Aeros Particulate Matter Humidity and CO2 Sensor Installation Guide

June 12, 2024

Aeros Particulate Matter Humidity and CO2 Sensor

Aeros Particulate Matter Humidity and CO2 Sensor

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Instructions for Aeros installation

Instructions for Aeros installation


  • Aeros

  • Cable

  • Adapter

Air quality under control.
Knowledge by measuring!

Connecting Aeros to the WIFI network

  1. Connect the Aeros with the supplied cable and adapter
    The cable contains a USB-A and mini USB output. Connect the USB-A output with the adapter and the mini-USB output with the Aeros. The set-up is now complete and activation can begin.
    Connecting Aeros to the WIFI network

  2. Activation of the Aeros
    Now the Aeros can be activated. Plug into the wall socket and repeat until the Aeros emits white light. The device can also be manually activated by pressing the switch next to the mini-USB output.

  3. Log into the WIFI network
    In order to be able to view the values measured by the Aeros on a smartphone or tablet. the Aeros must be logged on to the Wi-Fi network of the room whose indoor climate is to be measured.
    Go to wifi settings on your mobile phone or tablet. select the the wifi option. You will now see the available networks. Select the “CG-sensor” option.
    Connecting Aeros to the WIFI network

  4. Select the WIFI network
    Now select the Wi-Fi network where you place the Aeros. Now enter the password of this WiFi network.
    The Aeros will now automatically log in to the selected network. This can take up to one minute.
    Connecting Aeros to the WIFI network

  5. Successful connection with WIFI network
    The Aeros is ready when the light flashes once and blinks green.
    The Aeros is now successfully connected to the WiFi network. which enables the connection with your mobile device via the Aeros app.

  6. Support
    In exceptional cases. the Aeros may not log in on the first attempt. If that happens. you will need to repeat this step.
    If login is unsuccessful after several attempts. check if a firewall is installed on the computer. It is possible that access to the Aeros is being blocked by setting the firewall. If so, you will need to change the firewall settings for accessing the Aeros. Ask your system administrator for help. If you get red blinking Lights, the password is probably incorrect.

App user registration

  1. Find the Aeros App
    Go to the Apple app store or Google play store. Find the App named “Aeros” or scan the additional OR code for a direct link in order to download the application in your preferred App store.
    You must download and install this App in order to monitor your sensor(s).

Service application

  1. Login and register
    To use the App. you must first register by clicking on “Register” and fill in your details to create an account. In order to access the web portal (if applicable for you). the registration information is also needed.
    If you are already registered. select the option “Login”.
    Forgot your password?
    Click the dedicated button if you have forgotten your password. You will receive an email so that you can enter a new password.
    App user registration

  2. Connecting Aeros Sensor
    Press “Add sensor”. Now go to “scan QR code” and activate the camera. The OR code is located on the back and side of the Aeros.
    Now the Aeros has been scanned and you will see this screen. Press “Add sensor”. The sensor will then be added to the Aeros app.
    App user registration

Placement of the Aeros Sensor

Complete Aeros installation

Now we are going to place the Aeros. Preferably in the center of a room Use the 2 adhesive slrips lo allact1 tt1e Aeros. Below advice for an optimal result.

  • Power outlet with permanent power supply (eg. Not behind a light switch)
  • The climate sensor must be installed at a height of 1.50 – 1.80m (60 – 72 inches.)
  • The climate sensor must be mounted on a fiat surface
  • The climate sensor must not be mounted on metal surfaces
  • Not too close to a window, door or in a draft
  • Do not install in a place where direct sunlight can hit the climate sensor
Support Aeros use

Depending on which version of the sensor. the Aeros measures multiple parameters of the indoor climate.

Press for more information about the parameters.

The Aeros gives a score for comfort (Temperature and Relative Humidity) and health (TVOC. CO2 and Particulate matter). Press the text eg CO2 to enter values for a specific channel. The red dotted line indicates a limit value and the orange is a warning line.

With notifications you can see the messages regarding the indoor climate. This helps you to keep the indoor climate clean and safe. You also have the choice to receive push notifications. turn them on or off via the green pencil in the settings.

These are the most urgent and important notifications. Aeros refreshes the data automatically every 30 seconds. ensuring real-time information.

The wheel gives you access to a menu where you:

  1. Can change the name of the sensor to your choice

  2. Can switch the Aeros traffic light function on and off
    After this the Aeros gives of a green/orange/red light related to the CO2 level.

  3. MUST select the country the Aeros is located


Type Description
Particulate matter / PM Collective name for the small particles in the air.

It is invisible to the naked eye. Almost all human activities produce particulate matter. such as cooking and driving a car. The smaller the particle. the more harmful to health. PM 1 (Parts per million) is referred to as ultra-fine particles. Ultra-fine dust enters the lungs and is extra harmful for children and adults with lung diseases. The Aeros also measures PM 0.3. on this channel. aerosols are measured. Aerosols are possible virus transmitters. The WHO standards for particulate matter are PM 10 and PM 2-5 and have a limit value of 50 uq (micrometres) m3 and 25 ug m3 respectively.
Relative humidity| The ratio between the amount of water vapor present in the air and the maximum amount that could enter it. A percentage between 40% – 60% is ideal. Too high a humidity can cause mold to form. Too low a humidity is unfavorable for the condition of mucous membranes. eyes. nose and throat. It can also lead to reduced resistance to infections.
TVOC| Collective term for a group of hydrocarbons that evaporate easily. These chemicals are found in other build ing materials. cleaning products and paint. Short-term exposure causes irritation to eyes and mucous membranes. At high concentrations cannot be ruled out for health effects on organs. A value below 500 PPB (parts per billion) is ideal. Values above
1000 PPB should be avoided.
CO2| Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a gas naturally present in the atmosphere. The CO2 content is expressed in PPM (parts per million). Too much CO2 displaces the oxygen intake in our body. As a result. the body switches to a bearing energy expenditure. leading to fatigue. headaches and loss of concentration. Limit values differ by country.

  • NL -800 (green). 1000 – 1200 (orange). 1200+ (red).
  • BE -goo (green}. 1000 – 1200 (orange) – 1200+ (red).
  • DE -1000 (green). 1000 – 1400 (orange) – 1400+ (red).

Temperature| A measure of how hot or cold the air is. The ideal temperature is between 19 and 24 degrees Celcius (64 – 75 degrees Fahrenheit)

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