Verizon Innovative Learning Lab Program Become a Comic Book Hero User Guide

June 13, 2024
Verizon Innovative Learning Lab Program

Verizon Innovative Learning Lab Program Become a Comic Book

Product Information

The Verizon Innovative Learning Lab Program Smart Solutions is a comprehensive educational program designed to enhance learning experiences for students. It offers a range of interactive lessons and resources to engage students in various subjects.

Lesson Facilitator Guide: Become a Comic Book Hero
The “Become a Comic Book Hero” lesson is part of the Verizon Innovative Learning Lab Program and is intended to be completed within one class period, approximately 50 minutes.

In this lesson, students will have the opportunity to create their own comic book. The lesson is divided into different sections, with the Opening Scene focusing on starting the comic book and creating a cover. Throughout Unit 0, students will continue working on their comic book and will submit it upon completion.

Lesson Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • Create a comic book cover
  • Develop and refine their comic book throughout Unit 0
  • Submit the completed comic book

To complete this lesson, students will need:

  • Writing materials (pencils, pens, markers)
  • Drawing materials (paper, rulers, erasers)
  • Optional: Digital tools for creating digital comic books

Lesson Procedures:
The “Become a Comic Book Hero” lesson follows the below procedures:

  1. Start the lesson by introducing the concept of comic books and their various uses beyond entertainment.
  2. Guide students in creating their own comic book cover during the Opening Scene.
  3. Provide resources and guidance for students to continue developing and refining their comic book throughout Unit 0.
  4. Encourage students to explore additional resources on how comic books are used in business, higher education, and government.

Additional Resources:
Comic books have expanded their applications beyond children’s entertainment. Additional resources are available to showcase the use of comic books in various fields, such as business, higher education, and government. For more information and resources, please refer to the complete user manual or visit the official Verizon Innovative Learning Lab Program website.


This lesson should take 1 class period, or about 50 minutes to complete. In the Opening Scene, students will start their comic book and create a cover. They will be working on their comic book throughout Unit 0and will turn it in when it is completed.

Lesson objectives
Students will be able to:

  • Learn about VilBot, their guide through this course.
  • Create a comic book
  • Design a cover for their comic book

To complete this Lesson, students will need:

  • Three pieces of blank paper
  • Scissors
  • A pen or pencil
  • Something to color with


  • Common Core State Standards (CCSS) – ELA Anchors: SL.2
  • Common Core State Standards (CCSS) – Mathematical Practice: n/a
  • Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) – Science and Engineering Practices: 2
  • International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE): 6
  • National Content Standards for Entrepreneurship Education (NCEE): 2, 12

Key vocabulary

  • Comic Book: a magazine that contains stories told in pictures.

Before you begin

  • Gather necessary materials (or ensure remote students can access needed materials)
  • Review this lesson’s presentation and self-guided module to familiarize yourself with the content and ensure that materials are available for students.

Lesson Procedures

Welcome and Introductions (10 mins)

  • Welcome students to class. If utilizing an LMS, give students instructions for accessing the lesson. If presenting in person, ensure students have all materials.
  • Next, direct students to the student guide or move along in the presentation. Review the warm-up, objectives, and materials as a class. Students will be going on an adventure with VilBot to help solve sustainability challenges with technology!
  • Alternatively, students can read these sections independently or with a partner.

A Message from VilBot – Hello Human (2-3 mins)

  • As a class, have students take turns reading the text in this section out loud. Students can discuss what they think they will learn in Smart Solutions.
  • Alternatively, students can read this section independently or with a partner.
  • Have students answer the question “Are you ready to become a hero?”

Create Your Own Comic Book (2-3 mins)

  • Have students take turns reading the text in this section out loud.
  • Discuss: what is a comic book? How is a comic book different from a chapter book? How are they similar?

Construction Time (5 mins)

  • Time to make a comic book! Hand out a piece of paper and scissors to each student. Students will follow the step-by-step photographic guide to creating a comic book out of the three pieces of paper. There is also a video tutorial embedded in the LMS material for students who need additional guidance.Verizon-Innovative-Learning-Lab-Program-Become-a-Comic-Book-1

The Rules of you Adventure Comic (2-3 mins)

  • Have students take turns reading the text in this section out loud.
  • Review the rules of comic book creation with students:
    1. Your drawings don’t have to be perfect. In fact, I (VilBot) am a terrible artist and still had a great time drawing my comic book.
    2. Only draw in your comic book when you see the symbol. I’ll tell you which page to draw on.
    3. Express yourself! Be as creative as you can and add as much detail as you like

Comic Book Covers (5 mins)

  • Have students take turns reading the text in this section out loud.
  • There are five examples of comic book covers. You can review them as a class and have students discuss what they like and dislike about each example, or you can have students review them alone or with a partner.

Create Your Front Cover (15 mins)

  • Have students take turns reading the text in this section out loud.
  • Remind students that their comic book cover should include the following:
    1. A catchy title (The Amazing Adventures of… or The Fantastic Journey of… or come up with your own!)
    2. Your Superhero name! (VilBot, Wonder Girl, The Escapist, come up with an awesome name of your own!)
    3. A colorful drawing (what does your costume look like? What’s something cool you could be doing?

Wrap up, deliverable, and assessment (5 mins)

  • Wrap up: If time permits, allow students to share and discuss their comic book cover with a partner!
  • Deliverable: Students will submit their comic book following your identified class procedures.
  • Assessment: Use the class discussion as a formative assessment to ensure students are engaging in the lesson.


  • Additional Support #1: Guide students step by step through the creation of the comic book, frequently checking student progress.
  • Additional Support #2: allow students to work with a partner to create a single comic book.
  • Extension: Encourage students to come up with a tagline or slogan for their superhero (“Up, up and away!”, “You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.”, “Your friendly, neighborhood Spiderman.”, “Wonder Twins power, activate!”)

Additional resources
Comic books aren’t just for kids or entertainment anymore. Examples of comic uses in business, higher education, and government.

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