SHURE V-15 Stereo Dynetic Cartridge Instruction Manual

June 12, 2024

SHURE V-15 Stereo Dynetic Cartridge


Product Information

The Shure V-15 Stereo Dynetic Cartridge is a high-fidelity cartridge manufactured by Shure Brothers, Inc. It is designed to provide exceptional sound quality and is known for its revolutionary Bi-Radial Elliptical Stylus. The cartridge is manufactured under U.S. Patents 3,055,988, 3,077,521, and 3,077,522, with additional patents pending.

The V-15 cartridge undergoes rigorous quality control measures, including testing and microscopic examination of individual cartridges and Stylus-Magnet Assemblies. Each finished cartridge is then tested electrically, mechanically, and acoustically to ensure it meets Shure’s high standards of quality and tolerance specifications.

Product Usage Instructions

  1. Ensure that your turntable is properly set up and calibrated.
  2. Remove the protective cover from the V-15 cartridge.
  3. Gently align the cartridge with the tonearm of your turntable, making sure the stylus aligns with the record grooves.
  4. Lower the cartridge onto the tonearm, taking care not to apply excessive force.
  5. Secure the cartridge onto the tonearm according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  6. Connect the tonearm cables to the designated phono inputs on your audio system.
  7. Ensure that all connections are secure and properly grounded.
  8. Start playing your records and adjust the tracking force and anti-skate settings according to your turntable’s instructions.
  9. Enjoy the exceptional sound quality provided by the Shure V-15 Stereo Dynetic Cartridge.

The outstanding characteristic is that the V-15’s Stylus has twodifferent radii … hence the designation Bi-Radial. One is a broad frontal plane radius of 17.8 microns (.0007 inch); while the actual contact radii on each side of the stylus are an incredibly fine 5 microns (.0002 inch) . It would be impossible to reduce the contact radius of a conventional spherical/conical stylus to this micro-miniature dimension without subjecting the entire stylus to “bottoming” in the record grooves.
The Shure Bi-Radial elliptical stylus, because of its larger frontal radius of 17.8 microns (.0007 inch), cannot bottom … and as you know, bottoming reproduces the crackling noise of the grit and static dust that in practice cannot be eliminated from the canyons of record grooves.



The prime objective in faithful sound recreation is to have the playback stylus move in exactly the same way as the wedge-shaped cutting stylus moved when it produced the master record. This can’t be accomplished with a spherical/conical stylus because the points of tangency (or points of contact between the record grooves and the stylus) are constantly changing. This effect manifests itself as tracing distortion (sometimes called “inner groove distortion”). Note in the illustration how the points of tangency (arrows) of the Bi-Radial elliptical stylus remain rela- tively constant because of the very small 5 micron (.0002 inch) side contact racii:


The Shure Bi-Radial Stylus vastly reduces another problem in playback known as the “pinch effect.” As experienced audiophiles know, the record grooves are wider wherever and whenever the flat, chisel-faced cutting stylus, changes directions (which is 440 cycles per second at a pure middle “A” lone–up to 20,000  cycles per second in some of the high overtones). An ordinary spherical/conical stylus riding the upper portion of the groove walls tends to drop where the groove gets wider, and to rise as the groove narrows. Since stereo styli and cartridges have both vertical and horizontal functions, this unfortunate and unwanted up-and-down motion creates a second harmonic distortion. However, since the Shure Bi-Radial elliptical stylus has a broad front face with a frontal plane radius of 17.8 microns (.0007 inch), and it measures 25.4 microns (.0010 inch) across at the point of contact with the groove, the small side or contact radii are only 5 microns (.0002 inch). This conforms to the configuration of the cutting stylus and hence is not as subject to the up-and-down vagaries of the so-called “pinch effect.”


Frankly, a Bi-Radial elliptical stylus, however desirable, is almost impossibly difficult to make CORRECTLY. Diamond, as you know, is the hardest material . . . with a rating of 10 on the Mohs hardness scale. It’s one thing to make a simple diamond cone, altogether another to make a perfectly symmetrical Bi-Radial stylus with sufficiently close tolerances, actually within one ten thousandths of an inch! Shure has developed unprecedented con- trols, inspections and manufacturing techniques to assure precise positioning, configuration, dimensions and tolerânces of the diamond tip. It is a singular and exacting procedure . . . unique in the high fidelity cartridge industry. And, unless these inspec- tion techniques and safeguards are used, an imperfectly formed elliptic configuration can result and literally do more harm than good to both record and sound.


The 15° effective tracking angle has recently been the subiect of several Shure communications to the audiophile. It conforms to the effective record cutting angle of 15° proposed by the RIAA and ElA and now used by the major record producing companies and thereby minimizes tracking distortion.
The major features, then, of the V-15 are Shure’s Bi-Radial Elliptical Stylus, the singular quality control techniques and standards devised to produce perfection of stylus symmetry, and the 15° tracking angle. They combine to reduce IM and harmonic distortion to a dramatic new low. In fact, the distortion (at normal record playing velocities) is lower than the inherent noise level of the finest test records and laboratory measurement instruments! In extensive listening tests, the V-15 proved most impressive in its “track- ability.* It consistently proved capable of tracking the most difficult, heavily modulated passages at a minimum force of ¾ grams (in the Shure-SME tone arm). The entire V-15 is hand-crafted and subject to quality control and inspection measures that result in space-age reliability. Precision machined aluminum and a special ultra-stable plastic stylus grip.
Exact alignment is assured in every internal detail and in mounting. A Mu- metal hum shield surrounds the sensitive coils. Gold plated terminals. Individually packaged in walnut box. The V-15 is a patented moving-magnet device–a connoisseur’s cartridge in every detail.





The V-15 Dynelic Cartridge has standard ½” (12,7 mm) mounting centers (See drawing). Hardware is supplied with each car- tridge for mounting purposes, In some tone arms and plug-in shells, the cartridge sits so deep that the stylus cannot be con- veniently replaced. For these applications, spacers are provided to insure adequate clearance for stylus removal

To mount the V-15 in the Shure-SME or the SME Precision Pickup
Arm, Model 3009 and 3012, refer to the paragraphs on Cartridge
Installation and Balancing in the Instruction Manual supplied with the pickup arms.

The Garrard Lab 80 and A70 Pickup Head Shells have special British threads. In order to mount the Shure V-15 Cartridge, use the two special brass screws supplied with the cartridge.

If hum is experienced when cartridge is installed in a metal head, removal of the ground tab from the right ground terminal will probably correct the condition. (See illustration under CONNECTIONS, page 8.)


The recommended needle forces for optimum results are listed under “Specifications.” Forces greater than the indicated “Maximum” should not be used.
The V-15 cartridge should be installed in any arm especially designed for low tracking forces and having low friction at all bearing surfaces such as the Shure-SME arm. Although the V-15 cartridge will track records at ¼ gram, it may be necessary, when used in certain phono arms, to increase the tracking force for optimum results.
The unique Bi-Radial elliptical stylus plays monophonic LP as well as stereo records.
The V-1S Styli incorporate a new retractile design that prevents audible record-scratch or stylus damage. When excessive force is applied to the stylus, it momentarily retracts and a soft plastic safety bumper comes in contact with the record. This bumper is incorporated into the stylus finger- grip and is pre-set and adjusted at the factory to accommodate the minute differences between styli. Do not attempt to re-adjust or in any way tamper with this precise adjustment.

NOTE: For playing 78 R.P.M. records the Model N44-3 (.0027″‘)
Diamond Stylus is available.


CAUTION: Do not make solder connections to cartridge terminals. Make all solder connections to terminal jacks provided.
Soldering should not be done while jacks are on cartridge terminals.

The Model V-15 Cartridge utilizes a 4-terminal arrangement for con- nections having a separate ground terminal for each channel. (See Illustration).
For Stereo reproduction terminal “R” and its ground terminal “RG” represent the right channel (outside groove wall). Terminal “L” and its ground terminal “LG” represent the left channel (inside groove wall). 4-Lead Stereo Connection: To use a 4-lead arrangement, connect the “hot lead of the right channel to terminal “R” and the shield or ground lead of the right channel to terminal “G.” Connect the “hot lead of the left channel to terminal “L” and the shield or ground lead of the left channel to “LG.” To prevent “ground loops” and hum, no common connection should be used at the cartridge terminals.
3-Lead Stereo Connection: When a 3-lead stereo input system is used, the common lead should be connected to both of the ground terminals at the cartridge. No other common ground connection should exist. A “double loop” pin jack is provided to make a convenient connection between the two ground terminals-simply slide the loop ends onto the ground terminals.
This connection should be made before connecting the regular terminal lacks to the cartridge. Connect ground pin jack to either terminal.

For single channel reproduction of Monaural or Stereo recordings, connect the “hot” lead to both “R” and “L terminals and connect the ground or shield lead to both of the ground terminals marked “RG” and “LG.” Double loop pin jacks are provided to make convenient connections between the “R” and “L terminals and between the two ground terminals, These connections should be made before connecting the regular terminal jacks to the cartridge.

It Is important to maintain correct phasing of both loudspeakers.
Although the phasing of the cartridges are carefully controlled,there are many possibilities where a particular High Fidelity system can cause opposite phasing of the sound from the speakers. The phasing can be easily checked by a listening test.
Play a monaural record. Reverse the connections of the wires to one speaker. This can be done at the amplifier or the speaker,whichever is more convenient. When the sound appears to come from a point halfway between the speakers, they are in phase.
Also, bass reproduction will be much fuller when speakers are correctly phased.

The Dynetic stylus assembly used in these cartridges is the most critical component. To maintain the original performance standards of your cartridge, be certain that any replacement stylus you buy bears the following certification on the package: “This Dynetic stylus is precision manufactured by Shure Brothers, Inc.”

Avoid inferior imitations. They will seriously degrade the per- formance of your cartridge. All genuine “Dynetic” styli are manufactured by Shure Brothers, Inc.
The stylus assembly, when installed in the cartridge, is practically immune to damage during normal usage. However, care should be taken to avoid bending or distorting the stylus assembly when it is installed or removed.


Stylus replacement is very simple and fast. To replace–grasp molded housing of stylus between thumb and forefinger. Gently withdraw stylus by pulling forward out of cartridge. Grasp replacement stylus between thumb and forefinger and insert into stylus socket. Press stylus into socket until the molded housing of the stylus touches the cartridge case. Care must be taken not to allow the finger to slip off the molded housing of the stylus,resulting in damage to the stylus tip or shank.


The V-15 Stereo Dynetic Cartridge is guaranteed to be free from electrical and mechanical de- tects for one year from the date of shipment from the factory, provided all instructions are complied with fully. The Guarantee does not cover stylus wear, nor does it cover damage to the stylus assembly from abuse or mishandling.

Shure Dynetic Styli will withstand long, continued usage. However, if the stylus assembly should be damaged due to accidental mishandling, and the diamond tip is still intact, the stylus assembly may be returned to the factory for servicing and testing to original performance standards at a nominal service charge of $7.50.
(Please enclose a check for the service charge with the returned assembly.)
Return Stylus to: Service Department

222 Hartrey Avenue, Evanston, Illinois (60204)


  • Frequency Response: 20 to 20,000 ps
  • Output Voltage: 6.6 m per channel at 1000 cp (at 5 cm/ sec)
  • Channel Balance: Output f rom each channel within 2 db
  • Channel Separation: Over 25 db from 20 to 5,000 cps.
  • Over 20 db from 5,000 to 10,000 cps
  • Tracking force: ¾ to 1 ½ grams
  • Compliance: vertica l, horizontal-25 x 10·• cm per dyne
  • Recommended Load Impedance: 47,000 ohms (per channel)
  • Inductance: 720 millihenries
  • D.C. Resistance: 630 ohms
  • Terminals: 4 terminal (with loop pin for 3 terminal connection)
  • Stylus: VN-2E Bi-Radial Elliptical Stylus Diamond tip.
  • 17.8 microns (.0007 inch) frontal radius·
  • 5 microns (.0002 inch) side contact radii;
  • 25.4 microns (.0010 inch) wide between record contact points
  • Mounting: Standard ½” (12.7 mm) mounting center
  • Weight: Net weight-11 grams
  • Packaged weight-6½ ounces (184 grams)

The V-15 Stereo 15° Dynetic Cartridge has been manufactured under the Shure Master Quality
Control Program. This program embraces the stringent safeguards and standards required by your V-15 to assure you that it is in perfect operating condition.

Shure quality control not only covers incoming parts and the finished product, but intermediate sub-assemblies as well. For example: every individual cartridge and every Stylus-Magnet Assembly is tested and microscopically examined.
Each finished cartridge is again tested electric- ally, mechanically and acoustically against quality and tolerance specifications seldom achieved in the High Fidelity industry.

Manufactured under U.S. Patents 3,055,988,
3,077,521, and 3,077,522. Other patents pending.
222 Hartrey, Avenue, Evanston, Illinois, U.S.A.

World standard wherever sound quality is paramount

The sound from the new Shure V-15 Stereo Dynetic Cartridge is unique. The unit incorporates highly disciplined refinements in design and manufacture. It re- creates music with a transcendent purity that results in a deeply rewarding experience for the critical ear.

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