WESPER Sleep Provider Portal User Guide

June 3, 2024

Provider Portal Manual


We designed this system to easily connect providers, coaches, and caregivers to their patients’ data, both from a diagnostic perspective and an ongoing outcome management perspective. The platform is entirely web-based. All you need is a web browser. Chrome is our recommended browser, but the platform works on all major browsers. Once you log in, you’ll be able to see all your patients’ data.
Let’s start by walking through the portal.


After you log in and you will see all the recent sessions. This is immediately updated as the sessions come in.
Each entry will show the following:

Patient’s email
Patient’s name
Patient’s location
The time the patient starts the session
Type of session
Status of session

There are also three icons to the right of each patient with access to:

Sessions view: This is used to see the report the patient receives within the app
Download PDF report: This is used to download a PDF of the patients report.
Pre- and post-sleep questionnaire: This is used to evaluate qualitative data that the patient communicates before and after each study.
Signals view: This is where you will look at all data points from the sleep study and score the sleep study.


The signals view will give you access to the data you need to evaluate the sleep study and access the patient’s progress.
At the top of the screen is a synopsis of the study.
The positions are color-coded, so you can easily distinguish the positions the patient was sleeping in and how they correlated to an apnea, desaturation, or snoring event. For example, purple is supine, red is right, yellow is prone, blue is left, and orange is upright or awake. This is all aligned with the time that the patient experiences each of these events.
As we move down the report, you can see positional data, sleep stages, abdomen, thoracic effort, airflow, pressure, SpO2, and pulse data. All of this data was cleared and validated by the FDA, so you can rely on these charts to diagnose.
If you want to zoom in or add an event manually, you can highlight a given area of the chart and right-click. From there, the system will prompt you to either zoom into that area or add a specific event.
There is also an option to listen to part or all of the nightly tests to verify snoring events.
To view signals or listen to audio from a specific timeframe, you either highlight that portion of the test on the top synopsis or use the manual adjustment in the bottom left corner.
Finally, we can change the desaturation definition from 3% to 4%, depending on how your clinic typically measures desaturation.


Let’s dive into how to score the sleep study.
Once the signals have been reviewed and approved, the last stage is to score the study. To do that, click on the Sleep Scoring button on the top right navigation bar.
You’ll see that the first screen is an overview of the study. This is to give the provider an overview of what is being signed off on at a high level.
If you are happy with the overview, you can click “Manual scoring review is completed”. Once that box is checked, the continue button will change from grey to blue.
From there, click continue to go to the next screen.
This is the Diagnosis screen where you can enter any notes and diagnosis. It is required to write some notes before you can continue.
Click continue to go to the next screen.
The last screen is the Sign Report screen, where you will confirm, sign, and authorize the report.

If you want to manually download and review the report before signing, you can click on the Revisionized report button. After a short loading time, the report will be downloaded to your computer.

Finally, click on the box that says “I confirm, sign, and authorize this report” and click done in the lower right corner.

Another way to access the sleep study scoring flow is to click on the Review button on the Sessions tab.


Messages Tab
From this tab, you can communicate directly with a patient. You can view new messages, previously sent messages, and respond directly as messages come in. This is like your email inbox for patient management.

User Tab
Next, we have the user tab. From this tab, you can search for specific users and see their entire user profile and trends.
This tab will list all of your patients.
From the user profile, you will see the number of sessions the patient has performed, the date and time of their latest session, the ability to click into individual sessions, user summaries, onboarding information from their intake form, and the ability view and add to the patient’s action items.
Action items are where you can communicate guidance and action plans all from within the app.
When you open up User Trends from the main tab, you will see a chart of all tests the patient has completed. This is a great way to view data across multiple tests.
On the trend screen, you can choose the date range, the number of tests to include, and view the total sleep time. From there, you can click on an individual test to see the sleep questionnaire from that night.

Finally, we have the settings tab where you can update your user preferences, account settings, the admin panel, and sign out.


234 5th Avenue,
New York, NY 10001
+1 575-448-2824


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