Owlet Bedtime Blue Smart Sock User Guide

September 12, 2024

Owlet Bedtime Blue Smart Sock

Product Specifications

  • Product Name: Owlet Smart Sock
  • Variants: Smart Sock 3, Smart Sock Plus
  • Compatibility: iOS and Android devices with Owlet Care App
  • Wireless Connection: 2.4 GHz
  • Weight Limit (Smart Sock Plus): Up to 55 lbs (24.9 kg)

Product Usage Instructions

Setting Up the Owlet Sock

  1. Download the Owlet app from the App Store or Google Play Store.
  2. Create an account following the in-app instructions.
  3. If adding a new device, follow the app instructions to set up the Owlet Sock.
  4. Plug the Base Station into a power source and connect the Sock to it.
  5. Follow the in-app instructions to connect the Sock to Wi-Fi and pair it with the app.
  6. Create a child profile and assign it to the Owlet device.

Sock Sizing, Placement, and Fit

The Owlet Smart Sock includes two sock sizes with right and left socks for each size:

  • Size 1: Up to 12 lbs. (5.4 kg)
  • Size 2: 12 – 30 lbs. (5.4 – 13.5 kg)
  • Size 3: 30 – 55 lbs (13.5 kg – 24.9 kg) – Only included in
    Smart Sock Plus

Attaching the Sensor to the Fabric Sock

Align the notch in the sensor with the fabric sock’s notch and press to attach securely.

Fitting the Sock

  1. Place the notch in the Sock behind the pinky toe of the child’s foot.
  2. Secure the toe strap above the toes and wrap the ankle strap around the back of the ankle.
  3. Ensure the top strap points to the big toe, and the sensor ison the outside of the pinky toe with the owl’s head towards the toes.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: What devices are compatible with the Owlet Smart Sock?
    • A: The Owlet Smart Sock is compatible with iOS and Android devices with the Owlet Care App downloaded. Please check app stores for minimum OS versions.
  • Q: How does the Owlet Smart Sock work?
    • A: The Sock sensor uses pulse oximetry to measure blood flow and oxygen levels in your child’s foot while they sleep. The data is sent to the Base Station for notifications based on the readings.


What product is this manual for?

  • Smart Sock 3
  • Smart Sock Plus

What’s in the box

  • Socks size 1, 2, and 3 right and left sock for each size*
  • Smart Sock sensor
  • Base Station
  • Base Station cord
  • Power adapter
  • Quick start guide
    • Size 3 socks only included in Smart Sock Plus

How does the Owlet Sock work

  • The Sock sensor uses pulse oximetry to get readings from your child’s foot while they sleep. A small light shines through the skin and the amount of blood flow and oxygen levels are estimated based on how much light is transmitted to the sensor.
  • The Sock sensor collects data and sends it to the Base Station. The Base Station notifies as needed based on the data sent from the Sock.
  • The Base Station is your primary notification device in the event of a red notification and as such should be placed in a location where you can hear it if it sounds.

How the App works

  • When connected to Wi-Fi: The Base Station sends information to the Owlet cloud via Wi-Fi. The Owlet cloud enables this data to be shown in the Owlet app. This enables real-time readings and notifications on the app from anywhere.
  • LAN (Local area network) mode: To use LAN mode your phone must be on the same Wi-Fi connection as your Base Station. Using Wi-Fi, the app establishes an initial connection to the Owlet cloud and will deliver data to the app as long as the app is not closed and the Wi-Fi connection does not change on the app or Base Station.

How to set up and use the Owlet Sock


The Owlet Smart Sock requires access to an iOS or Android device with the Owlet Care App downloaded; minimum OS versions apply, see app stores for details.

  • The Smart Sock Plus works for children weighing maximum 55 lbs (24.9 kg)
  • A 2.4 GHz wireless internet connection is required for live readings in the Owlet app, remote access to the app and some app features. HotSpot WiFi and 5 GHz are not supported.

To set up the Owlet Sock:

  1. Download the Owlet app Available for iOS and Android
  2. Create an account
    • Follow the in-app instructions to create an account.
  3. Set up a device
    • NOTE: If already have an Owlet account and are adding an additional Owlet device, follow the instructions in the app to add a new device.
  4. Plug in the Base Station to a power source and plug the Sock into the Base Station.
    • (This screen iOS only)
    • (This screen Android only)
    • Follow the in-app instructions to connect the Sock to Wi-Fi, as well as.
    • (This screen Android only)
    • register and pair the Sock and make updates to the Sock, if necessary.
  5. Create a child profile. The app will walk you through creating a profile for your child and assigning that profile to an Owlet device.

Sock sizing, placement and fit

The Owlet Smart Sock comes with two sock sizes, and a right and left sock for each size:

  • Size 1 fits babies up to 12 lbs. (5.4 kg)

  • Size 2 is for babies from 12 – 30 lbs. (5.4 – 13.5 kg)

  • Size 3 for children from 30 – 55 lbs (13.5 kg – 24.9 kg)*

  • Size 3 socks only included in Smart Sock Plus

Attach the sensor to the Fabric Sock

  • Align the notch in the sensor with the notch in the fabric sock; press the sensor to the sock to attach and pop the sensor into place.
    • TIP: If in doubt, start with the smaller size first.

Fit the Sock

  • Place the notch in the Sock behind the pinky toe of your child on the side of the foot.
  • Secure the toe strap around the foot above the toes, then wrap the ankle strap around the back of the ankle and secure it on top of the foot.
  • When placed correctly the strap on the top of the foot should point to the big toe, and the sensor should be on the outside of the pinky toe with the top of the owl’s head pointed towards the toes.


Because toddlers and preschoolers are more mobile and active than infants we’d like to share a few helpful tips:

  1. Put the Smart Sock on after your child is in bed for the night to minimize how often they will be walking with it on. Walking with the sensor on can damage it.
  2. Wait to turn your Base Station on to monitor until after your child falls asleep. This helps reduce the chance of unnecessary yellow notifications due to restlessness as children fall asleep. You can do this in the app and or on the Base Station.
  3. If your child has never worn a Smart Sock before, know that they might be hesitant and ask questions. Let them get comfortable with the device and inspect it before trying to put it on.

Getting readings and notifications

Before naps and overnight sleep, remove the Sock from the Base Station and place it on your child.
The Base Station will display bouncing green lights when it’s attempting to take readings. When the Base Station is getting readings it will pulse green.

Yellow notifications

  • During a yellow notification the Base Station will flash yellow and play a lullaby, and you will receive a push notification in the app.
  • A yellow indicates there is a Sock placement issue or the Sock has fallen off of your child’s foot and was unable to get good readings for at least 60 seconds.

Blue notifications

  • During a blue notification the Base Station will flash blue and play a lullaby, and you will receive a push notification in the app. A blue notification indicates the Sock is out of range of the Base Station, the battery is depleted or the signal is blocked for at least 60 seconds.
  • Because the human body can act as a barrier between the base and Sock connection, try not to hold your child with your back facing the Base Station to avoid notifications. If blue notifications are recurring, move the Sock and Base Station closer together to avoid repeated notifications.

Red notifications

Red is the highest priority notification.
There are three kinds of red notifications, during which the Base Station will flash red and emit a high pitched sound.

  • Low Oxygen: notifies if your child’s oxygen has dropped below 80%
  • Low Heart Rate: notifies if your child’s heart rate goes below 60 beats per minute when oxygen is also below 85%
  • High Heart Rate: notifies if your child’s heart rate goes above 220 beats per minute


  • If you have your child wear the Sock while feeding, you may get red notifications as oxygen naturally decreases and heart rate rises at this time.

Snooze notification sounds

  • When there is an active notification of any kind you can snooze the notification sound for 60 seconds with a short press on the Base Station or in the app.
  • Snoozing will only pause the Base Station and app sound—the light ring will continue to show on the Base Station and details are available in the app. The notification remains in effect until the condition is resolved.
  • If the triggering event (low oxygen, low heart rate or high heart rate) ceases while snoozed the notification will stop.
  • If a new notification with the same or higher priority occurs while snoozed, the new notification will begin without being snoozed.

Base Station

The Smart Sock Base Station communicates different states with the following colored lights:

  • Bouncing green: Getting readings
  • Pulsing green: Readings are within normal range
  • Flashing blue: Sock is out of range from Base Station, the battery is depleted or the signal is blocked
  • Flashing yellow: Sock is improperly placed or has fallen off
  • Flashing red: Heart rate or oxygen levels are outside of preset range
  • Pulsing white: Sock is charging
  • White: Sock is fully charged
  • Bouncing white: Sock is not paired

How do I turn the Base Station monitoring on?

  • If sensor is charging, remove the sensor from the charging port or press down on the Base Station and release. You will hear a beep after the Base Station is pressed and the Base Station will light green.

How do I turn the Base Station and monitoring off?

  • Press down on the Base Station and hold until the green light turns off and you hear a beep.

Charging the Sock

Place the Sock sensor onto the charging port located on the top of the Base Station and ensure the Base Station light glows white.

Sock battery level

  • You can check the Sock’s battery level in the app.
  • When the Base Station light is pulsing white the Sock is charging; when it is static white the Sock has fully charged.

Low Sock battery notification

  • If your Sock battery has less than 1 hour of operation time we will notify you in the app with a blue notification.
  • The Base Station will not play a sound or flash for this notification.
  • You can also view battery status at any time in the device status screen.


  • The History tab in the app displays your recent sleep sessions, readings and notifications. The Base Station and app require a Wi-Fi connection to view History.
  • Graphs display the average readings of heart rate, oxygen and sleep for the previous 10 minutes, updating every 10 minutes during each sleep session.
  • Pull down on the graphs to refresh data, or close and re-open the app. History is available for the past 30 days of sleep sessions.

After a sleep session

  • Return the Sock sensor to the Base Station to charge whenever it is not on your child.

Sock care and storage

  • Keep the second Sock in the size you are currently using in an easily accessible place so you can rotate use between feet regularly. Store the other size for later use.
  • Owlet recommends washing your Sock and sensor every 2 weeks at minimum to avoid skin irritation caused by a soiled Sock and sensor. Wash by hand with a mild detergent and cold water. Allow to dry completely before using.

How to turn off Sock sensor

Remove the sensor from the Base Station. Disconnect the power cord from the Base Station. Press and hold the Base Station button while inserting the power cord. Hold the Base Station button until light glows orange and you hear 4 beeps. Tap button once. The light in the Sock will turn off. To turn the Sock back on place the sensor into the Base Station charging port.

Tips and Tricks

Sock placement

Incorrect use of the Sock could result in discomfort, potentially leading to red marks, pressure sores or blisters on your child’s foot. Ensure your child is wearing the right size Sock: you want the Sock to fit snugly but not tight around both toes and ankle. We recommend you regularly rotate the foot your child wears the Sock on. If redness appears, discontinue use on the affected foot and apply the Sock only to the unaffected foot until redness resolves completely.

Where should my Base Station go?

Your Base Station must be within the range of the Sock when it is in use by your child to avoid unnecessary blue notifications. The Bluetooth range is up to 100 feet. The Base Station is your primary notification device in the event of a red notification and as such should be placed in a location where you can hear it if it sounds.

How to test notifications


  • Remove the sensor from the Base Station and keep monitoring turned on. Press and hold the Base Station until you hear 3 beeps, then release.
  • Snooze the sound by pressing the Base Station again or pressing pause in the app. To reset, press and hold the Base Station until the light turns off and you hear a beep, then press to turn back on again.


  • Remove the sensor from the Base Station and keep monitoring turned on.
  • Holding the sensor, put as much distance as possible between you and the Base Station.


  • Remove the sensor from the Base Station and keep monitoring turned on.
  • Place Sock on child’s foot or adult finger until you have a reading. Remove Sock and wait. This may take up to 60 seconds.

How to forget Wi-Fi

Via Base Station

  • Remove the sensor from the Base Station. Press and hold the base button while inserting the power cord into the base.
  • Hold the base button until the base light glows orange and you hear 4 beeps. Then tap the base button three times. Confirm the Wi-Fi light on the bottom of the base is off.


Owlet works hard to monitor your child in as many situations as possible, but sometimes there is too much movement for the sensor to get readings. When this happens we show you wiggling feet in the app. Movement impacts the quality of the readings, so rather than notifying you unnecessarily, the reading and notifications are momentarily paused until quality readings are detected again.

Does the Sock work under child clothes?

  • The Owlet Sock is designed to fit under footy pajamas, swaddles and socks to keep your child comfortable while they sleep.

Sharing access to the app

  • Owlet is working on the ability to add multiple accounts to share app access.
  • In the meantime to share the app with friends or family simply share your account credentials with them.


  • The Owlet app supports multiple child profiles and devices to allow you to monitor in any combination.
  • Be sure to keep your Socks and their assigned Base Stations separated by child to ensure there is no confusion in the event of a notification.

Base Station brightness

  • The Base Station has an ambient light sensor and will automatically adjust the brightness of its lights based on the light in the room.

Help and support center

  • In the app go to Account > Help and Support to contact our customer service team via in-app chat, email and phone, or go to http://support.owletcare.com/. For more tips and tricks view the Guide tab in the app.

Storing your Owlet Sock

The Sock sensor contains a battery which will drain over longer periods of time, and if drained completely will affect the sensor’s ability to recover.
There are 6 steps to storing your Sock sensor:

  1. Fully charge the sensor
  2. Remove sensor from the Base Station
  3. Turn off the Sock as instructed
  4. Unplug the Base Station
  5. Store the sensor, Base Station, cords, plug and Socks in a cool dry place
  6. Recharge sensor every 6 months, repeat steps 1 – 5

Satisfaction guarantee

  • Every Owlet product comes with a 30-night Peace of Mind Guarantee.
  • If you aren’t 100% satisfied with yourproduct, you can return it within 30days of purchase. (Only applies topurchases from owletcare.com)



We warrant that if you use our products as they are intended, our products will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 1 year from the date of set up for new products and 6 months for refurbished products. We do not warrant our products against general wear and tear or damage as a result of misuse, modifications or improper maintenance.

If you believe you have received a defective product, we will either repair or replace the defective product or its defective component part(s) in accordance with the terms of this limited warranty. We warranty the replacement for the remaining unexpired period of the original product’s warranty.
This limited warranty applies only to the original purchaser of the product and to products purchased directly from us or one of our authorized sellers, unless otherwise prohibited by law. Our products are legitimately sold only by us and our authorized sellers who are required to follow our policies, procedures, and quality control standards. We reserve the right to reject warranty claims for products purchased from unauthorized sellers, including unauthorized websites. This limited warranty does not warrant that the operation of the product will be uninterrupted or error-free.

Please note: This limited warranty is the only warranty available for our products.

We limit the applicability of implied warranties, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, to the duration of this limited warranty. To the extent permitted by law, we disclaim all other warranties of any kind. Some States and countries do not allow limitations on implied warranties, so the above limitation may not apply to you. Our sole liability for any defect shall be as set forth in this limited warranty and excludes any claims for incidental or consequential damages. Some States and countries do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or no consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. No person or entity is authorized to make any other warranty on our behalf. This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights which vary from State to State and country to country.

For example, customers in some jurisdictions may have additional rights under applicable national legislation such as the Australian Consumer Law or national laws implementing EC Directive 99/44. This limited warranty does not affect any such rights.

Detecting cybersecurity events

Cybersecurity is a priority at Owlet. We have a team that is dedicated to ensuring the continued security of our products and services. Our products have logging enabled so that we can investigate suspected issues. If you suspect an issue, please contact us: https://support.owletcare.com/hc/en- us/categories/360003108872

Keeping your device up to date

It is important to keep your devices up to date with manufacturer updates, whether it be your phone, computer, or application – including ours! If there is an update available, please ensure you download it and use the latest version that is available. If a security vulnerability is found in our device, security updates will be pushed in new releases, please make sure your Owlet application is up to date as well.

Any potential vulnerability concerns may be reported as outlined in Owlet’s Vulnerability Disclosure Policy: https://owletcare.com/pages/vulnerability- disclosure-policy

Security updates

  • In order to ensure the security of your device any required or routine security updates will be provided to your device for two years from the date of registration of the device.
  • Hereby, Owlet Baby Care, Inc. declares that the Owlet Smart Sock is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU and UK PSTI (2022). The full text of the EU and UK Declaration of Conformity is available at the following internet address: https://owletcare.com/pages/ce-compliance

Important Safety Information

WARNING: The Owlet Smart Sock is not a medical device. It is not intended for use as a medical device or to replace a medical device. It does not and is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, alleviate or prevent any disease or health condition or investigate, replace or modify anatomy or any physiological process.

The Owlet Smart Sock is meant for healthy babies up to 18 months of age and the notification thresholds on Owlet Smart Sock are not as stringent as a medical monitor.

Remember: This product is only intended to assist you in tracking your baby’s wellbeing and is not intended to replace you as a caregiver. You are responsible for the health and wellbeing of your baby and following safe sleep, health and care guidelines.

  • Do not use Owlet Smart Sock as a diagnostic tool
  • Do not use Owlet Smart Sock if your doctor recommends the use of a hospital pulse oximeter or hospital apnea monitor
  • Do not use The Owlet Smart Sock as an excuse for unsafe sleep habits
  • Do not use The Owlet Smart Sock as a replacement for or in lieu of adult care


Terms and Conditions


  • Your safety and the safety of others are very important to us.
  • There are many important safety messages in this manual and in the Owlet Baby Care App. Always read and obey all safety messages.







Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.

Please ONLY use the supplied power adapter. Failure to do so may void our limited warranty. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, may cause interference harmful to radio communications.

IC: 21386-OBL3A (Base Station)
IC: 21386-OSS3A (Sensor)

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules and with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s license-exempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  1. this device may not cause interferences
  2. this device must accept any interferences, including interferences that may cause undesired operation of the device.


  • Owlet Baby Care declares that the Owlet Smart Sock is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU.
  • The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address: https://owletcare.com/pages/ce-compliance


  • 2402 – 2480MHz (63mW Output Power)
    • Base Station Bluetooth
  • 2412 – 2462MHz (75mW Output Power)
    • Base Station Wi-Fi
  • 2402 – 2480MHz (6.3mW Output Power)
    • Sensor Bluetooth

Owlet is committed to meeting the requirements of directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). Please visit our website at owletcare.com to find out more about the proper disposal of Owlet products in the EU and UK.

  • INPUT: 100-240V~0.2A 50-60Hz
  • OUTPUT: 5V 1A

Conforms to UL 62368-1 and CAN/CSA-C22.2
No. 62368-1

U.S. Pat. Nos. 9,693,730 and 10,449,837. Other patents pending.


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