Honeywell 46001871RG 7600 Series Full Facepiece Instruction Manual

June 13, 2024

Honeywell 46001871RG 7600 Series Full Facepiece

Product Information

The 7600 Series Full Facepiece is a respirator designed for occupational use. It is manufactured by Honeywell International Inc. and is available in the United States and Australia. The respirator is approved under Australian and New Zealand Standard 1716.2012 Lic. SMK 0563 for respiratory protection against hazardous gases, vapors, and/or particulates. It is also approved under Brazilian Standards NBR 13695, NBR 13696, and NBR 13697 for respiratory protection. The respirator can be used with air-purifying cartridges and/or filters, depending on the contaminant concentration and toxicity. Before using this respirator, it is important to implement a written respiratory protection program that meets all local government requirements. In the United States, employers must comply with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134, which includes medical evaluation, training, and fit testing.

Product Usage Instructions

  1. Ensure that a written respiratory protection program is implemented before occupational use of the respirator.
  2. Comply with local government requirements and standards.
  3. Obtain medical certification of fitness before using the respirator.
  4. Read and understand the warnings, cautions, and notes provided in the manual.
  5. Ensure that the concentration of toxic contaminants in the confined space is below the Maximum Use Concentration recommended for the respirator.
  6. Wear hand and/or body protection in addition to the respirator to protect exposed areas.
  7. Do not alter or modify the respirator in any way, including painting, affixing labels, or using unapproved replacement parts.

Please note that there may be physiological and psychological limitations that should be considered before using the respirator. It is important to consult the user manual for further instructions and guidelines specific to the components being used.


The 7600 Series is comprised of full facepiece masks that are one component of a complete respirator. Components of these respirators are sold separately. Only those components manufactured by Honeywell and listed on the approval label may be used. These User Instructions refer only to the use and maintenance of this full facepiece, and to the assembly and use of this full facepiece as part of an air-purifying respirator. This respirator should only be used and maintained by individuals who have completely read and understand the instructions contained within this Instruction Manual and any other Operating and Maintenance Instruction Manuals included with the other components of a complete respirator. For more information and a complete listing of approved components refer to the Honeywell website Before occupational use of this respirator, a written respiratory protection program must be implemented meeting all the local government requirements. In the United States, employers must comply with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 which includes medical evaluation, training, and fit-testing.

When components listed on the NIOSH Approval Label are used, these respirators are approved as part of air-purifying, powered air-purifying, or supplied air respirators. Refer to the User Instructions of those components and the NIOSH approval labels supplied with these products for a listing of all components that must be used to assemble a complete NIOSH-approved respirator. When used as air-purifying respirators -the 7600 Series is for protection from hazardous gases, vapors, and/or particulates where the concentration does not exceed 50 times the Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) is below the contaminant’s Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH) threshold; and there is sufficient oxygen according to the OSHA or CSA requirements. This respirator.r offers nuisance level relief from organic vapors, acid gases, and ozone that are below the Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) when used with the 75FFP100NL filter. Nuisance level refers to concentrations not exceeding the OSHA PEL or other government occupational exposure limits, whichever is lower.

When components listed on the AS/NZS Approval Label are used, these respirators are approved under Australian and New Zealand Standard 1716.2012 Lic. SMK 0563 for respiratory protection against hazardous gases, vapors, and/or particulates; depending on the air-purifying cartridges and/or filters used and the contaminant concentration and/or toxicity; and if there is sufficient oxygen present in the contaminated atmosphere to support life.

These respirators are approved under Brazilian Standards NBR 13695, NBR 13696 and NBR 13697 for respiratory protection against hazardous gases, vapors and/or particulates, depending on the air-purifying cartridges and/or filters used and the contaminant concentration and/or toxicity, and if there is sufficient oxygen present in the contaminated atmosphere to support life.

Warnings, cautions and notes used in this manual have the following significance:

NOTE: Procedures and techniques that are considered important enough to emphasize.
CAUTION:  Procedures and techniques which, if not carefully followed, will result in damage to the equipment.
WARNING: Procedures and techniques which, if not carefully followed, will expose the user to the risk of serious injury, illness or death.


  • Improper Use of Your Respirator Can Be Harmful or Deadly!
  • For Your Safety, Read and Follow These Directives.
  • If You Do Not Understand Them—Ask Your Supervisor!

Failure to follow these instructions and warnings may result in exposure to hazardous materials, exposing the user to the risk of serious injury, illness or death. These instructions DO NOT APPLY if your full facepiece is being used as part of a powered air-purifying or supplied air respirator. Refer to the User Instructions for those components.

Never use this respirator:

  • To perform or observe sand-blasting/abrasive-blasting;
  • To fight fires;
  • In oxygen-deficient atmospheres (any atmosphere having less than 19.5% oxygen by volume at sea level);
  • In atmospheres where the concentrations of toxic contaminants are unknown or are Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH). An IDLH atmosphere is any atmosphere that has a concentration of any toxic, corrosive or asphyxiant substance that poses an immediate threat to life, which would cause irreversible debilitating effects on health, or which would interfere with the ability to escape from a dangerous atmosphere.
  • In atmospheres where the concentration of the contaminant exceeds:

If part of an OSHA or CSA Respiratory Protection Program:

  1. 50 times the contaminant’s permissible exposure limit (PEL). PEL is defined as the maximum permissible 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) concentration established by applicable OSHA or other government regulations, or by NIOSH, ACGIH or CSA.
  2. Any lower Maximum Use Concentration for that contaminant established by OSHA or other government regulations, NIOSH, ACGIH, or CSA publications, or shown in the contaminant’s Material Safety Data Sheet.

If part of a Worksafe Australia Respiratory Protection Program:

  1. In atmospheres where the concentration of the contaminant exceeds 50 times the contaminant’s permissible exposure limit set by Worksafe Australia or other government regulations.
    • If part of a Brazilian Ministry of Labor (MTE) Respiratory Protection Program:

In atmospheres where the concentration of the contaminant exceeds 100 times the contaminant’s permissible exposure limit set by NR 15 or other government regulations.

  • With any filters or cartridges other than those certified for use with this facepiece by the appropriate certifying organization.
  • To protect against contaminants not listed on the label for that filter or cartridge.

If part of an OSHA or CSA Respiratory Protection Program the label is the NIOSH Approval label included with NIOSH-approved cartridges and included with these User Instructions.

  • If part of a Worksafe Australia Respiratory Protection Program the ratings on filters and cartridges are marked on cartridges certified to Australian and New Zealand Standards as P, A, B, E, and/or K.
  • If these contaminants are included in filter or cartridge User Instructions
  • To protect against oil-based aerosols unless an ‘R’ or ‘P’ filter (defined by NIOSH) is used when the respirator is used as part of an OSHA or CSA Respiratory Protection Program.
  • Without either an End-of-Service-Life Indicator (ESLI) on the cartridge for the gas and/or vapor present, or an established cartridge change schedule for all gases and vapors for which there is no ESLI.
  • In poorly ventilated areas, or confined spaces such as tanks, small rooms, tunnels, or vessels, unless the confined space is well ventilated and the concentration of toxic contaminants is known to be and will continue to be, below the Maximum Use Concentration recommended for the respirator.
  1. FOR USE IN NANOTECHNOLOGY ENVIRONMENT: OSHA recommends the use of HEPA filters or the equivalent NIOSH 42 CFR 84 particulate filters (N100, R100 or P100) for protection from exposure to particles created during nanotechnology processes. P3 is the equivalent per the AS/NZS and NBR Standards. Nano particles are defined as matter between approximately 1 and 100 nanometers (nm). Air-purifying respirators reduce, but will not completely eliminate, exposure to these contaminants. Because of their extremely small size, nano particles may enter the breathing zone from any minute opening in the facepiece where other particles would not be able to enter. Use of powered air-purifying respirators or supplied air respirators would provide better protection against nano particles.
  2. Immediately leave work area and remove respirator if:
    • Breathing becomes difficult;
    • You become dizzy or disoriented;
    • You smell, taste or otherwise sense contaminants; or
    • Your respirator is damaged.
  3. This respirator will not protect exposed areas of face or body from gases, vapors or airborne particles that can irritate, burn or be absorbed through your skin. You must wear hand and/or body protection.
  4. Do not alter or modify this device in any way. Any alterations or modifications, including painting, affixing labels or using unapproved replacement parts can reduce protection and expose the user to the risk of illness, injury or death.


You should be certified medically fit prior to using this respirator. In addition, there are both physiological and psychological limitations that should be considered before using respirators. They include, but are not limited to:

  • a) Emphysema
  • b) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • c) Bronchial asthma
  • d) X-ray evidence of pneumoconiosis
  • e) Evidence of reduced pulmonary function
  • f) Coronary artery disease
  • g) Severe or progressive hypertension
  • h) Epilepsy (grand mal or petit mal)
  • i) Pernicious anemia
  • j) Diabetes (insipidus or mellitus)
  • k) Breathing difficulties when wearing a supplied air respirator
  • l) Claustrophobia or anxiety when wearing a supplied air respirator
  • m) Abnormal EKG results from resting or stress tests
  • n) Punctured or ruptured ear drum
  • o) Medications

These brief written instructions cannot substitute for a formal Respirator Training Program. Such training must be taken prior to first use of this product and should include an opportunity for you to handle the respirator, learn how to inspect it, have it properly fitted, wear it in normal air for a long familiarity period, and finally, to wear it in a test atmosphere. The Training Program should be based on the most recent OSHA Regulation 29 CFR Section 1910.134, CSA Standard Z94.4, or Australian and New Zealand Standard 1715. You should also be familiar with any other pertinent regulations promulgated by various Regulatory Authorities including ANSI Z88.2 in the USA.
Any respirator with a tight-fitting facepiece may not be assigned until the user is given a qualitative or quantitative respirator fit test and the results of the test indicate that the facepiece of the respirator fits that person properly. The 7600 Series is available in two sizes. The letters “M/L” or “S” on oral/nasal cups indicate sizes Medium/Large or Small. See the instructions below for putting on the respirator. Before occupational use of this respirator, a written respiratory protection program must be implemented meeting all the local government requirements. In the United States, employers must comply with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 which includes medical evaluation, training, and fit testing. In Canada employers must follow CSA Z94; in Australia employers must follow (AS/NZA 1715) for specific Fit Test Procedures; in Brazil, employers must follow the MTE Respiratory Protection Program.


  • A Not for use in atmospheres containing less than 19.5 percent oxygen.
  • B Not for use in atmospheres immediately dangerous to life or health.
  • C Do not exceed maximum use concentrations established by regulatory standards.
  • H Follow established cartridge and canister change schedules or observe ESLI to ensure that cartridges and canisters are replaced before breakthrough occurs.
  • J Failure to properly use and maintain this product could result in injury or death.
  • L Follow the manufacturer’s User Instructions for changing cartridges, canisters,s, and/or filters.
  • M All approved respirators shall be selected, fitted, used and maintained in accordance with OSHA and other applicable regulations.
  • N Never substitute, modify, add or omit parts. Use only exact replacement parts in the configuration as specified by the manufacturer.
  • O Refer to User Instructions, and/or maintenance manuals for information on the use and maintenance of these respirators.
  • P NIOSH does not evaluate respirators for use as surgical masks.
  • S Special or critical User Instructions and/or specific use limitations. Refer to User Instructions before donning.
    • 1 Honeywell and N-Series gas and vapor cartridges manufactured after August 2012 require the use of a spider (P/N N750038) when a pad style filter is used with the cartridge.
    • 2 If the air-purifying cartridges have an ESLI, you must be able to see the indicator without moving the facepiece in any way that could break the facepiece-to-face seal.
    • 3 This respirator can offer nuisance-level relief from organic vapors and acid gasses that are below the permissible exposure limit (PEL). Nuisance levels refers to concentrations not exceeding the OSHA PEL or other government occupational exposure limits, whichever is lower.


Each and every time you put on your respirator and prior to storage, you must inspect all components for wear or damage.

  1. Check the nose cup and sealing area for any tears, holes or other damage.
  2. Check the inhalation and exhalation valves to ensure they are not missing or damaged.
  3. Pull gently on the head straps to ensure they are not worn. Check the head strap buckles for any damage.
  4. Check the lens for any cracks or other damage.
  5. Check the cartridge connectors to ensure they are seated properly and are not cracked.

If any components are missing or damaged, do not use this respirator until all damaged and missing components are replaced with new or unused/undamaged NIOSH-approved Honeywell replacement parts Failure to comply with these warnings will result in the risk of serious injury, illness or death.


To use this full facepiece as an air-purifying respirator, you need to attach a filter, cartridge or cartridge/filter combination. Follow the directions below for the filter or cartridge type you are using.

  1. If you are using a pad-style filter only, you will need P/N N750037 (includes two N750027 covers and two N750015 filter holders) in addition to the two filters.

    • a) Place each filter into the filter cover, paying attention to the instructions on the filter “this side towards face” or “this side away from face” (Figure 1).
    • b) Snap the filter cover and filter onto the filter holder (Figure 2). Proceed to Step 5.
  2. If you are using a pair of pad-style filters (either 7506N95, 7506R95 or 7506N99) with a gas or vapor cartridge, you will need P/N N750036 (includes two N750027 filter covers and two N750038 filter supports) in addition to the two filters. Ensure the pad filters are the same type to provide proper protection.Honeywell-46001871RG-7600-Series-Full-Facepiece-fig-1 \(1\)

      Honeywell N-Series gas and vapor cartridges require the use of a filter support (P/N N750038) when a pad style filter is used with the cartridge. Failure to follow this instruction will result in the risk of serious illness, injury or death.

    • a) Place the filter support (P/N N750038) on the cartridge so the eight indented notches nestle on the inner raised circle and the part number “N750038” is not backwards (see Figure 3).

    • b) Place each filter into the filter cover (P/N N750027), paying attention to the instructions on the filter “this side towards face” or “this side away from face” (see Figure 1). Snap the filter assembly onto the cartridge filter “this side towards  face” or “this side away from face. Snap the filter assembly onto the cartridge (see Figure 4)

  3. If you are using flexible filters with a gas or vapor cartridge, you will need two N750035 adapters in addition to the filters.

    • a) Snap the N750035 onto the cartridge.
    • b) Being careful not to cross thread, attach the filter to the adapter. Proceed to Step 5.
  4. If you are using the Backpack Adapter (P/N BP1002) with any combination of filters or cartridges, attach them to the male threaded end of the adapter. Check that the cartridges or filters are effectively sealed against the gasket on the back plate connector.

      If the air-purifying cartridges have an ESLI, you must be able to see the indicator without moving the facepiece in any way that could break the facepiece-to-face seal. Do not use cartridges with an ESLI if you are using the Backpack Adapter. Failure to follow this instruction will result in the risk of serious illness, injury or death.
  5. Attach your filter, filter assembly, cartridge, filter/cartridge or backpack assembly onto the facepiece.

    • Make sure the filters or cartridges do not cross thread.
    • Turn filters / cartridges until they are seated snugly against the gasket and you notice resistance to further turning. Ensure the cartridges are flush with the facepiece seal and that the cartridge connectors and gaskets are also flush with the inside of the mask.
    • Do not overtighten, as this may crack the cartridge connectors (Figure 5).
  6. Tug slightly on your filter / cartridge assembly to assure that it is firmly affixed.

If you use prescription eyewear, Honeywell offers several styles of spectacle inserts, Refer ADDITIONAL COMPONENTS for a listing. Follow the instructions with your spectacle insert to assemble to the facepiece.


  • The NIOSH and AS/NZS approvals and all Honeywell warranties for this respirator are nullified if cartridges and/or filters from other manufacturers are used.
  • Filters, cartridges, and filter cartridge combinations must be the same on both sides of the respirator.
  • Only use filters, cartridges or filter cartridge combinations for protection from contaminants listed on that filter or cartridge eNIOSH or AS/NZS Approval Label.
  • Do not use the Backpack Adapter with cartridges that have an ESLI as you will not be able to see the indicators while wearing the respirator, and will not know when to change the cartridges.
  • Failure to comply with these warnings will result in the risk of serious injury, illness or death.


Follow INSPECTION directions 1 through 4, then tug once more on the cartridges or filters to assure they are securely attached.

  1. Remove your hard hat or other headgear prior to putting on your respirator.
  2. Adjust the head straps of the respirator to their full outward position by pulling up on the tabs to release the strap tension, then pulling the straps outward.
  3. Grasp the harness by placing your hands in the harness and your thumbs between the lower straps (Figure 6).
  4. Push the harness up on your forehead, brushing your hair upward from the seal area (Figure 7). Continue up and over your head until the harness is centered at the rear of your head and your chin fits into the chin cup (Figure 8).
  5. Beginning with the lower straps, pull on the end tabs in small, equal increments to ensure they are tightened evenly.
  6. Tighten the upper straps in small, equal increments.
  7. Tighten the top strap until the entire facepiece is snug, comfortable and centered on your face (Figure 9).


Do not use your respirator if you cannot achieve a good facepiece-to-face seal due to:

  1. Facial hair, including stubble,
  2. Eyewear with temples that interfere with the sealing area,
  3. Head or face coverings, jewelry or any other items that interfere with the sealing area, or
  4. Missing teeth or dentures, facial deformities or deep scars that prevent a good seal. Failure to follow these warnings will result in the risk of serious injury, illness or death.

NOTE: 7600 Series facepieces have a double-flanged sealing area to ensure a maximum seal to the face. Be careful not to overtighten the respirator. Overtightening could distort the seal and may cause leakage between the facepiece and face seal.


Each time you put on a respirator before entering a hazardous atmosphere, and periodically while wearing the respirator in a contaminated area, you must check the effectiveness of the facepiece-to face seal by conducting a User Seal Check.

  1. Positive Pressure User Seal Check
    • a) Place the palm of your hand over the exhalation valve and exhale normally (Figure 10).
    • b) If the facepiece moves away from your face slightly and no air leaks between the face and the facepiece, an effective seal has been obtained.
  2. Negative Pressure User Seal Check
    • a) Place the palms of both hands over the cartridges or filter covers and inhale normally. Hold your breath for (5) seconds (Figure 11).
    • b) If the facepiece pulls into your face slightly and no air leaks between the face and the facepiece, an effective seal has been obtained.
  3. If you detect any leaks, reseat the facepiece and/or readjust the tension of the head straps. Note that sometimes the straps may need to be loosened.
  4. Repeat the User Seal Check(s) until an effective seal has been obtained. If you cannot achieve a seal, do not use this respirator. See your Supervisor for either a replacement respirator or to be refitted to an appropriate size.

If you cannot promptly achieve an effective seal while wearing the respirator in a contaminated area, you should immediately leave the contaminated area to prevent the risk of serious injury, illness or death.

OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 Appendix B requires either a Positive or a Negative User Seal Check following the Manufacturer’s instructions. CSA recommends following the Manufacturer’s instructions, and provides guidelines for a Positive and Negative User Seal Check in Z94.4 Annex A. Honeywell provides instructions for both seal checks since many Industrial Hygienists prefer the use of both methods, but only one of either two methods needs to be conducted. If you are conducting both a Positive and a Negative User Seal Check, conduct the Positive Seal Check first. You are now ready to enter the contaminated area for which this respirator was designed.
Immediately leave the contaminated area if breathing becomes difficult; you become dizzy or disoriented; you smell, taste or otherwise sense contaminants; or your respirator becomes damaged.
When this respirator is used for protection from gases or vapors with defined occupational exposure limits, you must follow a change-out schedule to ensure the cartridges are changed before the end of their useful life. If the cartridges have an End-of-Service-Life Indicator (ESLI), the cartridges must be changed per the instructions that come with the ESLI cartridge. Filters must be replaced when breathing becomes difficult.


Before removing your respirator you must go to an area with uncontaminated air. Failure to follow this warning will result in the risk of serious injury, illness or death Loosen the head straps by pulling up and releasing the head strap latches (Figure 12). Remove the respirator.
During breaks and between a more thorough cleaning, a refresher wipe pad may be used to clean the portion of the mask that comes in contact with your face. For a thorough cleaning:

  1. Remove the respirator’s components.
    • a. Unthread the cartridges or filters and dispose or store them per the instructions in the section STORAGE.
    • b. Unthread the Backpack Adapter and pull out the spectacle insert if used.
    • c. Remove the oral/nasal cup it by gently pulling it away from the speech diaphragm housing.
    • d. Pull out the inhalation valves and valve seats in the oral/ nasal cup.
    • e. Unthread the exhalation valve guard from the seat. Remove the valve and valve seat, and threaded flange holding the valve seat.
    • f. Remove the speech diaphragm assembly by unthreading the speech diaphragm nut on the outside of the mask. Push the speech diaphragm housing into the mask to remove it. Turn the locking ring counter-clockwise to remove the speech diaphragm, being careful not to lose the two orange O-rings.
    • g. Push in on the cartridge connectors to unseat them from the gaskets. Pull the cartridge gaskets out of the lens
  2. Inspect all components for any wear or damage.
    • a. Check components for holes, tears crazing or other signs of wear.
    • b. Replace any components that are damaged or missing.
  3. Wash the facepiece components.
    • a. Prepare a solution of cleaner sanitizer according to instructions.
    • b. Wash the facepiece and components thoroughly in the cleaner sanitizer solution. Use a soft brush on the facepiece and headgear assembly to loosen any caked-on dirt.
    • c. Rinse the facepiece and components in clean warm water and then let dry completely.
  4. Reassemble your facepiece after following all the steps outlined in INSPECTION. Use the REPLACEMENT PART schematic at the end of these User Instructions or on the Honeywell Facepiece Replacement Part Poster.
    • a. Inspect all components as they are being assembled. Replace any that are damaged or missing. Verify that the oral/nasal cup is the same size as the facepiece by verifying the letter(s) on the front of the oral/nasal cup. If you have a 760008A the cup should have an “M/L” (medium/Large) (P/N 80815-H5), and if you have a 760008AS the cup should have an “S” (small) (P/N 80800-H5).
    • b. Place the grommet (P/N 80871A) in the lens, making sure that the larger flange is on the inside and the inner and outer flanges lie flat against the lens.
    • c. Put one set of inhalation valves (P/N 770017) on the cartridge connectors (P/N 770016), making sure they lie flat against the connectors.
    • d. Insert the cartridge connectors by pushing through the grommets from the inside of the facepiece. Make sure the connectors are all the way through and lying flat against the flanges.
    • e. Insert the speech diaphragm (P/N 80870-H5) into the speech diaphragm housing (P/N 80858-H5) so the holes in the speech diaphragm are facing out, and the smaller orange O-ring (P/N 80857A) is between the speech diaphragm and the housing. Put the locking ring on top of the speech diaphragm and hand-tighten by turning clockwise.
    • f. Place the larger of the O-rings (P/N 80861A) onto the speech diaphragm housing and insert the speech diaphragm assembly into the larger port of the lens so the keys in the port line up with the notches in the housing, and the O-ring is between the inside of the lens and the speech diaphragm housing. When inserted properly the threads of the housing will be completely through the lens and the housing will be flush up against the inside of the lens.
    • g. Insert the outer nut (P/N 80862-H5) onto the housing threads and hand-tighten by turning clockwise.
    • h. Put the remaining inhalation valves (P/N 770017) on the valve seats (P/N 80814A) for the oral/nasal cup (P/N 80815-H5 for medium/large or 80800-H5 for small) making sure they lie flat against the seats. Insert the seat and inhalation valve assembly into the oral/nasal cup.
    • i. Position the oral/nasal cup by first pulling the lower flange on the cup through the small port on the lens so it lies flush with the lens. Straighten the cup by turning it so the peak of the nasal area is on top. Work a larger opening of the cup into the groove of the speech diaphragm housing that is furthest from the lens.
    • j. Insert the exhalation valve (P/N 770018) into the exhalation valve seat (P/N 80862-H5) and pull in the tab until you hear a “click”. When inserted correctly the flat end of the exhalation valve will be on the thread side of the seat and sit flush with the seat.
    • k. Push the exhalation valve assembly through the lower opening of the oral/nasal cup that is now assembled onto the facepiece. You may need to use a slight pressure to push the assembly completely through. Insert the exhalation housing guard (P/N 80867-H5) onto the housing threads and hand-tighten by turning clockwise.

WARNING: Never allow cartridges or filters to come in contact with water or cleaning and sanitizing solutions. Moisture can damage the cartridges or filters. Failure to comply with these warnings will result in the risk of serious injury, illness, or death.

For routine cleaning, the lens and lens clamps should not need to be removed. For a complete cleaning or repair, they may need to be removed and/or replaced. Required: Phillips screwdriver and needle-nose pliers.
To Remove:

  1. Follow the instructions above to remove all components.
  2. Use the needle-nose pliers to hold the nut on the lens clamp and loosen the screws located on either side of the lens clamp.
  3. Pull the lens clamps off the face seal.
  4. Pull the face seal away from the lens.

To Assemble:

  1. Work the lens seal onto the facepiece, making sure that it is centered and there are no gaps.
  2. Work the upper and lower lens clamps onto the lens and face seal.
  3. Use the needle-nose pliers to bring the two lens clamps together. Insert the screws so the thread side faces up.
  4. Seat the nut into the cavity of the lens clamp and thread the nut onto the screw and tighten.

CAUTIONS: Do not use abrasive cleaners on the lens. Abrasives can remove the protective coating from the lens, making it susceptible to scratch and chemical degradation.

Store in a clean, dry area away from the chance of any contamination. Use the respirator storage bag provided with the facepiece or any other sealable container that will protect the facepiece. Optimum storage conditions are room temperature, between 50°F (10°C) and 100°F (38°C).


  • Never store the facepiece with cartridges or filters that have been exposed to contaminants. If cartridges and/or filters are to be reused, seal them in a separate bag or container.
  • Do not be exposed to direct sunlight, chemical pollutants, or dust.
  • Cartridges that have been exposed to contaminants with a low boiling point and all NIOSH-rated R filters that have been exposed to oil-based aerosols must be discarded at the end of a shift.
  • Failure to comply with these warnings will result in the risk of serious injury, illness, or death.

NOTE: When discarding contaminated cartridges, facepieces, or components, follow local, state, and/or national regulations pertaining to disposal of HazMat and/or other contaminated articles. Consult your supervisor and/or proper authorities.
CAUTION: Do not expose the respirator to excessive heat (above 140°F [60°C]), moisture, or contaminative substances, or stack undue weight on top of the facepiece or components during storage because such conditions may distort the facepiece, resulting in the inability to achieve a proper fit the next time the facepiece is worn, or they may compromise the functionality of the component.


Complete Assembly For NIOSH Approved Respirators:

  • 760008A, S Full Facepiece, sizes medium/large and small
  • 760008AW, SW Full Facepiece with welding attachment, sizes medium/large and small
  • For AS/NZS Approved Respirators:
  • 760008AA, S Full Facepiece, sizes medium/large and small
  • 760008AAW, SW Full Facepiece with welding attachment, sizes medium/large and small

Replacement Parts

  • 1a 80840-H5 Basic Facepiece, Med/Lrg
  • 1b 80801-H5 Basic Facepiece, Small
  • 2 & 3 80798-H5 Lens Clamps, Upper and Lower (1 set)
  • 4 80843A Screw, Lens Clamp
  • 5 80844A Nut, Lens Clamp
  • 6 80845 Head Strap, less Hardware
  • 7 80846A Latch, Head Strap
  • 8 80847A Bail, Head Strap
  • 9 80848-H5 Neck Strap Assembly
  • 10 80849-H5 Lens
  • 11 80852-H5 Flange
  • 12a 80815-H5 Oral/Nasal Cup, Med/Lrg
  • 12b 80800-H5 Oral/Nasal Cup, Small
  • 13 770017 Inhalation Valve
  • 14 80814A Valve Seat for Oral/Nasal Cup
  • 15 80855-H5 Locking Ring
  • 16 80870-H5 Speech Diaphragm
  • 17 80857A O-Ring, Speech Diaphragm
  • 18 80858-H5 Housing, Speech Diaphragm
  • 19 80861A O-Ring, Speech Diaphragm
  • 20 80862-H5 Nut, Adapter
  • 21 80863-H5 Exhalation Valve Seat
  • 22 770018 Exhalation Valve
  • 23 80867-H5 Exhalation Valve Guard
  • 24 770016 Cartridge Connector
  • 25 80871A Grommet


Part No. Description

  • Cartridge and Filter Holders
    • N750035 Adapter for low-profile filters to attach filters to gas or vapor cartridges
    • N750036 Assembly for filters. Includes (2) N750027 covers and (2) N750038 spiders to attach filter pads to gas and vapor cartridges
    • N750037 Assembly for filters. Includes (2) N750027 covers and (2) N750015 filter holders to attach filters to the facepiece
    • N750037A Assembly for filters. Includes (2) N750027 covers and (2) N750015 filter holders to attach filters to the facepiece
    • BP1002 Backpack Adapter
  • Welding Attachment
    • 8404-H5 Welding Attachment Kit converts 7600 to welding facepiece
    • 8419 Flame Resistant Welding Shroud (NIOSH-approved respirators only)
  • Spectacle Inserts & Peel-away Lenses
    • 80100-H5 Spectacle Insert, plastic frame with suction cup
    • 760023 Spectacle Insert, metal frame with wire spring
    • 760024 Spectacle Insert, metal frame with suction cup
    • 80836A Peel-away lens. Three peel-away lenses per assembly, five assemblies per pack


Honeywell Safety Products warrants this facepiece to the original owner to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of original shipment from Honeywell’s factory. Honeywell’s obligation under this warranty will be, at Honeywell’s option, to repair or replace without charge the facepiece or any of its components found by Honeywell to have been defective during the warranty period, under the following terms:

  1. The warranty claim is made (i) by the owner who purchased the 7600 Series facepiece new from Honeywell or an authorized Honeywell Distributor, and (ii) not more than three (3) months after the end of the warranty period.
  2. The 7600 Series facepiece or component is found by Honeywell to have been defective in normal use and service during the warranty period of one (1) year from the date of purchase by the owner.
  3. The 7600 Series facepiece or component is returned freight prepaid to Honeywell, either to its factory or to a Honeywell authorized service center, and is thereafter returned to the owner freight collect.
  4. This warranty does not apply to (i) any 7600 Series facepiece or component found by Honeywell to have become defective as a result of any accident, alteration, misuse, abuse, or servicing with parts not approved by Honeywell; (ii) deterioration or aging of any component made of rubber or other elastomer since such components can be adversely affected by undue exposure to heat, sun, water, chemicals, ozone or other deteriorating elements; or (iii) parts that become defective through normal use. The decision as to what constitutes normal use shall be made solely by HONEYWELL SAFETY PRODUCTS.
  5. To maintain this warranty, the purchaser must perform maintenance and inspections as set forth in this Instruction Manual which shall include prompt replacement or repair of defective parts.



  • Honeywell International Inc.
  • 855 S. Mint. St.
  • Charlotte NC. 28202
  • USA
  • Telephone: 800 873 5242

Honeywell Ind. de Tecnologia Ltda.

Honeywell Safety Products Australia Pty Ltd.

  • 45 Grosvenor Street
  • Abbotsford. Vic 3067.


  • Telephone (Australia): +61 1300 139 166
  • Telephone (New Zealand): +64 80 032 2200
  • ©2023 Honeywell International Inc
  • Part No. 46001871
  • Rev. G


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