Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application User Guide

June 12, 2024
Petrosoft LLC

Petrosoft logo Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - logo
CStoreOffice® Mobile App
For Petrosoft Users
Version 3.3

This document is the property of and contains Proprietary Information owned by Petrosoft, LLC and/or suppliers. This document and any attached materials transmitted to you in confidence and trust, and you agree to treat this document in strict accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement under which it was provided to you. No part of this document may be disclosed in any manner to a third party without the prior written consent of Petrosoft, LLC.


CStoreOffice® Mobile App is a mobile application that keeps retailers connected to their store and retail chain data and allows them to make important inventory and business decisions from anywhere.
With CStoreOffice® Mobile App, retailers can run their business with peace of mind at home, on the road or wherever their business or life takes them.
With CStoreOffice® Mobile App, you can use the following features:Petrosoft
LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - MOBILE APP CStoreOffice® Mobile App features are permission-based. For details, see Granting Permissions to CStoreOffice® Mobile App Functionality.
CStoreOffice® Mobile App can be run on Android and Apple iOS devices. However, the portrait mode (vertical orientation) is supported only by mobile phones while the landscape mode (horizontal orientation) is supported only by tablets.
For details, see Installing CStoreOffice® Mobile App and Logging In.


To start working with CStoreOffice® Mobile App, you need to install the application and log in to it.
CStoreOffice® Mobile App can be run on Android and Apple iOS devices. You can download the application from Google Play Market or iTunes Store and install it on the device.
Depending on the device where CStoreOffice® Mobile App is installed, the following modes are supported by the app:

  • Mobile phone: The app works only in the portrait mode (vertical orientation).
  • Tablet: The app works only in the landscape mode (horizontal orientation).

To log in to CStoreOffice® Mobile App:

  1. Open the application installed on your device.
  2. In the Email field, type the email address of your Petrosoft account.
  3. In the Password field, type the password of your Petrosoft account.
  4. To view the privacy policy terms, tap Privacy Policy.
  5. If necessary, switch to another language: at the bottom right corner of the logon view, tap the language icon and from the list, select the language.
  6. Tap Sign In.

Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - Sign
In To automatically log in to the application using the specified account, under the Sign In button, tap Remember me and sign in automatically.
If you want to evaluate CStoreOffice® Mobile App capabilities, you can log in to the application using the demo account. To do this, at the bottom left corner of the logon view, tap Demo Account.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile
Application - Demo Account To learn what features are available in the new CStoreOffice® Mobile App version, under the Sign In button, tap the version number.


Communication between the applications and Petrosoft Cloud utilizes HTTPS protocol for sensitive data. When working in restricted networks, the following endpoints should be accessible from the mobile device for proper functioning:

  • External endpoints
  • LAN endpoints

Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - External
endpoints External Endpoints

Endpoint Description Ports Required
* Various Petrosoft services 80, 443, 20448, 20450

**| Various Petrosoft services| 80, 443, 20448, 20450| Always**| Loss Prevention Cameras| 80, 443, 12501| If LPA features are used

LAN Endpoints

Endpoint Description Ports Required
LAP Printers IPs LAN Printer IP that is used to print from the mobile
app 9100 If need to print on LAN printer
Direct Connect IP Direct Connect local IP to allow Direct Connect setup
and configuration 80, 443 If you need to set up Direct Connect from the

mobile device


To use the CStoreOffice® Mobile App features, you need to assign relevant permissions to the roles or users in CStoreOffice® depending on their business roles and scope of responsibility.
CStoreOffice® Mobile App Functionality Permissions
You can grant permissions to the forms and features in the following CStoreOffice® Mobile App modules:

  • Location Summary
  • Docs and Files
  • Pricebook
  • Inventory
  • Loss Prevention
  • QwickServe

Checking Granted Permissions in CStoreOffice®
To make sure a permission is granted to the role or user:

  1. Open either of the following user settings in CStoreOffice®:
    o User role: Role Setup form > Access Data Types list.
    o Employee form: Employee Setup form > Login & Password > Advanced.

  2. In the search field, type the permission name.
    To view the names of permissions for the module you need, select the relevant subsection in the CStoreOffice® Mobile App Functionality Permissions section.

  3. Make sure the Access is allowed icon is displayed to the left of the permission name. If not – click it to grant the permission.

Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - Access is
allowed For more information about granting permissions in CStoreOffice®, see Roles Management Permissions.

Location Summary Permissions
The Location Summary module’s permissions in CStoreOffice® Mobile App are grouped by the widgets included into the module:

  • Store KPI Widget Permissions
  • Fuel KPI Widget Permissions
  • Profit Widget Permissions
  • Shifts Widget Permissions
  • Fuel Inventory Widget Permissions
  • Location Info Widget Permissions

In the tables below, you can find the following information:

  • CStoreOffice® Mobile App Form: The name of the form and its related functionality in CStoreOffice® Mobile App to which the related permission may be granted.
  • CStoreOffice® Corresponding Permission
    o Permission Name: The name of permission in CStoreOffice® that can be granted to the role or user.
    o Path to Permission: Use this column’s value to find the permission in the list of available permissions by opening relevant sections and subsections consecutively.

Store KPI Widget Permissions

CStoreOffice® Mobile App Form

| CStoreOffice® Corresponding Permission
Permission Name| Path to Permission
Store KPI| Key Performance Indicators web part on home page| Dashboard > Related Components
Store KPI > Sales| Key Performance Indicators web part on home page| Dashboard

Related Components
Store KPI > Sales > Store Sales History| Store.Sales.Store Sales Detailed| Reports > Related Components
Store KPI > Sales > Store Sales History > Item Sales by Tags| Store.Sales.Item Sales by Tags report| Reports > Related Components
Store KPI > GPM| Key Performance Indicators web part on home page| Dashboard > Related Components
Store KPI > GPM > GPM Progress| Projection Report| Reports > Related Components
Store KPI > Profit| Projection Report| Reports > Related Components
Store KPI > Profit > Store Profit by Category| Store.Merchandise.GPM.Store GPM Report| Reports > Related Components
Store KPI > Inventory| Store.Inventory.Shortages.Consolidated Store Inventory Progress report| Reports > Related Components
Store KPI > Inventory > Inventory Level by Category| Store.Inventory.Volume and State.Category Inventory Levels Report| Reports > Related Components
Store KPI > In. Over/(Short)| Store.Inventory.Shortages.Inventory Adjust- ment History report| Reports > Related Components
Store KPI > In. Over/(Short) > Inventory Adjustment History

Fuel KPI Widget Permissions

CStoreOffice® Mobile App Form| CStoreOffice® Corresponding Permission
Permission Name| Path to Permission
Fuel KPI| Fuel columns at Key Performance Indicators on dashboard| Fuel > Related Components
Fuel KPI > Sales| Fuel columns at Key Performance Indicators on dashboard| Fuel > Related Components
Fuel KPI > Sales > Fuel Sales History| Project Report Graphics| Reports > Related Components
Fuel KPI > Price| Fuel Prices Change History (station level) Reports >| Related Components
Fuel KPI > Price > Price Report| Competitors gas prices| Reports > Related Components
Fuel KPI > Price > Price Report > Price History Report (graphical and numeric data views)| Fuel Prices Change History (station level)| Reports > Related Components
Fuel KPI > Pool Margin| Fuel Sales Detailed| Reports > Related Components
Fuel KPI > Pool Margin > Pool Margin Progress| Fuel Sales Detailed| Reports > Related Components
Fuel KPI > Profit| Display Fuel in the Store Projection report| Fuel > Related Components
Fuel KPI > Profit > Fuel Profit Progress| Fuel Sales Detailed| Reports > Related Components

Profit Widget Permissions

CStoreOffice® Mobile App Form| CStoreOffice® Corresponding Permission
Permission Name| Path to Permission
Profit > Store| Projection Report| Reports > Related Components
Profit > Store > Store Profit by Category| Store.Merchandise.GPM.Store GPM report| Reports > Related Components
Profit > Fuel| Display fuel in the Store Projection report| Fuel > Related Components
Profit > Fuel > Fuel Profit Progress| Fuel Sales Detailed| Reports > Related Components
Profit > VIP| Display fuel in the Store Projection report| Fuel > Related Components
Profit > VIP > VIP Report
Profit > Allowance
Profit > Allowance > VIP Report
Profit > Total Profit| Projection Report| Reports > Related Components

Shifts Widget Permissions

CStoreOffice® Mobile App Form| CStoreOffice® Corresponding Permission
Permission Name| Path to Permission
Shifts| Shift Report| Reports > Related Components
Shifts > Shift Report Details

Fuel Inventory Widget Permissions

CStoreOffice® Mobile App Form| CStoreOffice® Corresponding Permission
Permission Name| Path to Permission
Fuel Inventory| Fuel inventory form| Fuel > Related Components
Fuel Inventory > Fuel Inventory Report

Location Info Widget Permissions
No permissions required. The Location Info widget is displayed for all users.
To learn more about the Location Summary module in CStoreOffice® Mobile App, see Viewing the Location Summary.
Pricebook Permissions
In the table below, you can find the following information:

  • CStoreOffice® Mobile App Form: The name of the form and its related functionality in CStoreOffice® Mobile App to which the related permission may be granted.
  • CStoreOffice® Corresponding Permission
    o Permission Name: The name of permission in CStoreOffice® that can be granted to the role or user.
    o Path to Permission: Use this column’s value to find the permission in the list of available permissions by opening relevant sections and subsections consecutively.

CStoreOffice® Mobile App Form| CStoreOffice® Corresponding Permission
Permission Name| Path to Permission
Pricebook > Items Lookup| Price Book manager| Price Book > Related Components
Pricebook > Items Lookup > Item Card| Item Setup: Station level| Price Book > Related Components
Pricebook > Items Lookup > Item Card > Edit Item
Pricebook > Items Lookup > Item Card > Edit Item > Edit Item Category| Allow users to rewrite the item’s Category| Price Book
Pricebook > Items Lookup > Item Card > Edit Item > Edit Item Department| Allow users to rewrite the item’s Depart- ment| Price Book
Pricebook > Items Lookup > Item Card > Edit Item > Edit Item Retail| Allow users to change retail price| Price Book
Pricebook > Items Lookup > Item Card > Edit Item > Edit Item Parameters| Allow users to edit items| Price Book
Pricebook > Items Lookup > Create New Item| Allow users to set up items| Price Book
Pricebook > Items Lookup > Adding items to a cycle count ticket| Cycle count tickets| Data Entry
Pricebook > Shelf Tags| Shelf Tags| To be defined

To learn more about the Pricebook module in CStoreOffice® Mobile App, see Working with Price Book Items.

Docs and Files Permissions
To allow the user to access the Docs and Files functionality in CStoreOffice® Mobile App, you need to grant the Docs Scanner permission to the user in CStoreOffice®.
To make sure the Docs Scanner permission is granted, check either of the following user settings in CStoreOffice®:

  • User role: Role Setup form > Access Data Types list.
  • Employee form: Employee Setup form > Login & Password > Advanced.

Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - Docs and Files
Permissions For more information about granting permissions in CStoreOffice®, see Roles Management Permissions.
The Docs and Files permission grants an access to the following Docs and Files features in CStoreOffice® Mobile App:

  • Create new invoice. The following invoice types are supported:
    o Merchandise
    o Fuel
    o Expense
    o Lottery

  • New invoice form
    o Adding new comment
    o Adding an image from the gallery
    o Adding an image from the camera

  • Documents calendar
    o Documents list by date

  • Edit invoice form
    o Editing comment
    o Updating an image from the gallery
    o Updating an image from the camera

To learn more about the Docs and Files module in CStoreOffice® Mobile App, see Scanning Invoices.
Inventory Permissions
In the table below, you can find the following information:

  • CStoreOffice® Mobile App Form: The name of the form and its related functionality in CStoreOffice® Mobile App to which the related permission may be granted.
  • CStoreOffice® Corresponding Permission
    o Permission Name: The name of permission in CStoreOffice® that can be granted to the role or user.
    o Path to Permission: Use this column’s value to find the permission in the list of available permissions by opening relevant sections and subsections consecutively.

CStoreOffice® Mobile App Form| CStoreOffice® Corresponding Permission
Permission Name| Path to Permission
Inventory > Counts| Cycle count tickets| Data Entry > Related Components
Inventory > Counts > Items Lookup
Inventory > Counts > Items Lookup > Edit Item| Item Setup: Station level| Price Book > Related Components
Inventory > Counts > Cycle Count Ticket Items| Cycle count tickets| Data Entry

Related Components
Inventory > Counts > Cycle Count Ticket Items > Item Form| Item Setup: Station level| Price Book > Related Components
Inventory > Counts > Upload Ticket| Cycle count tickets| Data Entry > Related Components

To learn more about the Inventory functionality in CStoreOffice® Mobile App, see Performing Itemized Inventory.

Loss Prevention Permissions
To allow the user to access the Loss Prevention features in CStoreOffice® Mobile App, the following conditions should be met:

  • Loss Prevention Analytics product should be enabled for your Petrosoft account.
  • The Video Journal permission should be granted to your user in CStoreOffice®.

Checking if Loss Prevention Analytics is Enabled
To check if the Loss Prevention Analytics module is enabled for your account in CStoreOffice®:

  1. Sign in to CStoreOffice®.
  2. Open the General Station Options form. For details, see Setting Up Locations.
  3. In the General Station Options form:
    a. Set the Advanced Mode toggle to the On position.
    b. Go to the Product list and click Show Products.
    c. Make sure the Loss Prevention Analytics product is selected.

If you need to add the Loss Prevention Analytics product to your station, contact a Petrosoft representative.
Checking if Video Journal Permission is Granted
To make sure the Video Journal permission is granted, check either of the following user settings in CStoreOffice®:

  • User role: Role Setup form > Access Data Types list.
  • Employee form: Employee Setup form > Login & Password > Advanced.

Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - Permission is
Granted For more information about granting permissions in CStoreOffice®, see Roles Management Permissions.
To learn more about the Loss Prevention module in CStoreOffice® Mobile App, see Using Loss Prevention Features.

QwickServe Permissions
To allow the user to access the QwickServe features in CStoreOffice® Mobile App, the following conditions should be met:

  • QwickServe module should be enabled for your account in CStoreOffice®.
  • Relevant permissions of the QwickServe module should be granted to your user in CStoreOffice®.

Checking if QwickServe is Enabled
To check if the QwickServe module is enabled for your account in CStoreOffice®:

  1. Sign in to CStoreOffice®.
  2. Open the General Station Options form. For details, see Setting Up Locations.
  3. In the General Station Options form:
    a. Set the Advanced Mode toggle to the On position.
    b. Go to the Product list and click Show Products.
    c. Make sure the QwickServe product is selected.

If you need to add the QwickServe product to your station, contact a Petrosoft representative.
To learn more about the QwickServe module in CStoreOffice® Mobile App, see Viewing QwickServe Devices and Orders.

Checking if Relevant QwickServe Permissions are Granted
To make sure relevant QwickServe permissions are granted, check either of the following user settings in CStoreOffice®:

  • User role: Role Setup form > Access Data Types list.
  • Employee form: Employee Setup form > Login & Password > Advanced.

Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - QwickServe Permissions are
Granted For more information about granting permissions in CStoreOffice®, see Roles Management Permissions.
To learn more about the QwickServe module in CStoreOffice® Mobile App, Viewing QwickServe Devices and Orders.


When you log on to CStoreOffice® Mobile App, you can see the summary merchandise and fuel information for the location.

  • If you log in to the application for the first time, the summary information for the first location in the locations list is displayed.
  • If you have already used CStoreOffice® Mobile App, the summary information for the location with which you have recently worked is displayed.

Using the Summary view in CStoreOffice® Mobile App, you can:

  • Switch between locations
  • Review the merchandise and fuel summary
  • Update the summary information for the location

Switching Between Locations
To switch to another location, do either of the following:

  • At the top left corner of the Summary view, tap the menu button, then tap the current location and from the list, select the location.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - Between Locations
  • At the bottom of the Summary view, tap the location name and from the list, select the location.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - bottom of the Summary

Reviewing the Merchandise and Fuel Summary
The Summary view of CStoreOffice® Mobile App presents the dashboard aggregating the major backoffice merchandise and fuel data for the location. The dashboard allows you to get access to the most commonly used reports that will help you to easily track and forecast the retail location performance.
You can see the following widgets in the dashboard.

  • Store KPI
  • Fuel KPI
  • Profit
  • Shifts
  • Fuel Inventory
  • Location Info

All widgets and their forms are permission-based. For details, see Granting Permissions to CStoreOffice® Mobile App Functionality.
Store KPI
To get the list of permissions from the Store KPI widget, see Store KPI Widget Permissions.
The Store KPI widget presents information about merchandise KPI for the location:

  • Sales: The total sales amount, projected and reported for the last year. From the Sales section, you can open and view the following reports:
    o Store Sales History report: Tap the Sales section.
    o Item Sales by Tags report: Tap the Sales section and then, in the Store Sales History report, tap the tag icon.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile
Application - Store KPI

  • GPM: The GPM rate, projected and reported for the last year. Tap the GPM section, to open and view the GPM Progress report.

  • Profit: The merchandise profit amount, projected and reported for the last year. Tap the Profit section, to open and view the Store Profit by Category report.

  • Inventory: The inventory amount, projected and reported for the last year. Tap the Inventory section, to open and view the Inventory Level by Category report.

  • Inv. Over/(Short): Tap the Inv. Over/(Short) section, to view the Inventory Adjustment History report that displays the history of inventory adjustments made for the location.

Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - GPM
Progress Fuel KPI
To get the list of permissions from the Fuel KPI widget, see Fuel KPI Widget Permissions.
The Fuel KPI widget presents information about fuel KPI for the location:

  • Sales (Gal): The amount of fuel sold (in gallons), projected and reported the last year. Tap this line to open the Fuel Sales History report.

  • Price: The fuel price, projected and reported for the last year. From the Price section, you can open and view the following reports:
    o Price Report: Tap the Price section, to open the Price report with information about competitor fuel prices.
    o Price History report: Tap the Price section and then in the Price Report, tap the history icon.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - Fuel

  • Pool Margin: The pool margin, projected and reported for the last year. The pool margin is the estimate of total profit per gallon based upon the gasoline sales price versus cost of gasoline per gallon. Tap this line to open the Pool Margin Progress report.

  • Profit: The fuel profit amount, projected and reported for the last year. Tap this line in the widget to open the Fuel Profit Progress report.

Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - Fuel Profit
Progress Profit
To get the list of permissions from the Profit widget, see Profit Widget Permissions.
The Profit widget displays information about merchandise and fuel profit:

  • Store: The merchandise profit, projected and reported for the last year. Tap this line to open the Store Profit by Category report.
  • Fuel: The fuel profit, projected and reported for the last year. Tap this line to open the Fuel Profit Progress report.
  • VIP: Purchases amount by VIP (Volume Incentive Programs). Tap this line to open the VIP report.
  • Allowance: Purchases amount by allowance programs. Tap this line to open the Fuel Allowance report.
  • Total Profit: The total profit for the location, projected and reported for the last year.

Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - Total
Profit Shifts
To get the list of permissions from the Shifts widget, see Shifts Widget Permissions.
The Shifts widget displays information about recently accepted shifts. Tap the necessary line to see shift details.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile
Application - accepted shifts Fuel Inventory
To get the list of permissions from the Fuel Inventory widget, see Fuel Inventory Widget Permissions.
The Fuel Inventory widget displays inventory data for all fuel types. Tap the necessary line to see inventory details for a specific fuel type.Petrosoft
LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - specific fuel type Location Info
No permissions required to display the Location Info widget.
The Location Info widget displays information about the location set up in CStoreOffice®.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - Location
Info Updating the Summary Information
The summary information for the location is updated automatically.

  • To see when data was last updated, at the top right corner of the Summary view, check the date below the sync icon.
  • To update the summary information manually, tap the sync icon.

Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - Summary


CStoreOffice® Mobile App allows you to view and work with items added to the account Price Book in CStoreOffice®. You can perform the following operations with items:

  • View and edit item data
  • Add items to a cycle count ticket
  • Add the item barcode to a shelf tags sheet
  • Create shelf tags

All pricebook forms and related functionality are permission-based. For details, see Granting Permissions to CStoreOffice® Mobile App Functionality.
Viewing and Editing Items
You can view information about a specific item available in the Price Book and edit the item data, if necessary.
To be able to edit item data, you need to have relevant permissions granted to your user. If you do not have this permission, once you attempt to edit the item data, CStoreOffice® Mobile App displays a warning. To request a permission, in the warning window, tap Request permissions and select an application over which you want to send the request.
For more information about CStoreOffice® Mobile App pricebook permissions, see Pricebook Permissions.
Permissions are granted in CStoreOffice®. For details, Roles Management Permissions.
To view information about a specific item and edit it, you first need to find the item you need. You can do it in two ways:

  • Scan the item barcode. Do the following:
    a. At the bottom of the Summary view in CStoreOffice® Mobile App, tap Items Lookup.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - Items
Lookupb. Point the device camera at the item barcode. CStoreOffice® Mobile App will automatically find the item in the Price Book by the scanned barcode and display the item card with the item information.
    Currently, only UPC-A item codes can be scanned via CStoreOffice® Mobile App. Make sure your item has the UPC-A item code. It should consists of 12 digits.

  • Find the item in the Price Book. Do the following:
    a. At the top left corner of the Summary view, tap the menu button and then in the Pricebook section, tap Items.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile
Application - Pricebookb. In the search field at the top of the view, type the item name or a part of it and tap the search icon to the right. You can also search for items by UPC.Petrosoft LLC
CStoreOffice Mobile Application - items by UPCc. In the list of search results, tap the necessary item to open the item card.

You can now view and edit the following item data:

  • Image assigned to the item
  • Item description
  • CR description
  • Current retail
  • UPC
  • PLU
  • Category
  • CR department

Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - CR
department Adding Items to a Cycle Count Ticket
If you want to perform itemized inventory, you can add an item to a cycle count ticket directly from the item card.
To be able to add an item to a cycle count ticket, you need to have relevant permissions granted to your user.
For more information about CStoreOffice® Mobile App pricebook permissions, see Pricebook Permissions.
Permissions are granted in CStoreOffice®. For details, Roles Management Permissions.
Do the following:

  1. At the bottom of the Summary view, tap the location name and from the list, select the necessary location.
  2. Find the necessary item by scanning the item barcode or finding the item in the Price Book. For details, see Viewing and Editing Items.
  3. At the bottom of the item card view, tap Inventory Count.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - Inventory Count
  4. In the displayed window, scroll up or down to define the number of items counted during the inventory.
  5. Tap Done.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - Tap Done

Result: A cycle count ticket is created, and the item is added to it. You can add more items to the ticket later. For details, see Performing Itemized Inventory.
If at least one item is added to a cycle count ticket, in the Summary view, CStoreOffice® Mobile App displays the number of added items over the Inventory Count button.
Adding Items to a Shelf Tags Sheet
If you need to print item barcodes, you can add the item barcode to a shelf tags sheet directly from the item card.

To be able to add the item barcode to a shelf tags sheet, you need to have relevant permissions granted to your user.
For more information about CStoreOffice® Mobile App pricebook permissions, see Pricebook Permissions.
Permissions are granted in CStoreOffice®. For details, Roles Management Permissions.
Do the following:

  1. At the bottom of the Summary view, tap the location name and from the list, select the necessary location.
  2. Find the necessary item by scanning the item barcode or finding the item in the Price Book. For details, see Viewing and Editing Items.
  3. At the bottom of the item card view, tap Shelf Tag.

Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - Shelf
TagYou can now proceed to setting up the shelf tags sheet. For details, see Creating Shelf Tags.
If at least one item is added to a shelf tags sheet, in the Summary view, CStoreOffice® Mobile App displays the number of added items over the Shelf Tags button.

Creating Shelf Tags
You can create shelf tags sheets with barcodes and retail prices for items in CStoreOffice® Mobile App on your mobile device. The created sheet can then be shared or sent by email as a PDF file to be printed later.
To be able to create shelf tags sheets, you need to have relevant permissions granted to your user.
For more information about CStoreOffice® Mobile App pricebook permissions, see Pricebook Permissions.
Permissions are granted in CStoreOffice®. For details, Roles Management Permissions.
To create a shelf tags sheet:

  1. At the bottom of the Summary view, tap the location name and from the list, select the location for which you want to create shelf tags.

  2. At the bottom of the Summary view, tap Shelf Tags.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - Shelf Tags

  3. Add an item to the shelf tags sheet. You can do it in the following ways:
    o Scan the item barcode: At the bottom of the view, tap Scan Barcode and point the device camera at the item barcode. CStoreOffice® Mobile App will automatically find the item in the Price Book by the scanned barcode and add the item to the sheet.
    o Add the item from the item card: You can add the item to a self tags sheet directly from the item card. For details, see Adding Items to a Shelf Tags Sheet.

  4. Populate the sheet with item tags. To do this, in the Items list, tap the necessary item and then in the Template section, tap one or more cells. The tag for the item will be placed to the selected cell(s).Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - Template

  5. At the top of the view, configure the sheet settings:
    o Layout Type: Select the sheet layout type — Petrosoft, Circle or EBY Brown Format.
    o Shelf Tag Type: Select the type of shelf tags — Petrosoft or Standard.
    o Upper case description: Enable this option to print item descriptions in the upper case.
    o Use Taxes: Enable this option to print the retail price with taxes.

  6. At the bottom of the view, tap Open PDF to preview the created sheet or Share PDF to send the created sheet by email, messenger and so on.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - Open PDF to preview


With CStoreOffice® Mobile App installed on a mobile device, you can take pictures of paper invoices and upload them to the CStoreOffice® data center. Petrosoft operators will then turn these documents into electronic invoices, and the invoice data will become available in CStoreOffice®.
This option can be thought of as a ‘mobile version’ of Docs Scanner. For more details about this tool, see Docs Scanner.
To be able to scan invoices, you need to have relevant permissions granted to your user. For details, see Docs and Files Permissions.
To scan an invoice with CStoreOffice® Mobile App:

  1. At the bottom of the Summary view, tap the location name and from the list, select the location for which you want to add the invoice.

  2. At the bottom of the Summary view, tap Docs and Files.

  3. In the Docs and Files menu, tap the necessary invoice type.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - Docs and Files 2

  4. Tap the calendar icon and select the date for which the invoice is added.

  5. At the top right corner of the view, tap the plus icon to add the invoice.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - plus icon

  6. In the Invoice form, fill the following invoice data:
    o Shift number: Type the shift number for the invoice.
    o Vendor: Select the vendor for which the invoice is added.
    o Invoice #: Type the invoice number.
    o Cost: Type the invoice cost.
    o MOP: Select the method of payment for the invoice.

  7. Add the invoice image. You can do it in two ways:
    o To add a photo, tap the photo icon and take the invoice photo with the device camera.
    o To add a saved image, tap the image icon and browse to the invoice image on the device.
    Please note that the number of images which can be uploaded and added to the invoice in CStoreOffice® Mobile App is limited to 1.

  8. At the bottom of the view, tap Save.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - SaveResult: The invoice is sent to the Petrosoft data center for further processing by operators.
    You can monitor the sending status in the Docs and Files menu at the bottom of the view. At the top right of the Docs and Files menu, you can view a digit (colored red) that indicates the number of images to be uploaded. When the red digit disappears, it indicates that all images are uploaded.


You can use CStoreOffice® Mobile App to perform itemized inventory with your mobile device. In particular, you can create a cycle count ticket and add to it all items that need to be counted, either by scanning item barcodes or manually. Once the items are  counted and the cycle count ticket is ready, you can upload it to CStoreOffice®, and the store manager can then proceed with the ticket.
To be able to perform an itemized inventory, you need to have relevant permissions granted to your user. For details, see Inventory Permissions.
To perform itemized inventory:

  1. At the bottom of the Summary view, tap the location name and from the list, select the location for which you want to perform itemized inventory.

  2. At the bottom of the Summary view, tap Inventory Count.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - Inventory Count 2

  3. Add an item to the cycle count ticket. You can do it in the following ways:
    o Scan the item barcode: To the right of the search field, tap the barcode icon and point the device camera at the item barcode. CStoreOffice® Mobile App will automatically find the item in the Price Book by the scanned barcode and add the item to the cycle count ticket.
    o Find the item in the Price Book: In the search field, enter the item name or a part of it and tap the search icon to the right. You can also search for items by UPC. In the results list, tap the item you want to add.
    o Add the item from the item card: You can add an item to the cycle count ticket directly from the item card. For details, see Adding Items to a Cycle Count Ticket.

  4. In the Count field, specify the number of counted items. You can type the number directly or tap the arrow icon to the right and scroll up or down in the Pick a Count window.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - Pick a Count window

  5. Repeat steps 3-4 for all items you want to add to the cycle count ticket.
    You can open the item card with item details from the Cycle Count Ticket view. To do this, to the right of the item, tap the eye icon.

  6. At the bottom of the view, tap Upload Ticket.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - Upload Ticket Result:  The ticket is uploaded to CStoreOffice® and becomes available in the Itemized Inventory form.
    For details, see Itemized Inventory.


With CStoreOffice® Mobile App, you can use the following Loss Prevention features:

  • View videos from cameras installed at your location and also check if all cameras are functioning properly. For details, see Viewing Retail Cameras.
  • Review cash register transactions and watch store camera records for these transactions using a mobile device. For details, see Viewing the POS Journal.

The Loss Prevention functionality is available in CStoreOffice® Mobile App under the following conditions:

  • If the Loss Prevention Analytics product is enabled for your Petrosoft account.
  • If your user has relevant permissions.

For details, see Loss Prevention Permissions.

Viewing Retail Cameras
With CStoreOffice® Mobile App, you can view videos from cameras installed at your location. You can also check if all cameras are functioning properly.
To be able to view videos from cameras installed at your location, you need to have relevant permissions granted to your user. For details, see Loss Prevention Permissions.
To view cameras at the store:

  1. At the bottom of the Summary view, tap the location name and from the list, select the location for which you want to view cameras.
  2. At the top left corner of the Summary view, tap the menu button and then in the Loss Prevention section, tap Live Cameras.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - Live Cameras
  3. Below the video stream, select the necessary camera and use controls to watch the video.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - controls to watch the videoTo watch the video in the full screen mode, below the video stream, tap the full screen icon.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - video stream

If a camera is unavailable or the video stream cannot be loaded, CStoreOffice® Mobile App displays red connection and view icons under the camera.

Viewing the POS Journal
With CStoreOffice® Mobile App, you can review cash register transactions and watch store camera records for these transactions using a mobile device.
To be able to review cash register transactions, you need to have relevant permissions granted to your user. For details, see Loss Prevention Permissions.
To view the POS journal:

  1. At the bottom of the Summary view, tap the location name and from the list, select the location for which you want to view the POS journal.

  2. At the top left corner of the Summary view, tap the menu button and then in the Loss Prevention section, tap POS Journal.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - POS Journal

  3. At the top of the view, tap Filters and set up the filter for the list of transactions you want to view:
    o Period: In the From and To fields, enter the start and end dates of the period for which you want to view transactions or tap a link of a predefined period below.
    o Time: Specify the time interval for which you want to view transactions.
    o Cost: Enter an approximate cost for transactions.
    o Events: Select the check boxes next to events you want to display in the list of transactions.

  4. At the bottom of the Video Journal Filters view, tap Apply Filter. To discard the filter, tap Reject Filter.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - Apply Filter

  5. In the POS Journal view, tap the transaction you want to check.
    The letter code to the right of the transaction defines the transaction type: ‘V’ for void transactions, ‘C’ for cancel transactions and so on.Petrosoft
LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - transaction

  6. Review the transaction details. You can check the following data:
    o Below the video, use the controls to switch between cameras and play video records from these cameras.
    To watch video records from all cameras at once in the dashboard, tap All.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - tap
AllTo watch the video record in the full screen mode, at the bottom of the video section, tap the full screen icon.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - screen
icono At the bottom of the transaction view, check the transaction details. You can see the description of the item(s) sold, and the transaction statistics: date and time, cashier’s name and so on.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - date and
timeTo close the transaction details and get back to the transactions list, at the top left of the transaction view, tap the close button.


You can view the list of QwickServe devices set up for your account and check the queue of orders coming from these devices.
This functionality is available only if the QwickServe module is enabled for your Petrosoft account.
For details, see QwickServe Permissions.
To check QwickServe devices and the order queue:

  1. At the bottom of the Summary view, tap the location name and from the list, select the location for which you want to check QwickServe devices.
  2. At the top left corner of the Summary view, tap the menu button and in the QwickServe section, tap Devices or Order Queue.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - Order QueueYou can now review the list of devices and orders.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice Mobile Application - devices and orders



The number of images which can be added to the invoice in CStoreOffice® Mobile App is limited to 1.
Therefore, it is strongly recommended to add only one image to the invoice.
If you are still trying to upload several images at once, only the first image will be added or you may experience issues with the CStoreOffice® Mobile App.
For more information on how to add an invoice using the CStoreOffice® Mobile App, see Scanning Invoices Using CStoreOffice® Mobile App.
In this case, check that the corresponding permission is enabled for the CStoreOffice® Mobile App app in your device settings:
1. From your device, go to Settings >Apps > Manage apps.
2. In the Manage apps list, tap CStoreOffice® Mobile App.Petrosoft LLC
CStoreOffice Mobile Application - CANNOT USE CAMERA3. In the CStoreOffice® Mobile App settings screen, go to Permissions > App permissions.
4. In the App permissions screen, make sure the Camera toggle is set to the On position. If not, set it to the On position.Petrosoft LLC CStoreOffice
Mobile Application - App permissions screenResult: After the Camera permission is enabled for the CStoreOffice® Mobile App app on your device, you should be able to use camera from CStoreOffice® Mobile App.
The names of the screens, settings and steps navigating you to the CStoreOffice® Mobile App camera permission may vary depending on your device model.


Currently, only UPC-A item codes can be scanned via CStoreOffice® Mobile App. Make sure your item has the UPC-A item code. It should consist of 12 digits.


The Entry # label is displayed to the right of each item added to the cycle count ticket. It indicates the order in which the same items are added to the ticket as single line items.
Each time the same item is added to the ticket, it is displayed in a separate line with the Entry # value which is increased by one.
For example in the image below, the Open Tobacco item is added to the ticket three times as this item is displayed in three single lines.Petrosoft LLC
CStoreOffice Mobile Application - single lines

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Confidentiality level—Public use
Petrosoft LLC
290 Bilmar Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15205


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