ELAUT Mistral Vending Crane Owner’s Manual

June 9, 2024

ELAUT Mistral Vending Crane Owner's Manual

ELAUT Mistral Vending Crane Owner's Manual



Congratulations with the purchase of your Mistral / The Wizard of Oz with “IntraXion” Technology.
We advise you to read this manual completely so you learn the possibilities and the use of this system.
Different aspects can be set (see further in the manual). By means of the IntraXion
Programmer with an LCD-screen and several push buttons, information about the functionality of the system can be displayed. Also settings can be adjusted and test procedures can be activated via a user friendly menu.

The operator must know that he can’t take any options or functions in use, which are against the local security or legal prescription.

The course of the game

A player inserts money and receives a number of tokens (on the central display).
By means of the joystick he can move the arm over the playfield. When he presses the pushbutton, a token will be launched. If the player keeps the pushbutton pressed in, the tokens will continually be launched.
The intention of the game is that a player tries to get as much points with the available tokens.
The chips and cards are won if they are in the prize bin on the bottom of his playfield.

Principal of operating

We presume that the machine is set up to your wish.
If this is the case then please read first the chapter “Set Up” further in this manual

Determine the number of tokens
As the Mistral/The Wizard of Oz don’t is a closed loop system and don’t returns the tokens that fell over the edge, we start to give more tokens than a regular pusher. These way players have enough fun.

By emptying the machine menu ‘CASHBOXES’ indicates separately the contents of the different compartments. These meters are used to check the emptying of the cashboxes. Besides the coin-meter there is the bill-meter that can be used for bills, tokens or credit cards. The unit of the meter is not always the same as the monetary unit. Although every coin-entry has a money value, some coin- entries can be set with a different unit (e.g. pieces). After emptying the cashbox, the meters can be copied and/or cleared.

To evaluate a long-term result, an accounting is kept the accounts are used to check the earnings on a long term. You can clear the cashboxes daily, but let the accounts counting

Mechanical counters
Can’t be cleared.
Each time when the controller can’t add the mechanical an error message will appear, this to prevent fraud. The number of error messages will be reported in the diagnostics, they only can be cleared together with the accounts. Also changes in settings that have influence on the result of the mechanical counters will report an error message.

Working with the Intraxion Programmer

ELAUT Mistral Vending Crane - Working with the Intraxion

  • The arrows ↑  and ↓ (1) are used to navigate through the different menus and settings.

  • The “Select” button (2) is used to open or close the different menus or to instigate commands such as clear counters, restart regulator etc.

  • With the “Help” –button (3) can you get more information about each setting

  • Under specific circumstances are there possibility’s to test the set values by pressing “Test” –button (4). E.g. If you press T when the cursor is in front of the line “T mechanical cycle” then the gantry will make a test cycle.

  • The buttons“-“ and “+” (5) are for changing values.

ELAUT Mistral Vending Crane - The buttons“-“ and “+” \(5\) are for changing

If this is the opposite of a title or a menu, then you go back to the main menu

The Mistral / The Wizard of Oz are controlled electronically, but that doesn’t means that it adjusts automatically. The most imported link is, and stays, the manager.
The programmer (see picture on last page) makes it easy to adjust.
You walk through the different menus that are mutually linked, and adjust them by a simple push on a button. The settings appear immediately on the display.
Take your time to go completely trough the settings with this manual.

Check if all tokens are played. Clear the remaining credits with the function “restart game” in the menu “payout settings”.

Go to the menu “DEFAULT SETTINGS” (on the bottom of the main menu).
Choose your country or continent or one that joins closest to your currency or legal regulation. Load this setting by pressing “S”.
Change your language if required, before quitting the menu.
After setting up 1 section, copy all settings to the other section by using the function “Copy all settings”. Please note that you have to “restart game” on each section to make sure that the payout will be correct.

Overview menu

There could be some small differences in relation to your program depending on your local legislation.

Mistral Pusher

Identification of the program. Here you find the machine type, version, revision number and date. This information is the most important for the technical department.
program enable: ON = updating via the Intelli Link connection possible. More info in program update.
firmware version of your controller. This firmware is important for the compatibility for soft ware updates.

Info management

This menu allows the user to simplify the menu to hide or lock advanced settings. Hidden items (advanced parameters OFF) are marked with a
advanced param.
: ON= access to all settings
lock adv param. : locks all advanced settings.
lock all param.
: locks all settings.
hide money info *: On= accounts are no longer available via the programmer
Only access via the Intelli Link
This option can only be disabled via the Intelli link.


total out: total of won merchandise, expressed in terms of money.
total in: total receipts, expressed in terms of money
result : amount of payout merchandise expressed in percentage
total wins: number of won points
The accounts are used as “long term counters”. You can check the results of a certain period. They can be used as a base for the payment between manager and owner.
Clear the accounts by placing the cursor next to the line “ clear accounts ” and press “S”.
#total wins1: number of paid points (pieces) of dispenser 1
#total wins2: number of paid points (pieces) of dispenser 2.
#total wins3: number of paid points (pieces) of dispenser 3.


coin in : amount of received coins.
bill/tk in : amount of received bills/tokens.
wins : total of won chips.
The “cashboxes” are used as “short term counter”.
You can use them to check the earnings by emptying the cashbox. Clear this also by pressing “S”.
wins 1 : number of paid points (pieces) of dispenser 1
wins 2 : number of paid points (pieces) of dispenser 2
wins 3 : number of paid points (pieces) of dispenser 3

Payout settings

purchase value = the price of the purchased merchandise.
vending point= the vending price in points value
payout percentage: the percentage that you want to pay this is the relation between purchase value and vending points.
disp 1: points value of the chips in dispenser 1
disp 2: points value of the chips in dispenser 2.
disp 3: points value of the chips in dispenser 3.
i xx pieces/playfield: the number of chips on the palyfield, this is not the points value on the playfield.
*Restart game:** clearing the payout regulator: no money in, no chips out. If you make some changes in the settings, than you have to restart the game. This has no influence on the counters. This function clears also the remaining tokens.

Token settings

start budget: mimimum budget to start
The following lines determines the bonus tokens.
All inserts will be add to each other as long the game is not started.
Eg 4 inserts of €0.50 or 2 inserts of €1 give the same number of tokens as 1 insert of €2.
The next lines allows you to give bonus tokens. You can give more tokens for a larger amount.
Attention: the pay out percentage will raise with extra tokens.
The value of the reference channel (tot.of (ref)) is used as base for the calculation.
token limit : coin and bill acceptor will be disabled when you reach this limit. Once the tokens fall below this limit, the coin and bill acceptor are again enabled.
money limit
: coin and bill acceptors will be disabled when you reach this limit. You have to play all tokens before it will be enabled again.

Bonus Prizes

This menu allows you to give extra chips for a specific amount e.g. 2 extra chips for a total of € 5. On each insert of 5 euro 2 extra chips of dispenser 1 will be dispensed on the playfield.

Game settings

volume game : volume during the game
volume attr : volume during the attract mode.
attract time: the interval time between the attraction when there is not being played.
free game mode: if this function is on, you can play without inserting any money. This has no influence on the counters or pay out regulator. The bonus wheel is disabled with this function.
standby : ON= standby, not possible to insert money, on the display 1 bar will light up.

Dispenser 1 settings

refill lock : by using the function “get dispenser x” the “refill lock” will turn automatticaly to ON.
The carrousel wil stop dispensing chips. At the end of the service, press S in front of this line to tunr it back OFF
get dispenser 1: gets dispenser 1 to the middle of this playfield
refill disp 1: Press S to insert the amount of chips of the bulk fill. Changable with + and –.
disp1 alarm: when this amount is reached an error wil be displayed
tot refill1: amount of total filled chips when the refill function is used.This amount will be cleared with the accounts

Dispenser 2 setting

Idem as dispenser 1 settings

Dispenser 3 settings

Idem as dispenser 1 settings

Money settings

To adjust the value on each channel. Coin 1 is equal to the first channel of the coin acceptor.
bill value
: the value of the first bill on the bill acceptor.
money value : minimum unit of account (value factor)
: the visual numbers after the comma. If there is indicated 1 than the money values will be displayed up to 1 number after the comma ex. 20,5
meter divider *: the value of a pulse to the mechanical counters. E.g. if ‘1’ is marked, then 1 pulse will be given to the counters by each Euro. A 2 Euro coin will count 2 units on the counter. The amount you see will be the amount in Euros…

System settings

link address: every playfield in an Intelli Link network has a unique number that can be set in this menu. 1 is the standard number and if this is 0 than it will not be recognized as present in the link.
initial filling: this function is used when you bring the machine into use, to fill the playfield with the set number of chips.
copy all settings
this function allows you to copy the settings to the other sections.
*load EUR / load USA / load UK:** load the default money and credit, specific for your country or continent and depending on your local legislation. These settings can be individual changed when necessary.


last coin: the value of the last insert.
payout rate: the frequency by which the chips will be dropped on teh playfield.

Mechanical diagnostics

calibrate carr: calibration of the carousel
tot tokens: Total amount of the played tokens
clear tot tokens: to clear the total of played tokens.

Module Info

ELAUT Mistral Vending Crane - Module Info

playfield nb : identification number of the playfield.
Following lines are use to verify the different ITX modules
• ON= OK
• OFF= not OK
• ERR= does not work correct.
: software version on this

Test info

This menu shows if the input to the IntraXion controller is activated (=I) or not (=O), a very useful tool to track problems with the system.
The list below shows all in and outputs, and where you can activate them.

The information lines above indicates if the input to the Intelli controller is activated (=I) or not (=O). The inputs are counted from the right to the left.
If an input changes, it has to be visible only on 1 position!
This menu will help you to localize and possibly solve a problem.

ELAUT Mistral Vending Crane - The information lines above indicates if the
input to the Intelli controller

Set Up

Attention: after set up 1 section, copy all settings to the other sections. For this you can use the function “copy all settings”. Then “restart game” on each section.

Token settings

ELAUT Mistral Vending Crane - Token settings

Set first the number the number of tokens you want to give for each amount.(€1, €2, €5,€10…) Keep in mind that how more extra tokens you give, the higher the payement will be. The number of tokens en money value on the reference channel (marked in yellow) determines the set payout percentage.
Each insert of this amount will pay exactly the set percentage.
If you give extra tokens, each insert higher than the reference channel, will pay raise the payout percentage.

Payout settings

Set first the points value:
If the purchase value is eg € 0.20, and sell this for eg 200pt
If the proportion between these is 30% then you have to set tis like this.
Next set the value of the chips in dispenser 1,2 and 3, this have be in proportion with the earlier set settings.

Warnings and Errors

Warnings and errors are visible on the Intelli Programmer.
They appear when a bad working of the crane is detected.
You can clear these by pressing “S”. You clear only the mentioning and not the problem. By an error a code will appear on the token display.


The coin acceptor will be disabled when the good working of the crane isn’t guaranteed.
First you have to solve the problem and clear the error message before you can continue to again.


Information about a potential problem.
You can still play without solving the possible problem.

ELAUT Mistral Vending Crane - Warnings and Errors

ELAUT Mistral Vending Crane - Warnings and Errors 2

ELAUT Mistral Vending Crane - Warnings and Errors 3


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