Seeed esp32c6 PlatformIO Support XIAO Instructions

August 31, 2024

Seeed esp32c6 PlatformIO Support XIAO

Product Information


  • Supports XIAO development boards
  • Compatible with Arduino framework
  • Supports various XIAO models like esp32c6, rp2040, and nrf52840

Product Usage Instructions

XIAO esp32c6:

  1. Create a new project in PlatformIO
  2. Replace the contents of platformio.ini with the provided configuration
  3. Build and compile the project

XIAO rp2040:

  1. Update platformio.ini with the specified content for seeed_xiao_rp2040
  2. Complete the first build and compilation
  3. Create a seeed_xiao_rp2040 project using PlatformIO

XIAO nrf52840:

  1. Create a new project in PlatformIO
  2. Modify platformio.ini with the provided configuration
  3. Build and compile the project
  4. Create the seeed_xiao_nrf52840 project using PlatformIO

How PlatformIO support XIAO

  1. xiao_esp32c6
    A PR has been submitted and is waiting to be merged. You can refer to the following link for

  2. xiao_rp2040
    PlatformIO’s main branch does not support other development boards. A community version has been submitted, and here’s how to use it:

    • Link : GitHub – maxgerhardt/platform-raspberry pi: Raspberry Pi: development platform for PlatformIO

    • Usage Instructions:
      In any new project, change the platformio.ini file to the following content:[env:seeed_xiao_rp2040]

    • platform = GitHub – maxgerhardt/platform-raspberry pi: Raspberry Pi: development platform for PlatformIO

    • board = seeed_xiao_rp2040

    • framework = Arduino

    • After completing the first build and compilation, you can create a seeed_xiao_rp2040 project using PlatformIO.

  3. xiao_nrf52840
    Mainline Support: GitHub – maxgerhardt/platform-nordicnrf52: Nordic nRF52: development platform for PlatformIO

Usage Instructions

After creating a new project, replace the content of the platformio.ini file in your project folder with the following:

Once the initial build and compilation are complete, you can use PlatformIO to create the seeed_xiao_nrf52840 project.

Community Method
Reference Article ble-sense-and-platformio-ide-5c4da3ab42a3

  1. First, create an Arduino Nano33 BLE project in PlatformIO. After creation, navigate to the nordicnrf52/boards directory (typically found at C:\Users\“username”\.platformio\platforms\nordicnrf52) and create a file named xiaoblesense.json (you can refer to the content from the linked article).

  2. Download the Seeed Studio Arduino embed core branch for Arduino IDE from the following link: Seeed_XIAO_BLE_nRF52840_Sense261.tar.bz2.

  3. Extract the downloaded file into the framework-arduino-mbed folder (usually located at C:\Users\“username”\.platformio\packages\framework-arduino-mbed).

  4. In the nordicnrf52 directory created in step 1, locate the file. Find the following lines:
    if board in (“nano33ble”, “nicla_sense_me”):

    • self.packages[“toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi”][“version”] = “~1.80201.0”
    • self.frameworks[“Arduino”][“package”] = “framework-arduino-embed”
    • self.frameworks[“Arduino”][“script”] = “builder/frameworks/arduino/mbed-core/”
    • Modify it to: : if the board in (“nano33ble”, “nicla_sense_me”, “xiaoblesense”): self.packages[“tool-adafruit-nrfutil”][“optional”] = False
  5.  Compile the project (note that you may encounter issues related to long paths preventing header files from being found; if this occurs, search for the missing header files and copy them into the indicated folder).


Q: How do I resolve issues related to long paths preventing header files from being found during compilation?
A: If you encounter this issue, search for the missing header files and copy them into the indicated folder as specified in the error message.

Q: Can I use PlatformIO with other XIAO development boards not mentioned in the manual?
A: At the moment, PlatformIO’s main branch does not support other XIAO development boards. However, community versions may be available for specific boards. Please refer to relevant community resources for more information.


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