AQUASTAR 32CDLT117 32 Debris Catcher Channel Drain Suction Outlet Covers Instructions
- June 12, 2024
Table of Contents
- AQUASTAR 32CDLT117 32 Debris Catcher Channel Drain Suction Outlet Covers
- References
- Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
- Download This Manual (PDF format)
- 10 x 3/4″ flat head Phillips Type A screw, 316ss, qty 16
- 10×3/4″ flat head Phillips Type A screw, 316ss, qty 8
- 10 x 3/4″ flat head Phillips Type A screw, 316ss, qty 16
- 10×3/4″ flat head Phillips Type A screw, 316ss, qty 8
- 10 x 3/4″ pan head Phillips hi-lo screw, 316 ss, qty 8
- 10 x 3/4″ flat head Phillips type-a screw, 316 ss, qty 8
- 10 x 3/4″ flat head Phillips type-a screw, 316 ss, qty 8
- 10 x 3/4″ pan head Phillips hi-lo screw, 316 ss, qty 8
- 10 x 3/4″ flat head Phillips Type A screw, 316 ss, qty 8
- 10 x 1-3/4 flat head Phillips Type A screw, 316 ss, qty 8
- 10 x 3/4″ flat head Phillips Type A screw, 316 ss, qty 8
- 10 x 1-3/4 flat head Phillips Type A screw, 316 ss, qty 8
- 10 x 1″ flat head Phillips screw, ss
- 10 x 1-1/4″ flat head Phillips screw, ss
- 10 x 1″ flat head Phillips screw, ss
- 10 pan head Phillips screw
- 10 x 1″ flat head Phillips screw, ss
- 10 x 1-3/4 flat head Phillips screw, ss
- 10 x 3/4″ flat head Phillips Type A screw, 316 ss
- 10 x 1″ pan head Phillips screw, 316 ss
- 10 x 1″ lg pan head Phillips, 316 ss
- 10 x 3/4″ flat head phillips type-a screw, 316 ss
- 10 x 3/4″ flat head Phillips Type A screw, 316 ss
- 10 x 3/4″ flat head Phillips Type A screw, 316 ss
AQUASTAR 32CDLT117 32 Debris Catcher Channel Drain Suction Outlet Covers
32CDAVxxx, 32CDAVACxxx, 32CDAVFGxxx, 32CDAVFRxxx, 32CDAVVxxx, 32CDBTxxx, 32CDBTFRxxx 32CDFLxxx, 32CDFLFGxxx, 32CDFLFRxxx, 32CDFLVxxx, 32CDLTxxx, 32CDLTFGxxx, 32CDLTFRxxx, 32CDLTVxxx, 32CDPHxxx, 32CDPHFGxxx, 32CDPHFRxxx, 32CDPHVxxx, 32PDxxx (xxx = COLOR SUFFIX) MEETS OR EXCEEDS NSF-50 2008 & ANSI/APSP-16 2011 ANTI-ENTRAPMENT/ANTI-VORTEX
Improper installation or use of this product may present a risk of hair or
body entrapment and drowning. Install this equipment in accordance with the
instructions provided. Use only with the components and mounting hardware
provided. Failure to follow these instructions and/or use with components not
provided by AquaStar Pool Productsand intended to be used with this product
may result in improper positioning or functioning of suction outlet and may
cause severe injury or death.
- If not a single, unblockable outlet, in the event of one suction outlet being completely blocked, the remaining suction outlets serving the system shall have a flow rating capable of the full flow of the pump(s) or the specific suction system. If in doubt about the rating and/or head loss curve of your system, consult a qualified pool or spa professional and/or your respective equipment manufacturer(s). Also, double-check with your local building/health authorities regarding single vs. multiple drain installations, etc.
- All sizes of connecting pipe are acceptable, pending velocity and GPM calculations. The larger the pipe, the better! (But do not exceed maximum GPM ratings marked on the top of the cover or per installation instructions.)
- Replace cover and screws within five years.
- Installers, pool operators and pool owners must read these warnings and all instructions before using this product!
- Serious bodily injury or death can result if this product is not installed and used correctly.
Improper installation or use of this product may present a risk of hair or
body entrapment and drowning. Install this equipment in accordance with the
instructions provided. Use only with the components and mounting hardware
provided. Failure to follow these instructions and/or use with components not
provided by AquaStar Pool Products® and intended to be used with this product
may result in improper positioning or functioning of drain cover and may cause
severe personal injury or death.
Pool and spa pumps produce high levels of suction, which can pose extreme danger if a person comes in close proximity to an open pool or spa drain or if a drain cover is loose, cracked, broken or missing. Pool and spa pumps move large volumes of water, which can pose extreme danger if a person’s hair comes in close proximity to a drain that is not the proper size for the pump or pumps. Suction entrapment dangers include:
- Hair Entanglement – When the hair tangles or knots in the drain cover, trapping the swimmer underwater. This hazard is present when the flow rating of the cover is too small for the pump or pumps.
- Limb Entrapment – When a limb is sucked or inserted into an opening resulting in a mechanical bind or swelling. This hazard is present when a drain cover is missing, broken, loose, cracked or not properly secured.
- Body Entrapment – When a portion of the body is held against the drain cover, trapping the swimmer underwater. This hazard is present when the drain cover is missing, broken or the cover flow rating is not high enough for the pump or pumps.
- Evisceration/Disembowelment – When a person sits on an open pool (particularly a wading pool) or spa outlet, and suction is applied directly to the intestines, causing severe intestinal damage. This hazard is present when the drain cover is missing, loose, cracked or not properly secured.
- Mechanical Entrapment – When jewelry, swimsuit, hair decorations, a finger, a toe or a knuckle is caught in an opening of an outlet or drain cover. This hazard is present when the drain cover is missing, broken, loose, cracked or not properly secured.
Use these fittings only with a pumping system rated for the corresponding flow or less. Failure to do so can result in hair or body entrapment, which can cause severe injury or death. If in doubt about the rating of your system, consult a qualified pool or spa professional.
Regularly inspect all drain covers for cracks, damage and advanced weathering.
If a drain cover becomes loose, cracked, damaged, broken or is missing, close
the pool or spa immediately, post a notice and keep the pool or spa closed
until an appropriate VGB 2008 certified drain cover is properly installed.
Drain covers deteriorate over time due to exposure to sunlight and pool
chemicals. The drain cover must be replaced within five years from
installation (or earlier if the cover becomes damaged in any way).
A VGB 2008-approved anti-entrapment drain cover must be used for each
drain. If a drain cover becomes loose, broken or is missing, close the pool or
spa immediately and shut off the pump until an approved anti-entrapment drain
cover is properly installed with the supplied stainless steel screws. Only the
supplied 316 stainless-steel screws should be used with the drain cover.
Substitute screws such as masonry screws, sheet rock screws or other types of
screws should never be used. Screws put into the frame anywhere except in the
original screw holes will not hold and will allow the drain cover to come off
the main drain, causing an entrapment hazard, including possible limb and body
entrapment or evisceration/disembowelment. If the screw holes of the frame are
stripped or the brass inserts are missing, loose or damaged, replace the
Attention installer: This manual contains important information about the
installation, operation and safe use of this product. This information should
be given to the owner and/or operator of this equipment. You may also refer to for all warnings and instructions related to 32″
channel drains.
Before installing this product, read and follow all warning notices and instructions which are included. Failure to follow safety warnings and instructions can result in severe injury, death or property damage. Call 877.768.2717 or visit our website at for additional free copies of these instructions. It is absolutely critical that the suction plumbing be installed in accordance with the latest national and local codes for swimming pools.
For installations utilizing a hydrostatic relief valve, using a collector tube
will maintain a clear path to the hydrostatic valve. At least one hydrostatic
relief valve in a set of suction outlets will allow hydrostatic uplift
pressure caused by ground water to be relieved into the pool or spa.
The covers used on suction outlets should be approved and listed as conforming
to the currently published edition of ANSI/APSP-16 2011 Standard. These covers
should be inspected regularly and replaced if cracked, broken or older than
the design lifetime indicated on them by the manufacturer. The maximum
possible flow rate of the pump should be less than or equal to the maximum
approved flow rate indicated on the suction outlet cover by the manufacturer.
The use of unapproved covers or allowing use of the pool or spa when covers
are missing, cracked or broken can result in body or limb entrapment, hair
entanglement, evisceration or death. Pumps improperly sized or installed or
used in applications other than for which the pump was intended can result in
severe personal injury or death. These risks may include but are not limited
to electric shock, fire, flooding, suction entrapment or severe injury or
property damage caused by a structural failure of the pump or other system
- The use of alcohol, drugs or medication can greatly increase the risk of fatal hyperthermia in hot tubs and spas.
- To reduce the risk of injury, do not permit children to use this product unless they are closely supervised at all times.
- When setting up pool water turnovers or flow rates, the operator must consider local codes governing turnover as well as disinfectant feed ratios.
- DO NOT increase pump size; this will increase the flow rate through the system and exceed the maximum flow rate stated on the drain cover.
- Most states and local codes regulate the construction, installation and operation of public pools and spas, and the construction of residential pools and spas. It is important to comply with these codes, many of which directly regulate the installation and use of this product. Consult the local building and health codes for more information.
- All types of suction fittings shall not be located on seating areas or on the back rests for such seating areas.
- An approved anti-entrapment suction outlet cover must be used for each drain.
- Never exceed the maximum flow rate stated on the drain cover.
- Regularly inspect drain covers for cracks and signs of advanced weathering.
- Close the pool or spa if any suction outlet component is loose, cracked, broken, missing or not securely attached. Replace loose, cracked, damaged, broken or missing drain covers.
- Install in accordance with the latest APSP standards and CPSC guidelines, follow all applicable national, state and local codes. If you have any questions about installation or maintenance of this drain cover, please contact your pool professional. Never attempt to alter or repair the cover or frame on your own.
All AquaStar suction outlet fittings (drain covers) are federally regulated by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). This authority was given to the CPCS in 2007 as part of the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act. Visit for more information. ANSI/APSP-16 2011 Certification All AquaStar suction outlets are certified by IAPMO in accordance with ANSI/APSP-16 2011 Standard for submerged suction fittings for use in swimming pools, wading pools, spas and hot tubs. To download a current copy of the IAPMO certification, go to
NSF-50 2008
All AquaStar suction outlets are certified to comply with NSF-50
2008circulation system components and related materials for swimming pools,
spas and hot tubs. To download a current copy of the IAPMO certification, go
Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act
All AquaStar suction outlets comply with the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and
Spa Safety Act, Section 1404(b). This section requires all suction outlet
fittings (drain covers) to conform to ANSI/APSP-16 2011 current standard.
International Code Council
AquaStar is an approved component as required by the International Code
Council (ICC) building codes, which include the International Residential Code
(IRC) and the International Building Code (IBC), collectively known as the
iCodes. The ICC updates the iCodes every three years. Visit for more information.
International Residential Code (IRC)
Many states and local jurisdictions have adopted the IRC, including Appendix
G. Section AG106 addresses suction entrapment avoidance requirements that
regulate residential swimming pools and spas. It is important to know if these
codes are in effect where the residential pool or spa is being built and which
version is being required. Effective in the 2009 version of the IRC is the
requirement to build in accordance with ANSI/APSP 7-2006 American National
Standard for suction entrapment avoidance in swimming pools, wading pools,
spas, hot tubs and catch basins. The 2003 and 2006 versions do not include a
reference to the ANSI/APSP 7 standard. Visit for more information.
International Building Code (IBC)
Many states and local jurisdictions have adopted the International Building
Code which regulates commercial building projects, including public swimming
pools and spas. Section 3109.5 addresses suction entrapment avoidance
requirements that regulate public swimming pools and spas. It is important to
know if these codes are in affect where the public pool or spa is being built
and which version is being required. Effective in the 2009 version of the IBC
is the requirement to build in accordance with ANSI/APSP 7-2006 American
National Standard for suction entrapment avoidance in swimming pools, wading
pools, spas, hot tubs and catch basins. The 2003 and 2006 versions do not
include a reference to the ANSI/APSP 7 standard. Visit for more information.
ANSI/APSP-7 Suction Entrapment Avoidance Standard
The Association of Pool and Spa Professionals publishes many swimming pool and
spa related standards, including ANSI/APSP 7-2006 American National Standard
for suction entrapment avoidance in swimming pools, wading pools, spas, hot
tubs and catch basins. ANSI/APSP 7 is referenced by the iCodes and is required
by some states and local jurisdictions. It requires all suction outlet
fittings (drain covers) to be tested and listed by a nationally recognized
testing laboratory as conforming to the most recent version of ASME/ANSI
A112.19.8 or ANSI/APSP-16 2011. Visit for
more information.
The Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act raises certain new requirements on owners and operators of swimming pools and spas. Pools or spas constructed on or after December 19, 2008, shall utilize:
- No submerged suction outlets, a gravity drainage system with ASME/ANSI cover(s), one or more unblockable outlets, or
- A multiple main drain system without isolation capability with suction outlet covers that meet ASME/ANSI A112.19.8 suction fittings for use in swimming pools, wading pools, spas and hot tubs, and either:
- A safety vacuum release system (SVRS) meeting ASME/ANSI A112.19.17 manufactured safety vacuum release systems (SVRS) for residential and commercial swimming pool, spa, hot tub, and wading pool suction systems and/or ASTM F2387 standard specification for manufactured safety vacuum release systems (SVRS) for swimming pools, spas and hot tubs, or
- A properly designed and tested suction-limiting vent system, or
- An automatic pump shut-off system.
Pools and spas construction prior to December 19, 2008, with a single submerged suction outlet shall use a suction outlet cover that meets ANSI/APSP-16 2011 and either:
- A. A multiple main drain system without isolation capability or a single (VGB 2008 compliant) unblockable, or
- B. A safety vacuum release system (SVRS) meeting ASME/ANSI A112.19.17 and/or ASTM F2387, or
- C. A properly designed and tested suction-limiting vent system, or
- D. An automatic pump shut-off system, or
- E. Disabled submerged outlets, or
- F. Suction outlets shall be reconfigured into return inlets.
For more information about the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act, contact the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission at 301.504.7908 or visit
Note: Always turn off all power to the pool pump before installing the cover or working on any suction outlet.
Pump suction is hazardous and can trap and drown or disembowel bathers. Do not
use or allow anyone else to use a pool, spa or hot tub unless it has at least
two suction outlets, or an approved single, unblockable suction outlet to each
pump suction line. Do not use or operate swimming pools, spas or hot tubs if a
suction outlet cover is missing, broken or loose.
The pump suction system must provide protection against the hazard of suction
entrapment or hair entrapment/entanglement.
All suction outlet covers must be maintained. They must be replaced if
cracked, broken or missing. See page 5 for outlet cover certification
requirements. All suction outlets must have correctly installed, screw-
fastened covers in place.
The maximum water velocity through drain covers is limited by some local
regulations, for example some state health departments limit the velocity
through public pool drain covers to 1½ feet per second. This velocity limit is
lower than the flow rating provided by the ANSI/APSP-16 2011 certification,
therefore the local limit applies and must be followed. Never exceed the flow
rating listed on the cover even if the local code does not provide a velocity
For new installations, the piping between drains must be sized to limit the
velocity to six feet per second. This limit applies to the branch piping and
all fittings between multiple outlets and the tee leading back to the pump. If
code requires a lower water velocity, comply with the code. See the chart
below for information on pipe size flow ratings at six feet per second.
- A. See fig. 1-5 on pages 7-9 for installation layout with manufactured sump.
- B. See fig. 6-7 on pages 9-10 for installation layout without sump (field-fabricated sump).
- C. Requires Phillips screwdriver. Hand tighten only. Do not use electrical or air drills.
- D. SPECIAL NOTE : When installing vinyl or fiberglass sump use only ABS to PVC transition cement (all other 32″ sumps are PVC). Do not use fast set, clear or “hot” blue glues.
- E. Measure from the underside of high point of the cover to the top of pipe(s) to determine proper sump depth.
- F. SPECIAL NOTE: When installing vinyl/fiberglass versions, add a flexible adhesive to fasteners and holes for extra leak and tamper-proofing.
- Models: 32CDFLxxx, 32CDAVxxx,
- 32CDAVFGxxx, 32CDFLFGxxx,
- 32CDFLVxxx, 32FLACxxx, 32CDAVVxxx,
- 32CDAVACxxx, 32CDBTxxx, 32CDLTxxx,
- 32CDLTFGxxx, 32CDLTVxxx, 32CDPHxxx,
- 32CDPHFGxxx, 32CDPHVxxx
- (AV=Anti-Vortex)
- Single or multiple drain or pipe use
- At IAPMO (a nationally recognized testing lab), all AquaStar channel drains have been tested to three inches in sump depth – field-fabricated or manufactured
- All AquaStar channel drains are VGB 2008 compliant
- Plumbing to one or two pumps plus skimmer equalizer are approved – DO NOT exceed a maximum flow rate of outlet cover for total system
- One-, two- or three-pipe connections are approved at any port or configuration under manufactured sump or field-fabricated sump
- Any plumbing configuration is approved but do not exceed maximum flow rate!
For additional information on proper drain installation refer to The Association of Pool & Spa Professionals ANSI/APSP-7 Standard and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Guidelines for Entrapment Hazard.
- Models: 32CDFLxxx, 32CDAVxxx,
- 32CDAVFGxxx, 32CDFLFGxxx,
- 32CDFLVxxx, 32FLACxxx, 32CDAVVxxx,
- 32CDAVACxxx, 32CDBTxxx, 32CDLTxxx,
- 32CDLTFGxxx, 32CDLTVxxx, 32CDPHxxx,
- 32CDPHFGxxx, 32CDPHVxxx (AV=Anti-Vortex)
- Single or multiple drain or pipe use
- At IAPMO (a nationally recognized testing lab), all AquaStar channel drains have been tested to three inches in sump depth – field-fabricated or manufactured
- All AquaStar channel drains are VGB 2008 compliant
- Plumbing to one or two pumps plus skimmer equalizer are approved – DO NOT exceed maximum flow rate of outlet cover for total system
- One-, two- or three-pipe connections are approved at any port or configuration under manufactured sump or field-fabricated sump
- Any plumbing configuration is approved but do not exceed maximum flow rate
For additional information on proper drain installation refer to The Association of Pool & Spa Professionals ANSI/APSP-7 Standard and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Guidelines for Entrapment Hazard.
- Models: 32CDFLxxx, 32CDAVxxx,
- 32CDAVFGxxx, 32CDFLFGxxx,
- 32CDFLVxxx, 32FLACxxx, 32CDAVVxxx,
- 32CDAVACxxx, 32CDBTxxx, 32CDLTxxx,
- 32CDLTFGxxx, 32CDLTVxxx, 32CDPHxxx,
- 32CDPHFGxxx, 32CDPHVxxx (AV=Anti-Vortex)
- At IAPMO (a nationally recognized testing lab), all AquaStar channel drains have been tested to three inches in sump depth – field-fabricated or manufactured
- All AquaStar channel drains are VGB 2008 compliant
- Plumbing to one or two pumps plus skimmer equalizer are approved – DO NOT exceed maximum flow rate of outlet cover for total system
- One-, two- or three-pipe connections are approved at any port or configuration under manufactured sump or field-fabricated sump
- Any plumbing configuration is approved but do not exceed maximum flow rate
For additional information on proper drain installation refer to The Association of Pool & Spa Professionals ANSI/APSP-7 Standard and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Guidelines for Entrapment Hazard.
- Models: 32CDFLxxx, 32CDAVxxx,
- 32CDAVFGxxx, 32CDFLFGxxx,
- 32CDFLVxxx, 32FLACxxx, 32CDAVVxxx,
- 32CDAVACxxx, 32CDBTxxx, 32CDLTxxx,
- 32CDLTFGxxx, 32CDLTVxxx, 32CDPHxxx,
- 32CDPHFGxxx, 32CDPHVxxx (AV=Anti-Vortex)
- Single or multiple drain or pipe use
- At IAPMO (a nationally recognized testing lab), all AquaStar channel drains have been tested to three inches in sump depth – field-fabricated or manufactured
- All AquaStar channel drains are VGB 2008 compliant
- Plumbing to one or two pumps plus skimmer equalizer are approved – DO NOT exceed maximum flow rate of outlet cover for total system
- One-, two- or three-pipe connections are approved at any port or configuration under manufactured sump or field-fabricated sump
- Any plumbing configuration is approved but do not exceed maximum flow rate
For additional information on proper drain installation refer to The Association of Pool & Spa Professionals ANSI/APSP-7 Standard and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Guidelines for Entrapment Hazard.
- Models: 32CDFLxxx, 32CDAVxxx,
- 32CDAVFGxxx, 32CDFLFGxxx,
- 32CDFLVxxx, 32FLACxxx, 32CDAVVxxx,
- 32CDAVACxxx, 32CDBTxxx, 32CDLTxxx,
- 32CDLTFGxxx, 32CDLTVxxx, 32CDPHxxx,
- 32CDPHFGxxx, 32CDPHVxxx (AV=Anti-Vortex)
- Single or multiple drain or pipe use
- At IAPMO (a nationally recognized testing lab), all AquaStar channel drains have been tested to three inches in sump depth – field-fabricated or manufactured
- All AquaStar channel drains are VGB 2008 compliant
- Plumbing to one or two pumps plus skimmer equalizer are approved – DO NOT exceed maximum flow rate of outlet cover for total system
- One-, two- or three-pipe connections are approved at any port or configuration under manufactured sump or field-fabricated sump
- Any plumbing configuration is approved but do not exceed the maximum flow rate
- Models: 32CDFLFRxxx, 32CDLTFRxxx or 32CDAVFRxxx. 32CDBTFRxxx, 32CDPHFRxxx (AV=Anti-Vortex)
- Single or multiple drain use
- At IAPMO (a nationally recognized testing lab), all AquaStar channel drains have been tested to three inches in sump depth – field-fabricated or manufactured
- All AquaStar channel drains are VGB 2008 compliant
- Plumbing to one or two pumps plus skimmer equalizer are approved – DO NOT exceed maximum flow rate of outlet cover for total system
- One-, two- or three-pipe connections are approved at any port or configuration under manufactured sump or field-fabricated sump
- “A” should be a minimum of three inches to the bottom of cover
- Any plumbing configuration is approved but do not exceed the maximum flow rate
For additional information on proper drain installation refer to The Association of Pool & Spa Professionals ANSI/APSP-7 Standard and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Guidelines for Entrapment Hazard.
- Models: 32CDFLFRxxx, 32CDLTFRxxx, or 32CDAVFRxxx. 32CDBTFRxxx, 32CDPHFRxxx (AV=Anti-Vortex)
- Single or multiple drain use
- At IAPMO (a nationally recognized testing lab), all AquaStar Channel Drains have been tested to 3 inches in sump depth – field-fabricated or manufactured
- All AquaStar channel drains are VGB 2008 compliant
- Plumbing to one or two pumps plus skimmer equalizer are approved – DO NOT exceed maximum flow rate of outlet cover for total system
- One-, two- or three-pipe connections are approved at any port or configuration under manufactured sump or field-fabricated sump
- “A” should be a minimum of three inches to the bottom of cover
- Any plumbing configuration is approved but do not exceed maximum flow rate
For additional information on proper drain installation refer to The Association of Pool & Spa Professionals ANSI/APSP-7 Standard and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Guidelines for Entrapment Hazard.
- Model: 32PDxxx
- Single or multiple drain use
- At IAPMO (a nationally recognized testing lab), the Propeller™ drain sump and cover was tested at zero inch sump depth
- All AquaStar channel drains are VGB 2008 compliant
- Plumbing to one or two pumps plus skimmer equalizer are approved – DO NOT exceed maximum flow rate of outlet cover for total system
- One-pipe connection can be any size and centered along channel slot in sump
- Any plumbing configuration is approved but do not exceed maximum flow rate
- IMPORTANT: The unblockable Propeller™ drain sump must be permanently and securely affixed to the pool floor using epoxy around the entire edge and the enclosed plastic anchors or optional brass anchors.
The sump must be permanently and securely affixed to the pool floor using
epoxy around the entire edge and the enclosed plastic anchors or optional
brass anchors. Once this is completed, the sump becomes a permanent part of
the pool structure, creating an unblockable drain. The drain cover is then
affixed to the sump using the designated screws.
- Model: 32PDxxx
- Single or multiple drain use
- At IAPMO (a nationally recognized testing lab), the Propeller™ drain sump and cover was tested at zero inch sump depth
- All AquaStar channel drains are VGB 2008 compliant
- Plumbing to one or two pumps plus skimmer equalizer are approved – DO NOT exceed maximum flow rate of outlet cover for total system
- One-pipe connection can be any size and centered along channel slot in sump
- Any plumbing configuration is approved but do not exceed maximum flow rate
- IMPORTANT: The unblockable Propeller™ drain sump must be permanently and securely affixed to the pool floor using epoxy around the entire edge and the enclosed plastic anchors or optional brass anchors.
The sump must be permanently and securely affixed to the pool floor using
epoxy around the entire edge and the enclosed plastic anchors or optional
brass anchors. Once this is completed, the sump becomes a permanent part of
the pool structure, creating an unblockable drain. The drain cover is then
affixed to the sump using the designated screws.
- 32″ three-port manufactured PVC sump bucket
- 32″ channel drain, cover, flat
- 2″ NPT plug, qty 2
- 32″ channel drain, plaster shield
10 x 3/4″ flat head Phillips Type A screw, 316ss, qty 16
Note: unless otherwise specified, plaster shield and screws to be removed after installation.
- 32″ channel drain, flat, no sump, frame
- 32″ channel drain, flat, no sump, cover
- 32″ channel drain, flat, no sump, support, “dog bones” to be removed prior to suction outlet cover installation
10×3/4″ flat head Phillips Type A screw, 316ss, qty 8
- 32″ three-port manufactured PVC sump bucket
- 32″ anti-entrapment suction outlet cover
- 32″ channel drain, plaster shield
- 2″ NPT plug, qty 2
10 x 3/4″ flat head Phillips Type A screw, 316ss, qty 16
Note: unless otherwise specified, plaster shield and screws to be removed after installation.
- 32″ channel drain, anti-entrapment, no sump, frame
- 32″ channel drain, anti-entrapment, no sump, cover
- 32″ channel drain, anti-entrapment, no sump, support, “dog bones” to be removed prior to suction outlet cover installation
10×3/4″ flat head Phillips Type A screw, 316ss, qty 8
- 32″ three-port manufactured PVC sump bucket
- 32″ leaf trap insert
- 32″ leaf trap cover
- 2″ NPT plug, qty 2
- 32″ channel drain, plaster shield
10 x 3/4″ pan head Phillips hi-lo screw, 316 ss, qty 8
10 x 3/4″ flat head Phillips type-a screw, 316 ss, qty 8
Note: unless otherwise specified, plaster shield and screws to be removed after installation.
- 32″ channel drain, no sump, frame
- 32″ leaf trap insert
- 32″ leaf trap cover
- 32″ channel drain, frame support “dog bones”, qty 4
10 x 3/4″ flat head Phillips type-a screw, 316 ss, qty 8
10 x 3/4″ pan head Phillips hi-lo screw, 316 ss, qty 8
- 32″ three-port manufactured PVC sump bucket
- 32″ leaf trap insert
- 32″ leaf trap cover
- 32″ channel drain “buzz top” cover
- 2″ NPT plug, qty 2
- 32″ channel drain, plaster shield
10 x 3/4″ flat head Phillips Type A screw, 316 ss, qty 8
10 x 1-3/4 flat head Phillips Type A screw, 316 ss, qty 8
Note: unless otherwise specified, plaster shield and screws to be removed after installation.
- 32″ channel drain, no sump, frame
- 32″ leaf trap insert
- 32″ leaf trap cover
- 32″ channel drain “buzz top” cover
- 32″ channel drain, frame support “dog bones”
10 x 3/4″ flat head Phillips Type A screw, 316 ss, qty 8
10 x 1-3/4 flat head Phillips Type A screw, 316 ss, qty 8
- 32″ three-port manufactured ABS sump bucket
- 32″ vinyl clamping frame
- 32″ vinyl clamping ring
- 32″ anti-entrapment suction outlet cover
- 32″ channel drain, plug
10 x 1″ flat head Phillips screw, ss
10 x 1-1/4″ flat head Phillips screw, ss
- 32″ channel drain, installation plate
Note: unless otherwise specified, plaster shield and screws to be removed after installation.
- 32″ three-port manufactured ABS sump bucket
- 32″ vinyl clamping frame
- 32″ vinyl clamping ring
- 32″ channel drain, plug
10 x 1″ flat head Phillips screw, ss
- 32″ leaf trap insert
- 32″ leaf trap cover
10 pan head Phillips screw
- 32″ channel drain, installation plate
Note: unless otherwise specified, plaster shield and screws to be removed after installation.
- 32″ three-port manufactured ABS sump bucket
- 32″ vinyl clamping frame
- 32″ vinyl clamping ring
- 32″ channel drain, plug
10 x 1″ flat head Phillips screw, ss
- 32″ leaf trap insert
- 32″ leaf trap cover
- 32″ channel drain, installation plate
- 32″ debris catcher channel drain cover
10 x 1-3/4 flat head Phillips screw, ss
Note: unless otherwise specified, plaster shield and screws to be removed after installation.
- 32″ propellor sump
- 32″ channel drain anti-entrapment suction outlet “pinhole” cover
10 x 3/4″ flat head Phillips Type A screw, 316 ss
10 x 1″ pan head Phillips screw, 316 ss
- 1/4″ concrete anchor
- 3/8″ bushing
- 1/4″ bushing
- 8-32 x 3/4″ lg pan head Phillips, 316 ss
10 x 1″ lg pan head Phillips, 316 ss
- 32″ channel drain, no sump, frame
10 x 3/4″ flat head phillips type-a screw, 316 ss
- 32″ channel drain, frame support “dog bones”
- 32″ channel drain anti-entrapment suction outlet “pinhole” cover
- 32″ three-port manufactured PVC sump bucket
10 x 3/4″ flat head Phillips Type A screw, 316 ss
- 32″ channel drain, plaster shield
- 2″ NPT plug
- 32″ channel drain anti-entrapment suction outlet “pinhole” cover
Note: unless otherwise specified, plaster shield and screws to be removed after installation.
- 32″ three-port manufactured PVC sump bucket
10 x 3/4″ flat head Phillips Type A screw, 316 ss
- 32″ channel drain, plaster shield
- 2″ NPT plug
- 32″ channel drain anti-entrapment suction outlet “pinhole” cover
Note: unless otherwise specified, plaster shield and screws to be removed after installation.
Increasing pump size will increase flow. When in doubt, consult your pool and
spa professional. Never use a pool or spa that has a missing or broken suction
outlet cover. Using a pool or spa with a missing or broken suction outlet
cover can result in hair or body entrapment which can cause severe bodily
injury or death. The vacuum in suction outlets and/or suction outlet covers
that are damaged, broken, cracked, missing or unsecured can cause severe
injury and/or death due to the following entrapment hazards:
- HAIR ENTRAPMENT – Hair can become entangled in suction outlet cover.
- LIMB ENTRAPMENT – A limb inserted into an opening of a suction outlet sump or suction outlet cover that is damaged, broken, cracked, missing or not securely attached can result in a mechanical bind or swelling of the limb.
- BODY SUCTION ENTRAPMENT – A negative pressure applied to a large portion of the body or limbs can result in entrapment.
- EVISCERATION/DISEMBOWELMENT ENTRAPMENT – A negative pressure applied directly to the intestines through an unprotected suction outlet sump or suction outlet cover which is damaged, broken, cracked, missing or unsecured can result in evisceration/disembowelment entrapment.
- MECHANICAL ENTRAPMENT – There is a potential for jewelry, swimsuit, hair decorations, a finger, a toe or a knuckle to be caught in an opening of a suction outlet cover resulting in mechanical entrapment.
If not an approved single, unblockable outlet, a minimum of two functioning suction outlets per pump must be installed. Suction outlets in the same plane (i.e. floor or wall) must be installed a minimum of three feet (1 meter) apart, as measured from near point to near point. Dual suction fittings shall not be located on seating areas or on the backrest for such seating areas. If any suction outlets are located closer they shall be located on two different planes (i.e. one on the bottom and one on the vertical wall, or one each on two separate vertical walls). The maximum system flow rate shall not exceed the flow rating of any listed (per ASME/ANSI A112.19.8-2007) suction outlet cover installed. Never use a pool or spa if any suction outlet component is damaged, broken, cracked, missing or not securely attached. Replace damaged, broken, cracked, missing or not securely attached suction outlet components immediately. In addition to two or more suction outlets per pump installed in accordance with latest APSP, IAF Standards and CPSC guidelines, follow all national, state and local codes applicable. Use only transitional (typically green) glues when attaching PVC pipe to ABS fittings. Use gray medium set glue when attaching PVC pipe to our PVC based skimmers and double-deep sump buckets. In both cases, do not ever use blue glue or related hot glues, clear glues or any fast-setting cement.
- WARNING! – Failure to remove pressure test plugs and/or plugs used in winterization of the pool/spa from the suction outlets can result in increased potential for suction entrapment as described above.
- WARNING! – Failure to keep suction outlet components clear of debris such as leaves, dirt, hair, paper and other material can result in increased potential for suction entrapment as described above.
- WARNING! – Suction outlet components have a finite life; the cover/grate should be inspected before each use of facility and replaced at least every five years or if found to be damaged, broken, cracked, missing, not securely attached or missing screws. DO NOT use facility until corrected!
As the manufacturer, AquaStar Pool Products, Inc., hereby certifies that its suction outlet and drain covers meet or exceed the requirements of the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool & Spa Safety Act, VGB 2008 and ANSI/APSP-16 2011 standards and safety regulations as set forth by the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission. A copy of this certificate is available on our website under Info/FAQ:
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