Nicview Username And Password Natus Instruction

June 10, 2024

Nicview Username And Password Natus Instruction



The NICVIEW system is intended to promote family bonding by providing an internet accessible, secure, real-time video stream of their infant in the Neonatal Intensive Care and Pediatrics Units.
The NICVIEW system is comprised of a camera and mounting arm. The camera may be hardwired or wireless. The mounting arm includes a clamp which can be attached to the NICVIEW roll stand, hospital IV pole, post of a wall mount system, or post accessory of an incubator or radiant warmer. Each arm has adjustment points that allow the clinician to position the cameras at a 45 degree angle from the side of the bed space without obstructing other medical devices or clinical workspace. The NICVIEW camera system is not a medical device. It is not intended for clinical screening, diagnosis, assessment or any other method of clinical usage. Videos and images are delivered to the end user in real-time. These videos and images are never stored, saved, recorded, taped, or shipped offsite; preventing access at a later time.

The NICVIEW system is compatible with any modern internet capable device. Most popular internet browsers, including MS® Internet Explorer® 10 or higher, Microsoft Edge, Google® Chrome, Mozilla® Firefox® and Apple® Safari® are supported without requiring additional downloads such as Adobe® Flash® or ActiveX for viewing. Additionally, the NICVIEW Mobile App is available for download for Apple and Android devices.

General Safety Information


  • Never mount directly over a baby in an open bed space.
  • Never use in an oxygen rich environment.
  • Due to strangulation hazard, when using a radiant warmer or bassinet, never allow less than 1.5 feet (46 cm) separation from the camera to the open bed space.
  • Due to strangulation hazard, when using a radiant warmer or bassinet, the power and Ethernet cables must be at least 2 feet (61cm) away from the open bed space at all times.
  • Never connect power-cord to an auxiliary outlet of a medical device.
  • Carefully route power-cords and cables to avoid a trip hazard
  • Never open the housing of the camera. There is nothing serviceable internally.


  • When mounting to the wall: Only mount into a load-bearing structure
  • Never grab the camera to reposition. Always use the flexible arm.
  • Always support the arm by using 2 hands when positioning the camera to provide the best view
  • Use the privacy mode feature to suspend video feed.
  • It is not recommended to remove power from the device during operation.

The following table defines the symbols located on the equipment or in this Manual.



The following information is presented with the assumption that the NICVIEW System has been installed in the facility.

The key hardware components of the NICVIEW System are the camera and mounting arm.

  1. NICVIEW 2Nicview-Username-And-Password-Natus-Instruction-2


  • Privacy Mode: The privacy mode is used to suspend the streaming video during infant care or anytime the caretaker wishes to suspend the video.
  • Camera Mounting Arm: The mounting arm includes a clamp which can be attached to the NICVIEW roll stand, hospital IV pole, post of a wall mount system, or post accessory of an incubator or radiant warmer. The camera is screwed onto the threaded end piece. Remember to plug in the Micro USB cable and the Ethernet cable when attaching to the arm. Each arm has adjustment points that allow the clinician to position the cameras at a 45 degree angle from the side of the bed space without obstructing other medical devices or clinical workspace.

NICVIEW 2 features a virtual “Privacy Mode” to enable facility staff to manually suspend video streaming when caring for the infant. When the camera is in “Privacy Mode” an “Offline Image” is displayed to the parent/family viewing the infant on their personal device(s). A facility administrator has the option to upload a custom “Offline Image” or to utilize the NICVIEW default image provided.

To Enable Privacy Mode

  • Gently press the viewfinder screen on the front of the camera.
    • Pressing this screen will cause the image to blur on the viewfinder and a Privacy Mode Enabled message will be displayed. The viewfinder can still be used to position the baby within the image although it is blurred.
    • Video Streaming will be suspended and an “Offline Image” will be displayed to parents/family members that are viewing the infant on their personal device(s).

To Re-enable Video Streaming

  • Gently press the viewfinder screen on the front of the camera.
    • Pressing this screen will cause the video streaming to resume and a Streaming message will be displayed on the screen allowing the infant’s video to be observed.
    • The “Offline Image” will no longer be displayed on the family member’s device, allowing parents/family to view the video feed.

NOTE: Please remember to re-enable video streaming when “Privacy Mode” is no longer necessary.


The following instructions are specific for use on the cameras and arms. Standard disinfectant procedures still apply.

  • Use water, a light concentration of disinfectant, or solvent to avoid damaging the materials
  • Soft cloths or wipes are preferred for cleaning:
    • Ensure cloths are not overly moist
    • Avoid the charging port when cleaning

The following supplies are OK to use when cleaning the NICVIEW 2 equipment 70% Isopropyl Alcohol

  • 5% Bleach Solution
  • Sporicide
  • Cavicide/CaviWipes
  • PDI SaniCloth Wipes
  • Clorox Germicidal Wipes


This Instructions for Use manual covers all privileges for the System Administrator. The NICVIEW PORTAL has three user profiles:

  • System Administrator (NICVIEW System Administrator): Full privileges
  • Workflow Manager (e.g. Charge Nurse, Nurse Manager): Manage cameras
    • Allowed use of home screen
    • Allowed use of camera editor to manage camera
    • Allowed to assign, transfer/move, resend, print, and discharge camera credentials
  • Basic User (e.g. Unit Clerk, Nurse): Limited access
    • Allowed to use “Family Notes” and manage camera status and position only
    • Cannot use the assign, transfer/move, or discharge camera credentials

Each camera is represented by a tile that includes a thumbnail of the current view along with camera name, camera location, and current assignment if in use.

    Each camera will be displayed with the following:

    • Thumbnail that will update every 60 seconds with the current view

    • Name of the camera

    • The version of the camera, located at the top of the tile; a blue line for NICVIEW 1 and a green line for NICVIEW 2

    • Current assigned user login if the camera is in use by a family

    • Location tag given to the camera by the facility to identify the general location or use
      inside the hospital i.e. Pod A, Bed 1

    • For offline cameras, then the duration of the current status will be shown to provide a visual understanding of how long it’s been offline or in “Privacy Mode”

Note: The camera tile will have a green background to indicate that a parent or family member is logged.

Cameras will update their current status and information periodically. A set of filter options is provided to reduce the number of tiles shown to make camera management easier.

The following filters are provided via a drop down menu:

  • Show All — Displays all cameras
  • Assigned — Displays only cameras that have an assigned user
  • Being Watched — Displays cameras currently being watched
  • Privacy —­Displays cameras currently in privacy mode
  • Offline — Displays cameras currently offline to help troubleshoot
  • Offline Time — Displays cameras currently offline due to the facility configuration
  • Error — Displays cameras where status cannot be determined

If the facility has configured pre-defined search tags, they can type in the search field an item that will automatically load all cameras containing that search string. This feature helps to quickly find a camera or set of cameras to manage. This feature can be added upon request and will be set-up during installation.

    Users can search for a specific camera or set of cameras by using the search feature. The following attributes are searched:

  2. Name — Enter any part of the camera name

  3. Location —Enter any part of the name

  4. User — Enter any part of the name

    Should you have more than 100 cameras; a button will be shown at the bottom of the page that will load the next 100 cameras.

Clicking on an individual camera image, the camera name or on the Edit button, allows the camera to be managed.

  1. MAIN
    The location field is used to identify where in the facility the camera is located. The location feature may be disabled by NICVIEW Technical Service.


If requested by a facility, Natus Technical Service can lock the text in the location field. Please note that only administrative users have the ability to edit the location if there has been a request to the support staff for NICVIEW to lock this setting in the system for a particular camera or all cameras.

To modify the location:

  • Click on the Camera Tile or the Edit button for the camera
  • Enter the Camera Location (e.g. Room 1, POD A, or Bed space 14) into the text box
  • Click Save

If the camera is currently online a view of the video will be displayed. In the event the camera is not online, an image representing the camera’s status will be shown.

NOTE: Some users may experience a brief pause in the screen display and/or ability to stream video. The camera system has been designed to operate for a duration of at least 7 days without requiring the user to restart or reset.

Each camera has a “Privacy Mode” that will immediately disable the video stream. This can be done manually at the camera or using the PORTAL remotely via clicking on the Make Private button.



To assign a camera:

  • Click on the desired Camera Tile or the Edit button
  • Click Family tab
  • Click Assign
  • A new pop up will appear asking “Are you sure?”
  • Click “Yes, do it!”

BASIC USERS: Please note that a basic user cannot assign a user.


To discharge a camera:

  • Click on the desired Camera Tile or the Edit button
  • Click Discharge
  • A new pop up will appear asking “Are you sure?”
  • Click “Yes, do it!”

BASIC USERS: Please note that a basic user cannot discharge a user.

The following can be achieved with this process:
Print — Printed explanation on how to use the system, how to get help, and the parents’ login information

  • If you have multiple languages, select the language for this version of the consent – the language options have been configured by your system administrators
  • If “Require Family Consent” is enabled, the second page of the Printed explanation will have the configured consent displayed/included in the printed materials

If the “Require Signature for Consent” is enabled, the parent can be asked to sign the consent using these steps:

  • If using a desktop the Parent can use a mouse, otherwise they can use a stylus or their finger to sign using the touchscreen
  • Click Continue when all parties are satisfied with the signature(s)
  • The explanation, consent, and signatures can now be printed, and/or saved as a PDF to the local facility

BASIC USERS: Please note that a basic user cannot print or manage the consent process.

If the “Resend Credentials” feature is enabled, the hospital user can resend the current credentials for the user via email or text message/ SMS (United States phone numbers only).

Follow these steps:

  • Click on the Camera Tile or the Edit button for the camera
  • Click on the Family tab
  • Enter a valid email address, or if you have selected SMS, enter a valid United States phone number
  • If more than one language has been configured, a language can be selected to use for the delivery
  • Click Send

BASIC USERS: Please note that a basic user cannot print or manage the consent process.

CAUTION: Use care when using the “Resend Credentials” feature and confirm the correct email address or phone number before sending to avoid credentials being sent to the incorrect person.

To prevent giving a parent a new set of credentials to a new bed/camera if a baby moves in the facility, it is possible to move the parent’s credentials between cameras. After the move the parent can no longer access the old camera, but will begin access to the new camera where their baby has been moved.

CAUTION: The “Move” option is not shown if it’s not enabled, or when all cameras are currently assigned.

  • Click on the Camera Tile or the Edit button for the camera
  • Select the camera that you want to move the credentials
  • Click on the Family tab
  • Click Move
  • The camera editor now switches to the camera selected, and these credentials are now associated with this camera

BASIC USERS: Please note that a basic user cannot move or transfer credentials.

CAUTION: Use care when using the “Move” feature. If the target location has a different baby, then the facility must discharge the current credentials, and assign new credentials.



Video feeds for individual cameras can be automatically turned off at predefined times.

  • Click on the Camera Tile or the Edit button for the camera
  • Click Schedule
  • Use dropdowns to indicate the time range
  • Click Add Period to save

Multiple ranges may be added; when finished, click Done. To delete a range previously entered, click the Delete link associated with that range.

BASIC USERS: Please note that a basic user can view the schedule, but not edit it.

The system allows notes to be entered and provided for parents and family,

NOTE: The “Add” Note option will not be shown if the camera is not currently assigned to a user.

    • Select a Camera Tile or the Edit button
    • Select Family Notes
    • Current notes are listed by time, and who entered them
    • Click on the desired Canned Note from the list
    • Select a note option by clicking Add to the note
    • Select a Camera Tile or the Edit button
    • Select Family Notes
    • Current notes are listed by time, and who entered them
    • Click Remove
  4. Select a Camera Tile or the Edit button
  5. Select Family Notes
  6. Enter a note into the text area
  7. Click Add


Note: Only the System Administrator role has access to this area.

The NICVIEW System has multiple levels of access:

  • System Administrator (NICVIEW System Administrator): Full privileges
  • Workflow Manager (e.g. Charge Nurse, Nurse Manager): Manage cameras
  • Allowed use of home screen or dashboard
  • Allowed use of camera editor to manage camera
  • Allowed to assign, transfer/move, resend, print, and discharge camera credentials
  • Basic User (e.g. Unit Clerk, Nurse): Limited access
  • Allowed to use family notes and manage camera status and position only (if applicable)
  • Cannot use the assign, transfer/move, or discharge camera credentials

Select Users from the navigation menu. Users will be listed in groups by their respective role.

Select Users from the navigation menu. To add a new user:

  • Click Add New User
  • Enter the “User Name”, either an email address or in the format of user.hospitalname
  • Enter the user’s “Email Address”
  • Enter the user’s “Full Name”
  • Select the user’s “System Role” from the drop down menu
  • Enter Password in the “Password” field
  • Re-enter password in “Confirm Password” field
  • Choose whether to enforce the “User is required to change password on next login”
  • Click Save
    Note: Be sure the “User is disabled” box is not checked for new users.

To permanently remove a user from the system, select Remove.

You may update the following for a user by selecting the “User Name” from the User List:

  • Change “Email” address on file
  • Change “Full Name”
  • Change their “System Role”
  • Disable the user by clicking on the “User is disabled” box
  • Force the “User to reset their password on their next successful login”
  • Once user updates have been made, Click Save

An Administrator can reset a user’s password. In addition they can select an option to require a user to change their password on next login.

This option is used to temporarily suspend access without deleting the user.

To disable a user:

  • Select the User from the list
  • Check the “User is disabled” box
  • Click Save

The facility will have complete control on how The NICVIEW system will be used. This section describes how to enable/disable core features of the Navigation Menu on the NICVIEW PORTAL to allow staff to customize the content that the facility wants parents and families to receive.


  • Only administrative users have access to this area.
  • The Navigation Menu of the PORTAL provides a list of available features and setup options.

The Facility Settings can be accessed via the Navigation Menu. The following section will discuss the list of each sub-category within the Settings Menu and how to configure these features to meet each facility’s needs.



  • Facility Name: Enter the name of the facility
  • Facility Website: Enter the public website address for the facility
  • Allow Snapshots: Click on the box to permit the parents and family to take snapshots of the baby during viewing.
  • Enable Move Credentials: Click on the box to enable/disable the ability for credentials to be moved or transferred between cameras should the baby be moved from one location to another. This feature allows parents and family to continue to use the same credentials regardless of the baby’s location.
  • Enable Resend Credentials: Click on the box to allow staff to resend system credentials to the parent/family via email and text messaging
  • Enable Print Credentials: Click on the box to allow the credentials and support messages to be printed and to allow the consent process to be used.
  • Enable Offline Schedules: Click on the box to allow the cameras to automatically shut off viewing for the time ranges set by the administrator. The camera is not affected but viewing is disabled through the portal for both family and facility users.
    • Note: If “Enable Offline Schedules” is unchecked this will indicate the desire to disable all offline schedules. All current schedules configured for the facility will be deleted.
  • Enable SMS Text Messages: Click on the box to allow credentials to be sent using text messages. (Only available for United States phone numbers)
    NOTE: After all configuration selections have been made, click Save.

NICVIEW allows an online consent form to be created by the facility. This form appears after authorized users log in and must be agreed to in order to view the video stream. A parent or family member will be required to agree to this consent form when they login from their home. When logging in with different devices, the user may be prompted to agree to the consent form once again. Because families share the login credentials, the consent policy must be enforced for all login locations.


  • Online User Consent: allows the facility to enter their legal consent terms using NICVIEW’s online form editor to properly format how the terms should be presented.
  • Require Online Consent by Location (IP Address): to require users to agree to the facility consent form when logging in at other locations.
  • Clear All Prior Consents: this option can be used when a facility makes changes to the consent form. Prior signed consent forms are deleted. Clicking this option will force all users to accept the facility’s consent on their next login.

NOTE: Each time a user connects; their username, IP address and the time stamp are recorded. At this time the user is only required to consent from one device per location which is known by the IP address associated with their connection.


    The NICVIEW system allows facilities to generate a custom printed consent form in multiple languages. The facility may enter their legal consent terms using NICVIEW’s online form editor which will properly format the terms for presentation to the parents. If the facility requires an end user to sign and/or witness the consent, this can be required during their admittance process.


  • Require Family Consent: Click on the box to display the consent message on all materials provided to the parent for review and/or signature
  • Require Signature for Consent: Click on the box to enable the digital signature process on the print and family consent page
  • Require Witness Signature for Consent: Click on the box to enable the digital signature process on the print and family consent page

To add a language:

  • Select the language from the language drop down menu
  • Select Configure Language
  • Type the appropriate translated messages in all fields to populate the screen labels for the language being configured
  • Check the “Enable Language for Use” option to enable the language for display to the end user
  • Check the “This is our default language” option to make this the default option in those areas
  • Click Save

To edit a language:

  • Select Edit and make the necessary adjustments to the message fields
  • Click Save

To delete a language:

  • Select Remove

To disable a language:

  • Select Edit
  • Uncheck the “Enable Language for Use” option box
  • Click Save

NOTE: NICVIEW support can provide links to web-based translation tools that can help create the proper translation if this capability is not available to the facility.
At least one language must be configured at all times. The facility’s default language cannot be deleted. If updating the form, remember to update all preexisting languages, after your system is live.

The facility may configure the NICVIEW PORTAL to display a logo to system users.  Logo Requirements: o Use an aspect ratio that is equal or less than 640px wide and 480px high o Must be less than 2 megabytes o Strive for wide and short to assist print and online viewing To Upload a Logo:

  • Click on Select File and browse for the file on your computer
  • Select the image file (JPEG, GIF or PNG) that the facility will display as the logo
  • Click Open
  • Logo will upload. The image on this page will be visible to the end users

This feature allows the facility to display a custom image to users when the camera is offline. A default message is provided for facilities that do not wish to utilize a custom image.

To add a custom image:

  • Click + Select File

  • Select the image file (JPEG, GIF or PNG) that the facility will display as the offline message

  • Click Open

  • Image will upload. The image on this page will be visible to the end users
    Image requirements:

  • Select the image file (JPEG, GIF or PNG) that the facility will display as their offline image.

  • Use an aspect ratio that is equal or less than 640px wide and 480px high.

  • Must be less than 2 megabytes.
    NOTE: The messaging in the image should tell parents and family that everything is fine, and viewing will be back on shortly.

This function allows the facility to send a prompt to a user after a period of inactivity. The facility can determine the length of time the user has to acknowledge the prompt before being automatically logged out.
To Set Up the “Are You Still There” features:

  • Select from the “Prompt user/parent after seconds/minutes of no activity” drop down menu, choose the number of minutes of inactivity before a prompt is sent to the user. • From the “Number of seconds user has to tell us they are still watching their child” drop down menu, Select the number of seconds required for the user to respond before being automatically logged out.
  • Click Save

The system shutdown feature allows staff to quickly take ALL cameras offline in case of an emergency and force all cameras to show the “Offline Image” to viewers.

To Disable All Cameras

  • Check Disable All Cameras
  • Click Save
    Note: When the box is unchecked and save is clicked, the cameras return to their pre-shutdown state.

“Family Notes” allows facility staff to display messages to parents and family. These notes will be visible when viewing the child. “Family Notes” can be entered three ways:

  • Custom Notes: customized messages that can be typed into a free form text.
  • Canned Notes: where an administrator populates a list of notes and the staff selects notes from this pre-approved list.
  • Both Custom and Canned notes.

To enable the “Family Notes” feature:

  • Check the Enable Family Notes option
  • Click Save

To “Allow Custom Entry by your Staff”:

  • Check the Allow Custom Note Entry by your Staff option
  • Click Save

Enter Canned Notes:

  • Enter the note in the Canned Notes text box
  • Click Add Note

How to remove a Canned Note:

  • Find the note in the list
  • Click Remove


    NICVIEW does not provide surveys. However, by going to Survey setting, the facility has the ability to connect via a URL to a third party survey site. This setting is optional.
    To Enable:

    • Enter the URL of the survey website

    • Check Enable Survey

    • Click Save
      To Disable:

    • Uncheck Enable Survey

    • Click Save


    NICVIEW does not provide tools for helping a facility collect donations. However, by going to the Donation setting the facility can connect via a URL to a third party donation site. This setting is optional.
    To Enable:

    • Enter the URL of the donation website

    • Check Enable Donations

    • Click Save
      To Disable:

    • Uncheck “Enable Donations”

    • Click Save

NICVIEW does not provide Education. However, if the EDUCATION feature is available on the PORTAL, go to the Education setting on the PORTAL Navigation Menu. The facility can then enable a link to educational materials via a URL to a third party education site. This setting is optional. Check box for Enable Education Link

  • Enter URL to the Education website
  • Click Save

The NICVIEW system records each login by a parent or family member viewing the child. This report provides analytics on the type of use over time on per camera and per user basis.
Note: only administrative users have access to this area.

    Usage reports can be exported in an auto generated PDF report or spreadsheet containing raw data. Selecting either “Export PDF” or “Export Data” will provide the requested report.

    This graph provides aggregated view of the number of logins and cameras used either during each of the last 12 calendar months or during the number of months since the facility online date is provided. The graph provides a trending view of usage.

    A summary of the total number of logins and number of cameras used in the facility is shown for the selected month. This summary provides analytics of how many of the facility’s cameras were used along with how much activity was received.

    The detail usage table is shown on a per camera view. Each camera has usage summary data for each assigned user during the month. The following section details how to use the table and what each step means.

    • Click the Camera Name from the list to view more detail
    • Each user assigned during the month will be shown with its date range of assignment, and the number of logins received during that time period
    • Click Show Details
    • Each login instance will be shown with detailed data including time stamp, location, and type of device used to make the connection
    • Click Map to launch Google Maps in a new browser window with the approximate location where the login occurred

NOTE: While NICVIEW team currently provides a single login for the entire family to use, it can be seen that many people view the baby at the same time. This is observed by viewing the date, time, and the IP Address. A different IP Address may indicate that a different device from the same household or from a different location is viewing the baby.
Please be aware that all login location data is an approximation, and provided to NICVIEW by our third party data service.

To view a visual representation of the location of usage, detail usage data is shown on a geographical view. We have provided the usage in a view by Country, Region, and City during the month.

Follow these steps:

  • Click the Region/State from the list to view more detail
  • Each City will be displayed with the number of logins from that area Each time a user connects we captured only the user name, IP address, location and time stamp. Please be aware that all login location data is an approximation, and provided to NICVIEW by our third party data service.

Displays the user information and password changes

To change password:

  • Select Change Your Password
  • Enter new password
  • Confirm new password
  • OPTIONAL: User is required to change password on next login
  • Click Save

Log Out allows the facility staff to log out of the web portal

Help section allows the facility to download the Instructions for Use.


Support for different languages is available. Select a different language from the provided list and the site will be translated into the selected language.
Note: the following features will NOT be translated:

  • Online Consent
  • Family Notes




  • Camera (W x H x D) 2.7 x 5.1 x 1.3 inches (68 x 130 x 33 mm)
  • Arm length 31 inches (78.7 cm)


  • Camera 10 oz. (283 g)
  • Arm 3.2 lbs. (1.59 kg)

Classify the person(s) who will have access to the equipment: Instructed person – Person instructed and trained or supervised by a skilled person.

Electrical Ratings Infant Monitor NVCAM2.x Camera
DC input voltage: 5.4Vdc ± 5%, 4.26A

Power Supply (External):

  • Power supply unit: Class 1, Pluggable Type A Equipment External power adapter, medical grade
  • Power supply input voltage: 100 – 240 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 1.0 A

Environmental Specifications
The following environmental conditions must be maintained to avoid damage to the NVCAM 2.x Camera.

Operation (all components):

  • Maximum operating ambient: 32° F to 95° F (0° C to 35°C)
  • Operating Relative humidity: 20 to 90% RH (non-condensing)

Shipping and Storage (all components):

  • Storage Temperature: 32° F to 113° F (0°C to 45°C)
  • Storage Relative humidity: 20% to 90% non-condensing
  • Shipping Temperature: -4° F to 113° F (-20°C to 45°C)
  • Shipping Relative Humidity: 20% to 90% non-condensing

Accessory – NICVIEW Roll Stand (P/N 019270)

  • Roll Stand height 55 inches (139.7 cm)
  • Roll Stand base diameter 27 inches (68.6 cm)
  • Roll Stand weight 28 lbs. (10 kg)


Electrical Safety:
Audio/Video, Information And Communication Technology Equipment – Part 1: Safety
Requirements [UL 62368-1:2014 Ed.2] Audio/Video, Information And Communication Technology Equipment – Part 1: Safety
Requirements [CSA C22.2#62368-1:2014 Ed.2]


FCC 47CFR: (Part 15 Subpart B)

Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.

Following statement in a conspicuous location on the device: This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.


Support for NICVIEW is offered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year for both facility staff and families. Support is offered by phone, email and chat. Support contact information can be found at:



  • Any questions or concerns on how to use the NICVIEW system.
  • Proactive monitoring of the NICVIEW network and cameras


  • Troubleshooting issues concerning logging in.
  • NICVIEW does not answer any clinical questions; direct any clinical questions back to the hospital.

NICVIEW Instructions for Use P/N 028158 Revision Date February 5, 2020

Natus® and NICVIEW® are registered trademarks of Natus Medical Incorporated.
© 2020 Natus Medical Incorporated. All rights reserved.
This manual may not be reprinted or copied in whole or in part without written consent from Natus Medical Incorporated. The content of this manual may change without notice.
Natus Medical Incorporated
DBA Excel-Tech Ltd. (XLTEK) 2568 Bristol Circle
Oakville, Ontario, L6H 5S1, Canada US/CAN +1 800 303 0306
INT’L +1 206 767 3500
Technical Service Contacts:
Toll Free +1 855 NICVIEW/+1 855 642 8439

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