POLAR LED LIGHT B07B69SYKD LED Scrolling Sign Instruction Manual
- June 5, 2024
Table of Contents
- STEP by STEP WiFi connection to a computer
- Additional text color attributes :
- Software for Apple iPhone mobile phone
- FCC Warning
- Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
- Download This Manual (PDF format)
LED scrolling sign
Full RGB color 40″x8″
With WiFi P10
(software is compatible with WINDOWS XP.7.10 and ANDROID mobile phones)
email address for support:
WiFi password: 12345678
VIDEO TUTORIAL for software you can find on YOUTUBE search for ”
POLAR led light 40×11″ video tutorial HC14″
- Connect LED sign to a computer or mobile phone WiFi. – Start software for an LED sign – HCLED
- Make your text in software
- Send a text to the LED sign ( button ” WIFI_SEND”- blue button)
- Disconnect LED sign from Laptop or mobile phone WiFi
STEP by STEP WiFi connection to a computer
VIDEO TUTORIAL for software you can find on YOUTUBE search for ” POLAR led light 40×11″ video tutorial Hc14″
Connect the LED sign to a power outlet and turn it on ( switch ON/OFF on the right side )
InseertUSB flash memory to computer You can run the software from USB flash memory or copy all contents from USB to your computer and start the software without USB flash memory ( for WIFI mode ).
Insert USB flash memory into your PC or laptop (Windows-based computer ). USB flash memory is attached to the power cord cable.
RUN software from USB flash memory :/HCLED_19.028/HCLED.exe
4. Connect your LED sign to your PC or Laptop by selecting the WiFi icon at the bottom left corner of your screen ( arrow 1 on PHOTO 1). Select your LED sign with the name HC-LED[XXXXXX] XXXXXX- will be set of numbers arrow 2 in PHOTO 1. If a password is required input press the button NEXT ( arrow 3 in PHOTO 1).
When your LED sign is successfully connected this text will change from RED to GREEN color and will write the name of the LED sign: HC- LED[XXXXXX]. ( arrow 5 on photo 1 ).
If you can’t connect to the LED sign WiFi please move closer to the LED sign.
After connecting a computer to the LED sign WIFI icon, there will be a little health warning sign on the computer WIFI icon, it means that the computer is connected to the LED sign but you will not have internet because the LED sign doesn’t provide internet.
After completing the use of software to program the LED sign, please disconnect wifi from the led sign and connect to your regular WIFI network. -
Make your own text on the LED sign with this software (explained in the instruction manual on page 2 to page 9) and press the button “WIFI-SEND” ( arrow 4 on photo 1) to send your text to the led sign-in window Perform REC processing, are you sure? answer YES. wait till the program finishes uploading to the LED sign ” Upload file successfully” then close the REC FOLDER window. If you have the message ” Time-out error” when you send a text to the LED sign, move closer to the LED sign. Because distance depends on computer wifi strength and obstacles.
After completing a program of your LED sign, disconnect the LED sign from your computer WIFI Photo 1 arrow 1 and select led sign HC-LED[XXXXXX] then press the button DISCONNECT and connect WIFI to your home or work WIFI to get an internet connection
from the FILE menu If you are using a USB flash memory programming method:
- When you finish you can press “U-disk REC” to record your project to USB memory and wait for the program to finish recording (around 5 to 30 seconds) PHOTO 4. After successful recording, you will have a message like on PHOTO 5. USB flash memory must be in the computer USB port.
- Disconnect USB flash memory from the computer.
- Insert USB flash memory into your LED sign and wait for the blinking “LOAD” to stop and display “OK”.
- Disconnect USB flash memory from the LED sign.
- YOUR LED sign should now display your text.
If it takes a too
long time on the recording to USB flash memory then change the text to a
smaller size and change the type of text to ARIAL. Make one line of text
maximum of 100 characters.
If you are using the WiFi connection programming method:
TRANSFER your project to an LED sign with WiFi:
Connect LED sign to computer WiFi ( explained step by step on the first page)
Press the button “WIFI-SEND” to send your project to the LED sign.
You will see a window with the question “Perform REC processing ” answer with YES. PHOTO 6. -
Wait to finish transfer to LED sign. PHOTO 7.
When the transfer is finished you will have a window with the text: Upload file successfully. PHOTO 8..
YOUR LED sign should now display your text.
Disconnect computer WiFi from the LED sign
If you have the message ” Time-out error” when you send a text to the LED sign, move closer to the LED sign. Because distance depends on computer wifi strength and obstacles.
If the computer doesn’t send your project to LED sign please computer WIFI.
Close the software and run it again.
If you get a message the same as in this photo: “please connect to remote WiFi
device first! “press “UPLOAD ” again or “WIFI-SEND” to repeat sending
If this error repeats please move closer to computer WiFi or check if the LED
sign is connected to computer WiFi.
Basic instructions for program use:
DESCRIPTION of buttons in software
DESCRIPTION of buttons in software:
- The “U-disk REC” button is for recording your finished project to USB flash memory for an LED sign If you using USB programming mode.
- Obtain parameter for an LED sign from USB memory (parameter is already in factory mode, no need to set). The “WIFI-SEND” button is to send your project to LED sign .11 you use the WIFI programming method. For this method, you first must connect LED sign WIFI to your computer WIFI.
- Obtain parameter for an LED sign from USB memory (parameter is already in factory mode, no need to set). If you are using with WIFI programming method.
- Set the correct time and date, If you use a WIFI connection
- Press this Button “Add Rich Text” to add text to your project
- Press this button “Add Picture” to add IMAGE to your project ( max resolution of this LED sign is 150 x50 pixels, use small images, photos, video, GIF, or Flash files ), if you load a big photo or video LED sign will stop working and then you need to check in troubleshooting to get the way to solve the problem.
- ADD Gif animation
- ADD flash animation
- ADD Video, Video is not supported for this model of the LED sign.
- ADD clock, date, or day to your project. For this LED sign use “clock-digital”
- By pressing the “Preview” button you can see how your project will look when you load it to the LED sign. ( press STOP to stop preview).
- If the LED sign is connected to computer WIFI it will be green text with the name of the LED sign. If the led sign is not connected to WIFI this text will be in red color ( for USB mode text will be in red color ).
- The window where you input your text for an LED sign.
- the Main window for items that you have in your project, you can delete unwanted by pressing button 16 on photo 1.
- Main Menu for software. In the FILE menu, you can choose to save your project or open already saved Or choose one of 8 provided languages for use. Menu “Control” is only for service use.
- Zoom window ( you can manage zoom from file menu option ZOOM ).
- The presentation window shows how your text will look on an LED sign.
After you finish your project you must press the “U_Disc REC” button to transfer all to USB flash memory ( If you use the USB method of programming).
- For this method USB flash memory must be in the computer USB port. After you finish your project you must press the “WIFI-SEND” button to transfer all to the LED sign ( If you use the WIFI method of programming).
- For this method LED sign must be first connected to the computer WIFI.
Photo 3:
INPUT NEW TEXT to your project:
Press the “Add Rich Text” button to add new text, “Reach text-number” will appear in window 2.
This window shows all items that your project contains: text, clock, image…
In this circle-marked area, you can choose FONT, COLOR, TYPE, and vertical and horizontal position of the text by changing values in X and Y boxes. The size of the FONT should be smaller than 16.
This window is for inputting your text if you want to change font or color just mark that part of text with a right mouse click and choose font and color for that part of the text.
In this window, you can see how your text looks on the LED sign
In this pull-down menu you can select one of 60 ways to present your text: scroll left or right, down or up, most common is “000-Appear” or “094 < scroll left”.
Speed of scrolling text ( normal value is 0 to 3 )
In the DELAY drop-down menu, you enter the value to set how long text will be shown on the LED sign display. ( standard value is 2 to 5 ).
Select this tab to present text in normal color ( usually one color).0
10,11. Choose one of these tabs to present text in three color mode or multi- color mode in the spectrum of colors that you select from 1 to 4 ( preset color options). -
“Stroke color” -Select this tab to add a border around letters, choose one of the colors for the border. 9,10,11,12 is explained on next page.
ZOOM function enables you to zoom text that will be displayed on LED signs.
One row of text should not exceed 100 characters. Size of text maximum 12.
If you have any problems with presenting text on the LED signs then mark
all text and select font type ARIAL.
- Click on this tab “ Border & BG” to add a border around text or choose the multicolor presentation of text.
- Choose border style, the direction of border flow, and speed for the border around the text.
- In this drop-down menu, you can choose a multicolor presentation of text, most effective presentation is “dynamic rainbow word1” , or any other model that you like for your text.
Additional text color attributes :
Border &BG – with this
tab in a text editor you can:
- Add a border around the text.
- Select multicolor filling of text, the best mode is (0001) Dynamic word rainbow.
Three-color tab – with
this tab in a text editor you can:
Add three-color filling of text
- Select the mode of different filling for the text from 1 to 6.
Gradient color tab –
with this tab in a text editor you can:
Add gradient color filling to text ( text will have the transition from colors
- Select the mode of different gradient filling for the text from 1 to 6.
Stroke color tab – with this tab in a text editor you can:
Add border around letters
- Select thickens of border around letters ( from 1 to 3 ).
- Select the color of the border and the color of the text (the background should be black color ).
the FILE menu
If you are using the USB flash memory programming method:
- When you finish you can press 1.1-disk REC” to record your project to USB memory and wait for the program to finish recording (around 5 to 30 seconds) PHOTO 4. After successful recording, you will have a message like on PHOTO 5. USB flash memory must be in the computer USB port.
- Disconnect USB flash memory from the computer
- Insert USB flash memory into your LED sign and wait for the blinking ‘LOAD” stops and display ‘OK”.
- Disconnect USB flash memory from the LED sign.
- YOUR LED sign should now display your text.
If it takes too long a time
on the recording to USB flash memory then change the text to a smaller size
and change the type of text to ARIAL. Make one line of text maximum of 100
If you are using WiFi connection programming method:
TRANSFER your project to an LED sign with WiFi:
- Connect LED sign to computer WiFi ( explained step by step on the first page)
- Press the button “WIFI-SEND” to send your project to the LED sign.
- You will see a window with the question ‘Perform REC processing * answer with YES. PHOTO 6.
- Wait to finish transfer to LED sign. PHOTO 7.
- When the transfer is finished you will have a window with the text: Upload file successfully. PHOTO 8.
- YOUR LED sign should now display your text.
- Disconnect computer WiFi from the LED sign
- If you have the message ” Time-out error” when you send a text to the LED sign, move closer to the LED sign. Because distance depends on computer wifi strength and obstacles.
If the computer doesn’t
send your project to the LED sign please check if the LED sign is connected to
the computer’s WIFI.
Close the software and run it again.
If you get a message the same as in this photo: ‘please connect to remote WiFi
device first! ‘press ‘UPLOAD again or “WIFI.SEND” to repeat sending
process. If this error repeats please move closer to computer WiFi or check if
the LED sign is connected to computer WiFi.
Photo 5:
INPUT TIME, DAY, or DATE to your project:
Press the “Add Time” button to add a new time, “Time-Time number” will appear in window 2
This window shows all items that your project contains.
In this window, you can see how time will look on your LED sign
In this pull-down menu, you can choose one of many ways to present your time ( the best mode to select for presenting the TIME is: ” 000-appear”).
Speed of moving text you can select value 2.
Delay is how long TIME will be presented on the LED sign ( normal value is 5 )
Choose between analog and digital clock, for this size of LED sign better visible presenting is DIGITAL “Clock-digital”.
You can set the correct time and date by checking the box “Set Time”.
Choose the FRAME type and color that will surround the clock.
Select what will be shown on an LED sign, on this LED sign you can select TIME or DATE by marking the check box, only one can be presented because this LED sign can present only one row of text. WEEK check box leave blank ( not checked ).
• By setting X and Y values you can adjust the vertical and horizontal placement of time on display. -
Choose font and color of TIME. Size of FONT for TIME and DATE should be ( if it’s larger than time or date will not be shown on the LED sign correctly ).
TO change TIME to 12 or 24 h format or format of DATE see photo 5
After finishing adding text, you can add another text, photo, or time, and
save your project by selecting the “SAVE ” option from the FILE menu.
Photo 6:
INPUT IMAGE to your project:
- Press the “Add Picture” button to add a new image, “Picture number” will appear in window 2.
- This window shows all items that your project contains.
- In this drop-down menu, you can select how will be presented on an LED sign, the most common is “000-Appear” or ” 094 < scroll left”.
- This window will show the size of the image or photo ( should not be more than 100 x 25 pixels), the perfect size of the image for this LED sign is 96 x 16
- In this drop-down menu you can select how a photo or image will be presented if it is larger in pixels than the resolution of the screen on the LED sign: stretch ( if it is smaller to stretch the image to the whole screen), full size, or fit image to LED sign.
- Delay is how much time will be presented on the LED sign ( normal value is 5 ), speed 2.
Photo 7:
INPUT GIF animation to your project:
- Press the “Add Gif’ button to add a new time, “Animation-number” will appear in window 2.
- This window shows all items that your project contains.
- This window will show the size of the gif animation ( should not be more than 100 x 30 pixels), the perfect size of gif animation for this LED sign is 96 x 16
- Gif frames – how many frames will be shown from gif animation.
- Loop times- how many times to repeat showing gif animation.
- Delay is how much time will be presented on the LED sign ( normal value is 5 )
- Zoom ratio- choose how to present gif animation if it is smaller or bigger resolution than 96 x 16 pixels.
After finishing adding the text you can add another text, photo, or time,
save your project by selecting the “SAVE ” option from the FILE menu.
from the FILE menu Send your project to the LED sign. Please see page 3.
WiFi range is 10 to 32 feet depending on computer or mobile phone
wifi range and obstacles
Photo 8:
INPUT FLASH animation to your project:
This is an LED sign with a resolution of 96 x16 and could not load too
big flash animation
- Press the “Add Flash” button to add a new flash file, “Flash-name” will appear in window 2.
- This window shows all items that your project contains.
- GIF number of frames to be presented on display. The size in pixels for the flash file is maximum of 200 x 50 pixels, recommended size is 96×16 pixels.
- You can set the zoom ratio for the flash file ( how the flash file will fit on the LED sign screen).
- How many times GIF files be presented on an LED sign.
- PREVIEW button will PLAY your project so you can see how it will look on the LED sign after transferring to the LED sign.
from the FILE menu Send your project to the LED sign. Please see page 3.
If you experience a problem with the software or the LED sign is
having issues then you can reset the LED sign to factory state with
these instructions:
- Copy file “ORIGINAL USB content.zip” from USB flash memory to your PC.
- Delete all old files from USB flash memory.
- Unpack (UNZIP) files from file “ORIGINAL USB content.zip “,
- Copy unpacked files to USB flash memory,
- Insert USB flash memory to your LED sign and the LED sign will be reset to the original factory state.
- You can use any other USB flash not bigger than 4GB formatted in FAT 32 format.
If you have a message from software that file c64.d11 or csw.bin file is missing then anti-virus delete them by mistake, the solution is to restore these files :
- These files are located on USB flash memory in the directory USB memory AFICLED_19.028\mydata1mysys
- Will be preferable to turn off anti-virus software to prevent deleting these files again. – Go to that directory and unpack ( UNZIP ) file c64csw.zip in the same place.
- Files are restored and software can run again.
If you can’t connect to the LED sign WiFi please move closer to the LED
sign. If you have the message ” Time-out error” when you send a text to
the LED sign, move closer to the LED sign. Because distance depends on
computer wifi strength and obstacles.
If you experience more BLUE color on the LED sign than it should
be after you enter your text, then in rare cases LED sign software is not
compatible with your laptop or PC graphic card, please use any other
laptop or PC to make your LED sign work.
After saving your project to USB memory with “U-Disk REC” if there is
no change on the LED sign display when you insert USB memory into the LED
sign, the problem might be the speed of writing to USB flash memory is not
correct (computer write with different speed from the speed it needs). The
best solution is to make your program with any other laptop or PC.
after saving to USB flash memory, if you see everything except text
then change the font or color of the text and the text will be visible
If your fonts on a computer screen are not clear after using software
then you must turn back on CLEAR TYPE FONT. You can find it by
typing “Adjust clear type font ” in the windows search bar bottom at the
left corner of the desktop. Then check the box for CLEAR TYPE FONT and
If you experience a problem with the software or LED sign or having
issues then you can reset the LED sign to factory state with these
- Copy file “ORIGINAL USB content.zip” from USB flash memory to your PC.
- Delete all old files from USB flash memory.
- Unpack (UNZIP) files from file “ORIGINAL USB content.zip “,
- Copy unpacked files to USB flash memory,
- Insert USB flash memory to your LED sign and the LED sign will be reset to the original factory state.
- You can use any other USB flash not bigger than 4GB formatted in FAT 32 format.
If after pressing the “U-Disc REC” button it takes too much time on loading to USB flash memory then one of the items in your project is with an error :
- Wrong font: select all text and change the size of the font to 12 and the type of font set to ARIAL
- Too long text. The maximum is 100 characters in one row of text.
- Inappropriate speed of presenting text
Please delete some of the items in the program and do “U-Disk REC” again.
If you have an error message “THERE’S A PROBLEM WITH THIS DRIVE” when
you insert a USB flash drive into a computer USB port like is shown in the
next photo:
Then select
that error message and chose the option: Scan and Fix (recommended)
Then select option: Repair drive
After the
repair is finished select: Close on the next window, and the USB flash drive
will work normally.
FOR USB programming method
To use the USB programming method USB flash memory must be in the computer USB port:
Insert USB flash memory to the computer USB port.
Run software: USB flash memory:/HCLED_19.0281HCLED.exe
Make your project how is described from PAGE 2 to PAGE 9.
After you finish making your project, transfer all your work to USB flash memory by pressing the “U-Disk REC” button ( arrow 1 in photo 1). Wait for 5 to 60 seconds for transfer to complete ( depends on how many lines you have in your project).
One Rich text line should be no longer than 100 characters . -
When transfer to USB flash is finished you will be notified: “File transfer finished, please insert U-disk to controller” .
Save your project option “SAVE” from the FILE menu. -
Remove USB flash memory from the computer and insert the LED sign
Wait for the blinking “LOAD” stops, when the LED sign shows “OK” on display, pull out USB flash memory from the LED sign. The -
LED sign should present your project.
Solutions for possible errors in the project:
If LED sign skips some of the lines in the project:
Select all text and change the text to a smaller size, and change the type of text into ARAL.
Check if there is any line of text with more than 100 characters (100 is the maximum number in one line). Check if the time and date are in proper size ( usually 10 to 14 pixels ). -
– If Recording to USB flash memory takes a too long time, check the size of the text and change the type of text to ARIAL.
After you finish your project you must press the “U_Disc REC” button to transfer all to USB flash memory ( If you use the USB method of programming).
- For this method USB flash memory must be in the computer USB port.
ON YOUTUBE search for video instructions : POLAR led light
HCLED mobile phone
PHOTO 12: Android application for programing your LED sign by
mobile phone. Software for Apple! the phone is on the next page.
Scan a photo of BAR CODE with your mobile phone and you will get the choice to install a program for Android mobile phone. INSTALL software.
or type this link into your mobile phone browser: http://www.led75.com/wifiapp/appdownload.html -
0If you can’t connect to the LED sign WiFi please move closer to the LED sign. – After installing you will have the application” HC-LED° on your phone photo 13.
Connect your phone WiFi with an LED sign by selecting the SETTINGS menu on your mobile phone then choose the WiFi menu in settings. Search for WIFI name: LED sign HC-LED[XXXXXX] where XXXXXX- will be a set of numbers or letters.
( WiFi password: 12345678),If ! If the phone does not connect to WiFi please repeat this step several times for a first-time connection.
To change language press the button on the upper right corner of the software, then select to change to the English language..
Press “the “Get param” button to get settings from the LED sign.
This button you need to press only when you connect for the first time.
To input new text please refer to the instructions on the next page.
Press the “Send prog..” button to send a text to the LED sign after you finish inputting your text. -
After you finished using the program disconnect the LED sign from your mobile phone’s WiFi.
Software for Apple iPhone mobile phone
PHOTO 12: Apple! phone application for programing your LED sign by mobile
phone. – Scan a photo of BAR CODE with your mobile phone and you will get a
choice to Install software from the APP store. aaa aaa
Or search for application: “HCLED ” in the APP store and press GET to install.
After installing you will have the application” HC-LED” in your phone photo 13.
Connect your phone WiFi with an LED sign by selecting the SETTINGS menu on your mobile phone and then choosing the WiFi menu in settings. Search for WIFI name: LED sign HC3LED[XXXXXX] where XXXXXX- will be a set of numbers or letters. ( WiFi password: 12345678).
If you have the message ” lime-out error” when you send a text to the LED sign, move closer to the LED sign. Because distance depends on computer wifi strength and obstacles.
To change language press the button in the upper right corner of the software, then select to change to the English language.
Press the “Get param” button to get settings from the LED sign
This button you need to press only when you connect for the first time. -
To input new text please refer to the instructions on the next page.
Press the “Send prog..” button to send a text to the LED sign after you finish inputting your text. -
After you finished using the program disconnect the LED sign from your mobile phone’s WiFi.
To add or edit text select Item in the middle window marked with 1,2,3 …
Change text In the window for inputting text.
You can change attributes for text in the down part of the software:
• Enable this Item: show or don’t show the selected item on the LED sign
Font Style: Ve.: vertical letters, Bo.: bold letters. It.: Italic letter
Font effect: Normal: single color , S.rainbow, D.rainbow: colorful letters
Collor of text font
Size of text ( font), Size of the font for one line of text is best set to 24 for 2 lines of text set to 12.
Font offset: change the vertical and horizontal position of the text.
Font-IineSP: Spacing between lines, for 2 lines of text spacing should be set to 0.
Font effect: Appear – not moving text, scroll up, down, left select to scroll text.
Font speed: Speed of text scrolling.
Font delay: How long text will be displayed on the LED sign
Bor-style: Select border-around text.
Bor-direction: Direction of moving borderline 12. Bor-speed: speed of border.
Background: a select a background image for your text, you can select one of the predefined backgrounds or input a new picture from your gallery ( If you want to select your picture for background acceptable picture format is JPEG and size, not more than 200×50 pixels ).
Bg-zoom: Type of background picture presentation: Stretch ( stretch the smaller picture to fit the screen, Fit-image: to fit the image to screen resolution, Full-image: to put a full image to screen – only part 96×16 pixels will be visible ).
Bg-delay – speed of moving background picture.
When you finish inputting your text press the “Send prog” button to send your
text to the LED sign. The LED sign must be connected to mobile phone WiFi.
Sending progress will be shown like in photo 1. when sending is successfully
finished you will be informal ( Photo 2). After you finish sending a text to
the IED sign disconnect the LED sign from your mobile phone WiFi.If transfer to the LED sign
is interrupted like shown in this photo then you must repeat sending to the
LED sign but first, make sure ‘ that the LED sign is connected to mobile phone
WiFi and move your phone closed to the LED sign for better WiFi reception.
If you can’t connect the LED sign to mobile phone WiFi try to turn OFF then
again ON mobile phone WiFi. And Turn OFF the LED sign and turn it again ON.
for mobile phone WIFI connection
Connect LED sign to mobile phone WIFI. Search for wifi name: HC-LED[XXXXXX] XXXXXX- will be a set of numbers. Password is: 12345678 WIFI Connection will display” no internet connection”, that is because led sign does not provide internet.
Start ( RUN ) software HC-LED .
Press the button “Get param ” to obtain parameters from the LED sign.
Input your text
Send your text to the LED sign with the button ‘send prog..” ( note: led sign wifi has reached 10 to 30 feet )
( if recording takes a too long time, then check that each line can’t be longer than 100 characters, try to change the type of font). -
After you finish sending, connect to your usual wifi network.
for computer WIFI connection
Connect LED sign to computer WIFI. Search for wifi name : HC-LED[XXXXXX] XXXXXX- will be a set of numbers. Password is: 12345678 WIFI Connection will display ” no internet connection”, that is because led signs do not provide internet.
Start ( RUN ) software HCLED located on a USB flash drive in the directory::/HCLED_19.028
Input your text or add time to the program.- Send your text to the LED sign with the button ‘WIFI SEND”
( note: led sign wifi has reached 10 to 30 feet )
( if recording takes a too long time, then check that each line can’t be longer than 100 characters, try to change the type of font). -
After you finish sending, connect to your usual wifi network.
for computer USB flash drive transfer
- Plug the USB flash drive into the computer USB port
- Start ( RUN ) software HCLED located on a USB flash drive in the directory::/HCLED_19.028
- Input your text or add time to the program
- Save your work to a USB flash drive for transfer with the Button “U-disk REC” wait till the recording is finished.
- ( if recording takes a too long time, then check that each line can’t be longer than 100 characters, try to change the type of font, or do recording without photos )
- Plug USB flash drive to LED sign usb port, wait till the transfer is finished.
Voltage: | 85-240 V ( USA 110 V) |
Power: | 60 W ( usually below 8W ) |
Dimension: | 40″x8″ depth: 1.8″, |
pixel resolution: | 96 x16 ( 1104 led )P10 |
Sign without frame: | 37.5″ x 6.5″ |
Color: | RGB full color |
Weight: | 5.3 pounds, professional version 12 pounds |
Connection: | WiFi connection, USB connection indoor |
version: | for indoor use only. |
OUTDOOR version : | for outdoor use ( not waterproof , only weatherproof ) must |
be under some cover.
WiFi password: 12345678
WiFi distance is 3 to 10 m, depending on computer or mobile phone WiFi
Package includes:
- LED scrolling sign 40″x8″ P10 Power adaptor 85-240 V is inside the LED sign WiFi antenna is built inside the LED sign
- USB flash memory with software
- Instruction manual
Password for advanced users of the software: led888
For additional instructions please write to our email:
Connectors on LED sign:
mounting ear for hanging
WiFi range is 10
to 32 feet depending on computer or mobile phone wifi range and
FCC Warning
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (
2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference
that may cause undesired operation.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits
for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These
limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and
can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Radiation Exposure Statement
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an
uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with
a minimum distance of 20cm between the radiator and your body.
Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
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