Husqvarna 520 Automower User Manual

June 12, 2024

520 Automower

Product Information

The product is an automatic lawn mower designed for cutting
grass in outdoor areas. It is equipped with safety features to
prevent injury or damage to the operator, bystanders, and the
product itself. The user manual provides detailed instructions for
installation, operation, maintenance, troubleshooting,
transportation, storage, and disposal.


The manual includes safety definitions to highlight important
instructions. Warnings are used to indicate a risk of injury or
death if instructions are not followed. Cautions are used to
indicate a risk of damage to the product or surrounding area. It is
important to read and understand these safety instructions before
using the product.


The manual provides safety instructions for the installation
process. Follow these instructions carefully to ensure safe and
proper installation of the product.


The manual includes safety instructions for operating the
product. It is important to follow these instructions to prevent
accidents or damage during use.


The manual provides guidance on maintaining the product. It
includes a maintenance schedule and instructions for cleaning,
blade replacement, wheel brush replacement, battery maintenance,
and winter service.


If any issues arise with the product, the troubleshooting
section of the manual provides guidance on identifying and
resolving problems. It includes information on fault messages,
information messages, LED indicator lamps on the charging station
and product, symptoms, and finding breaks in the loop wire.

Transportation, Storage, and Disposal

The manual includes instructions for safely transporting,
storing, and disposing of the product. Follow these instructions to
ensure safe handling and proper disposal.

Technical Data

The manual provides technical specifications of the product,
such as dimensions, weight, and power requirements. It also
includes a list of registered trademarks associated with the

Declarations of Conformity

The manual includes original EU and UK Declarations of
Conformity, stating that the product complies with applicable
safety and performance standards.

Product Usage Instructions

  1. Read the operator’s manual carefully and make sure you
    understand all the instructions before using the product.

  2. Follow the safety definitions provided in the manual to ensure
    safe operation of the product.

  3. For installation, carefully follow the safety instructions
    given in the manual.

  4. During operation, adhere to the safety instructions provided to
    prevent accidents or damage.

  5. Regularly perform maintenance tasks as outlined in the manual,
    including cleaning the product, replacing blades and wheel brushes,
    and maintaining the battery.

  6. If any issues occur, refer to the troubleshooting section of
    the manual for guidance on identifying and resolving problems.

  7. When transporting or storing the product, follow the
    instructions provided to ensure safe handling.

  8. If disposal is necessary, follow the instructions in the manual
    for proper disposal.

Operator’s manual
Read the operator’s manual carefully and make sure that you understand the instructions before you use the product.

EN, English


1 Safety
1.1 Safety definitions……………………………………………3 1.2 General safety instructions………………………………3 1.3 Safety instructions for installation……………………..4 1.4 Safety instructions for operation……………………….4 1.5 Safety instructions for maintenance…………………. 4 1.6 Battery safety……………………………………………….. 4 1.7 To lift and move the product…………………………….5
2 Introduction
2.1 Support…………………………………………………………6 2.2 Product description……………………………………….. 6 2.3 Product overview……………………………………………7 2.4 Symbols on the product…………………………………. 8 2.5 Symbols in Automower® Connect…………………….8 2.6 Symbols on the battery………………………………….. 9 2.7 General manual instructions…………………………… 9 2.8 Overview of the settings structure in Automower® Connect (1)…………………………………… 10 2.9 Overview of the settings structure Automower® Connect (2)…………………………………… 11 2.10 Overview of the settings structure in Automower® Connect (3) (Bluetooth® shortrange connectivity only)…………………………………….. 12
3 Installation
3.1 Introduction – Installation………………………………. 13 3.2 Main components for installation…………………….13 3.3 To prepare for installation…………………………….. 13 3.4 Before the installation of the wires…………………. 13 3.5 Installation of the product……………………………… 18 3.6 To put the wire into position with stakes…………. 20 3.7 To bury the boundary wire or the guide wire…….20 3.8 To extend the boundary wire or the guide wire… 20 3.9 After the installation of the product………………….20 3.10 Automower® Connect ……………………………….. 21 3.11 Settings in Automower® Connect………………….22
4 Operation
4.1 Main switch………………………………………………… 29 4.2 Start……………………………………………………………29 4.3 Operating mode – Start………………………………….29 4.4 Operating mode – Park………………………………….29 4.5 To stop the product……………………………………… 30 4.6 To set the product to OFF…………………………….. 30 4.7 To charge the battery…………………………………… 30
5 Maintenance

5.1 Introduction – maintenance…………………………….31 5.2 Maintenance schedule…………………………………. 31 5.3 Clean the product…………………………………………32 5.4 Replacement of the blades…………………………… 33 5.5 Replace the wheel brushes……………………………33 5.6 Battery………………………………………………………..33 5.7 Winter service…………………………………………….. 33
6 Troubleshooting
6.1 Introduction – troubleshooting…………………………35 6.2 Fault messages……………………………………………35 6.3 Information messages…………………………………..40 6.4 LED indicator lamp on the charging station…….. 42 6.5 LED indicator lamp on the product………………….42 6.6 Symptoms………………………………………………….. 43 6.7 Finding breaks in the loop wire……………………… 44
7 Transportation, storage and disposal
7.1 Transportation…………………………………………….. 47 7.2 Storage……………………………………………………….47 7.3 Disposal…………………………………………………….. 47
8 Technical data
8.1 Technical data……………………………………………..48 8.2 Registered trademarks………………………………….50
9 Original EU Declaration of Conformity
10 EU Declaration of Conformity
11 Original UK Declaration of Conformity


1439 – 015 – 23.11.2022

1 Safety

1.1 Safety definitions
Warnings, cautions and notes are used to point out specially important parts of the manual.

Automatic lawn mower! Keep away from the machine! Supervise children!
· Do not touch moving hazardous parts, such as the blade disc, before it has come to a complete stop.

WARNING: Used if there is a risk of
injury or death for the operator or bystanders if the instructions in the manual are not obeyed.


Set the product to OFF before you clear a blockage, do maintenance or examine the product, and if the product starts to vibrate abnormally. Examine the product for damage before you start the product again. Do not use the product to it is


CAUTION: Used if there is a risk of
damage to the product, other materials or the adjacent area if the instructions in the manual are not obeyed.

· If an injury or accident occur, get medical aid.
· Do not put power supply cable and extension cable in the work area. This can cause damage to the cables.
· Do not connect a damaged cable or plug, or touch

a damaged cable, before it is disconnected from

Note: Used to give more information that is necessary

the power outlet. Disconnect the plug from the power outlet if the cable becomes damaged while

in a given situation.

in operation. A worn or damaged cable increases

the risk of electrical shock. A damaged cable must

be replaced by service personnel.

1.2 General safety instructions

· When you connect the power supply to the power

outlet, use a residual-current device (RCD) with a

WARNING: Read the warning

tripping current of maximum 30 mA.

instructions that follow before you use the

· Only charge the product in the included charging


station. For safe disposal of the battery, refer to

Disposal on page 47. Incorrect use may result in

electric shock, overheating or leaking of corrosive

· Read the Operator’s manual carefully and make

liquid from the battery. In the event of leakage of

sure you understand the instructions before you

electrolyte, flush with water/neutralizing agent. Get

use the product. Keep for future reference.

medical aid if corrosive liquid comes in your eyes.

· This appliance is not intended for use by children

· Use only original batteries recommended by

or persons with reduced physical, sensory or

Husqvarna. Product safety cannot be guaranteed

mental capabilities (that could affect a safe

with other than original batteries. Do not use non-

handling of the product), or lack of experience

rechargeable batteries.

and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. However, EU requirements allows this appliance to be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory

· ·

Follow the installation instructions that includes to specify the work area, refer to Installation on page 13.
Follow the instructions about to start and operate the product, refer to Operation on page 29.

or mental capabilities or lack of experience and

· If there is a risk of thunderstorm, Husqvarna

knowledge, if they have been given supervision

recommends that the power supply and all the

or instruction concerning use of the appliance in

wires to the charging station are disconnected

a safe way and understand the hazards involved.

to decrease the risk of damage to electrical

Children shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning

components. Connect the power supply and all

and user maintenance shall not be made by

the wires again if there is no longer a risk of

children without supervision.

thunderstorm. It is important that all wires are

· The product must only be used with the equipment

connected correctly.

recommended by Husqvarna. All other types of

· Follow the maintenance instructions and if

use are incorrect.

necessary use Husqvarna original spare parts,

· Do not use the product when persons, especially

refer to Maintenance on page 31.

children, or animals are in the work area.

· For technical data such as weight, dimensions and

· Warning signs must be put around the work area of the product if it operates in public areas. The

noise emission values, refer to Technical data on page 48.

signs must have the text that follows: Warning!

· The operator is responsible for accidents or

dangers that occurs to other persons or property.

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Safety – 3

· The product must only be operated, maintained and repaired by persons that are fully conversant with its special characteristics and safety regulations.
· It is not permitted to change the initial design of the product.
· Obey national regulations about electrical safety. · Husqvarna does not guarantee full compatibility
between the product and other types of wireless systems such as remote controls, radio transmitters or equivalent. · The built-in alarm is very loud. Be careful, especially if the product is handled indoors. · Operation and storage temperature range is 0-50 °C / 32-122 °F. Temperature range for charging is 0-45 °C / 32-113 °F. Too high temperatures can cause damage to the product.
1.3 Safety instructions for installation
WARNING: Read the warning
instructions that follow before you use the product.
· Do not install the charging station, including any accessory, at a location that is below, or within 60 cm / 24 in. from, any combustible material. In case of malfunction, heating of the charging station and the power supply may occur and create a potential risk of fire.
· Do not put the power supply at a height where there is a risk it can be put in water. Do not put the power supply on the ground.
· Do not encapsulate the power supply. Condensed water can harm the power supply and increase the risk of electrical shock.
· Applicable to USA/Canada. If power supply is installed outdoors: Risk of Electric Shock. Install only to a covered Class A GFCI receptacle (RCD) that has an enclosure that is weatherproof with the attachment plug cap inserted or removed.
· Do not install the charging station where there is a risk of standing water.
1.4 Safety instructions for operation
WARNING: Read the warning
instructions that follow before you use the product.
· Keep your hands and feet away from the rotating blades. Do not put your hands or feet near or below the product when it is set to ON.
· Use the park mode or set the product to OFF when persons, especially children or animals are in the work area. Refer to To set the product to OFF

on page 30. Husqvarna recommends to set the product to operate when the work area has no activity. The product can cause injury to animals at night in work area, for example hedgehogs. Refer to Schedule on page 22. · Make sure that there are no objects such as stones, branches, tools or toys on the lawn. The blades can be damaged if it hits an object. · Do not lift the product or move it when it is set to ON. · Do not to let the product collide with persons or animals. If a person or animal comes in the way of the product, stop the product immediately. Refer to To stop the product on page 30. · Do not put objects on top of the product or its charging station. · Do not use the product if the STOP button does not work. · Always set the product to OFF when it is not in operation. The product can only start when you enter the correct PIN code. · Do not use the product at the same time as a pop-up sprinkler. Use the Schedule function so the product and pop-up sprinkler do not operate at the same time. Refer to Schedule on page 22. · Do not let the product operate when there is standing water in the work area. For example when heavy rain forms pools of water.
1.5 Safety instructions for maintenance
WARNING: Read the warning
instructions that follow before you do maintenance on the product.
· Set the product to OFF when you do maintenance on the product.
· Do not use a high-pressure washer to clean the product. Do not use solvents to clean the product.
· Disconnect the plug to the charging station before you clean or do maintenance of the charging station.
1.6 Battery safety
WARNING: Read the warning
instructions that follow before you use the product.
· Lithium-ion batteries can explode or cause fire if disassembled, short- circuited, exposed to water, fire, or high temperatures. Handle carefully, do not dismantle, open the battery or use any type of electrical/mechanical abuse. Avoid storage in direct sunlight.

4 – Safety

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1.7 To lift and move the product WARNING: The product must be set to
OFF before you lift the product. The product is disabled when the Main switch is set to the 0 position.
CAUTION: Do not lift the product when
it is parked in the charging station. It can cause damage to the charging station and/or the product. Push the STOP button and pull the product out of the charging station before you lift it. 1. Push the STOP button to stop the product.
2. Set the Main switch to the 0 position.
3. Lift the product by the handle with the blade disc away from your body.

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Safety – 5

2 Introduction

Serial number:

Product number:

PIN code:

The serial number and the product number are on the product rating plate and on the product carton.
· Register your product on Enter the serial number of the product, the product number and the date of purchase to register your product.

2.1 Support
For support about the product, speak to your Husqvarna servicing dealer.
2.2 Product description

The operator selects the operation settings in the Automower® Connect app. The app shows the selected and possible operation settings, and the operation mode of the product.
2.2.1 Mowing technique

Note: Husqvarna regularly updates the appearance
and function of the products. Refer to Support on page 6.
The product is a robotic lawn mower. The product has a battery power source and cuts the grass automatically. It continuously alternates between mowing and charging. The movement pattern is random, which means that the lawn is mowed evenly and with less wear. The boundary wire and the guide wire controls the movement of the product within the work area. Sensors in the product senses when it is approaching the boundary wire. The front of the product always passes the boundary wire by a specific distance before the product turns around. When the product hits an obstacle or approaches the boundary wire the product selects a new direction.

The frequent cutting technique improves the grass quality and decreases the use of fertilizers. Collection of grass is not necessary.
2.2.2 Find the charging station
The product operates until the battery state of charge is low, then it starts to go to the charging station. The product has 3 search methods to find the charging station. Refer to To find the charging station on page 24.
2.2.3 Automower® Connect
Automower® Connect is a mobile application that makes it possible to select the operation settings remotely. Refer to Automower® Connect (Bluetooth® only) on page 28.

6 – Introduction

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2.3 Product overview

Automower® 520

Automower® 550 3
2 1






13 14 15

8 16
7 17











23 22

1. Body 2. LED indicator lamp of the product 3. STOP/START button 4. Ultrasonic sensors 5. Front wheels 6. Rear wheels 7. LED indicator lamp of the charging station 8. Contact plates 9. Park button 10. Charging station 11. Cutting system 12. Chassis box with electronics, battery and motors 13. Handle

14. Main switch 15. Rating plate (including product identification code) 16. Blade disc 17. Skid plate 18. Measurement gauge 19. Low-voltage cable 20. Alarm decal 21. Cable markers 22. Power supply1 23. Screws to attach the charging station 24. Operator’s manual and Quick Guide 25. Couplers for the loop wire2 26. Loop wire for boundary wire and guide wire3

1 The appearance can be different for different markets. 2 Is a part of the Installation kit which is purchased separately. 3 Refer to note 2. 1439 – 015 – 23.11.2022

Introduction – 7

27. Stakes4 28. Connector for the loop wire5
2.4 Symbols on the product
These symbols can be found on the product. Study them carefully.
WARNING: Read the user instructions before operating the product.
WARNING: Disable the product before working on or lifting the product.

The chassis contains components which are sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). The chassis must also be resealed in a professional manner. For these reasons the chassis shall only be opened by authorized service technicians. A broken seal can result in the entire or parts of the guarantee no longer being valid.
The low-voltage cable must not be shortened, extended or spliced.
Do not use a trimmer nearby the lowvoltage cable. Be careful when trimming edges where the cables are placed.

WARNING: Keep a safe distance from the product when operating. Keep your hands and feet away from the rotating blades.
WARNING: Do not ride on the product. Do not put your hands or feet close to or under the product.

2.5 Symbols in Automower® Connect
The schedule menu is used to set when the product cuts the lawn.
The cutting height menu allows the operator to set the cutting height of the product.

Do not use a high-pressure washer or even running water to clean the product.
Use a detachable power supply as defined on the rating label next to the symbol.

The operation menu is used for manual settings for the operation.
The installation menu is used for manual settings for the installation.

This product complies with the applicable EU Directives.
This product complies with the applicable UK Directives.
It is not permitted to dispose this product as normal household waste. Ensure that the product is recycled in accordance with local legal requirements.

The accessories menu is used for settings made for the accessories.
The settings menu is used to set the general product settings. (Only available for Bluetooth® short-range connectivity)
The security menu lets the operator select between 3 security levels. (Only available for Bluetooth® short-range connectivity)

4 Refer to note 2. 5 Refer to note 2. 8 – Introduction

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Automower® Connect is where the operator enables and disables the Automower® Connect module on the product. (Only available for Bluetooth® short-range connectivity)
2.6 Symbols on the battery
WARNING: Lithium-ion batteries can explode or cause fire if disassembled, short-circuited or handled roughly. Do not expose to water, fire or high temperature.

Do not immerse the battery into water.
2.7 General manual instructions
The following system is used in the Operator’s Manual to make it easier to use: · Text written in italics is a text that is in the
Automower® Connect app, or is a reference to another section in the Operator’s manual. · Text written in bold is one of the buttons on the product or in Automower® Connect.

Read the user instructions.

Do not discard the battery into fire and do not expose the battery to a heat source.

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Introduction – 9

2.8 Overview of the settings structure in Automower® Connect (1)

Overview Schedule settings Edit

Change current Schedule settings

Add new Schedule settings

Cutting height

Cutting height


Spiral cutting Intensity

Weather timer Cutting time

Very low Low Medium High Very high Low Medium High

ECO mode

10 – Introduction

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2.9 Overview of the settings structure Automower® Connect (2)


Find charging station

Lawn coverage

Corridor width

Exit angles Reversing Drive distance past wire


Follow guide

station signal Follow


boundary wire

Boundary corridor Guide 1/2/3 corridor

GPS assisted navigation (default)

How often

Area 1/2/3/4/5

Sector 1

Sector 2

Exit angle Exit angle




Exit angle Exit angle




Mower house



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Introduction – 11

2.10 Overview of the settings structure in Automower® Connect (3) (Bluetooth® short-range connectivity only)


Time & date

Mower time

Mower date

Time & date from phone

Reset to factory settings


New loop signal Change PIN code
Create new loop signal

Theft protection GeoFence

Time lock

Require Alarm PIN code

STOP button Carried



Automower® Connect

Signal strength /No signal

Connected /Not connected

Initiate new pairing

Remove mower from paired accounts

12 – Introduction

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3 Installation

3.1 Introduction – Installation

· Fill in holes in the lawn to make it level.

WARNING: Read and understand the

CAUTION: Holes with water in
the lawn can cause damage to the

safety chapter before you install the product.


CAUTION: Use original spare parts and
installation material.
Note: Refer to for more
information about installation.
Automower® 550 has the Automower® Club Solution where you can use 2 or 3 products in the same installation, refer to Automower® Club Solution on page 18.
3.2 Main components for installation
The installation involves the following components:
· A robotic lawn mower that mows the lawn automatically.
· A charging station, which has 3 functions:
· To send control signals along the boundary wire.
· To send control signals along the guide wire so that the product can follow the guide wire to specific remote areas in the garden and can find its way back to the charging station.
· To charge the product. · A power supply, which is connected to the
charging station and a 100-240V power outlet. · Loop wire, which is laid around the work area
and around objects and plants that the product must not run into. The loop wire is used both as boundary wire and guide wire.

· Cut the grass before you install the product. Make sure that the grass is maximum 10 cm / 4 in.
Note: The first weeks after installation the sound level
when the product cuts the grass can be higher than usual. The sound level decreases after some time.
3.4 Before the installation of the wires
You can select to attach the wires with stakes or bury them. You can use the 2 procedures for the same work area.
CAUTION: If you use a dethatcher
in the work area, bury the boundary wire and the guide wire to prevent them from damage.
3.4.1 To examine where to put the charging station
· Keep a minimum 2 m / 7 ft. of free space in front of the charging station. Refer to To examine where to put the guide wire on page 17.
· Keep a minimum of 150 cm / 60 in. of free space to the right and left of the center of the charging station.
· Put the charging station near a power outlet. · Put the charging station on a level surface. · The baseplate of the charging station must not be

3.3 To prepare for installation
Read the installation chapter before you start the installation. Prepare the installation carefully to make the product operate satisfactorily.
· Make a blueprint of the work area and include all obstacles. This makes it easier to examine where to put the charging station, the boundary wire and the guide wire.
· Make a mark on the blueprint where to put the charging station, the boundary wire and the guide wire.
· Make a mark on the blueprint where the guide wire connects to the boundary wire. Refer to To install the guide wire on page 19.

max. 5 cm / 2″ max. 5 cm / 2″
· If the work area has two parts separated with a steep slope, we recommend to put the charging station in the lower section.

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Installation – 13

· Put the charging station in an area with protection from the sun.
· If the charging station is installed on an island, make sure to connect the guide wire to the island. Refer to To make an island on page 16.

CAUTION: Do not let the product
operate on gravel.
CAUTION: Do not make sharp bends
when you install the boundary wire.

3.4.2 To examine where to put the power supply
CAUTION: Make sure that the blades
on the product do not cut the low-voltage cable.

CAUTION: For careful operation
without noise, isolate all obstacles such as trees, roots and stones.
The boundary wire should be put as a loop around the work area. Sensors in the product senses when the product approaches the boundary wire, and the product selects another direction. All parts of the work area must be maximum 35 m / 115 ft. from the boundary wire.
To make the connection easier between the guide wire and the boundary wire, it is recommended to make an eyelet where the guide wire will be connected. Make the eyelet with approximately 20 cm / 8 in. of the boundary wire.

CAUTION: Do not put the low-voltage
cable in a coil or below the charging station plate. The coil causes interference with the signal from the charging station.

· Put the power supply in an area with a roof and protection from the sun and rain.
· Put the power supply in an area with good airflow. · Use a residual-current device (RCD) with a tripping
current of maximum 30 mA when you connect the power supply to the power outlet.
Low-voltage cables of different lengths are available as accessories.
3.4.3 To examine where to put the boundary wire
CAUTION: There must be a barrier of
minimum 15 cm / 6 in. in height between the boundary wire and water bodies, slopes, precipices or public roads. This will prevent damage to the product.

Note: Make a blueprint of the work area before you
install the boundary wire and guide wire.

14 – Installation

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C 10 cm / 4″ max 1 cm / 0.4″

· Put the boundary wire around all of the work area (A). Adapt the distance between the boundary wire and obstacles.
· Put the boundary wire 35 cm / 14 in. (B) from an obstacle that is more than 5 cm / 2 in. high.

5 cm / 2″
35 cm /14″ · Put the boundary wire 30 cm / 12 in. (C) from an
obstacle that is 1-5 cm / 0.4-2 in. high.
30 cm / 12″ 1-5 cm / 0.4 – 2″
· Put the boundary wire 10 cm / 4 in. (D) from an obstacle that is less than 1 cm / 0.4 in. high.

· If you have a paving stone path that is in level with the lawn, put the boundary wire below the paving stone.
Note: If the paving stone is minimum 30 cm / 12
in. wide, use the factory setting for the Drive Past Wire function to cut all the grass adjacent to the paving stone. Refer to Drive Past Wire on page 26.
· If you make an island, put the boundary wire that runs to and from the island near together (E). Put the wires in the same stake. Refer to To make an island on page 16.
· Make an eyelet (F) where the guide wire is to be connected to the boundary wire. To put the boundary wire in a slope
The product can operate in 45% slopes. Slopes that are too steep must be isolated with the boundary wire. The gradient (%) is calculated as height per m. Example: 10 cm / 100 cm = 10%.

10% 10 cm/4″

100 cm/40″

· For slopes steeper than 45% inside the work area, isolate the slope with boundary wire.
· For slopes steeper than 15% along the outer edge of the lawn, put the boundary wire 20 cm / 8 in. (A) from the edge.
· For slopes adjacent to a public road, put a barrier of minimum 15 cm / 6 in. along the outer edge of the slope. You can use a wall or a fence as a barrier. Passages
A passage is a section that has boundary wire on each side and that connects 2 parts of the work area. The distance between the boundary wire on each side in the passage must be a minimum of 60 cm / 24 in.
Note: If a passage is less than 2 m / 6.5 ft. wide,
install a guide wire through the passage.

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Installation – 15

The recommended minimum distance between the guide wire and the boundary wire is 30 cm / 12 in. The product always runs to the left of the guide wire as seen facing the charging station. It is recommended to have as much free area as possible to the left of the guide wire (A).

60 cm / 24″

A >30 cm / 12″

2 m / 6.5 ft To make an island
CAUTION: Do not put a section
of boundary wire across the other. The sections of boundary wire must be parallel.

To make an island, isolate areas in the work area with the boundary wire. We recommend to isolate all stable objects in the work area.
Some obstacles are resistant to a collision, for example, trees or bushes that are more than 15 cm / 5.9 in. in height. The product will collide with the obstacle and then select a new direction.
· Put the boundary wire to and around the obstacle to make an island.
· Put the 2 sections of boundary wire to and from the island close together. This will make the product run across the wire.
· Put the 2 sections of boundary wire in the same stake.

CAUTION: Do not put the guide wire
across the boundary wire.

0 cm / 0″

CAUTION: Isolate or remove obstacles
that are less than 15 cm / 5.9 in. in height. Isolate or remove obstacles that slope slightly, for example, stones, trees or roots. This will prevent damage to the blades of the product. To make a secondary area
Make a secondary area (B) if the work area has 2 areas that are not connected with a passage. The work area with the charging station is the main area (A).

16 – Installation

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Note: The product must be manually moved between
the main area and the secondary area.
· Put the boundary wire around the secondary area (B) to make an island. Refer to To make an island on page 16.
Note: The boundary wire must be put as 1 loop
around all of the work area (A + B).
Note: When the product cuts grass in the
secondary area, the Secondary area mode must be selected. Refer to Operating mode – Start on page 29.
3.4.4 To examine where to put the guide wire
· Put the guide wire in a line at a minimum of 2 m / 7 ft. in front of the charging station.
· Make as much free area as possible to the left of the guide wire when facing the charging station. Refer to To examine where to put the charging station on page 13.
· Put the guide wire minimum 30 cm / 12 in. from the boundary wire.
· Do not make sharp bends when you install the guide wire.

3.4.5 Work area examples
· If the charging station is put in a small area (A), make sure that the distance to the boundary wire is at a minimum 3 m / 10 ft. in front of the charging station.
· If the work area has a passage (B) with no guide wire installed, the recommended minimum distance between the boundary wires is 2 m / 6.5 ft. With a guide wire installed through the passage, the recommended minimum distance between the boundary wires is 60 cm / 24 in.
· If the work area has areas which are connected by a narrow passage (B), you can set the product to first follow and then leave the guide wire after a certain distance (C). The settings can be changed in Lawn coverage on page 25.
· Use the GPS Assisted Navigation that helps the product select the most optimal operation. Refer to Lawn coverage on page 25.
· If the work area includes a secondary area (D), refer to Secondary area on page 29. Put the product in the secondary area and select Secondary area mode.




· If the work area has a slope, put the guide wire diagonally across the slope.

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3.5 Installation of the product
3.5.1 Installation tools
· Hammer/plastic mallet: To simplify putting the stakes into the ground.
· Edge cutter/straight spade: To bury the boundary wire.
· Combination pliers: For cutting the boundary wire and pressing the connectors together.
· Adjustable plier: For pressing the couplers together.
3.5.2 To install the charging station
CAUTION: Do not make new holes in
the charging station plate.

CAUTION: Do not put your feet on the


baseplate of the charging station.

WARNING: The power supply cable
and extension cable must be outside the work area to avoid damage to the cables.

3.4.6 Automower® Club Solution
Automower® Club Solution makes it possible to use 2 or 3 products in one installation. It requires special configuration in the product and the installation of the boundary wires and charging stations is different. To use Automower® Club Solution, speak to your local Husqvarna representative.
The installation of the boundary wire and charging stations must be made in parallel. Maximum width of the work area is 70 m / 230 ft. The changes when using the Automower® Club Solution configuration are: · The product follows the boundary wire clockwise to
find the charging station. · You cannot use guide cables. · You cannot use the Park button. · The blade disc speed and noise level increases.

WARNING: Make sure that the plugs of
the low-voltage cable and the power supply unit are clean and dry before you connect them.
When connecting the power supply, only use a power outlet that is connected to a residual-current device (RCD).
1. Read and understand the instructions about where to put the charging station. Refer to To examine where to put the charging station on page 13.
2. Put the charging station in the selected area.
Note: Do not attach the charging station with
the screws to the ground until the guide wire is installed. Refer to To install the guide wire on page 19.
3. Connect the low-voltage cable to the charging station.
4. Put the power supply at a minimum height of 30 cm / 12 in.

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min 30 cm / 12″

5. Connect the power supply cable to a 100-240V power outlet.
Note: When the charging station is connected, it
is possible to charge the product. Put the product in the charging station while the boundary and guide wires are being laid. Switch on the product to start charging the product. Refer to Main switch on page 29. Do not continue with any product settings before the installation is complete.
6. Put the low-voltage cable in the ground with stakes or bury the cable. Refer to To put the wire into position with stakes on page 20 or To bury the boundary wire or the guide wire on page 20.
7. Connect the wires to the charging station after the installation of boundary wire and guide wire is complete. Refer to To install the boundary wire on page 19 and To install the guide wire on page 19.
8. Attach the charging station to the ground with the supplied screws after the guide wire is installed. Refer to To install the guide wire on page 19.
3.5.3 To install the boundary wire
CAUTION: Do not put remaining wire in
a coil. The coil causes interference with the product.
1. Put the boundary wire around all of the work area. Start and complete the installation behind the charging station.
2. Open the connector and put the boundary wire in the connector.

4. Cut the boundary wire 1-2 cm / 0.4-0.8 in. above each connector.
5. Push the right connector onto the metal pin on the charging station with the mark “AR”.
6. Push the left connector onto the metal pin on the charging station with the mark “AL”.
3.5.4 To install the guide wire
CAUTION: Twinned cables, or a
screw terminal block that is insulated with insulation tape are not satisfactory splices. Soil moisture will cause the wire to oxidize and after a time result in a broken circuit.
1. Open the connector and put the wire in the connector.
2. Close the connector with a pair of pliers.
3. Cut the guide wire 1-2 cm / 0.4-0.8 in. above each connector.
4. Push the guide wire through the slot in the charging station plate.
5. Push the connector onto the metal pin on the charging station with the mark “G1”, if applicable, also for “G2” and “G3”.
6. Disconnect the charging station from the power outlet.
7. Put the end of the guide wire at the eyelet on the boundary wire.
8. Cut the boundary wire with a pair of wire cutters.
9. Connect the guide wire to the boundary wire with a coupler.

3. Close the connector with a pair of pliers. 1439 – 015 – 23.11.2022

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a) Put the 2 ends of the boundary wire and the end of the guide wire into the coupler.
Note: Make sure that you can see the ends
of the wires through the transparent area of the coupler.
b) Push the button on the coupler with an adjustable pliers.

3.7 To bury the boundary wire or the guide wire
· Cut a groove in the ground with an edge cutter or a straight shovel.
· Put the boundary wire or the guide wire 1-20 cm / 0.4-8 in. into the ground.
3.8 To extend the boundary wire or the guide wire
Note: Extend the boundary wire or the guide wire if it
is too short for the work area. Use original spare parts, for example couplers.

10. Attach the guide wire to the ground with stakes or bury the guide wire in the ground. Refer to To put the wire into position with stakes on page 20 or To bury the boundary wire or the guide wire on page 20.
11. Connect the charging station to the power outlet.
3.6 To put the wire into position with stakes
CAUTION: Make sure that the stakes
hold the boundary wire and the guide wire against the ground.

1. Disconnect the charging station from the power outlet.
2. Cut the boundary wire or the guide wire with a pair of wire cutters where it is necessary to install the extension.
3. Add wire where it is necessary to install the extension.
4. Put the boundary wire or the guide wire into position.
5. Put the wire ends into a coupler.
Note: Make sure that you can see the ends of
the boundary wire or the guide wire through the transparent area of the coupler.
6. Push down the cover on the coupler with adjustable pliers to attach the wires in the coupler.

CAUTION: Cutting the grass too low
right after installation can damage the wire insulation. Damage to the insulation may not cause disruptions until several weeks or months later.

1. Put the boundary wire and the guide wire on the ground.
2. Put the stakes at a maximum of 30 cm / 12 in. distance from each other.
3. Attach the stakes to the ground with a hammer or a plastic mallet.
Note: The wire is overgrown with grass and not visible
after a few weeks.

7. Put the boundary wire or the guide wire into position with stakes.
8. Connect the charging station to the power outlet.
3.9 After the installation of the product
3.9.1 To do a visual check of the charging station
1. Make sure that the indicator LED lamp on the charging station has a green light.

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2. If the indicator LED lamp does not have a green light, do a check of the installation. Refer to LED indicator lamp on the charging station on page 42 and To install the charging station on page 18.
3.9.2 To do the basic settings
When the product is switched on for the first time, there are some basic settings to do before the product can start to operate. You must for example pair the product and the charging station, and you can choose to enable the theft protection in GeoFence. Refer to GeoFence on page 28. You must also pair the product and the Automower® Connect app to be able to change the settings and operate the product. Refer to Automower® Connect on page 21.
1. Switch on the product.
Note: The Bluetooth® pairing mode is active
for 3 minutes. If pairing has not been successful within this time period, switch off the product. Wait until the LED status indicator is not lit, and then switch on the product again.
2. Enter the factory PIN code.
3. Log in to your Husqvarna account in the Automower® Connect app.
4. Start Bluetooth® on your mobile device. 5. Select My mowers in the Automower® Connect
app, and then select the plus sign (+). 6. Select model. The Automower® Connect app
searches for available products within short-range (Bluetooth®).
7. Select product. 8. Follow the instructions in the Automower® Connect
Note: It is only necessary to pair the Automower®
Connect app and the product once.
Note: To disconnect the Automower® Connect app,
the app must be fully closed down.
3.10 Automower® Connect
The app gives 2 modes of connectivity: Longrange cellular connectivity and Short-range Bluetooth® connectivity.
The product can connect to mobile devices that have the Automower® Connect app installed. Automower® Connect is a free app for your mobile device. The Automower® Connect app gives extended functions to your Husqvarna product. You can:
· See the status of your product. · Change settings to your product.

· Get extended product information. · Get an alarm if the product moves out of the work
area. · See statistics of your product.
Note: All countries do not support Automower®
Connect because of regional specified cellular systems. The included Automower® Connect lifetime service only applies if there is a third part sub- supplier of 2G/3G/4G available in the operational area.
The Automower® Connect app is preferable if you have one or few products installed. For users with several products we recommend you to use Husqvarna Fleet ServicesTM. Refer to Husqvarna Fleet ServicesTM on page 28.
3.10.1 To install the Automower® Connect app
1. Download the Automower® Connect app on your mobile device.
2. Sign up for a Husqvarna account in the Automower® Connect app.
3. An e-mail is sent to the registered e-mail address. Follow the instructions in the e-mail in less than 24 hours to validate your account.
4. Log in to your Husqvarna account in the Automower® Connect app.
3.10.2 To pair Automower® Connect and the product
1. Do step 1-7 in To do the basic settings on page 21. 2. Obey the instructions in the Automower® Connect
3.10.3 Dashboard
The dashboard shows the current status of the product both visually and in text. It is very easy to control the product by selecting the options, for example Park.
In the lower part of the dashboard there are shortcuts to the Schedule settings and the Map. The dashboard also shows symbols according to below:
1. The battery status shows the battery state of charge. A flash is shown over the battery symbol when the product charges its battery. A plug is shown over the battery symbol when the product is in the charging station without charging.
2. Cutting height.

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Note: The Automower® Direct connection is only
valid as long as you are within Bluetooth® range. If you move out of Bluetooth® range, you will loose the Automower® Direct connection and you must do the
connection process again.

For more information about the operating modes Start, Park and Pause, refer to Operation on page 29.
3.10.4 Account
In this menu there is an overview of the account settings and you can log off from the app. To set the unit format
1. Select the unit format Metric or Imperial.
3.10.5 My mowers
When choosing My mowers you can manage all the products paired to your account, as well as add new ones. If there are several paired products it is possible to select one of them as Current mower.
To pair a new product to the Automower® Connect app:
1. Select the plus sign (+). 2. Select model. 3. Follow the instructions in the Automower® Connect
app to finalize the pairing.
3.10.6 Automower® Direct
Automower® Direct uses short-range Bluetooth® communication, and is included in Automower® 520/550.
Automower® Direct is useful if the operator has the Automower® Connect app and the PIN code, but has not created a Husqvarna account. Automower® Direct is also useful if the connection with the product is only temporary.
Husqvarna cannot guarantee the time period or coverage of the long-range cellular connectivity. There is therefore a possibility to communicate with the product through Bluetooth® if you are in short-range of the product. You can use Automower® Direct without a Husqvarna account as long as you have the product PIN code. To start to use Automower® Direct 1. Download the Automower® Connect app on your
mobile device. 2. Select Automower® Direct on the start screen of
the Automower® Connect app. 3. Start Bluetooth® on your mobile device and on the
product, refer to To do the basic settings on page 21. 4. Select the product to pair with in the Automower® Connect app. 5. Enter the PIN code for the product.
Note: You have access to the menus and functions as
long as you are within Bluetooth® short-range.
3.10.7 Map
The map shows the current position of the product and the set centerpoint for GeoFence. Map settings 1. Open Map in the main menu. 2. Select the settings symbol. 3. Enable or disable Movement path. 4. Enable or disable GeoFence radius. 5. Select Map view or Satellite view.
3.11 Settings in Automower® Connect
The product has factory settings but the settings can be adapted to each work area.
3.11.1 Schedule
In Schedule you can change the schedule settings for the product.
The schedule function controls which hours the product should operate and not operate. When the product is not operating it is parked in the charging station. The operating hours and days can be seen in an overview in the Automower® Connect app.
The default schedule setting allows the product to operate around the clock 7 days a week. This is normally a suitable setting for a work area corresponding to the maximum capacity. If the work area is less than the maximum capacity the schedule

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should be used to minimize wear on the grass and to the product.
The table shows the approximate number of hours the product must operate each day for a specified area dimension.


Automower® 520

Automower® 550

500 m2/0.12 acre 7


1000 m2/0.25 acre 14


1500 m2/0.37 acre 22


2000 m2/0.5 acre


2500 m2/0.62 acre


3000 m2/0.75 acre


3500 m2/0.86 acre


There are 3 different quality levels that you can select which decides the cutting frequency:
· Pro sport quality: Used for premium sports fields or golf courses that are cut everyday at low cutting height. For a well-managed, lush, and dense turf.
· Pro quality: Used for sports fields and golf courses at medium ambition level. Also used for facilities with high demands on grass quality with medium grass height and normal dense quality of turf.
· Regular quality: Used for green spaces with lower demands. This means areas with less grass growth, high cutting height and normal to low dense quality of turf.


Operation frequency

Pro sport quality

Each day

Pro quality

Each second day

Regular quality

Each third day To edit the schedule settings 1. Select Settings > Schedule > Edit in the app. 2. Select the pencil symbol in the app. 3. Select which days of the week and hours the
product must operate. 4. Select Save. To add a new schedule setting 1. Select Settings > Schedule > Edit in the app. 2. Select the plus sign in the app. 3. Select which days of the week and hours the
product must operate. 4. Select Save.

3.11.2 Cutting height Adjust the cutting height The cutting height can be varied from MIN (2 cm / 0.8 in.) to MAX (6 cm / 2.5 in.).
Note: During the first week after a new installation, the
cutting height must be set to MAX to avoid damaging the loop wire. After this, the cutting height can be lowered step by step every second week until the desired cutting height has been reached.
To adjust the cutting height with Automower® Connect The cutting height can be adjusted from MIN to MAX 1. Select Settings > Cutting height. 2. Move the horizontal bar to set the cutting height. 3. Select Save. TargetHeight Use the TargetHeight function to lower the cutting height from MAX to the specified cutting height gradually during 10 days. If you change the cutting height manually during this time it will disable the TargetHeight function. To set the TargetHeight 1. Select Settings > Cutting height. 2. Select on/off to enable or disable the TargetHeight
function. 3. Select Save.
3.11.3 Operation
In the Operation’s menu it is possible to change the settings of the Weather timer, ECO mode and Spiral cutting. Spiral cutting If the product enters an area where it senses the grass is longer than average, it can change the movement pattern to Spiral cutting. This means that the product mows in a spiral pattern to faster cut the area with longer grass. It is possible to set the intensity of the Spiral cutting. Very low / Low intensity means that Spiral cutting begins less often. High / Very high intensity means that Spiral cutting begins more often.

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Note: Spiral cutting is only started in the Main area
mode. Cutting in the Secondary area mode does not let the product to start Spiral cutting. Spiral Cutting does not
start in slopes steeper than 15%. ECO mode
If ECO mode is activated, it switches off the signal in the boundary loop, the guide wire and the charging station, when the product is parked or is charging.
Note: Use ECO mode to save energy and avoid
interference with other equipment, for example hearing loops or garage doors.

Note: To start the product manually in the work area,
push the STOP button before you remove the product from the charging station. If not, the product cannot be started in the work area.

1. Select Settings > Operation in the app. 2. Select On/Off to enable or disable Spiral cutting. 3. Select Settings > Spiral Cutting > Use > Intensity
to select the level of the function. 4. Select Save. Weather timer Weather timer automatically adjust the cutting time to the growth of the grass. The product is not permitted to operate more than the schedule settings.
Note: When using Weather timer, it is recommended
to make as much operating time as possible available for Weather timer. Do not restrict the schedule more than necessary.
The first operation of the day is set by the schedule settings. The product always complete 1 mowing cycle, and then Weather timer selects if the product will continue to operate or not.
Note: Weather timer is reset if the product does not
operate for more than 50 hours, or if a Reset of all user settings is done. Weather timer is not changed if a Reset of schedule settings is done.
To set the Weather timer 1. Select Settings > Operation in the app. 2. Select on/off to enable or disable the Weather
Note: If the cutting results are not satisfactory,
the cutting time can be adjusted. Set the cutting time High to cut for a longer time or Low to cut for a shorter time.
3. Select Save.

To set the ECO mode 1. Select Settings > Operation in the app. 2. Select on/off to enable or disable the ECO mode
function. 3. Select Save.
3.11.4 Installation
In the Installation menu it is possible to adapt the settings of the product for best mowing result. To find the charging station The product can be set to search for the charging station in 3 methods:
· Charging station signal · Follow boundary wire · Follow guide wire
The factory setting is set to use the 3 search methods at the same time. Use the factory setting to find the charging station as fast as possible and to keep the risk of tracks on the lawn to a minimum. The product always starts to search for the Charging station signal. After a specified time interval, it also uses Follow guide and Follow boundary wire.
Causes why the product cannot follow the wire:
· Obstacles near the wire have not been isolated. · The charging station, the boundary wire or the
guide wire are not installed according to the instructions in To install the charging station on page 18, To install the boundary wire on page 19 and in To install the guide wire on page 19.
To change the signal range of the charging station For some installations it is necessary to decrease the signal of the charging station. For example when the charging station is put near an obstacle such as a bush or wall and the signal reaches to the other side

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of the obstacle. The product knows that it is close to the charging station and tries to dock, but the objects prevents it. The options are min, avg (average) or max.
Note: The recommended setting is max. It is usually
better to move the charging station, than to decrease the range of the charging station signal.
1. Select Settings > Installation > Find charging station in the app.
2. Select signal range. 3. Select Save.
To set the delay time for the guide wire and the boundary wire 1. Select Settings > Installation > Find charging
station in the app. 2. Select on/off to enable or disable to follow the wire.
3. Move the horizontal bar to set the time delay. 4. Select Save. Lawn coverage
The product has GPS Assisted Navigation that helps the product select the most optimal operation.
Use the Lawn coverage function to set the settings to manual.
To set the GPS function 1. Select Installation > Settings > Lawn coverage in
the app. 2. Select on/off to disable or enable the GPS
Note: When GPS assisted navigation is enabled
it is used while there is a GPS service. The GPS assisted navigation is used even if manual settings have been made. Only when GPS service is not available, the manual settings are used.
3. Select Save.
To set the Lawn Coverage function The Lawn Coverage function is used to guide the product to remote parts of the work area. If the work area includes remote parts that are connected with narrow passages, the Lawn Coverage function is useful to to keep a well-cut lawn in all parts of the yard. You can set a maximum of 5 remote areas where the product starts to cut the lawn.
With the Lawn Coverage function the product first follows and then leaves the guide wire after a certain distance and starts to mow the lawn.
Area A, approximately 50%
Area B, approximately 30%
Area C, approximately 20%

Each area can be enabled or disabled, without having to enter the settings again. 1. Select Settings > Installation > Lawn coverage in
the app. 2. Select on/off to disable the GPS function to set the
Lawn Coverage. 3. Select on/off Area 1-5 to activate the area. 4. Move the horizontal bar to set which wire
the product will follow. The product can follow Boundary wire left, Boundary wire right or one of the guide wires. 5. Move the horizontal bar to set the distance the product must follow the wire. The product then leaves the wire and starts to cut the lawn. Refer to To measure the distance from the charging station on page 25. 6. Move the horizontal bar to set how often the product goes to each area. At all other times, the products starts to cut near the charging station. The percentage is equal to the percentage of the area in relation to the complete work area. a) Measure the area. b) Divide the measured area with the total work
area. c) Convert the result to percentage. d) Move the horizontal bar to set the distance
from the charging station. 7. Select Save. The default settings lets the product follow the guide wire 300 m / 980 ft. in 20% of the times it leaves the charging station. If the guide wire is less than 300 m / 980 ft. the product will follow it to the point where the guide wire is connected to the boundary wire. To measure the distance from the charging station 1. Put the product in the charging station. 2. Select Settings > Installation > Lawn coverage in
the app.

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3. Move the horizontal bar to set the distance to the charging station to maximum.
4. Select Test: Area 1-5 setup. 5. Follow the instructions in the app to start the test. 6. Push the STOP button when the product is at
the distance you select to measure. The distance shows in the app. To do a test of the Lawn Coverage function 1. Put the product in the charging station. 2. Select Settings > Installation > Lawn coverage in the app. 3. Select Test: Area 1-5 setup. 4. Follow the instructions in the app to start the test. 5. The product will run to the starting point for this area. Corridor width The boundary wire corridor is the area adjacent to the boundary wire and the guide corridor is the area adjacent to the guide wire. The product uses the corridors to find the charging station. When the product moves in the direction of the charging station, it always moves to the left of the guide wire.
The corridor width is adjusted automatically. Only some times it is necessary to enter manual settings. The corridor width can be set between 0-9. If guide corridor width is set to 0, the product straddles the guide wire. The factory setting is 6 for the boundary wire and 9 for the guide wire. To set the corridor width 1. Select Settings > Installation > Corridor width in the
app. 2. Move the horizontal bar to set the width. 3. Select Save.
Note: Make the corridor width as wide as possible for
a minimum risk of lines in the lawn. Exit angles
In the factory setting the product moves out from the charging station in a direction in the 90°-270° exit sector. Change the exit angles to make it easier for the product to find the work areas. If the charging station is put in a passage, 2 exit angles, for example 70°-110° and 250°-290°, can be used. When 2 exit angles are used, it is necessary to set how frequently the product must move out from the charging station in Sector 1. Use the Proportion function to set how frequently the product must use each sector. For example 75% means that the product moves out from the charging station in Sector 1 on 75% of the times and 25% of the times in Sector 2.
To set the exit angles 1. Select Settings > Installation > Exit angles in the
2. Move the horizontal bar to set the angles in degrees for the sectors, and proportion as a percentage.
3. Select Save. Reversing distance
The reversing distance makes the product move in reverse for a set distance, before the product starts to cut the lawn. The factory setting is 60 cm / 24 ft.
To set the reversing distance 1. Select Settings > Installation > Reversing distance
in the app.
2. Move the horizontal bar to set the distance. 3. Select Save. Drive Past Wire
The front of the product always moves past the boundary wire by a specified distance before the product moves back into the work area. The factory setting for the Drive Past Wire function function is 31 cm / 12 in. You can select a distance of 20-50 cm / 8-20 in.
Note: With the factory setting the product will cut 11
cm / 4 in. past the wire.
Note: If the Drive Past Wire distance is changed,
the distance will change along the boundary wire everywhere in the work area.
To set the Drive past wire 1. Select Settings > Installation > Drive past wire in
the app.
2. Move the horizontal bar to set the distance. 3. Select Save.

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3.11.5 Accessories

3.11.7 Security (Bluetooth® only)

Settings for accessories mounted on the product can be made in this menu. To avoid collisions with the Automower® house When this option is enabled, the wear on the product and the Automower® house is reduced, but it can result in more uncut grass around the charging station. 1. Select Settings

Accessories > Mower house in
the app. 2. Select on/off to enable or disable the function. 3. Select Save. To set the ultrasonic 1. Select Settings > Accessories > Ultrasonic in the
app. 2. Select on/off to enable or disable the function. 3. Select Save.
3.11.6 General (Bluetooth® only)
This function is used to set time and date, or to reset to default settings. Time & date The time and date can be changed manually, or by using the time and date from the mobile device. To set the time & date 1. Select Settings > General > Time & Date in the
app. 2. Select Time & Date from phone or select the pencil
to enter the correct time and date. 3. Select Save. Reset to factory settings The user settings can be reset to factory settings.
Note: PIN code, Loop signal, Messages and Date &
Time will not be reset.
To reset to factory settings 1. Select Settings > General > Reset in the app. 2. Select Reset to factory settings.

The security settings controls the PIN code, the GeoFence and other security functions. The correct PINcode must be entered to get access to the Security menu in the Automower® Connect app. New loop signal
The loop signal is randomly selected to create a unique link between the product and the charging station. In rare cases, there may be a need to generate a new signal, for instance if 2 adjacent installations have a very similar signal.
To create a New loop signal
1. Put the product in the charging station.
2. Select Security > New loop signal > Create new loop signal in the app.
3. Select Save.
4. Wait for confirmation that the loop signal has been generated. This usually takes about 10 seconds. To change the PIN code
1. Select Security > Change PIN code in the app.
2. Enter the PIN code.
3. Enter the new PIN code.
4. Enter the new PIN code to confirm.
5. Make a note of the new PIN code in Memo. Refer to Introduction on page 6. Theft protection
In the Theft protection menu it is possible to set the alarm duration and also what events should trigger the alarm. The factory setting is to require PIN code and the alarm duration is 1 min.
Time lock The time lock can be set between 1 to 100 days. The factory setting is 30 days. When the selected number of days has gone by, the product continues to operate as usual. To enter new settings the PIN code must be entered.
Require PIN code This function means that the product cannot be operated or controlled after the STOP button has been pushed without first entering the correct PIN code. If the incorrect PIN code is entered 5 times, the product is locked for a time. The lock is extended for each new incorrect try.
Alarm duration There is a possibility to set how long the alarm signal should last. A setting between 1 and 10 minutes is possible.

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STOP button pressed If the alarm “STOP button pressed” is enabled, the alarm goes off if someone presses the STOP button and the PIN code is not entered within 30 seconds.
Carried away If the alarm Carried away is enabled, the product senses unexpected motions, and the alarm goes off.
To set the Theft protection 1. Select Settings > Security > Theft protection in the
app. 2. Select the on/off button to enable or disable
the Time lock, Require PIN code, STOP button pressed and Carried away. 3. Move the horizontal bar to select the duration of the alarm. GeoFence GeoFence is a GPS-based theft protection that makes a virtual fence for the product. If the product is more than a set distance away from the center position the product will be deactivated and an alarm will start. The PIN code is needed to deactivate the alarm and to start the product again.
To set the center position and radius for the GeoFence function 1. Select Settings > Security > GeoFence in the app. 2. Put the product in a central position of the work
area. 3. Select the on/off button to enable or disable the
GeoFence function. The center position will be set to the current position of the product. 4. Use the horizontal bar to set the radius.
3.11.8 Automower® Connect (Bluetooth® only)
In Automower® Connect you can enable or disable the Automower® Connect module. You can also see the signal strength, connectivity status, initiate new pairing or remove the product from the paired accounts.
3.11.9 Messages (Bluetooth® only)
In this menu the previous fault and information messages can be found. For some of the messages, there are tips and advice to help to rectify the fault.
Note: The Messages menu is only available for
Bluetooth® short-range connectivity.

If the product is disrupted in any way, for example it is trapped or the battery is low, a message is saved relating to the disruption and the time it happened.
If the same message is repeated several times, this may indicate that an adjustment to the installation or the product is required. Refer to Installation on page 13.
3.11.10 Husqvarna Fleet ServicesTM
Husqvarna Fleet ServicesTM is a cloud solution that gives the commercial fleet manager an overview of all products. It also gives the fleet manager the possibility to control all products remotely. Husqvarna Fleet ServicesTM is included for Automower® 520/550. For more information about Husqvarna Fleet ServicesTM, refer to To connect to the product with Husqvarna Fleet ServicesTM
1. Download the Husqvarna Fleet ServicesTM app and Automower® Connect app to your mobile device.
2. Make a Husqvarna Fleet ServicesTM account (
3. Log on to the Husqvarna Fleet ServicesTM app.
4. Set the Main switch on the product to the 1 position.
Note: The Bluetooth® pairing operation mode
of the product is enabled for 3 minutes. If the pairing operation between the product and the mobile device is not completed in 3 minutes, set the product to OFF and then set the product to ON.
5. Select the plus sign (+) in the Husqvarna Fleet ServicesTM app.
6. Select Automower® and then Automower® Pro. The Husqvarna Fleet ServicesTM app searches for available products within short-range (Bluetooth®).
7. Select the product.
8. Select Acquire pairing code to connect the product to your Husqvarna Fleet ServicesTM account.
9. Obey the instructions in the Husqvarna Fleet ServicesTM app.
Note: It is only necessary to do a pairing operation of
the Husqvarna Fleet ServicesTM app and the product one time.

28 – Installation

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4 Operation

4.1 Main switch WARNING: Read and understand the
safety chapter before you use the product.
· Set the Main switch to the 1 position to start the product.
· Set the Main switch to the 0 position to set the product to OFF.
4.2 Start
1. Set the Main switch to the 1 position. 2. Open the Automower® Connect app. 3. Select the Dashboard. 4. Select Start in the Automower® Connect app.
If the product is parked in the charging station, it only goes from the charging station when the battery is fully charged and if the schedule is set to let the product to operate.
Note: Make sure that the START button on top of the
product is in the correct position. The product does not start if the STOP button is enabled.

4.3 Operating mode – Start
When Start has been selected the following operation selections can be selected.
· Main area · Override schedule · Secondary area
4.3.1 Main area
Main area is the standard work mode where the product cuts grass and charges automatically.
1. Open the Automower® Connect app. 2. Select Dashboard in the Main menu. 3. Select Start 4. Select Resume on main area to start the product.
4.3.2 Override schedule
Any schedule settings can be temporarily overridden by selecting Override schedule.
1. Select Dashboard in the Main menu. 2. Select Start. 3. Slide the horizontal bar of Override schedule to
find a suitable override duration. It is possible to override the schedule up to 7 days. 4. Select a suitable override duration.
4.3.3 Secondary area
To cut secondary areas the operating mode Secondary area must be selected. In this mode, you must move the product manually between the main area and the secondary area. The product cuts for a selected period of time or until the battery is empty. When the battery is empty the product stops. Put the product in the charging station to charge the battery. When the battery is charged, the product moves out of the charging station and stops. The product is now prepared to start operation, but needs confirmation from you first.
Note: If you want to cut the main area after the battery
is charged, set the product to Main area mode before you put the product in the charging station.

4.4 Operating mode – Park
When selecting Park the following operation selections can be chosen.
· Park until further notice · Start with schedule · Parking duration

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4.4.1 Park until further notice
The operation mode Park means that the product goes back to the charging station where it stays until a new operation mode is selected and the START button is pushed.
4.4.2 Start on next schedule
The product goes back to the charging station where it stays until the next schedule setting let the product to operate. Use the operation selection to stop operation temporary, for example for irrigation or for games on the lawn.
4.4.3 Parking duration
The product goes back to the charging station and stays for the selected park duration. Use the operation selection to temporary stop an ongoing mowing cycle and let the product to stay in the charging station.
4.4.4 The charging station’s park button
The PARK button on the charging station is used to call the product back to the charging station. Park in the Automower® Connect app offers the same function. The PARK button on the charging station is useful for instance when the product operates in a large work area and the operator does not have access to the Automower® Connect app.
An LED in the PARK button is lit when the button has been pressed. The LED diode goes out when the product is parked in the charging station.
The product stays in the charging station until Start in the Automower® Connect app is activated.

4.5 To stop the product
1. Push the STOP button to make the product and the cutting motor stop.
4.6 To set the product to OFF
1. Push the STOP button. 2. Set the Main switch to the 0 position.
4.7 To charge the battery
When the product is new or after long-term storage, the battery can be empty. Charge the battery before you start the product. 1. Set the Main switch to the 1 position. 2. Put the product into the charging station until the
charging plates touch the contact plates. 3. Do a check that the product charges in the
Automower® Connect app.

4.4.5 Operating mode – Pause
When selecting Pause in the Automower® Connect app, the product stop the current activity and pause. The product is paused until either Park or Start is selected in the Automower® Connect app.
30 – Operation

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5 Maintenance

5.1 Introduction – maintenance
WARNING: Set the product to OFF
before you do maintenance on the product.
WARNING: Use protective gloves.
For better operation and lifetime of the product, make sure to clean the product regularly and replace worn parts. When the product is new, examine the blade discs and blades each week. If the wear is low, you can increase the interval for the next time you examine the blade discs and blades. Examine the blade discs and the blades more regularly if there is much wear.

It is important that the blade disc rotates easily and that the edges of the blades are not damaged. The usual lifetime of the blades are 2 to 5 weeks. The conditions that follow can increase or decrease the lifetime of the blades:
· Operation time and dimension of the work area. · Length and thickness of the grass. · Soil, sand and use of fertilizers. · Objects such as cones, tools, stones and roots in
the work area.
Note: The cut result can be unsatisfactory if the
blades are blunt. Refer to Replacement of the blades on page 33 on how to replace the blades.

5.2 Maintenance schedule
The maintenance schedule shows how to do servicing and maintenance on the product. Follow the maintenance schedule for a better operation and to increase the lifetime of the product.

X = The instructions are given in this operator’s manual.
O = The instructions are not given in this operator’s manual. Speak to your approved servicing dealer.

To prepare Clean the product. Refer to Clean the product on page 32.

Weekly X

Every year

Every third year

Examine the product for damage and wear.


Do an update of the firmware.


Do a check of the servicing messages for recommended upgrades.



Examine the blades and replace the blades and blade screws if it is necessary. Refer to Replacement of the blades on page 33.


Examine and polish the contact plates on the charging station.


Examine and polish the charging plates on the product.


Charge the battery fully before you put the product into storage. Refer to To charge the battery on page 30.


Examine the wheels for wear.


Examine and clean the collision columns. Do a check of the tightening torque on the front and rear collision columns.


Make sure that the product is docking and charging correctly.


Examine the cable and connector to the charging plates on the body of the product.


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To prepare


Every year

Every third year

Examine the rubber grommets on the chassis to make sure that it is sealed correctly.


Examine the skid plate and skid plate bearing.


Examine the rubber bellows in the cutting height adjustment system.


Examine the rubber bellows for the collision columns.


Replace the rubber bellows for the collision columns. Examine and clean the airflow filter.


Replace the airflow filter. Do a check of the tightening torque of chassis screws. Open the chassis and replace all sealing strips.


Last step

Use a software service tool to do a function test of the functions of the product.


5.3 Clean the product
It is important to keep the product clean. A product with large amounts of grass stuck to it will not cope as well with slopes. It is recommended to clean using a brush.
Husqvarna recommends to use a special cleaning and maintenance kit, available as an accessory. Contact your Husqvarna representative for more information.
CAUTION: Never use a high-pressure
washer to clean the product. Never use solvents for cleaning.
5.3.1 To clean the chassis and blade disc
Examine the blade disc and blades weekly.
1. Set the Main switch to the 0 position. 2. Put the product onto its side. 3. Make sure that the blades are not damaged and
that the blades and blade disc can rotate freely. 4. Clean the blade disc and chassis with a brush.

5.3.3 To clean the wheels
The product does not operate satisfactorily in slopes if the wheels are blocked with grass. · Use a soft brush to clean the wheels.
5.3.4 To clean the body of the product
· Use a moist cloth and a weak soap solution to clean the body of the product.
5.3.5 To clean the charging station
WARNING: Disconnect the power
supply from the power outlet before maintenance, or when you clean the charging station or power supply.
CAUTION: Do not use a high-pressure
washer or running water to clean the charging station.
Note: The product cannot enter the charging station
if there are objects in the charging station. Clean the charging station regularly.

· Remove grass, twigs and other objects from the charging station.

5.3.2 To clean the chassis
· Clean the bottom of the chassis with a brush or a moist cloth.
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5.4 Replacement of the blades
WARNING: Husqvarna can only
guarantee safety if you use Husqvarna original blades with the embossed crowned H-mark logotype.

8. Make sure that the blades can pivot freely.
5.5 Replace the wheel brushes
The wheel brushes on the product removes grass from the wheels of the product. Examine the wheel brushes regularly and replace them when they are worn. Husqvarna recommends to replace the wheel brushes each 5-10 weeks.

WARNING: You must replace the
screws when you replace the blades. The used screws can wear quickly and make the blade come loose, this can cause serious injury.

Replace worn or damaged blades for a safe operation. Replace the blades regularly for a satisfactory cut result and a low energy use. All 5 blades and screws must be replaced at the same time to get a balanced cutting system.
5.4.1 To replace the blades
1. Push the STOP button.
2. Set the Main switch to the 0 position.

5.6 Battery
CAUTION: Charge the battery fully
before you put the product into storage. If the battery is not fully charged it can cause damage to the battery.

3. Put the product with the blade disc up on a soft and clean surface.
4. Rotate the skid plate until its holes align with the screws for the blade.
5. Remove the 5 screws with a screwdriver.
6. Remove the 5 blades. 7. Attach 5 new blades and screws.

If the operating time of the product is shorter than usual between charges, this means that the battery is at the end of its life cycle. Replace the battery to extend the operating time.
Note: The battery life is related to the length of
the season and how many hours a day the product operates. A long season or many hours of operation a day means that the battery must be replaced more regularly.
5.7 Winter service
Take your product to your Husqvarna central service for service prior to winter storage. Regular winter service will maintain the product in good condition and create the best conditions for a new season without any disruptions.
Service usually includes the following:
· Thorough cleaning of the body, the chassis, the blade disc and all other moving parts.
· Testing of the product’s function and components.

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· Checking and, if required, replacing wear items such as blades and bearings.
· Testing the product’s battery capacity as well as a recommendation to replace battery if necessary.
· If new firmware is available, the product is updated.

34 – Maintenance

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6 Troubleshooting
6.1 Introduction – troubleshooting
All messages can be found in the Messages menu in Automower® Connect. More suggestions for steps to take in the event of malfunction or symptoms can be found on
Note: The Messages menu is only available for short-range connectivity (Bluetooth®).

6.2 Fault messages
The list below shows a number of fault messages that may be shown in the app. Speak to your local Husqvarna representative if the same message shows frequently.




Wheel motor blocked Grass or other objects is wound around the Examine the drive wheel and remove the

drive wheel.

grass or other object.

Cutting system blocked

Grass or other objects is wound around the Examine the blade disc and remove the

blade disc.

grass or other object.

The blade disc are in a pool of water.

Move the product and prevent the collection of water in the work area.

Cutting height blocked

Grass or other objects is wound around the cutting height adjustment, or between the blade disc and chassis.

Examine the blade disc and the bellows around the cutting height adjustment, and remove any grass or other objects that may have got stuck.


The product is blocked in a small area behind a number of obstacles.

Examine if there are obstacles which make it hard for the product to move away from this location.

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Message No loop signal
Wrong PIN code



The power supply or the low-voltage cable is not connected.

Examine the LED status on the charging station. If there is no power to the charging station, the LED is not lit. Examine the power outlet connection and if a residual-current device is engaged. Make sure that the lowvoltage cable is connected to the charging station.

The power supply or the low-voltage cable is Replace the power supply or low- voltage ca-



The boundary wire is not connected to the charging station.

Make sure that the boundary wire connectors
are fitted properly to the charging station. Replace connectors if damaged. Refer to To install the boundary wire on page 19.

Boundary wire broken.

Examine the LED on the charging station. If the LED indicates that there is a break in the boundary wire, find out where the break is. Replace the damaged section of the loop with a new loop wire. Use an original coupler to make a splice of the loop ends. Refer to Finding breaks in the loop wire on page 44.

ECO mode is activated and the product has attempted to start outside the charging station.

Put the product in the charging station. Start the product. Refer to Start on page 29.

The boundary wire is crossed on its way to and from an island.

Make sure that the boundary wire is put down correctly. Refer to To install the boundary wire on page 19.

The product does not find the loop signal from the charging station.

Put the product in the charging station and generate a new loop signal. Refer to New loop signal on page 27.

Disturbances from metal objects (fences, re- Try to move the boundary wire and/or make inforcement steel) or buried cables close by. more islands in the work area to increase the
signal strength.

The product is too far from the boundary wire.

Redo the installation of the boundary wire so that all parts of the work area is maximum 35 m / 115 ft. from the boundary wire.

An incorrect PIN code has been entered. 5 tries are permitted, and the product is then blocked for a period of time.

Enter the correct PIN code. Speak to your local Husqvarna representative if you forget the PIN code.

36 – Troubleshooting

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Outside work area

The boundary wire connections to the charg- Make sure that the boundary wire is connec-

ing station are crossed.

ted correctly to the charging station. Refer to

To install the boundary wire on page 19.

The boundary wire is too close to the edge of the work area.
The work area slopes too much by the boundary loop.

Make sure that the boundary wire is put down correctly. Refer to To install the boundary wire on page 19.

The boundary wire is laid in the wrong direction around an island.

Disturbances from metal objects (fences, re- Try to move the boundary wire and/or make inforcement steel) or buried cables close by. more islands in the work area to increase the
signal strength.

The product finds it hard to distinguish the Put the product in the charging station and

signal from another product installation close generate a new loop signal. Refer to New


loop signal on page 27.

Empty battery

The product cannot find the charging station. Change the position of the guide wire. Refer to To install the guide wire on page 19.

Check the installation settings about how to find the charging station. Refer to To find the charging station on page 24.

The battery is spent.

Replace the battery. Refer to Battery on page 33.

The charging station’s antenna is defective.

Check if the indicator lamp in the charging station flashes red. Refer to LED indicator lamp on the charging station on page 42. This problem requires action by authorized
service technician.


The product has hit an obstacle and stopped or the wheels cannot move on the wet grass.

Free the product and rectify the reason for the lack of drive. If it is due to wet grass, wait until the lawn has dried before using the product.

The work area includes a steep slope.

Maximum guaranteed slope is 45%. Steeper slopes should be isolated. Refer to To put the boundary wire in a slope on page 15.

The guide wire is not laid at an angle on a slope.

If the guide wire is laid on a slope, it must be laid at an angle across the slope. Refer to To examine where to put the boundary wire on page 14.

Wheel motor overloa- Grass or other objects is wound around the Examine the drive wheel and remove grass


drive wheel.

or other objects.

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Charging station blocked

The contact between the charging plates and Put the product in the charging station and contact plates may be poor and the product check that the charging plates and contact has made a number of attempts to charge. plates make good contact.

An object is obstructing the product.

Remove the object.

The charging station is tilted or bent.

Confirm that the charging station is placed on a fully flat and horizontal ground. The charging station must not be tilted or bent.

Stuck in charging sta- The product slips on the baseplate. tion
There is an object in the way of the product preventing it from leaving the charging station.

Clean the baseplate. Remove the object.

Upside down

The product is leaning too much or has turned over.

Turn the product the right way up.

Mower tilted

The product is tilted more than the maximum Move the product to a flat area. angle.

Needs manual charg- The product is set to the Secondary area op- Place the product in the charging station.


erating mode.

This behavior is normal and no action is re-


Next start hh:mm

The schedule setting prevents the product from operating.

Change the schedule settings. Refer to Schedule on page 22.

The clock on the product is not correct.

Set the time. Refer to Time & date on page 27.


The lift sensor is engaged because the prod- Free the product. If the problem stays, speak

uct hit an object or/and is blocked.

to your approved servicing dealer.

Collision sensor problem, front/rear

The body of the product can not move freely Remove dirt or objects between the chassis

around its chassis.

and the body to make sure that the body can

move freely around the chassis.

The product has become stuck.

Free the product and rectify the reason.

Wheel motor blocked Grass or other object is wrapped around the Clean the wheels and around the wheels.


drive wheel.

Alarm! Mower switch- The alarm was activated because the prod-

ed off

uct was switched OFF.

Alarm! Mower stop- The alarm was activated because the prod-


uct was stopped.

Adjust the mower security settings in the Security menu. Refer to Security (Bluetooth® only) on page 27.

Alarm! Mower lifted The alarm was activated because the product was lifted.

Alarm! Mower tilted The alarm was activated because the product was tilted.

38 – Troubleshooting

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Electronic problem
Loop sensor problem, front/rear

Temporary electronic or firmware related issue in the product.

Restart the product.
If the problem stays, speak to your approved servicing dealer.

Tilt sensor problem

Temporary problem

Wheel drive problem, right/left

Invalid device combination

Ultrasonic problem

GPS navigation problem

Temporary battery problem

Faulty mix of batteries

Charging system problem

There is corrosion or dirt on the charging plates and contact plates.

Restart the product. Clean the charging plates on the product and the contact plates on the charging station.

Temporary electronic or firmware problem in Restart the product. If the problem stays,

the product.

speak to your approved servicing dealer.

Battery problem

Temporary battery or firmware related issue in the product.

Restart the product.
If the problem stays, speak to your approved servicing dealer.

Wrong type of battery

Use only original batteries recommended by the manufacturer.

Battery temperature The product does not operate if the battery

outside limits

temperature is too high or too low.

The product starts to operate again when the temperature is between the set limits and the schedule settings let the product to operate. Make sure that the charging station is put in an area with protection from the sun.

Charging current too Wrong or faulty power supply unit. high

Restart the product.
If the problem stays, speak to your approved servicing dealer.

Connectivity problem Potential problem on the connectivity circuit board in the product.

Restart the product.
If the problem stays, speak to your approved servicing dealer.

Cutting system major There is vibrations in the blade disc. imbalance

Continued operation can cause damage to the cutting system. Examine that the blades and screws are not damaged or worn. Make sure that all blades are correctly installed and that there is only one blade attached in each position on the blade disc.

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6.3 Information messages

The list below shows a number of information messages that may be found in the Messages menu in the Automower® Connect app. Contact your local Husqvarna representative if the same message appears often.




Low battery

The product cannot find the charging station. Change the position of the guide wire. Refer to To install the guide wire on page 19.

Make sure that the installation settings about
how to find the charging station is correct. Refer toTo find the charging station on page 24.

The battery is spent.

Replace the battery. Refer to Battery on page 33.

The charging station’s antenna is defective.

Check if the indicator lamp in the charging station flashes red. Refer to LED indicator lamp on the charging station on page 42. This problem requires action by authorized
service technician.

Settings restored

Confirmation that a Reset all user settings has been carried out.

This is normal. No action required.

Limited cutting height The cutting height adjustment cannot move.
Unexpected cutting height adj
Limited cutting height range

Examine the cutting height adjustment and remove grass or other objects. If the problem stays, speak to your approved servicing dealer.

Cutting height problem

Cutting height blocked

Cutting system imbal- The product has discovered vibrations in the


blade disc.

Verify that the blades and screws are intact and not worn out. Verify that all blades are correctly mounted. Check that no double blades are mounted on any of the three blade positions.

Slope too steep

The product stopped because the slope is too steep.

Change the installation of the boundary wire
to not include this steep part of the work area. Refer to To install the boundary wire on page 19.

Guide 1 not found Guide 2 not found Guide 3 not found

The guide wire is not connected to the charg- Check that the guide wire’s connector is

ing station.

tightly connected to the charging station. Re-

fer to To install the guide wire on page 19.

Break in the guide wire.

Find out where the break is. Replace the damaged section of the guide wire with a new loop wire and splice using an original coupler.

The guide wire is not connected to the boun- Check that the guide wire is connected cor-

dary loop.

rectly to the boundary loop. Refer to To in-

stall the guide wire on page 19.

40 – Troubleshooting

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Guide calibration failed

The product has failed to calibrate the guide wire.

Check that the guide wires are installed according to the instructions. Refer to To install the guide wire on page 19. The next time the product moves out from the charging station, a new guide calibration is done.

Guide calibration ac- The product has succeeded to calibrate the No action required.


guide wire.

GPS navigation prob- Problem with the GPS assisted navigation



Contact your local Husqvarna representative if this message appears often.

Weak GPS signal

The sky is blocked in large parts of the work If possible, remove objects that can cause a


blockage of the GPS signal.

Disable the GPS navigation function and use the lawn coverage function. Refer to Lawn coverage on page 25.

Difficult finding home

The product has been following the boundary wire several laps without finding the charging station.

The installation has not been done correctly. Refer to Installation on page 24.
Wrong corridor width setting on boundary wire. Refer to Corridor width on page 26.

The product was started on a Secondary area with the Main area setting.

Temporary problem Please try again. with the server.

Contact your local Husqvarna representative if this message appears often.

Connection problems

Problem with the Automower® Connect module

Restart the product. If there still is a connection problem, try to unpair the product (My mowers) and then pair it again. If the problem remains, contact your local Husqvarna

Connection settings Settings for wireless connectivity have been Check and revise settings if necessary.


restored due to an error.

SIM card requires PIN

The SIM card must be unlocked.

Make sure the correct SIM PIN has been entered into the mower’s menu (Network

SIM card). Contact your local Husqvarna representative if this message appears often.

SIM card locked

The SIM card must be replaced.

Contact your local Husqvarna representative.

SIM card not found

Automower® Connect requires a SIM card to Contact your local Husqvarna representative. be inserted in the mower.

GeoFence problem The GeoFence is not work due to poor (or no) communication with the system.

Contact your local Husqvarna representative.

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6.4 LED indicator lamp on the charging station
For a fully functional installation, the indicator lamp in the charging station must emit a solid or flashing green light. If any other color than green is visible, follow the troubleshooting guide below.
There is more help on If you still need help, please contact your local Husqvarna representative.




Green solid light

Good signals

No action required

Green flashing light The signals are good and ECO mode is acti- No action required. For more information on


ECO mode. Refer to ECO mode on page 24.

Blue flashing light

The boundary loop is not connected to the charging station.

Check that the boundary wire connectors are fitted properly to the charging station. Refer to To install the boundary wire on page 19.

Break in the boundary loop.

Find out where the break is. Replace the damaged section of the loop with a new loop wire and splice using an original coupler.

Red flashing light

Interruption in the charging station’s antenna. Contact your local Husqvarna representative.

Red solid light

Fault in the circuit board or incorrect power supply in the charging station. The fault should be rectified by an authorized service technician.

Contact your local Husqvarna representative.

6.5 LED indicator lamp on the product
There is a LED indicator lamp on top of the product, which shows the current status:




Green solid light

The product is either mowing the lawn, or leaving the charging station.

No action required.

Blue solid light

The product is either paused, parked, charg- No action required. ing or is searching for the charging station.

Yellow solid light

The STOP button has been pressed.

Press the START button on top of the product to start it again.

Red solid light

The product has stopped due to an error.

Clear the error by pressing the STOP button, and then activate the product by pressing the START button on top of the product.

Yellow flashing light The product requests the PIN code.

The PIN code needs to be confirmed in the Automower® Connect app before the product
can be activated.

There is more help on If you still need help, please contact your local Husqvarna representative.

42 – Troubleshooting

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6.6 Symptoms
If your product does not work as expected, follow the symptoms guide below.
There is a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) on which provides more detailed answers to a number of standard questions. Contact your local Husqvarna representative if you still cannot find the reason for the fault.




The product has diffi- The boundary wire is not laid in a long

culty docking.

straight line that is far enough out from the

charging station.

Check that the charging station has been installed correctly. Refer to To install the charging station on page 18

The charging station is on a slope.

Place the charging station on a surface that is entirely level. Refer to To examine where to put the charging station on page 13.

The product runs at The product clock needs to be set. the wrong time

Set the clock. Refer to Time & date on page 27.

The start and stop times for mowing are in- Reset the start time and stop time settings


for mowing. Refer to Schedule on page 22.

The product vibrates. Damaged blades lead to imbalance in the cutting system.

Inspect the blades and screws and replace them if necessary. Refer to Replacement of the blades on page 33.

Too many blades in the same position lead Check that only one blade is fitted at each

to imbalance in the cutting system.


Different versions (thickness) of Husqvarna Check if the blades are of different versions. blades are used.

The product runs, but The product searches for the charging stathe blade disc does tion. not rotate.

No action. The blade disc does not rotate when the product is searching for the charging station.

The product mows for shorter periods than usual between charges.

Grass or other foreign object blocks the blade disc.
The battery is spent.

Remove and clean the blade disc. Refer to To clean the chassis and blade disc on page 32.
Replace the battery. Refer to Battery on page 33.

Both the mowing and The battery is spent. charging times are shorter than usual.

Replace the battery. Refer to Battery on page 33.

The product is parked for hours in the charging station.

The product is parked due to a schedule set- Open the app and edit the schedule settings, ting, or because Park until further notice has or go to Dashboard and start the product. been chosen in the app.

The product does not operate if the battery temperature is too high or too low.

The product starts to operate again when the temperature is between the set limits and the schedule settings let the product to operate. Make sure that the charging station is put in an area with protection from the sun.

The product often moves in circles or spirals.

Spiral cutting is a natural part of the product’s Adjust the intensity of spiral cutting. This

movement patter.

function can be disabled if necessary. Refer

to Spiral cutting on page 23.

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The product turns round and stays on a small area for several minutes.

This is completely normal for the product. The product have GPS assisted navigation that contributes to an even result.

No action.

Uneven mowing re- The product works too few hours per day. sults.

Increase the mowing time. Refer to Schedule on page 22.

The Weather timer senses that the lawn has been mowed more than it actually has. Increase the intensity level in the Weather timer. Disable the Weather timer if this does not help.

The settings for the Lawn coverage function Do a check of the settings for the Lawn covare incorrect in relation to the layout of the erage function. Refer to Lawn coverage on work area. Note: Not applicable if GPS assis- page 25Lawn coverage.
ted navigation is enabled.

The shape of the work area requires the use of Area 1-5 for the product to find its way to all remote areas. Note: Not applicable if GPS assisted navigation is enabled.

Use Area 1-5 to steer the product to a remote area. Refer to Lawn coverage on page 25.

Work area is too large.

Try to limit the work area, or to extend the work time. Refer to Schedule on page 22.

Dull blades.

Replace all the blades. Refer to Replacement of the blades on page 33.

Long grass in relation to the set cutting height.

Increase the cutting height and then successively lower it.

Accumulation of grass by the blade disc or around the motor shaft.

Check that the blade disc rotates freely and easily. If not, screw off the blade disc and remove grass and foreign objects. Refer to To clean the chassis and blade disc on page 32.

6.7 Finding breaks in the loop wire
Breaks in the loop wire are usually the result of unintentional physical damage to the wire such as when gardening with a shovel. In countries with ground frost, also sharp stones that move in the ground can damage the wire. Breaks can also occur due to the wire being stretched excessively during installation.
Mowing the grass too low right after the installation can damage wire insulation. Damage to the insulation may not cause disruptions until several weeks or months later.
CAUTION: Always select the maximum
cutting height the first weeks after installation and then lower the height one step at a time every second week until the desired cutting height has been reached.
A defective splicing of the loop wire can also lead to disruptions several weeks after the splice was done.

A faulty splice can, for example, be the result of the coupler not being pressed together hard enough with a pair of pliers, or that a coupler of lower quality than the original coupler has been used.
Note: Please first check all known splices before
further troubleshooting is done.
A wire break can be located by gradually halving the distance of the loop where the break may have occurred until there is only a very short section of the wire left.
The following method does not work if ECO mode is activated. Make sure first that ECO mode is turned off. Refer to ECO mode on page 24.
1. Check that the indicator lamp in the charging station flashes blue, which indicates a break in the boundary loop. Refer to LED indicator lamp on the charging station on page 42.

44 – Troubleshooting

1439 – 015 – 23.11.2022

2. Check that the boundary wire connections to the charging station are properly connected and not damaged. Check that the indicator lamp in the charging station is still flashing blue.
3. Switch the connections between the guide wire and the boundary wire in the charging station. Start by switching connection AL and G1. Some models have additional guide wires . The same procedure can be followed for them.
If the indicator lamp is lit with a solid green light, then the break is somewhere on the boundary wire between AL and the point where the guide wire is connected to the boundary wire (thick black line in the illustration).

To rectify the fault you will need boundary wire, connector(s) and coupler(s): a) If the suspected boundary wire is short then it is easiest to exchange all of the boundary wire between AL and the point where the guide wire is connected to the boundary wire (thick black line). b) If the suspected boundary wire is long (thick black line) then do as follows: Put AL and G1 back to their original positions. Then disconnect AR. Connect a new loop wire to AR. Connect the other end of this new loop wire at the middle of the suspected wire section.

1439 – 015 – 23.11.2022

Troubleshooting – 45

Continue until only a very short section of the wire

remains which is the difference between a solid

green light and a flashing blue light. Then follow

instruction in step 5 below.

4. If indicator lamp still flashes blue in step 3


above: Put AL and G1 back in their original positions. Then switch AR and G1. If indicator lamp

now is lit with a solid green light then disconnect

AL and connect a new boundary wire to AL.

Connect the other end of this new wire at the

middle of the suspected wire section. Follow the

same approach as in 3a) and 3b) above.

5. When the break is found, the damaged section

must be replaced with a new wire. Always use

original couplers.

If the indicator lamp now is green, then the break is somewhere in the wire between the disconnected end to the point where the new wire is connected (thick black line below). In that case, move the connection for the new wire closer to the disconnected end (roughly at the middle of the suspected wire section) and check again if the indicator lamp is green.

46 – Troubleshooting

1439 – 015 – 23.11.2022

7 Transportation, storage and disposal
7.1 Transportation
The supplied Li-ion batteries obey the Dangerous Goods Legislation requirements.
· Obey all applicable national regulations. · Obey the special requirement on package and
labels for commercial transportations, including by third parties and forwarding agents.

7.2 Storage
· Fully charge the product. Refer to To charge the battery on page 30.
· Disconnect the product with the main switch. Refer to To set the product to OFF on page 30.
· Clean the product. Refer to Clean the product on page 32.
· Keep the product in a dry, frost free space.
· Keep the product with all wheels on level ground during storage, or use a Husqvarna wall hanger.
· If you keep the charging station indoors, disconnect and remove the power supply and all the connectors from the charging station. Put the end of each connector wire in a container with grease.
Note: If you keep the charging station outdoors, do
not disconnect the power supply and the connectors.

5. Lift the rear edge of the top section of the chassis. 6. Disconnect the cable from the main circuit board. 7. Remove the top section of the chassis. 8. Remove the 3 screws that holds the battery with a
Torx 20.

7.3 Disposal
· Obey the local recycling requirements and applicable regulations.
· For questions about how to remove the battery, refer to To remove the battery on page 47.
7.3.1 To remove the battery
CAUTION: Only remove the battery
when you dispose the product. When you remove the warranty seal, the Husqvarna warranty is no longer applicable.

9. Disconnect the battery connection from the main circuit board.
10. Open the battery cover and remove the battery.

1. Disconnect the product with the Main switch. Refer to To set the product to OFF on page 30.
2. Pull out the grommet on the charging cable at the very front of the product, and carefully remove the connector.
3. Lift the cover, one corner at a time.
4. Remove the 14 screws with a Torx 20.

1439 – 015 – 23.11.2022

Transportation, storage and disposal – 47

8 Technical data

8.1 Technical data
Dimensions Length, cm / in. Width, cm / in. Height, cm / in. Weight, kg / lb Electrical system Battery, Lithium-Ion 18.5 V/4.0 Ah Art. No. Battery, Lithium-Ion 18 V/5.2 Ah Art. No. Battery, Lithium-Ion 18V, 4.0 Ah, Art. No
Battery, Lithium-Ion 18.25V, 4.0 Ah, Art. No Battery, Lithium-Ion 18V, 5.0 Ah, Art. No
Battery, Lithium-Ion 18V, 4.9 Ah, Art. No
Power supply (28V DC), V AC Low-voltage cable length, m / ft Mean energy consumption at maximum use Charging current, A DC Type of Power Supply Unit6 Average mowing time, min Average charging time, min

Automower® 520 72 / 28.3 56 / 22 31 / 12 13.3 / 29.3

Automower® 550 72 / 28.3 56 / 22 31 / 12 12.9 / 28.4

Automower® 520 593 11 41-06
593 11 41-02, 593 11 42-01, 593 11 41-04, 580 68 33-03, 593 11 41-05, 593 11 41-08 593 11 41-03, 593 11 42-02, 580 68 33-04
100-240 10 / 33 17 kWh/month 2.2 ADP-60JR XX, FW7438/28/D/XX/Y 75 50

Automower® 550
588 14 64-01 (2 pcs.) 5.2 Ah/ battery
593 11 84-01, 593 11 84-03, 588 14 64-02, 593 11 84-04, 593 11 84-05, 593 11 84-06 (2 pcs.) 5.0 Ah/battery 593 11 84-02, 588 14 64-03 (2 pcs.) 4.9 Ah/battery 100-240 10 / 33 23 kWh/month 7 ADP-200JR XX, FW7458/28/D/XX/Y 270 60

6 XX, YY can be any alphanumeric characters or blank for marketing purpose only, no technical differences.

48 – Technical data

1439 – 015 – 23.11.2022

Boundary wire antenna Operating Frequency Band, Hz Maximum magnetic field7, dBuA/m Maximum Radio-frequency power8, mW @60m
Sound data 9 Sound level, perceived, dB (A) Measured sound power noise level, dB (A) Noise emissions uncertainties KWA, dB (A) Sound pressure noise level at the operator’s ear10, dB (A)
Mowing Cutting system Maximum cutting motor speed, rpm Power consumption during cutting, W +/- 20 % Cutting height, cm / in. Cutting width, cm / in. Narrowest possible passage, cm / in. Maximum slope for cutting area, % Maximum slope for boundary wire, % Maximum length boundary wire, m / ft Maximum length guide loop11, m / ft Maximum distance to boundary wire, m / ft Working area capacity, pro sports quality Working area capacity, pro quality Working area capacity, regular quality
IP-code Robotic lawn mower Charging station Power supply

Automower® 520 100-80000 82 <25
Automower® 520 64 64 3 56

Automower® 550 100-80000 82 <25
Automower® 550 65 65 2 57

Automower® 520

Automower® 550

5 pivoted cutting blades





2-6 / 0.8-2.4

2-6 / 0.8-2.4

24 / 9.4

24 / 9.4

60 / 24

60 / 24





800 / 2600

800 / 2600

400 / 1300

400 / 1300

35 / 115

35 / 115

1700 / 0.4

3500 / 0.9

2400 / 0.6

5000 / 1.25

3000 / 0.75

6000 / 1.5

Automower® 520 IPX4 IPX1 IP44

Automower® 550 IPX4 IPX1 IP44

7 Measured according to EN 303 447. 8 Maximum active output power to antennas in the frequency band in which the radio equipment operates. 9 Determined according to Directive 2006/42/EC and standard EN 50636-2-107. Except Sound level, perceived
that is measured according to ISO 11094:1991. 10 Sound pressure noise uncertainties KpA, 2-4 dB (A). 11 The guide loop is the loop that if formed by the guide wire and the part of the boundary wire from the junction
with the guide wire to the right connection in the charging station.

1439 – 015 – 23.11.2022

Technical data – 49

Frequency Band Support Bluetooth® Frequency range Automower® Connect 2G Automower® Connect 3G
Automower® Connect 4G

2400.0-2483.5 MHz
GSM 850 MHz, E-GSM 900 MHz, DCS 1800 MHz, PCS 1900 MHz
Band 19 (800 MHz), Band 5 (850 MHz), Band 8 (900 MHz), Band 2 (1900 MHz), Band 1 (2100 MHz)
Band 12 (700 MHz), Band 17 (700 MHz), Band 28 (700 MHz), Band 13 (700 MHz), Band 20 (800 MHz), Band 26 (850 MHz), Band 5 (850 MHz), Band 19 (850 MHz), Band 8 (900 MHz), Band 4 (1700 MHz), Band 3 (1800 MHz), Band 2 (1900 MHz), Band 25 (1900 MHz), Band 1 (2100 MHz), Band 39 (1900 MHz)

Power Class Bluetooth® Output power Automower® Connect 2G

8 dBM Power Class 4 (GSM/E-GSM)

33 dBm

Power Class 1 (DCS/PCS)

30 dBm

Power Class E2 (GSM/E-GSM)

27 dBm

Automower® Connect 3G Automower® Connect 4G

Power Class E2 (DCS/PCS) Power Class 3 Power Class 3

26 dBm 24 dBm 23 dBm

Deviations from this general technical data are included in the country specific chapters.
Full compatibility cannot be guaranteed between the product and other types of wireless systems such as remote controls, radio transmitters, hearing loops, buried electric animal fencing or similar.
The products are made in England or the Czech Republic. See information on the rating plate. Refer to Product overview on page 7.

8.2 Registered trademarks
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, inc. and any use of such marks by Husqvarna is under license.

50 – Technical data

1439 – 015 – 23.11.2022

9 Original EU Declaration of Conformity

1439 – 015 – 23.11.2022

Original EU Declaration of Conformity – 51

10 EU Declaration of Conformity

We, Husqvarna AB, SE 561 82 Huskvarna, SWEDEN, Tel. +46 36 146500 declare on our sole responsibility that the product:


Robotic lawn mower

Brand Type/Model

Husqvarna HUSQVARNA AUTOMOWER® 520/550


Serial numbers dating from 2022 week 46

complies fully with the following EU directives and regulations:




“Relating to machinery”


“Relating to radio equipment”


“Restriction of use of certain hazardous substances”

and that the following harmonized standards and/or technical specifications are applied;
· EN 60335-1:2012+AC:2014+A11:2014+A13:2017 · EN 50636-2-107:2015+A1:2018+A2:2020 · EN IEC 63000:2018 · EN 61000-6-1:2007 · EN 61000-6-3:2007+A1:2011+AC:2012 · ETSI EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3 · ETSI EN 301 489-3 V2.1.1 · ETSI EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4 · ETSI EN 303 447 V1.3.1 · ETSI EN 300 328 V2.2.2
and for HUSQVARNA AUTOMOWER® equipped with Automower Connect 3G/2G:
· ETSI EN 301 489-52 V1.2.1 · ETSI EN 301 489-19 V2.1.1 · ETSI EN 301 908-1 V15.1.1 · ETSI EN 301 908-2 V13.1.1 · ETSI EN 301 511 V.12.5.1 · ETSI EN 303 413 V1.2.1
for HUSQVARNA AUTOMOWER® equipped with Automower Connect 4G/2G:
· ETSI EN 301 489-52 V1.2.0 · ETSI EN 301 489-19 V2.1.1 · ETSI EN 301 908-1 V15.1.1 · ETSI EN 301 908-13 V13.1.1 · ETSI EN 301 511 V.12.5.1 · ETSI EN 303 413 V1.2.1
Manne Alzén

Director Pro Robotics R&D. Husqvarna AB, Husqvarna Division. Responsible for technical documentation.

52 – EU Declaration of Conformity

1439 – 015 – 23.11.2022

11 Original UK Declaration of Conformity

1439 – 015 – 23.11.2022

Original UK Declaration of Conformity – 53

54 – Original UK Declaration of Conformity

1439 – 015 – 23.11.2022

1439 – 015 – 23.11.2022

Original UK Declaration of Conformity – 55

AUTOMOWER® is a trademark owned by Husqvarna AB. Copyright© 2022 HUSQVARNA. All rights reserved.

Original instructions 1143004-26



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