Listen Inc HDMI Soundbar SoundCheck User Guide
- September 11, 2024
- Listen Inc
Table of Contents
HDMI Soundbar SoundCheck
Hardware: Digital hardware output channels created and
configured with WASAPI driver option -
Calibration: Digital output Signal Paths created, assigned to
digital hardware channels, and digital calibrated device files
assigned to the Signal Paths
Product Usage Instructions
Ensure you have the following:
SoundCheck software installed
Reference microphone calibrated as per SoundCheck user
manual -
HDMI device connected to SoundCheck PC
Hardware Setup & Calibration
Calibrate your reference microphone as instructed in the
SoundCheck user manual. -
Connect the HDMI device to your SoundCheck PC.
Place the reference microphone 0.5 meter from the HDMI device,
centered between the left and right speakers. -
You are now ready to run the sequence.
System Diagram
Refer to the system diagram for a visual representation of the
Further Sequence Development
This sequence can be customized and developed further by:
Edit stimulus start/stop frequencies, resolution, and level to
suit your device. -
Add Limits and Autosave steps for additional
functionality. -
Incorporate a 2nd microphone for left/right nearfield
measurements. -
Configure additional outputs for devices with more than 2
output channels. -
Explore other connectivity options such as SPDIF (Optical),
SPDIF (Coax), Analog, or Bluetooth.
Q: Why use WASAPI?
A: WASAPI provides benefits like multichannel support, stable
latency, and the ability to use multiple devices
Q: What should I do if Signal Paths HDMI Out 1 and HDMI Out 2
do not exist in my current calibration setup?
A: You can add these paths to your existing calibration or use
existing signal paths. If you add these paths, choose not to import
the calibrated device files since they are included in the default
Sequence Note
Soundbar Measurement Using HDMI Connection
This sequence demonstrates how to measure the output of a soundbar over an
HDMI connection using the WASAPI (Windows Audio Session API) driver option in
SoundCheck. The sequence is not exclusive to soundbars. Any audio device that
accepts audio over HDMI (e.g. TV, computer monitor, home theater speakers,
etc.) can be tested using this sequence. The sequence itself is quite simple,
containing 4 steps: Stimulus, Acquisition, Analysis and Display. Frequency
response, THD, Rub & Buzz and ePRB are shown on the final display. More
important are the instructions for configuring your SoundCheck system’s
Hardware and Calibration to support the HDMI connected device:
Hardware: Digital hardware output channels are created and configured with the
WASAPI driver option. Calibration: Digital output Signal Paths are created,
assigned to the digital hardware channels and digital
calibrated device files are assigned to the Signal Paths.
Final display of Soundbar Measurement Using HDMI Connection sequence
Why use WASAPI?
WASAPI is Windows’ high-end method for interfacing with audio devices and has
many benefits over its predecessor, WDM (Windows Driver Model). Most
significantly, WASAPI provides multichannel support, more stable latency than
WDM and unlike ASIO, multiple WASAPI devices can be used simultaneously. In
this example, we are using an ASIO audio interface (Listen’s AudioConnect 2)
for our input and a soundbar connected over HDMI using WASAPI for our output.
Listen, Inc. · Boston, MA 02118 · 1
Software: SoundCheck Basic Version 22 or higher
Hardware: p/n 4012 Listen SCM4 reference microphone or equivalent. p/n/ 4047
Listen AudioConnect 2 audio interface/microphone power supply or equivalent.
SoundCheck Setup
Hardware editor: Connect your device to the computer’s HDMI port before
launching SoundCheck. Launch SoundCheck and go to Setup> Hardware > Audio Tab
Output Channels Table, Right click on the Channel Name column, select Add Channel and name it HDMI 1. Select WASAPI from the “Driver” dropdown list. Select your HDMI device from the “Device” dropdown list. Select the desired HDMI output from the “Channel” dropdown list. Under “Type” select Digital Set the sample rate to be the same as your Input Channel hardware. Add a second HDMI output channel (HDMI 2) as described above.
Your Audio Tab should look similar to this:
Listen, Inc. · Boston, MA 02118 · 2
Calibration Editor: Next, open the sequence from the distribution folder. You
will likely encounter a relink dialog informing you that the Signal Paths HDMI
Out 1 and HDMI Out 2 do not exist in your current calibration setup. You may
add these paths to your existing calibration (recommended) or use existing
signal paths.
If you add these paths to your calibration, you will be asked if you want to
import the calibrated device files to which you should respond `No’ since the
calibrated device file (Unity Digital Out (AES17)) is included as a part of
your default SoundCheck installation.
Hardware Setup & Calibration
1. Calibrate your reference microphone as instructed in the SoundCheck user
manual. 2. Connect the HDMI device to your SoundCheck PC 3. Place the
reference microphone 0.5 meter from the HDMI device, centered between the left
and right
speakers. 4. You are now ready to run the sequence.
System Diagram
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Further sequence development
This sequence has been designed for simplicity, to be accessible to 100% of
SoundCheck users. Ways to modify or further develop the sequence include:
1. Edit the stimulus start stop frequencies, resolution, and level to suit
your device. 2. Add Limits and Autosave steps. 3. Add a 2nd microphone for
left/right nearfield measurements. 4. Configuring additional outputs for
devices with more than 2 output channels 5. Explore other connectivity options
for your device. It may support one or more of the following:
a. SPDIF (Optical) b. SPDIF (Coax) c. Analog d. Bluetooth
Listen, Inc. · Boston, MA 02118 · 4
Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
Read User Manual Online (PDF format) >>