THREE TREE COFFEE ROASTERS AeroPress Coffee Brewer User Guide

June 10, 2024




Three Keys Brewing Guide

The Three Keys Brewing Guide provides different methods to brew coffee. Method 3 is the Aeropress which is known for producing very little paper waste, quick brewing, and being portable and lightweight. However, it has many small parts and pieces, a complex brewing method, and can only brew one cup at a time.

Ideal Ratio and Grind
The ideal coffee to water ratio for the Aeropress is 1g of coffee to 10-11g of water. The grind should be very fine.

Brew Time and Taste Guide
The recommended brew time for the Aeropress is between 1 minute and 20 seconds to 1 minute and 10 seconds. The taste of the coffee brewed using this method is full, rich, and heavy.

Sound Guide
The sound guide for this method is Monk’s Point by Thelonious Monk.

Usage Instructions

  1. Weigh out 20g of coffee and wet your paper filter so that it sticks onto the black sieve that screws onto the bottom of the tube.
  2. Screw on the sieve, put the coffee into the tube, and then place the whole thing (except the plunger) on top of a coffee mug.
  3. Press Play on Monk’s Point by Thelonious Monk.
  4. Add 40g of water and use the stirrer to stir the coffee seven (7) times.
  5. Wait 25 seconds.
  6. At 25 seconds, pour to 180g.
  7. Stir one more time back and forth.
  8. Take everything off your scale (you don’t want to hurt the scale by pressing too hard).
  9. Put the plunger in the top and firmly apply downward pressure so as to squeeze the coffee into your cup.
  10. Aim to be completely done by 1:10 -1:20. Adjust your downward pressure as you plunge so that it ends around that time.
  11. At the very end, it will hiss. Try to stop before it hisses! It’s okay if it does, but if you can try to stop the brew before it gets there such that you retain some of the trapped steam.
  12. Finally, before you enjoy your delicious cup, unscrew the sieve and press the plunger until the grounds come out and you hear a pop (either into the trash or over the sink). It’s important to do this now and not wait because waiting can ruin the seal created by the plunger.
  13. (Optional) Add a little hot or cold water to taste before drinking.

Following these instructions will result in a delicious cup of coffee brewed using the Aeropress method. Enjoy!




Pros : Very little paper waste, quick, portable, lightweight
Cons : Many small parts and pieces, complex brewing method, only good for one cup at a time
Ideal Ratio : 1g of coffee to 10 – 11g of water
Grind : Very fine
Brew Time : 1:10 – 1:20
Taste Guide : Full, Rich, Heavy
Sound Guide : “Monk’s Point” by Thelonious Monk

Aeropress is by far the quickest and most portable brew of methods. You might also notice that it only yields about 200ml of coffee (which is a little over half of a normal diner mug). That may not seem like a lot, but the coffee is a lot stronger that a normal cup, so you can add hot water to stretch it out, resulting in a drink similar to an Americano. You can even pour it into cold water and add ice if you want some iced coffee! The Aeropress also offers near infinite opportunities for improvisation. Weigh out 20g of coffee and wet your paper filter so that it sticks onto the black sieve that screws onto the bottom of the tube.

  1. Weigh out 20g of coffee and wet your paper filter so that it sticks onto the black sieve that screws onto the bottom of the tube.
  2. Screw on the sieve, put the coffee into the tube, and then place the whole thing (except the plunger) on top of a coffee mug.
  3. Press Play on “Monk’s Point” by Thelonious Monk
  4. Add 40g of water and use the stirrer to stir the coffee seven (7) times.
  5. Wait 25 seconds.
  6. At 25 seconds, pour to 180g.
  7. Stir one more time back and forth.
  8. Take everything off your scale (you don’t want to hurt the scale by pressing too hard).
  9. Put the plunger in the top and firmly apply downward pressure so as to squeeze the coffee into your cup.
  10. Aim to be completely done by 1:10 -1:20. Adjust your downward pressure as you plunge so that it ends around that time.
  11. At the very end it will hiss. Try to stop before it hisses! It’s okay if it does, but if you can try to stop the brew before it gets there such that you retain some of the trapped steam.
  12. Finally, before you enjoy your delicious cup, unscrew the sieve and press the plunger until the grounds come out and you hear a pop (either into the trash or over the sink). It’s important to do this now and not wait because waiting can ruin the seal created by the plunger.
  13. (Optional) Add a little hot or cold water to taste before drinking.

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| THREE TREE COFFEE ROASTERS AeroPress Coffee Brewer [pdf] User Guide
AeroPress Coffee Brewer, AeroPress, Coffee Brewer

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