grouptalk Business Critical Push-to-Talk and Collaboration Owner’s Manual

June 10, 2024

grouptalk Business Critical Push-to-Talk and Collaboration


Product Information

GroupTalk User Categories Administration

GroupTalk is a push-to-talk and collaboration system that allows users to communicate with each other through various features such as PTT groups, private call, panic alarm, etc. A User Category is a central concept in GroupTalk that provides the same type of users with a specific set of resources.

The administration of User Categories in GroupTalk web admin has been updated to facilitate configuring the growing number of GroupTalk features and services. The left column of the user categories section displays the available features, which can be activated or deactivated for each user category by selecting the corresponding checkbox.

Product Usage

Managing User Categories in GroupTalk

Follow the below instructions to manage User Categories in GroupTalk:

  1. Log in to your GroupTalk web admin account.
  2. Click on the “User Categories” section.
  3. Review the User categories in the left column in association with the Features listed horizontally.
  4. Activate the required GroupTalk features by selecting the corresponding checkbox.
  5. Note that User Categories with the right to Start messaging can initiate and lock/unlock a conversation. User Categories with the right to only Receive messaging can reply, but not start or lock/unlock a conversation.
  6. Save changes by clicking on the “Save” button.
  7. If you need further assistance, please contact your GroupTalk representative or

Administration of User Categories


  • A User Category is a central concept in GroupTalk, that provides the same type of Users with a specific set of resources, such as PTT groups, private call, panic alarm, etc.
  • The administration of User Categories in GroupTalk web admin has been updated to facilitate configuring the growing number of GroupTalk features and services.
  • The picture below illustrates how the administration of a User Category can look like.

Read the User categories in the Left column in association with the Features listed horizontally. Activate the required GroupTalk features by selecting the corresponding checkbox.

Example: Users in the East district Guards User Category can;

  • receive private call from Dispatcher
  • start private call to Dispatcher
  • receive messaging from Dispatcher
  • share location with Dispatcher

Note that User Categories with the right to “Start messaging” can initiate and lock/unlock a conversation. User Categories with the right to only “Receive messaging”, can reply, but not start or lock/unlock a conversation. If more information is needed you may contact your GroupTalk representative or

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