Hable One Braille BV Keyboard User Guide

June 29, 2024
Hable One

Hable One Braille BV Keyboard

Hable One Braille BV Keyboard

The Training guide to the Hable One (IOS)

This training guide will take you step by step through all functionalities of the Hable One. First, it explains how to get started and how to set up the Hable One correctly. Then it explains how to navigate, type, and edit texts on your phone, how to become faster by using different shortcuts and finally how the Hable Menu works.

Here you can find an overview of the different chapters :

  1. Setting up for the first time
  2. Operating the phone
  3. Typing
  4. Editing text
  5. Shortcuts
  6. Working with the Hable Menu

You can set your own pace based on how fast or slow you get through the document. For complete beginners, we recommend that you take about 15 minutes of your day to work through one chapter every day.

Have fun with this starter guide!

First Time Set-up

This video explains in full what the Hable One is. With the help of this starter guide, you will be able to use the controller quickly. VoiceOver gives you audio feedback while using the Hable One. First, we will explain how to hold, set up and use the Hable One.

What’s in the box

In the box you will find the following:

  • The Hable One controller
  • USB C charging cable
  • Lanyard strap for your wrist
  • Warranty and Safety document

The Hable One and holding the Hable One

The Hable One has one flat side and one side with buttons. Furthermore there is a power slider on the top side of the Hable One. When the power slider is facing the ceiling and the side with the buttons is pointing away from you, you can turn the Hable One on by sliding the power slider to the right. On the bottom of the Hable, there is a charging port. This is also used when the Hable needs to be updated. On the bottom right of the Hable One, there is a place to attach the lanyard, which is also included in the box.

When using the Hable One, hold the controller in the air with both hands; do not place it on a table or desk. If you prefer to lay it down, you can, but we recommend you turn the buttons around. See the “Hable Menu” section on how to do this. Make sure the power slider is facing the ceiling. The flat back side should point towards you, this way the buttons will automatically point away from you.

Hold the controller with both hands. You do this by wrapping your hands around the short left and right sides of the Hable One. If you do this correctly, your index, middle and ring fingers will automatically fall on the six Braille input buttons. Note that the buttons point away from you, and you press them towards you.

From now on, each button is indicated by numbers. The six small buttons are numbered like a Braille cell. The three buttons on your left hand are numbered as one, two and three, with button one being closest to the power slider and button three being furthest away. The three buttons on your right hand are numbered four, five and six, with button four being closest to the power slider and button six being furthest away.

Place the left-hand index finger, the middle finger, and the ring finger on buttons one, two and three respectively. Place the right-hand index, middle and ring fingers on the four, five and six buttons respectively.
There are two longer buttons, which are the function buttons. On the left side of your left index finger, you will find button seven. On the right side of your right index finger, you will find button eight.

First time connecting to the phone

Make sure that VoiceOver is enabled on your phone. To do this go to your phone settings > Accessibility > VoiceOver > Turn on VoiceOver or use the accessibility shortcut to enable it.

Charging of the Hable One
When you receive the Hable One, you can immediately start using it because it is already charged up enough. When the Hable One is out of battery, you can charge it with the cable that you received in the box. When it is fully empty it takes three hours to charge it completely. The charging port is on the bottom side of the Hable One, when the charger is connected, there will be 3 short vibrations.

When you hold the device in the correct position, you turn the Hable One on by sliding the slide switch all the way to the right. The Hable One will vibrate twice when it is switched on. This indicates that the device is charged and ready to use.

The Hable One pairs through Bluetooth. To pair the Hable One with your smartphone, go to settings on your phone then turn on Bluetooth. You can also use Siri to turn on Bluetooth on your device. Look for the name of the controller “Hable One”, in the list of Bluetooth devices. Once you have found the device name, double click to start pairing. If the controller is not visible, try turning the Hable One off and on again. If the pairing was successful, the Hable One will vibrate to indicate that it is connected. The Hable One is now ready to use.

Correct Modus
The first time your Hable One connects to your phone, it  automatically recognises whether it is in iOS or Android mode. If you have previously paired it with an Android phone, you can change the mode manually. To find out how to do this, go to the Hable Menu section in this manual.

The Hable One can be set to several languages. Before we send the Hable One to you, we already set it to the right language for you. If you want to know how to change the language, please check the Hable Menu section of the user manual.

Operating The Ios Phone

Navigating through the phone with the Hable One is easy to learn. In this section you will learn the basics on how to move through your phone. You can go to the next and previous item, activate an item, go back and make a shortcut to the home screen.

Some functions will follow. Also a short explanation will be given on how to perform them on the Hable One and an example of where you would use it. If any of the functions don’t work, this might have something to do with quick navigation being turned off. You normally don’t have to do anything with this function, unless something is not working properly. Then you can try holding 3, 4 and 6.

Move to next item

Hold 7 and press 8 When you are in the home screen and want to navigate from one app to the next app. You can navigate between items even within an app using this function.

Move to previous item

Hold 8 and press 7 When you are in the home screen and want to navigate from one app to the previous app.

Move to first item

Hold 1, 2 and 3 When you hold this, VoiceOver jumps to the first clickable item on the screen.

Move to last item

Hold 4, 5 and 6 When you hold this, VoiceOver jumps to the first clickable item on the screen.

Activate an item

Press 7 and 8 To open an app once the focus is on the icon.

Press and hold an item

First press button 1 and 5 to start holding an item. To stop holding the button, press button 7 and 8. This can for example be used to send a voice message in Whatsapp.

To go back

Hold 1 and 2 (Same as the braille letter ‘b’) When you want to return to the last page you were on

To go to the home screen

Hold 1,2 and 5 (Same as the braille letter ‘h’) When you want to exit the application you are on and want to go to the home screen directly.

Volume down

Hold 1,2 and 6

Volume up

Hold 3,4 and 5

If you are curious to learn some more functions to make operating your phone easier, be sure to check out the functions manual.
In case any problems occur while using the Hable One, you can consult the Problem Solving Guide for a solution.


Typing is one of the most important functions of the Hable One. Typing works the same as with other Braille input devices. In case you are not familiar with the braille alphabet yet, the Hable One braille manual will be helpful for you. Let us begin.

Functions and how to perform them on the Hable One:

Typing letters

Same as Braille – So, when you press button 1, you write the letter ‘a’. Buttons 1 and 2 give the letter ‘b’, Buttons 1 and 4 give ‘c’, and so on. See also the Braille manual.

Typing contractions

Same as Braille – You enable or disable contractions by holding 1,2,4 and 5 (these combinations of buttons are the same as the braille letter ‘g’).


Hold 2 By holding 2 you activate the dictation function. When you are done dictating, hold 2 again.


Press 8


Press 7

Enter (or new line)

Press 1 and 8

Shift enter

Press 2 and 8 Note that in message apps, such as Whatsapp, Shift Enter creates a new line, whilst Enter sends the message.


Press 3,4,5,6 first. This is to create a distinction between typing letters and numbers. The Hable will indicate that numbers mode is activated with 2 buzzes. Then, button 1 on the Hable One gives number one. Button 1 and 2 gives number two and so on. You might notice, these are in the same order as alphabets. To go back to typing alphabets, press button 8 for space and continue.


Press 6 first, followed by the letter you want to type. This works the same as the shift key on your keyboard, so the character after the capital letter will automatically be a lower case. Note that the capital sign might be different per language. Pressing 6 twice activates Caps for the coming word.When activated, the Hable will vibrate twice, typing a space by pressing 8 will deactivate the Caps. Pressing 6 three times activates Caps Lock for a whole passage. The Hable will vibrate 3 times when it is turned on. CapsLock for a whole passage is deactivated when an Enter is typed by pressing 1 and 8. The Hable will vibrate 3 times to let you know that CapsLock for a whole passage is deactivated.

Text editing

functions of the Hable One. With the basic functions of text editing, you can browse through your written texts, erase, and replace characters or words. You can also start new lines.

Functions, how to perform them on the Hable One and an example of where you would use it:

Move cursor to next character

Hold 7 and press 4 In the word “Hable”, if you want the cursor to go from the letter ‘H’ to ‘a’

Move cursor to previous character

Hold 4 and press 7 In the word “Hable”, if you want the cursor to go from the letter ‘a’ to ‘H’

For the above two functions, it is important to remember that VoiceOver reads out the character that the insertion point goes past.

Go to next word

Hold 7 and press 5

Go to previous word

Hold 5 and press 7


Press 7

New line

Press 1 and 8 (make sure to only press the 1 and 8 shortly) Wherever you would use the enter key on your keyboard

Shift enter

Press 2 and 8


The rotor is a menu specifically for IOS that allows the user to access special functions such as Speaking rate or navigation methods such as per heading, line or character.

Next rotor setting

Hold 7 and press 6

Previous rotor setting

Hold 6 and Press 7

For text editing, there are a few tricks to remember the button combinations more easily. All text editing is built around button 7 for your left hand and buttons 4,5 and 6 for your right hand. In addition, all actions are mirrored, so if you know how to go forward, you could figure out how to go back. For example, you can move to the next character by holding down button 7 and pressing button 4 once. To go back one character, hold down key 4 and press key 7 once.


The Hable One uses several shortcut keys to quickly navigate through the phone. Most of these shortcuts are easy to remember with some tricks. As you read through this chapter, we recommend that you use the shortcuts as you read them. Some of these shortcuts you may have learned in previous chapters, but it is helpful to repeat them. Let’s get started!

Functions, how to perform them on the Hable One and an example of where you would use it:

Pause reading

Hold 1 When you want VoiceOver to stop reading a text. If you hold 1 again, VoiceOver starts reading again.

Two finger double tap (or magic touch)

Hold 3 This function can be used for various things including: Picking up the phone, hanging up the phone, pausing or playing music and pausing and playing videos.

Notification center

Hold 1,3,4 and 5 (Same as the braille letter ‘n’) When you want an overview of the messages you have received without opening them.

Status bar

Hold 2,3 and 4 (Same as the braille letter ‘s’) If you want a quick scan of the time, WiFi status etc.

Control center

Hold 2, 4 and 5 The Control center is a small menu that gives access to some important, much used functions. Examples are the flashlight, the Wifi and the Bluetooth settings. Which settings are in here exactly is dependent on the phone and preferences. The control center can always be opened and closed by pressing 2,4 and 5

Move to top of screen

Hold 1,2 and 3 Navigates to the first clickable item on the screen

Move to bottom of screen

Hold 4,5 and 6 Navigates to the last clickable item on the screen

To go back

Hold 1 and 2 (Same as the braille letter ‘b’) When you want to return to the last page you were on

Mute VoiceOver

Hold 1,3 and 4 (hold again to turn on again)

Activating Siri

Hold 1, 4 and 5 (same as Braille letter ‘d’) To open an app with voice command. Please note that these functions only work if you have Siri enabled in your settings. If there are any problems with this function, please go to the troubleshooting guide

Open VoiceOver Help

Hold 1 and 3

Screen Curtain

Hold 3 and 4 The screen curtain makes the screen black without turning the phone off.

Hable Menu

In the Hable Menu you can change the device settings, change the button layout, or check the battery status.

Open the Hable Menu

Hold 1,2,3,4,5 and 6

All next functions only work once you enter the Hable Menu. To exit the Hable Menu, you have to press buttons 1 through 6 again.

Exchanging buttons:

Hold 1,3,4,6 (Same as the braille letter ‘x’). This changes button 1 to button 3 and button 4 to button 6.

Set operating system as Android

Hold 1 (you feel 3 vibrations) If your Hable One was connected to an iOS device before and you want to use it with an Android device, this function must be performed .

Set operating system as iOS

Hold 2 (you feel 2 vibrations) If your Hable One was connected to an Android device before and you want to use it with an iOS device, this function must be performed.

Remove all Bluetooth bindings

Hold 1,2,3 and 5 (Same as the braille letter ‘r’). Your Hable One can be connected to up to 5 devices at a time. To remove all previous connections from the Hable One, perform this shortcut.

Battery status of the Hable One

Hold 3 and 6

  • 3 vibrations: High battery level.
  • 2 vibrations: Medium battery level.
  • 1 vibration: Low battery level.
  •  No vibration means that the Hable One is empty and needs to be recharged.

Hold down time

It is also possible to adjust the “hold down time”. This means that you can set how long you must press keys before it works. For example, how long you must press the ‘h’ of home before it goes to the home screen. This function has four modes which are indicated by the number of vibrations. 1 vibration is the shortest time and 4 vibrations the longest.

Set the duration of the “hold down time” Hold 1, 2 and 3 (These combinations of buttons are the same as the braille letter ‘L’ for ‘Long press’) 4 vibrations means you need to hold the buttons the longest, one vibration means the shortest. This may be interesting for the faster Hable One user and may increase your speed.

Language settings

Remember to open the Hable menu before changing the language.

Put the language to Dutch
Hold 1,4 and 5 (these combinations of buttons are the same as the braille letter ‘d’ for ‘Dutch’)

Put the language to Flemish (Belgium)
Hold 1 and 2 (these combinations of buttons are the same as the braille letter ‘b’ for ‘Belgium’)

Put the language to English (UEB)
Hold 1 and 5 (these combinations of buttons are the same as the braille letter ‘e’ for ‘English’)

Put the language to French
Hold 1,2 and 4 (these combinations of buttons are the same as the braille letter ‘f’ for ‘French’)

Put the language to Spanish
Hold 2,3 and 4 (these combinations of buttons are the same as the braille letter ‘S’ for ‘Spanish’)

Put the language to Danish
Hold 1, 3, 4 and 5 (these combinations of buttons are the same as the braille letter ‘N’)

Congratulations! You have now reached the end of this getting started guide. We now recommend that you use the functions manual to look up specific and more advanced functions. If you feel like you need further help, feel free to contact us at support@iamhable.com.

On behalf of the entire Hable Team, good luck with your Hable One!

Product Specifications

August 19, 2022

Weight 100 grams
Dimensions (L.B.H) 120 x 65 x 32 mm
OS Support iOS (iPhone & iPad): Voiceover Android: TalkBack Mac OS: Writing

support Windows: Writing support
Braille Input Keys| 6-dot braille input
Languages Supports| UEB (contracted; uncontracted), Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish, French
Interfaces & Ports| 1 Micro USB-C, Firmware upgrades and battery storage, Bluetooth V5, Slider Switch
Battery| Non-replaceable, Lithium-ion battery
Battery Life| 10 days of typical use
Charging Method| PC charger: Charge over USB Port – 5V, 500 mA Max Wall charger: Charge over USB Port – 5V, 1000 mA Max;
Environmental Conditions| Operational
Temperature: 5 °C to 45 °C
Humidity: 10% – 70% relative humidity Storage Temperature: -15 °C to 70 °C Humidity: 5% – 90% relative humidity

Safety & Compliance

Thank you for purchasing the Hable OneTM product (the Product). With this document we aim to inform you about the safety, compliance and warranty aspects of the Product. Important Safety Instructions General warnings
General warnings 

  • Read, keep and follow these instructions. Heed all warnings.
  • Do not use the Product near water. This can result in a risk of fire or electric shock. Substances in the Product and its battery may harm the environment or cause injury if handled and disposed of improperly.
  • Clean only with dry cloth. Do not use abrasive cleaners.
  •  Do not block any ventilation openings.
  • Do not use or dispose of the Product at any heat sources, such as radiators, stoves and other apparatus that produce heat. Turn off the product when it feels warm or hot.
  • Only use attachments/accessories specified by Hable, or sold with the Product (such as USB-C cable).
  • Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Do not open the Product yourself. Servicing is required when the Product has been damaged in any way, e.g. when the charging port is defective or when liquid is spilled over the Product.
  • The Product may not be used by persons under the age of 8.
  • Long periods of repetitive motion using the Product may be associated with nerve, tendon or muscle injury in your hands, wrists, arms, shoulders, neck or back. See a qualified health professional for pain, numbness, weakness, swelling, burning, cramping, stiffness or or any other medical discomfort that may occur when using the Product.

Specific battery warning

Do not attempt to replace the battery or open the enclosure or disassemble the Product yourself. Doing so will void the warranty and can result in a safety hazard. If the Product is no longer charging, please contact Hable Customer Support for repair or replacement information.

Disposal and Recycling information Because of the battery incorporated in the Product, the Product may not be disposed with ordinary household waste.

Regulatory Compliance Statements

Hable is authorized to apply the UKCA Mark on the Product. The following Directives and Standards have been applied:

The Limited Warranty Policy (LWP) for Hable One Products applies to the delivery of the Product. Provided that for customers (any natural person acting for purposes which are outside his trade, business or profession) under UK law the Warranty Period (as defined in the LWP) is 6 years in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and 5 years in Scotland. The customer may choose which Warranty Services (as defined in the LWP) are desirable. During the repair or replacement of the Product, the Warranty Period shall be suspended.

FCC Compliance Statement

Compliance Statement (Part 15.19)

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and
  2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Warning (Part 15.21)

Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

FCC Interference Statement (Part 15.105 (b))

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Responsible party (for FCC matters only)

Contains FCC ID: SQGBL654

Documents / Resources

| Hable One Braille BV Keyboard [pdf] User Guide
HABLE1, 2A7AZ-HABLE1, 2A7AZHABLE1, Braille BV Keyboard, Braille Keyboard, BV Keyboard, Braille, Keyboard, BV

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