THE FAB High-Output Hazer Rental Instruction Manual

June 8, 2024

THE FAB High-Output Hazer Rental

High-Output Hazer Rental

THE FAB Scope of delivery

  • Hazer THE FAB incl. Flightcase 19″ 2U
  • 1 liter empty canister
  • Fuel tank cap with quick coupling
  • Power cord with TrueOne plug
  • 1 liter base*V – vegan special fluid
  • Instruction manual

Please check the completeness of the delivery


THE FAB is a dark generator of the latest generation. It offers a wide range of applications to display your lighting effects even better.
THE FAB is used to generate haze. Thus, the atmospheric effect can be created, which is necessary for an appealing light show.
Due to the adjustability of pump capacity, fan speed and angle of attack of the two air baffles, almost any desired haze density can be generated. A newly developed vegan, highly concentrated fluid is used. This produces the finest droplets with maximum lifetime in the air.
Its two extremely quiet and adjustable fans allow it to be used in areas where ambient noise is a nuisance.
THE FAB also offers countless possibilities for control. In addition to the direct operation on the device via touch screen, the dark generator can be controlled remotely via DMX512/RDM, as well as via Ethernet (Art-NetTM and sACN). But also a cable remote control or radio remote control are optionally available.
As standard, THE FAB is mounted in a 19″ 2U road case. The 1 liter fluid bottle lasts from about 150 hours at the lowest settings to 3 hours at maximum output.
THE FAB’s directly heated evaporator is up to operating temperature in less than 10 seconds and requires only 500W despite extremely high output rates. Its wide range input (100V-240V AC) allows it to be used anywhere in the world.

Safety instructions

  • Very hot steam escapes from the mist outlet. Caution: Danger of burns!
  • During the fogging process, very hot fluid droplets may occasionally escape from the fog outlet opening. Therefore, there must be no persons or heat-sensitive objects within a distance of 1.5 m from the fog outlet opening.
  • Never handle the mist outlet during operation or when activated.
  • The device must be set up in a place that is not sensitive to heat. Keep a minimum distance of 60 cm from flammable, combustible and heat-sensitive objects.
  • The fogging fluid used contains a glycol which burns with a slightly bluish, almost invisible flame. Therefore, never fog into strong ignition sources such as open fire.
  • Never open the device connected to a power source.
  • During operation, sporadic leakage of hot fluid droplets is possible. Care should therefore be taken to ensure that these cannot become a hazard to people. Keep a safety distance of 3m to the fog outlet nozzle.
  • Do not ingest the fog fluid and keep away from children. In case of eye contact, rinse with plenty of water. In case of accidental ingestion, consult a doctor.
  • Spilled or splashed fluid can cause slipping hazards. Absorb the fluid and dispose of it in accordance with the regulations.
  • Do not let visibility drop below 2m, you are responsible for people moving in the foggy room.
  • The mist produced can set off smoke detectors.

The method used here to generate artificial fog is largely harmless and is used worldwide in the entertainment sector. We are not aware of any case in which a healthy person has been harmed by the use of this artificial fog.
Nevertheless, we recommend that ill persons or persons with previous damage to the respiratory tract or tendencies to allergies avoid contact with artificial fog !

Designation of the parts

Front viewTHE FAB High-Output Hazer Rental - fig

Rear viewTHE FAB High-Output Hazer Rental - fig 3


4.1 Selection of the location
The location where THE FAB is operated must be

  • have good ventilation, with cold and fog-free air
  • Be dry
  • Be vibration and shock free
  • consist of a non-flammable footprint
  • be far enough away from easily flammable objects
  • have an ambient temperature between 5°C and 45°C
  • have a relative humidity of less than 80%.

4.2 Changing the canister

  • Release the plug-in nozzle from the quick coupling by pressing the locking button
  • Hold the suction hose in the right edge of the fluid compartment
  • Remove the canister from the fluid compartment
  • Unscrew the tank cap from the empty canister and screw it onto a new, or full, canister.
  • Slide the canister back into the fluid compartment.
  • Put the plug-in nozzle back into the tank cap.
  • Reset the fluid display (see chapter 7.4)
  • If the pump has run dry, hold THE FAB with the front side down and let it mist for a few seconds. The fluid pump will then fill completely with fluid again.

5. haze fluid
Please use only the original base*V fluid for THE FAB.

Working with THE FAB

THE FAB is a latest generation haze generator. It can be used to create anything from the finest haze to a fog-like effect.
The effect can build up only slowly. Therefore, you should turn on the device some time before use.
Please ensure that no objects are placed either at the air inlet or outlet so that free circulation is possible.
After plugging in the power plug, the main menu appears. The machine does not yet heat up, as this takes less than ten seconds and only occurs when required.
6.1 Control panel of THE FABTHE FAB High-Output Hazer Rental - fig
4 In the center of the screen is the value area. The current value to be edited is always displayed here. A short tap within the circle starts THE FAB. This activates the heating,
the pump, the fans and the air baffles are switched active.
A further tap in the value range ends the Haze process again. This is always followed by an approx. 40 sec. cleaning process of the evaporator. Afterwards, everything is switched off again.
Furthermore, there is a display of the fluid level around this value range. If fluid is nebulized, the orange part of the display decreases steadily.
There are two icons at the top center of the screen. The left symbol indicates a connection via Ethernet, the right symbol shows whether THE FAB is connected to the
mains supply or is currently being supplied via the internal battery. In the case of battery operation, the battery charge status can be read here.
At the top right and at the bottom are the keys for plus and minus. In the middle between them the current DMX address can be read.
At the bottom center is the button for advanced settings.
6.2 Operation in stand-alone mode
The simplest case of control is the stand-alone mode. For this purpose, the pump value, the fan speed and the angle of attack of the air baffles are set and the haze process is started.
When the Haze process is active, the bars next to the respective values are displayed in green.
THE FAB High-Output Hazer Rental - fig 5The individual values can be changed by tapping the desired value (in the picture the pump value) and then changing it with the plus and minus keys.
Values between 1 and 100% can be selected for the pump value and fan speed.
The air baffles know five different positions:
down the discharge direction is downward
straight down the discharge direction always alternates between down and straight
straight the discharge direction is straight
straight up the discharge direction always alternates between up and straight
up the discharge direction is upwards
To enter the pump value or fan speed directly, please press the desired value for two seconds. This activates the numeric keypad and the desired value can be entered directly.THE FAB High-Output Hazer Rental - fig

The “Text…” then displays the current value to be changed.
6.3 Operation via DMX512/RDM
THE FAB can be controlled via DMX512.
As shown, the current DMX address appears in the value range. Below this, the set DMX mode (2 or 3 channel mode) can be read. With the plus and minus keys the address can be changed. Setting by numeric keypad is also possible as described above.
THE FAB High-Output Hazer Rental - fig 7If a valid DMX signal is present, this is indicated by a green bar to the right of the DMX address.
The first channel is always for the pump value. The second channel controls the fan speed and the third channel the air baffles (if 3-channel mode is active).
Via RDM THE FAB is configurable (DMX address) as well as readable (errors, speeds, fluid level etc.).
6.4 Operation via Ethernet
When operating via Ethernet, the Art-NetTM and sACN protocols are supported.
The difference to the DMX operation is that here the DMX data reach the device via an Ethernet connection. Furthermore, the DMX channels are set as described above.
The protocol relevant values are set in the following menus.
An existing Ethernet link is shown at the top center of the display.
6.5 Operation via cable remote control (option)
When operating via the cable remote control, the remote input must first be activated. To do this, first tap the Menu button at the bottom of the display. Then the menu on the right is displayed. Here please select “remote”.
Now the remote input can be selected. The value area shows whether the remote input is active or not. By tapping in the value area, the remote input can be switched on and off.
THE FAB High-Output Hazer Rental - fig 8If the remote input is activated and a wired remote control is plugged in, “analog” now appears at the bottom of the field. Alternatively, when the radio remote control is plugged in, “radio” appears in this field.
Only the pump value can be set via both remote controls. The values for the fan speed and the air baffles must be set manually beforehand.
6.6 Operation via radio remote control (option)
Analogous to the control with the cable remote control, the THE FAB can also be controlled with a radio remote control.
Up to 60 different handheld transmitters can be programmed on the machine. To do this, you must first switch back to the remote menu.
As soon as the remote input is activated and a radio receiver is plugged in, THE FAB recognizes the radio receiver.THE FAB High-Output Hazer Rental - fig
9If the handheld transmitter and the receiver have not yet been taught to each other, this can be done in this menu.
To do this, activate the teach-in mode at the bottom left with the “add” button.
If this is activated, the bar next to add lights up green. The machine now waits for a valid radio signal. To do this, press any key on the handheld transmitter. The teach-in process is now complete.THE FAB High-Output Hazer
Rental - fig 10Then they can program the keys to which THE FAB should respond.
To do this, please select the “channel” button at the top right. Four possible keys (channels) are now visible in the  value area. You can now tap directly in the value area on the keys to which the machine should react.
THE FAB High-Output Hazer Rental - fig 11A selected key then appears with a blue outline. When the corresponding key on the handheld transmitter is pressed, the field appears in green. You can also select several keys. Repeatedly tapping the selected keys deactivates the selection again.THE FAB High-Output Hazer Rental - fig
12To delete the handheld transmitters already taught-in, select the “delete all” menu item. You must confirm the deletion of all taught-in handheld transmitters in the value rangeTHE FAB High-Output Hazer
Rental - fig 13


The menu opens after tapping the “menu” button at the bottom center of the main screen. Here the settings of the machine can be made.THE FAB High-
Output Hazer Rental - fig 14

7.1 Ethernet interface settingsTHE FAB High-Output Hazer Rental - fig
15 The button at the top left shows the current IP address control setting. This can be changed by tapping the button.
The button at the bottom left shows the currently selected protocol. This can be changed by tapping the button.
At the top right, the current IP address can be changed. In the middle right, the subnet mask can be changed.
The MAC address of the device can be displayed with the button at the bottom right.
7.1.1 Setting the IP addresses control
The IP address can be set statically, via a dhcp-server in the network or to the setting of the standard Art-NetTM address.THE FAB High-Output Hazer
Rental - fig 16To do this, select the desired setting in the right pane.
7.1.2 Setting the IP address (static)
The static IP address can be set in this menu. Select the desired quardruple in the values area and type it in using the numeric keypad.
THE FAB High-Output Hazer Rental - fig 17This way the quadruples can be edited one after the other.
7.1.3 Setting the subnet mask
Analogous to the input of the IP address, the input of the subnet mask can be done.
7.1.4 Selecting the protocol via Ethernet
THE FAB can be controlled via Ethernet interface using two different protocols.
The Art-NetTM protocol and the sACN protocol are available.
THE FAB High-Output Hazer Rental - fig 18On the left side the desired protocol is selected. On the right side the corresponding universe is then set.
This is done by tapping the value in the value range and then typing it in using the numeric keypad.THE FAB High-Output Hazer Rental - fig
19When the Art-NetTM protocol is selected, the network and sub-network are set in addition to the universe.
7.2 DMX Personality
THE FAB offers two different Personality settings.
The first Personality is the standard 3-channel variant. Here the first DMX channel stands for the pump setting, the second channel for the fan speed and the third for the position of the air baffles
In “Reduced Mode” the third channel is not coupled to the DMX data and must be set on the device before.
7.3 Screen settingsTHE FAB High-Output Hazer Rental - fig
20 In the settings area, the behavior of the screen can be set. At the top left, the activation time of the screen saver can be set. Set the time in seconds here or “off” to deactivate the screen saver.
In the center left, the image can be rotated by 180°. This may be necessary if the display has to be read “overhead”. You can also set the rotation to “auto”. In this case, the  isplay is automatically adjusted with the help of the internal position sensor.
At the bottom left, the brightness of the screen can be changed.
Furthermore you may deactivate the status LEDs above the Ethernet sockets. The setting is done in the center right.
7.4 Consumption display
THE FAB has a level indicator on the main screen. Please note that this indication is not determined with the help of a sensor, but with the help of a consumption count based on the pump strokes that have occurred. This calculation method achieves an accuracy of +/- 10%. Therefore, the level indication can only be considered as a guide.
When you insert a new fluid bottle, please set this counter back to 100%.THE
FAB High-Output Hazer Rental - fig 21 7.5 Miscellaneous
Thanks to the batteries installed in THE FAB, the settings (DMX address, etc.) can also be made without a power cable. To do this, touch the display for 3 sec. This starts the battery operation. Now make all settings. After 10 sec. the display will be switched off again.
THE FAB also provides a web server. Type the IP address of THE FAB into the address field of your browser. The homepage of THE FAB is then loaded and you have the option of a firmware update via this website.

Care and maintenance

  • Avoid running THE FAB without fluid. The pump will otherwise run dry.
  • Avoid overheating the device due to direct sunlight or direct spotlight. The permissible ambient temperature can be found in the technical data.
  • Make sure that the ventilation slots of the machine are not clogged with dust deposits. If necessary, the ventilation slots must be cleaned.
  • Wipe up leaked fluid immediately.
  • Check the suction strainer in the tank from time to time. Clean it or replace it.
  • If you use the same fluid canister frequently, you should rinse it thoroughly before each filling with fresh fluid. This will prevent contamination.
  • If necessary, clean the surface of the device with a suitable, solvent-free cleaning agent
  • Make sure that sufficient mist-free cooling air permanently surrounds the machine. Otherwise, moisture damage could occur inside the machine.
  • After a few hours of operation, condensate droplets may have formed in the discharge area. This does not represent an operating fault. Please clean the area only when the machine has cooled down.
  • PLEASE NOTE: The vaporizer of our fog machines does NOT need to be cleaned! Cleaning liquids offered on the market can damage the vaporizer! The warranty will be void in this case.


THE FAB does not haze

  • Check external control
  • Check power source
  • Check fluid quantity
  • Check connection at fluid tank for tightness
  • Check suction strainer in tank for contamination
  • Check fluid hose and connector for tightness

THE FAB clacks loudly when haze

  • The pump runs dry. This must be avoided at all costs.
  • Refill fluid
  • Check hose and coupling, engage again if necessary.
  • If the pump has run dry, hold ‘the FAB’ with the front side down and let it mist for a few seconds. The fluid pump will then fill completely with fluid again.

THE FAB shows the error message “machine too hot” in the display

  • The temperature inside the device is too high. After cooling down, the error disappears again.

THE FAB shows the error message “faulty vaporizer” in the display

  • Something is wrong with the evaporator. The machine shuts down for safety reasons.

THE FAB shows the error message “communication with vaporizer failed” in the display

  • Communication from the main processor to the evaporator does not work. The machine shuts down for safety reasons.

Technical data

Device type Haze machine with directly heated evaporator
Power 100-240V~, 50-60 Hz, 500 W (PowerCON TRUE1)
Heating time approx. 8 sec.
Fluid consumption up to 5 ml/min
Tank capacity 1 liter
Operation 2.8″ TFT display with capacitive touch panel
Interfaces 5pin XLR In/Out, 2x RJ45
Air volume of the fans 200 m³/h
Air baffles motor adjustable
Haze output Adjustable 1-100% in 1% steps
Fan speed Adjustable 1-100% in 1% steps
Supported protocols DMX512, RDM, JT-Remote, sACN, Art-NetTM
Control DMX/RDM, cable remote control, radio remote control, Ethernet, stand

Accessories (option )| Radio remote control, cable remote control
Ethernet| 10/100MBit incl. 2-port switch
Integrated batteries| 4x NiMH batteries for configuration without power cord
Fluid types| base*V
Dimensions| 19″ FlightCase with 2U
Weight| 16,6 kg

Art-NetTM is a registered trademark of Artistic Licence Holdings Ltd.

Warranty conditions

hazebase provides warranty for the purchased haze machine THE FAB according to the following conditions:

  1. We shall remedy free of charge in accordance with the following conditions (Nos. 2 to 6) damage or defects to the device which are demonstrably due to factory defects if they are reported to us immediately after discovery and within 24 months after delivery to the end user. A warranty obligation is not triggered by minor deviations from the nominal condition which are insignificant for the value and usability of the device, by damage from the effects of water and generally from abnormal environmental conditions or force majeure.

  2. The warranty service is provided in such a way that defective parts are repaired free of charge or replaced by faultless parts at our discretion. Devices for which a warranty claim is made with reference to this warranty must be handed over to us and sent free of charge. The proof of purchase with the date of purchase and/or delivery must be presented. Replaced parts become our property.

  3. The warranty claim expires if repairs or interventions are carried out by persons who are not authorized by us to do so or if our devices are equipped with supplementary or accessory parts that are not matched to our devices. Furthermore, the warranty claim expires if a fog fluid other than the original hazebase fog fluid was used. If the devices are sent to us without prior removal or emptying of the fluid canister, the warranty also expires, as well as in the case of demonstrable disregard of the operating instructions or in the case of faults due to improper handling/handling as well as in the case of damage due to the effects of violence.

  4. We do not grant any performance claims for components or component groups that are subject to natural wear or normal wear. In particular, all fluid-conveying parts such as pumps and heating elements are considered to be wearing parts. A goodwill settlement will be checked in each individual case.

  5. Warranty services do not cause an extension of the warranty period, nor do they start a new warranty period. The warranty period for installed spare parts ends with the warranty period for the entire device.

  6. If a damage or defect cannot be remedied by us, or if the remedy is refused or unreasonably delayed by us, within 6 months from the date of purchase/delivery, at the request of the end user either
    a. replacement delivered free of charge or
    b. the reduced value is remunerated or
    c. take back the device for a refund of the purchase price, but not more than the market price.

  7. Further or other claims, in particular those for compensation for damage occurring outside the device, are excluded – unless liability is mandatory by law.

hazebase Stargarder street 2 30900 Wedernark
Owner: Uta Raabe
Phone: 0049-5130-37 10 05
Fax: 0049-5130-37 10 06


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