RC4 WIRELESS DMX2dim RC4Magic Series 3 Two-Channel Wireless Dimmer User Guide

June 11, 2024

RC4 WIRELESS Logo RC4Magic Series 3 DMX2dim
Two-Channel Wireless Dimmer
Quick Start Guide
RC4 WIRELESS DMX2dim RC4Magic Series 3 Two Channel
Wireless Dimmer

RC4Magic DMX2dim

  1. DMX Data Indicator
  2. Function Button (Func)
  3. Function and COP* Indicator
  4. SetA, SetB Buttons
  5. DimA, DimB Indicators
  6. RF Connect Indicator
  7. DMX In/Out Data Port
  8. Power Input Connection Terminals
  9. DimA +/- Load Connection Terminals
  10. DimB +/- Load Connection Terminals
  • COP means “Computer Operating Properly.” This indicator always shows a blink pattern, proving that internal firmware is running. Different patterns indicate various modes and advanced settings.
    DMX2dim Quick Start Guide
    Most RC4Magic DMX2dim users will find all the information they need right here. Your DMX2dim also has a wide variety of advanced features. You can find out more about them in the RC4 Knowledge Base at http://rc4.info.
    RC4Magic devices arrive ready to use. You probably do not need to change any settings. Just add DMX!
    Registering Your Product
    Registration ensures you’ll be notified of new firmware updates, and warranty claims can be resolved more quickly. Please complete your registration at: www.rc4wireless.com/support/register/
    Get in Touch
    North Carolina,
    USA: 1-866-258-4577 or 1-919-229-9950 London,
    UK: +44 (0)20 3289 8765
    Email: [email protected]
    Website: www.rc4wireless.com
    Knowledge Base: http://rc4.info We’re here to help!

James David Smith
President and Chief Product Designer
RC4 Wireless

DMX2dim System Components

To use your DMX2dim wireless dimmer you will need:

  • A DMX lighting console.
  • An RC4Magic Series 2 or Series 3 DMXio Transceiver.*
  • A battery or DC power supply for the dimmer and loads you will be operating with it.
  • Or you can connect a DMX data source directly and use your DMX2dim as a low-voltage wired dimmer. To do this, you need an adaptor cable from male XLR5 to RC4 miniplug.

RC4Magic Private Identities TM
RC4 Private Identities TM , unique to RC4Magic wireless DMX systems, keep your data private and safe on a Virtual Private Network (VPN) separate from other systems, with robust resistance to signal loss and slow down. Each Private ID transports a separate DMX universe. Multiple systems can operate at the same time for multiple wireless universes in the same space.
Each new RC4Magic customer and project is assigned a unique set of Private ID codes — nobody else has your IDs. They are marked on each device. Please note your private IDs below. When you add devices to your system, you must verify your IDs at time of purchase:
ID0 ID1 ID2 ___ID3, code 999, is the RC4 Public ID. It is identical in all RC4Magic Series 2 and Series 3 devices ever made. Always use one of your private IDs when possible. Your Private ID0, the factory default, is ideal for most users.
Performing a Factory Reset If someone else has used your DMX2dim, or you just want to get back to a known configuration, performing a factory reset is easy:
Power on the device. Wait until start-up is complete and the green COP indicator is blinking continuously.
Press and hold the Function (Func) button, briefly tap (press and release) the SetA button, then release Func. The first four indicators will blink to confirm that factory settings are restored.
NOTE: This process restores your RC4 Private IDentity TM to ID0. It does not change the Unit Number if one has been assigned. Learn more about IDs on the next page. Learn more about Unit Numbers when using RC4 Commander configuration software.
Bending a single paper clip into a U shape will enable you to easily reach and press both buttons together. If you are not sure what mode or setting you may have selected, you can always get back to a known starting point with a factory reset.

.RC4 WIRELESS DMX2dim RC4Magic Series 3 Two Channel Wireless Dimmer -
Factory Reset

Confirming and Setting an RC4 System ID

All RC4Magic devices being used together must be set to the same RC4 System ID.
On power-up, the currently selected System ID is indicated with a blink pattern on the DMX Data and COP indicators. The four different patterns are noted below.
The factory default ID0 is indicated with a few rapid blinks of the yellow DMX Data LED on power-up. A factory reset will restore this ID setting.
An ID can be selected by holding one button or a pair of buttons on power-up. The blink pattern for the newly selected ID will appear on the indicators. You can also confirm the currently selected ID at any time by cycling power and watching the blink pattern that appears at start-up.
To select ID0, hold the SetA button, apply power, and release the button when the blink pattern appears. To select ID1, hold the SetB button and apply power.
To select ID3 (the public, not private, ID), hold both SetA and SetB and apply power.
NOTE: On 3-button devices, ID2 can only be selected with RC4 Commander software.
All RC4Magic Series 3 devices indicate IDs in the same way, making it easy to quickly confirm that all devices in your system are set correctly to work together.
ID0 (default), yellow blink. Hold SetA on power-up to select ID0.
ID1, green blink. Hold SetB on power-up to select ID1.
ID2, yellow and green blink together. Cannot be selected manually.
ID3 (public), yellow and green alternate. Hold SetA & SetB on powerup to select ID3.
Note: ID3 is public and is less secure than Private IDs.

Connecting with an RC4Magic DMXio Transceiver

All RC4Magic devices configured on the same RC4 Private IDentity TM will automatically connect and form a VPN (Virtual Private Network). Confirm that each device in your system is labeled with the same RC4 Private IDentity TM codes, and that each device indicates the same System ID selection on power up (see page 7). The default is ID0, which is fine for most users.
When first powered up, or after a transmitter has gone off and then comes back online, receivers can take up to 10 seconds to join the VPN. This is normal, and it is usually much less than 10 seconds.
A DMXio transceiver in Auto Mode (the default setting) will automatically detect wired DMX data from your console and establish itself as the master transmitter. RC4Magic devices from a different system will not work with your RC4 Private IDs.
This is the key to RC4Magic data security and superior performance for all users.

RC4 WIRELESS DMX2dim RC4Magic Series 3 Two Channel Wireless Dimmer - nk
Pattern Indicates

RC4Magic Indicator LEDs After Power-Up

The COP indicator blinks with different patterns to indicate various device modes.
The DMX Data LED indicates that DMX data is present, either from a connected DMX controller, or from the VPN wireless link. If the yellow indicator is not active, no DMX data is present.


On DMXio transceivers operating in transmitter mode (see page 8), the RF Connect LED blinks slowly to indicate that a wireless VPN has been formed and the DMXio is the master transmitter:
DMXio, Transmit Mode COP Pattern: RF Connect:


RC4Magic Series 3 (2.4GHz)
If your DMX2dim has a purple and black label, it is part of an RC4Magic Series 3 system operating in the 2.4GHz band. The RF Connect indicator remains on (not blinking) while the DMX2dim is searching for your VPN. It blinks quickly and continuously while your DMX2dim is connected to your wireless VPN.
DMX2dim RF Connect, Searching: Connected:


RC4Magic-900 (900MHz)
If your DMX2dim has a blue and black label, it is part of an RC4Magic-900 system operating in the 900MHz band. The RF Connect indicator is always blinking, and indicates only that the RF system is functional, not whether or not it has joined a VPN. Use the DMX Data indicator to confirm that streaming DMX is present.
DMX Data Received Wirelessly:


Test the Wireless Link with Default Address Settings
When you receive your new DMX2dim, or after restoring default settings, it will be set to DMX channel 1 for dimmer A, 2 for dimmer B, and so on. Before changing any settings, play with DMX levels for these channels to see your wireless dimmers work. Dim A, Dim B, Dim C, and Dim D LED indicators are connected to the outputs to show you exactly what the dimmers are doing.
Setting DMX Addresses and Curves with RC4 OneTouch™
RC4 OneTouch™  uses DMX channel levels to set parameters. To use it, the DMX2dim must be paired with an RC4Magic DMXio transmitter, and live DMX channel data must be streaming.
Begin with all channels in the DMX universe off, at zero (0). This includes channels used for house-lights, and moving-light parameters like pan and tilt. Bring up one DMX channel. This will become the DMX2dim starting address. The level of the channel selects a dimmer curve.
Tap a dimmer Set button to capture settings. They are now saved until you change them. Then you can return to using your DMX console normally.

RC4 WIRELESS DMX2dim RC4Magic Series 3 Two Channel Wireless Dimmer - RC4

Assign the DMX Starting Address

Begin with all channels in the DMX universe off, at zero (0).
Bring up the DMX channel that will be the DMX2dim starting address. Set it to 30% (Decimal 77) to select a curve that is optimized for smooth LED dimming.
Tap the SetA button to capture settings. They are now saved until you change them. Proceed to setting other dimmers, or return to using your DMX console as you normally do. A channel level of 30% selects one of several different curves. Other curves are explained on page 13.
Subsequent Channel Assignment
When you set DimA, then DimB is automatically set to the next consecutive channel. For example, if you have set DMX channel 74 for DimA, DimB is now assigned to channel 75.
Non-Sequential Channel Assignment Dimmers don’t have to be sequential.
If you want DimB to be set to DMX channel 11, bring up 11 @ 30% (for the LED curve) at the console and press the SetB button.
Remember: SetA assigns both dimmers sequentially. SetB assigns only DimB. Always use SetA first.

RC4 WIRELESS DMX2dim RC4Magic Series 3 Two Channel Wireless Dimmer - Channel

**Connecting Your Lamps, LEDs, Motors and More*
To really use your DMX2dim, you must connect a lamp, LED, motor, or other load to each dimmer. Be sure to remove power while making connections.
Screwdriver Size Matters**
The ideal screwdriver for the screw terminals on your DMX2dim has a blade that is 2.5mm (0.1”) wide. Forcing a screwdriver that is too big will enlarge the hole, so the terminal screws will fall out if you loosen them too much. A screwdriver that is too small will not ensure a firm grip on the wires and may lead to the screw head being stripped.

RC4 WIRELESS DMX2dim RC4Magic Series 3 Two Channel Wireless Dimmer

Dimming and Controlling Multicolor LEDs

The illustration on page 12 shows a 2-color LED device. There are 3 wires: a grey wire for the common positive (+), and two colored wires, green and blue, for the two unique negative leads. The color of the common positive may vary, it is only grey for illustration.
The common positive wire should be connected to the (+) under DimA. All of the (+) terminals are connected together inside the DMX2dim.
Using the DimA (+) connection is recommended because it is closest to the power input (+) connection, reducing heat and resistance along the positive leg of the circuit.
Dimming happens on the negative (–) terminals. One negative load wire should be connected to the negative (–) terminal under DimA.
The other negative load wire should be connected to the negative (–) terminal under DimB.
When using individual devices, like MR16 halogen lamps, connect the two leads of the device to the two dimmer output terminals (+ and –).
When using 2-color tungsten/daylight (warm white/cool white) LED strips or panels, you can use Crossfade Mode for precise control of color temperature and intensity.
More information about selecting modes can be found at http://rc4.info.

Choosing Other Dimmer Curves or Profiles

The DMX2dim default is the ISL dimmer curve, which is best for LEDs. This is also the curve that is selected with RC4 OneTouch™ when the DMX level is at 30%.
There are many dimmer curves for different kinds of lamps, motors, and more. Selecting advanced curves can be done with RC4 Commander software, Remote Device Management (RDM), or RC4 Enhanced OneTouch TM . More information about all these things can be found online at http://rc4.info/.
The most common curves are selected using these DMX channel levels and RC4 OneTouch™ with the Set buttons as outlined on page 10:

Non-Dim 100% (80% or higher)   Use for relays, solenoids, air valves, etc.
Linear  70% (60 – 79% For incandescent, halogen, tungsten lamps.
ISL Fast 50% (40 – 59%) For LEDs when fast blinks and flashes are required.

RC4 Digital Persistence™ is disabled.
ISL Slow| 30% (20 – 39%) Best for typical LED applications, with RC4 Digital Persistence™.
For super smooth 19-bit dimming.  (default setting)

Advanced Features

The DMX2dim is a multifaceted device for users of all experience levels. The features below can be explored further at http://rc4.info/ or by asking us for help at [email protected]:

  • RC4 Commander software, available for Mac OSX and Windows, provides a rich user interface for configuring multiple RC4Magic devices remotely.
  • The DMX2dim can also be configured with an RDM controller, via a wired connection to the DMX/RDM data port. Wireless RDM is not supported.
  • Using a small adaptor cable, the DMX2dim can be used as a wireless data receiver to deliver DMX to other devices. It can also be used as a wired DMX dimmer: the miniplug DMX port becomes an input when the device is not linked to a transmitter.
  • When using the DMX2dim for cinema (motion picture capture), PWM frequencies can be adjusted for the smoothest dimming without visible banding or other artifacts.
  • The DMX2dim has a wide variety of dimmer curves that can ring telephones, position servo motors, and more.
  • Using the RC4 Flkr Effects Engine™, you can create many unique effects including candle flicker, analog tv screen noise, welding spark, and much more.
  • When using 2-color tungsten/daylight (warm white/cool white) LED strips or panels, you can use Crossfade Mode for precise control of color temperature and intensity.

Caring for Your DMX2dim

  • The DMX2dim should not be used with AC power or with any voltage higher than 35VDC. Doing so will severely damage the device and is extremely dangerous for the operator.
  • Do not exceed the maximum total power handling of the DMX2dim, which is 16A. That is 200W at 12V, 400W at 24V, shared across the two dimmer channels.
  • Always use a fuse or circuit breaker at the source of power and always use an appropriate wire size for the fuse rating. For example, if using a 15A fuse, use wire that can safely carry 15A.
  • The DMX2dim should be kept away from excessive heat, cold, dust and moisture.
  • Do not immerse in water or other fluids.
  • Dimmers generate heat when operating. Allow space for air to move around the unit for cooling, especially when using high-current loads.
    The DMX2dim is a high-power, high-current device. Failing to observe appropriate safety precautions can result in fire or other risk. RC4 Wireless cannot be held responsible or liable in such cases. Operate the DMX2dim at your own risk.



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