HILTI MSP-FR Schweizer SMS Metering Instruction Manual

June 13, 2024

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Hilti MSP-FR installation system
Installation instructions

Notes on these instructions

| Carrying out an individual operation.
1.| Carrying out more than one operation.
2.| Result of an operation.
| Observe additional information.
| Audible clicking sound.
| N.B.: detailed check.
| Shows operation performed correctly.
| Shows operation performed incorrectly.
| Check for source of fault.

Standards and technical guidelines

The Hilti MSP-FR installation system meets the following standards, amongst others:

DIN EN 1990:2002 Eurocode: Basis of structural design
DIN EN 1991-1-1:2002 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1-1: General

actions on structures – Densities,  self-weight and imposed loads for buildings
DIN EN 1991-1-3:2003| Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1-3: General actions, snow loads and national  annexes
DIN EN 1991-1-4:2005| Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1-4: General actions, wind loads and national  annexes
DIN EN 1999-1-1/N| National annexes – Nationally determined parameters –Eurocode 9: Design of aluminium structures – Part 1-1: General design rules
DIN EN 1993-1-1/N| National annexes – Nationally determined parameters – Eurocode 3: Design of steel  structures – Part 1-1: General design rules for structural engineering

Intended use

The Hilti MSP-FR installation system is designed exclusively for the fastening of framed photovoltaic panels.
Any other use shall be considered a violation of the intended use.
Observance of the information provided in these installation instructions is included in the definition of intended use.

Hilti cannot be held liable for damage or loss resulting from failure to observe the installation instructions, especially the safety instructions, or through misuse of the product.

Responsibilities of the customer

The operator is responsible for observing the following safety-relevant points:

  • Ensuring compliance with all relevant accident prevention regulations and industrial safety provisions.
  • Ensuring that the frame is only assembled by persons with the appropriate technical skills and a basic knowledge of mechanics.
  • Ensuring that those commissioned to perform the work can evaluate their assigned tasks and recognise possible risks.
  • Ensuring that those commissioned to perform the work are familiar with the system components.
  • Ensuring that the installation manual is available during installation. The installation manual is an integral part of the product.
  • Ensuring that the installation manual, and in particular the safety instructions, are read and understood by the relevant personnel before installation.
  • Ensuring that the permissible operating conditions are observed. Hilti cannobe held liable for damage or loss resulting from exceeding these conditions.
  • Ensuring correct installation according to the installation instructions and providing the requisite tools where necessary.
  • Ensuring the durability of the attached connections and the attachment of the frame.
  • Ensuring that suitable lifting gear is used for installation.
  • Ensuring that visibly damaged components are not used or are replaced.
  • Ensuring that only genuine Hilti components are used when parts need to be replaced. Otherwise all warranty claims will not be recognised.
  • Ensuring that the roof skin is not damaged by dropping, dragging or allowing the entry of components of the PV system.
  • Ensuring that maintenance work is carried out regularly once every year: e.g. inspecting the screw connections, cabling or roof skin.
  • The Hilti installation system may be included in the design of the electrical potential equalisation system (see corresponding verification documentation). The system can be directly connected to the existing electrical potential equalisation system by correctly fitting a suitable earthing clamp or screw (not included in the delivery). The customer should ensure compliance with local requirements and codes.
  • Where necessary, it is the responsibility of the customer to adapt the existing lightning protection system of the building in accordance with current national technical rules and regulations.
  • The customer is responsible for ensuring the compatibility of the load distri- bution plate (MSP-FR-LDP) with the roof skin and is responsible to deter- mine if it is necessary to use the additional adhesive pads (MSP-FR-AP).
  • If the customer determines that it is necessary to use the additional adhesive pads (MSP-FR-AP), the customer is also responsible for ensuring the compatibility of the adhesive pads (MSP-FR-AP) with the roof skin.

Basic safety instructions

The following basic safety instructions and warnings form an essential part of these instructions and are of fundamental importance when handling this product.

  • Working clothing which complies with national regulations must be worn.
  • Applicable industrial safety provisions must be observed.
  • Ensure that all electrical work is only carried out by an electrically qualified specialist. Observe all relevant regulations.
  • The presence of a second person who can provide help in the event of an accident is obligatory during the entire installation procedure.
  • Keep a copy of these installation instructions to hand in the immediate vicinity of the system for use by the assembly personnel.
  • The system is designed in such a way that it can only withstand the prevailing location-specific wind conditions after installation has been completed. During the entire installation procedure, secure the sections which have not been completed as well as materials which have not yet been installed to the roof in accordance with the prevailing regulations.

Operating conditions

The MSP-FR installation system is designed to withstand all prevailing wind and snow load scenarios.
The Hilti MSP-FR installation system is designed for the following panel formats:

  • Length 1450–1515 mm and 1550–1680 mm and 1945–2005 mm
  • Width 790–840 mm and 950–1010 mm and 1040–1095 mm

The Hilti MSP-FR installation system is suitable for environmental conditions within the range of normal environmental corrosivity (distance of at least 1 km from sea coasts). The system may also be installed in a C4 environment if specific maintenance tasks  are adhered to (guidelines/instructions available from Hilti on request).
The Hilti MSP-FR installation system is exclusively suitable for foil roofs with a max.
inclination of 5°. The MSP-FR installation system is not suitable for green roofs.

The Hilti MSP-FR installation system can only be used for framed photovoltaic panels which allow a clamp in the corner area of the short sides.

  • Check usability with the panel manufacturer in each case. Hilti can provide a list of the approved panels on request.

  • Dimensioning the flat roof installation system (MSP-FR), especially the calculation of the additional ballast required, must be carried out for each individual project.
    Both the cables and the cable ducts are not taken into account when calculating the total load of the roof.

  • Loads arising from cables and cable ducting are added manually.

The MSP-FR-LDPs (230 and 380) are not considered stiff elements in the design calculations. Permanent deformation may be observed over time and this has no impact on the functionality of these items.

Installation preparations

Preparing the roof

  1. Before planning the installation, an expert assessment of the roof must be obtained in order to determine the suitability of the roof for supporting a PV system. The roof must also be of an adequate design standard and constructed correctly.

  2. Testing the suitability of the roof:
    – Sufficient support for the additional loads arising from the installation frame including panel, cable ducts, cables, ballast, snow and wind pressure
    – Consideration of the permissible bearing pressure of the insulation
    – Compatibility of the roof skin with the load distributor
    – If determined necessary, use the MSP-FR-AP
    – Adequate drainage and the avoidance of water pooling.

  3. Check the roof for damage. Clarify possible damage and its repair with the building owner before commencing with the installation.

  4. The foil roof must be thoroughly clean as well as free from snow and ice.

  5. Check that the plans are compatible with the structural findings before starting the installation.

If deviations are found from the proposed operating conditions, contact the Hilti service department.

The general conditions and structural design assumptions must be examined on site by the customer. For more detailed information, contact the Hilti service department or a local structural engineer.
Material placement

  1. Carefully plan how the materials are laid out on the roof in order to enable easy installation.
  2. Check that the materials are evenly distributed in order to guarantee a balanced roof load.
  3. Position the material so that the installation is not impeded.

Marking the rows

  1. Familiarise yourself with the PROFIS Solar planning papers and, as can be seen from these, how the roof is divided into blocks of PV panels.
  2. Mark each of the first rows of the blocks on the roof and start arranging the  panels in a block pattern.

Tools required

  • Torque wrench and battery-powered screwdriver, such as the Hilti SF 14-A
  • Size 30 Torx attachment


Page 19: Supports and load distributor plates
There are 2 different load distributor plates (MSP-FR-LDP).
You can find the load distributor plates required for installation from the report in the PROFIS Solar software.

Picture A1 : South support (MSP-FR-SS)

  1. Slide the load distributor plates (MSP-FR-LDP) from below over the south plate (MSP-FR-SS) until the plate is central and audibly snaps into place.
    Picture B1 : Centre support (MSP-FR-SM)

  2. Same procedure as with south support.
    Picture C1 : North support (MSP-FR-SN)

  3. Same procedure as with south support.
    Place all supports with load distributor plates roughly according to the planned position.

Page 20: Rails
Before fastening the rails, check the required dimensions of the scale setting in the report of the PROFIS Solar software.
Picture 1 , 2 : North-south rails (MSP-FR-CNS)
Note: Use the short rails (MSP-FR-CNS) for the north-south connection.

  1. Slide the rail into the groove at the side of the support (MSP-FR-SS).

  2. Align the rail according the established dimensions.

  3. Fix each rail in place with 2 screws (MSP-FR-S M6x16). Tightening torque 10 Nm.
    Picture 3 , 4 : East-west rails (MSP-FR-CEW)
    Note: Use the long rails (MSP-FR-CEW) for the east-west connection.

  4. Slide the rail into the upper groove of the support (MSP-FR-SM).

  5. Align the rail according the established dimensions.

  6. Fix each rail in place with 2 screws (MSP-FR-S M6x16). Tightening torque 10 Nm.

Page 21: Ballast carrier
Note: The ballast stones are not a constituent part of the Hilti MSP-FR installation system. Ordinary concrete blocks with widths of 20, 25, 40 and 45 cm can be used as ballast.
Note: Before screwing in place, check the position of the ballast carriers in the PROFIS Solar software.
Picture 1 , 2 , 3 : Ballast rail (MSP-FR-BR)

  1. Position the ballast rails (MSP-FR-BR) on the north side of the central support (MSP-FR-SM).

  2. Position the ballast rails so that the perforated side points towards the other ballast rail.

  3. Position the ballast rail according to the established dimensions.

  4. Fix each ballast rail in place with 2 screws (MSP-FR-S M6x16).
    Tightening torque 5 Nm.

  5. If there are several panels, screw the ballast rails together so that they overlap.
    Note: Always lay the ballast on the centre edge.

  6. As far as possible, position the ballast centrally.

Page 22: East-west cable ducts
Note: The cable ducts and guards are optional elements and are used to guide string lines out of the panel array. To achieve the best possible cable routing and protect the cables from the effects of the weather, Hilti recommends that genuine Hilti cable ducts and guards are used.

Picture 1 , 2 : East-west cable duct (MSP-FR-CT)

  1. Place the cable duct (MSP-FR-CT in the desired position.
  2. Fix in place with 2 screws (MSP-FR-S M6x16). Tightening torque 5 Nm.
  3. Hook a cable clamp (MSP-FR-CH) on the top and bottom of the cable duct.

Page 23: North-south cable duct
Picture 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 : North-south cable duct (MSP-FR-CT)

  1. Place the cable ducts (MSP-FR-CT) for the north-south connection in the desired position, such that the ducts will be subsequently covered by PV modules. Do not install ducts on the outside edge of an installation block.
  2. Fit to the support with 2 screws (MSP-FR-S M6x16). Tightening torque 10 Nm.
  3. Hook in the cover plate (MSP-FR-CTC) and press down until a click can be heard.

Page 24/25: PV panels
Note: Only fit the panels in a landscape format.
Picture 1 , 2 : PV panels

  1. Check the installation instructions of the panel manufacturer.

  2. Place the PV panels onto the supports (MSP-FR-SN).

  3. Ensure that the following points are correctly observed:
    – Connection between north support (MSP-FR-SN) and PV panel: Tolerance 4–10 mm.
    – The south connections lie up flat.
    – Other sides of the connection: Tolerance 0–2 mm.
    Picture A1 , A2 : End clamps (MSP-FR-EC)

  4. Attach the end clamps (MSP-FR-EC) to the outer supports.
    Tightening torque: 10 Nm
    Picture B1 , B2 : Centre clamps (MSP-FR-MC)

  5. Use centre clamps (MSP-FR-MC) for connections between 2 PV panels.
    Tightening torque 10 Nm.
    Picture 3 : Ensure that the following points are correctly observed:
    – Depth of coverage of clamp and panel frame: at least 7 mm
    – Contact surface width of the support on panel frame: at least 20 mm

Page 26: Electrical potential equalization and wind protection
Note: In order to integrate the system into the electrical potential equalisation system of the PV installation, each block must be separately connected with an earth clamp (not included in the delivery).
Note: each PV panel must be electrically connected.

Picture A1 , A2 : Earthing without wind protection

  1. Turn screw (MSP-FR-GS 6×60) into the drill hole provided (see earth symbol). Tightening torque: 10 Nm
    ✔ The panel frame is electrically connected to the mounting structure.
    Picture B1 , B2 : Electrical potential equalization with wind protection (MSP- FR-WDN)
    Note: Information about which panels require wind protection along the long sides of the panel (north side) can be found from the report in the PROFIS Solar software.

  2. Attach the wind protector in the correct position on the north carriers and hook in at the bottom so that it cannot be moved.

  3. Fix in place with 2 screws (MSP-FR-S 6×60). Use the drill hole with the earth symbol. Tightening torque: 10 Nm
    ✔ The panel frame is electrically connected to the mounting structure.

Page 27: lateral wind protection
Note: Under certain external conditions, additional wind protection (MSPFR-WDW or MSP-FR-WDE) is necessary along the short sides of the panel. Information on the wind protection required can be found from the report in the PROFIS Solar software.

Picture 1 , 2 : lateral wind protection

  1. Position the wind protector correctly on the east and/or west sides.
  2. Fix in place with 3 screws (MSP-FR-S M6x16). Tightening torque: 10 Nm

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Hilti Corporation
LI-9494 Schaan
Tel.: +423 / 234 21 11
Fax: +423 / 234 29 65

Hilti = registered trademark of Hilti Corp., Schaan
W3718 0709 00-Pos. 1 1
printed in Liechtenstein © 2011
Right of technical and programme changes reserved S. E. & O.
2030675 A3-12.2012


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