KETTLER HOI TOUR Ergometer Induction Brake System Instruction Manual

June 5, 2024

KETTLER HOI TOUR Ergometer Induction Brake System

Product Information


  • Language: English, German
  • Connectivity: Bluetooth Smart, ANT+
  • Workout Types: Manual, Hills, Intervals, Heart Rate Control (HRC), Custom, Saved

Product Usage Instructions

  • During the IDLE MODE, the system is waiting for the user to press either the QUICK START, WORKOUTS, USER, SETTINGS, or CONNECT buttons.
  • In the PROGRAM SETUP MODE, the user can select from six different workout types including Manual, Hills, Intervals, Heart Rate Control (HRC), Custom, and Saved.
  • A MANUAL workout allows the user to select from three possible goals: Time, Distance, or Energy.
  • The HILLS workouts offer six different resistance profile options simulating various terrains. Users can select a goal based on time, distance, or energy.
  • Upon entering this mode, time starts running, distance accumulates, energy accumulates, and all other displays activate. Workout views are described in detail below.


  • Q: How do I connect to Bluetooth devices?
  • A: Use the CONNECT button to access connectivity features such as Bluetooth Smart and ANT+ HR chest straps, smartphones and tablets via Bluetooth LE, and Bluetooth headphones.
  • Q: How many workout types can I choose from?
  • A: You can choose from six workout types in the PROGRAM SETUP MODE: Manual, Hills, Intervals, Heart Rate Control (HRC), Custom, and Saved.


During the IDLE MODE, the system is waiting for the user to press either the QUICK START, WORKOUTS, USER, SETTINGS, or CONNECT buttons. The default screen for IDLE MODE is the Idle Screen shown below:

The Idle Screen provides the following information for you:
To begin a workout quickly the user can press the QUICK START button. Pressing this button will transition the system to PROGRAM MODE. See the PROGRAM MODE Section of this manual (i.e. IN-WORKOUT FUNCTIONALITY) below for more details.
To select a specific workout the user can press the WORKOUTS button. Pressing this button shall transition the system to PROGRAM SETUP MODE. See the PROGRAM SETUP MODE Section of this manual below for more details.
USER Selection Button
The USERS button is used to select from a list of four primary users and a guest. User 1 – User 4 is used to store unique workouts that a user has created and wants to perform in the future. Additionally, the user’s weight, age, and desired unit settings can be specified so that the user does not have to consistently enter these values when selecting a workout. Guest is to be selected when a non-standard user wants to work on the bike. See the USER Section of this manual below for more details.
The SETTINGS button is used to access metrics and configuration options for the bike, in-cluding device information, user management, and network setup.

The CONNECT button is used to access the connectivity features of the product, including connecting to Bluetooth Smart and ANT+ HR chest straps, connecting to smartphones and tablets via Bluetooth LE, and connecting to Bluetooth headphones.
In the PROGRAM SETUP MODE, the user can select from six different workout types.

The six workout types include the following:

  1. Manual
  2. Hills
  3. Intervals
  4. Heart Rate Control (HRC)
  5. Custom
  6. Saved

MANUAL Workouts
A MANUAL workout allows the user to select from three possible goals, including Time, Distance, or Energy as can be seen below.


  • For a MANUAL workout with a TIME GOAL, the user shall be able to choose the duration of their workout. The target duration may be from 1 to 99 minutes. The default value shall be 20 minutes. The user can adjust the value up or down by using the
  • PLUS and MINUS buttons respectively.
  • Once the duration is set to the desired value, press the START button to begin the workout. Upon pressing the START button the system shall transition to PROGRAM MODE and the workout shall begin. See the PROGRAM MODE Section below for more details.
  • To return to the previous screen, simply press the BACK button.


  • For a MANUAL workout with a DISTANCE GOAL, the user shall be able to choose the desired distance for their workout. The user shall be able to enter a distance from 1 to 9999 kilometres (Metric Units Setting) or miles (Imperial Units Setting). The default value shall be 30 kilometres or miles (default units are determined by the selected user). The user can adjust the value up or down by using the PLUS and MINUS buttons respectively.
  • Once the distance is set to the desired value, press the START button to begin the workout. Upon pressing the START button the system shall transition to PROGRAM MODE and the workout shall begin. See the PROGRAM MODE Section below for more details.
  • To change between KM and MILES, simply press the button with the desired units shown. The example above is shown with KM selected.
    To return to the previous screen, simply press the BACK button.


  • For a MANUAL workout with an ENERGY GOAL, the user shall be able to choose the desired energy goal for their workout. The user shall be able to enter a goal from 5 to 9999 KCAL/KJ. The default value shall be 250 KCAL or KJ (default units is determined by the selected user). The user can adjust the value up or down by using the PLUS and MINUS buttons respectively.
  • Once the energy goal is set to the desired value, press the START button to begin the workout. Upon pressing the START button the system shall transition to PROGRAM MODE and the workout shall begin. See the PROGRAM MODE Section below for more details.
  • To change between KCAL and KJ, simply press the button with the desired units shown. The example above is shown with KCAL selected.
  • To return to the previous screen, simply press the BACK button.

HILLS Workouts
The HILLS workouts are accessible from the top-level workouts screen. A HILLS workout allows the user to select from six different resistance profile options. These profiles simulate riding over undulating hills, mountains, and valleys by varying resistance levels over time.
The options include are as follows:

  1. Valley Trail
  2. The Alpine Pass
  3. Rolling Hills
  4. The Pyramid
  5. In The Mountains
  6. Random
  • Once a user selects a HILL program from the options above, they will be given the option of selecting a goal based on time, distance, and energy. Refer to the descriptions above for how time, distance, and energy goals are entered. Once the goal is entered and the user presses the START button, the system shall transition to PROGRAM MODE and the workout shall begin. See the PROGRAM MODE Section below for more details.
  • To return to the previous screen, simply press the BACK button.

The INTERVALS workouts are accessible from the top-level workouts screen. An INTER-VALS workout allows the user to select from six different predefined resistance profile options. These profiles provide the user with different options for alternating between high-intensity and low-intensity exercise over time.
The options include are as follows:

  1. Interval 1
  2. Interval 2
  3. Interval 3
  4. Interval 4
  5. Interval 5
  6. Interval 6
  • Once a user selects an INTERVAL program from the options above, they will be given the option of selecting a goal based on time, distance, or energy. Refer to the descriptions above for how time, distance, and energy goals are entered. Once the goal is entered and the user presses the START button, the system shall transition to PROGRAM MODE and the workout shall begin. See the PROGRAM MODE Section below for more details.
  • To return to the previous screen, simply press the BACK button.

The HRC workouts are accessible from the top-level workouts screen. An HRC workout allows the user to select from two different modes of operation that automatically adjust resistance based on the user’s current measured heart rate and heart rate targets established during the program setup.
The two available HRC program options include the following:

  1. Constant HR
  2. Interval HR

For a CONSTANT HR workout, the user shall first enter their Age and Target HR for the workout. The Target HR is initially determined based on the following formula:
TARGET HR = (220 – AGE) x 0.7

  • The above equation essentially states that the suggested target is 70% of the user’s suggested maximal heart rate.

  • As an example, for a 40-year-old, the suggested TARGET HR is (220-40) x 70% or 180 x 0.7 or 126 BPM. Note that when the entry for AGE is changed, the displayed TARGET HR also changes based on the equation defined above. Should the user want to increase or decrease the suggested TARGET HR value they can do so simply by using the applicable PLUS or MI-NUS buttons to adjust.

  • Once the AGE and TARGET HR values have been entered, press the NEXT button. They will then be given the option of selecting a goal based on time, distance, or energy. Refer to the descriptions above for how time, distance, and energy goals are entered. Once the goal is entered and the user presses the START button, the system shall transition to PROGRAM MODE and the workout shall begin. See the PROGRAM MODE Section below for more details.

  • To return to the previous screen, simply press the BACK button.

For an INTERVAL HR workout, the user shall first enter their Age, Lower HR limit, and UP-PER HR limit for the workout. The initial values for the Lower HR and Upper HR limits are determined based on the following formulas:

  • LOWER HR = (220 – AGE) x 0.6
  • UPPER HR = (220 – AGE) x 0.8

The above equation essentially states that the suggested lower heart rate limit is 60% of the user’s suggested maximal heart rate and the suggested upper heart rate limit is 80% of the user’s suggested maximal heart rate.

  • As an example, for a 40-year-old, the suggested LOWER HR limit is (220-40) x 60% or 180 x 0.6 or 108 BPM and the suggested UPPER HR limit is (220-40) x 80% or 180 x 0.8 or 144 BPM. Note that when the entry for AGE is changed, the displayed LOWER

  • HR and UPPER HR limits also change based on the equations defined above. Should the user want to increase or decrease either the suggested LOWER HR or UPPER HR values they can do so simply by using the applicable PLUS or MINUS buttons to adjust.
    Once the AGE and LOWER HR values have been entered, press the NEXT button.

  • Next, confirm the UPPER HR limit and change it as desired, then press the NEXT button.

  • Finally, the user will be given the option of selecting a goal based on time, distance, or energy. Refer to the descriptions above for how time, distance, and energy goals are entered. Once the goal is entered and the user presses the START button, the system shall transition to PROGRAM MODE and the workout shall begin. See the PROGRAM MODE Section below for more details.

  • To return to the previous screen, simply press the BACK button.

CUSTOM Workout Creation
The CUSTOM workout creation mode is accessible from the top-level workouts screen. In the mode, the user can define a unique workout profile and specify either a time, distance, or energy goal.
There are two types of profile entry options. The user can select to enter a Manual (i.e. Constant Torque) profile which allows them to specify a resistance level for 30 unique profile segments or an Auto (i.e. Constant Power) profile where the user will specify the power level in watts for each segment in the profile.
The image below shows the screen’s appearance for creating a Manual (i.e. Constant Torque Mode) profile workout.

  • The image below shows the screen’s appearance for an Auto (i.e. Constant Power) profile workout.

  • To adjust a given segment in the profile, a user shall touch the relevant bar and the up/down arrow buttons shall be displayed for that profile segment. Pressing the up button will increment the value by 1 for a Manual workout and by 5 watts for an Auto workout. Pressing the down button will decrease the value by 1 for a Manual workout and by 5 watts for an Auto workout. The current set value for each given segment shall be displayed above the segment’s bar as shown. When in the Manual (i.e. Constant Torque) mode, the range of acceptable values is from 1 to 20. When in the Auto (i.e. Constant Power) mode, the range of acceptable values is from 25 to 400 watts for HOI TOUR+ / CROSS PRO.

  • Once the profile has been fully defined ned the user shall define a goal based on time, distance, or energy. Refer to the descriptions above for how time, distance, and energy goals are entered. Once the goal is entered and the user presses the START button, the system shall transition to PROGRAM MODE and the workout shall begin. See the PROGRAM MODE Section below for more details.

  • To return to the previous screen, simply press the BACK button.

SAVED Workouts
In this screen, the user shall be able to select from a list of previously saved workouts. The workout profile, goal, and control method (i.e. – Constant Torque or Auto – constant power) are stored for each saved workout. The screen below shows an example of a list of saved workouts for the currently selected user. Note that the provided list is tied to the selected user and since there are four users provided on a given product, four separate lists shall be stored in the console’s memory. The user can scroll through the list by swiping the list up or down or by using the up/down arrow buttons on the right side of the list. To make a selection simply tap the desired item and then that workout will load from memory and the workout shall automatically begin and the system shall transition to PROGRAM MODE. See the PROGRAM MODE Section below for more details.

Deleting Saved Workouts
To delete a previously saved workout, tap and hold the desired workout in the list for approximately 3 seconds. Once deleted, the workout will be removed from the saved workout list.
To return to the previous screen, simply press the BACK button.


Upon transitioning to this mode, time shall begin incrementing, distance shall begin accumulating, energy shall begin accumulating, and all other displays shall become active. The specifics of the workout views are described below.
The following fields are available at all times during a standard workout:

  • Time – The elapsed time for the workout in MMM: SS format
  • Watt – The current amount of power the user is exerting
  • Heart Rate – The user’s current heart rate as measured from their wireless HR strap

The following fields are selectable under the Key Metrics Zone:

  • RPM – The current cadence the user is pedalling
  • Speed – The current speed the user is “travelling” at
  • Watt – The current amount of power the user is exerting
  • Heart Rate – The user’s current heart rate as measured from their wireless HR strap
  • Energy – The amount of KCAL/KJ the user has burned through the workout
  • Distance – The distance, in kilometres or miles, the user has “traveled” in the given workout
  • Level – The current resistance level setting

For quick workouts that are initiated by hitting the QUICK START button from the IDLE SCREEN or workouts that are initiated by selecting a predefined hill or interval, the following screen shall be provided during the workout.

NOTE: The above screen includes simulated data for illustration purposes. The screen above shows that RPM is selected for the Key Metrics Zone. The resistance control mode is Manual.

  • Alternatively, during a standard workout, a user may choose whether they want to display RPM, Speed, Power (i.e. Watt), HR, Energy (KCAL or KJ), or Distance. The screen above shows RPM selected.
  • The markers below the thick curved line signify the relative percentage of the displayed value in the Key Metrics Zone.
  • During the workout, the user can choose between Manual (i.e. Constant Torque) and Auto (i.e. Constant Power) Modes.
  • Manual mode allows the user to have the workout resistance controlled by choosing between 1 and 20 different resistance levels.
  • Auto mode allows the user to have the workout resistance controlled to maintain a specific power setting (i.e. Watt).
  • During the workout, the user may select from a set of preinstalled entertainment apps. To access these apps during the workout, the user simply presses the Media button and then the following screen shall be displayed:

To launch an entertainment app, simply click on the desired app and it will open accordingly. Some of the available apps access content that may require a paid account to be set up with the app provider. For those apps, you will be prompted to enter your username and password as applicable to access the paid- for content.

When viewing an app, you have the option of viewing the app in fullscreen mode. To enter this mode simply press the fullscreen button. An example of the fullscreen view can be seen below:


If the user stops exercising (i.e. the RPM has been less than 25 for 4 or more seconds) during a workout the system shall transition to PAUSE MODE, the elapsed time shall stop incrementing, the distance and energy (i.e. KCAL/KJ) shall stop accumulating. During this mode, the following screen will be displayed:

  • Once this mode has been initiated a 30-second countdown timer shall be started and once it elapses, the system shall transition SUMMARY MODE. See section IDLE MODE above for the desired behaviour during IDLE MODE.
  • If the user resumes exercising before the timer has elapsed then the system shall transition back to PROGRAM MODE and continue the workout from where the user left off. It is assumed that an acceleration of the flywheel (i.e. increase in RPM) is the user resuming their workout.
  • To end this mode before the timer elapses the user shall press the END button to immediately transition to SUMMARY MODE.
  • To return to the PROGRAM MODE the user shall press the CONTINUE button.

If the user reaches their chosen workout goal or the workout has been terminated through PAUSE MODE then the system shall also transition to SUMMARY MODE, the elapsed time shall stop incrementing, the distance and KCAL/KJ shall stop accumulating and the system shall start displaying the elapsed time, accumulated energy, accumulated distance, average values for power, speed, RPM, heart rate, and level as shown in the screen image below:

  • Once this mode has been initiated a 30-second countdown timer shall be started and once it elapses, the system shall transition back to IDLE MODE.
  • To end this mode before the timer elapses the user shall press the CLOSE button to immedi-ately transition to IDLE MODE.


This console is capable of connecting to both ANT+ and BLE heart rate straps. In addition, the console shall be able to connect to smartphone or tablet apps via BLE. The console shall also be able to connect to both a heart rate strap (ANT+ or BLE) and simultaneously con-nect to a smartphone app. The console can also connect to BLUETOOTH Headphones. To access the available connectivity options, on the IDLE screen press the CONNECT button. Upon pressing the CONNECT button, the following buttons shall be displayed:

  • BLE HR Button – Press this button to initiate a connection to a BLE HR strap
  • ANT+ HR Button – Press this button to initiate a connection to an ANT+ HR strap
  • BLUETOOTH Button – Press this button to initiate a connection to a compatible smartphone or tablet-based App
  • BLUETOOTH HEADPHONES Button – Press this button to initiate a connection with a pair of wireless BLUETOOTH HEADPHONES


Press the BLUETOOTH button to initiate the Bluetooth pairing process. During the connection process, an indicator within the button shall begin to blink to indicate that the Bluetooth radio is advertising and is looking for an available mobile device App to pair with.
While the console is advertising a user may connect to a compatible App (e.g. Kinomap, Zwift, GymTrakr, etc.) via their smartphone or tablet. Refer to the documentation of the app regarding how to connect to fitness equipment that supports FTMS. When the console successfully pairs with a smartphone or tablet App, the BT advertising will end, the console will return to normal function, and the BLUETOOTH button indicator shall stay green and no longer blink. During the workout, the console transmits the user’s workout data to the connected App. The advertising period will last for ~10 seconds.
Press the BLUETOOTH HR button to initiate the connection process. During the connection process, an indicator within the button shall begin to blink to indicate that the console is looking for an available BLE HR strap to connect to. When the console successfully connects to a BLE HR strap, the console will return to normal function, and the BLUETOOTH HR indicator shall stay green and no longer blink. The connection period will last for ~10 seconds.

Press the ANT+ HR button to initiate the connection process. During the connection process, an indicator within the button shall begin to blink to indicate that the console is looking for an available ANT+ HR strap to connect to. When the console successfully connects to an ANT+ HR strap, the console will return to normal function, and the ANT+ HR indicator shall stay green and no longer blink. The connection period will last for ~10 seconds.
Press the BLUETOOTH HEADPHONES button to open up the BLUETOOTH CONNECTION SCREEN. On this screen, you can enable the BLUETOOTH connection and select the device to pair with. When paired with a pair of BLUETOOTH HEADPHONES, the user can listen to the media they are watching on the screen.
The console can connect to one HR strap (either BT or ANT+), a smartphone App, and BLUETOOTH headphones simultaneously. Follow the applicable connection methods defined above for each technology/device.
You have the option to transfer your training data to the HOI Cloud to share your data with other training platforms. Please refer to the enclosed information to activate your fitness device.


To access the MAIN SETTINGS SCREEN the user shall press the SETTINGS button on the IDLE SCREEN.

The graphic above shows the main SETTINGS SCREEN:
There are four options provided on this screen and they are as follows:

  • LANGUAGE SELECTION – Allows the user to select the desired language to use for the user interface
  • DEVICE INFORMATION – Provides the user with important device information; tap the DEVICE INFORMATION button to access this screen
  • USER MANAGEMENT – Used to configure the default user information and desired units for each of the four primary users; tap the USER MANAGEMENT button to access this screen
  • NETWORK SETUP – Allows the user to select the desired Wi-Fi network to connect to; tap the NETWORK SETUP button to access the network setup screen
  • FACTORY RESET – Allows the user to delete all saved workouts, individual user settings, and total accumulated time and distance.
  • SYSTEM SETTINGS – Here you can access the system settings of the Android operating system.

To exit the main SETTINGS SCREEN and return to the IDLE SCREEN the user shall press the BACK button.

The graphic below shows the DEVICE INFORMATION SCREEN:

Provides the user with important device information, including the total amount of time that the product has been in use, how far the bike has been ridden overall, the current hardware version, and the current software version:

  • TOTAL TIME – This is the total amount of time, in hours, minutes, and seconds, of all workouts performed on this given machine
  • TOTAL DISTANCE – This is the total distance, in kilometres, of all workouts performed on this given machine
  • SOFTWARE VERSION – This is the current software version of the software currently running on the console. Software update:
  • HARDWARE VERSION – This is the current version of the hardware assembly that makes up the console assembly
  • REMOTE CONTROL – The status of the connection of the control buttons (+/-) on the handlebar. (Paired or Pairing).

To exit this screen and return to the MAIN SETTINGS SCREEN press the BACK button.


  • The graphic below shows the USER MANAGEMENT – USER SELECTION-SCREEN: This screen allows you to select the specific user that you would like to update the user information for.

  • To change the user name, long press the respective key of the user 1-4. You can enter any 3 letters that identify the user. It is recommended to use initials.

  • To exit the USER MANAGEMENT – USER SELECTION SCREEN and return to the MAIN SETTINGS SCREEN press the BACK button.


  • This screen allows you to define the selected user’s default weight (including units), age and gender, desired units for speed and distance, and the desired unit of measurement for energy.
  • To save the entered values to memory press the SAVE button.

The graphic below shows the NETWORK SETUP SCREEN:

  • This screen is used to enable and disable the WI-FI network feature on the console. Use the toggle button in the upper right portion of the screen between OFF and ON. When the WI-FI is turned ON the available networks will be listed.
  • Tap on the desired network connection and enter the password as applicable.
  • To exit the NETWORK SETUP SCREEN, press the X button near the upper right corner of the screen.


  • BOESCH 67
  • @ Kettler Sport
  • @ kettlersportofficial

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