CONSCIOUS MONKEY Breathe-01 Breath Pacer Lamp User Guide

September 21, 2024

Breathe-01 Breath Pacer Lamp



  • Product Name: Breath Pacer Lamp
  • Model: Breathe-01
  • Includes: Assembled Breath Pacer Lamp and 9V wall adapter

Product Information:

The Breath Pacer Lamp is designed to help users practice slow,
deep breathing techniques for relaxation, stress reduction, and
increased focus. It features two potentiometer controls on the back
for adjusting the breath length and ratio of inhale to exhale.

Product Usage Instructions:

Adjusting Breath Settings:

The left potentiometer control adjusts the length of one breath,
ranging from approximately 6 seconds to 20 seconds. Turn the knob
clockwise for shorter breaths and counter-clockwise for longer

The right potentiometer controls the inhale/exhale ratio,
starting at 1:1 and going up to 1:3. Most users aim for a 1:2
ratio. Turn the knob clockwise for 1:1 ratio and adjust
counter-clockwise for higher ratios.

Benefits of Using the Breath Pacer Lamp:

The lamp helps users reduce stress, increase focus, and mental
clarity by encouraging regular deep breathing sessions throughout
the day. It can be used for yoga practice to maintain slow
breathing and during meditation to focus on breath alone.

Additional Product:

Also available is the Breathe Pocket Stone and Stand, which
serves as a reminder to take deep breaths. The stone can be placed
on the Breath Pacer Lamp stand for added convenience.


Q: How often should I use the Breath Pacer Lamp?

A: It is recommended to use the lamp for a minute or so of deep
breathing, two to three times per day, or whenever you need to

Q: Can the Breath Pacer Lamp be used without the stand?

A: Yes, the lamp can be used without the stand. It can sit
unobtrusively on your desk or shelf for easy access during the


Conscious MonkeyTM Technologies
Users Guide
Breath Pacer Lamp
Includes: Assembled Breath Pacer Lamp and 9V wall adapter

The Importance of Slow, Deep Breathing
Slow, deep breathing can be very effective in influencing modern day problems such as stress and loss of focus. Slow, deep breathing techniques have a very long history in traditional oriental medicines. However, it is being recognized by modern medicine because of the proven effects. For example slow, deep breathing is known to reduce stress we encounter every day. A few deep breaths can do wonders for stress reduction be it either at the desk at work or at home. Slow, deep breathing has also proved its worth lowering the high blood pressure. Increase in blood pressure following a stressful moment can be effectively dealt with by taking a minute or two to focus on slow deep breathing. If you have problems with losing focus when working on something, slow, deep breathing techniques are an effortless way of getting back your focus. Deep breathing is also practiced as a mediation aid in yoga and mindful mediation. The techniques of slow, deep breathing are being recognized and used in modern medicine, for managing a modern lifestyle.
Keep our Breath Pacer Lamp on your desk, use it to remind yourself
to take a few deep breaths through out your day, bringing your attention inward which can help to redu2ce stress and increase concentra-

tion. Whenever you are faced with a challenge we encourage you to take a moment, take a few relaxed centering deep breathes before moving forward. As with all breathing techniques, it is important to progress gradually and comfortably. If you feel any lightheadedness return to normal breathing. · This is not a medical device and cannot be used as such.
Using the Breathe Lamp


Breath Pacer

Lamp has two


controls locat-

ed on the

back of the

unit, as

shown in the

image above.

The potentiometer control on the left adjusts the length of one breath,

that is one inhalation and exhalation. This time period can be varied

from approximately 6 seconds to 20 seconds. When the knob is turned

completely clockwise, it is set at the shortest time period. To increase

the length of each breath turn the knob counter clockwise.

The right potentiometer control adjusts the ratio of the inhale to the exhale. The ratio starts at approximately 1:1 (inhale/exhale) and can go up to approximately to 1:3 (inhale/exhale). Most strive for a 1:2 ratio, with the exhaling breath being two times longer than the inhale breath. The 1:1 inhale/exhale ratio is set when the knob is turned completely clockwise.

*NOTE: Any changes made to the timing settings will take effect af-


ter the unit has completed its current timing cycle. To use the Breath Pacer lamp, simply plug in the included 9V wall transformer. Adjust the onboard potentiometers to a comfortable inhale and exhale breathing routine. Do this by first paying attention to your normal breathing pattern. Then adjust the lamp’s Blue (inhale) and Green (exhale) LED’s to follow your normal breathing pattern. Place the lamp where it is visible. Then throughout your day, you can look at the lamp and take a few slow breaths to center yourself. Adjust the timing when it feels comfortable to do so. Do not force your breath in any way; it should be comfortable and easy. If you feel any lightheadedness return to normal breathing. Inhale for the duration the blue LED is lit, and exhale for the duration of the green LED, as illustrated in the image above.

Benefits of Yoga, Qigong, and Mindful Meditation
Interestingly, these benefits also corresponds with studies on the benefits of yoga and meditation. So many of the benefits of yoga and meditation can be obtained by using deep breathing techniques. Our Breath Pacing Lamp is designed to help you take develop your own deep breathing routine with a minimum investment in time.
Breathe Away Stress: Breathe In Calmness: Breathe In Focus:
Our Breath Pacer Lamp helps you achieve these deep breathing benefits by reminding you to do a minute or so of deep breathing, two to three times, per day, or whenever you need a moment to de-stress. The Breath Pacer Lamp sits unobtrusively on your desk or shelf, anywhere within eyesight of where you spend your day.
Pace yourself to relax, reduce stress, increase focus and mental clarity.
Deep breathing works hand in hand with the practice of yoga and meditation. Yoga uses deep breathing techniques to achieve calmness in poses. Meditation has a strong, deep slow breathing component. In meditation, one can focus on one’s breath alone. During your busy day, most people cannot stop intermittently and take the time to practice yoga or sit in meditation. But you can steal a two minute period to take a few deep breaths. The Breath Pacer Lamp helps you achieve the benefits of deep breathing without sitting in meditation or practicing yoga poses.
Using Breath Pacer for Yoga Practice:
If you practice yoga, you know that yoga uses deep breathing tech-

niques to achieve calmness in poses. The Breath Pacer positioned in eyesight of where you practice can help you maintain slow breathing during yoga practice.
Using Breath Pacer for Mediation:
Meditation also has deep, slow breathing component. In meditation, one can focus on one’s breath alone.

Also Available:
Breathe Pocket Stone and Stand
Remind yourself to take a breath with these beautiful smooth stones imprinted with your choice of “Breathe” or “Breathe Deeply.” Purchase the stone and stand or simply the stone. Clear stand makes it perfect for placing atop our Breath Pacer Lamp.

Images Scientific Instruments Inc.
109 Woods of Arden Road Staten Island NY 10312
718.966.3694 Tel
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