EXCELITAS TECHNOLOGIES MAN-350015B Optem Fusion Console User Guide

August 29, 2024



  • Part No.: MAN-350015B
  • Status: Released
  • Manufacturer: Excelitas Technologies Corp.
  • Address: 200 West Street, 4th Floor East Waltham, MA 02451 United States
  • Website: www.excelitas.com.


  • Q: How do I contact technical support?

Getting Started

Optem® FUSION Console Software Overview

The Optem® FUSION Console software is used to configure and operate Zoom, Focus, and LED modules.

NOTE: This user manual provides software instructions to perform a typical Optem® FUSION setup procedure, with Zoom, Focus, and LED modules.

Computer System Requirements

The control computer on which the Optem® FUSION Console software is installed must meet the following minimum system requirements:

  • Windows 10 operating system or later
  • 8 GB of RAM
  • At least 50 MB of free hard disk space
  • A display with at least 1024 x 768 resolution
  • RS-485 compatible interface

Installing the Software

  • The Optem® FUSION Console software must be installed on the control computer before the Optem®
  • FUSION can be used. The software is distributed in .zip format.
  • The Optem® FUSION Console software installer features a standard Microsoft Windows setup interface, which is simple and easy to use.
  • You can install multiple versions of the software on the same computer, provided that you select different installation folders.

To install the software:

  • See the following sections in Chapter 2 “Installing Optem® FUSION Software” in the MAN-350014 Optem® FUSION Controller Software Development Manual:
  • Performing the Optem® FUSION setup,
  • Performing an Optem® FUSION Console installation
  • Performing an Optem® FUSION JSON Server installation
  • Performing a Software Development Kit installation

Uninstalling the Software

You can uninstall the Optem® FUSION Console software in one of two ways:

  1. Use the Optem® FUSION Console Uninstall application that is located in the Optem® FUSION Console software installation folder.
  2. Using the Uninstall a program feature in the Windows Control Panel.

Setting up the Optem® FUSION Console Software

  • The first time you use the Optem® FUSION Console software after installing the system you must follow the procedure provided in this section to set up the software for use with Optem® FUSION Console.

Starting the Software

This section describes how to start the Optem® FUSION Console software and establish a connection with the controller.
NOTE: The Optem FUSION® system must be fully installed and connected before you can use the Optem® FUSION Console software to configure and control the system. For information on how to set up other components in the system (for example, Focus), refer to the component-specific user manual.

To start the Optem® FUSION Console software:

  1. On the Start menu, click Optem® FUSION Console.
  2. At the top of the main panel, in the COM list, select the serial port connection.
  3. Click Connect. When communication is established, the controls in the main panel become available.
  4. If you need to change the current settings of the controller, select the Configuration menu on the top left of the main window.

Technical Support

For technical support, please contact our Technical Support Team at Inspection@excelitas.com.

Optem® FUSION Console Software

Main Panel Overview

When you start the Optem® FUSION Console software console, the main panel is displayed (see Figure 2). The controls available on the main panel are described in Table 1.

Table 1 Optem® FUSION Console Main Panel Controls

Control Description
Configuration Allows you to configure the motion parameters for the

Focus module the Zoom module or the LED module(s). Default parameters for configuring the Focus module the Zoom module or the LED module(s) are available.
COM port| Allows you to select a serial port for communication between the control computer and the Optem® FUSION Console.
Controller Serial Number| Displays the controller’s serial number.
Illuminator tabs| Displays the Illuminator 1.5A, Illuminator 3A, and Ring Light tabs.
Control| Description
Illuminator controls| Allows control of the 1.5A Illuminator, 3A Illuminator (if used), and Ring Light Illuminator (if used). When configured in Parallel mode, only one Illuminator tab is displayed (Illuminator 1).
Motor tabs| Displays the Axis 1 and the Axis 2 tabs.
Motor controls| When the Enable Motor checkbox is selected, allows controlling the motion of the selected motor (either Focus or Zoom). The distance to the relative position is displayed in the Distance text box. You can enter the step size manually in the text box or select from the drop- down, and click Up or Down to move to the position.The Go to , and Home buttons are used to configure the Focus or Zoom to the home position.
Motion parameters| Allows setting the acceleration (mm/s2) and the velocity (mm/s) for the selected motor (either Focus or Zoom).
Soft Limit controls| When the Enable Soft Limits checkbox is selected, allows the setting of the Upper and Lower Soft Limits for the selected motor (either Focus or Zoom).
Position status| Allows resetting of the Current position (μm) for the selected motor (either Focus or Zoom).

NOTE: The above information is a general reference, and intended for users with Zoom, Focus, and Illuminators controlled by the controller. Different combinations will result in a modified GUI layout.

Software Status Indicators

The software status indicators on the main panel, display the feedback of the Optem® FUSION Console status. A description of the status indicators is provided in Table 2.

  • There are three status indicators on the Optem® FUSION Console software.
  • The status indicators represent the current position of the Focus or Zoom module.
  • For the Focus module, the current position is displayed in μm, in the text box.
  • The current position is relative to the “zero” position.
  • For the Zoom module, the current position is displayed in Steps, in the text box.
  • The current position is relative to the “zero” position.
  • The “zero” position is set when Homing is executed.
  • To manually set the “zero” position, click the Reset button.

Table 2 Software Status Indicators – Focus Module

Indicator Description
Upper Limit Upper limit switch status. If green, the limit switch has

not been activated. If yellow, the limit switch has been activated.
In Motion| If green, the Optem® FUSION Console is busy executing a motor motion.
Lower Limit| Lower limit switch status. If green, the limit switch has been activated or the connection to the limit switch is interrupted.

Table 3 Software Status Indicators – Zoom Module

Indicator Description
Zoom In Limit Upper limit switch status. If green, the limit switch has

not been activated. If yellow, the limit switch has been activated.
In Motion| If green, the Optem® FUSION Console is busy executing a motor motion.
Zoom Out Limit| Lower limit switch status. If green, the limit switch has been activated or the connection to the limit switch is interrupted.

NOTE: By moving the Focus or Zoom module in the opposite direction, the limit switch is deactivated.

Configuration Parameters

The following section describes how to configure the parameters on the Optem® FUSION Console software. There are three main configuration items in the Configuration menu:

  • Controller Configuration
  • Remote Devices
  • Server Configuration

Before you can use the Optem® FUSION Console software to control your device, you must configure the parameters for your specific use.

NOTE: The configuration parameters are set during initialization. All initialization settings are saved to the Optem® FUSION Console automatically and will be applied with every use.

Configuring the Controller

To configure the controller:

  1. On the main panel window, under Configuration, select Controller Configuration from the list. The Controller Configuration window opens.
  2. Select a device tab to configure that device’s parameters:
    • Controller
    • Axis 1
    • Axis 2
    • LED
    • Ring Light
    • DIO
  3. If a firmware upgrade is required, click Firmware Upgrade.
  4. Click Save & Close.

Table 4 Controller Configuration Description

Menu Description
Device tabs Allows the selection of a device tab to configure that

device’s parameters:

•      Controller

•      Axis 1

•      Axis 2

•      LED 1

•      LED 2

•      Ring Light

•      DIO

Configuration Status| The indicator shows the status of the EEPROM. If the indicator is green, the values are the same as the EEPROM values with no error. If the indicator is yellow, a value has been changed but not saved. If the indicator is red, there was an error reading from EEPROM.
Load Configuration| Allows the loading of a custom device configuration from a user-supplied file. This only applies to the currently selected tab except for the Controller tab, where it is disabled. Each file is only expected to support one device. If more than one device is included, only the first enumerated device is used.
Save Configuration| Allows the saving of a custom device configuration to a file. This only applies to the currently selected tab except for the Controller tab, where it is disabled.
Firmware Upgrade| Allows to upgrade the controller firmware.
Controller Reset| Allows to send a reset command to the controller to reset itself.
Reset to Default| Allows to reset all the current interface tab parameters to default values.
Save & Close| This button allows you to save all changes made to the controller configuration and the controller firmware and closes the Controller Configuration window.

Controller Tab
The Controller tab in the Controller Configuration window is used to set the parameter values of the controller.

Table 5 Controller Tab Description

Parameter Description
Controller Description Read-only field, giving a brief description of

the controller based on the part number.
Controller Name| Allows entering a controller “Friendly” name that can be changed by the user. Useful when more than one controller is used.
Controller Part Number| Not editable.
Controller Serial Number| Not editable.
Main Board Serial Number| Not editable.
Daughter Board Serial Number| Not editable.
Production date| Not editable.
Modbus ID| Allows setting the Modbus node address. The default value is

  1. Modbus Termination| Allows enabling/disabling the Modbus termination resistor. Default is enabled.
    Manufacturing mode| This mode is not available.
    Standalone| This mode is not available.
    CANBUS Termination| This mode is not available.

Axis Tabs
The Axis 1 and Axis 2 tabs in the Controller Configuration window are used to set the parameter values of the Axis 1 device (in this case, the Focus module) and Axis 2 device (in this case, the Zoom module). The parameters for the two motors are the same with the only difference being in some of the values (see Table 6).

Table 6 Axis 1 and Axis 2 Tabs Description

Parameter Description
Motor name Allows the naming of the type of motor, in this case, the

Focus module.
Device Model| Displays the device model type.
Axis type| Allows the selection of the axis the motor controls:

•      Z-Axis Stage – stage motion is up<–>down (Focus module)

•      X Axis Stage – stage motion is left<–>right

•      Y Axis Stage – stage motion is push<–>pull

•      Zoom Module – stage motion is Zoom In<–>Zoom Out

Motor Inverted| Allows the motion control of the motor control to be inverted.
Motor current (mA)| Allows setting the motor driver reference current control. Maximum value is 1350 mA.
Microsteps| Allows setting the number of micro steps (µsteps) the motor takes for each full step. When the motor is a stepper motor, the available number of micro steps are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128.
Steps per millimeter| Allows setting the number of full steps per millimeter the module takes to move.
Parameter| Description
Encoder Resolution| Currently not supported.
Top Soft Limit (µm)| Allows setting the default Top Soft Limit in µm.
Bottom Soft Limit (µm)| Allows setting the default Bottom Soft Limit in µm.
Max Travel Range (µm)| Allows setting the expected travel range in µm for the Focus module and Steps for the Zoom module.
Motor Backlash (µm)| Allows setting the Backlash adjustment in µm.
Homing Offset (µm)| Allows setting the Home offset in µm for the Focus module and Steps for the Zoom module.
Top Limit Switch Enabled| Allows enabling/disabling the top limit switch.
Top Limit Switch Inverted| Allows inverting the polarity of the top limit switch.
Bottom Limit Switch Enabled| Allows enabling/disabling the bottom limit switch.
Bottom Limit Switch Inverted| Allows inverting the polarity of the bottom limit switch.
Limit Switches Swapped| Allows swapping the limit switches.
Velocity (mm/s)| Allows setting the velocity of the motor in mm/s, or Steps/s for Zoom Module.
Acceleration (mm/s 2 )| Allows setting the maximum possible acceleration of the motor in mm/s2, or Steps/s2 for Zoom Module.

LED Tabs

The LED tabs in the Controller Configuration window are used to set the parameter values of the LEDs. The parameters for the two LEDs are the same with the only difference being in some of the values (see Table 7).

Table 7 LED Tabs Description

Parameter Description
Device Name Allows the naming of the type of the LED, in this case,

Device Model| Displays the device model type.
Parallel Mode| Allows turning on parallel mode. When parallel mode is on there is only one LED displayed in this tab (LED). Parallel mode ties the dual 1.5 A drivers together to provide the ability to drive a single 3.0 A LED.
PWM Frequency (Hz)| Allows setting the PWM frequency. Maximum value is 100,000 Hz.
Maximum Current (mA)| Maximum current that Illuminator supports. The maximum current for single mode is 1500 mA. The maximum current for parallel mode is 3000 mA.
Current (mA)| Current used for PWM mode or the maximum current that can be set in constant current or trigger modes.
Default Intensity| LED default intensity in ‰.
Pulse Length (µs)| LED pulse length in µs.
Pulse Delay (µs)| LED pulse delay in μs.
Parameter| Description
Operation Mode| Allows the selection of the illuminator operation mode:

•      Constant current – controller drives LED with constant current

•      Pulse Width Modulation – controller drives LED with pulse width modulation

•      Pulse Triggered – controller drives LED with pulse trigger

•      Pulse Followc – controller drives LED with pulse follow

Trigger source| Allows the selection of the illuminator trigger source:

•      Digital Input 1

•      Digital Input 2

•      Digital Input 3

•      Digital Input 5

Trigger Inverted| Allows the selection of active high trigger or active low trigger.

  • a. In this mode, a PWM signal is generated inside the controller. The frequency and duty cycle of the internal oscillator can be adjusted depending on the application. Current dimming can also be adjusted in this mode.
  • b. In this mode, the LED pulses are generated when an external triggering signal is applied to the TRIG IN input. Depending on the IO settings, the LED pulse will be generated on the rising or falling edge of the external triggering signal. The delay between the external triggering signal and the controller’s output can be adjusted depending on the application. The pulse length of the controller’s output signal is set by the controller. The illuminator can be synchronized with an external device and the Camera sync output signal can also be used.
  • c. In this mode, the external triggering signal is copied on the controller’s output that drives the LED. The only parameter that can be adjusted is the current dimming. The frequency and duty cycle are set by the external triggering signal characteristics.

Ring Light Tab

The Ring Light tab in the Controller Configuration window is used to set the parameter values of the Ring Light.

Table 8 Ring Light Tab Description

Parameter Description
Device Name Allows the naming of the type of the LED, in this case,

Ring Light.
Device Model| Allows the selection of device model type:

•      Custom Ring Light Device

•      Ring Light Device

•      Not Used

Operation Mode| Allows the selection of the illuminator operation mode:

•      Variable Voltage – controller drives Ring Light with variable voltage

•      5V output PWM control – controller drives Ring Light with pulse width modulation

Maximum Voltage (mV)| Allows setting the Maximum Voltage for Variable Voltage Mode. The maximum value is 10,000 mV.
Frequency (Hz)| Not supported. For 5V PWM Mode, the frequency is fixed to 10,000 Hz.
Default Intensity (‰)| Allows setting the default intensity. The maximum value is 1,000 ‰.


The DIO tab in the Controller Configuration window is used to set the parameter values of the DIOs.

Table 9 DIO Tab Description

Parameter Description
Device Name Allows the naming of the type of the device, in this case,

I/O Interface.
Device Model| Displays the device model type.
Input/Output 1| Allows setting GPIO 1 as Input or Output. Select either Input or Output from the drop-down.
Output 1 Default| Allows configuring GPIO 1 default start-up state to either High or Low when configured as an Output. Not applicable when GPIO 1 is set as Input.
Input/Output 2| Allows setting GPIO 2 as Input or Output. Select either Input or Output from the drop-down.
Output 2 Default| Allows configuring GPIO 2 default start-up state to either High or Low when configured as an Output. Not applicable when GPIO 2 is set as Input.
Input/Output 3| Allows setting GPIO 3 as Input or Output. Select either Input or Output from the drop-down.
Output 3 Default| Allows configuring GPIO 3 default start-up state to either High or Low when configured as an Output. Not applicable when GPIO 3 is set as Input.
Parameter| Description
Input 4| Allows the selection of Input 4 mode:

•      General Input

•      E-Stop Motion Devices

•      E-Stop Illumination Devices

•      E-Stop Motion & Illumination

Input/Output 5| Allows setting GPIO 5 as Input or Output. Select either Input or Output from the drop-down.
Output 5 Default| Allows configuring GPIO 5 default start-up state to either High or Low when configured as an Output. Not applicable when GPIO 5 is set as Input.

Configuring Remote Controllers
To configure Remote Devices:

  1. On the main panel window, under Configuration, select Remote Controllers from the list. The Remote Controllers window opens.
  2. Double click on the empty row below the last row, to add a new connection.
  3. Type a new controller name in the Name field.
  4. Type a new server name in the JSON Server field.
  5. Type a new COM number in the COM field.
  6. Type a new ID number in the ID field.
  7. Click OK.

Table 10 Remote Controllers Description

Menu Description
Name Interface-friendly name. Maximum length is 20 characters. The

default name is Optem® FUSION.
JSON Server| The server name.
COM| Encoder COM Port. The default value depends on the actual device connection. The minimum value is 1, and the maximum value is 99.
ID| Modbus Slave/Node Address. The default value is 1 (depending on the actual device connection). The minimum value is 1, and the maximum value is 63.

Configuring Server

  • A local server is when the Optem® FUSION Server is running on the same computer as the Optem® FUSION Console.
  • The remote server is when it is running on a separate computer and is accessed over the network.

To configure a remote server:

  1. On the main panel window, under Configuration, select Server Configuration from the list. The Server Configuration dialog opens.
  2. Click Remote Server Config, to connect to a server in your network. The configuration data location folder opens.
  3. Select a configuration file and click Open.

To configure a local server:

  1. On the Server Configuration dialog, click Local Server Config. The Server Configuration dialog opens.
  2. Click Local Server Config, to connect to a local server.
  3. To delete a controller configuration, select a configuration file and Click Delete.
  4. Click Save to save the changes.

Table 11 Server Connection Description

Menu Description
Controller Lists the available controllers.
COM ID Com Port for connecting the controller.
Baud Com Port Speed for connecting to the Controller. For Optem® FUSION

Controller the speed is 115200 bps.
Slave ID| Modbus Slave/Node Address. The default value is 1 (depending on the actual device connection). The minimum value is 1, and the maximum value is 63.
Delete| Deletes highlighted controller configuration.
Save| Saves the changes to the configuration file.

Adjusting the Focus Module Position

NOTE: The following controls on the Optem® FUSION Console main panel are used to change the position of the Focus module. Before using these controls, ensure that the Focus module motion parameters in the Controller Configuration dialog box have been set correctly.

You can move the Z-stage in the following ways:

  • Relative position.
  • A specified distance.
  • To its home position.

NOTE: To use the Home button on this panel, you must first set the home position of the sensor using the Home option on the Config menu.

To move the Z-stage in small increments:

  1. Move the slider to the desired distance (for example, 1).
  2. Click UP or DOWN.

To move the Z-stage a specified distance:

  1. On the main panel, type the move (μm) in the Target post text box.
  2. Click Go to.

To move the Z-stage to its home position:

  1. Click Home.


The Home button located at the bottom of the main panel is used to return the Focus module or the Zoom module to the home position, regardless of the starting point.

Adjusting the Zoom Module Position

The process for adjusting the Zoom module position is the same as for the Focus module, refer to “Adjusting the Focus Module Position”.

Controlling the Illuminator

The Illuminator area on the main panel is used to access the controls for the illuminators. Using the software, you set the Illuminator current to a constant value, and the intensity of the current is controlled by pulse width modulation (PWM), or constant current. The PWM technique preserves the color spectrum while adjusting the intensity. The PWM frequency is factory set at a sufficient level and can be set up using the parameters in “LED Tabs”.

To set up an LED:

  1. On the main panel window, select the Illuminator 1.5A, Illuminator 3A, or Ring Light (if used) tab.
  2. Click the Enable Illuminator or Enable Ring Light check box, to enable the illuminator controls.
  3. In the Illuminator 1.5A, or Illuminator 3A tab, or Ring Light tab, drag the cursor to the desired illumination percentage. OR Type the specified percentage in the text box.
    • To set up an LED using the advanced controls:

NOTE: This only applies to LED1 and LED2 modules.

  1. In the Illuminator 1.5A or Illuminator 3A tab, click the Advanced check box.
  2. Select an operational mode from the Mode drop-down list. The illuminator can be configured to operate in four modes:
    • Constant current
    • Pulse Width Modulation
    • Pulse Trigger
    • Pulse Follow
    • The Constant current mode controls are:
    • The first slider allows changing the current in percent between 0 and “Current” (not a maximum current) that is set in the LED configuration panels as user current or maximum useful current. This works the same as in normal mode.
    • The second slider allows changing the current between 0 and “Maximum Current” that is set in the LED configuration panels. This allows the setting of the maximum useful current controlled by the first slider as a percentage.
    • The Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) mode controls are:
    • The first slider allows changing the PWM duty cycle from 0 to 100 % as it does in normal operation.
    • The second slider operation is the same as the Constant current mode.
    • The Frequency text box allows changing the PWM frequency by entering a numeric value.
    • NOTE: Please note that frequency is shared between LEDs and it can be changed only for the first LED, the second LED will be grayed out.
    • The Pulse Trigger mode controls are:
    • The first and second sliders operation is the same as the Constant current mode.
    • The Pulse Length text box allows changing the duration of the trigger pulse by entering a numeric value.
    • The Pulse Delay text box allows changing the start of the trigger pulse by entering a numeric value.
    • The Pulse Follow mode controls are:
    • The first and second sliders operation is the same as the Constant current mode. No other controls are enabled in this mode.


  • Part No: MAN-350015B
  • Status: Released
  • Excelitas Technologies Corp. 200 West Street, 4th Floor East Waltham, MA 02451 United States
  • www.excelitas.com
  • Phone Europe +49 (0) 551 6935-0
  • Phone North America +1 (800) 429 0257
  • Phone Asia/Pacific +65 64 99 7777
  • Technical support: Inspection@excelitas.com.
  • Part No. MAN-350015B

©Excelitas Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. The information in this manual is subject to change without notice. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose without written permission from Excelitas Technologies Inc.


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