barbas BOX 20 55 Free Standing Wood Burning Stove User Manual

October 27, 2023

barbas BOX 20 55 Free Standing Wood Burning Stove

BOX 20 55
© Barbas Bellfires BV
This document or parts thereof may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, nor otherwise, without the prior written permission of Barbas Bellfires BV. This document could contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Barbas Bellfires BV reserves the right to revise this document from time to time in the contents thereof.
Contact information
Barbas Bellfires BV
Hallenstraat 17, 5531 AB Bladel, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 49 733 9200

Declaration of Performance

BOX 20 55

BOX 20 55 with wood log storage module

About this document

This document shows the necessary information to do these tasks on the BOX 20 55:

  • Operate the appliance
  • Do basic maintenance

This document refers to the BOX 20 55 as ‘the appliance’. This document is an essential part of your appliance. Read it carefully before you do work on the appliance. Keep it in a safe place.
The original instructions of the document are in English. All other language versions of the document are translations of the original instructions. It is not always possible to provide a detailed illustration of every single item of the equipment. The illustrations in this document show a typical setup. The illustrations are for instructional use only.

How to work with this document
  1. Make yourself familiar with the structure and content of the document.
  2. Read the safety chapter in detail.
  3. Make sure that you understand all the instructions.
  4. Do the procedures completely and in the given sequence.
Warnings and cautions used in this document

If you do not obey these instructions, there is a risk that can cause personal injury or death.
If you do not obey these instructions, there is a risk of damage to the equipment or to property.
A note shows more information.

Symbol Description
Visual sign that there is a hazard
Visual sign that

there is a notice

Related documentation
  • Installation and maintenance manual
  • User manual


Overview of the BOX 20 55

The BOX 20 55 is optionally available with a wood log storage module under the appliance.
The BOX 20 55 is available with a screened glass door or with a steel frame door.

A Door handle
B Glass
C Primary air inlet
D Grate
E Steel bottom plates
F Log guard
G Ash tray (under the grate)
H Ceramic panels
I Top flue connection
J Control lever
Figure 1. Front view of the BOX 20 55 with screened glass door

K Secondary air inlet
L Air wash inlet
M Adjustable feet
N Upper baffle (steel)
O Lower baffle (ceramic)
P Connection for external combustion air
Figure 2. Bottom view of the BOX 20 55 with screened door

Q Connection for external combustion air
R Rear flue connection
Figure 3. Rear view of the BOX 20 55

Overview of the BOX 20 55 with wood log storage module

The BOX 20 55 is optionally available with a wood log storage module under the appliance.

A Door handle
B Glass
C Primary air inlet
D Grate
E Steel bottom plates
F Log guard
G Ash tray (under the grate)
H Ceramic panels
I Top flue connection
J Control lever
Figure 4. Front view of the BOX 20 55 with wood log storage module and steel frame door.

K Secondary air inlet
L Air wash inlet
M Adjustable feet
N Upper baffle (steel)
O Lower baffle (ceramic)
P External bottom combustion air inlet (optional)
Figure 5. Bottom view of the BOX 20 55 with wood log storage module and steel frame door

Q   External rear combustion air inlet (optional))
R   Rear flue connection
Figure 6. Rear view of the BOX 20 55 with wood log storage module

Intended use

The appliance is intended for indoor use to heat the room wherein it is installed. Do not use it for other purposes.

The appliance is intended for use with wood logs or wood briquettes as fuel. Do not use other fuels.

The appliance is intended for use with the door closed.

The appliance may only be used at the location that meets the requirements for the installation of the appliance.

The appliance is intended for intermittent use and is not intended for continuous use.

The appliance is intended to heat the room by direct heating. It is not allowed to connect the appliance to a central-heating installation.


Safety instructions for operation


  • Do not put objects on the top of the appliance.
  • Do not let the appliance unattended when the fuel burns.
  • Do not put flammable items within 180 cm from the front of the appliance.
  • Do not put flammable items within 30 cm from the side of the appliance.
  • If applicable, make sure the distance between the top of the wood log storage module and the wood logs in in de storage module is minimum 10 cm. Make sure the wood logs in the storage do not touch the top of the wood log storage module.
  • Do not use mineral fuel (example: coal, anthracite)
  • Do not use the appliance with the door open. Smoke can escape from the appliance. Only open the appliance door for a short time to reload with fuel or to remove the ash.
  • Make sure that children are supervised when they can reach the appliance.
  • Make sure that there is sufficient ventilation in the room in which the appliance is installed.
  • Do not use the appliance in case of visual glass damage.
  • Make sure that the appliance is installed correctly. Refer to the Installation and Maintenance manual. You can find the manuals on
  • Wear the glove and use the operating hook or a poke when refilling the appliance
  • Make sure that your clothing does not touch the appliance. Especially synthetic clothing ignites easy and burns intensely.
  • Do not use the appliance when there is fog, haze or no wind.
  • Do not make modifications to the appliance. Any modification will also make your warranty invalid.


  • Make sure to clean your chimney minimum every year to prevent a chimney fire.
  • Do not use freshly cut wood. · Do not use more wood per load than prescribed. Refer to chapter 5.2 for the recommended fuel amount.
  • Do not burn waste in the appliance.
  • Do not prepare food in the appliance. This causes damage to your appliance and chimney.


  • Do inspect and clean the appliance, the chimney and the external combustion air supply by a Barbas dealer minimum every year.
  • Do not use the appliance continuously. The intended use is as intermittent appliance.
Safety instructions with regard to the environment
  • Dispose of the packing materials in an environmentally friendly way.
  • Dispose of ceramic heat-resistant glass as household waste. Do not dispose of ceramic heat-resistant glass in a glass recycling container.
  • Dispose of an obsolete appliance according to instructions of the authorities or the fitter.
  • Obey the local regulations.


Fuel types


Do not use coal, anthracite, coal briquettes, liquid fuel or gel fuel. The appliance is not designed for these fuels. Use of these fuels is dangerous and can lead to bodily harm and to serious damage to the appliance.

Suitable fuels are:

  • Hard wood (example: birch, beech, oak, ash).
  • Soft wood (example: spruce, pine, poplar).
  • Wood briquettes without binder.

Before use, wood must dry for minimum 2 years when freshly chopped. Kiln-dried wood must dry for an extra half year. Dried wood logs must have a moisture content of 10 – 20 %.

Unsuitable fuels are:

  • Painted wood.
  • Impregnated wood.
  • MDF, chipboard.
  • Any kind of combustible waste.
  • Paraffin impregnated compressed wood logs
  • Freshly chopped wood
  • Coal, anthracite and other bituminous fuels
  • Lignite , peat Using unsuitable fuels cause excess smoke, black glass, combustible deposits in the chimney and can damage the appliance.
Fuel amount

Load the appliance with the amount of fuel as listed hereunder. Put the load as one layer on the floor of the combustion chamber. For the amount of fuel for the first load see chapter 6.3.1.

Table 1: Recommended amount of fuel

| Wood logs| Wood briquettes
Amount| 2 pieces| 2 pieces
Weight| Approximately 1.0 kg per piece| Approximately 0.75 kg per piece
Length| Approximately 30 cm| Approximately 30 cm

The above listed amount burns for approximately 45 minutes. This time can be different, dependent on the chimney draught and the position of the combustion air valve.

The amount of fuel specified here should not be exceeded, overloading can cause excess smoke.


Preparation before first use

Report any defects to your dealer immediately.

  1. Make sure that the appliance is not damaged.

  2. Make sure that the ceramic plate and the baffles are in the correct position.

  3. Make sure that the glass is not damaged.

  4. Make sure that the door opens and closes completely, by moving the door handle Steel frame door
    a) Turn the handle forward to open the door

    b) Turn the handle downward to close the door.

    Screened glass door
    a) Turn the handle forward to open the door.

    b) Turn the handle backward to close the door.

  5. Remove document and components from the combustion chamber.

  6. Make sure that the control lever moves easy.

  7. Make sure that the ash tray is empty.

  8. Make sure that all package material, stickers, etc, have been removed from the

First use of the appliance


  • Make sure there is sufficient ventilation in the room in which the appliance
    is installed.

Note: The appliance has a heat-resistant coating. When you use the appliance for the first time, the coating can cause an unpleasant, but harmless smell.
After first few times of use of the appliance, a light deposit on the inside of the glass may occur caused by curing of the paint. This can be removed with glass cleaner or ceramic hob cleaner.

Firing the appliance

First load and ignition

At the beginning the appliance and chimney are cold. It is important that both the appliance and chimney reach a temperature that guarantees a good functioning of the appliance. A too low temperature results in incomplete combustion and a poor chimney draught. To avoid this do the following:

Warning: Do not use the appliance when there is fog or haze or no wind.

  1. Put the control lever in the far right position.

  2. If applicable, open the valve in the external combustion air supply line.

  3. If applicable, open the chimney valve completely.

  4. Open the door of the appliance.

  5. Put minimum 4 wood logs crosswise on the floor of the combustion chamber.

  6. Put some kindling wood and 1 or 2 firestarter cubes on top of the wood logs.

  7. Put some kindling wood above the firestarter cubes.

  8. Light the firestarter cubes with a lighter or a match.

  9. Close the door of the appliance.

After approximately 20 minutes the wood logs burn. Dependent on the quality of the chimney the wood logs burn for approximately 1 to 1.5 hours. Do not open the door of the appliance before the last flames have almost disappeared.

Reload with fuel

If there is insufficient burning material in the firebed to light a new fuel charge, excessive smoke emission can occur. Refueling must be done onto a sufficient quantity of glowing embers and ash to make sure that the new fuel charge will ignite in a reasonable period. If there are too few embers in the fire bed, add suitable kindling to prevent excessive smoke.
The procedure hereunder is a general description. The best reloading moment is dependent on the flue draught. A high flue draught requires reloading when the flames have completely disappeared. If the flue draught is low, reloading must be done when there are still flames.

  1. Wait until the last flames have almost disappeared.

  2. Set the control lever in the far right position.

  3. Open the door.

  4. Reload the appliance with 2 wood logs, put flat on the combustion chamber floor. Use the recommended amount of fuel. Refer to chapter 5.2.

  5. Close the door.

  6. After ignition of the fuel, move the control lever to the left to a position that gives a quiet burning fire.

Control the burn process

Control lever in the far right position:
primary air inlet maximum open secondary air inlet maximum open airwash inlet maximum open|
Control lever in the center position:
primary air inlet is closed secondary air inlet maximum open airwash inlet maximum open|
Control lever in the far left position:
primary air inlet is closed secondary air inlet is closed airwash inlet is closed|

Warning: Setting the control lever in the far left position (all air inlets closed) when the fuel is burning leads to excessive emission of hazardous gasses (example: carbon monoxide) and soot deposit on the glass of the door and in the chimney. Never close the air inlets when the fuel is burning. Always keep the secondary air inlet and air wash inlet open by setting the control lever somewhere in-between the center position and the far left position.
Caution: Continuous firing with the primary air inlet fully open (control lever in the far right position) causes a white-hot fire that can damage the appliance. Use the primary air only during the first fuel load and for ignition of a new fuel load.

Increase the flue draught

Warning: Do the procedure hereunder when you have made sure the appliance has cooled down and there are no glowing embers.

A low flue draught is caused by too much flow resistance. This causes insufficient flow of the flue gas in the chimney. Do the next steps to decrease the flow resistance

  1. Loosen the nut above the heat shield with a 3 mm hexagonal key and a 10 mm fork spanner. Unscrew the socket screw. Make sure the nut stays attached to the socket screw.

  2. Push up (1) the front of the heat shield and pull it forward (2) and move downward to a vertical position (3).

  3. Remove the upper baffle from the appliance.

  4. Remove the break strip from the baffle with a pair of pliers.

  5. Do the steps 1 to 3 in opposite order to put the upper baffle in the appliance

General firing tips
  • The appliance works best when it has heated up as described in chapter 6.3.1. Insufficient heating up leads to a low chimney draught, black deposits on the glass and incomplete combustion. Good combustion is recognized by bright orange flames, invisible smoke and no soot deposits on the glass. Use the control lever to get good combustion. Refer to 5.1 for advice on the required fuel quality.
  • Make sure the door of the appliance is closed when in use. Only open the door for ignition and to refuel.
  • Do not remove all the ashes. An ash layer in the combustion chamber forms a heat insulating layer, that helps the fuel to ignite easy.
  • Do not set the control lever in the far left position (all combustion air inlets closed) when the appliance is used. This will cause severe smoke development, soot formation and increases the chance of a chimney fire.
  •  After the first load, do not overload the appliance with fuel. Refer to 5.2 for the recommended amount of fuel. Too much fuel leads to incomplete combustion, soot formation and a chance of a chimney fire.


Maintenance schedule

Clean the glass when it is dirty. If the glass is not cleaned when it is dirty the glass can become permanently dull.

Table 2: Maintenance schedule

Task Frequency Procedure
Remove the ashes When necessary Refer to section 7.2
Clean the glass When necessary Refer to section 7.3
Maintenance by your fitter Yearly Refer to your dealer
Chimney sweep Yearly (or more often when necessary) Refer to the

Installation and maintenance manual
Appliance inspection| Yearly| Refer to the Installation and maintenance manual

Remove the ashes
  1. Make sure that the appliance has cooled down and there are no glowing embers.
  2. Remove the ashes with a small scoop.
  3. Lift the grate with the operating hook and remove the grate.
  4. Remove the ashtray and empty it.
  5. Make sure there are no ashes in the space under the ash tray. Remove these ashes when necessary.
  6. Put the ash tray back in the appliance.
  7. Put the grate back in the appliance.
Clean the glass
  1. Make sure the appliance has cooled down and there are no glowing embers in the combustion chamber.
  2. To avoid any up swirl of ashes during cleaning, remove the ashes from the appliance.
  3. Clean the glass with a soft cloth, a sponge or paper. Use glass cleaner or ceramic hob cleaner.
  4. Make sure that the glass is dry. Water droplets can leave a mark on the glass.

Damaged or broken glass must be replaced before the appliance can be used again.


Table 3: Troubleshooting

Problem Possible cause Possible solution
Chimney fire (recognized by a roaring sound in the chimney) Ignition of soot
and tar de- posits in the chimney.
  • Set the control lever in the far left position.
  • Call the emergency services. (112)
  • Put out the fire in the appliance with sand.


Never use water to put out the fire.

  • Ventilate the house.
    After the chimney has been extinguished, sweep the chimney and inspect for damage.
    Sweep the chimney minimum once a year by a certified chimney sweep.

The wood logs do not ignite| The moisture content of the wood logs is too high|

  • Use dried wood logs with a moisture content of 10 – 20 %.
  • Use wood briquettes

The combustion chamber is not warm enough|

  • Do the recommended ignition procedure. Refer to chapter

  • Use the recommended amount of fuel. Refer to chapter 5.2.

The wood logs burn too fast| Primary air inlet is open.| Close the primary air supply. Ad- just the amount of secondary air and air wash with the control lever. Refer to chapter 6.3.3.
The chimney draught is too high|

  • Reduce the amount of secon- dary air and airwash with the control lever. Refer to chapter 6.3.3
  • Contact your installer.


The temperature of the room does not rise sufficient| The fuel amount is too low| Use the recommended amount of fuel. Refer to chapter 5.2.
The chimney draught is too high| Contact your installer.
Excessive smoke escapes when the door of the combustion chamber is open| The chimney draught is too low|

  • Do the recommended ignition procedure. Refer to chapter 6.3.1
  • .Remove the break out strip from the upper baffle. Refer to chapter 6.3.4.
  • Contact your installer.

The glass becomes black| The combustion chamber is not hot enough|

  • Use the recommended amount of fuel. Refer to chapter 5.2.
  • Increase the amount of com- bustion air with the control lev- er. Refer to chapter 6.3.3
  • .Put the wood logs diagonally and as wide as possible on the combustion chamber floor.

The moisture content of the wood logs is too high|

  • Use dried wood logs with a moisture content of 10 – 20 %.
  • Use wood briquettes

The seal around the door is damaged| Contact your dealer.
Some cold air flows out from the front of the appliance when the appliance is not in use.| The valve in the external combustion air supply line is missing or is open.| Close the valve in the external combustion air supply line.
The under pressure in the in- stall action room is too high| Reduce the underpressure, for ex- ample by opening a ventilation opening in the installation room.

Technical data

Name Barbas
  • BOX 20 55
  • BOX 20 55 with wood log storage module

Tested in accordance with| EN 13240:2001-A2:2004 EN 16510-1 annex D, E, F
Energy efficiency index (according EU 2015/1186)| 99
Energy efficiency class| A

  • Wood logs
  • Wood briquettes (without binder)

Nominal fuel load| 2.0 kg
Nominal heat output (net)| 9.0 kW
Minimum heat output (net)| 6 kW
Useful efficiency (Net Calorific Value (NCV)) at nominal heat output| 75 %
Useful efficiency (Net Calorific Value (NCV)) at minimum heat output (indicative)| 80 %
Indirect heating function| No
Room sealed| No
The specific precautions that shall be taken when the local space heater is assembled, in- stalled or maintained, are listed in the attached documents:|

  • Installation and maintenance manual
  • User manual

Warranty Terms

Barbas Bellfires Warranty Terms Barbas Bellfires B.V. guarantees the quality of the supplied Barbas appliance and the quality of the materials used. All Barbas appliances are developed and manufactured according to the highest possible quality standards. If, despite all this, something should prove amiss with the Barbas appliance you have purchased, Barbas Bellfires B.V. offers the following manufacturer’s warranty.

Article 1: Warranty

  1. If Barbas Bellfires B.V. determines that the Barbas appliance you have purchased is defective as a result of a flaw in the construction or material, Barbas Bellfires B.V. guarantees to repair or replace the appliance free of charge, without charging any costs for labor or spare parts.
  2. Repair or replacement of the Barbas appliance will be undertaken by Barbas Bellfires B.V. or by a Barbas dealer as designated by Barbas Bellfires B.V.
  3. This warranty is supplementary to the existing legal national warranty of Barbas dealers and Barbas Bellfires B.V. in the country of purchase and is not intended to restrict your rights and claims based on the applicable legal provisions.

Article 2: Warranty conditions

  1. Should you wish to claim under the warranty, please contact your Barbas dealer.
  2. Complaints should be reported as quickly as possible after they have manifested themselves.
  3. Complaints will only be accepted if they are reported to the Barbas dealer, together with the serial number of the Barbas appliance which is stated on the front of the manual.
  4. In addition, the original receipt (invoice, receipt, cash receipt) showing the date of purchase must also be submitted.
  5. Repairs and replacements during the warranty period do not give any entitlement to an extension of the warranty period. After a repair or replacement of warranty parts, the warranty period shall be deemed to have started on the date of purchasing the Barbas appliance.
  6. If a certain part is eligible for the warranty and the original part is no longer available, Barbas Bellfires B.V. shall ensure that an alternative part of at least the same quality shall be provided.

Article 3: Warranty exclusions

  1. The warranty on the Barbas appliance ceases to be in effect if:
    a. it is not installed according to the supplied installation instructions, and to national and/or local regulations;
    b. it has been installed, connected or repaired by a non-Barbas dealer;
    c. it has not be used or maintained according to the instructions for use;
    d. it has been changed, neglected or roughly treated;
    e. it has been damaged as a result of external causes (outside the appliance itself), for example, lightning strike, water damage or fire;

  2. In addition, the warranty lapses if the original purchase receipt shows any change, deletion, removal or if it is illegible.

Article 4: Warranty area

  1. The warranty is only valid in those countries where Barbas appliances are sold through an official dealer network.

Article 5: Warranty period

  1. This warranty will only be granted during the warranty period.
  2. The body of the Barbas appliance is guaranteed for a period of 10 years against construction and/or material faults, starting from the moment of purchase.
  3. For other parts of the Barbas appliance, a similar warranty applies from the moment of purchase for a period of two years.
  4. For user parts such as glass, glass (cord) and the interior of the combustion chamber, a similar guarantee is given until after the first burning.

Article 6: Liability

  1. A claim granted by Barbas Bellfires B.V. under this warranty does not automatically imply that Barbas Bellfires B.V. also accepts liability for any possible damage. The liability of Barbas Bellfires B.V. never extends further than that stated in these warranty conditions. Any liability of Barbas Bellfires B.V. for consequential damage is expressly excluded.
  2. That stated in this provision is not valid if and to the extent that is derives from a mandatory provision.
  3. All agreements entered into by Barbas Bellfires B.V. are, unless specifically stated otherwise in writing and to the extent that they are permitted based on applicable law, subject to the FME-CWM general sales and delivery conditions for the technology industry.

Barbas Bellfires B.V.
Hallenstraat 17 5531 AB Bladel
The Netherlands
Tel: +31-497339200
Carefully retain the user manual; it shows the serial number of the appliance. You will need this if you wish to claim under the warranty.


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