NFO DRIVES Sinus Optimum Motor Control Installation Guide

June 12, 2024

NFO DRIVES Sinus Optimum Motor Control Installation Guide
NFO DRIVES Sinus Optimum Motor Control

Mechanical installation

When unpacking the inverter, carefully inspect the product and make sure it has not been damaged during transportation. An inverter with cracks, dents or other visual damage shall not be installed.

The inverter must not be installed so that outlet air from another inverter or other equipment blows directly into the inverter air intake. A minimum of 80 mm clearance must be kept above and below the inverter.

All terminals are accessed by opening the plastic cover. To be able to use the snap-and-hold-open functionality of the cover, a free space of 200 mm is required above the inverter.

During installation it is important that no foreign objects, such as cable strands or screws, fall into the inverter as a short circuit may occur. Drilling in chassis or cover is not allowed.

After installation, make sure all grommets at the cable entries are mounted and that the cover is closed and secured with its screws to avoid access to dangerous voltages.

  • Unscrew the two lower captive screws and loosen the inverter from the backplate.
  • Fasten backplate to a vertical surface using four screws. Make sure that the top mounting screws are sufficiently strong to hold the entire weight of the inverter.
  • Place the inverter on the backplate by mating the chassis cut-out to the backplate hooks. Tighten the lower captive screws on both sides.


Electrical installation

  • Connect mains power to terminals L1, L2, L3 and PE.
  • Connect motor cable to terminals U, V, W and PE using standard unshielded cable

Never install contactors or switches between the inverter (terminals U, V and W) and the motor that
intentionally or unintentionally may be used to disconnect the motor from inverter output.

A motor safety switch can be mounted between the inverter (terminals U, V and W) and the motor, but it must only be operated when the motor is not running.

First time powered up, the installer must select application, enter motor name plate data, and perform a motor tuning (see next section).

  • Connect/install the necessary low voltage signalling that is required for your application, e.g. a run signal for start/stop, analog input for setpoint, communication, etc.

Make sure run signal is not activated until installer has completed the setup of the inverter.

Make sure the low voltage signal wires have sufficient isolation when passing nearby power cables
Electrical installation

Initial setup and tuning

Select application

  • First time powered up after installation, or after performing a factory reset of parameters, the installer will be prompted to select application type for the inverter.
  • The purpose of selecting application is to preset acceleration and deceleration ramps to a value suitable for the application in question.
  • Please note that the preset values are a merely suggested general values. Depending on other operating conditions, the installer may have to further adjust the accel/decel ramps.
Application Description
Pump Set acceleration and deceleration ramps suitable for general pump

Ventilation / other| Set acceleration and deceleration ramps suitable for ventilation fan applications
OEM vacuum pump| To be used only with OEM vacuum pump application

Enter motor data and perform tuning

  • First time powered up after installation, or after performing a factory reset of parameters, the installer must enter the motor name plate data. The motor data is entered in the parameter group Motor and consists of P-nom, U-nom, f-nom, N-nom, I-nom and cos . The data can be read from the motor name plate.
  • After motor data is entered, the installer must perform a motor tuning during which the inverter measures and calculates the electrical properties of the motor. The tuning command is located in parameter group Motor, adjacent to the motor data values. Select ‘Full’ tuning for most thorough measurement.
  • Until a correct tuning is performed, the inverter will toggle the status message ‘Not Tuned’ on the display.
  • lease refer to the Operating and Installation Manual for a complete description of the tuning commands. 3.3

Check rotation direction

  • After selecting application, entering motor data and performed tuning, it may be necessary to check/verify correct rotation direction of the rotor.
  • This can be done by starting the motor at a low speed in manual mode.
  • Manual mode is selected when lower right corner of display reads ‘Manual’. Pressing the ‘MAN / AUTO’ button toggles between manual and auto mode.
  • Pressing ‘START’ button in manual mode starts the motor.
  • Direction of rotation can be changed by changing the parameter ‘ Phase order’ in parameter group ‘Run’. The motor must be stopped when changing this parameter.
  • Default setpoint frequency in manual mode is 10.0 Hz. If necessary, increment or decrement setpoint using the arrow up/down buttons.
  • When ready, press ‘STOP’ and then press the ‘MAN / AUTO’ button to select ‘Auto’ mode. The inverter is now ready to start operating according to the connected control signals

Keyboard and menu summary

Keyboard Menu Summary

Button Function
Enter into parameter or parameter-group. Save parameter.
Enter/toggle between normal screen and setup menu tree. Leave parameter,

parameter-group or leave parameter unsaved.
| Toggle Operating mode between Manual and Auto. Starts motor in Auto mode if Run signal active.
| Starts motor in Manual mode.
| Stops motor in all modes. NOTE: A bus master may start motor at any time
| Increase parameter when changing. Moves between parameter-groups or parameters.
| Decrease parameter when changing. Moves between parameter-groups or parameters.
Motor| Ramp| Run| Control| Freq.| Speed| PI- reg| Output| Comm.| Status| Temp.| Display| Count.| Version| Error
P-Nom| Accel
Time| Phase
Order| Control
Mode| Op
Mode| Op
Mode| Op
Mode| Relay 1 Mode| RS485
bustype| Urms| Motor
Temp| Display Par 1| Operate
Time| COP
Version| Error
U-Nom| Decel
Time| Stop
Mode| Auto
Start| FixFrq1| FixSpd1| FixReg1| Relay 1
Freq| RS485
addr| l-rms| Power
Module| Display
Par 2| Run
Time| DSP
Version| Restart
f-Nom| Ramp
Brkpoint| Energy
Save| An Input1 Type| FixFrq2| FixSpd2| FixReg2| Relay 2
Mode| RS485
baud| Pout| COP
Temp| Display
Par 3| Brake
Time| GUI
Version| Reset
N-Nom| Alt Accel
Time| Pwr On
Delay| An Input2 Type| FixFrq3| FixSpd3| FixReg3| Relay 2
Freq| RS485
char| PF| Heat Sink 1| Bklight
Level| Cur Um
Time| Prod
Date| AC Fail
I-Nom| Alt Decel
Time| Run
Delay| Dig In
Config| FixFrq4| FixSpd4| FixReg4| AnOut 1
Mode| RS485
timeout| DC Link| Heat
Sink 2| Bklight
Timeout| DC Low
Time| Serial
Number| Tem Hi Temp•
cos o| | Stop
Delay| Limit
ManSetp| FixFrq5| FixSpd5| FixReg5| AnOut 1
Type| RS485
autostop| Brake
Chop| Heat
Sink 3| Menu
readonly| Start
Count| | PTC
Tuning| | DC
Brake| | F xFrq6| FbcSpd6| FixReg6| AnOut 1
Max| RS485
failsafe| Stator
Freq| Heat
Sink 4| Show
freq in %| Alarm
Count| | Over
R-stator| | KP
Speed| | FixFrq7| FixSpd7| FixReg7| AnOut 2
Mode| USB
bustype| Rotor
Freq| Fan 1
Volt| | Output
Energy| | MA     Fail
R-rotor| | Ti
Speed| | An Min
Freq| An Min
Speed| Setpoint
Min Val| AnOut 2
Type| USB
addr| Control
Freq| Fan 2
Volt| | Total
Energy| | DC Low
L-main| | Sleep
Freq| | An Max
Freq| An Max
Speed| Setpoint
Max Val| AnOut 2
Max| USB
timeout| Rotor
Speed| Fan 3
Volt| | | | DC High
Sigma| | Bypass
Freq| | | | Actual
Min Val| Analog1 Out| USB
autostop| Control
Speed| Fan 4
Volt| | | | GND
I-magn| | Bypass
Bandw| | | | Actual
Max Val| Analog2 Out| ABCC
interface| Actual
Torque| EXT
24V| | | | Short
I-limit| | Boost
Time| | | | Setpoint
MM Lim| | ABCC
bustype| Control
Torque| USB
5V| | | | Imagn
Count| | Boost
Level| | | | Setpoint
Max Lim| | ABCC
addr| Actual
Reg| | | | | Current
T-nom| | | | | | Reg
Amp| | ABCC
timeout| Setpoint
Reg| | | | | Current
status| | | | | | Reg
Kp| | ABCC
autostop| AnIn1 U| | | | | Current
| | | | | | Reg
Ti| | Auto
Reset| AnIn1 I| | | | | Run Fail
| | | | | | MinFreq| | | AnIn2 U| | | | |
| | | | | | MaxFreq| | | AnIn21| | | | |
| | | | | | Reg Unit| | | Key brd| | | | |
| | | | | | Off Limit| | | Terminal| | | | |
| | | | | | On Limit| | | | | | | |

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