BURK TECHNOLOGY Arcadia Facilities Monitoring and Control Solutions User Manual
- June 10, 2024
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BURK TECHNOLOGY Arcadia Facilities Monitoring and Control Solutions User
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Arcadia is a comprehensive and scalable application for managing remote broadcast sites, enabling browser-based monitoring and control of multiple ARC Plus Touch, ARC Plus SL, ARC Solo and Arcturus systems. Arcadia’s webbased interface provides insights into alarms, events, and performance metrics to help identify degradation before failures occur. Data is accessible on any mobile device or computer that has web access capability. Users are allowed to access only authorized sites and channels. Arcadia web links are secured using Transport Layer Security (TLS).
Network Operations Centers (NOCs) utilize Arcadia’s centralized communications architecture enhancing network efficiency and allowing NOC operators to view, search and report on events from a single centralized database.
This manual provides instructions for accessing and operating the Arcadia web interface. For information on Arcadia installation and configuration see the Arcadia Administrator Manual available on the Arcadia support page at www.burk.com/downloads.
Before accessing the Arcadia web interface, contact your company’s Arcadia system administrator to obtain the Arcadia IP address or URL and your username and password for logging on to the system. Your Arcadia username and password may be the same as the credentials you use to log on to other company systems.
Your Arcadia administrator must also assign authorizations within Arcadia for you to monitor and/or control specific sites and channels.
You can access the Arcadia web interface from your smartphone, tablet or PC.
Launch a web browser and enter the URL provided by your Arcadia system
administrator. You will be prompted to provide your username and password as
shown to the right. Enter your access credentials and click Log In.
Figure 1: Login dialog box
When a user logs on to the Arcadia web interface a list of sites for which he
or she has authorization will be visible under the All Sites tab. If you do
not see any sites, check with your Arcadia system administrator to confirm
that appropriate site authorizations have been assigned to your user account.
Figure 2: Sites that a user is authorized to view
Clicking on a site in the All Sites tab will display a default view for that
site. Depending on the set of permissions you have been assigned for that site
you can view Alarms, Events, Macros, Meters, Status and Commands.
_Figure 3: Default view for a site showing list of Channels
Figure 4: Default view for a site showing list of Macros
Figure 5: Default view of site showing list of Alarms
Figure 6: Default view of site showing list of events_
If, for example, a user has only been given access to alarms, events and macros for a given site, then the channels will not be visible when he or she logs into the Arcadia website.
As an Arcadia user, you can create your own hierarchy to view and manage your
sites. Click on the Menu icon in the upper-right corner of the web page then
click on Enter Edit Mode as shown below to make configuration changes.
Figure 7: Opening the Editing option for the Arcadia webpage
The Home tab is at the top of your personal hierarchy of tabs. Multiple tabs
like the Home tab can be created and renamed using the Add Tab button as
shown in Figure 8 and Figure 9.
Figure 10 shows the Home tab renamed to Northeast. Under Northeast, new
tabs for Boston and Maine have been created. Tabs can be nested within other
tabs to any desired level. Tabs can also be created at the same (top) indent
level as the Home tab.
Figure 10: Multiple tab creation under home tab
To add a site, click on the Add Site button show in Figure 8 above. A page
will appear requesting a name for the site to be added and providing a drop-
down list of all authorized sites to select from. Select a site from the list,
Click OK and the site will be added under the selected tab.
Figure 11: Viewing the newly created site
When you add sites under a tab, a summary list of Alarms for all the sites
under that tab is automatically generated. The alarm list can be made visible
by clicking the three dots icon to the right of the tab name. Then click on
the Alarm button that appears on the tab to display Alarms for all sites in
that tab.
Figure 12: View Alarms, Events, Macros for a tab
The total number of active alarms on all sites within a tab is displayed in
the colored area to the right of the tab label. In Figure 13 below, a single
critical alarm is active in Boston. The indication of a single active critical
alarm is displayed against a red background on both the Boston tab and the
Northeast tab. The red alarm button indicates that the site has uncleared
critical alarms. Once the user acknowledges the alarms by clearing them, the
Alarms button will turn gray even if the alarm conditions are still active.
Figure 13: Alarm count shown in tab label
The total number of warning alarms will also be displayed in this area of the
tab label against a yellow background. If any sites under the tab are
disconnected and unavailable to Arcadia, the number of disconnected sites will
be displayed in the tab label against a gray background.
In the example, the Boston market has 1 red ( critical) alarm, 1 yellow
warning alarm and 1 disconnected site.
Figure 14: Multi-color tab label
Matrix Views allow you to tailor Arcadia’s interface to suit your operation’s needs. The Matrix editor on the web page allows you to create and modify Matrix Views. The components of the Matrix editor are described below.
To create a new Matrix View, ensure you are in Edit mode using the Enter Edit
Mode menu selection. Select the Add Matrix option as shown below.
Figure 15: Create a new Matrix
An Edit Matrix page will appear. Enter a name for the Matrix and select Add
Tile. The Add New Tile dialog provides a drop-down box with various options to
choose from as shown in Figure 16 below. Most of the tile types allow addition
of multiple tiles in a single operation, enabling fast Matrix creation.
Add New Title
Figure 16: Adding a new tile
After a tile has been added to the Matrix, it can be cut, copied, pasted,
deleted or edited. Tiles are selected or deselected for editing with a single
left-click of the mouse or a tap on the touch screen. Individual tiles or
groups of tiles can be selected, with subsequent clicks on a tile adding or
removing it from the edit group. When you click on a tile on the edit page it
is highlighted with a red outline. In Figure 17 below, red outlines show that
6 tiles have been selected for editing. Buttons for modifying the selected
tile(s) are displayed at the top of the Matrix.
Figure 17: Modifying a Matrix
Strip charts can be created for meter and status channels. The following fields are available for creating a strip chart line:
Tile Type | Strip Chart |
Tile Size | Size of the Tile |
Time Period | Default is 30 sec. The max time period is one day. |
Background Color | Color of the background |
Grid Color | Color of the grid |
X Tick Count | Tick count is the number of vertical bars that will |
indicate the timeperiod for the X axis.
You can plot two channels for the strip chart.
Label | The label to use for line name |
Units | Unit of measurement for the selected meter channel to chart. The |
units typically are kWatts,Watts, mV, Volts, kVolts, Amps, DB, Degrees, mA,
Powr, sec, Gal, Lbs, Min.
Color| The color the chart will use to draw this line
Site| The site containing this channel
Channel Type| The meter or status channel you want to plot
Channel| Select from the list of meter or status channels
Axis| The axis (left or right) that this line will use as its Y-axis
AutoScale| Checkbox to automatically scale the Y-axis based on its
Y-Axis Min| Y-Axis Minimum value
Y-Axis Max| Y-Axis Maximum value
The following fields are available for creating an angular meter tile:
Tile Type | Angular Meter |
Tile Size | Size of the Tile |
Background color | The color of the tile background |
Site | The site containing this meter channel |
Channel | Select from the list of meter channels. Multiple selections are |
Font size| Insert the size of the font that should be displayed.
The status label allows a user to determine the status of a given function. The different conditions for a status channel that can be reported are shown below.
Status Channel | A status channel on a remote control unit |
Raise Relay Active | “ON” when the specified raise relay is engaged |
Lower Relay Active | “ON” when the specified lower relay is engaged |
Macro Running | “ON” when the specified macro is running |
Meter Below Low Critical | “ON” when the specified meter is below the |
second lower limit
Meter Below Low Warning| “ON” when the specified meter is below the
first lower limit
Meter Above High Warning| “ON” when the specified meter is above the
first upper limit
Meter Above High Critical| “ON” when the specified meter is above the
second upper limit
Meter Out of Tolerance| “ON” when a meter is outside of its “normal”
range (above either upper limitor below either lower limit)
Site in Alarm| “ON” when the specified site has at least on uncleared
Site Connected| “ON” when the specified site is connected to AutoPilot
Site in Maintenance Mode| “ON” when the specified site is in maintenance
The following fields are available for creating a status label tile as displayed.
Tile Type | Status Label |
Tile Size | Size of the Tile |
Background color | The color of the tile background |
Font size | Size of the font that should be displayed |
Condition | The different status conditions that need to be reported |
Site | The site containing the status channel |
The following fields are available for creating a command.
Tile Type | Command Button |
Tile Size | Size of the Tile |
Background color | The color of the tile background |
Font size | Size of the font that should be displayed |
Site | The site containing the command channel |
Channel | Select from the list of command channels. Multiple selections |
are possible
Confirmation| Prompt for confirmation before execution
The following fields are available for creating a command button with an LED status indicator.
Tile Type | LED Button |
Tile Size | Size of the Tile |
Font size | Size of the font that should be displayed |
Command Channel | Site |
Channel Type | Select the type of action to be performed: Raise, Lower or Macro |
Channel | Select from the list of available command channels or macros. |
Multiple selections are possible.
Confirmation| Prompt for confirmation before execution
Status Channel| Condition| Select the status condition to be reported
Site| The site containing the command channel
Channel| Select from the list of status channels. Multiple selections are
A default Site tile will create a view with Channels, Alarms, Events for the site that is chosen.
Displays an image in your Matrix. The image is not saved with your Matrix. It will display only if the specified URL is accessible.
Tile Type | Image. |
Tile Size | Size of the Tile |
Background color | The color of the tile background |
Source URL | URL where the image is located |
Image Alt Text | Text that is displayed on the tile if the image link is |
Font size| Text to be displayed if the image is not available
Enable Refresh| Checkbox to enable refresh for the image
Refresh Rate| The rate at which the image should be refreshed in seconds
A basic, general purpose label can be added to a Matrix.
Tile Type | Label |
Tile Size | Size of the Tile |
Background color | The color of the tile background |
Text | Text that needs to be inserted for this label |
Font size | Size of the font that should be displayed |
ARC Plus and ARC Solo systems include onboard Macros. Using Arcadia, the onboard macros can be run or stopped using Macro buttons in a Matrix.
Tile Type | Macro Button |
Tile Size | Size of the Tile |
Background color | The color of the tile background |
Font size | Size of the font that should be displayed |
Site | The site containing the macro |
Channel | Select from the list of macros. Multiple selections are |
Confirmation| Checkbox to issue a confirmation dialog before executing
the Macro
This tile allows you to add a row for meter, status and command.
Tile Type | Meter Status Command Row |
Tile Size | Size of the Tile |
Background color | The color of the tile background |
Font size | Size of the font that should be displayed |
Site | The site containing this meter channel. |
Channel | Select from the list of meters, status and commands. Multiple |
selections are possible
This tile allows you to add a row header for meters, status and commands.
A simple non-graphical meter display.
Tile Type | Text Meter |
Tile Size | Size of the Tile |
Background color | The color of the tile background |
Site | The site containing the meter channels |
Channel | Select from the list of meter channels. Multiple selections are |
Font size| Insert the size of the font that should be displayed
This tile allows you to add a meter, status and command from a single channel number on a single tile. For example, if you select channel 1 the tile will use meter channel 1, status channel 1 and command channel 1 for its bindings.
Tile Type | M/S/C (Meter / Status / Command) |
Tile Size | Size of the Tile |
Background color | The color of the tile background |
Site | The site containing the meters, status and commands |
Channel | Select desired channel from the list of M/S/C channels. |
Multiple selections are possible
Font size| Insert the size of the font that should be displayed
Confirmation| Checkbox to issue a confirmation dialog before executing
the Commands
Displays the value of one of the 64 available timer channels configured on the ARC Plus system.
Tile Type | Timer Channel |
Tile Size | Size of the Tile |
Background color | The color of the tile background |
Site | The site containing the timer channel |
Channel | Select from the list of timer channels. Multiple selections are |
Font size| Insert the size of the font that should be displayed
This tile will clear all the alarms for a given site.
Tile Type | Clear Alarms |
Tile Size | Size of the Tile |
Background color | The color of the tile background |
Site | The site for which the Clear All Alarms command needs to be |
Font size| Insert the size of the font that should be displayed
Confirmation| Checkbox to issue a confirmation dialog before executing
the Clear Alarms action
The iFrame tile embeds a website or web camera view in your Matrix. The website or camera is specified by entering its URL. Web cameras must be https capable to be rendered in an Arcadia Matrix.
Tile Type | iFrame |
Tile Size | Size of the Tile |
URL | Enter the URL for a webpage or a hyperlink of an https camera |
Enable Refresh | Checkbox to enable refresh for the iFrame |
Refresh Time | The rate at which the iFrame should be refreshed in |
The URL tile embeds a website URL to tile your Matrix. The URL will open in a new browser window when clicked to open a web camera or ARC Plus web page.
Tile Type | URL. |
Tile Size | Size of the Tile. |
Background Color | The color to use for the tile background. |
Font Size | Font size of the label text. |
Label | Custom label used to display on the tile. |
URL | Enter the URL for a webpage or a hyperlink. |
This tile places a label on the Matrix that stretches across the full width of the screen. It can be useful in breaking up a Matrix into different sections.
Tile Type | Label full width. |
Tile Size | Size of the Tile. |
Background Color | The color to use for the tile background. |
Font Size | Font size of the label text. |
Text | Text used to display on the tile. |
When you enter Edit mode from the Arcadia menu, click on the black pencil icon
to display the context menu for more options.
Edit | Edit the Site or Matrix |
Cut | Cut the Tab, Site or Matrix |
Copy | Copy the Tab, Site or Matrix |
Paste | Paste the Tab, Site or Matrix |
Delete | Delete the Tab, Site or Matrix |
Sites and views can be copied from the global tab and pasted into the user home tab to be modified to suit the needs of different users.
A row of available commands is displayed at the top of the Matrix editor. The Set Width/Height command is always visible and is used to specify a fixed size for the Matrix View. If no values are entered, the tiles in the Matrix View will be displayed from left to right across the screen to the full width of the browser’s viewing area.
Additional rows will be added until all the tiles in the Matrix have been displayed. In the example shown in Figure 19 below, the Max Width value has been set to 12. The angular meters in the first row of Figure 19 each have a width of 4 units, so the row wraps after three of these tiles have been displayed.
Additional commands are available when you have at least one tile selected for
editing. Tiles are selected or de- selected for editing with a single left-
click of the mouse or a tap on the touch screen. Individual tiles or groups of
tiles can be selected, with subsequent clicks on a tile adding or removing it
from the edit group. When you click on a tile on the edit page it is
highlighted with a red outline as shown below.
Figure 19: Modifying a Matrix
Edit Tile / Multi-Edit | Edit tile properties of all selected tiles |
Delete Tile | Delete all selected tiles |
Clear Selection | Clear the current tile selection |
Set Width/Height | Set the fixed width and height of the Matrix View |
Cut | Cut all selected tiles |
Copy | Copy all selected tiles |
Tiles in the Matrix editor have buffer zones between them shown as thin orange
boxes. When one of these buffer zones is selected, a context menu is displayed
to add or paste tiles at that location in the Matrix.
Figure 20: Buffer Zone Context Menu
The Arcadia system administrator can create a special hierarchy of tabs known as “Global” tabs. These tabs have all the same features as the tabs added and edited by users. They can include sites, Matrix Views and other nested tabs. Global tabs appear directly below the “All Sites” tab and above the other tabs in each user’s Arcadia web view. Global tabs and their contents cannot be edited or modified by users.
Every user with access to the Arcadia system will see all or a part of the Global tab hierarchy created by the system administrator. The sites and the portion of the hierarchy displayed to each user will vary depending on that user’s access rights.
This section outlines scenarios for troubleshooting Arcadia.
To prevent Chrome, Edge, and other non-Firefox browsers from saving the username/password when signing into Arcadia, follow these steps:
- Open Windows Control panel
- Search for Internet
- Click on Internet Options
- Click the Security
- Click
- Click Custom Level…
- Scroll to the bottom of the list to find User
- Select Prompt for username and
- Click OK
This will ensure that you are prompted for a username and password each time you log in. This does not apply to Firefox, which doesn’t use the Internet Options settings for Windows.
For Firefox, if the default settings are used, the browser will request for credentials each time the browser is closed unless the credentials are saved. You can check the default state by entering “about: support” in the Firefox browser, find “Important Modified Preferences”. This lists all the changed flags in Firefox.
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