SONY BRAVIA K-55XR80 55 Inch 4K HDR OLED Smart Google TV Installation Guide

June 24, 2024

BRAVIA K-55XR80 55 Inch 4K HDR OLED Smart Google TV



  • Model: K-55XR80 / 55XR80C
  • Dimensions and Weight (Without Table-Top Stand):
    • 713mm x 442mm x 223mm / 28in x 17.4in x 8.8in
    • Weight: 32.3kg / 71.2lb
  • Dimensions and Weight (With Table-Top Stand):
    • 713mm x 442mm x 223mm / 28in x 17.4in x 8.8in
    • Weight: 34kg / 74.9lb

Product Usage Instructions

  1. Unpack the television carefully and place it on a stable

  2. Connect the power cord to a power outlet and the TV.

  3. Turn on the TV using the remote control or power button on the

  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the initial
    setup, including language selection, network connection, and
    channel scanning.

  5. You are now ready to enjoy your television.


Q: How do I adjust the picture settings on the TV?

A: You can adjust the picture settings by accessing the TV’s  

menu and navigating to the picture settings section. From there,
you can modify settings such as brightness, contrast, color, and

Q: Can I connect external devices to the TV?

A: Yes, you can connect external devices such as gaming  

consoles, Blu-ray players, and streaming devices to the TV using
HDMI or other compatible ports.

Q: How do I update the TV’s software?

A: To update the TV’s software, go to the settings menu, select  

System Update, and then follow the on-screen instructions to check
for and install any available updates.



Setup Guide
Téléviseur Televisor digital a color con pantalla de diodo orgánico
de emisión de luz (OLED) Televisor



1 2







EN Setup Guide FR Manuel de configuration ES Guía de configuración PT Guia de Configuração

Sony Customer Support





1.800.222.SONY (7669) 1.877.899.SONY (7669)

Please Do Not Return the Product to the Store

Service à la clientèle Sony

Canada :

États-Unis :



1.877.899.SONY (7669) 1.800.222.SONY (7669)

Ne retournez pas le produit au magasin

Lea este manual antes de usar el producto
Centro de Asistencia de Sony Llame al número telefónico que aparece en su póliza de garantía. Por favor no devuelva el producto a la tienda donde adquirió el producto.

K-55XR80 / 55XR80C



1.5 Nm/1,5 Nm {15 kgfcm}



x 2






x 2


x 2

x 2


Only for limited region/country/model. / Uniquement pour certaines régions/pays/modèles. / Solo para regiones/países/modelos limitados. / Exclusivo para regiões/países/modelos especificados.

*2 Refer Reference Guide. / Reportez-vous au Manuel de référence. / Consulte la Guía de referencia. / Consulte o manual de instruções.

© 2024 Sony Corporation Printed in Mexico



1 5 6 *7



7 *1



*4 < 21 mm
< 12 mm


3.5/3,5 mm
1 23
1 : TxD 2 : RxD 3 : GND / Tierra


3.5/3,5 mm
1 : IR 2 : GND / Tierra

*7 < 7 mm
< 1.5/1,5 mm

Television Téléviseur Televisor digital a color con pantalla de diodo orgánico de emisión de luz (OLED)
Reference Guide Manuel de référence Guía de referencia


K-77XR80 / 77XR80C / 65XR80 / 65XR80C K-55XR80 / 55XR80C lusltn1/h_usltn/


··oe·o· !…
a0 a0 0a







,-~ –

Read this manual before using this product

Sony Customer Support

U.S.A.: Canada:



1.800.222.SONY (7669) 1.877.899.SONY (7669)

Call the telephone number that appears on your warranty card/policy. Please do not return the product to the store.

Lisez ce manuel avant d’utiliser le produit

Service à la clientèle Sony

Canada : États-Unis :



1.877.899.SONY (7669) 1.800.222.SONY (7669)

Appelez le numéro de téléphone qui apparaît sur votre carte/police de garantie.

Ne retournez pas le produit au magasin.

Lea este manual antes de usar el producto
Centro de Asistencia de Sony
Llame al número de teléfono que aparece en su tarjeta/póliza de garantía. Por favor no devuelva el producto a la tienda donde adquirió el producto.

© 2024 Sony Corporation

Dimensions and weight (without Table-Top Stand) / Dimensions et poids (sans support de table) / Dimensiones y peso (sin soporte de sobremesa)

*1 (Approx. / Environ / Aprox.)

K-77XR80 / 77XR80C
K-65XR80 / 65XR80C
K-55XR80 / 55XR80C


1 1

713 713

/ /

67 67


1 1

442 442

/ /

56 56


1 1

223 223

/ /

48 48


984 984

/ /

38 38


829 829

/ /

32 32


706 706

/ /

27 27



38 38

/ /

1 1


37 37

/ /

1 1


37 37

/ /

1 1


32.3 / 71.2 32,3 / 71,2
22.3 / 49.2 22,3 / 49,2
17.1 / 37.7 17,1 / 37,7

Dimensions and weight (with Table-Top Stand) / Dimensions et poids (avec support de table) / Dimensiones y peso (con soporte de sobremesa)

l 1

– – @ 1 – –




I® 1 1

@ 2


2 1

@ 2

K-77XR80 / 77XR80C
K-65XR80 / 65XR80C
K-55XR80 / 55XR80C



1 1

713 713

/ /

67 67


1 1

442 442

/ /

56 56


1 1

223 223

/ /

48 48


1 1

012 012

/ /

39 39


855 855

/ /

33 33


732 732

/ /

28 28



1 066 / 42 1 066 / 42

909 909

/ /

35 35


786 / 31

786 / 31

*1 (Approx. / Environ / Aprox.)

405 / 16 405 / 16

248 248

/ /

9 9


248 248

/ /

9 9



1 1

258 258

/ /

49 49


1 244 / 49

1 244 / 49

1 1

075 075

/ /

42 42



596 596

/ /

23 23


584 / 23

584 / 23

584 / 23 584 / 23


34 / 74.9 34 / 74,9
23.2 / 51.2 23,2 / 51,2
18 / 39.7 18 / 39,7

The length of the screw for Wall-Mount Bracket differs depending on the Wall- Mount Bracket thickness / La longueur des vis pour le support de fixation murale diffère selon l’épaisseur du support de fixation murale / La longitud del tornillo para el soporte de montaje mural varía dependiendo del espesor del soporte de montaje mural
TV’s rear cover / Couvercle arrière du téléviseur / Parte posterior del TV Wall-Mount Bracket / Support de fixation murale / Soporte de montaje mural
10 ­ 12 (mm)

Optiona l Camera and Microphone Unit (not supplied) C11ble M11n11gement/Gestiondu dble de la camera avec mkrophone en opt ion { n o n f o u r n i ) / M a nej o d e l c a b l e d e l a u n l d a d d e ciimara V micr6fonoopcional (nosuminist rado)
~ ~
K-77XR80 / 77XRSOC / 65XRSO / 65XRSOC

Theremotecontrolshape,layout, availabi1ity andfunctionofremo te controlblllt ons may va ry depending on your region/ country/ TV model/ TV s ettin gs. [TI (!)(Power)
lV: Display TV channel list or switch to input >(Quick settings): Display Quick Settings. -{E) ( Input) : Display and select the input source.etc. MENU{Control menu}: Display the Control menu I]] .A / ” l / /$:Onsclemu navigation and selection ~(Back) 1′-(Home)
4 (Google Assistant / Microphone):
UseGoQ<JleAssistant·~··. ~ ~+ /- (Volume)
i¢(Mute)·7 CH+ /- (Channel) O {Dashboard): Display Dashboard I
fi3 (Guide): Di splay the digital prQ<Jram
guide of TV or Uble/satellite box’ 8. @] App button s
·1 RMF -TXg20u only.To see the model rame of the remote control, open the remote cont rolcoverandse e thelabelonthe remote control.
·2 The remote control backli11ht will illuminatewhenthelightsensordetects the ambient li11ht i!i low. Automatic illumin11 t ionofthebackli11htc11nbeturned off.
·3 Theremotecontrolisrech11r11e11ble.The LEDindic11torwillshowch11rgingstatus [red).USQthesuppliedUSBType -( ” cable toch11rgeth12remot12controlusingyour own USB AC adapter
·4 Th12buzzerwillemit11soundeith12rwhen youu’>l:’theremotecontrolfind12rfunction or wh12nyou press the power button on theremotecontrolwhenth12batteryislow. RefertotheonlineHelpGuide fordetails
·s Only for limited r12gion/country/mod-1I/ l11ngu11g12
‘6 Google Assistant l”l?quires an Internet connection
·7 Accessibilityshortcutis11v11il11bleby pressingandholding i¢ [Mut-1)
‘8 [C11ble/S11telliteboxsetup)settingis r12quir12d
“””· Instructions about “Installing the TV to the Wall” are included within this TV’s instruction manual · Readthesupplledsafetydocumentationfor
additional safety information
Locatio n o f t h e i < l e n t i f ication1abel Labels for the TV Model No. and Power Supply ratingarelocatedonth12l”l?arofth eTV. Theyc11n befoundbyremovingthetermin11lcov12r.
Owne(s Rernr<l Th-1modelandso.ri11lnumbersar-1locat-1dat th· sid · and/orrearofthe TV.Recordth·sa numbersinth e spacesprovidedbelow. Refer to th12m whenever you call upon your Sony dealerl”l?gardingthisTV.
Model Name
IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR MEXlCO Operationofthisequipmentissubjecttothe following two cond itions: [1) it is possibl12 thatthis ,;iquipmentordevice maynotcause harmfulinterferenceand {2) thisequipment ordevicemustacc,;iptanyinterference, includinginterferencethatmaycauseundesired operation
ForinformationrelatedtothecertifK:ate number,refertothepackagelabeland/or product
This product uses the following module for wireless functionalities Model:J20H103 Brand: FOXCONN

WLAN 2.4 GHz {2.4000 GHz – 2.483S GHz ) SGHz [S.1SO GHz – S.BSO GHz) 6 GHz(s_g2s GHz – 6.42S GHz)
Bluetoo~: 2.4 GHz {2.4000 GHz – 2.483S GHz)

Information for the remote control with voice command included with this product:
Mod el: RMF -TX820U” Brand:Sony

Note:Usesthefollowingdeviceforwireless functionaliti es·
Model:Uf878 Brand:Ufl

‘1 To see th12 mcdel nam-1 of the lllmot-1 control, opentheremotecontrolcoverandse12th12 label on the re mom control
Safety Information
Noti<efor <11st omersintheU.S.A.
Supplie(s Dedaratioo ofCooformity TradeNam e: SONY Model: K·77XR80 I K-77XR80C / K-6SXR80 / K-65XR80C / K-55XR80 / K-55XR80C ResponsibleParty:SonyElectronic5ln(: Address:16535ViaEsprillo,SanDiego, CAg2127U.S.A TelephoneNum~r:858-g42-2230

Compatible Wall-Mou nt Bra<ket Informat ion Use the following Sony Wall-Mount Bracket with yourTVmodel
Sony TV Model No

ISonyWall – Mount Bracket Model No.

K·77XR80/ K-77XR80C/ K-6SXR80/ K·6SXR80C/ K·SSXR80/ K·55XR80C

Use with other Wall -Mount Brackets·l may causeinstabilitvandcouldresultinpropert'{ dam1111eorinjury.

‘1 Only for limited region/country/model ·2Forinstructionsonusingth e W11ll·Mount
Bracket with your TV please goto
b!!:~com/am/sui;,~for your TV med el and download “Wall -Mount Bracket·.

To Customers Sufficientexpertisei!irequiredforTV
installations.Besuretosubcontractthe installation toaSonydealerorlicensed contractor and pay11d eq uate11ttentiontosafety during the installation

Beforesettingup yo urTV Some TV models are packaged with 11 detached Table -Top Stand so you can mount vourTV to
a wall r~ht away. See ‘ lnstallin11 the TV to the Wall ‘ if you want to mount the TV to 11 wall. If
you are not mounting the TV toa wall, vou will needtoattach t heTable -TopStand {refertothe Setup Guide ).
Besure toconsiderthefollowin11whilesetting upyourTV· · Disconnect all cables when carrying the TV. · B12foretransportingtheTVset, removethe · Two or more persons are needed to transport
a large TV set · Correct hand placement while carrying the TV

· :t;~~:fu;et, do not lay down the

(S)/ X

TV(forapplicableT. .V. O·

model only ).



Securing the TV

Sony strongly recommends takingmeasurestop1vent the TV from toppling over. Unsecured TVs may topple andlsultlnpropertydamage, seriousbodilyinjuryoreven death

PreventiogtheTVfromToppling · Secur-1 the TV to a wall and/or Stand · Donotallowchildrentoplayorclimbon
furniture and TV sets · Avoid placing or hanging items on th12 TV. · NeverinstalltheTVon
-slippery,unstableand/orunevensurfaces -furniturethatcaneasilybeusedassteps,
suchas a chestofdrawer5 · Install the TV where it cannot~ pulled,
pushed, orknockedover. · lnstalltheTVsothattheTV”s Table-TopStand
does not protrude out from the Stand (not supplied].lftheTable -TopStand protrudesout fromtheStand, itmaycauseTVsettotopple over. falldown, andcausepersonal injuryor
dama11etothe TV.

· Route all AC power cords and connecting cables50thattheyarenotaccessibleto curious children
RecommeodedMeasures toSec uretheTV Consider the following measures when securing yourTVtoaStand(notsupplied)
1 SecuretheStandfortheTV.
MakesuretheStandcanadequatelysupport the weight of the TV. Use two angle braces (not supplied) tosecul the Stand. For each anglebraceusethe appropriatehardwareto · Attachonesideoftheanglebracetothe
wallstud · AttachtheothersidetotheStand


/ I ~ A a g l e b , a c , {notsupplied)



2 SecuretheTVtotheStand
Use the optional hardware listed as follows (not supplied):
· M6 machine screws (screwed into the TV’s rearcover).
· Ascreworsimilar [attachittotheStand]. · Rope orchain[strong enou11h to suppor t
the we~ht of the TV). Make sure that there i!inoexcessslackintherope orchain.

ThelengthoftheM6machinescrewdiffers depending on the rope or chain diameter. Pleaserefertobelowillustration

3 AnchortheTVtothewallbyuslngbolts,wall
anchorandchain (orrope)
Wall -mohtuhonles

:;:,f;· -,.’–~ -m-, . .



M6 eye bolts [not supplied )



d [~lsopplied)

Pleaselfertobelow lllustrationforM6eye bolt length 10-12 (mm }
·Note Your TV is shipped with screws attached to the rear of the TV depending on th12 TV model (Th12ya reb stenedinthescrewholesforw11II mounting.] Be sure tornmove th o. upper two screws prior to anchoring the TV to 11 wall · Securingth-1TVtotheStandwithoutsecuring
theTVandthl:’Standtoth12wallprovides minimum protection against the TV toppling over.Forfurtherprotection,besuretofollow theth1emeasuresrecommended
The8RA VIA~ 4 K T V h perience Thank you for choosing Sony! Your n12w BRAVIA- TV op<,ns th e door to the “4K TV Exp12ri12nce”.Thisdocumentwillh12lpyouget th-1 mostoutofyourTV
ThisTVdi splaysallvideoinputsignalsina r12solutionof3840dotsx2160Iines
Note · For supported PC formats, l”l?ferto the online
Gui<lelines forlRRennteCo ntrol · Point your remote control directly at the IR
se n50rlocatedonyourTV. · M11kesurethatnoobjectsareblockin11the
p,!lthbetweentheremotecontrolandthe lR senwronyourTV.

· Fluorescentlampscan interfelwithyour remotecontrol;tryturningoffthefluorescent lamps
· lfyou are having problems with the remote control, relnsertorreplaceyourbatteriesand makesurethattheyarecorrectlyinserted (exceptRMF·TX920U)
Usingthe optionalWall-MountB<acket(SU-WLSSS only) “‘ (oot su pplied)
To Customers: Forproductprotectionandsafetyre1150ns, Sony strongly recommends that installation ofyour TV be performed by Sony dealers or licensed contractors. Do not attempt to install it yourself.
To Sony Dealers and contractors: Provld e fullattention tosafetydurin11the installation,periodicmalntenanceand eXaminationofthisproduct.
Wall-Mount Bracket Installation Information For Instructions on Wall-Mount Bracket installation,seethelnstallationlnformation (Wall- MountBracket)ontheSony(ustomer Support website foryourTV model at the following address · Followtheinstructionguideprovidedwiththe
Wall-Mount Bracket for your med el. Sufficient expertise isrequiredininstallingthisTV. especiallytodeterminethestrengthofthe wall for withstanding the TV”s weight · Sonyi!inot liablefor11nydama11eor injurycausedbymishandlin11orimproper installation. · Besuretostoretheunusedscre=andT11bleTopStandin11safeplaceuntilyou11rere11dy to attachtheTable -TopStand.Keepthescre= away from small child ren.
Nole · Readthesuppliedsafetydocumentationfor
additional safety information
·1 Only for limited region/country/mcdel

UsiogtheoptionaIWa11-Mount8racket(ex.cept SU-WL855) {not supp lied) ThisTV’slnstructionmanualonlyprovidesthe steps to prepare the TV for Wall-Moun t installationbefor,;itisinstalledonthewall

Your TV can be mounted 1011 wall using a suitableW11ll·MountBracket{notsuppli12d).lf theTable·TopStandisattachedtoth eTV, theTV mayrequired12tachingtheTable-TopStand: see “Detaching the Tabl e-Top Stand from the TV ‘ _ Prepare th<, TV for the Wall -Mount Bracket
before making cable connections

Forproductprotectionand safetyrea sons, Sony strongly recommends that inst allati on of your TV o n the w all b.;i p erformed by
qualified pro fessio nals. Oo not att empt to inst a ll it yo urse lf. · Follow the instruction guide provided with the
Wall-Mount Bracket for your model. Sufficient expertiselS1qUi1d in installing this TV. especiallytodeterminetheStlngthofthe wall for withstanding the TV “s weight
· The screws for installing the Wall -Mount BrackettotheTValnotsupplied
· Refer to the following table for the wall·mount holep,!lttern.


0 8 8
300 300 140.2

K-6SXR80 / 6SXR80C 300 300 140.2

K-SSXR80 I SSXR80C 300 300 140.2


· Besuretostoretheunusedscl”l?wsandT11ble· TopStandinasafo. plac.;i untilyouarereadyto attachth,1T11bl.i·TopStand.Keepthescrews

~::::::~,:,::h:::~:docam,a~lioafu, addition al safety Information.
· For more detailed information, visit Sony CustomerSupportwebsite.”
‘1 Only for limited region/country/model.
1 Remov e the stand covers and terminal





3 AttachtheWall-MountBracket(notsupplied)
usingthescrews[notsuppli«:1 ) Wall·MountBracket [not supplied] Cl
Screw (not supplied)
‘””· lfusinganelectricscrewdriver.setthetorque
11t11pproxim11tely1.S N·m{lS kgf-cm). Detac hiogthe Ta ble-TopStan<lfromthe TV TodetachtheTable-TopStandfromtheTV, removethescre= ¼
Note · Be careful when lifting the TV as the Tabl.;i·Top
Standisdetached,theTable·TopStandmay toppleov.?randcaus.?personalinjury ·Takecarewhenl”l?movingtheTable-TopStand tromthel VtopreventIttromt11llIngover11nd damagingth-1surbcethattheTVissittingon · Do not remov12 th e Table-Top Stand for any reasonoth12rthantoinstallcorresponding accessories on the TV. · BesuretheTVi!iverticalbefore tumingon.To avoid unevo.n picture uniformity do not power on the TV with the panel facing down · WhenattachingtheTable·TopStandagaln,be suretofastenthesclws(previouslyremoved) to the origin al holes on the rear of the TV. Troubleshooting Generaltroubleshootingforlssueslike:black screen, no sound. frozen picture, TV does not respond, or network is lost. do the following steps
1 Restart your TV by p1ssing the power button
on the remote control for about nve second~ The TV will restart. If the TV does not recover. tryunpluggingtheACpowercordthenpress the power button on the TV and release it Wait for two minutes, and plug in the AC power cord Or. press the power button on the TV for about40seconds until the TV turns off.
2 Refer to the Help menu shown ~low.

3 ConnectyourTVtothe Internet and perform
11 software update. Sony recommends you to keepyou r TV50ftw11reupd11ted.Softw11re updatesprovide newfeatures and performance improvements.
4 Visit Sony support website [Information
provided on the front cover of this manual).
5 Performthe factorydataresel
When you plug in the TV, the lV may not be able to tum on for a while even if you press the power button on the remot:e control or the TV. lttakestimetoinitializethesystem. Waitfor aboutoneminute. thenoperateitagain
How to resetthelVtofactory settings WARNING : The reset will clear all of your customizedsettingsincludingtheparentallock setting · YoucanlSettheTVtofactorysettingsby
selecting[Factorydatareset].Howtoselect [Factorydatareset).1fertotheonline Help Guide · Toforcefactorydatareset.unplugtheAC power cord . Press and hold O button on the TV, then plug in the AC power cord · Forsecuritypurposes,besuretoremoveall personalandaccountinformationbefo~ discarding,sellingorpassingyourTVto someon e elseby: unlinkin11/unregisterin11, si11nin11outof11ndde11ctiv11tin1111llnetwork servicesaswellasfactoryresettheTV.
The remote control does not function. · Replacethebatteries(exceptRMF-Txg2ou) · Check if the Insulating sheet i!i removed from
the ~mote control (RMF+TXg20U only) · Charge the remote control and con f irm the
remotecontrolisconnectedviaBluetooth· ( RMF-TX920Uonly )
The parental lock password has been forgotten. · Enter43S7forthePINandenterthenewPIN.
The screen becomes darker while watchinglV. · lfthe wholeimageorpartoftheimage
remainsstill,thescr12enbrightnesswillbe graduallyl”l?ducedtopreventimageretention This is not a malfunction of the TV
You are concerned about image retention. lfthesameimageisdisplayedrepeatedlyorfor lon11periodsoftime, ima11eretent ionm11yoccur. To reduce ima11e re tent ion, we recommend that you turn off the TV normally by pressin11 the power but ton on the remote control or the TV.
‘ “”· PerformPanelrefreshonlywhenimage
retentionispartkularlynoticeable.Avoid performmgPanelrefreshmorethanoncea ye11rbecauseItmayaffecttheusablehfeof thep,!lnel · lm1111esthatlnclude lQ<Josandbr11jhtcolors {1ncluch n11 wh1te]eas1ly cause image retention
II ;;n~ : ~: ; i ~rvi~~::::-:e:11e
T~:te; : :: : ,; ac: I refresh did not
f101sh )1sd1splayed · When 1)the TV1sturnedonoru ) the AC power
cord1sunpluggeddur1ngthePan12lrefresh thePanelref1shisnotcompleted.Please avoid the above two conditions during the Panel1fresh
Formore information, referto th.:,HelpGuid.;i Pr12ss -{E) (l nput)onth,; lllmotecontrolandSQlect [Help].lf [Help]doesnotexist. s,;lect[Edit]andadd[H.;ilp] Specifications
System TV system
NTSC: National Television System Committee ATSC:8VSBTer~strial NEXTGEN TV: ATSC 3.0 compliant (Single tuner)” QAM on cable: ANSI/SCTE 07 2000 (Does not includeCableCARDfunctionality) Ch11 nnelcovera11e Anal011terrestrial:2·6g/Di11italterrestrial: 2-6g·l AnalOll Cable:1 – 13S/Di11itaICable:1-13S Panel system OLEO [Or1111nic Light Emittin11 Diode ) Panel Speakeroutput·3 (W ) K-77XR80/77XRBOC:13 ~13 ·10 ·10 ·10 K-6SXR80 / 6SXR80C / SSXR80 / SSXR80C: 10·10·10·10·10 Wireless technology ProtocollEEE802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax Bluetooth” VersionS.3
Input/Output jacks CABLE/ANTENNA
7SohmexternalterminalforRF input S-CENTER SPEAKER IN HDMI IN1n/3/4 (H DMI IN 3eARUARC)
Two channel linearPCM:48 kHz16 bits, Dolby Audio,DTS USB1/2 USB1 (USB 2.0, SOO mA ), USB 2 {USB 3.2 Gen 1, 900mAJ LAN (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX) REMOTE {RS- 232C,IRIN] Powerandothers Power requirements
110V – 240VAC,S0/60Hz {U.S.A/Canada 120VAC,60Hz) Power consumption lnuse( Wl K-77XR80/77XRBOC: sg7 K-6SXR80 / 6SXR80C:438 K-SSXRBO / SSXRBOC: 340 In standby..·~ LessthanO.S Wwith120VACand less than O.SW with240VAC Screensiz,;(measureddiagonally){Approx.) {cm/inches) K-77XR80 /77XR80C:194.7 /76.7(77″ class] K-6SXR80 / 6SXR80C:163.9 / 64.S (6S ” class ) K-SSXRBO/ SSXRBOC: 138.8 / S4.6 [ss· cl112;) Display resolution (horizontal x vertical ) [pixels] 3840×2160 Outputratin11 SOO ml{forUSBl),900 m,{forUSB2)
Others Operating temperature
Q 0(-40 “( /32 Of – 104 OF Remote control ch11rgin11 temperature (RMF -Txg20Uonly)
S ‘C – 40 “C/41 “F – 104 ·F Optional accessories
Wall -MountBracket:SU-WLBSS Camera and Microphone Unit: CMU -BC1
‘1 Av11il11bleonlywhenregion/countryisset toU.S.A
‘2 2- 36 for NEXTGEN TV scanning range in U.S.A
·3 fxceptinPowerSaving Mode ‘4Specifi12dstandbypowerisre11ched11fterthe
TVfinish esnecessaryintemalprocVises ·s Standby power consumption will increase
when your TV isconnecmd to the network
Note · Optionalaccessoriesavailabilitydependson
countries/re11ion/TVmodel/stock. · D,;signandspecificationsaresubjectto
changewithoutnotic,;i · Subscriptionsforservicesandapplications
may berequiredand11ddition11lterms, cond itionsand/orch11rgesm11yapply w hen using Google Assistant · Power consumption will in crease when the built·inMICis en11bledasitis11lwayslistening · Visit Sony w12bsite for more information on product specifications

Licens ing Informat ion · Dolby, Dolby Vision , Dolby Atmos, Dolby
Audio, and the doublo.-D symbol are trade mar~ of Dolby Laboratories Licens ing Corporation. Manufactured und12r lic12nse from Dol by Laboratories. Confidential unpublished works. Copyright 1992 -2022 Dolby Laboratories.All rights reserved · Gracenote, the Gracenote logo and logotype, “Powered by Gracenote· logo al either 1gisteldtrademarksortrademarksof Gracenote,lnc . lntheU.S.Aand/orother countries · Manufactu~d under license from IMAX Corporation. IMAX· is a registered trademark of IMAX Corporation in the Unillcd States and/ orothercountries.ForOTSpatents,see h t t p : / / p a t e n t s .d t s . c o m . M a n u f a c t u r e d u n d e r license from DTS, Inc. DTS, DTS:Xand the DTS, DTS:X ~osare re11istered trademark!. or trademark!iofDTS, theUnitedStates and other countries. ltl 2024 DTS, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. · TUXERA isa re11istered trademarkofTuxera lnc . intheUSandothercountries. · USBType-C· andUSB -C· areregistered trademark!. ofl.lSB Implementers Forum.
For Your Convenience
Online Registration:
Be sure to register your TV.
U.S.A. https:// oro ductreaistration m
Canada reg istration
It Dolby
a nlelsen company



Safety and Other Information – – – – –
Read and understand the contents of this manual before operating this product.
Securite et autres informations ————1-
Veuillez lire et vous assurer de comprendre le contenu de ce manuel avant d’utiliser ce produit.
Seguridad e informaci6n adicional _~ B
Lea y entienda el contenido de este manual antes de operar este producto..




© 2023 Sony Corporation

About Manuals*1
Please retain the manuals for future reference.
Paper manual
Setup Guide (on top of the product)/ Reference Guide/ Safety and Other Information (this manual).
Help Gulde (On screen Manual}
· To open it, press-) (Input) on the remote control and select [Help]. If [Help] does not exist, select [Edit] and add [Help].
· You can refer to the Help Guide with your smartphone (visit website provided on the front cover of Reference Guide).

· Images and illustrations used in the supplied manuals are for reference and may differ from the actual product.
· Setting menus are subject to change without notice due to software updates. For latest information, visit Sony support website.
IMPORTANT – Read the End User Software License Agreement before using your Sony product.1 Using your product indicates your acceptance of the End User Software License Agreement. The software license agreement between you and Sony is available online at Sony website ( tv-software- licenses/) or on your product screen. Press> (Quick Settings) on the remote control and select [Settings]-+ [System]-+ [About]-+ [Legal information] -+ [End user license agreement].
1 If this information is described in both Reference Guide and this manual, please refer to the Reference Guide.

Notice for customers in the U.S.A.
FCC Related Information
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: · Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. · Increase the separation between the
equipment and receiver. · Connect the equipment into an outlet on a
circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. · Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Pursuant to FCC regulations, you are cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved in this manual could void your authority to operate this equipment.

Safety and Regulatory
FCC regulations restrict operation of this device to indoor use only.

· This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Notice for customers in Canada
This device contains licence-exempt transmitter(s)/receiver(s) that comply with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s licence-exempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause interference. (2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
To prevent radio interference to the licensed service, this device is intended to be operated indoors and away from windows to provide maximum shielding. Equipment (or its transmit antenna) that is installed outdoors is subject to licensing.
High-power radars are allocated as primary users (i.e. priority users) of the bands 5 2505 350 MHz and 5 650-5 850 MHz and that these radars could cause interference and/or damage to LE-LAN devices.

You can help preserve our environment by returning your used rechargeable batteries to the collection and recycling location nearest you.

For more information regarding recycling of rechargeable batteries, visit

Caution: Do not handle damaged or leaking rechargeable batteries.
For models using the 6 GHz band
· Devices shall not be used for control of or communications with unmanned aircraft systems.
· The use of this equipment is restricted to the interior of buildings.


For models with supplied plug adapter:
This plug adapter is not for the use in Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay. Please use this plug adapter in the countries where it is necessary.

Notice for customers in the U.S.A. and Canada
This equipment complies with FCC/IC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment and meets the FCC radio frequency (RF) Exposure Guidelines and RSS-102 of the IC radio frequency (RF) Exposure rules. This equipment should be installed and operated keeping the radiator at least 20 cm or more away from person’s body (excluding extremities: hands, wrists, feet and ankles).
This device and its antenna(s) must not be co-located or operating with any other antenna or transmitter except Grant condition.
Sony Products can be returned for recycling to a number of locations throughout the U.S.A. and Canada. Visit for details.

Important Safety Instructions

  1. Read these instructions.

  2. Keep these instructions.

  3. Heed all warnings.

  4. Follow all instructions.

  5. Do not use this apparatus near water.


6) Clean only with dry cloth.


  1. Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat.

  2. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong are provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.

  3. Protect the power cord from ~ being walked on or pinched
    particularly at plugs,
    convenience receptacles, and the point where they
    exit from the apparatus.

… ·

  1. Only use attachments/ accessories specified by the manufacturer.


  1. Use only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or

~~ ~

~ ;l

table specified by the manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus. When a cart
is used, use caution when

~ (I

moving the cart/apparatus

combination to avoid

injury from tip-over.

Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time.


  1. Refer all servicing to


*~ qualified service personnel.
Servicing is required when


the apparatus has been

damaged in any way, such

as power-supply cord or

plug is damaged, liquid has .

been spilled or objects have

~ ,,

fallen into the apparatus,

the apparatus has been

exposed to rain or moisture, does not

operate normally, or has been dropped.

Please observe the Additional Safety DOs and DON’Ts to avoid electric shock, short-circuit, fire, bodily injury or property damage.

Internet security caution
It is strongly recommended for security purposes to connect your TV to the Internet via a router/modem that includes router functionality. Direct connection of your TV to the Internet may expose your TV to a security threat such as extraction or tampering of content or personal information.
To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this product to rain or moisture. The product must never be exposed to dripping, splashing, or spilling liquids of any kind.


This symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.


This symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and

maintenance (servicing)

instructions in the literature

accompanying the product.

To prevent electric shock and blade exposure, do not use this AC plug with an extension cord, receptacle or other outlet unless the blades can be fully inserted. · Operate the TV only on 110 V – 240 V AC
(U.S.A./Canada 120 V AC). · Operate the TV only on DC 19.5 or 24 V (For
model with supplied AC adapter)1.
1 Refer to the Reference Guide to know the exact value.

· This television includes a QAM demodulator which should allow you to receive unscrambled digital cable television programming via subscription service to a cable service provider. Availability of digital cable television programming in your area depends on the type of programming and signal provided by your cable service provider.

How to care for your BRAVIA TV

Safety is very important. Unplug the TV and


other connected equipment from the wall

outlet before you begin cleaning your TV.

The TV should also be placed on a stable

surface to prevent it from toppling over (refer to

Reference Guide). If you have young children or

pets at home, check regularly to ensure the TV

is securely fastened .

· Ensure your TV has adequate ventilation, refer

to the #Installing the TV against a wall or

enclosed area*1″.

· For best picture quality, do not expose the

screen to direct illumination or sunlight.

· Avoid installing the TV in a room with

reflective wall and floor materials.

· Avoid moving the TV from a cold area to a

warm area. Sudden room temperature

changes may cause moisture condensation.

This may cause the TV to show poor picture

and/or poor color. Should this occur, allow

moisture to evaporate completely before

powering the TV on.


a When cleaning, be sure to unplug the power
cord to avoid any chance of electric shock. · Clean the cabinet of the TV with a

dry soft cloth.

d ·’


· Wipe the screen gently with a

soft cloth.

· Stubborn stains may be removed with a cloth

slightly moistened with a solution of mild

soap and warm water.

· Do not spray water or detergent directly on

the TV set. It may drip to the bottom of the

screen or exterior parts, and may cause a


· If using a chemically pretreated cloth, please

follow the instruction provided on the


· Never use strong solvents such as a thinner,

alcohol or benzine for cleaning.

· Do not plug in the TV into the wall outlet until

the moisture from cleaning has evaporated.

· Periodic vacuuming of the ventilation openings is recommended to ensure to proper ventilation.

Installing the TV against a wall or enclosed area*1

· Never cover the ventilation holes or insert anything into the cabinet.
· Leave space around the TV set as shown below.

Installed with stand

4inches (10 cm)

11 7/ 8 inches
: (10 cm)
~ D TI

Leave at least this much space around the set.

2 3/ 8 inches (6 cm)

Installed on the wall
11 7/ inches

4inches (10 cm)


4inches (10 cm)
Leave at least .,_ this much space

,__or– ! around the set.


(10 cm)

13/ inches (2 cm)*2

Leave at least this much space around the set.
Never install the TV set as follows:
1~r~rt;: t,1~ Air circu;~ blocked. Air circulation is blocked. ~l

Leave at least this much space around the set.

!L Air circulation

Do not block the air circulation area.


· Inadequate ventilation can lead to overheating of the TV and may cause damage to your TV or cause a fire.
1 The ventilation condition is depending on your TV model. If this information is described in both Reference Guide and this manual, please refer to the Reference Guide.
2 13/ 32 inches (1 cm) for SU-WL8xx only. Refer Reference Guide to know whether your TV is compatible with this Wall-Mount Bracket.
Outdoor Antenna Grounding

· Do not disassemble, open, microwave, incinerate, paint or insert foreign objects into the batteries and/or remote control.
· Do not short-circuit a battery. Do not store batteries haphazardly in a box or drawer where they may short-circuit each other or be short-circuited by other metal objects.
· Do not dismantle, open, or shred the batteries and/or remote control. In the event of a cell leaking of battery, do not allow the liquid to come in contact with the skin or eyes. If
I D contact has been made, wash the affected
area with copious amounts of water and seek medical advice.

Antenna lead-in

NEC: National Electrical Code

Antenna discharge unit (NEC Section 810-20)
Grounding conductors (NEC section 810-21)
Ground clamps
‘–P._o_wer servi.ce ground’ing electrode system (NEC Art 250 Part H)

· Dispose of batteries in an environmentally friendly manner. The disposal of batteries may be subject to regulation in certain regions. For your safety, do not attempt to open the rechargeable remote control yourself. Please consult your local authorities for guidance.
· Batteries and/or remote control must not be exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine, fire or the like or extremely low air pressure that can result in an explosion or leakage of flammable liquid or gas.

Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type. · Do not subject batteries and/or remote
control to mechanical shock such as crushing, bending, puncturing or shredding. · Avoid dropping or placing heavy object on batteries and/or remote control. · Do not incinerate or dispose batteries and/or remote control in fire.

Caution about handling the rechargeable remote control (Models with rechargeable remote control only)
· Be sure to dispose the insulating sheet after removing it from the rechargeable remote control.
· Do not use a USB adapter that exceeds the maximum output of 13 W (S V, 2.6 A).
· Never insert the USB plug when the unit or charging cable is wet.
· If the USB plug is inserted while the unit or charging cable is wet, a short circuit may occur due to liquid (tap water, seawater, soft drink, etc.) or foreign matter on the unit or charging cable, and cause abnormal heat generation or malfunction.
· Use the supplied USB Type-C®cable to charge the remote control.
· Follow the proper procedure when charging the rechargeable remote control. If the information is described in both Reference Guide and this manual, please refer to the Reference Guide.
· Please read the Reference Guide (including charging instructions and information on the minimum and maximum operating temperatures), supplied with this product.
· Do not leave the rechargeable remote control on prolonged charge when not in use.
Stability Hazard
The television set may fall, causing serious personal injury or death.

A television set may fall, causing serious personal injury or death. Many injuries, particularly to children, can be avoided by taking simple precautions such as: · ALWAYS use cabinets or stands or mounting
methods recommended by the manufacturer of the television set. · ALWAYS use furniture that can safely support the television set. · ALWAYS ensure the television set is not overhanging the edge of the supporting furniture. · ALWAYS educate children about the dangers of climbing on furniture to reach the television set or its controls. · ALWAYS route cords and cables connected to your television so they cannot be tripped over, pulled or grabbed. · NEVER place a television set in an unstable location. · NEVER place the television set on tall furniture (for example, cupboards or bookcases) without anchoring both the furniture and the television set to a suitable support. · NEVER place the television set on cloth or other materials that may be located between the television set and supporting furniture. · NEVER place items that might tempt children to climb, such as toys and remote controls, on the top of the television or furniture on which the television is placed. If your existing television set is being retained and relocated, the same considerations as above should be applied.
with supplied AC adapter only)
To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this apparatus to rain or moisture. To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not place objects filled with liquids, such as vases, on the apparatus. Do not install this equipment in a confined space, such as a bookshelf or similar unit. · Please ensure that the AC power outlet is
installed near the equipment and shall be easily accessible. · Be sure to use the supplied AC adapter and AC power cord. Otherwise it may cause a malfunction. · Connect the AC adapter to an easily accessible AC power outlet.

· Do not coil the AC power cord ~
around the AC adapter. The core ~
wire may be cut and/or it may I cause a malfunction of the TV. · Do not touch the AC adapter with wet hands. · If you notice an abnormality in the AC adapter, disconnect it from the AC power outlet immediately. · The set is not disconnected from the AC source as long as it is connected to the AC power outlet, even if the set itself has been turned off. · As the AC adapter will become warm when it is used for a long time, it may feel hot when touching it with your hand.
Prohibited Usage
Do not install/use the TV set in locations, environments or situations such as those listed below, or the TV set may malfunction and cause a fire, electric shock, damage and/or injuries.
· Outdoors (in direct sunlight), at the seashore, on a ship or other vessel, inside a vehicle, unstable locations, near water, rain, moisture or smoke.
· Places that are hot, humid, or excessively dusty; where insects may enter; where it might be exposed to mechanical vibration, near the source of naked flame, such as lighted candle, which is placed on the TV. The TV set shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing and no objects filled with liquids, such as vases, shall be placed on the TV.
· Use when your hands are wet, with the cabinet removed, or with attachments not recommended by the manufacturer. Disconnect the TV set from AC power outlet and antenna during lightning storms.
Additional Safety DOs and DON’Ts
· Do not place liquid filled objects such as a vase or potted plant on the TV.

· Do not use a power line operated TV set near water; for example, near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchen sink, laundry tub, wet basement or near a swimming pool, etc.

· Do not install the TV in a location where sulfur is present (e.g., hot springs). This may cause a fire, electric shock or damage to your TV.


The ventilation openings in the TV are

necessary to ensure reliable operation of the TV

and to protect it from overheating.

· Do not block or cover the

ventilation openings with cloth

or other materials. Install in

accordance with the

manufacturer’s instructions.

~ ~

· Never place the TV on a bed,

sofa, rug or other similar

surface where ventilation

openings may be blocked.

· Unless proper ventilation is provided, the TV

may accumulate dust and cause damage.
c · · Ne~er allow li~uid or solid . . ~.,. obJec_ts to fall into the vent1lat1on

openings. · If any liquid or solid object falls
inside the TV, unplug the TV

  1. 1I

immediately and have it checked

by qualified service personnel before

operating it further.

· Never push objects of any kind into the TV

through the ventilation openings as they may

come in contact with dangerous voltage

points or short out parts that could result in a

fire or an electric shock.

Allow adequate space around the TV set to ensure proper air circulation. · Never place the TV in a confined
space, such as a bookcase or built-in cabinet, unless proper ventilation is provided.


Apparatus connected to the protective earthing

of the building installation through the mains

connection or through other apparatus with a

connection to protective earthing – and to a

television distribution system using coaxial

cable, may in some circumstances create a fire

hazard. Connection to a television distribution

system therefore has to be provided through a

device providing electrical isolation below a

certain frequency range (galvanic isolator, see

EN 60728-11).

The TV set should be installed near an easily

accessible AC power outlet.

· Do not install the TV face up or down, upside

down or on its side.

co· · ·, · Do not install the TV in hot,


humid, excessively dusty

places or in areas with oily


smoke or steam (e.g., near a


stove or humidifier). Fire, electric shock, or

warping may occur.

· Do not install the TV in places subject to extreme temperature,


such as in direct sunlight, near a – ~

radiator or a heating vent.

The TV may overheat in such

conditions which can cause

deformation of the enclosure

and/or TV malfunction.

· Do not install the TV in a place

exposed to direct air

conditioning; moisture may

condense inside and may cause

TV malfunction.

· Do not install the TV where it may be exposed

to mechanical vibration.

· Do not install the TV where insects may enter.

· Do not install the TV so that it

protrudes into an open space.

Injury or damage may result

from a person or object

bumping into the TV.

· To prevent fire keep

flammable objects or open flame (e.g.

candles) away from the TV.

· Do not place optional equipment on top of

gQ the TV.

Prevent the TV from toppling over

Take measures to prevent the TV from toppling over and causing injury


or damage to the TV and property. ,

· Secure the TV to a wall and/or


· Never install the TV on unstable and/or

uneven surfaces.


· Do not allow children to climb on or play with furniture and TV sets.
· Do not install the TV on furniture that can easily be used as steps, such as a chest of drawers.
· Care should be taken to install the TV where it cannot be pushed, pulled over, or knocked down.
· Care should be taken to route all AC power cords and connecting cables so that they cannot be pulled or grabbed by curious children.

Medical institutions
This product cannot be used as a medical device. It may cause a medical equipment malfunction.

Do not install this TV in a vehicle, ship or

@a~ other vessel

· Excessive bumping motion of a

moving vehicle or continuous swaying motion on a boat may



cause the TV to fall down and


cause injury.

· Exposing the TV to seawater

may cause a fire, electric shock

or damage to your TV.

Magnetic influence
· This product (including accessories such as covers) uses magnets. Do not place magnetically sensitive objects (cash cards, credit cards with magnetic coding, etc.) near this product.
· This TV contains a strong magnet in the speaker unit that generates a magnetic field . Keep any items susceptible to magnetic fields away from the speaker.
· Electro-magnetic radiation emitted from optional equipment installed too close to the TV may cause picture distortion and/or noisy sound.

Do not place this product close to medical devices
This product (including accessories) has magnet(s) which may interfere with pacemakers, programmable shunt valves for hydrocephalus treatment, or other medical devices. Do not place this product close to persons who use such medical devices. Consult your doctor before using this product if you use any such medical device.

Keep out of the reach of children or the supervised individuals
This product (including accessories) has magnet(s). Swallowing magnet(s) could cause serious harm, such as choking hazard or intestinal injuries. If magnets (or a magnet) were swallowed, consult a doctor immediately.
i l l Wall-mount use
· Wall-mount installation requires the use of a Wall-Mount Bracket. When installing or removing the TV and the Wall-Mount Bracket, be sure to use qualified contractors. If not properly secured during installation or removal from the Wall-Mount Bracket, the TV may fall and cause serious injury.
· Be sure to follow the installation guide supplied with the Wall-Mount Bracket when installing the TV.
· Be sure to attach the brackets with the specified parts supplied with the Wall-Mount Bracket.
· Do not hang the TV from the ceiling. It may fall and cause serious injury.
· Do not hang anything on the TV.
· Do not allow children to climb on the TV.
· Do not touch the AC power cord and its plug with wet hands as it may cause electric shock.
· When disconnecting the AC power cord, grasp the plug and disconnect from the wall outlet first. Do not pull by the cord.
· Keep the power cord away from heat sources.
The TV set with a three-wire grounding type AC power cord plug must be connected to an AC power outlet with a protective earthing connection (only applicable for Class I product). · Do not convert or damage the AC power cord . · Consult your electrician to have the outlet
changed to suit your TV.


Subjecting the AC power cord to wear and/or abuse can damage the AC power cord and your TV. · Do not place the TV where the power cord can
be easily pinched, bent, twisted, or catch your feet.

Keep small accessories out of children’s reach. Use only the specified accessories with this TV.
Volume Adjustment
· When using headphones, adjust the volume to avoid excessive audio levels from causing possible hearing loss.

· Do not allow anything to rest on or roll over the cord.
· Before connecting cables, be sure to unplug the AC power cord for your safety.
· Do not move the TV with the AC power cord (or other cables such as audio and video) connected.
· Use only an original Sony AC power cord with your TV; no brand substitution is allowed.
· Do not use AC power cord supplied with the TV with any other equipment.
· Never use a damaged AC power cord. A damaged AC power cord can cause a short-circuit, which may result in a fire or electric shock.

Do not use a damaged or poorly fitting AC power outlet as your TV’s power source. · Insert the plug fully into the outlet.
If it is loose, it may cause arcing and result in a fire. · Do not overload the same AC power outlet.

Unplugging the AC power cord from the wall outlet will completely remove power from the TV. · As the TV set is not disconnected from the AC
power cord when the TV set is just turned off, pull the plug from the AC power outlet to disconnect the TV set completely.

Clean the AC power plug

Unplug the AC power plug W

and clean it occasionally to


avoid dust from accumulating.

While cleaning, look for signs

of damage. A damaged AC power cord should

never be used.

SCREEN (For LCD TV only):
IDII · Although the LCD screen is made with high-precision technology and has effective pixels of 99.99 % or more, black dots or bright points of light (red, blue, or green) may appear constantly on the LCD screen. This is a structural property of the LCD panel and is not a malfunction. · The LCD screen is made with high-precision
technology and to achieve a high level of performance and picture quality, this TV’s backlight setting is set to maximize the brightness of the TV. However, uneven brightness may be observed when the LCD TV is viewed in a dark ambient without an input source or with a blank screen. This condition is normal and not a malfunction of the TV. Changing the Picture mode, Backlight setting, enabling the Light Sensor {if applicable), or turning on the Power Management will improve this condition. · To avoid damaging the LCD panel, do not expose the LCD screen to direct sunlight. · Do not push or scratch the LCD screen, or place objects on top of the TV. The images may be uneven or the LCD panel may be damaged. · If the TV is used in a cold place, the picture may smear or become dark. This does not indicate a failure. These phenomena improve as the temperature rises. · Ghosting may occur when still pictures are displayed continuously. It should disappear after a few moments. · The LCD screen and enclosure get warm when the TV is in use. This is not a malfunction. · Avoid spraying insect repellent with volatile material on the LCD screen. · Avoid prolonged contact with rubber or plastic material to the LCD screen.

· Although the OLEO screen is made with high-precision technology and 99.99 % or more of the pixels are effective, black dots may appear or bright points of light (white, red, blue, or green) may appear constantly on the OLEO screen. This is a structural property of the OLEO screen and is not a malfunction.
· To avoid damaging the OLEO screen, do not expose the OLEO screen to direct sunlight.
· Do not push or scratch the OLEO screen, or place objects on top of this TV set. The image may be uneven or the OLEO screen may be damaged.
· The screen and cabinet get warm when this TV set is in use. This is not a malfunction.
· Avoid spraying insect repellent with volatile material on the OLEO screen.
· Avoid prolonged contact with rubber or plastic material to the OLEO screen.
· When disposing of your TV be sure to follow your local laws and regulations.
Protecting the TV Screen (For OLEO TV only)
Precautions to Protect the Screen from Damage
Image retention
OLEO TV’s are susceptible to image retention (burn-in) due to the characteristics of the materials used. Image retention may occur if images are displayed in the same location on the screen repeatedly or over extended periods of time. This is not a malfunction of the TV. Avoid displaying images that may cause image retention.
The following are examples of images that may cause image retention:
· Content with black bars either on the top and bottom and/or the left and right sides of the screen. (for example, Letterboxed, 4:3 screen, Standard definition)
· Static images such as photos. · On-screen menus, program guides, channel
logos etc. · Static content from applications. · On-screen tickers, such as those used for
news and headlines.

To reduce the risk of image retention:
· Sony recommends that you turn off the TV normally by pressing the power button on the remote control or the TV.
· Fill the screen by changing [Wide mode] to eliminate the black bars.
·Turnoff the OSD (On Screen Display) by pressing MENU(Control menu) button and select [Info], and turn off the menus from connected equipment.
· Avoid displaying static images with bright colors (including white) or logos on any portion of the screen.
· Set the picture settings based on the ambient conditions. The Standard Picture is recommended for home use and when viewing content that often displays the station logos, etc.
The TV has following features to help reduce/ prevent image retention.
Panel refresh
A panel refresh will adjust the panel uniformity. Panel refresh can be performed and should only be used when image retention is very noticeable.
Caution: · The Panel refresh function may affect the
panel. Do not perform Panel refresh more than once a year as it may affect the usable life of the panel. · The effectiveness of a panel refresh may vary depending on the image retention condition. · Panel refresh takes up to one hour to complete.
The following also applies for some models as indicated before executing a Panel refresh. · A white, red, green, or blue line may be
displayed on the screen during the Panel refresh, this is not a malfunction of the TV. · Panel refresh will only work when the room temperature is between 50 °F and 104 °F (10 °C and 40 °C).
Pixel shift
Automatically moves the image on the screen to prevent image retention.
Other feature
The screen brightness is automatically reduced when displaying still images, clocks, bright colors or logos etc.

Broken screen panel (For LCD TV only):

Do not throw anything at the LCD “””b”:’

screen and its edges as the

«- ;~

impact can cause the LCD screen

glass to crack, break or shatter.

· If damage occurs to the LCD

panel, small traces of liquid

crystal sandwiched between the glass may be

found on scattered broken glass.

· Do not touch the broken glass with bare

hands. As with any broken glass pieces, avoid

skin contact and exposure to your eyes or

mouth. Avoid direct contact with liquid or

damp surfaces of the glass as these may have

an adverse effect on some people. The

contacted area should be rinsed thoroughly

with water. If conditions persist, see your doctor.

· If the surface of the TV cracks, do not touch

the TV until you have unplugged the AC

power cord . Otherwise this may cause an

electric shock.

Broken screen panel (For OLEO TV only):
Do not throw anything at the TV “””b” set. Th~ screen glass may break <r- ; ./;, by the impact and cause serious injury. · Do not touch the broken glass
with bare hands. As with any broken glass pieces, avoid skin contact and exposure to your eyes or mouth. · If the surface of the TV cracks, do not touch the TV until you have unplugged the AC power cord. Otherwise this may cause an electric shock.

· If replacement parts are required, 1;.,…,,…,’h
acquire a written certification ~ –

from the service technician

which states that adequate

replacement parts with the same


or similar characteristics as the

original parts have been used. Unauthorized

substitutions may result in a fire, an electric

shock or other hazards.

Safety check

· Upon completion of any TV


servicing or repair, ask the service technician to perform

. ~)·,·

routine safety checks as

specified by Sony and to certify

that the TV is safe to operate.

Have a qualified service technician dispose of

the TV if it is not safe to operate.


Licensing Information
· The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc.
· Google TV is the name of this device’s software experience and a trademark of Google LLC. Google, YouTube and other marks are trademarks of Google LLC.
· Netflix is a registered trademark of Nettiix, Inc. · All other trademarks are the property of their
respective owners.

Optional Equipment
· This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits set out in the EMC Standards using a connection signal cable shorter than 3 meters.


Do not use the TV if you

suspect the TV is damaged

or if the TV is damaged.

· Do not attempt to service

the TV yourself since
~ opening the cabinet may r t N ,’~ .

expose you to dangerous voltage levels or other

f …
” b

hazards. Refer all servicing


to qualified service





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Printed in Mexico


4-529-159-21 (1)


· Manufacturers, retailers and the rest of the consumer technology industry are committed to making home entertainment safe and enjoyable.
· As you enjoy your television, please note that all televisions – new and old- must be supported on proper stands or installed according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Televisions that are inappropriately situated on dressers, bookcases, shelves, desks, speakers, chests, carts, etc., may fall over, resulting in injury.

· ALWAYS follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for the safe installation of your television. · ALWAYS read and follow all instructions for proper use of your television. · NEVER allow children to climb on or play on the television or the furniture on which the television
is placed. · NEVER place the television on furniture that can easily be used as steps, such as a chest of drawers. · ALWAYS install the television where it cannot be pushed, pulled over or knocked down. · ALWAYS route cords and cables connected to the television so that they cannot be tripped over, pulled or grabbed.

· ALWAYS contact your retailer about professional installation if you have any doubts about your ability to safely mount your television. · ALWAYS use a mount that has been recommended by the television manufacturer and has a safety certification by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL). · ALWAYS follow all instructions supplied by the television and mount manufacturers. · ALWAYS make sure that the wall or ceiling where you are mounting the television is appropriate. Some mounts are not designed to be mounted to walls and ceilings with steel studs or cinder block construction. If you are unsure, contact a professional installer. · Televisions can be heavy. A minimum of two people is required for a wall or ceiling mount installation.

· Many new television buyers move their older CRT televisions into a secondary room after the purchase of a flat-panel television. Special care should be made in the placement of older CRT televisions.
· ALWAYS place your older CRT television on furniture that is sturdy and appropriate for its size and weight. · NEVER place your older CRT television on a dresser where children may be tempted to use the drawers to climb. · ALWAYS make sure your older CRT television does not hang over the edge of your furniture.


11111111111111111111111111111 4-595-333-03


U.S. and Canada only — One (1) year


Sony Electronicss Inc.. solely for purchasess made in the Unitedd States and Sony of Canadaa Ltdd.. solely for purchasess madee in Canada (collectively “Sony”) warrants this productt against defects in materiaall or workmanship for the original owner and any subsequent end user owner(s) (“You” or “Your'”‘)) for the time period set forth above as set forth hereinn.. Pursuanntt to this Limitteedd Warranttyy,, Sony will, at its option, (i) repair the product using new or refurbisheedd parts or (ii) replaccee the product with a new or recertified/refurbisheedd product of the same (or similarr)) modeell.. For purposes of this Limitedd Warranty, “recertified” or “refurbished” means a prrooduct or part that has been returneedd to its original specificatioonnss..In the event of a defect, these are Yourr exclusive remedies.. Sony does not warrant that the operation of the product will be uninterruptedd or error-ffrreeee.. Teerm: For the time periodd set forth above from the original date of purchase of the product when purchased directly from Sony or Sony authorized dealer (To determine if aa dealer is in the Sony authorized dealer networkk,, please visit US:; Canada::;; or contact Sony directllyy)),, Sony will,, at its option,, repair or replaccee with a new, recertiffieedd or refurbishheedd product or partt,, any product or part determmiinneed to be defectivve.. This LLiimmiitteed Warranty covers only the hardware components packaged with the produucctt.. It does not cover separate accessories, technical assistance for hardware or software usage and it does not cover any software producttss whether or not containedd in the produucctt,, and other includeedd content;; any such software or other includdeedd content is provided “AS IS”” unless expressly providedd for in any enclosed software Limiteedd WWarranty or Endd User Licensee Agreementt.. Pleaassee refer to the Endd User Licensee Agreement((ss)) included with the product for YYour rights and obligations with respect to the software or other included content.. If You purchased an extended service plann,, pleasee refer to the service plan for the coverage,, duration and terms of service.. Extenndeedd service plans are not governed by this Limiteedd Warranttyy.. To obtain warrantyy serrvvice, You must deliver the productt,, in either its original packaging or packaging affording an equal degree of protection to a Sony authorized servicee center together with a dated purchase receipt in order to obtain warranty service.. Sony cannot guarantee that it will be able to repair any product under this warranty or maakke a product exchange without risk to or loss of software or data.. It is Yourr responsibility to remove or backup any removable media or parts, data, software or other matteerials Youu may have storred or preeserved on Your product. It is likely that any media or parts, data, softwaree,, or other mateerials (like pictures,, mussiicc,, videos, etc.) wiilll be lost or reformatted during serrvvice and Sony willll not be responsiible for any such damage or loss. Contact the following for specific instructionss on how to obtain warranty service for Your productt::
Forr purchases maade in the UNIITTED STAATTEESS:: Visit Sony’s Website:
Or call the Customer Experienccee Center: 1-800-222-SONYY (7669)) To register YYour product or for contact information to purchasee accessories or parts go to Sony’s WWebsite Foorr purchases madee in CANAADDA:
Visit Sony’s WWebsite: Or call the Customer Experieennccee Center:: 1-877-89999–SSONYY (76699)) To register YYour product or for contact informationn to purchasee accessories or parts go to Sony’s WWebsite On-site servicee for televisions of certain dimensions may be availablee to a customer livinngg within a 50km radius of an authorized Sony service faciliittyy,, provided the
residenccee can be accessed by an on-road service vehiclee..
Reepair/RReeppllaacceemmeenntt WWaarranty: This Limited WWaarranty shall apply to any repaiirr,, replacementt part or replaceemmeenntt,, recertiffiieedd or refurbisheedd product for the remainder of the originall Limiteedd WWarranty periodd or for ninety (90)) days,, whichever is longgeerr.. Any parts or product replacceedd under this Limited Warranty will become the property of Sonnyy.. Any replacement, recertified or refurbished product provided under this Limiteedd WWarranty may, at Sony’s optionn,, vary in color and/or cosmetic design from the original product and may not include any original engravingg or similar customizationn//ppeerrssoonnaalliizzaattiioonn.. Sony i~s not responsible for,, and this LLiimitedd Warranty does not coveerr,, any damage arising from a failure to operate the producctt within its intended usess,, or otherwisee follow the owner’s manuaall and safety instructions relatiinnggto the product’s usee and installatiioonn.. Sonyy is not responsiblee for any labor or parttss costs you incur relattiinngg to repairs or servicess from providers/servicers other than from a Sony authorized service centeerr..This Limiteedd Warrantyy only covers productt issuess caused by defects in materiall or workmanship during ordinary consumer use. This Limited Warranty does not cover products purchased from sources other than Sony or aa Sony authorized dealer (includingg non-authoriizzed online auctionss)),, or issues due to: (i) outdoor exposure and other acts of nature;; (ii)) power surges; (iii) accidental damage;; (iv) abuse; (v) limitations of technolooggyy;; (vi)) cosmetic damage; (vii)) contact with liquid, heatt,, humidity or perspirationn, sand, smokke,, or foreign materiallss;; (viii) damage, malfunctiioonn and/or failure to product resultinngg from use of parts or supplies not sold or authorized by Sonyy;; (ix) damage, malfunction and/or failure to product resulting from servicing not authorized or performedd by Sony or a Sony authorized service center; (x) computer or internet viruses, bugss,, worms, or Trojann Horsess; (xi) malfunctions due to peripherals/accesssooriess;; (xii) modifications of or to any part of the product,, includinng “rooting” or other modifications to control the behavior of the product or any factory installed operatingg systemm;; (xiii) consumable parts such as batteriess;; or (xiv)) any productt where the factory–applied seriall number has been altered or removed fromm the producctt.. Furtheerr,, to the extent this producctt incorporates use of a displaayy, pleasee note that a display containss hundreds of thousands of individual pixelss,, and displayys typically contain a small number of pixellss that do not function propeerrlyly.. This Limited WWarranty does not cover up to .011% pixell outages (small dot picture elements that are dark or incorrectly illuminatedd)).. This Limited Warranty does not cover Sony productss sold “AS IS”” or “WITH ALL FAULTS” or consumables (such as fuses or disposable batterieess)).. Sony will not replacee missinngg components fromm any package purchasedd “Openn Boxx”” or “AS IS””..TThhis Limiteedd WWarranty is vvalidd only in the United Statess and Canada (as applicabllee)).. LIIMMIITATTIION ONN DAMMAAGGEESS:: SONY SHALL NOT BEE LIABLEE FORR ANYY INCIDENNTTAAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGESS FORR BREACCHH OF ANYY EXPREESSSS OR IMPLIEDD WWARRANTYY OR CONDITION ONN THIS PROODDUUCCTT.. NOR SHALL RECOVERYY OF ANYY KINDD AGAINST SONYY BEE GREATER THAN THE ORIGINAL PURCHASSEE PRICEE OF THE PRODUCT FROM SONY OR AN AUTHORIZEDD SONY DEALER.. DUURRAATTIIONN OFF IIMPLIIED WAARRRANTTIES ORR CONDIITTIIONSS:: EXCEPTT TO TTHHE EXTENT PROHIBBIITTEDD BY APPLICABLE LAAWW,, ANYY IMPLLIIEEDD WWARRANTYY OF MERCHANTIBILLIITTYY OR FITNESSS FORR A PARTICULAARR PURPOSE ON THIS PRODUCTT ISS LIMITEDD INN DURATIOONN TO TTHE DURATTIONN OF THIS LIMITEEDD WARRANTTYY. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitatioonn of incidentall or consequentiall damagess,, or allow limitations on how lonngg an implied warranty lasttss,, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to You.. This Limited WWarranty gives You specific legal rights and You may have other rights which vary from jurisdictioonn to jurisdiction.. For purchases made in the U.S..:: RReeaadd the followiingg Diissppuuttee Resolution/Arbitration provision carefuullllyy. It details Your rights and instructions should a dispute relateed to the product arisee. What Happppeenss IIf We Havvee AA Diispputtee:: Should a dispute or claim arise relateedd to the prodduucctt,, Your purchase and/or use of the produucctt,, the terms of this Limited Warrantyy,, or any service provided under the terms of this Limiteedd Warranty (including any repair or replacemeenntt)) (“Disputee””)), You and Sony agree that the Diispputtee shall be resolved exclusivelyy throughh binding arbitration. YOUU UNDEERRSSTTAANDD AND ACKNOWLEDGE TTHATT BY AAGREEEINGG TTO AARBITRATTIION, YOU AARE GIVIING UP THE RIGHHTT TO LIITTIGGATE (ORR PARTICCIIPPATE IN AS AA PARTY ORR CLASSS MEMBBERR)) IN ANY DIISSPPUTTEES IN COURRTT.. Youu also agree that AANYY DISPPUUTTEE RESOLUTION PROCEEDIINGG WIILL ONNLLY CONSIIDDEERR YOURR INDDIVIDUAL CLAAIMS, AND BOTH PARTTIEES AAGREEEE NOOTTTO HAVVEE AANYY DIISPPUUTTEE HEARD AS AA CLASS AACTION, REEPRREESSEENNTTATIVE ACTION, CONSSOOLLIIDDAATTEEDD ACTION,, ORR PRRIIVVAATTE ATTTTOORRNEEY GENERAL ACTION. Despitee the above,, You have the right to litigate any Dispute on an individual basis in small claims court or other similar court of limitedd jurisdiction, to the extent the amount at issue does not exceed $15,000, and as long as such court has proper jurisdiction and all other requirementss (includiinngg the amount in controverrssyy) are satisfiedd.. AArbitratiion IInnstructions. To beginn Arbitratiioonn, either You or Sony must make aa written demand to the other for arbitrationn.. The Arbitration will take place beforee a single arbitratoorr.. The arbitrationn will bee administereedd in keepiinngg with the Expediteedd Proceduurreess of the Commercial Arbitratiioonn Ruleess and the Supplementaarryy Proceediinnggss for Consumer-Related disputes (“Rules”) of the American Arbitration Associatioonn (“AAA””)),, when applicable and in effect when the claimm is filed.. You may get a copy of AAA’s Ruless by contactingg AAA at 800-778-7879 or visiting The filing fees to begin and carry out arbitrationn will be shared betweenn You and Sonyy,, but inn no event shall YYour fees ever exceed the amount allowable by the special ruless for Consumers Disputess provided for by AAA,, at which point Sony will cover all additional administrative fees and expensess.. This does not prohibit the Arbitrator from giving the winning party their fees and expenses of the arbitration when appropriate pursuant to the Ruleess.. Unless You and Sony agree differenttllyy,, the arbitration will take placee in the county and state where You live,, and applicable federal or state law shall govern the substance of any Disputee during the arbitration. Howeevveerr,, the Federall Arbitration Act,, 99 U.S.CC.. § 1,, et seq.,, will govern the arbitration itself and not any state law on arbitration. The Arbitratorr”s decision will be bindinngg and final,, except for a limited rightt of appeal under the Federal Arbitration Act.. Opt–Ouutt Instructions.. IIF YOUU DO NOTTWISH TTO BE BBOUND BBYY TTHE BBINDINGG AARBBITRAATION PROVISIIONN,, TTHEEN: (1) YYou must notify Sony in writing within 30 days of the date that YYou purchasedd the producctt;; (2) YYour written notification must be mailedd to Sony Electronniiccss Inc.., 16535 Via Esprillloo,, MZ 1105,, San Diego CA 921277,, Attn: Legaall Departmeenntt;; ANDD (3) YYour written notification must include (a)) YYour NAMEE,, (b) Your AADDRESSSS,, (c) the DATE YYou purchased the producctt,, and (d) a clear statement that “YOU DO NOT WISH TO RESOOLLVVEE DISPUTES WITH ANY SONYY ELECCTTRONIICCSS ENTITTYY THROUGH ARBITRAATTIOON AND/OR BEE BOUND BY THE CLASS ACTION WAIVER..”” Optingg out of this dispute resolutionn procedure will not affect the coverage of the Limited WWarranty in any wayy,, and You willl continue to enjoy the benefittss of the Limited Warrannttyy.
Printteedd in USA


E.-U. et Canada uniquement — Un (1) an

Sony Electronics Incc.. exclusivement pour les achats effectues aux Etats-Unis et Sony du Canada Lteee.. exclusivement pour less achats effectues au Canaaddaa (collectivemmeennt «« Sony ») garantit

ce produit dessus et

contrre les defauts de comme indique dans

lemsaptererisaeuunxxteeosus..dCeofnafborricmaetimonennpttoiaJu. rceletteprGoparriaentatiierelidm’oitreigee,i,nSeoentyy,toaiJu. ssolnesgrper,o(pi)rireetapiarereesrraautlielispartoeduursit

finaux suivants en utilisant des

((«« Vous »» ou «« Vos ») pendant la periodee definie ci- piecess neuves ou remisess en etat ou (ii)) remplacera

le produit par un produit neutf ou recertifie/remis en etat! du meme modele (ou similaire).. Aux fins de la presente Garantie limiteee,, les termes «« recertifie »» ou «« remis en etat » designent un produit

ou une piece qui aa retrouve ses specifications d’origine. En cas de defaut,, ce sont Vos recours exclusifs. Sony ne garantirt pass le fonctionnement ininterromppuu ou sans erreur du produit..

Modalite :: Pendant la periode definie ci-dessus iai compter de la date d’aacc,,hat du produit directement chez Sony ou un vendeur autorise Sony (pour determiner si un vendeur failt

partie du reseaauu de directement), Sony,,

iaJv. esnodnegurres,

autorises reparera

de ou

Sony, veuillez visiter, pour les E.-U. ::;; pour remplacera par un produit ou une piece recertiffiiee((ee)) ou remis(e) en

le Canada ::; eta! tout produit ou piece defaillant(e).




Cette garantie limitee couvre uniquement les composants materiels emballes avec le produit.. Elle ne couvree pas les accessoires separes,, !’assistance technique pour l’utilisaattjjon du

materiel ou du sauf indicationn

logiciel et eelle ne couvree contraire conformement


lGesarparnotdieuiltismliotegeicdieulslocgoinctieenl juosinotuounoiainladaLnicselnecpeerodd’uutiitlt,i,seattitoonutdaeult’rueetilciisoantteeunrufininacl.lutV;Veteouuuiltlelozgvicoiuesl

ou autree reporter

caiJo. nlaateLnniucueinncceludtt ‘eustitlifsoautiroonnini ««deENNl’uLti:ElEisTaAtTeu»»r

final incluse avec le produit pour connnaa11tre vos droits et obligations en ce qui concerne le logiiciel ou tout autre contenu inclut.. Si vous avez achete un plan de services etenduu,, veuillez vous

reporter au plan de services pour connaitre l’etendue de la couverture,, la duree et les conditions d’utilisation. Les plans de services etendus ne son!t pas regis par cette Garantie limitee.

PPour obtenir un service de garantie, vous devez livrer le produit, dans son emballage d’origine ou un emballage offrant un niveau de protection equivalenntt,, aiJ. un centre de service
autorise Sony accompagne du reeci;:u d’achat date afin d’acceder au service de garantie.. Sony n’est pas en mesuree de garantir la reparation d’un produit au titre de ladite garantie ou l’echange d’un produit sans risqque d’altlerer le logiciel ou de perdre des donnees. II reliewvee de votre responsabillilte de retirer ou sauvegarder tout media ou toute piece amovible, toutes donnees, tout logiciel ou autre materiel stocke ou conserve sur votre produit.. II est probable que tout media ou toute piece, toutes donnees, tout logiciel ou autre materiell (commme des images, de la musique, des videos, etc..) soil perduu ou reformate pendant le service et Sony ne pourra etre tenu pour responsable dudit dommage ou de ladite perte. Contactez les services suivantss pour des instructions specifiques sur la facG;:oon d’obtenir un service de garantie pour votre produit ::

Pour les achats effectues aux ETATTSS-UNIS :: Visitez le site Web Sony ::
Ou appelez le centre d’experience client :: 1-800-222-SONY (7669)) Pour enregistrer votre produit ou obtenir des coordonnees pour acheter des accessoires ou des piecess,, rendezz-vous sur le site Web Sony

PPour les achats effectues au CANADA ::

VVisitez le site Web Sony ::

Ou appelez le centre d’experience clienntt:: 1-877-899-SONY (76699))




Pour enregistrer votre place pour les televiseurs

produit ou de certaain

obtenir des coordonnees pour acheter des accessoires ou des piecess,, rendez- vous sur le site Web Sony


dimensions que le lieu

deestrdesisidpeonncibeelespooiluarclceesscsliibelnetsaa vuivnavnethdicaunlse

un de

rayon de service..









aa condition

Garantie de reparation/remplaacceemmeenntt :: Cetllte Garantiiee limitee s’applique aatoute reparatiioonn,, piece de rechange ou tout produit de remplaceemmeenntt, recertiffiiee ou remis en etat
pendant la periode restantee de la Garantie limitee d’origine ou pour une periode de quatre-vingt-dix (90)) jours,, la plus longuee date etant celle retennuuee.. Toute piece ou tout produit remplace(ee)) au titre de ladite Garantie limitee sera la propriete de Sonnyy.. Tout produit de remplacement, recertifie ou remiss en eta!t fourni au titre de ladite Garantie limitee peutt,, au gre de Sonyy,, etre de couleur et/ou dd’aspect different par rapportt au produit dd’originnee et peut ne pas innclure de gravuree d’origine ou une personnalisaattiioonn similairee..

dSn’ooonne- yuyrvner’esepsoetucpttiaaJ.dslu’arecmhsapanotundeselapdbiulleecpdereos,pperaiteyltaeadsirieteseeueiGttedaiearJa.suncntioeenlrsiemigpitnaeereastiniodoenencosoeuucvdureeristepsaesser,v, itrcoaeupstpdooorftftmeaanrnmttstaiapiga!e’ur tsuiluinsravceteionnnutreseutaiaatuet!!r’iaieJn. suqtnuaeellauctietoiluninsxaddtuiouonmpnrdeoudnutpiaitrt.u.oStdoourinitsyensenepreapsropSuerocrnantayay.enn.tLttraepdatiestensuGeesarrueatsniliptsioeantlisiomanbistleleeperdecevosuueevfrsrsae,,isouunlieiaqsuutaieriemlameemennnttatliennles-

dommages causes au produit par des defauts de materiaux ou de fabrication pendant son utilisation normale par le client.. Ladite Garantie limitee ne couvre pas les produits achetes aupres

de sources autres que Sony ou un vendeur autorise Sony (y compris les ventes aux encheres en ligne non autorisees),, ou les dommages causes par:: (i) une exposition exterieure et d’autres

actes de la nature; (ii) ou la sueur, le sable, ou ffournitures n’etant

les surtensions; (iii)) un dommage accidentel; (iv)) un abus;: (v) les limites de la technologie; (vi) un dommage cosmetique;; (vii) le la fumee ou des materiaux etrangers; (viii)) les dommages,, defaillances et/ou tout fonctionnement incorrect du produit suite pas vendues ou autorisees par Sonyy;; (ix) les dommages,, defaillances et/ou tout ffonctionnementt incorrecctt du produitt ssuite


a a tSiaJo. oudnteyssyopsueteruimpnheceedrni’qeturxeepslao/uaittacrectieoqnsuseioniscreteeasusl;l;xse(xdai0Qi)lmm’uleessinnmteao;u(dxtioifiiirc))isaleetiospnncassoranSpsoopnmoyr;;mte(xae))bslleeaassuvcniroeumspmiienecfoelremdsuabtpiaqrtoutederusieitots,,u;inoccuilrluc(auxnilvat))nl’tteosnuurtarpcIrninoteedrmunniteeetndt,,otlenosut! lbetoonugtuuemeasseu,,rtolreesdmeveosrdesrifioiecuaatleipoospnnlciqvhuieseavanaut xlai’iudcseoinnTetrro6aoiIleee;rte(xleia)cltleoesmredpyoosurftoerenmtcierteienotnddnuuepmproreodndutusiitti..tdEouuns

outre, dans la mesure ou ledit un petit nombre de pixels qui

produit requiertt!!”utilisationn d’un ecran, veuillez noter ne fonctionnent pas correctement. Ladite Garantie

qlimu’iuteneecnreancocuovnretiepnat sdelesscednetfaauintessddeepmixiellilesrasasdheauptiexeulrsdined0iv,0i0d11uee%%lss,,(peet tleitsss

ecrans contiennent generalement elements d’image sous forme de

points sombres ou mal eclaires).

Ladite Garantie limitee ne couvre pas les produits Sony vendus «« ENN lL.’.:ETAT »» ou «« AVEC D~FFAUTSS »» ou les consommables (commee les fusibles ou l~s piles jetableess)).. Sony ne remplaccerraa pas les composants manquants d’un emballage achete comme «” Bol1te ouverte »» ou”« ENNLE:ETATT »”.· Laditee Garantie limitee est valide uniquement aux Etats-Uniss et au Canada (seloonn le cas)..





dlCe’aseurltitamreinisteasdtiorjounirstsidoiqcuutiioevnxacsrluiensn’aiotunndtsos ’urcnisie- eednjeutsripsduaiccssttiio!po’enenxuaacvlueusnnitoennaeuopturaesl.asl’iampitpaltiqiounerdeaasvoduosm. mLaagdeitsee

accessoires ou consecultiffss,, Garantie limitee vos octroie

ou autorisent les limitations de duree d’une des droits specifiques reconnuuss par la loi et

garantie implicite, ainsi vous pouvez beneficier

PPour les achats effectues aux Etats–UUnnis :: Lisez attentivement la clause de resolutionl/d’arbitrage des litiges suivante. Vos droits et les etapes aii suivre en cas de
litige lie au produit yy sont detailles.

Que se passe-t–iill en cas de litiige :: En cas de litige ou de reclamation lie(e) au produit, iai votre achat et/ou iaJ. !!’utilisation du produit,, aux clauses de ladite Garantie limitee,, ou iai un

esexcrvluicseivfoeumrneinct oaanf!torarmveermms eunnt

aux conditions de ladite Garantie limitee (incluantt une reparatiioonn ou un remplacemmeenntt)) («« Litiggee »»), vous arbitrage executoire. VOUS COMPRENEZ ET RECONNAISSEZ QU’ENN ACC!:PTANT,L1.:’ARBITRAGE

et Sony acceptez que le litiige soil resolluu VVOUS AVEZ LE DROIT D’INNTENTERR UNE



PARTIES ACCEPTENT QUU’UN LITIGE dessus, vous avez le droit d’intenter une

NE SOIT action en

jPuAsSticeENdTeEmNaDnUUierCeOinMdMiviEduUeNlleRdEevCaOnUt lRaSCoCuOr LdLeEs CpTetIiFtesOUcreUaNncReEsCoOu UunReSCDoUurPPsRimOilCaiUreRaaEUUlaRRcoGmEpNeEteRnAceL.limMitaelege,r,edalenssinladimcaetsiounres


le montant en question n’excede pas 15 000 $, et aussi longtemps que la dite Cour soitl competente et que toutes les autres exigences (incluant le montant en litige) soient satisfaites..

a Consignes d’arbitrage. Pour commencer !’arbitrage, vous ou Sony devez faire une demande d’arbitrage ecrite al’autre partiee.. !l…’.’a.arbrbititrraage aura lieu devant un seul arbitre.

!.:.a’.arbrbititrraage sera gere en suivant les Procedures accelerees des Regleess d’arbitraage commercial et les Procedures additionnelles (les «« ReggIless »”) de !’associatioon americaine

dd’arbitraaggee ((«« AAAAA»»)) pour les differends de consommateurr,, si elles sont applicables et en vigueur au moment ou la reclamation est traitee. VVous pouvez demander une copie

des Regleess de l’AAA en contactant l’AAA au (8000)) 778-7879 ou en visitant le site Web www.adr.orgg. Les droits de depot pour commencer et mener !’arbitraaggee seront partages

entre vous et couvrira tous

Sony, mais vos frais ne devront en aucun cas exceder les frais administratifss et depenses additionnels. Ce

le montant permiis par les paragraphe n’interdit pas


ila’iAlAa Apaprotiuer

les Differends de consommateur,, apres ayant obtenu gain de cause les,.frais et

quoi Sony depenses

qu’elle aa engagees da[Js !”arbitrage lorsque les Regles le permettenntt.. Saul si Sony et vous en conveniezz autrementt,, !’arbitrage aura lieu dans le pays et l’Etat ou vous vivez,,

a et la loi federale 9u d’Etat applicabllee regira le fond du differend pendant !’arbitraage. Cependant, la Loii sur !’arbitrage federal 99 U.S,.C.. §§ 1, et seq., regiraa !’arbitrage et non une
quelconque loi d’Etat sur !’arbitrage,. La decision de l’arbitre sera obligatoire et definitive, sauf dans le cadre d’un droit d’appel limite conformement a la Loii sur !’arbitragee..

eSCcaornnitsDdigaienngseosleCdsA’e39x02c1jlou2us77ri,s,oaanaa.l!’caSottmIeVVnpOttieoUrnSddeNee:El:aSSdeOartvUeicHdeA’ajIucuTrhrEiidadZitiqqduPueA;SpErEoTdT(uR3it)E);~(Co2O)treVVNooTntroRetAifniIcNoatTtiifoicPnaAteiRocnrLitAee,cdCriotLeitAdiUnocSiltuEereDtre'(Aae)RnvBvooItTryeReeANGOpaEMMr Oc(QoB))uLrvIroGietrAreTaiJA.OSDIRoRnEEy,SAESLlEeOc,tR(rcoS)n)ni:lca(ss1Q)IAnVVTco..E,u, s1d6’daa5ec3vh5eaztVdeiaun

informer Sony par Esprillo, MZ 1105,, produiitt,, et (d)) une


a Decider de ne pas adherer


PPAARRTICIPER AA UNN RECOURRSS COLLECTIF »».. des differends n’affecteraa en aucun cas la couverture








iai beneficier


avantaggeess dee llaa garaannttie liimmiitteeee..


Para recibir el servicio de garantfa, el consumidor podra llevar el producto al lugar de compra, o a cualquiera de las Centros de Servicio Autorizado par Sony o Centros de Acopio Autorizados par Sony, cuyo listado se puede obtener contactando la lfnea de servicio al cliente de Sony de su respectivo pafs indicada al final de esta p6Iiza o bien en la pagina web de Sony, seleccionando la opci6n “Soporte” y posteriormente “Reparaci6n”. Para el caso de Mexico solo existen Centros de Servicio Autorizados. Los gastos de transportaci6n dentro de la Red de Centros de Servicio Autorizados seran cubiertos par Sony, consulte las aclaraciones del pafs que corresponda.
Aclaraci6n para Mexico:
Antes de solicitar servicio en garantfa, par favor asegurese de que:
a) Su equipo no funciona yel mismo se encuentra conectado al tomacorriente o que la baterfa se encuentra debidamente cargada.
b) El equipo presenta fallas de funcionamiento de hardware/software.
c) Ha lefdo el manual de usuario de su equipo.
d)Ya solicit6 soporte al Call Center de Sony de acuerdo con las numeros listados en la tabla que se incluye mas adelante.
La vigencia de la presente p6Iiza de garantfa empieza apartir de la fecha de entrega del producto al consumidorfinal. Para hacer efectiva esta garantfa, no deberan exigirse mayores requisitos que la presentaci6n del producto y la p6Iiza correspondiente (o la factura o recibo o comprobante), debidamente sellado par el establecimiento que lo vendi6. Datos del lmportador y lugar donde puede hacer efectiva la garantfa en centros de servicio, adquirir perifericos, accesorios, partes, consumibles y componentes: SONY DE MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Avenida La Fe Num. 50, Colonia Lomas de Santa Fe, C.P. 01210, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico. Telefono: (55) 3067-1000 y GYLTRONICS S.A. de C.V., Av. Cuauhtemoc No. 587, Col. Narvarte Poniente, C.P.03020, Alcaldfa Benito Juarez, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico.
Los gastos de transportaci6n del producto que deriven de su cumplimiento dentro de su red de servicio seran cubiertos par Sony.
Aclaraci6n para Colombia:
Cada servicio de reparaci6n debe solicitarse a nuestra lfnea de servicio al cliente de Sony para Colombia indicada al final de esta p6Iiza, allf le sera asignado un numero de servicio (ticket) con el cual podra realizar seguimiento al proceso de servicio atraves de esta lfnea.
Es importante que el producto este protegido durante el proceso de garantfa, par lo cual le sugerimos en lo posible entregarlo en su empaque original y con la protecci6n interna, para evitar daiios del mismo. Sony no se hace responsable par las daiios que se causen par falta de cuidado durante el transporte.
Sony validara la vigencia de la garantfa a partir de la verificaci6n de la fecha efectiva de compra. Para estos efectos, es recomendable (mas no obligatorio) contar con una copia de la factura.
Aclaraci6n para Costa Rica, Republica Dominicana, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela, Peru y Chile:
La presente garantfa, solo tendra validez cuando el usuario se presente con el producto defectuoso, acompaiiando la factura original, el ticket electr6nico o boleta de venta en la que se especifique la fecha de venta, modelo y serie del producto adquirido.
Aclaraci6n para Argentina
Es requisito indispensable para gozar de la presente garantfa presentar el original de la factura comercial emitida en forma correspondiente a

la venta del producto par parte del distribuidor autorizado de Sony, asf coma la presentaci6n del original del presente Certificado de Garantfa sellado yfirmado par el distribuidor, donde conste claramente el tipo de producto, modelo, numero de serie y fecha de compra. Ni en la factura de compra comercial ni el Certificado de Garantfa deberan observarse raspaduras, enmiendas, tachaduras, adulteraciones o interlineados de cualquier tipo(especialmente en el recuadro adhesivo que figura al pie del mismo).Son tambien requisitos indispensables para la validez de la presente garantfa que la marca y modelo del producto aparezca claramente individualizados en el mismo sin alteraciones de ningun tipo y que las reparaciones se soliciten exclusivamente aalgunos de las Servicios Tecnicos Oficiales de Sony que figuran en el listado que se adjunta o puede consultarse en el siguiente link: https :// .ar/corporate/AR/ servicioysoporte/servicio.html

Numeros de telefono de servicio al cliente y sitios Web


Numero de telefono de Servicio al cliente SitioWeb

Chile Colombia

800-004-310; 12) 2988 4920
Bogota:(601) 786 8929 Lfnea Gratuita Nacional: 01800-518-9714

Costa Rica


Rep. Dominicana 1800148 5510



El Salvador 2136 8222

Guatemala 2233 7182




800-759-7669; 55 5002-9819


2244 2996; 001-800-220-2554 (Lfnea fija)


836-5130; 011 00 800 203 7104 (Linea fiia C&Wl


(1) 700 7969


212 335 7660 0800 10046 48 corporate/SOlA/ home.html









Ser. No. 3 9

FECHA DE ENTREGA: (solo para Mexico)

111111111111111IIIIIll Ill Ill

Sony garantiza, al comprador final, el hardware y el software original de
fabrica contenido en este producto, en todas sus piezas y componentes del producto incluyendo mano de obra, contra cualquier defecto de fabricaci6n y funcionamiento a partir de la fecha de la entrega del producto. El perfodo y condiciones de esta garantfa se rigen par el Pafs en donde Usted ha adquirido su producto. Sfrvase referirse al Cuadro de Duraci6n de la Garantfa descrito a continuaci6n para conocer el plaza correspondiente asu tipo de producto.





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COSTA RICA 132m~0 12m 12m 12m 12m 12m Vernota 3 30d 30d

ECUADOR 132mm180 12m 12m 12m 12m 12m Vernota 3 30d 30d

EL SALVADOR 132mm180 12m 12m 12m 12m 12m Vernota3 30d 30d

GUATEMALA 132mm180 12m 12m 12m 12m 12m Vernota 3 30d 30d

HONDURAS 132mm180 12m 12m 12m 12m 12m Vernota3 3m 3m

NICARAGUA 132mm180 12m 12m 12m 12m 12m Vernota3 30d 30d PANAMA 132mm180 12m 12m 12m 12m 24m Vernota3 30d 30d DOMINICANA 132mm180 12m 12m 12m 12m 12m Vernota3 90d 12m

VENEZUELA 132m~0 12m 12m 12m 12m 12m Vernota3 30d 30d COLOMBIA 132mm180 12m 12m 12m 12m 12m 3m 3m 3m



12m 12m




Fuerade cobertura




6m1 6m1·6m1 6m1·6m1 6m1·6m1 6m1·6m1 6m1·6m1 Vernota 36m1,1 6m1

MEXICO 12m 12m 12m 12m 12m 12m ARGENTINA 162mm45 12m 12m 162mm67 12m 12m

12m 90d 90d 6m 6m 6m7

d=Dfas m=Meses 1Perfodo de Garantfa Legal en Chile. Una vez finalizada la garantfa legal de 6 meses, se inicia el perfodo de garantfa voluntaria, ambas han sido incluidas en el Cuadro de Duraci6n de la Garantfa. 2Perfodo de Garantfa Voluntaria en Chile. 3Accesorios que vienen originalmente con el producto tienen el mismo perfodo de garantfa que el producto. 4Auriculares, Radios, MP3. 5Parlantes inalambricos y minicomponentes. 6Estereos y Potencias. 7Parlantes y Subwoofers. BAuriculares sin Numero de Serie. 91ncluye auriculares. l0Audio personal.
En caso de defectos en los materiales y/o de fabricaci6n del producto, Sony procedera a la reparaci6n o en su defecto al reemplazo del producto por otro igual o de caracterfsticas similares segun el caso. Sony asumira el costo de la mano de obra y los repuestos necesarios para repararlo, siempre y cuando la reparaci6n se realice en uno de los Centros de Servicio Autorizados Sony. Todas las partes reemplazadas bajo la aplicaci6n de esta garantfa pasaran a ser propiedad de Sony.
Por otro lado, con relaci6n al servicio proporcionado por los Centros de Servicio Autorizados por Sony, sera responsabilidad del usuario realizar su propio respaldo de la informaci6n contenida en su disco duro y/o memoria, incluyendo cualquier dato almacenado o programa instalado, debido a que existe la posibilidad que estos contenidos sean modificados o formateados durante el servicio que se realice al producto adquirido. En tal sentido, Sony no se responsabiliza por los darios o perdidas de informaci6n que resulten del servicio. Su producto sera devuelto en su configuraci6n original (sujeto a disponibilidad de programas o software vigentes).
Esta garantfa no es transferible y ampara unicamente el aparato cuya serie esta anotada en este mismo documento. Esta garantfa le otorga ciertos derechos espedficos, usted podrfa tener otros derechos establecidos por la ley de Protecci6n al Consumidor del pafs donde realiza la compra del producto.
Aclaraci6n para Mexico Las partes que Sony reemplace seran nuevas, ydichas partes tendran garantfa durante el mismo periodo restante de la garantfa del producto, o bien durante noventa (90) dfas contados apartir de la fecha de instalaci6n de las mismas en el producto, siendo elegido el periodo mas largo. En su caso existe la posibilidad de hacer uso de partes remanufacturadas previa autorizaci6n del consumidor.
El tiempo de reparaci6n en ningun caso sera mayor de 30 dfas contados a partir de la fecha de recepci6n del mismo producto en cualquiera de los Centro de Servicio Autorizados donde puede hacerse efectiva esta garantfa.
Aclaraci6n para Colombia, Costa Rica, Republica Dominicana, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama y Venezuela: Sony garantiza el suministro de repuestos electr6nicos acosto del cliente para el servicio post-venta para la reparaci6n por componentes por un mfnimo de 3 afios luego del cese de producci6n del modelo en fabrica, exceptuando las partes cosmeticas y/o partes que no comprometan el funcionamiento del producto.
Sony se compromete a realizar sus mejores esfuerzos para que las reparaciones que deban efectuarse bajo la garantfa queden concluidas dentro de un plazo que no excedera de los treinta (30) dfas calendarios contados a partir de la fecha de entrega del equipo al Centro de Servicio Autorizado, salvo caso fortuito definido por Sony. Para la reparaci6n se emplearan repuestos originales y/o restaurados por Sony segun especificaciones del producto

original lo cual garantiza el correcto funcionamiento de la unidad.
Si transcurrido este tiempo, Sony no ha ofrecido la reparaci6n del producto en garantfa o solucionado el problema, Sony podrfa a su opci6n sustituir el producto por otro similar, por un producto recertificado por Sony o reembolsar al cliente el precio pagado por el producto en cuesti6n.
En ningun caso la responsabilidad de Sony por darios y perjuicios incluira lucro cesante odario emergente. La responsabilidad de Sony en ningun caso excedera del monto efectivamente pagado por el cliente por la compra del equipo.
Aclaraci6n para Peru De no contar con los repuestos necesarios, el plazo de reparaci6n podrfa extenderse hasta la importaci6n de los mismos, hecho que sera oportunamente comunicado al Usuario.
Aclaraci6n Argentina La presente garantfa incluye gastos y riesgos relativos al flete, transporte y embalaje en la medida de lo serialado por la normativa vigente en la Republica Argentina al momento de la solicitud de la reparaci6n.
Sony se compromete a realizar sus mejores esfuerzos para que las reparaciones que deban efectuarse bajo la presente garantfa queden concluidas dentro de un plazo que no excedera los 60 dfas contados a partir de la fecha de entrega del producto a tales efectos, salvo caso fortuito o fuerza mayor. Para conocer las condiciones de uso, instalaci6n y mantenimiento el consumidor debe remitirse al Manual de instrucciones provisto junto al producto adquirido.
Aclaraci6n Chile Para mayor informaci6n comercial del producto dirigirse al sitio web para
Chile indicado al final de esta p61iza.
El producto adquirido se encuentra plenamente garantizado, salvo en los siguientes casos y/o darios:
A. Presenta darios causados por la falta de seguimiento de las instrucciones del manual de usuario y/o darios causados por el uso incorrecto, por negligencia, o use diferente para el cual fue diseriado.
B. Se utiliza para fines comerciales, inclusive su arriendo o alquiler. C. Se modifica o se altera; mediante reemplazo de piezas y accesorios, instalaci6n de programas no autorizados por Sony, reparaci6n o intento de reparaci6n por pa rte de personas ffsicas y/o jurfdicas no autorizadas por Sony. Ausencia, rotura o violaci6n de sellos de garantfa cuando estos existen en los productos ocajas de empaque por disposici6n de Sony. D. Evidencia falta de mantenimiento o servicio de acuerdo con lo indicado en su respective instructivo.
E. Evidencia mala conexi6n aotros equipos indicados en el instructivo o la conexi6n aequipos diferentes aestos; uso de accesorios inadecuados o diferentes a los suministrados con el equipo. F. Presenta sedimentos, arena, lfquidos, fluidos corrosivos, residuos de insectos ocualquier otro ser vivo, polvo, suciedad, humedad, lfquido de pilas, agua, juguetes, alimentos o cualquier elemento extrario en su interior.
G. Presenta excesos ocafdas de tension en la redo conexi6n aredes que no sean del voltaje correspondiente de acuerdo con lo indicado en su respectivo instructivo.
H. Presenta darios ocasionados por condiciones ambientales inapropiadas, accidentes, catastrofes naturales, inundaciones, terremotos,temblores, tomados, huracanes, avalanchas, ciclones, derrumbes, deslizamientos, maremotos, tormentas electricas, relampago, anegaciones, incendios o atentados,

des6rdenes publicos, brisa marina, salitre u oxidaci6n, descargas electricas atmosfericas, ambiente con excesivo calor o frfo, transporte incorrecto, trato indebido y/o por factores externos imputables o no al titular de la garantfa tales como rayones, decoloraci6n, quemaduras, cafdas, golpes o ruptura.
I. Presenta adulteraci6n, enmiendas oborrones, ya sea en el certificado de Garantfa, modelo y/o numero de serie del producto odocumento de compra. J. Cuando el numero de serie que figura en el producto nose encuentre registrado en las bases de datos de Sony, vale decir no haya sido importado/comercializado por Sony.
K. Esta garantfa es valida solo para producto de primera selecci6n, sin uso, y nose aplica a productos de segunda mano y/o productos que hayan sido utilizados en exhibici6n y/o prueba. L. Se excluyen de la garantia las partes consumibles y/o accesorios suministrados con el equipo (salvo en el caso de Chile), como son: baterias, el control remoto, adaptadores y/o cargadores, parlantes,micr6fonos, lamparas, antenas, juegos, memorias, partes externas o cosmeticas tales como botones, partes plasticas ode porcelana, vidrios,espejos, pantallas ygabinetes.
M. Presenta darios en parlantes de los equipos de cualquier categorfa de las antes mencionadas, cuando sean causados por uso incorrecto oabuso tales como: operar el equipo en condiciones extremas de volumen durante varias horas o por cambio abrupto en la operaci6n del parlante como cuando se tiene maximo volumen yse pasa de una condici6n de no serial aserial.
N. Presenta darios derivados de la deficiente recepci6n de serial. O.Presenta darios debido al desgaste normal producido por el uso o la
operaci6n del aparato, o el dario causado por el uso de casetes, discos o accesorios en mal estado.
Esta numeraci6n no es de caracter taxativo, quedando excluidos de la garantia todos aquellos supuestos en los que, en terminos generales, el funcionamiento anormal del equipo se deba acausas que no sean directa y exclusivamente atribuibles aSony.
Las exclusiones anteriormente listadas no aplican ala Republica Mexicana, cuyas respectivas exclusiones se listan acontinuaci6n.
Exclusiones aplicables a Mexico:
(A) Si el producto se hubiese utilizado en condiciones distintas alas normales;
(B) Nose hubiese operado de acuerdo al instructive de uso que se le acomparia; y
(C) El producto hubiese sido alterado o reparado por personas no autorizadas por el fabricante nacional, importador ocomercializador responsable respectivo.
La presente garantfa tiene validez exclusivamente para aquellos productos comercializados por: I) Sony Latin America Inc. Sucursal en Chile en la Republica de Chile; II) Sony Colombia S.A.S o Sony lnteramerican S.A., Sucursal Colombia, segun quien sea el importador en la Republica de Colombia; Ill) Sony de Mexico S.A. De C.V., Sony Argentina S.A. y Sony Peru S.R.L. en sus respectivas republicas; iv) Sony Inter-American S.A. en las republicas de Costa Rica, Republica Dominicana, Ecuador, El Salvador, Panama, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua yVenezuela. Atal efecto, alo largo de esta garantra se entiende como “Sony” ala sociedad que corresponda en cada uno de los paises mencionados, y bajo las especificaciones de importador de estas sociedades indicadas en el empaque del producto. La presente garantia es de aplicaci6n local limitada al pais donde se adquiri6 el producto y por el tiempo mencionado en este documento. Excepto el caso de productos comercializados por Sony Inter-American S.A. donde la presente garantfa sera valida en cualquiera de los siguientes pafses: Colombia, Costa Rica, Republica Dominicana, Ecuador, El Salvador, Panama, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua yVenezuela.
lmpreso en Mexico


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