Ravensburger Jurassic Park Danger Adventure Strategy Game Instructions
- June 5, 2024
- Ravensburger
Table of Contents
- Game Icons:
- Dinosaur SETUP
- Human SetUP
- Activate the Locations
- Maintenance Shed
- Accomplish Character Goals
- Dinosaur: HOW TO WIN
- How to Play
- Replenish Your Hand
- Select a New Character
- Character Mat at random, then:
- Tips FOR DINOSAUR Player
- References
- Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
- Download This Manual (PDF format)
Welcome… to Jurassic Park™:Danger! One player plays as the Dinosaurs.
The others play as the Characters working together to escape the island.
The Dinosaur
Player must eliminate three Characters to win.
The Human Players must work together as a team to Activate the Locations,
achieve their Character Goals, and make it to the Helicopter to win.
Note: Because Characters can escape or be eliminated mid-game, a Human Player
may start the game playing as one Character and then play as a different
Character later in the game.
WATCH THE How to play video!
These instructions contain information for the Dinosaur Player and the Human Players.
- The red text is to inform the Dinosaur Player.
- Blue text is to inform the Human Players.
- Blue text is to inform the Human Players.
- Blue text is to inform the Human Players.
- Blue text is to inform the Human Players.
When you see , the information applies to all players.
- Assemble the frame of the game board as shown, art side up. Separate the Perimeter, Center, and Start Tiles, then place them randomly art side up within their areas. The Start Tile must be in the middle of the game board.
- Place the Maintenance Shed, Control Center, and Visitors Center Tokens, gray side up, on the Perimeter Tiles adjacent to their labels on the frame (see below).
- Place all other tokens and the die beside the game board.
- Decide who will play as the Dinosaurs, and who will play as the Characters.
Triceratops and Brachiosaurus Spaces:
The Triceratops and Brachiosaurus are not Dinosaurs that the Dinosaur Player will control during the game. These are spaces that certain Characters will need to visit to achieve their Character goals.
Game Icons:
Dinosaur SETUP
- Place the Dinosaur Mat, Cards (10), and Dinosaur Token in front of you.
- Shuffle the cards and draw three to form your starting hand.
- Place the remaining cards face down on the Draw Pile on your Mat.
- Place the Dinosaur Token in the Rest space.
- Place each Dinosaur Mover on their corresponding starting spaces on the game board (see below). You will control all three Dinosaurs.
Note: Dinosaurs may start on a space with a location Tile or a Character’s
Goal Token.
Human SetUP
- Each Human Player chooses a starting Character. (For more of a challenge, draw them randomly.)
- Place your Character’s Mat in front of you and take all of your Character’s Cards (10) to form your hand—all Cards are available to Human Players at the start of the game.
- Place your Character’s Mover on the Start Tile.
- Each Character has a unique Character Goal they need to accomplish before they can escape the island (as described on your Character Mat). Read your Character’s Goal aloud to the group.
- If your Character needs to go to a specific space on the game board to collect their Goal Token, place the Goal Token on that space.
For a 2–player game: One player plays as the Dinosaurs, and the other player will control two characters simultaneously.
- Choose two Characters.
- Take their Character Mats and Cards (10 for each Character).
- Place the Movers on the Start Tile.
To win, the Human Players must work together as a team to Activate the Locations (Maintenance Shed, Control Center, and Visitors Center), and get a specific number of Characters to the Helicopter with their Goal Tokens in order to escape. Once a Location is Activated, its effects will remain in place for the rest of the game.
2 to 3 Players:
Two Characters must escape.
4 to 5 Players:
Three Characters must escape.
Activate the Locations
Once per round, while at a location, you may attempt to Activate that Location
as follows:
Roll the die. If you roll 5 or more, you succeed. If you do not succeed, see
Boost a Roll, pg. 10. (Each Character may do this once per round, during step
If you succeed, flip the Location Token to the color side. Then, see the
Location effect described below.
Note: When two or more Characters are at a Location at the same time,
they may each attempt to Activate the Location.
Control Center
When Activated, place the Lock Tokens on the Maintenance Shed, Control Center,
Visitors Center, and Helicopter Pad Locations. The Dinosaurs can no longer
enter any of the Locations—they are considered safe zones for the Characters
until the end of the game.
If a Dinosaur is at one of the Locations where the locks are placed, the
Dinosaur is relocated to an adjacent space of the Human
Player’s choice (this still applies to Dinosaurs who are Sneaking).
This can force the Dinosaur to cross over Cliffs and Deactivated Electric
Fences . If a Dinosaur is at a location that is surrounded by Activated
Electric Fences , it is not relocated.
Visitors Center
The player who Activated the Visitors Center can select two Cards from their Discard Pile and place them back in their hand.
Maintenance Shed
When Activated, decide as a team if you want all the Electric Fences in Jurassic Park™ to be turned ON. If you do, place the Fence Tokens over every Electric Fence on the game board to indicate the Electric Fences are now ON!
Accomplish Character Goals
Each Character has a unique Goal to accomplish before they can escape. Character Goals are described on each Character’s Mat.
- Some Characters will start with their Goal Token and must avoid losing it.
- Some Characters must accomplish specific tasks in order to collect their Goal Token.
The Characters can accomplish their Goals and Activate Locations in any order, but both must be accomplished before a Character can escape.
Once all three Locations have been Activated, the Helicopter Token is placed on the Helicopter Pad space.
Your Character must make it to the Helicopter with their Goal Token to escape.
If your Character escapes, place your Mover on the safe area below the Helicopter Pad space.
Return your Character’s Mat and Cards to the box they will not be used again in this game (see Select a New Character, pg. 11).
Dinosaur: HOW TO WIN
To win, the Dinosaur Player must eliminate three Characters.
Eliminate a Character
A Human Player’s Character is eliminated in these ways:
A Dinosaur attacks a Character when the Human Player has no Cards left in
their hand
( see Dinosaur Packs, pg. 6).
The Human Player cannot select a Card during step two (see pg. 7).
The Human Player voluntarily chooses to eliminate their Character.
When a character is eliminated, collect the Mover and place it in front of
you. The Human
The player returns their Character’s Mat, Cards, and Goal Token to the box
(see Select a New Character, pg. 11).
Notes about moving dinosaurs and characters
When two spaces that require a Climb appear back to back on the game board,
only one Climb is needed to complete the move.
Example: Lex Murphy played a Climb Card and rolled a 5. She may now
Climb over the Deactivated Electric Fence and the Cliff .
Once the Electric Fences are Activated, Characters and Dinosaurs may not
move or attack through them in any way.
Example: The Activated Electric Fence prevents Dr. Ellie Sattler from
moving into the spaces above and prevents the Velociraptor from attacking or
moving into her space.
Dinosaurs will attack Characters when the following occurs:
- A Dinosaur moves into a space with a Character, and the Character isn’t Sneaking.
- A Dinosaur reappears from a Sneak in a space with a Character, and the Character isn’t Sneaking.
- A Character reappears from a Sneak in a space with a Dinosaur, and the Dinosaur isn’t Sneaking.
If more than one character is in the same space, the Dinosaur will only attack one of the Characters. The Human Players decide which Character takes the attack
When a Character is attacked, follow these steps:
The Dinosaur Player selects one Card at random from the Human Player’s hand.
The Human Players may look at the Card, but the Dinosaur Player cannot.
The Human Player places that Card in their Burn Pile. Burned Cards are out of
the game and cannot be retrieved.
Note: Sneaking Characters cannot be attacked until they reappear from the
Sneak (see Human Move Cards, pg. 10). Sneaking Dinosaurs cannot attack until
they reappear from the Sneak (see Dinosaur Cards, pg. 8).
How to Play
The game plays in rounds, which consist of the following four steps, taken in order:
Play One Card
Select one Card from your hand and place it face down on your Mat. Once you
place a card face down, it cannot be changed.
Draw a new Card to bring your hand back to three Cards. If your Draw Pile is
empty, shuffle your Discard Pile to make a new Draw Pile.
Dinosaur Cards are explained on page 8.
Play One Card Each
Select one Card from your hand and place it face down on your Character’s Mat.
Once you place a card face down, it cannot be changed. If a Card is labeled as
a Free Action, it may not be selected during this step. Human move Cards are explained on page 10.
Move Dinosaurs and Take Optional Dinosaur Action
Reveal your Card, move your Dinosaurs according to the Card, and take one
optional Dinosaur Action.
Each card in your deck consists of more than one move. Use a different
Dinosaur for each move on the Card and perform all of the moves on the Card,
if possible. When one of your Dinosaurs moves into a space with a Character
who isn’t Sneaking, it immediately attacks (see Dinosaur Attacks, pg. 6). Your
Cards consist of the following moves:
| RUN into an adjacent space. You may not cross Cliffs or any Electric Fences
| CLIMB over Cliffs or Deactivated Electric Fences to move into an adjacent
SNEAK allows you to surprise attack the Characters and move over Cliffs and Deactivated Electric Fences without using a Climb Card. Lay your Dinosaur on its side, in the current space, to indicate it is Sneaking, then:
During step 3 of the next round, the Dinosaur must reappear by standing up in its current space or in an adjacent space. You cannot cross Activated Electric Fences .
Reappearing does not count as a move or optional Dinosaur Action. -
If your Dinosaur reappears in a space with a Character who isn’t Sneaking, it attacks the Character (see Dinosaur Attacks , pg. 6).
Example: The Dilophosaurus is placed on its side to indicate it is
Sneaking. During the next round, the Dilophosaurus will stand up in its
current space or in an adjacent space. Dr. Ellie Sattler and Lex Murphy are at
risk of being attacked by the Dilophosaurus but Tim Murphy is protected by the
Activated Electric Fence .
Note: Two Dinosaurs may NOT occupy the same space.
In addition to your move, you may take one optional Dinosaur Action. This can be done either before or after you move your Dinosaurs using the moves on your Card. dinosaur Actions are specific to each Dinosaur and may be used even if a Dinosaur was moved during this round. When you take a Dinosaur Action, move your Dinosaur Token on your Mat next to the Dinosaur Action being used. You may not use the same Dinosaur’s Action two rounds in a row, and you may not use a Dinosaur Action after the Human Players reveal their cards.
– Move up to two spaces in a straight line. This allows you to cross Cliffs
and Deactivated Electric Fences , and even other Dinosaurs!
Tyrannosaurus Rex
– When you attack, select two Cards instead of one, at random, from the Human
Player’s hand (see Dinosaur Attacks, pg. 6).
– Attack one Character in an adjacent space. This attack works through Cliffs
and Deactivated Electric Fences, but not through Activated Electric Fences or
into Locations with Lock Tokens .or into Locations with Lock Tokens .
If you choose not to use a Dinosaur Action, move the Dinosaur Token to the
Rest space on your Mat. During the next round, all three Dinosaur Actions will
be available.
Example Dinosaur Turn:
The Dinosaur Player reveals their Card. They then Climb with the Tyrannosaurus
Rex and Run with the Dilophosaurus. The optional Dinosaur Action is used to
move the Velociraptor two spaces in a straight line.
Move Characters and Play Optional Free Actions
Reveal your Card, move your Character according to the Card, and play
optional Free Actions. At the end of the round, discard all Cards played.
Each card in your deck consists of a move or Free Action. Free Actions are
played as described on each Character’s Cards. Your move Cards are:
| RUN into an adjacent space. You may not cross Cliffs or any Electric Fences
.You cannot Run into a space with a Dinosaur unless the Dinosaur is Sneaking.|
| CLIMB over Cliffs or Deactivated Electric Fences . To Climb, roll the die
equal to or higher than the number shown on the Card. If you succeed, move
into an adjacent space. You cannot Climb into a space with a Dinosaur unless
the Dinosaur is Sneaking. If you do not succeed, and you do not boost your
roll (see Boost a Roll, below ), place your Card back into your hand rather
than your Discard Pile.|
Use Sneak to hide from the Dinosaurs. To Sneak, roll the die equal to or higher than the number shown on the Card. If you succeed, lay your Character on its side, in the current space, to indicate it is Sneaking, then:
During step four of the next round, your Character must reappear by standing up in its current space or in an adjacent space. You cannot cross Activated Electric Fences . Reappearing does not count as a move. If your Character reappears in a space with a Dinosaur who isn’t Sneaking, the Dinosaur attacks your Character (see Dinosaur Attacks, pg. 6).
If you do not succeed, and you do not boost your roll (see Boost a Roll, below), place your Card back into your hand rather than your Discard Pile.
Boost a Roll
You can “boost” your rolls when trying to Sneak, Climb, or Activate Locations.
After rolling the die, you may Burn one or more Cards in your hand to increase
the roll by the amounts shown in the lower right corners of the Cards. Any
Cards you Burn while boosting rolls must be revealed to all players. Place the
Cards in your Burn Pile —they are out of the game and cannot be retrieved.
This icon indicates the Card is unique to that Character. Some of the text on
the Cards may conflict with these instructions. Always follow the text on the
Card in those instances.
Play Distract Cards to move a Dinosaur away from another Character or from blocking a space. Distract is a Free Action and may not be selected during step two. Instead, play Distracts anytime during step four, either before or after you move.
When using a Distract, move one Dinosaur (who isn’t Sneaking) from an adjacent space into your space. When the Dinosaur enters your space it will immediately attack, unless you are Sneaking.
Replenish Your Hand
At the end of any round, you may choose to replenish your hand by Burning the remaining Cards in your hand. Place the cards in your hand in your Burn Pile and replace your hand with the Cards from your Discard Pile. Burned Cards are out of the game and cannot be retrieved. If your hand is empty, you may not replenish it (see Eliminate a character, pg. 5).
Select a New Character
When your Character escapes, is eliminated by the Dinosaur Player, or you choose to eliminate your current Character, return your Character’s Mat, Cards, and Goal Token to the box. If your Character is eliminated, give your Character Mover to the Dinosaur Player. Draw a new
Character Mat at random, then:
Take your new Character’s Mat and place it in front of you.
Take the corresponding Mover and place it on the Start Tile in the center of
the game board.
If a Dinosaur is on the Start Tile, it does not attack a new Character
entering the game.
Take all of your new Character’s Cards (10) into your hand. You will start
playing the new
Character at the beginning of the next round.
Your goal is to eliminate three Characters, so you should attack them as often as possible.
- Characters cannot use their Run or Climb Cards to enter spaces with a Dinosaur, so try to block critical spaces on the game board.
- Dinosaur Actions are powerful! Try to plan moves that will let you use a Dinosaur Action on every turn.
Tips fOR THE HuMan PlayerS
- Work together! Make sure to talk to the other Human Players and discuss your strategy. But don’t forget that the Dinosaur Player is listening!
- Your first priority is to Activate the Locations, so splitting up in the beginning of the game might be necessary.
- Not every Character needs to escape Jurassic Park™ for the Human Players to win. Some Characters may purposely take attack or Distract Dinosaurs in order to help the other Characters escape.
- Remember that die rolls can be boosted, which is especially useful when you need to Activate the Locations.
- Because you cannot use a Run or Climb Card to enter a space with a Dinosaur, use your Sneak and Distract Cards to access spaces that the Dinosaurs are blocking.
Jurassic Park is a trademark and copyright of Universal Studios and Amblin
Entertainment, licensed by Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.
Instructions: © 2018 Ravensburger North America, Inc. All rights reserved.
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