IMV 8VWMME82 Wardrobe Cabinet Instruction Manual
- June 3, 2024
Table of Contents
IMV 8VWMME82 Wardrobe Cabinet
Hardwear Tools
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Step 12
Step 13
Step 14
Step 15
Step 16
Step 17
Assembly Instructions
Care Maintenance
FSC° certified furniture
As a raw material for making furniture, wood has no equal from its vibrancy
through its aesthetics to its many design possibilities.
But the wood from which this furniture is made has even more to offer:
The FSC label proves that the wood used comes from forests managed to strict
ecological, social and economic standards with lasting effect. This means, for
example, that forest biodi- versity is maintained and overexploitation does
not take place.
Environmental organisations, forest owners, representatives of the wood
industry and unions, amongst others, have come together in the FSC to support
the responsible management of forests around the world. Independent
certification compa nies certify the origin of the wood and only award the
quality mark if the principles and criteria of the FSC have been met.
The tracking of the timber through processing chain from the forest to the
market ensures that the seal of the FSC certif cate can be trusted
This represents a step towards the future, because sustainable management of
our forests secures their long-term preservation, biodiversity and thus the
quality of life for the generations of today and of tomorrow.
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