StraightArm Training Aid better swing (Medium Royal Blue) Instruction Manual

June 5, 2024

StraightArm Training Aid better swing (Medium Royal Blue) Instruction Manual
StraightArm Training Aid better swing \(Medium Royal

As a PGA Golf Professional for over 25 years, when I play or when I’m teaching, the words that I repeat the most are “Let’s go back to the Basic Fundamentals of the golf swing”. It doesn’t matter what handicap, gender or age, Basic Fundamentals are always the most important positions in the golf swing to play better and more consistent golf. The best players in the world became the best players by practicing and swinging with Basic Fundamentals all the time. If you practice poor fundamentals you will swing with poor fundamentals. The Straight, Arm was designed to help golfers feel and perform the correct left arm position (for right handed players) in the golf swing.

One very important common Basic Fundamental is keeping the left arm straight at address, in the back swing, down swing, impact position and the follow through. Teaching over the years, I’ve heard many students say, “If I could only keep my left arm straight, I would play better.” For over 15 years the Straight Arm has been helping individuals with their swings and Golf Professionals teaching their students the Basic Fundamental of the left arm position. Now using the StraightArm, with your first swing, your left arm will be straight from the address position to the follow-through. If you slice, hook, top the ball, lose distance and accuracy, your left arm could be breaking down before your club makes contact with the ball. While wearing the Straight Arm, your left arm will be straight and you’ll get the distance and accuracy you’ve been missing. As you practice and use the StraightArm along with the drills, you will increase your distance, hit the ball with more accuracy and best of all, enjoy playing this wonderful game called golf. Thank you for purchasing the StraightArm.

Gary A Brooks
PGA Professional


Please read this manual in its entirety. This manual is meant to provide you with the information to properly use the StraightArm.

The StraightArm can be used by right and left handed golfers, men, women and juniors. We recommend that you refer to this manual often to ensure you are using your StraightArm correctly and effectively. We are very committed to helping you become a better golfer.

The StraightArm can be used on the practice range, on the golf course during a practice round (USGA rules of golf will not allow using any aid during any tournament), at home, office or anywhere you can swing a club safely. You can also use the StraightArm without a golf club to practice the correct left arm position.

How To Get The Straight Arm Ready To Use

The Straight Arm should be in a circular position before putting it on your arm. If it is not, with the Straight Arm flat hold with both hands, the buckle side in your left and the strap side in your right hand.
Begin to roll the Straight Ann away from you into a circular position with the right side (straps) rolling under the left side (buckles). While holding the Straight Arm in the circular position with your left hand proceed to put the strap into the bottom of the 2 openings in the buckle, pull strap just enough to keep the leading edge underneath the buckle flap. Now return the strap back through the top opening of the buckle. Repeat for the 2nd strap.
How To Get The Straight Arm Ready To Use

Step 2
Proceed to put the Straight Arm on your left arm (right handed golfers). Once on your arm, as you look down at the logo, it will be upside down. Rotate the Straight Arm so the logo is facing your chest and the buckles facing out. Slide the Straight Ann up to the middle of your left arm.
How To Get The Straight Arm Ready To Use

Step 3
Now bring your left arm against your chest firmly to tighten straps. Pull the top strap straight out away from you keeping tension on the strap, slowly rotate and pull toward the opposite arm. Repeat for the lower strap.
How To Get The Straight Arm Ready To Use

Step 4
Tighten the Straight Arm until it is snug to prevent sliding down your arm as you’re swinging. “Do Not Over Tighten”. Position the Straight ADA so your elbow is in the middle. You can readjust whenever necessary. Before swinging, rotate the Straight Arm so the buckles are facing under the left arm.

Step 5
To release, push up on both buckles, slide StraightArm off.
How To Get The Straight Arm Ready To Use

Understanding The Importance Of A Straight Left Arm

Do you ever wonder how the Tour Players hit the ball with consistency, accuracy and distance? Their basic fundamentals are very good. One common fundamental that is consistent with Tour Players is their ability to start at address and maintain a straight left arm position throughout their swing. It’s straight going back, at the top, on the down swing, impact position and the follow-through. The left and right arms should collapse and bend when the hands are above the shoulders.

The Straightarm was designed for a golfer to feel and perform the position of a straight left arm and should only be used to swing a golf club slowly starting from the address position to the right hip, impact, and finish at the left hip. The Straight Arm was not designed to be worn fora fuligo(fswing!

When a golfer keeps their left arm straight, it encourages and creates a full shoulder turn, increases leverage and allows the hands to get into their correct full wrist cock position at the top of the back swing. When the left arm is straight, there is a full shoulder turn and the hands are in a full wrist cock position at the top of the back swing, there is now stored up energy that can be released through the hands as they rotate through the impact area.
Golfers who bend their left arm will lose shoulder turn, wrist cock, leverage and the ability to release the power through their hands at impact. The power is released into the bending of the left arm and the bending left arm works as a shock absorber stealing the energy from the hands which results in the lost of distance and accuracy. Golfers love to practice to improve their golf swing and lower their golf scores. The 2074ftann will improve the quality of your practice and let you feel the correct position to hit the ball straighter and farther. By using the Straight Arm you will improve your shoulder turn, which generates more club head speed and will improve your accuracy by training your left arm to be straight throughout your back swing, impact position and follow-through. The StraightArm will keep your left arm straight on the very first swing. Theme is a golf training aid and should not be used more than 5 minutes at a time. Please use the StraightArm responsibility.

How To Practice With YourStraight Arm

Swing Drill #1

Start With Practice Swings Before Hitting Golf Balls.

It’s best to start with a short club, a sand wedge or pitching wedge. Take a narrow stance and then proceed to take short slow swings. Swing at a slow speed that will allow you to stop your hands at your right hip on the back swing and will allow you to stop your hands at your left hip on your follow- through.

From the address position without a golf ball, start your back swing and don’t let your hands go beyond the height of your right hip, at this point your left arm is straight and your wrist and left arm form an shaped position, as shown in fig # I .
How To Practice With YourStraight Arm

Now start your down swing (grip pressure should be very light) and proceed to the impact position (not stopping) allowing your hands to release and roll over through the impact position, as shown in fig #2.
How To Practice With YourStraight Arm

Then the hands and arms and shoulders will continue on to the follow-through position of the left hip and stopping your hands at your left hip. as shown in fig#3.
How To Practice With YourStraight Arm

By executing these correct moves, the left arm is in the straight position at impact, the energy that was stored in your hands will now be released through the club at the impact zone generating club head speed along with keeping the club traveling down the target line longer which also produces a straighter ball flight. When the left arm bends prior to impact the hands release early (casting) and the energy is absorbed in the left arm and reduces club head speed and the club travels across the target line. Practice for 5 swings wearing the Straight Arm the next Swigs without wearing the Straight Arm.

Hitting golf Balls

Drill #2
Now with a golf ball, it’s best to start with a short club, your sand wedge or pitching wedge and take a narrow stance. Proceed to take short slow swings as in Drill // I . From the address position, take the club back and have your hands stop at your right hip, as shown in fig #4.
Hitting golf Balls

Drill #3
Now start your down swing (grip pressure should be very light) and proceed to the impact position (not stopping) allowing your hands to release and roll over through the impact position, as shown in fig #5.
Hitting golf Balls

Drill #4
Then the hands and arms and shoulders will continue on to the follow-through position of the left hip and stopping your hands at your left hip, as shown in fig #6.
Hitting golf Balls


The Straight Arm can be used while chipping. Using a club you like to chip with, take a slightly open stance, the ball in the middle of your stance and your hands in a forward position. Take the club back and maintain your address position through the impact area. The Straight Arm will keep your arms straight through the hitting area so the club will stay on your target line longer.

Recommended By Leigh Taylor PGA Master Professional!

” I believe strongly in this effective training aid, which works by getting the golfer to “feel” the swing change that is necessary to achieve success.”
Leigh Taylor PGA Master Professional

All serious golfers want distance and accuracy, which are results of proper swing technique and proper timing. Just showing the golfer their swing flaw(s) via a video system and talking about the correction(s) are not enough. The golfer must feel the new muscle movement in order to better understand what it takes to create a better golf swing, which will provide desired results. While there are many various swing training aids being hyped, most don’t work in my opinion because either the golfer can’t actually hit golf balls with them or the television commercials are misleading. This being said, the Stmignitjfil a is one of my favorite golf training aids because the golfer can hit golf balls whether it be short game shots or full swings and best of all, it gives immediate physical feedback! Most golfers collapse their lead arm either during the backswing or forwardswing. When the lead arm collapses/bends at the elbow joint prior to impact, at impact, or just after impact. viewing video of the golfer’s swing will reveal that in most cases, the lead arm is not rotating early enough to square the clubface, which results in the dreaded slice! The =dam will without question cure the collapsed lead arm and without trying, the golfer will start rotating their lead arm, which will provide the desired clubface position at impact! In conclusion, I believe strongly in this effective training aid, which works by getting the golfer to “feel” the swing change that is necessary to achieve success.

Leigh Taylor /PC/11 Master Professional
PGA quarter Century & Life Member


For Questions & Information Please Contact Us At:
G. A. Brooks Golf P.O. Box 58 Twin Lakes, WI 53181 800.877.4405

Made In USA


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