Cromwell Halo Safety Glove User Guide

June 13, 2024

Cromwell Halo Safety Glove

Product Information

The product is a range of safety gloves designed to provide hand protection against various risks. The gloves comply with international safety standards, including EN388:2016 for mechanical risks, EN407:2020 for thermal risks, and EN511:2006 for protection against cold. The gloves are designed to provide resistance against abrasion, cut, tear, puncture, and impact. They are suitable for use in various industries and applications.

Product Usage Instructions

  1. Determine the type of risk you need protection against mechanical risks, thermal risks, or cold.
  2. Refer to the relevant EN standard for the specific type of risk you need protection against. EN388 for mechanical risks, EN407 for thermal risks, and EN511 for protection against cold.
  3. Identify the appropriate level of protection required for each risk category. The levels are indicated by numerical values assigned to each type of protection (e.g., abrasion resistance, cut resistance).
  4. Select the safety gloves that meet the required protection levels for your specific application.
  5. When wearing the safety gloves, ensure they fit properly and provide full coverage to your hands.
  6. Follow any additional instructions provided by the manufacturer regarding glove maintenance and care.
  7. Regularly inspect the gloves for any signs of wear or damage. Replace them if they become worn out or compromised.
  8. Store the safety gloves in a clean and dry environment when not in use. For more information or assistance, you can contact Cromwell at 0800 338 877 or email You can also reach out to your local sales representative for further support.

For more information
0800 338 877
or contact your local sales representative

Safety Glove Guide

Hand protection standards and information with a focus on EN388∶2016 Protective Gloves Against Mechanical Risks, EN407∶2020 – Protective Gloves Against Thermal Risks and EN 511∶2006 – Protective Gloves Against Cold

  • Our purpose
    Our purpose is simple – we keep operations running and people safe.
    It’s what we do, day in, day out, for thousands of successful companies around the world. But while the aim is simple, achieving it is the result of a ceaseless commitment to service and quality, and providing the level of support and expertise our customers have come to know and expect.
    We provide solutions that save our customers time and money and keep them safe, allowing them to focus on their core activities.

  • Our ambition
    Our goal is to be the easiest company to deal with.
    To that end, we put the customer at the heart of everything we do. Working hard to understand their needs. And providing exceptional levels of service that work around their preferences – whether it’s online, in person, or through our expert telephone service teams.
    Our new improved website makes it easier than ever to find and buy products, as well as service your account, giving you more time to focus on the job in hand.

  • Our expertise
    With a team of experienced technical support specialists operating nationwide, we’re here to support your business with practical expertise that delivers real improvements in cost, performance and safety.
    Our dedicated, highly qualified safety specialists are committed to helping you find the right solution, providing recommendations and advice to keep your operations running and your people safe.
    Our range of safety expert guides will help you understand the best safety products for your application and the required certifications surrounding them.


  • If protective gloves are required and supplied as personal protective equipment (PPE), as part of the Personal Protective Equipment at Work (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (PPER 2022) it must be supplied free of charge to employees, which now extends to limb (b) workers.
  • Before selecting protective gloves for your workers, you must conduct a risk assessment of the workplace.
  • The results of this assessment will indicate which risks you will need to protect the hands against. This allows you to choose the most suitable hand protection.

The risks that may arise as part of your risk assessment may include but are not limited to:

  • Cut
  • Heat
  • Cold
  • Chemical (Please see our separate Chemical Protective Gloves Guide).

Other factors to consider as part of the decision-making process are:

  • Material the glove is made from
  • Sizes required
  • Comfort
  • Dexterity (if applicable)
  • Longevity
  • Sustainability

It is a requirement to consult with all employees with regard to health and safety. It is favorable to get employees engaged and involved in selecting the appropriate PPE required to be worn.
In addition to providing PPE, you must also provide the appropriate training and storage facilities. PPE must also be maintained in good working order.
It is also important to consider and implement good hand hygiene practices when wearing protective gloves, especially when 13% of cases of occupational diseases reported to HSE under RIDDOR are for dermatitis, and nationally, across all industries, an estimated 84,000 people have dermatitis caused or made worse by their work.

The PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425

  • The PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425 replaced the Personal Protective Equipment Directive (89/686/EEC) from 21 April 2018.
  • In relation to protective gloves there are three classes of gloves for different levels of user risk; ‘minimal’, ‘intermediate’, and ‘mortal or irreversible’.

Simple design – minimal risk

  • Gloves that may be used in low-risk situations, such as general cleaning.

Intermediate design – intermediate risk

  • Gloves which may be used to protect against intermediate risks such as mechanical protection gloves providing cut, puncture, and abrasion resistance,

Complex design – irreversible or mortal risk

  • Gloves which are designed to protect against the highest level of risk, such as chemicals or electrical as examples.

Due to the UK leaving the EU single market in 2020, the United Kingdom Conformity Assessed or UKCA mark was being phased in to replace the CE mark in Great Britain, and was expected that CE mark would remain acceptable for a transition period ending on 31 December 2024.
However, in a recent update on 1st August 2023 “The Department for Business and Trade has [today] announced an indefinite extension to the use of CE marking for businesses” with further clarification expected in the near future.
Source : extension-of-ce-mark-recognition-for-businesses?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign =govuk-notifications- topic&utm_source=16bd8618-3575-44cc-b015-b8fa30cc34c5&utm_content=daily
Both CE and UKCA markings will be accepted as conformity markings in the GB market.

Introduction to EN safety standards for safety gloves

EN 388: 2016 – Protective Gloves Against
Mechanical Risks

  • EN 388 was first published in 1994 and subsequently revised in 2003, and again in 2016.
  • It includes the testing assessment of the resistance of the palm area to mild abrasion, cut, tearing and puncture, and when required, impact protection.

When compared with EN 388∶2003, there is a technical change to the abrasion resistance method, relating to the choice of abrasive paper but the scores that can be achieved remain unchanged.
The scores are from 1 – 4, with 4 being the highest score being able to be achieved.

Test| Level 1| Level 2| Level 3| Level 4
Abrasion resistance (number of cycles)| 100| 500| 2,000| 8,000

Coupe and Tomodynamometer (TDM-100 or TDM) Tests

  • With regards to cut, there is the original coupe test, and in 2016 there was the introduction of the Tomodynamometer cut test under EN ISO 3997.
  • The initial thought was that the TDM test would supersede the original coupe test, but this is now not the case, and both will remain as applicable tests.
  • However, it is important to note that the tests are completely different, and the result scores do not correlate with each other.

Coupe (Circular Blade) Test

  • The coupe test is a circular rotating blade and results are based the number of cycles the machine completes before cutting through the fabric.
  • It was initially thought that the coupe test would be made redundant and the TDM test take precedence. We do understand now that both tests will remain but there have been changes to the coupe test from the 2003 version to the now 2016 version.
  • The test has been updated from a technical standpoint for it to remain as one of the cut test options.
  • The score given, after achieving a certain test result using this method, remains from 1 – 5, with 5 being the highest rating to be achieved.
EN 388:2003 EN 388:2016
Blade Sharpness factor between 1 and 2 Blade Sharpness factor between 0.8 and

Number of tests to be conducted by a blade not defined (as long as the blade achieved the sharpness factor 1-2)| Only 5 cut tests are permitted to be conducted per blade
Wear and tear of the blade was not considered while calculating the index value| Wear and tear of the blade to be taken into consideration while calculating the index value
Permitted to blunt the blade by any suitable means| Blade must be blunted by the use of three lyers of canvas
80 Blade cycles maximum| Reduced to 60 Blade cycles maximum
Test| Level 1| Level 2| Level 3| Level 4| Level 5
Circular blade cut resistance (index)*| 1.2| 2.5| 5.0| 10.0| 20.0

The numbers shown under each score level achieved do not equate to the number of cycles achieved. The blade cut index  value is calculated from the number of cycles required to cut through the specimen and the mean number of cycles required to cut through the control material.

TDM (Straight Blade) Test

  • The Tomodynamometer test, also referred to as the TDM-100 or TDM test is a straight blade, and the test is based on the vertical force applied in newtons until cut through takes place. The force and cut-through length are plotted on a graph and a trend line is generated. The identified force is applied to the specimen a further five times. If the results of the stroke length are within the tolerance levels, the test is then complete, and the force has been determined and given a score  from A – F, F being the highest score.
  • It is important to note that each blade is only used once for the test, and that as it is a straight blade.
  • It is widely thought of to be a test with more similarities to real world applications and more comparable to potential cut hazards and risks in the workplace.

Test| Level A| Level B| Level C| Level D| Level E| Level F
Straight blade cut resistance (Newtons)| 2| 5| 10| 15| 22| 30+

Usually there is an “X” which denotes that a test has not been undertaken or alternatively, in the case of the TDM cut test, there may no marking shown on the glove or documents at all.


  • In this test, specimens of material from the palm of four gloves and clamped in the jaws of a standard tensile strength testing machine. The jaws are moved apart at a constant speed (100mm/min), and the force (in newtons) needed to tear the material is measured.
  • The scores are from 1 – 4, with 4 being the highest score being able to be achieved.
Performance Level 1 2 3 4
Tear resistance (Newtons) 10 25 50 75


  • The test uses a rounded object which is pushed 50mm into the specimen at a constant speed of 100mm/min using a compression test machine. The maximum resistance force (in newtons) is recorded. Performance levels are based on the lowest of four test results.
  • The scores are from 1 – 4, with 4 being the highest score being able to be achieved.

It is important to note that this test would not replicate the puncture resistance needed to protect against potential needlestick risks. There is currently no standard for the testing of hypodermic needles with hand protection. We (the UK) currently align ourselves with the American ANSI standard, ASTM F2878, as there haven’t been a UK equivalent. However, this is under review as we anticipate a needlestick test will make it into future revisions of EN 388. As your safety provider as soon as we are informed of such additions we will update this guide to reflect.


  • This is a test that was not included in EN 388∶2003, and is used for gloves which incorporate specific impact-resistant properties which may be added to the palm, back of the hand or the knuckles. The test area is impacted with a 2.5kg flat face striker from a sufficient height to provide impact energy of 5J. The peak force which is detected by a sensor is recorded. Four tests are carried out on specimens of each area of protection taken from four different gloves.
  • The test result is either a Pass “P” or Fail “X”, or alternatively, there may no marking shown on the glove or documents at all.

Information on the individual tests have been taken from

Protective Gloves Against Thermal Risks

(Heat and/or Fire)

  • EN 407 regulates the minimum requirements and specific test methods for safety gloves in relation to thermal [heat and/or fire] risks.
  • The standard includes six thermal tests: burning behaviour, contact heat, convective heat, radiant heat, small and large splashes of molten plus reference to EN388∶2016 and EN21420∶2019 for mechanical and general performance requirements.
  • The four performance levels range from ‘Level 1’, which is the lowest level of protection to ‘Level 4’ (the highest level).
  • It does not concern the specific application of heat-resistant gloves such as firefighting or welding.
  • As of 2020, EN 407∶2004 has been revised and is now EN 407∶2020. The first performance class is no longer named “resistance to flammability” but is now called “limited flame spread”. You may see a new pictogram, if the glove has not been tested for this (See EN407∶2020 diagram)
  • There are no changes to the performance classes.


Performance Level 1 2 3 4
a. Resistance to flammability After flame time <15s <10s <3s
After glow time No Requirement <120s <25s <5s
b. Contact heat Contact Temperature 100ºC 250ºC 350ºC
Threshold time >15s >15s >15s >15s
c. Convective heat (heat transfer delay) >4s >7s >10s >18s
d. Radiant heat (heat transfer delay) >7s >20s >50s >95s
e. Small drops molten metal (# drops) >10 >15 >25 >35
f. Large quantity molten metal (mass) 30g 60g 120g 200g


  • Within EN 407∶2020 the first performance class is no longer named “resistance to flammability” but is now called “limited flame spread”.
  • You may see a new pictogram, if the glove has not been tested for this (see new diagram below), which will show as an “X” but then show the levels for the remainder of the applicable tests.
  • There are no changes to the performance classes.

Note : If tests are not performed or are not applicable, ‘X’ will be placed instead of a number/letter.

Performance Level 1 2 3 4
a. Limited flame spread After flame time <15s <10s <3s
After glow time No Requirement <120s <25s <5s
b. Contact heat Contact Temperature 100ºC 250ºC 350ºC
Threshold time >15s >15s >15s >15s
c. Convective heat (heat transfer delay) >4s >7s >10s >18s
d. Radiant heat (heat transfer delay) >7s >20s >50s >95s
e. Small drops molten metal (# drops) >10 >15 >25 >35
f. Large quantity molten metal (mass) 30g 60g 120g 200g

Resistance to flammability (2004) and Limited Flame Spread (2020)

  • This test covers how well the gloves copes with ignition.
  • In the test, a whole glove sample is held vertically over a test burner with the flame in contact with the end of the middle finger of the glove or at the longest position. The flame is brought into contact with the test sample. The 2004 version of the standard allows for two flame exposure times of 3 and 15 seconds. The 2020 version is for ten seconds. After which the flame is withdrawn, and the degree of after-flame and after-glow of the sample is recorded.
Performance Level 1 2 3 4
After flame time (seconds) >15 <10s <3s <2s
After glow time (seconds) No Requirement <120s <25s <5s

Contact heat resistance

  • Contact heat refers to two surfaces that touch each other.
  • This test looks into the interior temperature of the glove, when it is exposed to temperatures from 100°C to 500°C over a length of time of 15 seconds. The time taken for the temperature to rise to 10°C above the starting temperature is measured. The levels relate to the temperatures at which the materials are being tested. Performance Level 1 is the lowest at 100°C and performance Level 4 is the highest at 500°C.
Performance Level 1 2 3 4
Temperature after 15 seconds (C) 100 250 350 500

Convective heat resistance
Convective heat transfer is the transfer of heat from the source to another place by the movement of gas and liquids. The test covers the glove’s palm region, along with any other areas that differ in materials and construction from the palm region and are intended to be exposed to convective heat. The samples are exposed to a heat source and the thermal insulation of the glove is measured by the rate of temperature rise of a calorimeter on the inside of the glove while the glove outer is placed in contact with a controlled gas flame. They are recorded and are expressed as heat transfer indexes.

Performance Level 1 2 3 4
Seconds <4 <7 <10 <18

Radiant heat resistance
Radiant heat is transferred from one body to another without contact between the bodies and can be very intense and is invisible. The test to grade radiant heat resistance in gloves measure the rising temperature of the glove’s interior, by a calorimeter and are recorded and are expressed as radiant heat transfer indexes. The percentage heat transmission factor is calculated from the temperature rise data.

Performance Level 1 2 3 4
Seconds <7 <20 <50 <90

Resistance to small splashes of molten metal
The test for gloves which are to be used in this environment involves droplets of molten metal of 0.5g are applied to the material, while the interior temperature is taken. The glove is measured on its ability to remain at a comfortable temperature, after the application of the molten metal drops. This does not concern the specific application of welding which is covered under EN 12477: 2001 and 2005.

Performance Level 1 2 3 4
Number of 0.5g droplets <10 <15 <25 <35

Resistance to large splashes of molten metal
This test is similar to the small splashes of molten metal, only larger amounts of molten metal are used. Materials are tested by pouring defined quantities of molten metal onto the test specimen (refer to table).

Performance Level 1 2 3 4
Seconds 30 60 120 200

Note : If tests are not performed or are not applicable, ‘X’ will be placed instead of a number/letter.
Information on the individual tests have been taken from

EN 511∶2006 – Protective Gloves Against Cold

  • EN 511∶2006 is the general standard designed to be used for any glove that claims protection against cold environments. It is the standard for gloves designed to protect against convective and contact cold down to -50°C and covers resistance to water penetration.
  • The standard includes two specific tests for assessing thermal insulation; convective cold and contact cold, in addition to requirements from EN 388 and EN 21420.
  • Before a glove is tested for cold handling it must have scored at least level 1 in the EN388 Mechanical Handling Test for Abrasion and Tear Resistance.

Convective Cold

  • This test assesses the ability of a glove to prevent heat loss into the surrounding environment to determine the level of thermal insulation.
  • The test places the glove on an electrically heated hand and measures the power required to maintain the hand at a temperature of between 300C and 350C (when it is placed in a controlled environment).
  • The scores are from 1 — 4, with 4 being the highest score being able to be achieved.
  • To claim a convective cold resistance performance level of 2 or more, the glove must achieve at least performance level 2 for EN 388 abrasion and tear resistance.
Performance Level 0 1 2 3 4
a. Convective Cold Thermal Insulation ITR in m2.°C/W I<0.10
0.10<I<0.15 0.15<I<0.22 0.22<I<0.30 0.30<I

Contact Cold (Conduction)
The contact cold test measures the Thermal Resistance (R) of the glove. The test measures thermal insulation when in contact with a solid object.
Thermal resistance is calculated from the difference in temperature between the inner and outer surfaces of the test material when different temperatures. The scores are from 1 – 4, with 4 being the highest score able to be achieved.

Performance Level 0 1 2 3 4
b. Contact Cold Thermal Resistance R in m2.°C/W R<0.025 0.025<R<0.050
0.050<R<0.100 0.100<R<0.150 0.150<R

Water Penetration
The glove is submerged in water for 30 minutes. If water passes through to the inside it will class as a Fail shown with 0, if after 30 minutes the water hasn’t penetrated to the inside of the glove will score a Pass shown as 1
If the test has failed or not carried out, it will be added to the user instructions that the glove may lose its insulative properties when wet.

The above indicates a Pass for Water Penetration

  • A level 0 means that the glove had failed the test.
  • An X means that the glove wasn’t tested to that test.
  • A glove can only achieve a pass or a fail for the waterproof test. A “0” is a fail and a “1” is a pass.

Flexibility behaviour

  • This test is for coated gloves. Four test specimens are taken from palm areas with no seams and are repeatedly flexed by a machine for 10000 cycles in an environment maintained at -20°C. The specimens are then examined and must show no cracks in the coating.
    Note : There are no associated performance levels, and this test is not indicated on the glove stamp.

Extreme cold flexibility

  • This test is required for coated gloves intended to be used in conditions of extreme cold, defined as temperatures of -30°C and below. Three test specimens are placed in a cold chamber maintained at -50°C for 4 hours. The test specimens are  then bent in a bending jig and examined under magnification. The specimens must show no cracks in the coating to pass the test.
    Note : There are no associated performance levels, and this test is not indicated on the glove stamp.

Glove Coatings

  • PU (Polyurethane) – Good Dry Grip; a durable and flexible coating. Great for intricate work in dry areas.

  • Flat Nitrile – Good Wet Grip but less dexterous so not suitable for small intricate work.

  • Latex – Latex delivers high elasticity and grip. Can be bulkier so not suitable for fine or intricate work. A downside to latex-coated gloves is that latex contains a protein that can cause allergic reactions in some people.
    Crinkle Latex – Offers outstanding grip along with abrasion resistance. Can be bulkier so not suitable for find or intricate work. A downside to latex-coated gloves is that latex contains a protein that can cause allergic reactions in some people.

  • Foam Nitrile – Suited to dry or light oil environments as it acts like a sponge when working with oily surfaces providing superb grip in wet and oily conditions. However, foam nitrile can become saturated when subjected to heavy oil and liquids.

  • Gritty/Sandy Nitrile – Good Wet Grip with Excellent Abrasion Resistance. The sandy texture creates a non-slip grip that’s good for use with heavy oils and liquids.

Glove gauges

  • All gloves have a designated gauge (thickness). A low number usually means thicker gloves and generally will offer less dexterity, while a higher number will mean a thinner lighter weight glove and will give more dexterity.
  • The higher the gauge the thinner the glove.
  • For example, a 15 gauge glove is thinner than a 10 gauge glove.

Halo – Because everyone deserves to be protected and comfortable.

  • There’s no such thing as the average worker. Everyone’s safety needs are different.
  • Halo is our new, inclusive, PPE brand. Developed alongside our customers and designed with individuals in mind to give the best fit, protection and comfort for every build and every gender of worker.
  • Our range of products make Halo a stand-out brand that puts the safety of your people at the centre.
  • By choosing Halo you are supporting worthwhile charities including Mind and The Diversity Trust.
  • For more information about Halo scan the QR code or visit

Additional Symbols
The symbol indicates that the material used in the product is considered safe for food contact.

Glove Sizing

  • Correct sizing is essential for ensuring glove comfort. The ideal way to determine size is with a dressmaker’s cloth tape. Use it to measure the circumference of the palm of the hand at its widest point, in millimetre.
  • Cross-reference that measurement against the table provided here.
  • Most gloves with knitwrist are colour coded for size identification as below.
  Size Hand Circumference Hand Length
XS 6 152mm 160mm
S 7 178mm 171mm
M 8 203mm 182mm
L 9 229mm 192mm
XL 10 254mm 204mm
XXL 11 279mm 215mm

Note : This chart is intended to be used as a guide only.

Check your glove size

  • Place your right hand palm down on the drawing with your fingers together. Your index finger should be aligned with the orange line (but not over it), your thumb crotch placed correspondingly to the portrayed hand.
  • Size is indicated by the width of your hand.
  • Read your size on the coloured lines.

Print and scale this page to A3 to be able to size your hand against the diagram.

Cromwell is a fully accredited member of the British Safety Industry Federation
Registered Safety Supplier Scheme

  • All PPE must be correctly tested and certified to meet the appropriate European standard. Unfortunately, the quantity of non-approved product being sold into the UK is on the increase. Such products should not be used for business because they contravene safety legislation.
  • A number of items are available that claim CE approvals but in reality they have not been appropriately certified. Even worse, some items are in fact counterfeits of existing products. In our experience these products just do not perform as they should, putting lives at risk and again exposing the user to prosecution.
  • Remember, by using a Registered Safety Supplier you can be sure you will only be supplied with genuine, appropriately approved product and you will receive sound advice without any attempt to mislead you.

Sources iso-21420-a-summary/ /personal-safety/iso-21420-ppe-product-flyer.pdf

Regulation 2016/425 and the Personal Protective Equipment (Enforcement) Regulations 2018: Great Britain


  • We would like to thank SATRA for their time, support and assistance.
  • We would also like to thank one of our strategic supply partners, Keypoint, for their time, advice and support, in particular with the table of the 2003 vs 2016 coupe test differences shown on page 7.
  • It is a joy to work with two bodies that also live our core purpose of keeping people safe.

For more information, call 0800 338 877, email or contact  your local sales representative
© Copyright 05/2023


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