WisperCool RW3000 Adobe Aire Instruction Manual

July 29, 2024

RW3000 Adobe Aire


Product Specifications:

  • Brand: ADOBE AIRE
  • Model: RW3000
  • Type: Evaporative Cooler
  • Number of Models: 7

Product Usage Instructions:

1. Installation:

Follow these steps to install your ADOBE AIRE RW3000 Evaporative

  1. Choose a suitable location with proper ventilation.
  2. Connect the water supply according to the manual.
  3. Plug in the power cord and switch on the unit.

2. Operation:

To use your evaporative cooler efficiently, follow these

  • Adjust the fan speed and cooling settings based on your comfort

  • Regularly refill the water tank as needed.

  • Clean or replace the cooling pads at recommended

3. Maintenance:

Proper maintenance ensures optimal performance. Here are some
maintenance tips:

  • Clean the water tank and filters regularly to prevent mold and
    bacteria growth.

  • Inspect the unit for any leaks or unusual noises and address
    them promptly.

  • Store the unit properly when not in use to prevent dust

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q: How often should I clean the cooling pads?

A: It is recommended to clean or replace the cooling pads every
season or as needed based on usage.

Q: Can I use this evaporative cooler in a closed room?

A: Evaporative coolers work best in well-ventilated areas. It is
not recommended to use them in completely closed rooms.


This Owner’s Manual is provided and hosted by Appliance Factory Parts.
ADOBE AIRE RW3000 Owner’s Manual
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Find Your ADOBE AIRE Evaporative Cooler Parts – Select From 7 Models ——– Manual continues below ——–



B;: by

)permion or

c. Tn_y d _ or

ot c_ ms. _lar p_s amdpo ernB th_ e <_ d_nds onIc_l cond_ons.

D. This warraaty does not cover the cost of a service call at the site of installation to diagnose cause of trouble, the cost of labor to install the part, or mileage allowance to or from the site. AdobeAir dOeS not pay fm_ghVpo_ege on any exchange.
E. This warranty does not cover evaporative coolers installed and operated outside the COntinental United States.

IV. Do not use cooler cleaners, cool_ treatmentS, or o_r addiUves in this evaporatlve cooler. The use of any of these products will void your warrmlty and may impair the life of your cooler.

To obtain service under this warrardy, contact the dealer where you purchased your cooler. As a final step, if you cannot locate your dealer, contact Customer Se_ice, AdotA, _c., 5GO So_h 15th St_ot, phoenix, Arizona 85034.

This warranty is the only warranty extended by AdobeAir to suppliers and/or purchasers of this evaporative cooler. AdobeAir disclaims all other warraaties, exlxess
or implied, that arise by the operation of the law, except that implied warrantie, of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose are limited to the duration of the warranty period. AdobeAJr shall not be hab]e for any incidental or consequential damage which may have resulted from any alleged breach of warranty,

Some ststes do not alidw limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the limitations or exclusions stated above may not apply to you.

This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other dghts which vary from state to state.

Sk_e Ado_Alr, inc. follows a percy of coot_nuous product improvement, it reserves tt_e r_ht to change design and sp4c[ficatlans without pdo notice c_ [lability.

Note: Your warranty does not cover shipping damage. Report all shipping damage at once to dealer or carrier making delivery.

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Evaporactoivoelinwgorkson theprincipleofheatabsorptionbymoistureevaporation.
Whena swimmelreavesthewaterona windydayh, e feelscoolbecausethemoisture on hisbodyis evaporatinagndabsorbingheat.
Yourevaporativecooler draws exteriorair into specialpadssoaked withwater,where theair is cooled by evaporation,then circulatedinto yourhome.
·Youervaporaticvoeolermakesthebestpossiblueseoftheevaporatipvreocessby meterinthgeflowofwaterd,istributintegvenlythroughthefiltemr ediaa,ndblowing a steadystreamofcooledairintoyourhomeT. heairisthenchanneletdhroughthe buildinagndventeodutofthehomethroughopenwindowds,oorsorvents.

MountingOf YourModelRW3000EvaporativCe ooler

!_ortant: Read these instructions carefully before installing, operating or servicing your evaporative cooler.
SAFETY ungplug
the electrical cord to the cooler before attempting to work on or service your cooler.

Electrical Wiring Yourunithas beenpre-wiredat thefactoryso . furtherwiringis notnecessaryF. igure1 showsthe wiringdiagramofyourunitin easeof electrical componenrt eplacement.
Two Speed Motor Wiring _s_c..oTo. sw_c.

1. Checklow2code*and utility standard_ installationmust complywith their rides.
2. ¥ourcoolerwillmn on 120voltaC, 60 Itz

3. Usea groandedoutlettoprotea you from sho_ lf the outletyou plan to use ts a 2-prong 1,do not maoe t pluggrmmd_ prong. Havean elearician replacethe2-prong outlet witha grounded3-prongoutlet.
Installcoolerso onlyfleshoutsideair is permitted to enterthecoolingsystemp, referablyonsideof buildinfgacingprevailingwinds.Instalul nit through windowof roomwheremaximumcoolingis desired. Airflowcan bedirectedthroughhousebyus’rag otherwindowsas exhaustopeningsA. voidinstalling unit insidedosed in areas,suchas anatticor storageroomwhichrestrictsfreeair movement aroundcooler.Avoidinstallationearventpipes, kitchenexhauste, tc., asodors orfumesmaybe drawn into units.

Power Supply
Besure toconnectto 120volts,60Hzgrounded powesruppNote:Impropveorltagwe illburn outmotorand pumpwindingsandvoidthe
Mounting Window Models
Assurethatthe mountinsgurfaceis strong enoughtobearthe weighotf thecoolerwhen in use.Remembetrhatwhenthesystem withwater,the coolerwillbe muchheavier thanwhen
Themosctommomn ethodof installationinvolvesmountintghe cooleron a flatsupportor standprovidedbythe installer. Theductandgrillepot’donarephcedthrough


the window openingand windowpanels
arefit_l Into position(see
Aofniontshtearmllaettihoond involveths euse ofa cbeinkit andstandoff hardware.

To Install Cooler
Using A Chain Kit
I. Attachscrewhoolto outsidewindowfa’ame
approsimatdytwofeetabovecooler.Besure hookis insertedto fulldepthin fi-amefur maximumstreng
.Attachchainto eachhunk 2. If your cooler does aot have holes predrllled,drill3/16″holesr’ aboveeachpad framecomeratrearofcoolercabinetB. olt

.t Jgrfoen Empm.aut,e c.#e/er r_a,aa_dewe x, mm/

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hangtabstocoo (not_ endup)using machinescrewsandnutsprovided. 3. Placeleglevelingbottsin holesin cabinetfront withnut,washerandangletooutsideofcabinet. 4. Checkwindowsilloffset..,to determintehe thicknesosfthewoodstripforclearance.This clearancewillprovidespaceforthegrille.Secure woodstop withnailsorscrews.Fastenthe two bracketws ithscrewsprovidedm, akingsurethey are squarewiththe windowsash. 5. Placecoolerinwindowallowindguctto reston sill.Usingchainlink thatbringscoolerclosestto levelpositionp, lacelinkoverbangertab.’l’urn linkto lockRintonotcheson hangertab. 6. Placeleg levelingbrackeotn leglevelingboltwith brackeatgainstwall.Adiusbl oltsand chainto levelcooler.Securebrackettsowallwitheight #10 Phillipsheadscrewsprovided. _oU.. Coolerraayneed to b r-Ia_ht laUrto compensaefor addedweigbtof water

OverflowStandpipeand DrainLineInstallation
1. Installoverflowdrainbushingin bottomofcooler.
2. Screwoverflowstandpipeintodrain bushingandtightensnuglyto prevent leakage.
3. Sliderubbewr asheroverdrain bushingp, ushdrainbushintghrough bottomofcooler,and tightennut.
4. Connect(copper/pvc/gardheonse) to drainbushingand drainin accordancteo localcodes(seeFigure
I-I—-I”1/zr.t .t
Connert Water Supply Awaterval_eshouldbe installedata convenienlotcationto a]lowthe water supplyto be turnedon andoff(see Figure7); 1/4″tubingis usedto provide waterto the cooles.Awaterconnector kit,availablferom_ourdealerp, rovides the necessaryitems, NaU:$ofl ucaerequipraenstbould not be attachedto any waterUnes goingto a cooler “Soflwater_will causecorrosionand decreaseective

Thefloatvalveis tapedto the bottomofthe coolerto avoidshippingdamagef,f thecooleris goingto be permanentilnystalleda,ttachthefloatto the sideof frontpanelinsidethecabinewt ithholeprovided(see Figure8). Connecct oppertubingfromwatersupplyto coolerand connecto tube(fromfloatfalve) protrudinfrgomsideoffrontpanelusingferruleunion providedin partspackage.
Bracket _a
zoc__*” _GURE8
AdjustingWaterLeveland FloatValve
Fillresen,oir asfollows:
1. Turnwatersupplyon.Checkforgoodpressure andflowfromfloatvane.
2. Whenfloatvalwshutsoff,checkwaterlevel. Waterlevelshouldbe from1/2″to 1″belowtop edgeof overflowstandpipe.
3. Adjustfloatvalvebybendingtherod (seeFigure 9).

r, To reduce
electric shock,
connect only to an outlet
provided with
a groundfault
circuit interrupting device.

Cautio_£. Do not allow pump to topple over and become submerged; water will damage pump motor.
Never wash your cooler cabinet with a garden hose; water may harm motor and pump or seep into blower housing.


*#emtt eaelGr Oa’e M_aal $

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Regulerc, arefidmaintenancewill allowyou to enjoya long, more efficientservicelifefromyour cooler. Beforestartinganymaintenance operation, read thoroughlyall operating andmaintence instructionsand obset’ all cautions and
Changing Cooler Pads


Thefollowingtcoubleshnnimgguideisintendedto addrestshe mostcommonsymptomasndis byno meansexhaustiveI.f symptompsersist,calla qualifiedservicemanE.lectricalworkshouldbe completedbya eered electrician.m offall powerto thecooler beforeattemptintgotruubleshnnatnyofthefollowingsymptoms.




Utitan$to start k_dK’glir

1. Noeleetricapi owertounit A.Fuse blown B.Circuitbreaker tripped

1. Q_eckpower b. Replacefuse B. Resetbreaker

Yourcooler shouldbe changedat least twicea

year.., at the beginningof a season and midway


p smay

Pre_ Ra_inerIPireDs oura roC/,,arm

nced to be



f_’equently, depen_g oo local air

and water


conditions. For in.Vonce, in areaswheremineralcontentof the wateris

hlgh, depositsmaybuildup in the cooler pads, resmOinagirflow.

atti,t, ytJqut,

C.Cord(s) unpluggeodr damaged 2. Motoor ve_emedand/orfrozen

C.Plugincord(s) orreplaceif
3. Replacemotor

1. Lack d sufficientairexhanst

1. Opecwindowsordoorsto increase


2. lnsufllcinwnntt_ / padnotwet
AP. adpslugged
B.Dryor npenspotsnn peds C Troughholesdogged

2. Checkwaterdistributionsystem A.Replacepads B. Repackpads B. (acretroughsand unplugholes


D.UnplugpumpQ. cmimpeller

housingoffomgnmattear nd tam’tall

E Looseconnectionsin_ system E.Checkforleaksandcorreet

E Distributodroggedor corroded

ECleanor replace

12.. FSleoeatitanrfmloiamtvparlovpeleeralykaidnjgusted 3. Standpipneottight

L2. ARdepjulasfctleoflantntvalve 3.1h mndpipe

Replacepadsas follows:
1. Removepad assemblyfrom cabinet. 2. Carefullyremove allpads from retainers.
Removeand discord pads (see Figure 11). 3. Ug a mild
dirt andseale
f0rame*W. ire
brushingis not recommended. mnse with freshwater.
4. Laynewpadin frames,tarting at troughend, makingsure padis snug againsttroughand outeredgeswith no air spaces.
5. Padthiclmessshould be uniformaceossthe
frame.Note: Padmustcompletelyfillframeor hot air mayenter Muse. 6. Replace padmainers and lockunderedge of
frame.Sharppointsmust be buriedin pad. 7. Pre-soakpadsand reinmBpadf
8. Startpumpand allowtroughsto fill.., check water levelin troughsbyslightlytiltingeach pad flame out.

or glgt btmd_ Inh4MISe _Ot _t_lot

1. Bearthgdry _ 2. Wheelrubbingblowerhousing
orrotatingoff-balance 3. Lcoseparts 1. LooseBlowerWheel
1. lmdcqnnteey.hanst
1. Staleorstagnnnwt atorin reservoir
2. Padsmildewedordngged 3. Padsnotcempleteiywetbdore
cooleris turneodn

1. Replaeemotor. 2. Ire’pertblowersha[t,collars,bdt and
pulleyalignmenatndmotormounting 3. Resecureor reconnect
1. Inspectandadjust,or replace as needed.
I. Opendnnrs or windowsto incre*se ventilation
1.Drainl,lushand ciennresewoir, installbleed-oflfdt
2. Replaeel_ds 3. Tornnn weterbdorestarlingnnit



Thepumpandblowermotorsdonotrequire lubrication.
Replacement Parts
Yourwindowcooleris a high-qualiteyvaporativceoler designedtogiveyearsoftrouble-freservicewhenit is properlymaintainedH. owevesrh, ouldreplacememparts be requiredt,heyare availablethrougyhourdealer.

Motor Kit


Pump Fleat


SwitchM, otor




Pad Assemblyfor all sides P_80A

Air Discharge GfiU


BlowerWheelAssembly RF020116

StandpipeDrain Assembly SP2OOB

4 Rt_ t

Cao/er _ art4C_v Jaa_a/

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