Bazooka G3 Party Bar Soundbar Owner’s Manual

June 30, 2024

G3 Party Bar Soundbar


Product Specifications:

  • Models: BPB24-G3, BPB24-DS-G3, BPB36-G3
  • Features: Remote Pairing, LED Lighting Modes

Product Usage Instructions:

Changing Modes:

To toggle between Bluetooth/Aux/USB modes or music modes,
long-press the Mode button. Single-click to cycle through LED

Playback Controls:

  • Press Play/Pause to control music playback.
  • Use Volume Up/Down to adjust volume levels.

LED Lighting:

Press the LED button to cycle through different lighting

Accessory Usage:

Connect external LED light bars or accessories using the
accessory port.


How do I pair the remote with the BPB-G3?

Follow these steps:

  1. Unplug the main power cable from the BPB-G3 and wait for 30

  2. Hold down the ACC and Party buttons on the remote. After 5
    seconds, the red LED on the remote will start flashing slowly.
    Release the buttons when the LED starts flashing.

  3. Plug the main power cable back into the BPB-G3. The flashing
    LED on the remote will go off, indicating successful pairing.


Pllll F If’ Bll.llfNfJ

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… ····,. –


Play/t Pausel/ Miluutt1e:- — Acoccees1:issoory – –


-. – # / ….

Volhu11me up SScongghfotrrwwaard
Moode!2′ ((OCthaalnlgg:ee MMutusiici: MMoodoee)l


11 ..Long-pprree.sss the Mode buiJ..ittoni!’I to ttur1’7n 5!t.CCllfick- prre,esss5, tthe Mode buttoon tto

t· hhe· PP.aa rty BBar ON/JOOFFFF..

ttogggglte@ bettwweeenim Beiluule!ttooootthhJ/AuJiJ1xK//UUSSBB

2J.. CHli.cck-pprre”esSss LED to t·tuurn on/off beat
to muusi[c’-C moodde.

lHi.sstteenring moddeess…
66..PArensss >I1I1 tofl PPaauussieY/APlaay//mmute muussiic.

33.Lcong–pprreessss thhe LfED ‘bultttoonn tto ·tturn

7.. Presss VVooll++//–tto raiis:se and ilowweetr thine

tlhhe@· LlED lI ilghttss, Onni/JOffff.. The1?n1r1,_ clilck
pprreesss thhe LED buttton to cycle

voclumme:fil! of tthnee PPaairrtty Barr..
8..Preess5 II<< and >>I butttoonnsSi to ttrrack

tthinrroout.11gghh sstorreedd1 LEEOD ssequwieenncceess.r
4..AACCC buutton tuurirnr:is ONi/O’OFFFF tthhe

ffocrnwvaarrdd// oOniil ssoonggss..

aa 11 2:lvv pig taiUl foor an exx.tteernal

LEEOD ll iight baar or oother
na~ettiall,ll~l!ddItnusstlrruoccltiloannss Cc.1i1lnn





UUnnlllrl!ttJ15Shh tthhlel S5o11u11.nfJdd tiJllnldd lllllluummlinntdJltPll Yt’uouurr RRddll’lPl.lPn.ftuurrell

PPaarrttyy BBuultttonn:: CCfli1cckk–Pressss cycles trhl’trroltuïgghh tthhee

bbee:Klowwt lmtoddeeslt.

BBJlue: 5SJi’ngl1e· Luisittenee-1r Moltédde

PPurrpple:; DJJ B,roadctaas t MMot:Jddelt

Red: DJ LUi.sJ tteL’niJnrtggMl.foltdet (rejjouinus pprrev,,irouuslt

“Paurtty””‘ iffaavvoai,lJaabblle)J..






– – – – – _—–

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O0 DIJeect.:itddee who wwiilll DJJ tthhee Paarrtty ai;ind who
wwimll Linsten11

@8 DJj: Cillicek tIhhe PPaarrlty buttlotní o0.n11 tlhhe-l!

dcles!i[i:ggna.ited DJJ boatir unthil iIt tuurrnss PURPLLJEE aiil.nnddl

1thhel:!n longi;a-wpres:Sass tthhe bhuttloon tfoo entieer

“1=B!nr)o.tal-ddcCa..fsSlt”f! moodde (PPaarrttyy bb1u.Jtttonn wwilllll

bllilnkk wwhhiillef! iInn BBtr1o>aadci:aasstt PPaaEirrlin!g?] mooddee..

MulttUipplee LLlisrtelntee-rf bbaarrss cltann ijooiin.r,
rre sslimultCai! nflfeoOuIJsllyy whiflle tIhe DDJJ bar ibs; in

BBtrDoaidJcCiaUs1t Paarirring mltoode anda tthhe Paarlty)’

BB1u.1tton is.. stilrl! blinllkkirnngg.i.))

@OULis5itenneer1s5:· Clilck thhe PP-aarrltiy; B1u;1ttton oonlt tlhhe

Lilsttee_.nnieer bbalr” ulnttil i11t tuurmns’.’i RED and tthheen

long-prreess5 tthhe PP-latlrtty b1::iutttlotnî ttoo erntner

“”BBrlotaêdclcc-asltt PPaaii’fr’Iingg”· mlotdìee.

ODTThhee barrss ?wililllI a!uJrtommattiicaltly s1-ynltµc and all

Llilstttefnler barlst willrln yifelrddl muus5hic: and LED

l[igh;tUinltg¹ cwon11tr1ooll to thhee· DJJ baarr..

00Re=tlp)eeat s5ltteelptsü aabovvee for aii!lfni)y! NEW

“L1i5site1n1er” thflat wanttss tto Jjoailn ai:!lnrt lotnñ9going!;I

party._ On[lyy tlhhe@ ODJJ wwilllll nlt¶e ed to ente!!r

B13rOota!!d:ilCca21Ss:tt fPia:ilirrrinlt·-gg moddieQt wwhhillie 3a PPaanryty iIsi i[n

prlotggrletssslt tmoa, alllio:,w tthhee LLiissttCe!n@er to jjooi[nn.. Alll

oottheer ULissrteolntemrs wwilllll rreemltaiInn iIn tthhee PPaarrtty

wwhhilllei3 tthhee ni”Ler!Ww LLii!sitt{e!nerr jjooilnnss..

uListennerrs$ can lee.a:1ve an ex):misStinngg Paarrtty by s$,w-,iltdc,hilng9 ttoa Si.nnglIe LUi.ssteneiur Moede,. ail’ls1 ww-ellll as re1jo0inn tthhee Pl ?aar-ty by swiktc!h i1lntg bacrk t1o0 DJJ LLiissten·ing Mooddee..
LLiissteneerrs’!. can controf.11l tthe 1loccadll vcoilumme on tthheir1r bai:lr u’,:!sS-uinilg tthhe12- Voll +t-J/-· buM.dtt:to.onnslt or mmuutme tthhe121il1rr bhaar bby cUlicc.kiingg tlhhec PPflaayy//PPaauulste(=//>::;.)) buutttoonn.. tHi oweveer,,p anytilmmee tthhe-e DJJ aadjjus5:tts5. tthheevvcolluumlte oof ttthlee DDJJ bbaar it wwimll rireesseat aallI LUistefnlerlf barrss tto tthhee curr,entt voluumme oGf trhhee DOJJ bDa(!rf.
Allll GG33 PPaalrtty BBarrss rreC’fmflembbeerr tthheeiir lraanst PPalrtty».. OOnncet? aa PPaanrty hhaass bbe12eenn eeisstaablfils:fhed iit ccaanim ecalstily bhe@ r!!e@Ccreated pprovitdded tthie orrilggilnnaall DJJ bbaar i1s1 ggooiinltgº ttoo bbeetlhtlee DDJJ aag;aalin.. Tlroo rF”eecree.atee ttthiee lhaasst PPaarrtty sslimppllyy ttuurmn tthhee bDaarrss OONN ia;n!’dd cdlFicekk tIhllee Paarrtyy BButtoon oltnð eaadclh bbaairr ttoo ppult r-e5slpteýacti1vvee bar bbacckk innttoo DDJJ BEroaddci:a;1s5,·t or DWJ ULinstelnt[infg9 mociddee.- The laesSft Palrttyi wwilllll a1u,,11toomatriically be rirecreated pl!JrHo’.vNided tthhee orltigitnnailill DOJ bar is, preessefnlttanltd¸ thu1rmne@d ON iinn D[HJ Brlotaëdcalstt Mode.

BPB24-G3 BPB24-DS-G3 BPB36-G3
Remote Pairing Instructions

Hold __..


SStteepp 11.. Remove the power from the BBPPB-G3 by unplugging the main power cable. Wait 30 seconds

SStteepp 22.. Press and hhoolldd the ACC and PPaarrtty buttons. After 5 seconds you will
see that the red led on the remote will start
to flash slowly. Once the led is flashing release
the buttons.


SStteepp 33.. Plug the BPPB-G3”s main power cable back in. You will see the flashing LED on the remote go off.
Now your remote is paired to the BPB-G3.


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