IMCOP NES-Energy Neuro-Electrostimulation to Reduce Stress and Improve Sleep Instruction Manual

June 12, 2024

IMCOP NES-Energy Neuro-Electrostimulation to Reduce Stress and Improve Sleep


Generally speaking, neuro-electrical stimulation is a procedure that influences the release of neurotransmitters or messenger substances in the brain by means of a light current. Thus, just like psychotropic drugs, it acts on the nerve cells, influencing the production of neurotransmitters and the activity of the receptors that release and absorb them. The NES works similar to antidepressants, for example, but has little or no side effects.

Recent studies over the past twenty years have not only confirmed the effectiveness of neuro-electrical stimulation, but also recognized it for other areas of application. Unfortunately, there are mainly American manufacturers on the market.

Inspired by the NES process and based on its scientific results and findings, we were the first German and European company to develop the NES Energy.

Intended use

The NES-Energy is an electro-tactile stimulation system, comparable to the mode of action of an electric acupuncture or massage. The stimulation can e.g. have a positive effect in the following areas of application, usually within a few days:

  • States of exhaustion
  • Lack of drive
  • Vitalization of body and mind
  • Physical relaxation
  • Sleep disorder – can have a positive effect on the duration and quality of sleep
  • Anxiety
  • Relief from pain and migraines
  • Improvement on the mental – psychological level
  •  Positive thinking
  • Better processing of depressive moods
  • Supports addiction management
  • Reduction of mental tension
  • Inner unrest
  • Mood swings

Note: This device uses forms of sensory stimulation. It is intended to help you relax, reduce stress and recuperate, improve your personal sense of well-being and support you in your personal growth and success. It is not intended as a medicine and does not claim any medicinal effects. Nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, or cure diseases or other disorders. This device is not a medical device, but only suitable for non-medical applications such as relaxation or promotion of general well-being.
Note : We distribute this device exclusively for wellness purposes, for relaxation, for improving the general well-being and for stress reduction. In case of any medical indication, please contact your doctor.
Note: The use of NES-Energy cannot replace a visit to the doctor. Therefore, please consult your doctor if you are not sure where your symptoms are coming from or if you suffer from acute or chronic symptoms.

Safety Instructions

Please read the instructions for use carefully before using the device !

➔ The NES-Energy may only be used with original accessories.
➔ Keep water or other liquids away from the NES-Energy.
➔ Never use the NES-Energy if it is malfunctioning or has been damaged.
➔ The application should not be used directly on the eyes, covering the mouth, on the front of the neck (especially carotid sinus) or with electrodes placed on the chest and upper back or crossing the heart.
➔ The minimum size of the electrodes should not be less than 2 cm².
➔ The device may only be connected to one patient at a time.
➔ The device must not be used while operating machines and during activities that require increased attention. This applies in particular to road traffic.
➔ Do not drop the NES-Energy device, handle it improperly, expose it to extreme temperatures or high humidity (use only at temperatures between 10 °C – 40 °C and a relative humidity below 90 %)
➔ Careful supervision is required when using the NES-Energy on or near children.
➔ Store the NES-Energy device in its original packaging to protect it from damage and contamination.

The NES-Energy should not be used while operating high-frequency devices such as a cell phone at the same time, as there may be interaction between the electromagnetic field of the device and the NESEnergy, resulting in increased power output.
Simultaneous connection of the patient to an ME (medical-electronic) device for high-frequency surgery can result in burns under the electrode surfaces of the NES-Energy and damage to the device.
Operating the NES-Energy in close proximity (e.g. 1 m) to an ME device for shortwave or microwave therapy may cause fluctuations in the output values of the NES-Energy.
Placing the electrode surfaces near the chest can increase the risk of ventricular fibrillation.
**** If dizziness, nausea or other discomfort occurs, the application may have to be discontinued.


➔ Do not use the device if you are allergic or hypersensitive to electricity.
➔ Do not use the device while pregnant.
➔ Do not use the device if you have a pacemaker or other implants without first obtaining appropriate medical advice from a specialist.
➔ Do not use the device if you have heart disease and/or epilepsy or after surgery.
➔ Consult your doctor if you experience pain, dizziness, or discomfort while wearing the NES-Energy.
➔ The NES-Energy must not be used by people who, due to mental or physical limitations, are unable to handle the device properly themselves.
➔ Do not stick the electrodes to injured or irritated skin

Type label

Explanation of symbols
**** Observe information supplement
**** Manufacturer: IMCOP GmbH

Am Viertelfeld 2
04931 Mühlberg/Elbe
| Degree of protection BF Galvanically isolated application part that meets the requirements for leakage currents for type B.
| Order number NES-Energy
| CE-Sign: Confirms conformity with the EU directive
| Device serial number
| Follow the instruction manual
****| Do not dispose of in household waste
| The device contains a Li-Ion battery with the specified voltage and capacity

Scope of delivery and accessories

Scope of delivery
  1. Device NES-Energy
  2. USB-Charger GAT-0502000
  3. USB-cable 1 m Typ A → Typ C
  4. 2 pairs of ear electrode clips with lead of 1.2 m
  5. Adhesive electrode lead 1.2 m with 2 mm plug
  6. 4 pieces of adhesive electrodes with a diameter of 50 mm and 2 mm connection
  7. Storage case
  8. Instruction manual
Spare parts

You can conveniently order spare parts and consumables via website

Order number Article description Picture
OE-12010 Ear electrode clips with lead of 1.2 m ![](

content/uploads/2023/06/IMCOP-NES-Energy-Neuro-Electrostimulation-to-Reduce- Stress-and-Improve-14.png)
LH-12002| Adhesive electrode lead 1.2 m with 2 mm plug|
GA-NES1| Instruction manual|

Order number Article description Picture
HE-5002 4 pieces of adhesive electrodes with a diameter of 50 mm and 2 mm
connection **![](


Using the NES-Energy

First commissioning

Before using the device for the first time, it should first be charged with the supplied USB charger and USB cable.

Duration and frequency of use

You can use the NES-Energy as often as it suits your own wellbeing. We recommend three to five applications a day at the beginning, which you can gradually reduce to three to five times a week. Over time you will develop your own feeling for the frequency of the applications.
We recommend a treatment duration of 30 minutes per application. All other time settings can be used according to individual circumstances and possibilities according to your own feeling.
You can achieve the best possible results by changing the frequency with each new application. In this way you will get to know all frequency ranges and you will get a feeling that two or three specific frequencies are particularly good for you. These can then outweigh the frequency of applications.


➔ Drink a large glass of water, preferably still, 10 to 15 minutes before using the device. This will help to hydrate the body and the frequencies will have a greater effect.
➔ Sit down and relax comfortably
➔ Attach the electrodes according to the following pictures

**** Clean the skin areas beforehand with a soap solution.

➔ Connect the cable to the device and switch it on by pressing the key for at least 3 seconds.
➔ Set the application time by pressing the ↑ ↓ keys and confirm this by pressing the ⮠  key.
➔ Select the application frequency by pressing the ↑ ↓ keys and confirm this by pressing the ⮠  key.

Note: See also section Frequencies.

➔ The NES-Energy will now start the application and count down the time, press the ⮠  key to pause or resume. During the pause, the remaining time display flashes.
➔ After the application time has expired, 3 short signal tones sound and the device switches off.

Note: The last selected application time and frequency will be saved by the NES-Energy and ⚠ suggested as a preset for the next application.

➔ The NES-Energy can be turned off at any time by pressing the key for at least 3 seconds.

Note: The responsibility for the use of the device remains solely with the user.
Neither the manufacturer nor the dealer is liable for incidents or damages of any kind in connection with the use of the device.

Error messages

The device permanently monitors its correct function. If an abnormal condition is detected, the NES-Energy will go into error state and the output will be switched off. The display shows „Fehler ! Ausgang abgeschaltet“. When the abnormal state is corrected, press the ⮠  key to continue the application.

In case of increased body resistance, e.g. caused by dehydration or electrolyte deficits, it is possible to continue the treatment with increased intensity by pressing the button for one second. In this case, the stimulation may be perceived as too strong and unpleasant or skin irritation may occur, so consultation with the therapist is always recommended in this case.

Repositioning of the electrodes

If you notice that the electrodes have not been attached in the optimal location and want to stick them to a different location, switch off the device first before removing and moving the electrodes. Do not position the electrodes over a nerve.


The NES-Energy has 11 preset frequencies from 0.5 Hz to 100Hz.
Each individual frequency has a variety of positive effects. Recent studies have proven that regardless of the desired application range, optimal results are achieved when all frequencies are applied alternately. Therefore, we recommend changing the frequency each time you use the product so that all frequency ranges can be used.

Charging the device

Note: The device must not be put on during charging !

For charging, connect the NES-Energy with the included USB cable to the included USB charger, which is then plugged into the power outlet. Alternatively, the device can also be charged using a standard USB cable with a type C plug on a 5 V voltage source (such as Power bank, PC, etc.) with a minimum current capability of 500 mA.

While charging, the battery symbol gets a white border.
When the device is switched off, it starts at the beginning of charging, shows the battery symbol with white border and switches off the display after 10 seconds. During charging, the display can be switched on by pressing the key for 10 seconds.

Note: Charging is prevented if the NES-Energy is operated outside the specified temperature range.


Problem Root cause Solution
The device switches itself off with a long (approx. 1 s) signal tone. The
integrated battery is empty Charge the device according to the instructions
The device cannot be switched on The integrated battery is empty Charge the

device according to the instructions
The device does not charge (the battery icon has no white border)| The battery is fully charged (symbol is completely green)| Disconnect the charger and USB cable from the device and the electrical outlet
The device is outside the specified charging temperature range| Store the device for some time at normal room temperature until the inside of the device has reached the charging temperature range and starts charging.
The display shows
Fehler !
Ausgang abgeschaltet| You are dehydrated or have an electrolyte deficit| Drink a large glass of water and start the treatment again after 15 minutes.
In the case of electrolyte deficits, the intensity can be increased by pressing the ? button.
No or not enough electrode gel is used| Use sufficient electrode gel.
The adhesive electrodes do not have sufficient skin contact| Use new adhesive electrodes or clean the skin area beforehand with a soap solution.
The skin surface shows changes or is reddened| The adhesive electrodes do not have sufficient skin contact| Use new adhesive electrodes or clean the skin area beforehand with a soap solution.
The ear electrode clips is worn dirty, no or not enough electrode gel is used| Clean both ear electrode clips and use sufficient electrode gel.
The stimulation is barely or not noticeable| You are dehydrated| Drink a large glass of water and start the treatment again after 15 minutes.
Increased awareness threshold| Studies show that it is not the degree of intensity that causes the effect, but the frequencies, the device regulates the intensity automatically.
The stimulation is very noticeable or uncomfortable| The electrodes do not have sufficient skin contact| Use new adhesive electrodes or clean the skin area beforehand with a soap solution and use electronic gel.

Care and cleaning

The NES-Energy requires no special care or cleaning detergent. The device itself and the electrode cables can be cleaned with a soft, lint-free cloth.

**** Make absolutely sure that no liquid entry gets into the housing.
Store the device in its original packaging to protect it from damage and contamination.


After use, stick the electrodes back to the carrier film for storage and it is best to store them in the resealable plastic packaging. The self-adhesive electrodes can be used many times. If the adhesiveness starts to deteriorate, you can gently rinse the electrodes with lukewarm water and allow them to air dry to extend their life.
Never rub the adhesive surfaces with a brush or cloth; only clean them very briefly with your fingertips under a little running water. Please do not use any cleaning agents either. Do not knead the electrodes or soak them in water. After cleaning, shake off the water and allow the electrodes to air dry. Never dry the adhesive surface with a cloth or paper tissue.


Used electrical and electronic devices are recyclable materials and, according to European regulations, may not be disposed of in household waste! They have to be collected separately according to the directive 2002/96 EC of the European Parliament and the Council (from January 27, 2003 on waste electrical and electronic equipment). At the end of its service life, take this product to a collection point for the recycling of electronic equipment. This will help you to conserve and protect resources, as the substances contained in electronic scrap and electrical accessories are environmentally harmful if they are not disposed of properly. This can lead to air pollution, health hazards and soil contamination.
Furthermore, if disposed of properly, you will help to ensure that materials from this product can be recycled, thus making an important contribution to environmental protection.

EU Declaration of Conformity

Technical data

Model Type: NES-Energy Basis bzw. NES-Energy +
Dimensions (LxDxH): 124 x 72 x 18 mm
Weight/Mass: 155 g
Operating temperature: At usage: -10 … +55 °C

at charging: 0 … +45 °C
Operating conditions:| 30 … 90 % rel. humidity not condensing max. 2000 m above sea level
Power supply:| Rechargeable battery Li-Ion 3,7 V / 1,0 Ah, internal, not changeable
Charging:| Via USB socket type C, max. approx. 500 mA charging current
Current:| 50 µA
Frequency:| 0.5 … 100 Hz selectable
NES-Energy Basis (0.5 Hz, 20 Hz, 100 Hz)
NES-Energy + (0.5 Hz ; 1.5 Hz ; 2.0 Hz ; 5.0 Hz ; 7.83 Hz ; 10 Hz ; 15 Hz ; 20 Hz ;35 Hz ; 75 Hz; 100 Hz)
Waveform:| Symmetrical biphasic rectangular pulse, duty cycle 1:1 (without direct current component)
Duration of use:| 5 … 95 minutes adjustable in 5 minute steps
Protection class:| IP20 (protected against access with the finger)


The NES-Energy you have purchased has been developed and manufactured with great care and under constant control. The statutory warranty rights according to BGB apply.

Excluded from this are:

  • Wear parts and consumables such as electrodes and connection cables
  • Damage due to improper use (e.g. broken off parts or damage due to moisture).
  • Damage due to unauthorized interventions and personal fault of the customer
  • for defects that were already known to the customer at the time of purchase

Contact details

Am Viertelfeld 2
04931 Mühlberg/Elbe


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