MOLDEX M9003L 9000 Series Face Respirator Instruction Manual

June 5, 2024

Table of Contents

MOLDEX M9003L 9000 Series Face Respirator


You are responsible to understand and follow all warnings, restrictions and other information contained in this instruction manual before you enter a contaminated work area. Failure to do so may result in sickness or death.



  1. Contaminants specified on NIOSH approval label, matrix, cartridges or filters and in accordance with all limitations and applicable safety and health regulations, including OSHA.
  2. Contaminants with good warning properties, i.e., smell, taste or irritation.


  1. Concentrations of contaminants that are unknown, or are immediately dangerous to life or health.
  2. Concentrations of contaminants that exceed the maximum use concentration or 10X the OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit, (PEL), when qualitatively fit tested, or 50X the PEL when quantitatively fit tested, or according to applicable government regulations.
  3. Gases or vapors with poor warning properties or those which generate high heats of reaction, or paint sprays containing isocyanates.
  4. Sandblasting.
  5. Oil-based mists with N filters.


  1. Follow all instructions and warnings on the use of this respirator and wear it during all times of exposure. Failure to do so will reduce respirator effectiveness, and wearer protection, and may result in sickness or death.
  2. For proper use, ask your supervisor or call +1 800-421-0668 or + 1 310-837-6500, ext. 512/550.
  3. The user must first be trained by the employer in proper respirator use, in accordance with applicable safety and health standards, for the contaminant and exposure level in the assigned work area. A written Respiratory Training Program must be in place and followed by each user before first use. It must meet all requirements of all applicable standards, including OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134, and in Canada CSA Z 94.4, e.g. training, fit testing, medical evaluation, and applicable OSHA substance-specific standards.
  4. The vapors, gases, dust, mists, fumes, and other contaminants which can be dangerous to your health include those which you cannot see, taste, or smell.
  5. Check with your supervisor for the appropriate cartridges and/or filters for the contaminants in your work area.
  6. A qualitative fit test for up to 10X PEL, or a quantitative fit test, for up to 50X PEL, must be performed before a respirator is assigned. Refer to current OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 (f).


  1. This respirator does not supply oxygen and must not be used in atmospheres containing less than 19.5% oxygen.
  2. Do not remain in contaminated areas if any physical distress occurs, for example breathing difficulty, dizziness or nausea.
  3. Leave the contaminated area and replace respirator and/or cartridge or filter if it is damaged, distorted, a proper fit cannot be obtained, you taste, smell or become irritated by contaminants, or breathing becomes difficult.
  4. Do not alter, modify, or abuse this respirator.
  5. Store respirator in a sealed bag in a clean, dry, non-contaminated area.
  6. Dispose of the facepiece, and/or cartridges and disks/filters according to your employer’s policy and applicable regulations.
  7. N, R or P filters are required for particulates.
  8. Where oil mists are present, either alone or in combination with solid particulates, do not use the R or P filters for longer than one eight-hour work shift. Dispose of no later than eight hours after first use. Do not exceed 10X or 50X PEL depending on whether the user was quantitatively or qualitatively fit tested (see Do Not Use Against, item 2) and 200 mg loading per respirator. It is the user’s responsibility to know the PEL and concentration of the contaminant, the maximum work rate of the employee, and any other work site-specific information to calculate the loading of the filter. Where oil mists are present do not use N filters.
  9. Dispose of all cartridges and N, R and P filters no later than thirty days after a) first use, and/or b) removing from the sealed bag.
  10. Use cartridges, filters, and facepieces before the “use by” expiration date printed on the box or bag.

The following restrictions may apply. See NIOSH Approval Label.

  • Not for use in atmospheres containing less than 19.5% oxygen.
  • Not for use in atmospheres immediately dangerous to life or health.
  • Do not exceed maximum-use concentrations established by regulatory standards.
  • Follow established cartridge change schedules to ensure that cartridges are replaced before a breakthrough occurs.
  • Failure to properly use and maintain this product could result in injury or death.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s User’s Instructions for changing cartridges, and/or filters.
  • All approved respirators shall be selected, fitted, used, and maintained in accordance with MSHA, OSHA, and other applicable regulations.
  • Never substitute, modify, add, or omit parts. Use only exact replacement parts in the configuration as specified by the manufacturer.
  • Refer to User’s Instructions, and/or maintenance manuals for information on use and maintenance of these respirators.
  • NIOSH does not evaluate respirators for use as surgical masks.
  • Special or critical User’s Instructions and/or specific use limitations apply. Refer to User’s Instructions before donning.


Use this Selection Guide to help you select the correct respirator and/or cartridges and/or filters for the contaminant in your work area. Check with your supervisor to determine if you have the correct protection. Refer to the NIOSH label for approval limitations. Call +1 800-421-0668 or +1 310-837-6500, ext. 512/550 for a copy of the selection guide or you may access via website at


Description| Model#| Size
Facepiece Assembly including Head Strap|




Harness and Inhale/| 9002| M
Exhale Diaphragms and Nosecup| 9003| L

Description| Model #
Retainer| 7020
Splash/Spark Protector 4| 8020
Piggyback Adapter| 7920

Description 1| Model #| Approval
Organic Vapor| 7100| TC-23C-2514
Acid Gases| 7200| TC-23C-2515
Organic Vapors/ Acid Gases| 7300| TC-23C-2516
Ammonia/ Methylamine| 7400| TC-23C-2517
Formaldehyde| 7500| TC-23C-2518
Multi-Gas/Vapor Smart®  Cartridge| 7600| TC-23C-2513
P100 Particulates| 7990| TC-84A-5197

Description 1| Model #| Approval
N95 Particulates| 8910 2| Multiple
R95 Particulates| 8970 2| TC-84A-4248
P100 Particulates| 7940 2| TC-84A-5251
P100 Particulates Plus Nuisance O.V. 3| 7960 1| TC-84A-5198

Description| Model #
Head Harness Replacement Kit| 0092
Replacement Diaphragm Kit| 0073
Replacement Gaskets for #7920| 0074
Face Shield Protectors| 0093
Nose Cup M/L| 0094
Nose Cup S| 0095
Spectacle Kit| 0098

See Separate (Matrix) Label for 42 CFR 84 NIOSH Approvals

  1. Refer to NIOSH label for approval limitations.
  2. Can only be used with all gas/vapor cartridges.
  3. Nuisance OV (less than OSHA PEL).
  4. For use with #7940 and #7960 only, against splash/sparks.


Inspect your respirator before and after each wearing. Do not wear, and return to your supervisor if:

  1. Head harness is torn, cut, or damaged in any way.
  2. Buckles or flanged tabs are missing, damaged or broken.
  3. Facepiece is cracked, torn, distorted, dirty, or has holes.
  4. Inhalation/Exhalation diaphragms and/or gaskets are missing, torn, damaged, or not properly seated.
  5. Cartridges are at the end of their service life, cracked, damaged, or not properly seated.
  6. Any other plastic or rubber part is cracked, distorted, or damaged.


MOLDEX M9003L 9000 Series Face Respirator-

  1. Users must follow instructions each time respirator is worn.
  2. OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910.134 (f) requires that the user be fit tested.
  3. Do not wear with any facial hair, such as beards, or any other facial features which may prevent a proper fit.
  4. If you cannot obtain a proper fit, do not enter the contaminated area and see your supervisor.


MOLDEX M9003L 9000 Series Face Respirator-

  1. Grab lower lengths of head harness with each hand, just above each adjustment buckle, and while positioning chin in the flange, pull harness over the head. (Fig. 2)
  2. Push facepiece onto face and chin with one hand and position for most comfortable and secure seal while pulling and tightening neck tab of the harness with another hand. Repeat for another neck tab. For the easiest, most secure and best fit always adjust neck harness tabs first before tightening top harness tabs. (Fig. 3)
  3. All four harness tabs must be adjusted so that the pressure of the face seal on the face is distributed evenly. Head harness must lay flat on head. Adjust both lower and top harness tabs evenly for most comfortable and leak-tight fit of the face flange.


To take off, first pull lower/neck harness tabs away from the face to loosen harness straps, then pull chin area away and upwards from face. (Fig. 4)
A qualitative fit test for up to 10x PEL, or quantitative, for up to 50x PEL must be performed before a respirator is assigned. Refer to current OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 (f). Qualitative fit testing can be performed using the Moldex BITREX® fit test kit with appropriate cartridges or filters. Quantitative fit testing can be performed with probed cartridge kit. Call +1 800-421-0668 or +1 310-837-6500, ext. 512/550 for a copy of the selection guide or you may access it via the website at


MOLDEX M9003L 9000 Series Face Respirator-

Perform both negative and positive seal checks each time you enter a contaminated area.
Negative Pressure Seal Check: Cover both cartridges without pressing too hard against face, then gently inhale and hold your breath. The facepiece should slightly collapse. If air leakage is detected, re-adjust the position of the facepiece and the tension of head harness and repeat the seal check until leakage is eliminated. (Fig. 5)
Positive Pressure Seal Check: Cover the exhalation valve vent without pressing too hard against face, then exhale gently to create a slight positive pressure. If air leakage is detected, re-adjust the position of the facepiece and the tension of head harness and repeat the seal check until leakage is eliminated. (Fig. 6)
WARNINGS: If you cannot obtain a proper fit, do not enter the contaminated area and see your supervisor.
Seal check your respirator each time you enter and periodically while wearing the respirator in the contaminated area. It is the responsibility of the Safety Director or your supervisor to assist you in determining how tight the 9000 Series respirator should be on the users face. Prior to and during use the user has the final responsibility to determine how tight the respirator should be and when it needs to be adjusted to always maintain a proper seal. Do not over or under tighten as either may cause leakage and reduce protection.


MOLDEX M9003L 9000 Series Face Respirator-

Leave the contaminated area, and replace cartridges, if you smell, taste, or feel any irritation, in your nose or throat. Consult your supervisor. Replace according to your change-out schedule per OSHA 1910.134, or no more than eight hours after the first use, or sooner if a breakthrough occurs.
First inspect the facepiece, cartridge or filter disk sealing surfaces to make sure it’s clean and undamaged. Check to see that the cartridge retainer gasket is in place and is clean and undamaged. (FIG. 7) DO NOT ATTACH A CARTRIDGE OR FILTER DISK WITHOUT A GASKET. SEE YOUR SUPERVISOR. Only use cartridges or filter disks from sealed bags. To attach the cartridge or filter disk to the facepiece, align the three cartridges or filter disk notches with the three bayonets protruding from the facepiece and firmly turn clockwise until the cartridge or filter disk is locked into position and is unable to turn any further. (Fig. 8) Check to see that it is seated and flush against the facepiece gasket. Then check the inhalation diaphragms for dirt and/or damage and see that they are seated properly.


OSHA 1910.134 (d) requires that the employer implement a change out the schedule for cartridges based on objective information or data that will ensure cartridges are changed before the end of their service life (see OSHA 1910.134 for complete text). A cartridge’s useful service life is how long it provides adequate protection from harmful chemicals in the air. The service life of a cartridge depends on many factors, including environmental conditions, breathing rate, cartridge filtering capacity and the number of contaminants in the air. If you know what the chemical is and how much of it you are exposed to, then you are ready to estimate how long your respirator cartridges will work and apply the safety factor. You must use some type of objective data to develop a change-out schedule. Options for determining a cartridge’s service life include:

  1. Conducting experimental tests.
  2. Using a mathematical model like the “Advisor Genius” or “Breakthrough Software.”

OSHA has on its website other means of calculating breakthrough times for various chemicals. You may also wish to consider use of this website in developing your change-out schedules. Be advised that actual service life can vary considerably from those calculated using these models. These models only provide rough estimates. Some of the data you will need specific to the Moldex cartridges in order to use the models on the OSHA website are:

  • 7100 has an absorbing equivalent of 42.5 grams of Organic Vapor Carbon, its height is 2.06 cm, inside diameter is 7.81 cm.

  • 7600 has an adsorbing equivalent of 36.0 grams of Organic Vapor Carbon, it’s height is 2.06 cm, and its inside diameter is 7.81 cm.

  • A change-out schedule worksheet is provided.


These weights were estimated by Miller-Nelson using methods based on their tests. It is suggested that you use default values provided by OSHA for the other cartridge specific parameters. Lastly, in order for the OSHA models to be used you may have to provide other pertinent data on the challenge agent which may be found on the MSDS or from the chemical manufacturer. These models can be found at They are called “Advisor Genius” and “Breakthrough Applications.” Moldex suggests that you use the OSHA models, or other means provided by OSHA. Moldex always recommends that you utilize the most conservative (shortest) breakthrough times. For more detailed information on these methods, refer to OSHA’s website at:
If you have any questions please feel free to call Moldex Technical Services at +1 800-421-0668 or +1 310-837-6500, ext. 512/550.


  • Duties / Job Classification:

  • Location:

  • Chemical:

  • Exposure Limit:

  • Maximum Concentration:

  • Boiling Point:

  • Molecular Weight:

  • Liquid Density:

  • Vapor Pressure:

  • Molecular Polarization:

  • Refractive Index:

  • Maximum Expected Temperature (ºC):

  • Maximum Expected Relative Humidity (%):

  • Work Rate:

  • Number of Shifts/Week:

  • Hours Cartridge Used/Shift:


  • of Cartridges:                                                                      2

  • 7100 Absorbing Equivalent (grams):                                    42.5

  • 7100 & #7600 Cartridge Bed Height (cm):                          2.06

  • 7600 Absorbing Equivalent (grams):                                    36.0

  • 7100 & #7600 Bed Diameter (cm):                                      7.81

  • Service Life Estimate:

  • Basis Used:

  • Cartridge Change Out Schedule Every: Hour:

  • After Each Shift:

  • Other:

This form may be used to assist you in developing a change-out schedule when using #7100 or #7600 cartridges for protection against organic vapors. Be advised, this is simply a tool to help you collect some of the pertinent data in developing a change-out schedule. It is your responsibility to ensure the accuracy of the schedules that you develop for each operation and worksite.


9000 Series Face Respirator-fig5
Before assembling filter disk #7940 to the piggyback adapter #7920, inspect the sealing surface, to make sure it is clean and undamaged and the gasket is in place.(Fig. 9) Push the piggyback adapter onto the cartridge until it snaps into place all around the cartridge. First, check that the cartridge retainer gasket is in place and undamaged, then attach the cartridge to the facepiece, and align the three cartridge notches with the three bayonets protruding from the facepiece and firmly turn clockwise until the cartridge is locked into position and is unable to turn any further. Check to see that it is seated properly, both on the inside and outside, and flush against the facepiece. Inspect the piggyback adapter, sealing ring, and gasket each time the filter disk is changed. If the gasket is broken, cracked or damaged replace the gasket or the entire piggyback adapter. Insert the filter disk into the piggyback adapter and turn clockwise until the filter disk is locked into position and is unable to turn any further and until both surfaces are tightly sealed together at all points. (Fig. 9) Check the inhalation diaphragms for dirt or damage and see that they are properly seated.
Warning: Only use #7920 disk piggyback adapter with the #7940 filter disks. Failure to do so may result in sickness or death.

8020 Retainer can be used with #7940 and #7960 filter disks. Push #8020 over

filter disk until it snaps into place. (Fig. 11)
Leave the contaminated area and replace filters, disks or cartridges, if they become damaged, soiled, torn, or if you experience increased breathing resistance. Use Restrictions: Where oil mists may be present in the work area you must follow restrictions, item 8, 9 and 10 for important restrictions on the use of these filters.
To remove the used filter disk, gently turn the filter disk counterclockwise and then remove it from the #7920 piggyback adapter. Discard used filter disk. Then gently pull off the #7920 piggyback adapter. Inspect and clean the piggyback adapter each time the filter disk is changed. If the gasket is worn, cracked or damaged, then replace the gasket. If the piggyback adapter or sealing ring is worn or dam-aged, then entire adapter must be replaced. To remove the cartridge or filter disk, gently turn counterclockwise and remove from the facepiece. Before replacing with a new cartridge or filter disk, inspect the facepiece to cartridge sealing surface, to make sure it is clean and undamaged. Only use replacement cartridges/filter disks from sealed bags.


Before assembling cartridges, inspect the facepiece sealing surface to make sure it is clean and undamaged. (Fig. 7) To attach the cartridge to the facepiece, align the three cartridge notches with the three bayonets protruding from the facepiece and firmly turn clockwise until the cartridge is locked into position and is unable to turn any further. Check to see that it is seated properly, both on the inside and outside, and flush against the facepiece. Insert filter into the #7020 retainer so that the side indicated is away from face. (Fig. 12) Check to see that filters are properly seated then push the retainer onto the cartridge until it snaps into place. Check the inhalation and exhalation diaphragms for dirt or damage and see that they are properly seated.
To remove the old filter, gently pull off the filter retainer. Remove the old filter and place a new filter inside the retainer so that the side indicated is away from the face. Inspect the cartridge lid to be sure it is clean and undamaged. Replace the retainer.
Warning: Use the #7020 filter retainer with the #8910 or #8970 filters only. Failure to do so may result in sickness or death.


The effective life of the facepiece will be influenced by the use conditions and contaminants to which it is exposed. This includes a concentration of the contaminants (e.g. ketones and aromatic solvents will increase the rate of deterioration), duration of exposure, ambient temperature, etc. Do not use solvents to wipe or clean the facepiece as these will reduce the life of the respirator and pose a health hazard to the user. If the material shows any signs of cracking, wrinkling, or aging, then discard the facepiece immediately. Do not expose to high ambient temperatures (above 160° F) as this will distort the facepiece and may affect fit.
Cleaning is recommended after each day’s use or more frequently if necessary. Remove all filters, cartridges, gaskets, inhalation & exhalation diaphragms, and head harness and nose cup from the facepiece. Wash the facepiece in warm soapy water, rinse with clean water, and air dry. DO NOT CLEAN WITH SOLVENTS OR EXPOSE TO HIGH TEMPERATURES. Inspect components and reassemble, or replace respirator if worn, damaged or deformed.
Two inhale diaphragms are located inside the nose cup and two for each of the cartridge retainers. The exhale diaphragm is located under the valve cover. Open the valve cover by pulling on the latch then remove the diaphragm. Clean and check the diaphragms for dirt, leaks, distortion, or any other damage. After washing and/or inspection, replace all five diaphragms and check to see that they are properly seated.
Caution: Do not twist the exhale cover. Twisting may result in separation from the exhale assembly. Do not use this facepiece without the exhale cover in place.
Use only Moldex replacement parts for Moldex respirators.


CAUTION: When not in use or during storage, do not expose the respirator to excessive heat (above 135˚ F/57˚ C) or hazardous substances. Such exposure, or storing in any other manner that may also distort the facepiece, may prevent a proper fit and expose you to the risk of sickness or death.


Nose Cup #0094/0095 – (Fig. 14)

  • Remove by pulling away from the center and over the two locating stud heads, inside the facepiece.
  • Replace by pushing over two locating stud heads in the center and ensuring the perimeter of cup fits over the center locating ring. Nose cup inhales diaphragms must be present and properly in place.

Inhale Diaphragms #0073-1

  • Pull off, or push onto and under the three-lug retainer head and seat properly. There are two located on the nose cup and two on cartridge retainers.

Exhale Diaphragm #0073-2 – (Fig. 13)

  • Open the exhale cover, pull out old diaphragm and discard.
  • Insert the new diaphragm by pushing locator pin into the center hole.
  • Ensure the locator pin is fully inserted into the diaphragm holder and seat properly.

Order Inhale/Exhale Diaphragm Kit #0073 Gasket Kit #0074 – (Figs. 7 and 9)

  • 9000 – Pull off old gasket over three bayonet prongs on cartridge retainer and discard. Push new gasket onto retainer and check that it is seated properly.

  • 7920 Piggyback Adapter – Pull off and discard. Push new gasket onto retainer and check that it is seated properly.

Head Harness #0092 – (Fig. 15)

  • Remove strap by pulling each of the 4 harness tabs through buckles and discard.
  • Install new strap with Moldex logo facing out and up.
  • Insert straps into buckles and tighten as needed.

Spectacle Kit #0098
Available for users with prescription eyewear.
Lens Shields #0093
Available for protection of lens against scratching and overspray.


These are Warnings and Limitations that all users must be made aware of in addition to all warnings and other information on the outside of the Moldex respirator packaging or other published related information. You must read and comply with these Warnings and Limitations at all times and only when your employer has determined that it is appropriate to use this respirator. Proper use of this respirator may reduce but will not eliminate the risk of illness or death from exposure to some Chemical, Biological, Radiological, or Nuclear (CBRN) hazards. CBRN hazards include, but are not limited to, bacteria, toxins, and viruses that can cause death, serious bodily injury or disfigurement. The long-range and short-range risks of CBRN hazards and the amount and manner of exposure that may produce such risks remain to a great extent unknown. Use of this respirator must be in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Health Advisories or any other Local, State or Federal recommendations for use of respirators against specific CBRN hazards. This respirator should not be used for many CBRN hazards. There are more efficient models of respirators with a higher level of protection available from other manufacturers. It is up to the employer, and not Moldex, to determine if a respirator should be worn and if so, which type, size, level of protection, and model.
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), a branch of the CDC and a U.S. Government agency, is responsible for testing and certifying respirators for protection against hazardous industrial contaminants. Procedures for selecting and using proper respiratory protection are regulated by various governmental agencies, such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). NIOSH tests and certifies certain respirators for use against chemical warfare agents, biological warfare agents or biohazards and provides advisory information for some biohazards, but OSHA and other government agencies have not set any exposure standards for these agents or biohazards, in general. Moldex does not make recommendations for any type of respirator to be used against CBRN hazards for workers or the general public. You should know that there may be no obvious warnings of the presence or release of CBRN hazards.


  • This respirator must only be used for substances having Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs) and only where deemed appropriate by your employer.
  • This respirator must be fit tested. If you cannot obtain a proper fit, do not use the respirator and do not enter the risk area.
  • This respirator is not for use with beards or other facial hair that prevents direct contact between the face and the sealing surface of the respirator.
  • Moldex respirators, when properly fitted and used as part of a comprehensive respiratory protection program, may reduce wearer exposure to some airborne hazards, but not all.
  • In the event of a sudden or unexpected CBRN hazard release, you may use this respirator for escape only if you have not been provided with a more appropriate respirator for this type of situation. Do not remove the mask from the face until you have left the contaminated area.
  • Do not reuse or store for reuse or hang around neck unless your employer specifically authorizes reuse. Dispose of the respirator as hazardous waste in accordance with your employer’s directions.
  • Use other personal protective equipment, as directed by your employer. Where appropriate use protective gloves when handling or removing the respirator and dis-pose of the respirator and then gloves in accordance with your employer’s directions.
  • If CDC or other Local, State or Federal agency issues new or revised guidelines for respirator use against specific hazards, users must strictly comply.

OSHA and CDC have recommended the use of any of the particulate respirators approved under 42CFR84 as a means of providing help in complying with a program designed to reduce occupational exposure to tuberculosis. The level of effectiveness of respiratory protection from tuberculosis cannot be determined with currently available data. However, proper use of appropriate Moldex respirators in conjunction with a comprehensive respiratory protection program may reduce, but will not eliminate, risk of infection.

  • Be sure to read the Limitations outlined below and strictly follow all Warnings set forth under the WARNINGS FOR ALL USERS.
  • When using any Moldex respirator, filter replacement and/or disposal must be handled in accordance with your Healthcare Facility’s comprehensive respiratory protection program.
  • If disinfectants are used to sanitize reusable facepieces, you must consult with your Healthcare Facility and run tests to ensure the compatibility of any disinfectant with Moldex reusable facepiece materials. Use of disinfectants could impair the efficiency of the respirator and result in a loss of protection.


  • Respirators may reduce but do not eliminate wearer exposure to airborne hazards or the risk of contracting any disease or infection. Only use this respirator as part of a comprehensive respiratory protection program. You will receive no respiratory protection if this respirator is not properly fitted and worn. Additionally, potentially hazardous particles, including infectious agents, smaller than the particle sizes used in NIOSH certifications are likely to exist in certain environments. Some published data indicates that these smaller particles may not be filtered out as effectively as the particle sizes used by NIOSH [N Series Count Median Diameter (CMD) 0.075 ± .02µm Geometric Standard Deviation 1.86 (GSD), and R & P Series CMD 0.185 ± .02µm 1.6 (GSD)] when certifying respirators. It is imperative that you determine the size and potential hazards of the particles that may be present in the environment before selecting appropriate respiratory protection, and that you refer to CDC guidelines when selecting and using any respiratory, particularly in environments where smaller types of particles, such as those referenced above, may be present.
  • If the respirator comes in contact with blood or fluids, including body fluids, leave the contaminated area as soon as possible and discard and replace the respirator.
  • Moldex respirators must not be used on children.

For further information on use of respirators contact Moldex at +1 800-421-0668 or +1 310-837-6500, ext. 512/550, your Employer, or CDC at or +1 800-311-3435 or +1 404-498-6500.


This limited warranty is made in lieu of the warranties of merchantability, fitness for particular purposes, and all other warranties, express or implied. There are no other warranties that extend beyond the description on the face hereof. The physical standards and specifications of Moldex will be met by the products sold. Exclusive Remedies: damages for the breach of this limited warranty are limited to the replacement of such quantity of Moldex products proved to be defectively manufactured. Except as provided above, Moldex shall not be liable or responsible for any loss, damage, or liability, direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential, arising out of the sale, use, or misuse, or the inability to use products by the user.

10111 W. Jefferson Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232 Tel: +1 800-421-0668 or +1 310-837-6500 Fax: +1 310-837-9563
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1 800-421-0668 or +1 310-837-6500, ext. 512/550 Moldex and Ideas that wear well are registered trademarks. U.S. Patents Pending. The PVC- Free logo is a trademark of Moldex-Metric, Inc.
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Tel: +1 800-421-0668, Ext. 517

Fax: +1 310-837-9563

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