please cut off the power to the camera and restart it.Active-pixel-AUTO-Pair-Wireless-System-8

Wired code matching The camera is connected to the NVR WAN port by wire directly. When the camera boots up, it will do the code matching automatically and add it to the NVR channel. After code matching, unplug the cable, the camera will be connected to NVR via WIFI.

Network Settings

Go to (Main Menu) > (Network), as follows: [IP address]: default is [Subnet Mask]: default is [Gateway]: default is

IP address of NVR must share the same networking segment with the router, and confirm to this IP instead of conflicting with other IP to ensure the device access to the network. You can else. Use “obtain an IP address automatically” so that NVR can get a dynamic IP (router is needed to have DHCP service.)

Recording Settings

  • boot up the NVR, when accessing to the disk for the first time, the system will prompt format click; Please format disk.

  • Go to [Main Menu]>[Record Con!.] to do record settings
    Note: AT least one read-write disk is

  • [Channel]: Choose the corresponding channel number. Choose the “All” option to set entire channels

  • [Mode]: set video state.

  • [Length]: Video mode for the configuration set when ordinary video time, within the set time will start the video.

  • [Record type] : set record type.


There are two ways for you to play the video files in the HOD

  1. in the right shortcut menu
  2. [Main Menu]>[Record]>[Playback] The playback interface is as follows:

Note: The HDD that saves the video files must be set as read-write or read-only state.Active-pixel-AUTO-Pair-Wireless-System-8-Channel-HD-

Double-click the file name to play the video.

Lan Access

  1. IE access Open IE browser, enter IE address, take as an example, and input http:/1192.168.1.9 to connect Enter the user name and password. (default user name is admin, no password). Change the administrator password timely after login and remember it. After login, through [stream menu] choose main stream or auxiliary stream connection to preview images, through [pan-tilt menu] control the rotation of the IP camera to change times, focus, preset cruise between point and point
    Plug-ins need lobe installed if you log in via IE browser IE defaults to intercept plugin. Please set IE security level. Go to-< security>–-, enable them all. Or go to our official install IE Plug-in_vx.x.x.exe via CD.

  2. Client access Open CD, double-click the Setup. Exe open CD bootloader, through the [English]>[Tools]>[CMS client] install the network video management software, after installation will generate a CMS in the desktop shortcuticon.

  3. Double-click on the CMS shortcut icon to open the client, enter the default login name supper, the password is empty on the client.

  4. Through [system setting] in the [main menu]>[monitory point management], a network camera is added to the client and on the screen, choose according to the IP address, domain name, clouds and ARSP to add network camera to the client, after that network camera will display in the device channel. Adding by searching and manual are supported when adding according to IP address. But only manual adding is supported in other ways.

  5. Search: Click [IP search] and display the IP addresses within the same LAN. Choose one IP address and click [ok] lo finish adding.
    Note: adding by searching is only supported when adding according to IP address.

  6. Manually add: fill in the input box to add a network camera device name, IP address, domain name or serial number etc., the click [ok] to finish adding.
    Note: adding according to the domain name clouds and ARSP needs a network camera connected to the public network through which to access the network camera.

  7. Double-click within the [equipment channel display] to add the name of the webcam to the popup channel name, and right-click the name of the channel to choose mainstream or auxiliary stream to preview images.

  8. through [pan-tilt menu] control the rotation of the IP camera to change times focus, preset cruise between point and point

Public Network Access

Cloud technology realizes on step on the internet, which greatly facilitates the customers in public network monitoring. For first use, please start here. If not just skip.

PC access

  1. Enter http://xmeye.neV
  2. Install step by step according to the guides
  3. Click login to enter cloud service interface as follows:Active-pixel-AUTO-Pair-Wireless-System-8-Channel-HD-Wireless-fig-13
  4. After successful configuration, wherever and when ever you are, as long as you can surf the internet, you can get access to the device. PC monitoring: Login to; login with a user name and password (user name: guest, password: 123)
  5. Device list is on the left, click the device to preview. 9.2 Mobile Access network environment: wifi, 3G, 4G Software name: XmEye android, Xmeye-lOS software download: android, app store.Active-pixel-AUTO-Pair-Wireless-System-8-Channel-HD-Wireless-fig-14
  6. Open the mobile client as shown in the photo above left,Anew user can register a new user name by clicking on the “register” button. if you already have a user ID, please enter the correct user name and password login directly, as shown in the above right after a successful login. Click the two-dimension code on the right side of the serial number box to add NVR quickly by scanning the local guide or WEB client cloud two-dimension code.

NVR local intercom can be connected and you can review videos and s c reen shots files stored on the local hard disks remotely.

Product Warranty Card


Warranty period: one year. The warranty card only applies for the products you bought from us. Please take care of it to get more efficient and better service.




Tips one: Go to search and download “XM Eye” in Google and AppStore

The device is added successfully, Click on the device icon, Can watch videos online.

  1. Click on the device name
  2. Select device channel
  3. Start Preview

Tips two: Scan QR code to download.


Open the XMEye application.

  1. Register (User registration according to the prompt to complete the new account registration.)
  2. Cloud Login (Enter the user name and password and click Cloud Login.)
  3. Remote Playback Active-pixel-AUTO-Pair-Wireless-System-8-Channel-HD-Wireless-fig-23

Click “+” at the right top corner to add a device.

  1. choose “Manual Add”
  2. Enter”Device Name”
  3. Enter “Serial Number” (Or click the QR code to scan and enter “Serial Number”.)
  4. Username (Default is admin)

Add the “Serial Number” through NVR

  1. APP download
  2. Check that the NAT status is “Connected”.
  3. Serial Number
  4. Obtain the “Serial Number” through the Qr code.


fig-24 Active-pixel-AUTO-
Pair-Wireless-System-8-Channel-HD-Wireless-fig-26 Active-pixel-AUTO-Pair-Wireless-System-8-Channel-HD-

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